Y&R Transcript Monday 7/26/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 7/27/10 -- USA
Episode # 9450 ~ Emily's Choice
Provided By
YRFix Group
Proofread By Emma
Emily: (Sighs)
Jack: Good morning.
Emily: So you said, in your own unique way... twice.
Jack: Third time's a charm.
Emily: Mm, thank you.
Jack: You know, uh, if you didn't have to start each day going out to the pool house to get ready...
Emily: You could charm me more often?
Jack: The drawer next to my sink is empty. You could put a toothbrush there.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Jack: Heck, anything you wanted. See, the way I figure it, the more often you spend the night, the more we could savor the mornings. What do you think of that?
Emily: Ahh. I think it is... yeah.
Jack: Yeah?
Ashley: Hi. Sorry.
Emily: That's okay. Hi.
Ashley: I'm glad you guys are here.
Jack: Hey, is something wrong?
Ashley: Yes, Abby, as usual. (Sighs)
Emily: Uh, I'm going to give you some privacy.
Ashley: No, I wish you'd stay, Emily. Maybe you can help. You know, she's being arraigned this morning because of that stunt she pulled the other day.
Jack: Abby pulled a little, uh, "Lady Godiva" act-- everything, including the horse.
Ashley: I'm nearly at the end of my rope. I can barely stand to look at her anymore.
Abby: Since I couldn't shower or change, can I at least have my purse so that I can reapply?
Woman: Personal items are returned when you're released. Have a seat.
Abby: (Sighs) God, this is so unfair. This was supposed to glamorous and make headlines, you know? Like, "'The Naked Heiress' jailed for her beliefs," and there's not one paparazzo out there trying to get a shot of me. I-- I was even courteous enough to send them an F.Y.I. on the situation. I haven't heard from my family, and it's been, like, days.
Daniel: Hey, Sunshine. I thought you could use a friendly face.
Abby: (Sighs)
J.T.: Hey.
Mac: Hi.
J.T.: I'm sorry I'm late.
Mac: That's okay. Hi. Where's Reed?
J.T.: I dropped him off at camp.
Mac: Oh.
J.T.: Yeah. He couldn't wait to show off his cannonball skills.
Mac: He loves swimming.
J.T.: Yeah.
Mac: I, uh, I went ahead and ordered for three of us.
J.T.: Thank you. Yeah, I could use some caffeine. I woke up this morning at 6:00 with Reed staring at me wearing a snorkel and mask.
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: Nothing I could say would convince him to take it off and go back to sleep.
Mac: (Sighs) Oh. I'm sorry.
J.T.: What's wrong?
Mac: Nothing.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Mac: Everything. I'm fine for a few days, and then this happens, which is ridiculous.
J.T.: No, it's not ridiculous. And stop apologizing, okay? It's part of the process.
Mac: I should be over it by now.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: I've been doing some research on postpartum.
Mac: (Sighs) You have?
J.T.: Yeah. You know, there's tons of stuff on postpartum and surrogacy. You know, and there's no timeline on your feelings.
Mac: It's been a month. I am not a "Dwell on something forever" kind of girl.
J.T.: No, you're not. You're used to being the strong, take-charge, go-to person. But guess what? You don't have to do this on your own, all right? Those babies were a part of you for months. It's only natural you'd be missing them.
Cane: So there's no more nasal cpap?
Lily: For either of them?
Woman: We'll continue to monitor, but there's been no sign of apnea.
Lily: (Sighs) Okay.
Cane: Huh?
Lily: Well, they're getting stronger every day.
Cane: Just like their mom.
Dr. Kershaw: I can attest to that.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hi, um, have you gotten my latest test results?
Dr. Kershaw: Your numbers are up, Lily. You can go home today.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Cane: That is great. Come here, Baby. (Growls)
Dr. Kershaw: (Chuckles)
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Adam: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Skye: As long as you're up, check the after-hours trading. We should prep for the opening bell.
