Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/3/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 8/4/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9456 ~ Gloworm's Grand Opening
Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma
Gloria: Ahh.
[Knocks on table]
Gloria: What do you think?
Jeff: I have no doubt you'll be the hostess with the mostess.
Gloria: You bet I will be, Lover.
Jeff: Listen, we--we-- we got a lot to do here before we open. We gotta get movin'.
Gloria: And it will all get done, because I have everything under control. Tonight is going to be perfect. (Laughs)
(Glass shattering)
Man: Sorry!
Jeff: (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sighs) You know, I tried calling the hospital. They won't give me any information about Adam because I'm not family.
Michael: Relax. The bullet did not hit any vital organs.
Sharon: (Sighs) I can't believe I shot him.
Michael: It was an accident.
Sharon: Yeah, but what if I'd killed him?
Michael: They would have thrown you a parade.
Sharon: I just-- I shouldn't have let Nick talk me into keeping that gun.
Michael: All right, listen to me. Nick was concerned for you and for his daughter's safety. Anybody would have done the same.
Sharon: Am I gonna be charged? Am I gonna have to go to prison?
Michael: It's up to the D.A.
Sharon: Okay, because I can't spend any more time away from Faith, Michael.
Michael: All right let's not worry about that yet. Adam corroborated your statement. You thought somebody was breaking into the cabin.
Sharon: Why didn't he identify himself?
Michael: Who knows why Adam does anything.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh, sorry. Oh, the D.A.'s office. Yes, Michael hello. Mm-hmm. Right, well, no. Her maid name is Collins. I understand, but it shouldn't be taken lightly. Look, e-mail a copy to my office. Thank you. The D.A.'s office won’t be pressing charges because of Adam’s statement.
Sharon: Oh, thank God. (Sighs) I just... I don't know what I would have done if...
Chloe: Morning, Pumpkin, there's some coffee in the kitchen.
Kevin: I fell asleep on the sofa.
Chloe: Yeah, we talked till you passed out.
Kevin: Did we solve all of our problems?
Chloe: No, but you did offer to beat some sense into Chance for me.
Kevin: I offered to beat up a cop?
Chloe: Mm.
Kevin: Sounds like a good idea. (Sighs) Where are you going?
Chloe: Chance's I.A. hearing.
Kevin: Why?
Chloe: Because he's in trouble.
Kevin: But why are you going? The guy cheated on you.
Chloe: You know, I-I may want to kill him, but, you know, he needs all the support that he can get. Give me a break.
Kevin: (Sighs) Didn't you say last night that we should steer clear of the people who broke our hearts, and didn't I agree with you just so you would stop talking?
Chloe: Uh, yes--
Nina: Chance, Honey, it's getting late.
Chance: We still have a few minutes.
Nina: Yeah, but if there's traffic, we won't make it.
Chance: Mom, I will be fine.
Nina: We should go.
Chance: Look, um, don't to come with me today.
Nina: I'm not gonna let you get up in front of the internal affairs board by yourself.
Chance: It's gonna be a closed hearing. They're not gonna let you in anyways.
Nina: Well, then I will be right outside the door. You've got some shaving cream on you.
Chance: I...do? Is that it?
Nina: Yeah.
Chance: Thanks.
Nina: Look, my son is not a drug dealer, okay? They planted those drugs in your car, and they're not gonna get away with it.
Chance: Mom, I know what I have to do today, okay?
Nina: Yes, just tell the truth.
Chance: (Sighs) Listen to me for a second. No matter what happens today, no matter what you hear, know that I always have and will do the right thing, okay?
Nina: Of course.
Heather: Uh, yeah. I did this morning. He, uh, still thinks it's the dirty cops framing him. He doesn't realize it's us.
Chris: Look, all we really have to accomplish is to keep him off the case and on suspension. Now I'm hoping internal affairs will recommend a trial. That way, he'll be busy working on his defense.
Heather: I hate doing this to Chance.
Ronan: What's the alternative? Do we sit around here and watch him get himself killed? We're gonna bust this ring open before he goes to trial. His record will be expunged.
Heather: He'll be a hero.
Chris: I hate setting him up as much as you do. But our informant said if we don't keep him off this case, he will be put out of the picture permanently. So we have got to stop him before he gets himself killed.
Sharon: Um... I didn't know that they let you out of the hospital. I, uh, I'm glad you're okay.
Skye: Don't think you're off the hook for shooting my husband. We could still file a civil suit.
Sharon: Why didn't you say it was you? Why didn't you identify yourself?
