Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/28/10 -- Canada; Thursday 7/29/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9452 ~ Old Habits Die Hard
Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma
Abby: Okay... (Sighs) So you want to go over all of my bank statements?
Jack: No, only the ones related to your three trusts. You have them organized?
Abby: Define "Organized."
Jack: All in the same place.
Abby: I have a drawerful of envelopes I've never opened. Does that count?
Jack: How far do they go back?
Abby: Well, when I was 18, the Newman lawyers started copying me. Uh, I don't know. How soon do you need it?
Jack: I-I'll tell you what, why don't you drop by your place, pick up everything you've got, bring it over to the house? That way, I can look at it there without feeling like I'm in a sauna.
Abby: I can do that.
Jack: Did you get duplicates of the bank statements from the two Carlton accounts?
Abby: Mm-hmm. They're being messengered to me at--at your address. I-I was actually amazed that the bank didn't have a bigger problem just releasing that information.
Jack: You have every right to any documents pertaining to your trusts.
Abby: Hmm.
[Ashley remembering]
Abby: That house you call a home? My father left it to me. It's mine, and I want you out.
Tucker: Ashley?
Ashley: Yeah?
Tucker: Where'd you go? I was just paying you a compliment.
Ashley: Well, thank you for complimenting me on whatever it is that I did. (Chuckles) I'm sorry I'm so preoccupied. (Sighs)
Tucker: Abby's kicking you out have something to do with that?
Ashley: Yeah. But you know what? Maybe it is for the best, considering how much we've been clashing lately.
Tucker: Well, if you need a place to stay, you just say the word.
Ashley: (Laughs) I'm gonna go stay at my dad's, you know? It's where Jack is, and... I appreciate the thought. You're very sweet, you know. Did you know that?
Tucker: Mm, I'm sweet, am I?
Ashley: You're very sweet.
Tucker: Well, can't blame a guy for trying.
Ashley: Yeah. Anyway, weren't we discussing our ongoing distribution problems in Japan?
Tucker: Yeah. (Sighs)
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: If we had evidence of the bribe Victoria made to that official, we could force Newman to give up their monopoly.
Ashley: Now I know that you wanted to talk to Billy, but, you know, he's gotten in so tight with Victoria, I don't know if there's any point.
Tucker: Every man has his price, Darlin'.
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: Mm. You should get that, because it--it might be Delia. She might be calling you.
Billy: All right, all right, all right. All right, all right, all right. Hello? Um, now? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can't right now. But--come on. Okay, fine. (Growls)
Victoria: What?
Billy: What? Oh, it was Ash. She's with Tuck. She wants to meet me.
Victoria: What? Why?
Billy: Why?
Victoria: Can it wait?
Billy: I don't know, and no. She's with Tucker, and I'm sure they want to know about Japan and your mysterious rendezvous with "Agent Y."
Victoria: No, it wasn't mysterious. It was just a business meeting. There's no mystery. Where were we?
Billy: Don't do that.
Victoria: What? What?
Billy: "It was just a business meeting."
Victoria: What?
Billy: Oh, do I look that lame to you? Do I look lame to you? I mean, I thought we were past all these games. Apparently not. I don't know.
Victoria: But... (Stammers)
Billy: Hey, it's okay. It's okay.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: Hey, Sharon, it's me... again. Um, I know you really want some space right now, but I'd like to know if you and Faith are okay. Hopefully, you're someplace nice and cool to get away from this heat. I tell you what, just call me back so I can quit bugging you. Hey, Jack. Wait a second. Uh, I'm really worried about Sharon. I haven't heard back from her. I--
Jack: Sharon and the baby are safe. They're in a safe place enjoying some time off from the rest of the world.
Nick: I'd really like to see my daughter.
Jack: Well, I'm sorry. I promised Sharon I would keep her whereabouts a secret.
Sharon: I really like the time that we had together, just the two of us. It's just what I needed. (Sighs)
Victor: I know this has been a very difficult time for you and Nicholas. And I must say I am sorry that your marriage ended.
