Y&R Transcript Friday 7/23/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 7/23/10 -- Canada; Monday 7/26/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9449 ~ Goodbye Patty

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Gisele

Chloe: (Sighs) You and Heather... you...

Chance: It was just once.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: It was just... (Sighs) One time, Chloe, and, uh, I wish I could take it back.

Chloe: When? When...

Chance: It was that day...

Chloe: When?

Chance: That the investigation blew up in my face.

Chloe: And Heather was there to make it all better.

Chance: No. I am not blaming what I did on the drug raid going wrong, all right? There's no excuse for what I did.

Chloe: That's when I threw myself at you. I was trying to look all cute and irresistible, and you resisted me just fine.

Chance: Chloe, I couldn't-- I couldn't touch-- I couldn't... I couldn't make love to you knowing that the--the-- that this was between us. I didn't want to do that to you. I-I-I needed to talk about this. I needed to get this out. I wanted to be open and honest with you. I wanted to deal with this.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: I hate myself right now for hurting you.

Chloe: Well, not as much as I hate myself. (Voice cracks) I'm so stupid. (Voice breaking) I finally let myself be happy, and I get my heart ripped out of my chest. (Sobs)

Heather: I didn't see it. I would have sworn you were dirty.

Paul: You know, and I thought you were just here for an overdue visit.

Chris: That, too.

Paul: So if this crossed your desk at the Department of Justice, exactly how far-reaching is it?

Chris: Look, I am here to help, and so is Ronan, and that's really all we can say right now.

Ronan: It's already more than you should know.

Chris: Look, the man punched you for grabbing his daughter's arm. Do you really think he was gonna leave it alone without some kind of explanation?

Heather: Uh, look, I appreciate the honesty but there are still other issues here.

Chris: Meaning Chance?

Heather: Yes. Whoever tried to blow me up is framing Chance as a drug dealer.

Chris: No, two totally different people.

Heather: How can you be so sure?

Chris: Because you're both right about Ronan. He did plant the drugs in Chance's car... and I helped him.

Jack: You were supposed to give Patty back her diary and be done with it. I can't believe you're being sucked back into this again.

Emily: Oh, Jack, I'm not being sucked into it. This is my job. Patty is a person, not a problem.

Jack: Okay, I-if I concede that--that she's a person who needs real help from someone besides you, will you back down and get her out of our lives?

Emily: What is this? A contest? You win, I lose? Come on, Jack, what is this about, really? Tell me.

Jack: Do you remember when you were living at the club and not here, how hard we worked to put this relationship back together again? I am begging you to get Patty out of our lives, and you're telling me you have to be there for Patty. It's pretty clear where your priorities are.

Emily: What, you think I'm choosing her over you?

Jack: Well it sure as hell feels like that. And if that's your choice, I wonder, how do we move forward?

Emily: (Sighs) My choice. Are you giving me an ultimatum?

Jack: Yeah, I guess I am.

Patty: "I didn't kill anybody." (Sighs) I wonder why the devil made me say it.

Adam: My, what a lovely set of blueprints you have. Well, Patty, I can't wait to see you again.

Heather: You set Chance up?

Ronan: Obviously, we have different takes on the meaning of a covert operation.

Chris: (Sighs) Some of Chance's actions put the case in jeopardy and him in danger. I had to stop that.

Paul: Okay, so you're protecting him by making him look like a-a drug dealer.

Chris: Well, drugs were planted on him once before. So we built off of that incident. Off the force away from Heather, he wouldn't appear to be a threat by the people who are involved in the police drug ring.

Ronan: Fitz. It was my first pet's name. She's pretty much told you everything else.

Chris: God, you know, it's my call to determine what they need to know.

Paul: What about Nina?

Chris: She won't know, because none of us will tell her.

Ronan: Or Chance.

Chance: Chloe, look at me.

Chance: Please. Look, I promise you, nothing like this will ever, ever happen again-- not with Heather, anyone else-- ever.

