Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/29/10 -- Canada; Friday 7/30/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9453 ~ A Secret Alliance
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Ashley: Well, hello.
(Thunder crashes)
Abby: Hello. Can I please have an iced coffee? Thanks. (Sighs)
Ashley: You'll be happy to know that the last of my bags are in my car. I'm all moved out.
Abby: That was fast.
Ashley: Mm-hmm. I'm moving back into my dad's house with my big brother.
Abby: Good to know.
Ashley: Abby, you don't have the least bit of remorse for kicking your own mother out of our home. Really?
Abby: My home. And no, I'm not sorry, not as long as you refuse to let me touch my trust funds.
Ashley: And all I can say is that hopefully someday, when you're older, you'll understand.
Abby: That this was for my own good?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Abby: Right. I saw how much money was in those trusts.
Ashley: And if I thought even for a second that you were responsible enough to handle that kind of money, you'd have it.
Abby: This isn't about you. I do things differently. I do. But you won't even give me a chance to prove that I can. You cannot keep my money from me forever. I'm going to get control.
(Thunder crashes)
Abby: I already have a plan.
(Thunder crashes)
Victor: I came here to ask you why you involved yourself in Abby's trust.
Jack: I don't know what you're talking about.
Victor: Really? Mm-hmm. It seems to me you are using her the way you used Colleen against me.
Jack: Don't you dare throw Colleen in my face.
Victor: You used Colleen against me. Don't do the same thing with Abby.
(Thunder crashes)
(Thunder crashes)
Phyllis: Oh, my God, Deacon?
Deacon: Phyllis? Unbelievable. All the women in the world, and I gotta stop and help the one who got me arrested.
Phyllis: When did you get out of jail?
Deacon: I got paroled a couple weeks ago.
Phyllis: Why aren't you in California?
Deacon: As soon as I finish my community service.
Phyllis: That's not soon enough for me.
Deacon: Hey, listen, do you want to stand out here in the rain and argue, or do you want some help?
Phyllis: I don't need any help. I can handle it.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: (Chuckles) Nick? (Laughs) (Gasps)
Adam: Hey, Sharon. Don't be afraid. I just want to talk.
Kevin: Michael, I've tried everything I can think of to track him down. It's like Ryder has fallen off the face of the earth. Well, then pray for a miracle, because if he doesn't show up at his trial tomorrow, I'm gonna be selling pencils outside for a living.
Chloe: (Scoffs) (Stomps feet) I totally ruined my shoes. I thought you were fixing the A.C.
Kevin: It needs a part.
(Thunder crashes)
Chloe: (Sighs) It's probably cool at your place. Do you miss having a roommate?
Kevin: No. Why?
Chloe: I want to move back in. I gotta get out of Katherine’s.
Kevin: Did Chance get reinstated to Heather's case?
Chloe: Worse. He slept with Heather.
Kevin: (Exhales) I'm sorry.
Chloe: And I then I tried to make him jealous with Ronan, and that totally backfired. Today is officially a disaster. And to top it all off, I am now one year closer to needing to buy an entire vat of eye cream.
Kevin: It's your birthday.
Chloe: I think I'm gonna celebrate by making a vow to celibacy.
Kevin: (Sighs) Happy birthday.
Chloe: Thank you. Thanks.
Paul: So the K-9's been called off, and the rain has brought the search for Patty to a halt.
Chris: The police are gonna find her.
Paul: Yeah, I just hope she's not out there in this downpour.
(Cell phone rings)
Chris: Christine Blair.
(Thunder crashes)
Chris: When? Paul is here with me. We're on our way.
Paul: What?
Chris: There was another attempt made on Heather's life.
Paul: She's all right?
Chris: Yeah, come on.
Paul: Where is she?
Chris: She's at her place. Come on.
Chance: How could Meeks let you slip away like that?
Heather: It wasn't his fault. I-I took off.
Chance: Heather, he should have been tailing you.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: Where were the guys that Paul said he was gonna put on you for backup?
Heather: I don't know. Everything happened so fast.