Phyllis: I know you mean that. Thank you very much. Summer and I, we're coping. We're doing okay, but you're right. Divorce is not fun.
Victor: I have prepared something for you. Would you take a look? I think it's-- you'll find it quite generous.
Phyllis: Uh, when you called, I-I had no idea that...
Victor: Just take a look at it. This will ensure that you will live comfortably for the rest of your life.
Victoria: Do you tell me everything that happens at "Restless Style"? Do you mention everything that you post online? I don't think so. No.
Billy: I might have ducked a question here or there, but that's about it.
Victoria: Well, Mr. Yonioshi and I, we had a business meeting, and that is an accurate statement.
Billy: (Chuckles) That's kind of like me saying, "I've mentioned Victor Newman in an article on occasion." That's accurate, too, but somewhat disingenuous. Don't you think?
[Victoria remembering]
Victor: Don't you understand that that man is trouble? Nothing but trouble. I guarantee you, he took note of every step you took on that trip.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: And he will not hesitate to publish that in his sleazy magazine.
Victoria: (Sighs) Disingenuous? Is that your new $5 word?
Billy: Okay, look, whatever. I-I don't want to fight.
Victoria: Well, don't I get, like, a kiss before you leave?
Billy: See you later.
Phyllis: That's a lot of zeros. (Chuckles)
Victor: Yeah?
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm--I'm not really comfortable with this, Victor.
Victor: And why not?
Phyllis: I don't think this is how it should be done.
Victor: Phyllis, I consider you part of my family. And I strongly believe that family takes care of each other.
Phyllis: Right. Well, that's simple. As simple as that, right?
Victor: It's that simple.
Phyllis: Mm.
Victor: If you and Nicholas sign this, we can avoid a lot of problems that emanate from divorce proceedings. And most of all, we can, you know, spare Summer a lot of stress and upset and--
Phyllis: (Sighs) Right, Summer. Summer, your granddaughter, who was almost killed because you had to stick it to Jack. Is that the Summer you're talking about? So, I mean, you care about her welfare, right?
Victor: Why are you bringing that up? Of course I care about her welfare.
Phyllis: (Sighs) This--this isn't about me or Summer, right? It's about you and what you want, what's best for you, right?
Victor: What does that have to do with--?
Phyllis: Well, no wrangling in court means no hits against the Newman name, and you just think you can buy my silence.
Victor: Phyllis, I know that you're upset, but I don't know what you're talking about, to be quite honest with you. Are you turning me down, or what?
Sharon: Your father is a strong man, and he will get through this, Noah. So will Phyllis. I haven't seen him in a while. I've been up here at Jack's cabin just taking a little mini vacation. No, no, you stay put. There's no reason for you to come rushing home from Paris. Adam's not gonna do anything that's going to revoke his bail. Believe me. You know what? I'm fine, Sweetheart. I really am. After all the craziness, I actually feel like myself again.
Jack: Nick, you and I have both been guilty of hovering over Sharon. It's time to give her a break.
Nick: So the hell with seeing my daughter, even though it's my legal right to do so.
Jack: Clearly, you're getting worked up about this. I will call Sharon. I will plead your case. I will ask her to call you. If she doesn't call you back, it--
Nick: No, Jack. Is--is she up at your family's cabin? Because that would explain why she only told you. How could you do that? How could you let her go somewhere that isolated with Adam out on bail?
Jack: You have my word that Sharon is safe. Nick, I told you I would plead your case. It's time to back off.
Nick: I'm going up there.
Jack: Nick. Nick!
Phyllis: Why--why didn't Nick come to me with this? Why--why did he send you? O-or does he even know you're here?
Victor: I'm doing this for Nicholas as much as I'm doing this for you.
Phyllis: It feels like I'm getting the brush-off.
Victor: I have everyone's best interests at heart.