Adam: No, I cannot deal with numbers right now. They're about to administer meds at, uh, morning meds at "Nutsberry farms," and as soon as they figure out that Patty is not there, they're gonna come knockin' on this door.
Skye: And... you've got it covered.
Adam: Let's go over this story of ours one more time.
Paul: We certainly appreciate your, um, cooperation, Mr. Hewitt.
Mr. Hewitt: Hmm. Ms. Williams hasn't had her breakfast or her meds yet. We like to adhere to a schedule with our patients.
Paul: Well, it shouldn't take long. Pattycakes? Patty? She's not here.
Owen: (Sighs)
Mr. Hewitt: Patty? This is where the nurse found her the other night. Someone must have taken her to the cafeteria. I'll check with the charge nurse. (Sighs) I'm in 413. Did someone take the patient to the cafeteria?
Owen: Yeah, well, as soon as Patty's located and the stenographer arrives, we'll attempt to get another statement.
Paul: Owen, I want you to know I really appreciate you coming all the way out here. You know, Dr. Peterson is convinced that my sister did not murder Hightower, and I agree with her.
Owen: Well, Paul, I am committed to getting to the truth.
Mr. Hewitt: Patty's not in the cafeteria or the dayroom. Records indicate her door hasn't been opened since last night.
Owen: Well, that can't be right.
Paul: So where is my sister?
Mr. Hewitt: I'm not sure.
Owen: (Sighs)
Paul: Oh, no.
Owen: Big enough for someone to climb through.
Mr. Hewitt: Code white.
Paul: (Sighs) Oh, no.
Paul: "Paul, I had to run away. Good-bye. I love you. Patty."
Cane: Oh, my God. That is incredible news. Thank you.
Dr. Kershaw: Looks like the chemotherapy is finally doing its job.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: No, it's more than that.
Dr. Kershaw: (Chuckles) Well, I'm gonna sign the discharge papers.
Lily: (Chuckles) Thank you, Dr. Kershaw.
Cane: Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you.
Lily: Thanks.
Cane: (Sighs) Do you see that? See? My prayers have been answered, as well as a lot of other people's prayers.
Lily: Our babies saved my life.
Cane: You mean their stem cells, huh?
Lily: No, not just that. (Sighs) Just by being born. You know, by growing stronger every day. They know I need them, and now they need me. I don't want to leave, Cane.
Cane: All right, now listen. We can come back every day. They'll be here. It's okay.
Lily: Yeah, but what if-- what if they start crying and we're not here, you know?
Cane: Well, if--
Lily: What if they're hungry?
Cane: Well, in that case, the nurse will take care of them.
Lily: Yeah, but if I stay at the hospital, I'm just a couple floors away.
Cane: Shh. Do you hear that?
Lily: What?
Cane: They said that they want their mommy to go home so she can rest so when they come home, their mommy will have all this energy to chase around two kids, a dog, and cook and clean. Hmm.
Lily: Charlie and Matilda said that?
Cane: Yes, Charlie and Matilda said that, 'cause they're very smart kids, and they know not to tempt fate, so they want us to go home. So let's go home. Come on.
Lily: (Sighs) Okay. But you do the cooking and cleaning.
Cane: Hmm... okay.
Lily: (Sighs)
J.T.: I don't have to be to work for a while. Tucker's meeting with a top exec from Europe, so... let's go see Lily and the twins.
Mac: I don't think that's such a good idea.
J.T.: Why not?
Mac: 'Cause it might make it worse.
J.T.: All right, well, let's go see a movie.
Mac: There's nothing good playing.
J.T.: Hang out by your grandmother's pool?
Mac: I'm not ready for you to see me in a bathing suit. I just gave birth to twins. They were so tiny.
J.T.: Okay, uh, let's go to the hospital, all right?
Mac: No, I'm fine. I'm fine, really. I'm just--seeing Charlie and Matilda right now--
J.T.: Might help.
Mac: (Sighs) I-I don't see how.
J.T.: Well, if you don't see 'em, are you gonna be able to stop thinking about 'em?
Mac: (Sighs) No.