Adam: I-I thought that you wouldn't answer the door. I just wanted to talk, Sharon. I thought you were bluffing when you said you had a gun.
Skye: You need to lie down.
Sharon: Adam, I'm so sorry.
Michael: For the accident. She's sorry for the accident.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no, no need to be sorry for anything. Like I told the officer, it's all my fault.
Michael: Well, I advise you to keep your distance.
Adam: Yeah, well, I don't think we're gonna have to worry about me going to that cabin. It's been pretty unlucky for me. Let's see. I was held captive there. I was now shot there. I don't think I'll be showing up there any time s--
Michael: Screw the cabin. I'm talking about Sharon.
Adam: Is there a man in Genoa City who doesn't try to protect you?
Michael: Sharon, let's go.
Nina: (Whispering) All right.
Ronan: (Singsong voice) They're here.
Nina: You go in, and I'll say good-bye to them, okay?
Chance: All right.
Heather: How are you?
Chance: Dirty cops are trying to discredit me. I couldn't be better. How are you? Is there any word about getting Ronan tossed off the case yet?
Heather: (Sighs) Paul tried. It's not happening.
Chance: (Sighs)
Sid: Holdin' up okay, Kid?
Chance: (Chuckles) Sure. Yeah, it's a great day for a lynching.
Sid: You ready for us?
Man: Yes. No spectators.
Chance: (Sighs)
Nina: It's gonna be all right, okay?
Chance: Yeah. Mom, tell you what, why don't you go back home, all right? I'll call you later.
Nina: Nice try. I'll be right here.
Chris: Yeah, I'll-- I'll stay with your mother. Good luck, okay?
Chance: Okay.
Nina: (Sighs)
Sid: Sit there.
Chance: (Sighs)
Woman: Are we all present?
Sid: Yes, we are.
Woman: In the matter of Phillip Chancellor IV, internal affairs has conducted a preliminary investigation into the charge of drug possession. Detective Chancellor has waived his right to have a legal representative from his union present. Is that correct, Detective?
Chance: Yes, Ma'am.
Woman: Would you like to address the charges?
Chance: I would.
Chloe: You've got some nerve coming here.
Kevin: Any word from Ryder?
Jana: Nothing.
Kevin: (Sighs) So he lets you mortgage the coffeehouse, post his bail, and then he skips town.
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: Looks like he made fools out of both of us.
Jana: I really tried my best to convince him to come back here. I did.
Chloe: You should have knocked him out and dragged his butt back here.
Kevin: You're gonna be late to Chance's hearing.
Chloe: You were just telling me not to go.
Kevin: Well, don't listen to me when I talk.
Chloe: You hurt him again, I will come after you.
Jana: May I come in? Is Chloe living here now?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, we've got a deep connection. We've both been screwed over by people we love. She needed a place to stay, and I like to have someone around who understands what I've been through.
Jana: Well, maybe you let her move in so that there wouldn't be any room for me to come back.
Kevin: You left me for my psycho brother who locked you in a cage and almost let you die. I didn't know that coming back was an option.
Jana: I'm truly sorry, Kevin. I am.
Kevin: Well, how can you be, Jana? You don't have any feelings, remember? Especially not for me. You made that clear.
Jana: We were both really happy here, weren't we?
Kevin: Are you asking me, or are you remembering?
Jana: Both.
Kevin: I thought we were happy.
Jana: You know, I'm really starting to feel things again.
Kevin: So you said.
Jana: The doctor says that my brain injury might heal over time.
Kevin: Well, I hope that happens, Jana. I do. I want you to recover.
Jana: For a while, I couldn’t... connect to anything. I couldn’t... to anyone. Ryder became my lifeline.
Kevin: But why him, Jana, all people?
Jana: Look, it really should have been you. It really should have been you, but maybe... because he had no... emotional attachment, either.
Kevin: Why did you come here?
Jana: 'Cause I want you to know what it was like for me. I owe you that.
Kevin: Okay.
Jana: Sometimes I just go to the bus station. I go there, and I watch people. I watch all these people going by, all their emotions-- smiling and laughing and crying and... (Sighs) It's so odd not to just feel anything. (Sighs) I can't even remember the last time I laughed. (Sighs) The other night, I was trying to think about all the things that used to make me laugh, and they all connected back to you.