Ronan: All right, I just talked to Meeks. We're gettin' a sketch artist down here right now. We're gonna get a picture of this driver.
Chance: What the hell were you thinking, huh? Leaving her like that?!
Ronan: I don't owe you an explanation. What are you even doing here?
Chance: My friend was in trouble!
Heather: Hey! If Chance hadn't gotten here when he did--
Ronan: Wait a minute. Where's your badge? Oh, that's right. You don't have one right now...
Chance: (Sighs)
Ronan: Because you got suspended, so don't let the door hit you on the way out. Ditching the sergeant? That was a stupid move.
Heather: I'm sor--I-I-- I got--I'm-- I was suffocating, okay? It was hot in here.
Ronan: You were suffocating?
Heather: Yes.
Ronan: You were hot.
Heather: Yes.
Ronan: He was here to protect you!
Chance: You know what? If you want someone to get angry at, why don't you go ahead and blame Meeks for losing her? Or better yet, why don't you blame yourself for leaving her behind here? But don't blame the victim, especially when the reason why you left here was so that you could hit on my fiancée.
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Heather: That's why you left?
Ronan: No, no, "Why" is none of your business, all right? I left you with my sergeant. It doesn't get safer than that.
Chance: Ronan, this entire investigation is about rooting out the dirty cops. Who's to say who is and who is not?
(Knock on door)
Ronan: Shh, shh, shh. Shh!
Chance: (Sighs)
Ronan: Come on in.
Paul: Are you all right?
Heather: Yeah, I'm--I'm--
Paul: You sure?
Heather: I'm fine, yes.
Paul: Oh, my God. What the hell happened?
Chance: Paul, if I were you, I would keep Heather as far away from this guy as possible.
Ronan: (Sighs)
(Thunder crashes)
Deacon: You sure you don't need any help?
Phyllis: Oh, get lost. (Sighs)
Deacon: You're turning that the wrong way.
Phyllis: I... I...
Deacon: You know, Phyllis, for the record, I wasn't the bad guy you thought I was.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you're a great guy. You set my son up. He went to jail because of you. You seduced his wife, and you kidnapped her. You're terrific.
Deacon: Hey, I was a victim of Sarah, same as everybody. I did what I had to do to protect my son Eric. Look, Amber forgave me. Why can't you?
Phyllis: (Scoffs) Can you please get out of here? I don't want to see your face. (Grunts) Ow! Ow! (Winces) Oh, God. (Sighs)
Deacon: Here, let me see that. Come on.
Phyllis: (Winces) Ow.
Deacon: All right, um...
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Deacon: Okay, just-- all right.
Sharon: Oh, it's okay, Sweetie. Come here, Baby. (Sighs)
Adam: I just want to talk, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, I don’t.
Adam: I care about Skye, Sharon. I do. She's a great friend. I don't love her. She doesn't have my heart. You do.
Sharon: Adam, I hear you, okay? I just don't care. I want you to stay away from me and my family.
Adam: You wouldn't be this upset if somewhere inside, you didn't still care about me.
Sharon: The only reason I'm upset is because you won't leave me alone. A-and I'm angry because you just... you tricked me, Adam. You tricked me. You're not the person who you pretended to be. Our entire marriage was a lie, and now that I know the truth, I don't want you anywhere near me or my daughter.
Adam: Sharon, you can't forget all the fun that we had, how we were there for one another. We encouraged each other. We... it was you and me against the world, how utterly wonderful we were together in bed.
Sharon: Adam, don't! Don’t. I want you to go.
Sharon: Go.
(Thunder crashes)
Jack: You cut off Abby's access to her trusts. I was helping her look into her finances-- nothing illegal, nothing immoral.
Victor: You will not be pulling the same stunt with Abby as you did with Colleen. I've made sure Abby does not get a seat on the Newman board of directors.
Jack: Hey, don't blame me if you can't control your own daughter. Obviously, she's not intimidated by you, either. She doesn't bend at your will the way your other children do. It must be the Abbott in her.