J.T.: So seeing them might make you feel better.
Mac: You're right. (Sighs) (Clears throat) You're right. Seeing Lily and Cane with the babies could remind me why I did all of this.
J.T.: And it might make you smile, and I love your smile.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Paul: So how did this happen?
Mr. Hewitt: She must have been exploring the ventilation system at night.
Paul: You know, none of this makes any sense. She was doing better. She was getting along with the other patients.
Owen: All right, status report?
Mr. Hewitt: Oh, um, the facility's on lockdown, and orderlies are searching the vents just in case Patty's hiding.
Owen: All right, well, no one's seen her since lights-out, so that gives her a good 10, 12 hours on us. Looks like she had to knock the fan in a few times to dislodge it.
Paul: What about the security cam footage? Has anyone reviewed that?
Mr. Hewitt: Budget cuts. No cams on the exterior, Mr. Williams.
Owen: All right, get an A.P.B. out on Patty Williams.
Paul: (Sighs)
Owen: Use all known aliases. And I'll get C.S.I. out here to dust for prints. And get me a K-9 unit.
Paul: Oh, God, Owen. You're gonna sic the dogs on her?
Owen: Look, Paul, even if we disregard the murder confession, we're still dealing with a-- with a dangerous and unpredictable criminal.
Paul: You know what? I am telling you, and I know my sister better than anyone, she told me she liked it here. She would not have done this on her own.
Owen: So you're saying she had an accomplice?
Paul: I'm saying she has been a pawn in Adam’s sick game all along. He found a way to get to her when he was in the hospital, and he found a way to get to her last night.
Adam: Skye?
Skye: Are you still worried I'm gonna mess up the story? I've bluffed my way out of more cons than I can remember. I've got this.
Adam: Humor me, okay?
Skye: It was a dark and stormy night.
Adam: Skye.
Skye: We went to the Indian casino out on Highway 43, gambled for a few hours, won big, naturally, had dinner, a little bit too much to drink, and got home late.
Adam: What was I wearing?
Skye: Your lucky baseball cap, jeans, a blue shirt.
Adam: Okay. So are you sure we can trust this friend of yours?
Skye: Colin and I go way back. Letting him keep my winnings sealed the deal. He's on his way to Vegas or Monte Carlo by now to lose it all.
Adam: (Sighs) Well, the fact that you cased the joint, uh, gave me the heads-up on where all those cameras were. I looked directly up at one of them, uh, so they have photographic evidence that I was there.
Skye: Well, when you slipped out the employee entrance and Colin took your place, I made sure he wore the hat low to cover his face. From the back, no one would be able to tell you two apart.
Adam: He was by your side the whole time?
Skye: There was a tall, dark, handsome man by my side the entire night.
Adam: Some of the time, that was even me.
Abby: Thank you for officially being the only person in my life that cares about me.
Daniel: Well, I'm sure your family had a good reason for not being at the arraignment.
Abby: Right.
Daniel: Um, look, a-about your bail...
Abby: Yeah, can you believe that they don't take plastic in here? What kind of podunk town do we live in?
Daniel: I know, right? Yeah. No, um, I'd float you the cash, but...
Abby: You don't have anything that floats?
Daniel: It's a little more like the "Titanic" where everything's at the bottom of the ocean.
Abby: (Chuckles) No bail... means jail.
Daniel: You want me to make some calls?
Abby: No. No, I--you know, um, if Mom and Dad want me to go to jail, then that's where I'm going. How bad can it be, right? You know what? I could probably upgrade to a really nice cell with all the frequent incarceration points my family has accumulated. (Chuckles)
Daniel: You know, Abby, you don't have to put up an act for me. I'm not a little teenager checkin' out the gossip sites.
Abby: Unh-unh. No. I can spin this. "The heiress takes on zoos." I want to feel what the caged animal feels.
Woman: Time to go.
Abby: Okay, okay, wait. Tell them, okay? Call the press and let them know that the heiress is being thrown in the big house, the pen, the slammer, all in the name of animals, okay? Let them know.