Kevin: (Sniffs)
Jana: Like the time that you'd come up behind me and you'd scare me, or show me all those silly things online. (Chuckles) Do you remember the time you crashed my bachelorette party? (Sobs) And you told our fortune, and I laughed so hard my--my stomach hurt. (Chuckles)
Kevin: I don't-- I don't want to stroll down memory lane with you. For a long time, Jana, I held on to what we had. I did not give up on our love, but... but you and Ryder? (Sighs) Man, that--that killed me. That killed what we had, and... it's taken me a long time, but I've gotten to this place where I'm, like, "Feeling'ed out" about the whole thing. And there is a part of me that will always love you, but... but I'm not in love with you anymore.
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: What happened happened, and I have moved on.
Jana: (Sighs)
Jeff: (Sighs) I'm back.
Gloria: And how's Dex?
Jeff: Well, the paramedics took him to the hospital. They're pretty sure they can save his finger.
Gloria: Oh. Well, thank God. So he can be back for the opening?
Jeff: Not tonight.
Gloria: All right, so we'll manage with one less bartender.
Jeff: Mm-hmm. What's the damage?
Gloria: Lost nearly half our crystal bar glasses.
Man: I've looked through all of the boxes. There's no silverware.
Gloria: That is impossible!
Jeff: But-- don't panic, Sugar Lips. I'll run down to the party store, and I'll buy plastic.
Gloria: Shut up! As long as there is breathe in my body, Gloworm will not serve on plastic. Oh, that would make a really nice review tomorrow morning in "The Chronicle." No, I have time, and I am going down to Fenmore's.
Jeff: We're way over budget.
Gloria: No, I don't care. Lauren will give us credit, okay?
Jeff: Uh-- uh, hey, hey, hey, Bud. We're--we're--we're closed, okay?
Man: Health inspector.
Gloria: I'm really sorry, but you're gonna have to come back another time, because we're really busy here because we have a grand opening tonight.
Man: There won't be a grand opening unless you pass inspection.
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Sid: This is the second time we'd found illegal drugs in Detective Chancellor's possession.
Woman: The outcome the first time?
Sid: Well, Chancellor said the drugs had been planted in his coat pocket without his knowledge. He'd been ambushed and knocked unconscious. We had no reason to believe he was lying.
Woman: And the second time?
Sid: Officer Sills, acting on an anonymous tip, searched the detective's car and found the heroin.
Woman: Thank you, Sergeant. Uh, does internal affairs have anything to add?
Man: We found nothing suspicious on the video camera in the lot where Detective Chancellor's car was parked. There was no sign of a break-in.
Woman: You still claim to have no knowledge of the drugs found in your possession?
Chance: (Chuckles). You got me. I did it. The drugs are mine.
Chloe: (Sighs) Where's Chance?
Nina: He's in the hearing.
Chloe: (Sighs) Damn. I wanted to see him before he went in. How was he?
Nina: He seemed to be handling it okay.
Chloe: And do you have a reading on how it'll go?
Chris: I keep telling Nina not to worry.
Chloe: Well, you work for the department of justice. Isn't there anything that you can do?
Chris: I have no authority.
Nina: I'm, uh, a little surprised to see you here after what Chance did.
Chloe: Well, you know this is a lot more important than what he did to me. And I don't believe for a minute that those drugs were his.
Chance: The heroin is mine.
Heather: No. No.
Chance: Look, I'm sorry-- very sorry I got caught.
Heather: He's lying.
Ronan: (Clears throat)
Chance: I fooled you. I fooled you. I fooled everybody, and it was beautiful.
Woman: I'm sorry to hear that, Detective. I have no choice but to recommend that the district attorney's office immediately bring charges against Detective Chancellor and that he be remanded to custody until he can be properly arraigned and formally charged.
Man: Hands behind your back.
Man: Your copy of my report.
Jeff: Okay.
Gloria: So did we pass his inspection?
Jeff: (Sighs) Well, I'm afraid...
Gloria: Oh, Jeffrey.
Jeff: Uh, the--the opening is gonna have to go ahead as planned. We passed. (Laughs)
Gloria: Oh, Honey, don't scare me like that again. (Laughs)
Jeff: Did you buy silverware?
Gloria: Yes, glasses, everything-- it's in the car. I'll tell the guys to unload it.
Jeff: No, no, no. Receipt. Receipt. (Stammers) I thought Lauren was gonna give us credit. At--at--at--at this rate, we'll have to raise our prices before we even on. Wha--
Gloria: It's only money. Come on. And you know darn well I got lots of irons in the financial fire.
Jeff: Yeah, well, uh, none of those projects, need I remind you, has yet to pay off.