Chloe: Can you undo the first time? Well, then "never again" doesn't really do much for me now, does it. I was so paranoid -- I was so paranoid that you were spending all that time together. The--the really hilarious part is that never in a million years did I ever think that you would actually have sex with her. (Sobs) (Normal voice) I knew that she was going after you. I knew--I knew that. I knew it, but not sweet, honest, loving Chance. No, no, he would never do that to me, not like Billy. (Sniffles) I mean, you wouldn't even make love to me unless we were engaged. (Sighs) That's how huge... that's how huge it was to you. And with Heather, you just had to be in the same room with her.

Chloe: You told me that you love me, and I believed you.

Chance: I was waiting for you.

Chloe: (Sniffles)

Chance: I didn't know that it was you that I was looking for until you were there. Chloe...

Chloe: (Sniffles)

Chance: When I first saw you, it was instant for me. I didn't know that it was possible to ever love somebody so much. Now I-I... I feel like I have to show you. I need to--I need to prove to you. I need to make you understand how much you really mean to me.

Chloe: (Sighs) I'm so special. I'm so incredible. I'm the one, just like you were the guy that I thought that I could finally trust, the best. And then you just turn out to be some guy who makes love sound real, really pretty, while you get some on the side. So it turns out that I'm not that special, and neither are you.

Adam: (Grunting) (Breathing heavily) (Sighs) (Sighs) Aw, damn it. Freakin' wrong way. (Grunts)

Patty's voice: You didn't do it.

Patty: (Softly) I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I didn't do it.

Paul: You know, Nina is not about to let this go, not with her son's safety at stake. Nothing means more to her.

Chris: Then we work even harder to get her to let it go.

Heather: Well, what about Chance? He's on the force. He's one of you. If you told him the truth--

Ronan: It's not an option.

Heather: Even if he thinks that you'll allow me to get killed or do it yourself?

Ronan: You're right. We should blow this entire investigation because I want Chance to like me.

Heather: (Sighs) Chance wants me in public so he can shadow me.

Chris: And he turned in his badge and his gun.

Heather: Well, that doesn't matter.

Paul: Okay, don't worry about Chance. I will get him to back off.

Ronan: Just do it fast, for his sake and for the sake of this investigation.

Heather: So you're saying that Chance is still in danger and we can't tell him that?

Ronan: Yes, because the people that we're after, if they figured out you knew, they'll make sure your car blows up next time. Or they'll just walk up behind you on the block and do a quick pop to the back of your head. And if you tell Chance or Nina, then they'll get popped next, all because you had an urge to be honest.

Paul: Okay. Okay, you know what? You can skip the scare tactics and the lecture. Heather is an A.D.A., and I've been doing this longer than you've been eating solid food. If this case goes wrong, it won't be because of us.

Ronan: How about you? You and Chance got really buddy-buddy in this place. I need to know that you're going to keep him in the dark.

Heather: I won't say a word.

Chance: Whatever you want to say, say it. Get it out, because I deserve it. I deserve a lot worse, and I'll gladly take it. But, Chloe, it is only because I want you. I have always wanted you. My wife, my fiancée, my girlfriend-- whatever you want. We can start from scratch if you want to. We can... we can take it as slow as you want to whenever you're ready.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: But, Chloe, it is because I love you. You were my first love. You are my only love. It is you. It is all about you.

Chloe: Just stop. Stop. Stop talking. Stop-- just--just stop trying to make yourself feel better or me to forgive you. Whatever it is -- stop.

Chance: Okay, okay. Look, I know you need some time to think about it--

Chloe: No, what I need to get some air.  I need to get out of here. And frankly, I don't even want to look at you anymore.

Emily: (Sighs) Patty turned a corner the day I talked her out of harming herself.

Jack: This time. This time she didn't harm herself or anyone else. This time.

Emily: Oh, Jack, she is making progress. She's interacting with the patients and--

Jack: And she could snap just like that, and you know it. This is the same woman who kidnapped my niece, the same woman who took over your life. This woman is obsessed with you and me, and she's not going to get over that.

Emily: Okay, you're not qualified to make that evaluation.

Jack: When she looks at you, she sees herself. She sees her face, the face she stole from you. She knows you come home with me. What if she decides to punish you again? You know deep inside she is capable of murder. What I don't understand for one minute is how you have no interest in protecting what we have.

Patty: Mm... the rabbit hole... the answers are down the rabbit hole.

[Adam tears some pages out of Patty's diary]

Paul: (Sighs) So are you okay?