Jack: You can stop the presses. She's not going anywhere. I just paid bail.
Abby: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Laughs) (Sighs)
Emily: It's hard not to think of Abby as a child.
Ashley: Well, especially when she's behaving so childishly.
Emily: (Chuckles) But she is an adult, and she's making decisions well aware of her consequences.
Ashley: She does know how to push all the wrong buttons.
Emily: So did my brother. He had so many problems at Abby’s age, and it continued into adult life.
Ashley: So how did you handle him?
Emily: Oh, there was no handling Jamie. I helped him many, many times, and there came a point when I said, "Enough," and he had to take responsibility for his own actions. And I have to say, when I made that decision, it was like a weight lifted off of me.
Ashley: Well, I hope it doesn't come to that, because I can't imagine having to turn my back on my-- my little girl.
Emily: I understand. You know, it did almost destroy our relationship.
Ashley: I don't think I like where this story's going.
Emily: But he did come back to town and take responsibility for what he'd done.
Ashley: Really? So there's actually hope?
Emily: Oh, there's always hope. And I don't think it's gonna take Abby as many years to understand where you're coming from.
Ashley: Emily...
Emily: Hmm?
Ashley: What can I do? Do you have any suggestions?
Emily: (Laughs) Absolutely. Um, y-you know, just set boundaries. Set some boundaries, let her know you love her, but you won't be manipulated into giving her what she wants if she--if--if you don't agree with her actions.
(Cell phone rings)
Emily: Uh, excuse me. Ahh, its Paul. Uh, he and the D.A. were gonna go see Patty this morning. Do you mind?
Ashley: Oh, please.
Emily: Hey, Paul, what-- how did it go? What? W-wait. Wait. How did that happen? (Sighs) Uh, uh, yes, I will. I will. Just keep me posted.
Ashley: What's going on? What did he say?
Emily: (Sighs) He just--he said that, uh, Patty escaped from Windcliff last night. Oh, my God.
Paul: This is the one. Open up!
(Pounding on door)
Adam: Showtime.
(Pounding on door)
J.T.: Thanks.
Mac: Look how big they've gotten. (Sighs)
J.T.: Well, I don't think they're gonna enter any heavyweight matches, but, yeah, they, uh, they look bigger.
Mac: Hi, Charlie, Matilda. (Gasps) Did you see that? She moved her hand. They recognize my voice.
J.T.: (Chuckles) That's 'cause of all those fairy tales you read 'em.
Mac: We didn't get to finish all the stories. (Sighs) I wonder why Cane and Lily aren't here.
J.T.: They're probably back in Lily's room. Have the Ashby’s been here this morning?
Woman: Just left. Mrs. Ashby was discharged from the hospital today.
Mac: How could she leave the babies?
Lily: Hello, my first baby. Did you miss me? I missed you, Honey.
Cane: I think he just missed those extra treats you, uh, sneak to him at night, you know?
Lily: Oh. Shh. We don't know what Daddy's talking about, do we?
Cane: (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs) No, we don’t. (High-pitched voice) Hello.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: (Sighs) (Normal voice) Wow, it's like I'm seeing this place for the first time.
Cane: Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like its different, but it's like it's the same.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: You know, I keep saying this over and over. I just, uh, it's a blessing, you know.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: We're gonna be here together as a family.
Lily: I know. I didn't realize how much stuff we ordered.
Cane: Yeah, we got, uh, stuff from, uh, family, coworkers, friends. We got two-- two or so deliveries a day.
Lily: Well, we have everything we need, except for the twins, of course.
Cane: Yes, we do, so I think-- they will be here soon, so we should enjoy this downtime until they get here, hmm?
Lily: (Sighs) Okay, come here. (Chuckles) Wait, Cane, we can't sit here. I mean, look at all the stuff we have to put away. We have to get this place ready for our kids.
Cane: Did you just say, "Our kids"?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: Do you know that they are the two most beautiful words I've ever heard you say?