Gloria: Yeah, but they will. And Gloworm is going to be the crown jewel of all of them. You will see. We are gonna have the hottest a-list nightclub in the state, and nothin' and nobody is gonna stop us.
Man: The chef is sick. He's throwing up in the kitchen.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Skye: Why would you let Sharon off the hook? You still have charges pending against you.
Adam: So?
Skye: It was leverage, Adam. We could have bargained with the Newman’s. You wouldn't press charges against her if they didn't testify against you.
Adam: I would never do that to Sharon.
Skye: (Scoffs) That's some strong juju she's got. I spring you from jail, hire a top lawyer to defend you, set you up in a multimillion dollar business. "Blondie" pops you one, and you're falling all over yourself to apologize. (Scoffs) What is it gonna take for you to get over her?
Sharon: I just-- I don't understand Adam. I mean, if he doesn't love Skye, then why did he marry her?
Michael: A wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband.
Sharon: And why did he decide to keep living in Genoa City? I mean, it's not like he has any friends here.
Michael: Have you ever seen a cat play with a mouse?
Sharon: Yes.
Michael: That is what Adam thinks he's doing to the Newmans.
Sharon: Except Victor's a cobra.
Michael: Yeah. And I'm sure cobras think cats are delicious.
Sharon: Thanks for staying with me.
Michael: Any time.
Sharon: (Sighs) just--every time I see Adam, it just--
Michael: Sharon, there's nothing to be concerned about. You are not being charged. It's over.
Sharon: As long as Adam is in Genoa City, it is long from being over.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: How's chef?
Jeff: Eh, paramedics said it was food poisoning. Apparently he and Blake ate sushi off a truck at lunch.
Gloria: Bartender Blake?
Jeff: Yeah, they're both gonna be out of commission for a few days.
Gloria: So we don't have a chef or bartenders.
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Man: There is water pouring out of the bathroom.
Gloria: Oh, God. (Sighs)
Jeff: Crunch time, Buttercup. Grab an apron.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Kevin: Here's the rest of your stuff.
Jana: You know, I never meant for any of this to happen. Wasn't my fault, Kev. It was the aneurysm.
Kevin: I wonder. Maybe all the aneurysm did was bring all your feelings to the surface. Do you remember that dinner we had the night you went missing? The night at the club? That disastrous dinner? Things were far from perfect with us, Jana, because of Ryder, and maybe this is just the way things are supposed to be.
Jana: I should go.
Kevin: Do you have any money?
Jana: Oh, God, don’t worry about me.
Kevin: (Sighs) Where are you gonna stay?
Jana: If you... if you really want to help me, maybe you could... help me get my car out of the garage at the Athletic Club.
Kevin: You're planning on staying in your car?
Jana: Done it before.
Kevin: That's ridiculous.
Jana: No. (Sighs)
Kevin: Just use this to get your car out, and to find a place to stay. Nothing fancy, okay?
Jana: I will pay you back.
Kevin: You don't have to.
Jana: With interest.
Kevin: (Sighs) All right, look, uh, I've got stuff to do, so you should probably get going.
Jana: If you ever want to talk... (Sighs)
Kevin: I don't think so.
Jana: Okay.
Jana: Bye.
Kevin: Bye. (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: Um, can I talk to him for a minute? What the hell do you think you're doing?
Chance: I'm being accountable.
Heather: Yeah, right. This is me you're talking to. I know you. I could see you streaking the white house long before you'd ever get involved in drugs.
Chance: We all have our dirty, little secrets.
Heather: Bull. What is it you think you can accomplish on the inside?
Chance: I'm just paying for my crimes... Ma'am.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chloe: Chance?
Nina: Why is he in handcuffs?
Chance: Chloe, what are you doing here?
Chloe: I couldn't not come, okay? Sue me.
Nina: What happened? Didn't they believe you?
Ronan: "Cowboy" over there confessed.
Chloe: What? That's crazy.
Nina: My son didn't do this. You know my son didn't do this.
Sid: I'm as surprised as you are.
Nina: Cricket, is there anything you can do? They're taking him to jail.
Chris: I-I-I'm sorry. He's gonna have to go before a judge. He'll need a lawyer.
Chloe: Heather, is there anything that you can do?
Heather: I-I tried talking to him. He won't listen.
Chloe: You can't let him go to jail. You know what they're gonna do to him there. He's a cop.
Nina: Why?
Chance: May I?
Man: Yeah.
Chance: Come here. Do you trust me?
Nina: Honey, you know I do.