Chris: Yeah. Uh, sometimes it's easier for with strangers.

Paul: Yeah, I know you took a chance confiding in Heather and me, and, I want you to know I appreciate it. Thank you.

Chris: Well, Ronan's right. This adds a layer of jeopardy for all of you, and that worries me.

Paul: Look, maybe I can put your mind at ease.

Chris: (Sighs)

Paul: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Chance: Hello.

Paul: Chance? Paul Williams. Listen, um, I'm checking in, and, uh, I just want you to know it is never as bad as it looks.

Chance: Yeah, well, not so sure I will agree with that.

Paul: Well, we'll deal with the drugs that, uh, were planted on you. But in the meantime, I don't want you to worry about Heather and Ronan. I've got it covered, with backup. You would actually be doing me a favor if you didn't try and tail her. Is that okay?

(Front door opens)

Chance: Uh, thanks, Paul. , Look, that's really good news to hear. Um, I gotta get going, though, okay?

Paul: No problem. I'll be in touch.

Chris: I know that wasn't easy.

Paul: (Sighs) You know, lying to Chance is one thing. But lying to Nina? We've taken it pretty slowly. We've, uh, allowed our trust to grow. And, um, well, she's even trusted me enough to look for her first son.

Chris: Yeah, I was surprised that she would agree, uh, to let you do that.

Paul: Well, you know Nina. It takes a giant leap of faith for her to trust anyone as much as she trusts you and me, and now we're keeping secrets from her.

Chris: We're protecting her.

Paul: We're protecting her. Very good. Well, maybe someday soon, we can tell her what really went down. I hope she's willing to listen.

Nina: You looked like you were expecting someone when I walked in. I'm--I've got plenty of food for you and Chloe, whoever else you're expecting.

Chance: No one else is coming over, and, um, I'm not really that hungry.

Nina: Sweetie.

Chance: Thanks (Sniffles)

Nina: I know you've had a rough day, but you gotta eat, okay? And so does Chloe, so why don't you call her down?

Chance: Mom, she's not upstairs, and she's not even here. (Sighs)

Nina: You've just had the day from hell, what? She goes late-night shopping?

Chance: Mom, just back off, okay? Chloe didn't screw up. I did.

Heather: There were whispers about Chance the last time drugs were planted on him. It certainly won't be any easier to shake 'em off a second time.

Ronan: (Sighs) Don't worry. "Golden Boy's" gonna be all shiny again, as soon as this case closes. I thought you were on board.

Heather: Are you ever just... normal?

Ronan: That's how I do my job. It's not personal, not for me.

Heather: What is that supposed to mean?

Ronan: It means that things have gotten complicated between you and Chance. And this case can't use any more hassle.

Heather: Well, then, maybe you shouldn't have told my boss what you heard between me and Chance.

Ronan: It was a necessary measure to get Chance booted off your detail. And... I'm sorry.

Heather: You know, I totally bought you as the cocky son of a bitch only out for himself. Good job with the cover.

Ronan: What can I say? I'm a pro.

Heather: Well, I'm glad to know you're on our side.

Ronan: Good. Great, actually so from now on, you'll do exactly what I say to keep yourself from getting killed.

Jack: We can talk ad nauseam about Patty and her issues. This isn't about Patty. This is about you and me. Can you even do what I'm asking? Can you walk away from Patty?

Emily: Could you stop doing the job that you love doing if I asked you? (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) (Whispers) I know you want me safe.

Jack: More than anything.

Emily: (Voice breaking) and I know you need me to respect your feelings and to honor this relationship as much as you do.

Jack: Here, sit down. Sit down. Flies in the face of your work ethic. I know how much your work means to you. I know what a constant your work has been in your life. Certainly, much more than I have.

Emily: (Normal voice) Okay, I don't need any more guilt.

Jack: O-okay, just reality. I'm here now, Em. I'm here for you... always, if you'll let me.

Emily: I do see that-- what this is doing to you... and I won't put you through any more pain. This relationship matters, and I won't sacrifice it for anyone.

Jack: You won't explain to Patty. You don't have to say good-bye to Patty. You just have to walk away from Patty.

Emily: Okay. She's gone. She's gone. This is what matters-- our life together. I love you. (Laughs)

Patty: (Quietly) I'm still dreaming.