Lily: (Laughs)
Jack: Once we have the paperwork back, we will get you out of here.
Abby: I can't thank you enough, Uncle Jack.
Daniel: You know, I gotta admit, I was kind of looking forward to seeing you on the chain gang.
Owen: That's right. Patty Williams escaped from Windcliff last night.
Daniel: Did you hear that?
Jack: Wait right here.
Abby: You mean to tell me that a murderer has been running free, and I am locked up for a stupid prank? I'm just saying that that is all kinds of wrong.
Jack: Look, it's, uh, it's apparently true. Patty got free somehow.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: I gotta find Emily. As soon as she's released, get her to the house. Ashley is waiting there right now.
Daniel: Okay, yeah. Yeah, not a problem, Jack.
Emily: (Sighs)
[Emily remembering]
Patty: Dr. P., You're here. Did--did Paul call you?
Emily: Yes, he did. I was gonna come by this week and give you this. I thought you'd like to have it.
Patty: My diary. Maybe if I write what I'm thinking, it will all make sense.
Emily: Uh, um, what will?
Patty: Who I am, if I'm a murderer like the devil said I was.
Emily: The last time I was here you were certain that you murdered Hightower.
Patty: Yeah, but wh-what if the devil was-- was using Adam to trick me into thinking that I-I'd--I'd done it?
Emily: Do you remember the last conversation we had?
Patty: Yeah.
Emily: What changed?
Emily: Are your remembering things from that night?
Patty: I don't know. Maybe.
Ashley: Okay, I locked all the doors and windows, and the alarm is--it's set.
Emily: Okay. Paul said that the police were on their way.
Ashley: Okay, you know what? This house has every single security feature you could ever want. There's no way Patty's getting in here.
Emily: I just don't understand. I spoke to her recently, and she gave no indication that something was wrong.
Ashley: Obviously, she's really good at hiding things.
Emily: Oh, my God, but being on her own without medication is only gonna make her volatile.
Ashley: And she's a danger to Jack and you, right?
Emily: Yes, yes, she's a danger to us. But my main concern right now is Patty herself.
Ashley: Why? What do you mean?
Emily: Well, something must have pushed her over the edge. Yeah.
Paul: Newman, open the door.
Owen: This is the district attorney. Open up. All right, get the manager to bring a key.
Adam: Well, well, well. I guess they don't teach manners at the police academy now. Look at this-- "Do not disturb."
Owen: We'd like to ask you some questions about last night.
Adam: Be my guest. Ask away. It's not like I'm gonna remember much anyway.
Paul: Okay, where the hell is my sister?
Adam: Oh, hey. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Owen: All right, Paul. Paul. All right. It's okay.
Adam: Where's your sister? Windcliff detention center? What, that's not right?
Paul: You know damn well she's gone.
Adam: What did--she's gone? What--what happened?
Paul: You tell us.
Adam: I can’t.
Paul: You can't, or you won't? You helped her escape, didn't you?
Adam: Wait a second. Hold on. You said this happened last night, right?
Owen: Yeah, that's right.
Adam: Okay, well, I was nowhere near the facility last night.
Skye: He was with me.
Paul: How convenient.
Skye: There's a casino full of people who can verify the story.
Adam: Oops. I guess your sister did this all on her little lonesome.
Paul: What casino?
Skye: Grand Lake.
Owen: How long were you there?
Adam: Late afternoon until early this morning, and I didn't know about any of this "Patty escaping business" until the two of you, which-- thank you very much for helping me with my hangover.
Paul: You're not buying any of this, are you?
Adam: No, I-- you don't need to buy it, okay? 'Cause it's free. It's an airtight alibi, right, Babe?
Skye: That's right.
Paul: That's a bunch of bull. You were the one that convinced Patty to confess to the Hightower murder to begin with, and now you--you-- you got the feeling she was gonna recant her confession, and you panicked, and you helped her escape.
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. Recant? What are you talking about? She was gonna recant her confession?
Paul: You're a lying bastard, you know that?