Chance: Remember what I told you earlier? Keep it between us. Mom, my life depends on it.
Nina: Oh, Baby.
Chance: I love you.
Nina: I love you, too. (Whimpers)
Chance: Gotta go.
Kevin: Chance dealing drugs? Really?
Chloe: Yeah, tell me about it. So far from the person I knew.
Kevin: Why did he lie to you about it?
Chloe: (Scoffs) Beats me. I fell for him because he's a stand-up guy, you know? Not a drug dealer and a cheater. How was I so wrong about him?
Kevin: Welcome to my world.
Chloe: Jana had an excuse.
Kevin: "It wasn't me. It was the aneurysm"?
Chloe: She's-- is she still here?
Kevin: No, no. She left.
Chloe: What did she want?
Kevin: Nothing. She... she doesn't have a place to stay.
Chloe: Oh, so does she want to move back in? I guess I can move back to my mom's. (Groans)
Kevin: I told her that she had to go.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I mean, I'm really excited, because I want to stay here, but I'm sorry. That sucks for you.
Kevin: I really thought Jana and I would be together forever.
Chloe: That's like unicorns. No one does forever.
Kevin: Yeah, and she did always say, everything happens for a reason.
Chloe: And you believe that?
Kevin: Nah. You?
Chloe: No.
Kevin: I think you're born. You live. You die. What else is there?
Chloe: I am totally coming to you next time I need a pep talk.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Hey, what are you doing with the rest of your night?
Chloe: (Groans) Nothing. Eh, watching TV. You want to join me?
Kevin: No. It's the opening night at Gloworm. Come with me.
Chloe: Mnh, not in the mood.
Kevin: Come. I have to go. Gloria won't speak to me again if I don’t.
Chloe: Is that such a bad thing?
Kevin: (Chuckles) Come on. Misery loves company besides, if there's one thing my mother knows how to do, it's throw a party. Say yes.
Chloe: (Groans)
Kevin: Say yes.
Chloe: (Groans)
Kevin: Say yes.
Chloe: Yes.
Jeff: (Sighs) Bathroom's fixed. (Sighs) Double food poisoning is really rough on the plumbing. We got any of those scented things?
Gloria: Yeah, in the storeroom. My manicure is ruined.
Jeff: Oh.
Gloria: It's a disaster.
Jeff: You just--look. You gotta look at it like-- like--like its theater. We had a really bad dress rehearsal which means we'll have a great opening night. I mean, there's really nothing left to go wrong.
Gloria: Shh! Don't jinx us, Jeffrey.
Jeff: That's what I said. Look what happened.
Gloria: (Sniffles)
Jeff: Have I told you how sexy you look in latex?
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jeff: (Laughs)
Gloria: (Sniffles)
Jeff: Here.
Sharon: Well, thank you for the drink.
Michael: It was my pleasure.
Sharon: I still keep thinking about Adam. I hope I don't run into him and Skye.
Michael: Oh, listen to me. Why don't you join Lauren and me for the opening of Gloworm?
Sharon: Gloworm?
Michael: (Chuckles) I know, right? Jeffrey’s new club.
Sharon: Oh, I heard Neil sold Indigo. Well, um, thank you for the offer, but I'm--
Michael: Oh, no, no. When is the last time you had a night out?
Sharon: I think that was when I came downstairs to the ball for about five minutes, and look how that turned out.
Michael: Hmm. Don't you want to see Gloria's Jackie Onassis impression? (Chuckles)
Sharon: I don't think Lauren would want me tagging along.
Michael: No, listen. She just texted me. It was her idea. Come on. It'll be fun. Fun.
Sharon: You know what? I could use a little bit of fun.
Michael: Yeah, you will be among friends...
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Michael: And nothing bad can happen.
Sharon: Okay.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Michael: And nothing bad can happen.
Adam: So where are you headed off to?
Skye: A club opening. It's supposed to be for the crème de la crème. I thought it'd be a good opportunity to promote the Newman fund to all the high rollers in Genoa City.
Adam: Sounds fun. Why don't you grab my suit?
Skye: You just got out of the hospital.
Adam: This I know. I want to have a decent time. I'll--I'll be careful.
Skye: You might bump into people you know.
Adam: Skye, I plan on it.
Nina: How can you even ask that question, Phillip? Of course the heroin wasn't his. No, it won't work. Paul's already tried. I know Chance said I should trust him, but I'm worried anyway. You know, he thinks he's invincible. Agreed. It's not Iraq. But, you know, at least there, he knew who the bad guys were.