Adam: No, you're not dreaming, Patty. It really is me. You know who I am, Patty. I'm the ghost of Richard Hightower you murdered me, I can't cross over.

Patty: You look like Adam.

Adam: That's because you wanted Adam dead. You thought that was Adam you were killing in that dark basement. You thought that pen was punched through Adam's heart, but it was mine. You killed me, and now I've come for you.

Patty: No, I didn't kill anybody.

Adam: You wanted Adam dead. You hated Adam.

Patty: Adam was mean. He was mean to me, and I-I wanted him gone, but I didn't mean to hurt Mr. Hightower.

Adam: Oh, but you did. You killed me, and now I'm dead, and you will die here for your sins if you don't do exactly as I say.

Jack: That was some fight. I think we won, you and me.

Emily: I don't think I realized what was at stake until now. (Sighs) But maybe our next battle, it doesn't have to be so brutal.

Jack: Yeah, I can see it now. Next time-- you, me, one remote control, the choice between golf and basketball.

Emily: For a second there, I thought you were talking about watching sports, until you mentioned golf.

Jack: Golf is a sport. (Chuckles)

Emily: (Chuckles) Mm.

Jack: I just walk to hold you. (Sighs)

Emily: (Sighs) No. No, no. Don't you dare stop. (Chuckles)

Chris: (Sighs) I wouldn't blame you, you know.

Paul: For what?

Chris: Eh, if you wanted to go home, feed the cat, grab a beer, and forget that you know me. Really, I mean, with everything that's going on with your sister and now Heather...

Paul: (Chuckles)

Chris: It is incredible that you are standing at the end of the day.

Paul: Well, I'm not standing now, so don't ask me to try.

Chris: I can tell how much you love them both.

Paul: (Sighs) I just wish I could have looked out for them better.

Chris: Oh, stop it. No one could do more for Patty or Heather. Come on.

Paul: Oh, really? What about you, Chris? What about what you are doing for Heather? You are here for my daughter's sake. You could have picked up the phone, called somebody. You didn't turn your back on her. You're here, just like you did when she was a kid.

Chris: The way you look at her-- so proud of the woman she's become.

Paul: She is pretty awesome. You see it, don't you?

Chris: Everyone can see it.

Paul: Are you, um, gonna eat all those?

Chris: (Chuckles) No, help yourself.

Paul: Thanks.

Chris: (Chuckles)

Ronan: I'm about done with this day. I'm gonna catch a shower and crash early.

Heather: Well, works for me.

(Knock on door)

Heather: (Sighs) Chloe. (Sighs) Hi.

Chloe: So you wanted Chance, and you sure as hell got him. And now you get to deal with me.

Patty: What do you want from me?

Adam: Penance. Penance for your sin. You need to come away with me.

Patty: You said you were a ghost. I don't want to die.

Adam: You don't have to. You go far, far away from here with me.

Patty: But I don't trust you. You could hurt me, kill me, take me to hell.

Adam: I'll take you to the answer... (Whispers) Down the rabbit hole.

Patty: The answers are down the rabbit hole.

Adam: They are, aren't they? So come with me now.

Adam: Tick tock. Don't want to be late.

Patty: I have to do something first. (Clears throat) (Writes in her diary) Okay. I'm ready.

Adam: The beginning of the rabbit hole.

Patty: You made my dream come true.

Adam: I did, indeed. Now trust everything that I say. Trust me with your soul, and I can save you. "Paul, I had to run away. Good-bye. I love you. Patty."

Nina: You cheated on Chloe?

Chance: Yeah, I did. Not--it's none of your business. But if you and Chloe and I are all gonna be under the same roof, I don't want you throwing any snark comments at her, okay? Making things harder than they already are.

Nina: Okay. Look, you are a good, kind man. If something happened, then I don't know--

Chance: No, Mom. This is my fault. Don't tell me that it's not.

Nina: I was just gonna say I know you didn't try to hurt Chloe and-- and hopefully, she'll accept that.

Chance: She's not gonna accept-- I need to be the one to fix this, okay? I can't just wait and hope that things are gonna come around.

Nina: Well, I understand that. But you have to think about why what happened happened.