Owen: Okay, Paul. Paul. Paul, calm down.
Adam: You know what? You know what I don't appreciate? This--this witch hunt here. Okay, you have no evidence to substantiate any of your claims. So I'm gonna ask the two of you very kindly to please leave.
Owen: Uh, let's go, Paul.
Paul: This isn't over.
Paul: You know he had the most to lose if this murder investigation were to be reopened. You know that, right?
Owen: Listen, Paul, I'm sending officers to the casino. If he's lying, I'll take great pleasure in bringing him down.
Paul: I'll do whatever I can. I'm gonna find Patty first.
Owen: (Sighs)
Jack: Emily!
Ashley: Jack!
Jack: Emily, where are you?
Ashley: Jack, she's in the kitchen. I'll get the alarm.
Jack: Oh, God.
Emily: Hey, Jack? Oh, hi. I thought you were here.
Jack: (Sighs) I saw the policemen in the driveway. I-I thought only the worst.
Emily: I am okay. I'm okay.
Jack: (Sighs) I was at the police station when they said that Patty had escaped. I-I called all the way here. You never picked up.
Emily: Oh, you know what? I must have left my phone upstairs. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm so sorry.
Jack: I know. The important thing is you're okay. Any sign of Patty?
Ashley: None.
Emily: No, uh, the police searched around here and the neighborhood.
Ashley: They parked a unit out front.
Jack: I'm gonna hire a private security firm as backup.
Emily: Uh, do the police have any information about Patty?
Jack: The police officer I spoke to only knew that Patty escaped sometime during the night.
Emily: (Sighs) Oh, my God.
Ashley: I thought you were gonna bring Abby with you. Is she alone?
Jack: No, no, she--she's with Daniel. As soon as the paperwork gets filled out, he's gonna bring her right here.
Ashley: And how was she?
Jack: I think she's relieved that she wasn't on a bus to county.
Ashley: She must be scared knowing Patty's out there. And, you know, I just want to go to her. I want to give her a hug and let her know she's okay, and she's safe, and then I want to wring her neck for getting thrown in jail.
Daniel: Here you go, some of the good stuff.
Abby: Ohh, it is the good stuff. You know, I never thought that I would crave the coffee from this place, but that stuff they served in jail was like brown water.
Daniel: Sadly, I know what you're talking about.
Abby: Mmm! Mmm. And the food? They seriously need to hire a nutritionist on staff.
Daniel: I don't think, um, having cons get three squares a day is high on their priority list.
Abby: Cons are people, too.
Daniel: (Laughs) No.
Abby: What?
Daniel: No, no, don't "What" me. No, I know that look. Now you're cooking up something that's gonna get you, me, or both of us thrown in jail.
Abby: (Laughs) I am just saying that "The Naked Heiress" doesn't have to just help animals. I could extend my humanitarian effort to include all living beings locked in a cage.
Daniel: Mm, yes. "The naked jailbird heiress."
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: "She serves time so you're served a nutritious meal."
Abby: I will not be serving any more time in jail, thank you very much, but I could stage a protest outside of as many jailhouses and prisons as it takes.
Daniel: Stick to animals.
Abby: Some criminals are animals, and they don't deserve an ounce of compassion.
Daniel: (Snorts) Yeah, like Patty.
Abby: I just can't believe that she's out there somewhere. I hope she doesn't target Uncle Jack again.
Daniel: You know, I don't have to take you over there if you're worried she's gonna show up.
Abby: Oh, it's okay. I'm not gonna let that freak-wad felon distract me. You know, I spent all that time in that tiny, claustrophobic cell planning my next move. I know exactly what I'm going to say to "Mommy dearest." Mmm! Oh!
Mac: Lily and Cane were supposed to be here.
J.T.: Well, the nurse said we just missed 'em.
Mac: Did you see how Matilda grabbed my thumb when I put my hand in there?
J.T.: Yeah, I did. I think Charlie was pretty jealous.