Phyllis: Listen, I am Summer's mother. I will always be Summer's mother. And you say that we're one big family, but that's actually not true, Victor. I have dealt with Sharon being a third party in my marriage for way too long.
Victor: Phyllis--
Phyllis: It's always been about Sharon to Nick and to you. I mean, it's clear. And did you ever once think of taking your son-- your son aside and saying, "Hey, maybe you shouldn't be so overprotective of your ex-wife"?
Victor: I am simply concerned with my family. You're part of my family. You and Sharon both are part of my family.
Phyllis: Me and Sharon both. (Scoffs)
Victor: Yes.
Phyllis: Me and Sharon both. You might want to rethink your policy, because it actually contributed to the demise of my marriage.
Victor: (Sighs) Had I known it would elicit this kind of response in you, I certainly wouldn't have made that offer. I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Here is your offer. Thank you very much. But, um, I'm not gonna be bought. I'm not gonna be marginalized. Um, I've dealt with that way too long, actually. I'm the injured party here, no one else.
Victor: I'm not trying to buy you. I'm concerned about my family, because I had none when I grew up. And you once were in love with my son, or perhaps you still are. Therefore, you're part of my family. So think this over, okay?
Phyllis: No. No, thank you. I'm gonna deal with this in my own way, okay?
Victor: All right.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yep? Abby asked for that? Victor: And how far do those documents go? I'll be damned.
Jack: You know, Grandpa collected stamps.
Abby: Is that where I get it?
Jack: This is a lot of information you're ignoring.
Abby: Yes, I could have paid a little more attention to my finances. Maybe I wouldn't be in this bind.
Jack: Well, hindsight's 20/20, Darlin'.
Abby: Do you really think this could work?
Jack: Well, there are no guarantees. There's certainly precedent for an adult beneficiary of a trust suing to gain more control. The thing is, you have to prove that the trust has been somehow mismanaged. Anyway, with this pile, and with all of the bank statements still coming to us, we'll get a clear picture of what's gone-- here we-- this is the latest statement. Whoa. Maybe it's a good thing you're sittin' down.
Abby: What? It's that bad?
Jack: In the top right corner, the highlighted figure. That is the value of your trust.
Abby: Oh, my God. That’s...
Jack: That's a lot of money.
Abby: Wait. Wait. You're saying that this is mine?
Jack: Not only is this all yours, it does not include the money from Brad...
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: And from Colleen.
Abby: You know, I cannot believe dad! All I needed was a few hundred thousand dollars to shoot my pilot. That was, like, peanuts in compared to this. God!
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Is that you?
Abby: What a miser! Good. His ears are probably ringing. Hi, Dad.
Victor: I'm at the club. How soon can you meet me?
Abby: You want to see me now? What for?
Victor: We will talk when you get here, all right?
Abby: Fine. I want to see you, too.
Ashley: I mean, doesn't your father's company mean anything to you? You are an Abbott.
Billy: (Sighs)
Ashley: You have a stake in the success of Jabot, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, you know, guilt only works if there's something to get out of me.
Tucker: The bottom line is, shots in the dark aren't gonna impress Victor. Until we have something solid to nail him with, we will stay shut out of the Japanese market.
Billy: Oh, I get it. You're frustrated. Okay, I-I understand. That's horrible, but what do you expect me to do about it?
Tucker: Why don't you come to work for me?
Billy: (Laughs)
Tucker: You can choose whatever position you want on my executive team. I'll give you a 3-year deal. You name your price.
Ashley: And if you want to run the magazine on the side, I don't have a problem with that. Do you?
Tucker: No, as long as I don't make any more surprise appearances on your cover.
Billy: On the side? Like a snow cone stand?
Ashley: (Sighs) Billy.
Billy: Yeah, it's amazing how popular I am all of a sudden now that you two think I-I've got something that you need. This is great.
Tucker: Jabot, Chancellor, McCall, Unlimited-- wherever you want to work in return for whatever you can give us on this bribery angle.