Victor: How would you like it, Jack, if I tracked down one of your sons and deceived him to turn against you? What real father would do that?
Jack: What real father would manipulate his own children one against the other for his own sick amusement the way you pitted Adam against Victoria and Nicholas?
(Front door closes)
Ashley: What are you fighting about?
Victor: He's exploiting Abby the way he exploited Colleen.
(Thunder crashes)
Paul: I'm working on getting Ronan off the case. It's gonna take a while.
Ronan: That's not gonna happen.
Paul: Don't count on it.
Chance: Ronan's right. No one on the force is gonna touch him. If I was you, Paul, I just wouldn't leave Heather alone with him at all.
Ronan: You know what? I want you to back off me.
Chance: Not until every dirty cop in Genoa City is behind bars, starting with you.
Ronan: Get your finger outta my face.
Chance: You know what? Come on!
Chris: Stop it! Heather was almost killed tonight!
Paul: Stop it! Stop it right now!
Chris: Stop!
Paul: You should focus on protecting her, and you should go, okay?
Chance: Fine. Fine. Heather, you stay on guard, and stop running off. Don't do it again.
Heather: No, I won’t. I won’t.
Chance: All right. I'll call you later. I'm gone.
Chris: Where did you go? How could you let this happen?
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chance: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Chloe: What's with all the cops downstairs?
Chance: While you were busy luring Ronan away to make me jealous, Heather was almost killed.
Ashley: After what happened with Colleen, why would you do this?
Jack: I'm not gonna have this argument with you in front of him.
Victor: Can you meet me at Crimson Lights in, say, half an hour?
Ashley: Yes, I'll see you there.
Victor: Abby is off-limits.
Jack: (Sighs)
Ashley: Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? You know the trouble we're having with Abby. So why would you help her go against us?
Jack: Abby needs an impartial adult...
Ashley: Oh, right, that's what it is.
Jack: In her life, someone she can listen to, someone she can talk to, someone she can trust.
Ashley: Mm-hmm, and is that what that is, really? Or is this about your promise to get Beauty of Nature so you can come back and help run Jabot?
Jack: Abby was on the verge of selling her house. That's how desperate she is for cash. I kept her from doing anything rash. She needed financial advice. I gave it to her plain and--
Ashley: No more! No more. I don't want you encouraging her in the slightest. You tell her you can't give her any more advice.
Nick: How'd you know Sharon was here? Did you follow me?
Adam: I didn't have to, Nicholas. Wherever Sharon is, you are. You can't seem to stay way from her, can you?
Nick: Did he do anything to you or Faith?
Adam: I would never hurt Sharon.
Nick: She wants you to go.
Adam: Do you ever get tired of speaking for her?
Sharon: I don't know how to make this any plainer to you, Adam, but I don't want to see you. I don't want to speak to you-- ever. Just go, and this time, do not come back!
Nick: You heard her. She wants you to leave, or she's gonna get a restraining order against you, and if that happens, you can kiss bail good-bye for good.
Adam: Sharon, one day, you will look back on this, and you will realize that I knew you better than anybody ever could. I encouraged your true self. He never gave that to you. Nobody did. I'm not giving up on us... ever.
Nick: Psycho. Pack your bags. I'm taking you back to Genoa City.
Sharon: No, I'm staying here. Faith and I are going to stay here.
Phyllis: This is great-- a thunderstorm, no air-conditioning, and my hand is still bleeding.
Deacon: All right, listen. Do you have a first aid kit or anything?
Phyllis: (Sighs) I keep on meaning to get one of those. (Sighs)
Deacon: All right, one second.
Phyllis: (Groans) (Sighs)
Deacon: Give me your hand.
Phyllis: No.
Deacon: Give me your hand. Put this on here. Keep the pressure on it.
Phyllis: Okay, okay, I know what to do. You can go now.
Deacon: After I fix your tire.
Phyllis: I'm not helpless. You can go now.
Deacon: Well, my mama told me never to leave a woman in trouble stranded...
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Deacon: Even if she is trouble.
Nick: Sharon, I am not leaving you out here by yourself.