Mac: Seven months. That's just over 200 days that we were by ourselves. Well, a-as much as-- as three people can be by themselves.
J.T.: You know, you're always gonna be a part of their lives, right?
Mac: Yeah. But what worries me is... (Sighs) What if it's just too hard for me to be around them?
Lily: Now these are too cute. I cannot wait to dress little Charlie and Matilda in them.
Cane: Hey, do we want to be those parents?
Lily: What do you mean, "Those parents"?
Cane: You know, those parents, the ones that dress their twins alike.
Lily: Well, just for the first few months until their little personalities kick in. And then we'll find what they like and what they don't like.
Cane: Oh, look. Humphrey's eyeing those stuffed dolls, isn't he? You like those?
Lily: Uh, excuse me, these are not for you, little man, okay?
Cane: Huh?
Lily: But... (Gasps) This is!
Cane: (Laughs) Oh, my God, it's bigger than he is.
Lily: Do you want it?
Cane: Do you want that?
Lily: Well, I didn't want him to be left out. (Laughs) What? (Chuckles)
Cane: Oh, it's just, you know, a few weeks ago, I mean, we weren't sure if we'd have a future, and now I'm just, uh, trying to wrap my brain around it. You know, maybe this ordeal's over.
Lily: Does it sound too good to be true?
Cane: Yeah, I just don't want to say it in case I jinx it.
Lily: Well, we'll just take it day by day. We'll cherish every moment. We've made it this far, so I think the rest is gonna be a cakewalk.
Cane: Mm. From your lips to the angels, huh? (Chuckles)
Lily: (Chuckles) Well, we have our own little angels right here on earth, and I think that we should get back to them.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Thank you for bringing her.
Daniel: Yeah, no problem, Jack.
Abby: Has Patty been caught?
Jack: No, the police have no new information.
Abby: Hello, Mother.
Daniel: Relax, Abby. This ain't the time.
Ashley: How are you?
Abby: Oh, like you care.
Ashley: Abby, you know I do.
Abby: Well, it's funny, because I checked the visitors' log at the police station, and I didn't see your name in it.
Ashley: You were in jail because you chose to be in jail. Your father smoothed things over with the club manager, and then you chose to drop your robe and expose yourself again, and they were forced to press charges.
Abby: They're just a bunch of prudes.
Ashley: Look, you're not gonna turn this around and make me feel like the bad guy.
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: Hey, Paul.
Paul: Hi, Jack.
Jack: Any news?
Paul: Uh, afraid not. Pomerantz and the G.C.P.D. are out searching for her, and they're, uh, following up at Windcliff. But so far, no leads.
Ashley: Do you think she might come here?
Paul: Well, um, given the fact she's been gone almost 12 hours, well, I...
Jack: If she was gonna come here, she would come sooner rather than later.
Paul: Exactly. Listen, um, Emily...
Emily: Yeah?
Paul: Do you remember anything at all that Patty might have said that would have given us some sort of clue as to where she might be going?
Emily: I don't know, no. I've been playing the conversation that we had with Patty over and over and over since, uh, you called, and she was scared, confused. But she felt the safest place for her to be was in that hospital.
Paul: Which is why none of this makes any sense. She never would have done this alone.
Jack: Sounds like you have a theory.
Paul: Adam got to her.
Ashley: Okay, how?
Paul: I can't prove anything yet, but every fiber of my being is telling me that he has manipulated Patty, and he is using her to get away with murder.
Adam: Thank you. I ordered mimosas. (Sighs) We might as well have that hangover we convinced the coppers that we had. Skye, you were great, fantastic.
Skye: You said you didn't kill that man.
Adam: True.
Skye: Why go to such lengths to get Patty out of the way?
Adam: What are you getting at, Skye?
Skye: I've seen how far you're willing to go to cover your ass, a lot of crazy schemes. But this... this is sketchy. Did you kill Hightower?
Ashley: There you go.
Daniel: (Sighs) Thank you.
Ashley: You're welcome.
Daniel: Um... mmm. That is good lemonade, but you know what? I really should go.