Billy: (Clears throat) You know, as flattered as I am about your offer-- a-and I-I am-- I work for myself now, and I like it. And I'm not gonna tell you anything about Vicki or what she did in Japan or what she didn't do in Japan, okay?
(Knock on door)
Nick: All right, look, I know you didn't want to see anyone, but I am concerned on account of Adam being out on bail and, you know, since I came all the way up here, I'd really like to see Faith.
Sharon: While you're at it, see if you can fix this fan.
Nick: All right. So you're not upset with me?
Sharon: Come on in and see your daughter.
Nick: You know, I swear to you, Faith has grown since the last time I've see her.
Sharon: (Sighs) I've kept you away from her for too long.
Nick: Eh, her mommy needed some R & R.
Sharon: I really needed to get out of Genoa City. The thought that I could run into Adam anywhere was just really getting to me.
Nick: Yeah, well, he and his con artist bride are walking around like he's already been acquitted. I mean, they even started a hedge fund, if you can believe that.
Sharon: Is it legal?
Nick: Apparently so. But I'm keeping an eye on things. And the good news is, all the high-priced lawyers in the world won't be able to help Adam once he goes on trial. 'Cause when he does, he's gonna get convicted and spend the rest of his life behind bars and be out of our lives.
Sharon: Well, that has to be driving you crazy seeing him walkin' around free. It's been a real blessing being here, getting away from all that.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Hello. Can I have a limeade, please, with extra ice? (Sighs)
Adam: Hello, Phyllis.
Phyllis: To go, please. To go. I'm not dealing with you today.
Adam: Brr. Thanks for that. I didn't think I could actually feel chilly on a hot day like this.
Phyllis: Get out of here, please, Adam.
Adam: So we're not B.F.F.s anymore, Phyllis? You know, I know where I would go to cool down. I would go to the woods. Nick had the right idea, heading up to the cabin.
Phyllis: Well, it doesn't really matter to me where he goes or what he does. We're separated.
Adam: Or who he does? I'm just saying, 'cause Sharon is up there.
Phyllis: Are you done?
Adam: Wow. That's a hell of a poker face. I should hook you up with Skye. The two of you could take down a few casinos together with a look like that.
Phyllis: I hear she cheats.
Adam: Like Nick? I guess it's not technically cheating, though, if you guys are officially splitsville, right? So they can take a trip down memory lane together, Sharon and Nick.
Phyllis: Aw, I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to get me all roused up so I get in the car and I drive up there so you can get Sharon back.
Adam: Whatever you say, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Aw, it's so sad. Well, I'm not doing that. By the way, Sharon's never gonna take you back. Thank you very much. Oh, here, keep the change. I'm not going up there. Sorry. You're out of luck.
Adam: Mm, well, I mean, I was just making conversation and all...
Phyllis: Mm.
Adam: About the weather, you know?
Phyllis: (Sighs) You're not going up there. (Sighs) I can't believe he's up there. You're not going up there. You're not going up there.
Ashley: Your family's always gonna be there for you when you need us, and Victoria won’t. I mean, and not because her feelings for you aren't genuine. I don't know if they are or not. But because Victor's not going to allow them to go anywhere, and you know it.
Billy: Oh, to hell with Victor.
Tucker: "To hell with Victor" is right. You see, we're all on the same side here. What your sister and I are offering you is a chance to take the man down a few pegs.
Ashley: If you're not gonna do it out of family loyalty and you won't do it for money, then what about your own pride? Do it for your own pride, Billy!
Tucker: Yeah.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Come on. For all the times he's threatened you and insulted you, wouldn't you just love to return the favor?
Billy: You are good at this. You are. Now look, even if I had something that could help you, and I'm not saying that I do, I wouldn't tell you anything if it hurt Victoria.
Ashley: You know, come on.
Billy: All right, look--
Ashley: You rushed into this whole thing so quickly with Vicki.