Chance: Do the reasons even matter, Mom?

Nina: Yes, they do.

Chance: Why?

Nina: Because you-- you threw yourself into this. You took some big steps, and I think, you know, maybe you just--

Chance: Stop. Stop. No. Stop. I'm not gonna let you trash Chloe.

Nina: This isn't about Chloe, okay? It's about you. What do you want from a relationship, from Chloe? Maybe it was just too soon.

Chance: I want-- you know what I want, Mom. It's what I've always wanted. I want Chloe. That's what I want.

Nina: If that were true, then I don't think--

Chance: It is true, Mom. It is true. It is very true. (Sighs) I thought I was one of the good guys.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: Not one of the guys who's in it just for laughs, all right? But I got sucked into this-- this case, all right? I got all amped up because I was-- I was important. Was doing something special. I was--I was protecting Heather. Mom, I lost focus of what was most important to me.

Nina: You're human.

Chance: Cheating on your fiancee does not make you human. It makes you a giant jackass.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chloe: So it is true. The whole "schoolmarm" thing is just an act so you can whore around on the side.

Heather: I'm sorry.

Chloe: Go to hell.

Heather: Chance loves you, and I never should have let things get so far, and--and I know how sorry Chance is, too.

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Do you speak for him now? Because you know all of his innermost thoughts because you've been spending hours upon hours playing damsel to his hero? Oh, Heather, poor Heather. She needs her protection. She needs a cop, and not just any cop. You wanted Chance. And I wouldn't be surprised if you went out the night before and you picked up yourself a little thong and a push-up bra just in case your little plan worked.

Heather: No one planned this, Chloe. Lines got blurred. We made a mistake.

Chloe: Oh, well, I've seen you make a mistake with my fiancé Chance, with the town slut Billy, with the sociopath Adam. I see a reoccurring theme here, Heather. No one wants you and only you, so whatever you have to offer, I guess just isn't really all that appealing now, is it?

Heather: You know, I didn't sneak up on Chance in the middle of the night. He knew what he was doing.

Chloe: (Scoffs) Oh, yeah, he was doing a nasty, pathetic little slut.

Heather: I know why you're here-- freaking out on me instead of dealing with your fiancé. You and I both know what sex means for Chance. So the question that you're asking yourself is, why would Chance risk everything with you just to be with me?

Chloe: You're a bitch. (Slaps Heather)

Heather: Ah.

Chance: (Sighs)

Nina: So what are you gonna do?

Chance: I fix it. I am gonna talk to Chloe, and I am gonna do what it takes to earn her trust back.

Nina: You know, you've got other things going on in your life now, too. Your position on the force...

Chance: I'll get my badge back. And I'm gonna do my job, which means I'm gonna find every single one of those dirty cops, and I am gonna nail them personally to the wall.

Heather: Whoa.

Ronan: All right. All right.

Chloe: Let's go right now. Get off me.

Heather: You know what? I can--I can handle her.

Ronan: Go away now, Heather. Go away.

Chloe: Yeah, you know what? You better protect her, let's go! Hey, get--

Ronan: Stop it. Okay, that's it. Let's go. Come on.

Chloe: Put me down or I will have your butt thrown in jail, okay? police brutality. Get off of me!

Ronan: Stop it. I know what you're going through, okay? I'm sorry.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Adam: (Sighs) Here, you'll need this.

Patty: What is it?

Adam: It's equipment for your redemption-- new I.D., new clothes, more cash than you've ever seen.

Patty: A nun's habit? My brother's a priest, but I'm not a nun.

Adam: You are now. You put that on, and I'll take you to the bus station.

Patty: And go where?

Adam: To Canada, where you'll do the work of the Lord.

Patty: My penance. How--how soon will I be forgiven?

Adam: You took a life, Sister Patty. It's a long road to redemption and forgiveness, but you will be forgiven and set free, but you must never, ever come back here ever again. Do you understand?

Patty: Okay. Okay, I'll do it. But will you promise me one thing? Just tell Jack I'll never forget him.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Skye: I've seen how far you're willing to go to cover your ass. Did you kill Hightower?

Abby: A murderer has been running free, and I am locked up for a stupid prank.

Paul: Open up!

Adam: Showtime.

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