Sharon: I came here to get away from everyone, and I'm not ready to go back.
Nick: Look, you want to be alone? That's fine. Then get on a plane and go somewhere where Adam can't find you.
Sharon: If I need help, I'll call.
Nick: Okay, you want to stay? I have a gun in the car.
Sharon: No, Nick, no guns around the baby.
Nick: I would feel a lot better if I knew you had it. All it takes is Adam to lose it once, Sharon. And don't forget, Patty is still out there.
Sharon: Patty Williams?
Nick: Yes, she escaped from the hospital.
Sharon: Oh, I hadn't heard.
Nick: You know how dangerous she is, and she has been up to this cabin before. Please, Sharon, take the gun. Protect yourself.
Sharon: Okay. Okay.
Jack: Call me if there are any changes. Thanks.
Ashley: No word on Patty?
Jack: She's fallen off the face of the earth.
Ashley: Okay, Jackie, I need you to look me in the eye and promise me-- promise me that you're not going to manipulate my daughter to get at Victor.
Jack: I got the message.
Ashley: Because if she pursues this, if Abby does, then I'm going to blame you. No, no, no. And I'm not gonna be so nice the next time.
Jack: Look, I'm thrilled you're back in the house again. I'm not gonna do anything to jeopardize that. Don't worry about Abby. She's a smart girl.
Ashley: Please. That's the problem. She's too smart for her own good. I gotta go meet Victor.
(Thunder crashes)
(Front door closes)
Jack: Abby, it's Uncle Jack. Uh, why don't you get back here? I think we need to talk.
Abby: I'll be right over.
Victor: Excuse me.
Abby: Hey, Dad. Um, I gotta go.
Victor: No, no, no. Hold on. Hold on a second.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victor: I understand Jack Abbott has given you advice, encouraged you to delve into your finances.
Abby: (Scoffs) I don't need anyone to encourage me.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Abby: It's my money. I should know what's being done with it.
Victor: I want you to know that your mother and I have told him in no uncertain terms to sever his alliance with you.
Abby: I don't need Uncle Jack. I can find other financial and legal advice.
Victor: You will have great difficulty finding another financial advisor, all right?
Abby: Not everyone is afraid of you, and I'm not going to give up.
Victor: Listen, Girl, you keep on rebelling. See how far it'll get you.
Kevin: Hey, Chloe, uh, it's Kevin, and, uh, I just wanted to call and let you know that, uh, I am gonna leave work early, so why don't you crank up the A.C.? And, uh, if you want, we can still hang out and watch a movie or get drunk and throw darts at Heather's door, whatever you want. So I will see you in a bit, and I, uh, I hope you're feeling better.
Chloe: Well, I'm sorry something happened to Heather, but don't blame me. And didn't Ronan have backup?
Chance: Ronan might be one of the dirty cops who's trying to kill her. And thanks to you, you could have given him an opportunity to.
Chloe: This never would have happened if you hadn't slept with her. You can blame yourself.
Chance: Believe me. I do. (Sighs) Chloe, what was that garbage down at Jimmy's, calling me over there just so I could watch you kiss Ronan?
Chloe: I wanted to imprint a picture of me kissing him, just like I had a picture of you with her.
Chance: I have never known you to be scheming or manipulative.
Chloe: Well, I guess I saw the real you when you slept with Heather, and now you've seen the real me. So now we're even.
(Thunder crashes)
Ronan: Whoever put the bomb in Heather's car had been laying low. There hasn't been an attempt made on her life since we started around-the-clock protection.
Paul: Well, that's the whole point of around-the-clock protection.
Ronan: Yes, it is. But tonight, when I got a phone call to be someplace else without Heather, I decided to go, thinking that we could flush out the other players in this.
Paul: Uh-huh, a-and what gives you the right to use my daughter as bait?
Ronan: She was with my superior. We had men covering this building, but we didn't know that she would take off on her own.
Chris: And where were your men when she was attacked?
Ronan: They would have had this covered, until "Dudley do-right" stepped in, screwing everything up, as usual.