Billy: So what? So what if I did? You guys, this whole Newman/Abbott war has gone on long enough. It's stupid. Frankly, it's childish, and I don't want anything to do with it anymore. I'm done. Do you hear me? I'm--I'm out. So count me out, okay? I like that suit.
Victor: I have tried very hard to get Abby to see the big picture. So far, unsuccessfully so. I thought that you might give it a try.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Hmm? (Footsteps approach)
Victoria: Well, I guess we shall find out.
Abby: (Sighs) Here I am. What's the big emergency?
Victor: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Other people are here, okay? Uh, this is a family meeting. I understand that you have been requesting documents from the bank, documents that pertain to your trust.
Abby: Well, yes. Uh, if you thought I was gonna drop this because of a couple nights in jail, you were mistaken.
Victor: What were you hoping to accomplish by obtaining those documents?
Abby: All I am asking for is a little help with my career. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm worth...
Victoria: (Clears throat) And a few hundred thousand to shoot a pilot is not that big of a deal.
Victor: Every time you come up with a business proposition, I'm more and more disinclined to help you.
Abby: Look, first of all--
Victoria: Abby, listen, I've been where you are, okay? Wanting things, feeling entitled. But Dad can be somewhat of a brick wall if you don't know what his priority is.
Abby: Which is what? Being cheap, or doing his part to destroy the first amendment?
Victoria: Looking out for his family. Okay, when you are as rich and as well-known as we Newmans are, there are always gonna be attacks from the outside. So we have to stick together. We have to deal with our problems internally. You making your complaints so public, it's not helping your cause at all. It's just not the way that we do things. You have to prove that you are trustworthy and--
Abby: And how do I do that, Victoria? By becoming a cookie-cutter copy of you? Just like you're a cookie-cutter copy of Dad? What if I want to build my own empire, blaze my own trail? 'Cause th-this is my life to lead my way, and that money? I-it's still mine, all of it.
Victoria: Hmm.
Victor: I hate to say this about my own daughter, but you've become an obnoxious brat. And you'll be an old woman before you see a dime of your trust fund.
Victoria: You know, Abby, um, Dad and I still have our disagreements over the years, and we have just learned to sort of, I don't know, be--
Abby: Um, this is-- this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna look over every line of every statement for all three accounts-- yours, Brad's and Colleen’s. If I find any evidence that you or Mom haven't met your fidi-cu-ary duties, look out.
Victor: Fiduciary duties, okay?
Abby: That's right.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Abby: And I will take you both to court, and I will win.
Victor: (Sighs) Since when do you throw around financial terminology? Someone is helping you, aren't they?
Abby: Yes, of course I have help, and I'm going to rely on that help until I get what's mine. Excuse me.
Victor: Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. What are we going to do? She talks about deprivation. She doesn't know the first damn thing about it.
Victoria: You know, Dad, I'm thinking that if you don't want things to blow up any more than they already have, you may have to bend just a little.
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not gonna roll over for her. Are you serious?
Victoria: I'm just saying you should meet her halfway. You should give her partial control of one of her trusts--
Victor: It's outrageous what she's doing, Sweetheart. She has no judgment, none whatsoever. Someone is coaching her. And I have a feeling I know who it is.
Sharon: Here you go.
Nick: (Sighs) Thank you.
Sharon: I think I bought up every lemon they had at that general store.
Nick: Mmm. A hot night like tonight, it sure tastes good.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: Hey, thanks a lot.
Sharon: For what?
Nick: Not gettin' mad at me for coming up here to check on you and Faith. It's just...
Sharon: Adam-- yeah, I understand.
Nick: All right, well, I've had my juice, and, uh, got to see Faith, so I'll head back to the city and leave you to your peace and quiet. I'm glad to see you're okay.
Sharon: Uh, well, wait. I, uh, I made a salad from the garden. And I-I have some, um, cold soup, too. Do you want to... do you want to eat with me? I mean, there's plenty.
Nick: Yeah, that sounds good.
Sharon: Okay, I'll just-- I'll get the food out. You know where the silverware is?