Ronan: Well, well, well. Chancellor screwed us royally. He was obviously planning on doing this.
Heather: I thought that you planned for every contingency.
Chris: I thought so, too. (Sighs) I never saw this coming.
Ronan: Okay, okay, okay what do we do now?
Heather: W-we can’t leave him in jail. You have to get him out.
Chris: I do that, we tip our hand.
Heather: Well, it's too dangerous for him to be in there.
Ronan: I mean, this is-- it's brilliant. It's rea--truly brilliant. I didn't think "Dick Tracy" had it in him. Instead of being on ice right now, well, look at him. He's in the thick of the investigation. (Chuckles)
Chloe: (Makes kissing sounds) Okay, bye, Baby. I love you! Okay, Mom, bye. Thank you. Bye. Okay.
Kevin: Great dress.
Chloe: Yay. Thank you. Who's driving?
Kevin: Not me. I'm drinking tonight.
Chloe: Oh, well, I want to drink. We should cab it.
Kevin: Good idea.
Chloe: 'Cause I plan on having massive fun and forgetting about what's-his-face.
Kevin: Well, I will not mention the name "Jana" even once.
Chloe: Jana who?
(Elevator bell dings)
Gloria: Welcome to the grand opening of Gloworm, Genoa City's chicest nightclub. Old-world glamour and all the latest trends in music and entertainment, and I have a very special table for the newlyweds. Congratulations. (Chuckles)
Adam: Thank you.
Gloria: It's quite a family you married into.
Skye: I don't expect an invite for the holidays.
Gloria: (Laughs) And I did hear about, uh, your little accident with Sharon, huh? Amazing what an ex will do to get a little attention, but I am so glad to see that you are feeling much better.
Adam: Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Gloria: Mm.
Adam: It's the first nice thing someone's said to me in a while.
Gloria: Oh, believe me. I know what it's like to be booted out of a "Good" family. Care to give me a credit card? Run a tab? (Chuckles)
Adam: Sure.
Gloria: Aha. Please take very good care of Mr. and Mrs. Newman. Excuse me.
Jeff: Our first customers.
Gloria: (Quietly) Make sure the card's good.
Jeff: Are you kidding? Haven't you been reading about their hedge fund? These two are golden.
Gloria: Honey, I don't trust anybody in this town. Check the card and send over a bottle of our finest champagne for the newlyweds.
Jeff: Eh, I'll just take over a couple of glasses of the house stuff.
Gloria: (Clears throat) (Sighs) (Normal voice) Ahh.
Woman: Will Abby Newman be here tonight?
Man: She takes her clothes off, I'll be ready.
Gloria: When you take a picture of anybody famous, you make sure that I'm in the shot. And please note that our very first customers were none other than my very dear friend Victor Newman.
Woman: That's not Victor Newman.
Gloria: Junior. And his lovely new bride. Ahh, excuse me. Darling, you're here. Mwah.
Michael: It's amazing.
Gloria: (Laughs) Don't you just love it? And, of course, we spared no expense.
Michael: Yeah.
Gloria: Come.
Michael: Wow. Hey! You know what? You've come a long way from that rundown tenement in Detroit.
Gloria: We both have, Mikey, which proves what I've always said. Anybody can make it in this great country of ours. Where's Lauren?
Michael: Oh, she's at the boutique. She's gonna me-- what's Adam doing here?
Gloria: All are welcome. And a little notoriety is good publicity for the club. It makes it seem sexy and dangerous, which would be a very good article for "Restless Style." A Newman gets shot by his ex-wife, but braves the pain to be there for the opening night of Gloworm.
Man: Look this way.
(Camera shutter)
Gloria: Get yourself a drink, Honey.
Michael: Yeah, I'm gonna need one.
Gloria: (Humming)
Michael: Excuse me.
Man: Who's the guy?
Gloria: That "Guy" is my son Michael Baldwin.
Woman: The lawyer.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Tonight's guest list is a veritable who's who of Genoa City society-- the Chancellors, the Newmans, the Abbotts are all going to be walking through my front door. And that includes her, Sharon Newman, ex-wife of the most hated man in Genoa City.
Woman: Isn't she the one who just shot him?
Gloria: Mm, but here he is just out of the hospital with his brand-new bride. I predict tonight is going to be an unforgettable evening. (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: Eat it! Eat it!
Jana: Hello.
Ashley: You're gonna lose monopoly on the Japanese market. The real question is how much damage it's gonna do to your company.
Gloria: You do a slam piece on me, I will gladly rip your face off.
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