Paul: You know, I don't give a damn about your investigation. I want my daughter safe.
Ronan: She is safe! She will continue to be safe, if we can just keep Chance out of the way.
Chris: And how do we do that without telling him what's going on? He doesn't seem to give up.
Ronan: I don't know then, all right? I don't know. That means we have a huge problem.
(Door slams)
Chance: I take part of the blame.
(Thunder crashes)
Chance: If I hadn't messed up, then you wouldn't have behaved the way that you did. But you should have talked about it with me before just acting out, Chloe.
Chloe: Well, you lost the right to lecture me when you slipped into bed with Heather.
Chance: Throwing yourself at a guy who's not only despicable but possibly dangerous is not the way to get back.
Chloe: So Ronan's sketchy? I happen to like bad guys. I always liked 'em.
Chance: And you were my first, and believe me when I say my last, Boy Scout.
Chloe: Maybe I like Ronan. You know, I kinda miss it. And he did not have a problem kissing me back. I'll tell you that.
Chance: If you're trying to hurt me, it's working. But, Chloe, this is not a game. Stay away from Ronan, or you may find yourself in a situation that's far worse than Heather’s.
Chloe: Well, I don't need protecting like Heather. I don't need a bodyguard. I happen to be fine all by myself. I can take care of myself. Don't you worry.
Chance: Fine.
Ashley: Thank you so much.
Victor: I ran into our daughter.
Ashley: Yeah?
Victor: She's determined to have access to her trust fund.
Ashley: (Sighs) For Pete’s sake. You know, we're not getting anywhere with this. Maybe we should rethink it.
Victor: Not give into her?
Ashley: No, no, obviously not. She's not responsible enough to handle that much money, but maybe it would make things easier if we show her that we can at least compromise.
Victor: You mean give her some of it?
Ashley: Yeah, a small portion.
Victor: (Sighs) You know, she's gonna use that money to further a career in reality television. She'll parade around naked.
Ashley: Victor, obviously, we'd have to stipulate that she doesn't get the money unless she stops behaving inappropriately. If she wants the money bad enough, she will.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: Well--
Abby: Save your breath. I talked to Dad. I know that our deal is off.
Jack: Is it?
Abby: Frankly, I'm shocked that you caved, but whatever. Now that I know how much money is in my trusts, I'll hire people to help me. I'm sorry I won't be able to help you with whatever it was you needed.
Jack: Oh, maybe you can.
Abby: (Chuckles) Uncle Jack, does that mean what I think it means?
Jack: As far as your parents are concerned, I have backed off. The big question is, how good are you at keeping a secret?
Abby: Very, very good.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Are you finished?
Deacon: Your spare tire's flat.
Phyllis: Great.
Deacon: I'm gonna go back to my place. I'm gonna call for help. Otherwise, you're gonna be here all night. Do you want to come with me?
Phyllis: No, I'll stay here, thank you.
Deacon: Oh, of course. What was I thinking?
Phyllis: Yeah. (Sighs)
Deacon: Listen, Phyllis, keep pressure on that hand, all right?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
(Thunder crashes)
Phyllis: Can you get your lights outta my eyes, please?
Nick: Phyllis, what are you doing out here?
Kevin: Hey, you're here. Uh, did you get my message?
Chloe: Uh, yeah, I was too busy fighting with Chance.
Kevin: What happened?
Chloe: Well... I told Ronan to meet me at Jimmy's because I wanted Chance to catch me kissing him.
Kevin: I bet that worked out well.
Chloe: Yeah, except for the fact that Heather then ditched her bodyguard and someone tried to kill her.
Kevin: Is she okay?
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, she's fine. But Chance is blaming me when he's the cheater. So he stormed out all pissed off.
Kevin: Well, if I were Chance, I'd want to beat the crap out of Ronan.
Ronan: Aah! (Grunts)
Chance: Ronan! Ronan!
Ronan: What are you still doing hanging around here, huh? You're compromising my investigation!
Chance: There is no investigation! I am the only one that's working on this case, despite all of your roadblocks.