Nick: I can fix a fan, I can find some forks. (Claps hands) (Rubs hands together)
Phyllis: Uh, no, no. I have you in-- in my appointment book. Right. At 1:00, right? Uh, okay. I'll e-mail you my résumé. I am looking forward to it. Bye.
[Phyllis remembering]
Phyllis: Summer is at breakfast with the nanny. Uh, she--she called it a date. She's been asking for you the-- the last couple days. She wanted you to see the snow with her.
Nick: What'd you tell her?
Phyllis: I told her that all the snow meant that you were snowed in and the roads were closed, and you couldn't get back. You slept with Sharon, didn't you? (Sighs) (Voice breaking) You admitted to me that you were in love with her. You've always been in love with her. During our entire marriage, you have been in love with her. (Sighs) Wh-- when did you know? When did you know that you were just using me...? You were just using me to get past the death of Cassíe?
Phyllis: (Sighs) I have to know. (Sighs) (Thinking) Nick, please don't be there. Please don't be there. God, please. (Sighs) Why am I doing this to myself? Oh, God, I should turn around before I--
(Car warning tone)
(Tire thumping)
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Oh, God. I blew a tire. Great. (Thunder crashes)
Phyllis: Oh! Aah! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! (Sighs) (Sighs) All right. All right, I get the message. I get it. (Sighs)
(Rain falling)
Nick: I'm glad to see you're doing so well.
Sharon: Well, maybe I was...
(Thunder crashes)
Sharon: A little selfish spending so much time up here, but it really is very peaceful.
Nick: It's a little surprising, considering what happened the last time we were here. It was pretty traumatic.
Sharon: Well, you know, there are a lot of other memories I have from this place, too, and some of them were pretty wonderful, and they all brought me to the place I am now.
(Thunder crashes)
Faith: (Cries)
Sharon: Uh-oh. Somebody doesn't like the thunder. Do you, Pumpkin?
Nick: Noah sure didn't when he was a baby, either.
Sharon: Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Here, why don't you let your daddy rock you?
Nick: Aw, come here, Beautiful. (Sighs) There is nothing to worry about. Yeah, it's just a couple of clouds bumping into each other.
Faith: (Fusses)
Nick: Yeah, it's okay. You're okay. Oh.
Sharon: Hey, Baby girl.
(Thunder crashes)
(Rain falling)
Abby: (Sighs) (scoffs) That was a criminal waste of time.
Jack: You knew it would be.
Abby: Oh, well, you've been busy. Is this all the stuff the bank sent over?
Jack: Yeah, I came up with a grand total for all three of your trusts.
Abby: Cool. How much am I worth?
Abby: Whoa.
Jack: You're loaded, Kid. Congratulations.
Abby: That's a lot more than I thought.
Jack: That's a whole lot of dough.
Abby: (Sighs) All right. Okay, if--if this is really the kind of money that we're talking about, as much as I hate to admit it... (Sighs) I can kinda see my dad's point.
Jack: Well, that statement alone tells me you deserve to be taken seriously.
(Rain falling)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I was hoping that you would--
Victoria: I'm glad that you're here because--
Billy: You first.
Victoria: (Sighs) I just, uh, don't really like the way that we ended things over there.
Billy: Yeah. You know, I was right about what Tucker and Ashley wanted. They're really going hard after this bribery angle.
Victoria: Oh. I was hoping that maybe by now, they would have, um--
Billy: Hey, look. (Clears throat) I don't want you to have to deny anything, and I certainly don't want you to lie to me, so I'm just gonna tell you what I know, okay? You took this pistol with you to Japan in a fancy wooden box, and then you took that box with you to that meeting with Mr. Yonioshi, and he is the one who left with it. Now this weapon is an antique, and it's worth $750,000. And, Baby, that is an old-school bribe if I've ever heard of one. Now I'm guessing that Mr. Yonioshi did something for Mr. Mitsukoshi, who then gave Newman the exclusive on his shelves, and really, it gets fuzzy for me there, but I don't care, because I don't need to know the details. I'm not out to get you. I'm not out to get your father, and I'm not gonna help anybody who is. Now you don't have to worry. I'm the only one who saw the gun in Japan. I looked it up then just like I looked it up now. I figured it out myself, and I didn't tell a soul, and, uh, I never will.