Abby: Oh, wait, I-I need a ride to the ranch to get my car.
Ashley: Well, Daniel’s done enough. I'll take you home. And I think you and I should stick together under the circumstances, don't you?
Abby: Well, we've never been direct targets of Patty's wrath. I think we'll be fine. Besides, after being in jail, I think I can take care of myself. Would you like me to carve you a shiv out of a bar of soap?
Ashley: Could you please stop being so overdramatic?
Abby: (Scoffs)
Ashley: Your father and I made sure that you were taken care of, and we knew you were gonna be released on bail. Jack was there, wasn't he?
Abby: Way to wait until the last minute. I was about to be cuffed and shipped off to county.
Ashley: It wasn't gonna happen, Abby, although your father and I agreed that maybe you needed a little time in jail.
Abby: (Chuckles) Oh, tough love? Well, you know what? I can be tough, too. You are always telling me to act like an adult, and most adults, they don't live with their parents.
Ashley: You're moving out?
Abby: Hardly. That house you call a home? My father left it to me. It's mine, and I want you out.
Ashley: Unbelievable.
(Front door closes)
Adam: I told you the truth, Skye. Don't you trust me?
Skye: We've known each other a long time, and the one thing I could always count on was our mutual trust.
Adam: That hasn't changed.
Skye: Explain the elaborate cover story we just sold.
Adam: Patty decides that she all of a sudden didn't kill Hightower. That makes me public enemy number one. Paul and the D.A., they come banging on the door flinging accusations how fast? Like that. They don't care about justice. They want revenge. They know the whole town wants my head on a platter. It wouldn't matter that I'm actually innocent. They--they would be more than happy to ruin what's left of my reputation and drag your name through the mud and ruin this new company of ours. This whole thing was as much about saving me as it was you. You believe me, don't you, Skye?
Skye: Yes.
Paul: So have-- have you checked out this bus station?
Owen: Yeah, and all the rest within walking distance of Windcliff. We also checked the train station.
Jack: Paul filled us in on Adam's story. Does it check out?
Owen: Well, several employees I.D.'ed him and Skye. Uh, footage shows him entering and exiting the casino. He ordered expensive champagne, signed lots of credit card slips, and-- thank you-- apparently was a generous tipper. Oh, fingerprint analysis from the ventilation system.
Paul: How many sets of prints?
Owen: Just one-- Patty’s.
Paul: (Sighs)
Emily: Could she have pulled this off?
Jack: She could pull this off and a lot more.
Paul: Jack, not by herself. You haven't seen her lately.
Owen: I'm gonna go check in with Hewitt.
Emily: Uh, Mr. Pomerantz, if you need any assistance, please call me day or night.
Owen: Thank you. I will.
(Taps desk)
Emily: Mm-hmm.
Jack: We agreed you wouldn't get involved.
Emily: (Sighs) But that was when she was in a facility, Jack, and she was safe. Neither of those are true. Oh, Jack, I-I can't stand by and let something happen to her. (Sighs)
Lily: Oh, I missed you both so much. Wait till you see all the loot you two have.
Cane: Yeah, it's gonna take till your 18th birthday for you to unpack it all.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Woman: Wonderful news. You can hold your babies.
Lily: Wait, they can come out of the incubators?
Woman: Mm-hmm.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: (Whispers) Can this day get any better? Hmm?
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
J.T.: You didn't have to bribe me with chocolate cake. You know I love seeing these babies.
Mac: I could spend all day with them. I would never leave them alone.
J.T.: Oh, look, Cane and Lily are here. Let's go say hi.
Mac: That's okay.
J.T.: You feeling better? That's what you wanted to see, right? Remind you of why you were their surrogate?
Mac: Yeah. We can go.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chance: I need you to get me the D.A.'s file on the Riggs case.
Ronan: What you want is to stick it to Chance, because he cheated on you.
Chloe: It happens to be your lucky night.
Neil: She's Tucker's right hand. I don't like it, and I don't want her anywhere near my family.
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