Ronan: You're working this case? Huh? Why haven't you gotten very far, huh? You're in over your head, Rookie! Everyone knows it! That's why they called me in!
Chance: Of course! Of course you're gonna say that! You're one of the dirty cops I'm trying to expose, Ronan.
Ronan: I'm gettin' sick of your accusations.
Chance: Oh, come on! Ronan, I am gonna expose you for everything that you are-- a dirty cop.
Ronan: (Grunts) Aah! (Grunting)
Chance: (Grunting)
Ronan: (Grunts)
Chance: (Groans)
Ronan: (Grunts) Aah!
Chance: (Grunts)
Ronan: (Gasps)
Chance: (Grunts)
Ronan: (Gasping)
Chance: We're not done yet. Get up!
Ronan: (Grunts)
Chance: (Grunts)
Ronan: No! (Groans)
Nick: What are you doing out here? Were you headed up to the cabin?
Phyllis: I heard you were there with Sharon.
Nick: (Sighs) So you just had to check for yourself, huh?
(Thunder crashes)
Nick: What does it even matter? Didn't you tell me we were finished?
Phyllis: I'm not surprised you're with her, but I just thought you'd have the decency to wait until we were divorced.
Nick: I'm not with her. I... I have done nothing wrong.
Phyllis: Except sic your father on me.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: That settlement offer was insulting to me.
Nick: What offer?
Phyllis: Paying me off so I would divorce you quietly. (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs) I had no idea he was gonna do that. He had no right. It wasn't his place.
Phyllis: It doesn't matter. You're just like him-- so arrogant and entitled.
Nick: I'm very sorry that it happened, and I will speak to my father about it.
Phyllis: Okay, thank you very much. But you're just the same. I mean, you never-- you never thought f-- you never thought once what it would do to our marriage by getting Sharon pregnant, did you? But that's just how you Newman’s roll. You don't care. You get what you want. It doesn't matter, right?
Nick: I thought we were past this.
Phyllis: No, we're not really past this. I did everything for you, Nick. I did everything for you. I was moral. I was sensitive to your needs. I learned to cook. I hate cooking. And I learned to cook for you because I loved you. It's like you were Prince Charming or something. But I guess it was a dream, right?
(Thunder crashes)
Phyllis: 'Cause you're not Prince Charming, and I'm not Snow White. I'm like the wicked stepmother with the poison apple. I'm just gonna do what I want to do from now on. I'm just gonna be who I am.
(Thunder crashes)
Nick: Why didn't you say anything?
Phyllis: Oh, I said something all the time. You didn't listen. You just didn't listen. And I sat there... like an idiot... smiling... while you chased after Sharon.
Nick: I don't know what you want me to say.
Phyllis: Don't say anything. Just go, please.
Nick: I'm not leaving you out here stranded.
Phyllis: You already did that.
Nick: I'll change your tire for you.
Phyllis: The spare is flat.
Nick: Then I'll fix it.
Phyllis: (Voice breaks) You can't fix it. You couldn't if you tried.
(Thunder crashes)
Sharon: (Gasps)
Faith: (Fusses)
Sharon: Oh.
Faith: (Cries)
Sharon: Pumpkin, its okay. Bunny, come here. I know. I know. It's scary, huh? It's just a storm. Okay, Daddy's got us all jumpy talking about Patty and people trying to hurt us. It's okay.
(Thunder crashes)
Sharon: (Sighs)
Abby: God. (Scoffs) Oh, they're front and center. I hope they're not gonna lecture me again.
Jack: Okay, you can handle this. Just no mention of our little alliance.
Abby: Roger.
Jack: Go, Man, go.
Abby: (Sighs) (Clears throat) You called?
Ashley: Please, sit down.
Victor: Your mother and I have been discussing your finances, and, um, perhaps I've been a little too stringent with you.
Abby: Really? Wh--you're gonna give me my trust?
Ashley: Wait, um, um, some of it.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Victor: If you behave and, um, prove yourself, then we can discuss it.