Victoria: Listen, I'm really sorry that I've had to keep things from you. I'm... I wanted to tell you the truth.
Billy: I'm listening.
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) As you know, Japan has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and Mr. Yonioshi is a fanatical gun collector, so...
Billy: So a pistol like that would have really impressed him.
Victoria: It got us the market share that we needed.
Billy: So you bribed him.
Victoria: (Chuckles) I'm not sure if I really like that word very much. Look, I've told you everything that I know, okay? So now you just... should...
Billy: Trusting me isn't easy. I know that. But I'm going to protect you, okay? Your secret's safe with me. (Purse hits floor)
Billy: (Chuckles)
(Thunder crashes)
Tucker: There's gotta be a way to get brother Billy to help us out.
Ashley: I just thought of a long shot.
Tucker: What is it?
Ashley: Well, Billy went to Japan to get a story for "Restless Style," right? Now even though he decided not to run it, maybe he mentioned something to Jill.
Tucker: Oh, well, Jill’s way too preoccupied with gettin' her teeth into Lauren’s fortune right now to pay attention.
Ashley: She wasn't then, not even a little bit.
Tucker: So you're suggesting I jog her memory?
Ashley: Well, if she knows something, apparently, you're the one person that can get it out of her.
Tucker: I'll think on it.
Ashley: Okay. Well, good. I gotta go.
Tucker: Oh.
Ashley: Um, my car's all packed, and I want to get to my dad's before it's too late.
Tucker: No, no, no, no, no.
Ashley: Yes, yes.
Tucker: You don't have to go yet.
Ashley: I do.
Tucker: No, you don’t.
Ashley: I do.
Tucker: Do you need any help?
Ashley: I don’t. I can manage, but I really appreciate you asking.
Tucker: Mm.
Ashley: Mm.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: See you tomorrow?
Tucker: Bright and early, right?
Ashley: Yes.
Tucker: Okay.
Ashley: Bye.
(Thunder crashes)
Tucker: Oh, Man.
(Thunder crashes)
Abby: Wow, the, uh, the lightning's really putting on a show out there.
Jack: If you don't feel like driving in that, you know you're welcome to--
Abby: Oh, no, no, no. I'm okay. I'm okay. Look, you know, pretty soon, I'll have what's mine, and I can't thank you enough, Uncle Jack.
Jack: You're welcome. Don't forget.
Abby: I know that you have your reasons for helping me, and when the time comes, I'll be there. I promise.
Jack: That's my girl. (Chuckles) Come on.
Abby: (Sighs) (Clears throat) It's wet out here, huh, Dad?
Victor: I knew you were behind this.
(Thunder crashes)
Phyllis: Idiot. What were you thinking? You knew there was gonna be a storm. Middle of freakin' nowhere.
(Car door closes)
Deacon: You need some help?
Nick: Wow.
Sharon: Wow, it's really raining. (Laughs)
Nick: Jeez. Uh, all right, well, uh...
Sharon: (Laughs)
Nick: Don't, uh, don't stay up here too long, all right? I really miss you and Faith.
Sharon: It was nice seeing you.
Nick: You, too.
Sharon: (Laughs)
Nick: Bye.
Sharon: Be careful! (Laughs) Oh, no. Whoo.
Sharon: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Sharon: (Chuckles) Nick? (Laughs) (Gasps) (Breathing rapidly)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Oh, my God, Deacon?
Deacon: All the women in the world, and I gotta stop and help the one who got me arrested.
Jack: What real father would manipulate his own children for his own sick amusement?
Chance: What the hell were you thinking, huh? Leaving her like that?
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