Ashley: Yeah, but there's one stipulation, okay? You really have to tone down the publicity, and please, no more public nudity, honestly, okay?
Abby: (Scoffs)
Abby: No, thank you.
Victor: You've been asking for some of your trust fund money. I think this is a generous... generous offer.
Abby: I'm entitled to all of my money. I'm gonna get it.
Abby: (Sighs)
Chloe: I'm gonna go to bed.
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold up. Um, I need your help with something.
Chloe: Great.
Kevin: I need, uh, I need a beat.
Chloe: You need a beat?
Kevin: Yes, I need a beat.
Chloe: Like a rap beat?
Kevin: Like a rap beat.
Chloe: Okay. What? Uh, all right.
(Beat boxing)
Kevin: (Rapping) Your life is a mess and you're feeling down but it's your birthday, girl and you're still aboveground so count your blessings and lose the blue it's not all bad happy birthday to you
Chloe: (Giggles) Uh, that was amazing/dreadful.
Kevin: I have thousands upon thousands of really great attributes. That's just one of 'em.
Chloe: Nice candle.
Kevin: I think it's left over from one of Fen's birthdays. Why don't you blow it out before you get wax all over your cupcake?
Chloe: (Sighs) Can I wish bodily harm on someone?
Kevin: Yeah, why not? It's your wish. (Sighs)
Chloe: Fine.
Chris: No leads on the man driving the car. The plate was stolen.
Paul: So two attempts on Heather's life, and we are no closer to finding out who's behind it.
Chris: I'm doing everything I can.
Heather: We know you are.
Chris: You're the reason I got involved.
Paul: I can't thank you enough for watching over Heather.
Chris: Well, I wish this didn't happen, but I'm glad I'm here.
Paul: Me, too.
Chris: So are you gonna stay?
Paul: Yeah, I'll spend the night.
Chris: Okay, we'll talk tomorrow.
Heather: Good night, Chris.
Chris: Good night.
Paul: Okay.
Chris: Okay. (Chuckles) I'll see you.
Paul: Yeah, you bet.
Heather: I've always liked her.
Paul: Yeah, Chris is good people.
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: It's gonna be fine. It really is.
Heather: (Whimpers) (Sighs)
Ronan: (Groans) (Grunts)
Chris: Ronan! Chance! Stop! Stop it. This isn't gonna help. Stop! Are you crazy?
Chance: What, is that-- is that all you got, Ronan? Come on!
Chris: You are off this case! Go home!
Chance: This isn't over.
Chris: What on earth do you think you're doing? Fighting like that with your bro--
Ronan: Don't say that! Don't you say that. We may share D.N.A., but that jackass is not my brother. Don't you say that.
Chris: (Breathing heavily)
(Thunder crashes)
Deacon: It's gonna be a while before anyone gets here. The roads are a mess.
Phyllis: You don't have to stick around.
Deacon: You're welcome. That was quick.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Phyllis: Kiss me. Kiss me.
Nick: Phyllis? Phyllis!
Phyllis: You can get out.
Deacon: Who--who was that? What kind of game are you playing here?
Phyllis: I'm not playing a game. Just get out. Leave.
Deacon: Okay, you know what? I've known some insane women in my time. Sweetheart, you take the prize. (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sighs)
(Footsteps on porch)
Sharon: Is someone there? Who's there? Answer me.
(Doorknob rattling)
Sharon: Answer me, or I'll shoot!
(Shell casing hits floor)
Sharon: (Whimpers)
Sharon: Adam! (Gasps) (Whimpers) (Sighs)
Adam: (Breathing rapidly) I knew you cared. I know you still love me. (Breathing rapidly)
Sharon: Oh, Adam. Adam. Oh. Oh, my God. (Sobs) Help! Somebody, help! Adam. Oh, God, what have I done? (Sobs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: I want them to grow up with their dad, too, and if you have to leave, we're gonna c--
Malcolm: He might not have to.
Lauren: You are standing, desecrating my father's grave for some cheap publicity stunt!
Skye: You and Nick were the only ones there. What did you do to my husband?
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