Y&R Transcript Friday 7/16/10 -- Canada; Monday 7/19/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9444 ~ Proposal Interruptus
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kay: (Gasps) Christine! Oh, my God!
Chris: (Laughs) Hi.
Kay: Oh!
Chris: Oh, I missed you.
Kay: Oh, it's been so long!
Chris: (Laughs)
Kay: Oh, my. Come in. Come in.
Nina: I got it. It was under the bed.
Paul: All right.
Nina: I guess we got dressed so quickly, I didn't notice I dropped it.
Paul: I'm sorry we got interrupted.
Nina: Yeah, I know.
Paul: (Sighs)
Nina: Kind of weird. Cricket of all people just showing up when you and I were...
Paul: Making love?
Nina: Yeah, making love. Mm.
Paul: Mm. Listen, I got to, uh, work on this case for Victor.
Nina: I'm kind of surprised you agreed to work for him after everything he did to Patty.
Paul: Oh, believe me, it's not for him. It's for Nikki.
Nina: How about you and I go away for a few days? Rent a cabin on the lake-- no phone, no TV, just ….
Paul: Yeah, that sounds nice.
Nina: Good. I'll book something for this weekend.
Paul: This weekend? Well--
Nina: Yeah, is that a problem?
Paul: I have that case, and then, uh, I have some family stuff. And Cricket's in town. Don't you want to see her?
Nina: Yeah, absolutely. We will go on our trip when Cricket leaves.
Victor: Well, are you gonna keep me in suspense or answer my question?
Nikki: Uh... I-I-I-- I don't know what to say.
Victor: How about, "Yes, I'll marry you"? That'll do.
Meggie: Nikki...
Nikki: (Sighs)
Meggie: Um, I was just wondering-- I needed to know if-- wow, that is some rock.
Victor: Yeah.
Meggie: Oh, are you-- I'm sorry. Did you--did he just--
Victor: Uh, she was just about to answer my question, okay?
Meggie: Oh, I'm sorry. Don't let me stop you.
Victor: All right.
Chloe: Hi. Oh, I'm glad you're here. Are you working on next month's issue?
Billy: (Sighs) I thought you were going to spend the afternoon with "Lover boy."
Chloe: Yeah, well, he's working, and Delia’s with Mom, and I'm just going crazy at the apartment, so I decided to come in.
Billy: Goody for me.
Chloe: Yeah. So are you working on next month's issue?
Billy: Yep. (Sighs)
Chloe: All right, well, I was talking with Kevin, and I came up with a great idea.
Billy: (Clears throat) There's a trustworthy source.
Chloe: So the cops are looking for his brother Ryder again. It turns out that he ripped off some lady at the Athletic Club while-- listen to me!
Billy: Unh, unh!
Chloe: While he was staying with Jana. So I am thinking, "Victim falls for kidnapper, gets burned" kind of angle. What do you think?
Billy: Um... uh, maybe. I-I don't know. Go whatever.
Chloe: Are you okay?
Billy: (Pounding keyboard) Yeah, I'm great, especially for a guy whose kid is now living next door to somebody that other people want to kill.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Heather: My apartment has been bugged?
Chance: Yeah. It's creepy knowing somebody's been listening in to all of our conversations.
Heather: Not just our conversations. (Sighs) Do you think Ronan planted it before we moved in?
Chance: One way or another, we're gonna find out.
Ronan: Did you get my message?
Sid: Not here.
Ronan: I meant what I said on the phone. I want Chancellor off this case.
Chance: Okay, what's the deal stage a show for Ronan. We're gonna make him think that we're gonna expose the drug ring.
Heather: Then when he shows up to stop us, we have proof that he's the one that planted the bug and tipped off the jail about our search.
Chance: Mm-hmm. There's one problem.
Heather: Ronan knows about us. (Sighs)
Chance: Yeah.
Heather: And we could lose our jobs if he decides to come forward with that information. And you could lose Chloe.
Chance: I will probably lose Chloe anyway, once she finds out what... well, what we did.
Heather: We got carried away. It was a onetime thing. You don't have to tell her.
Chance: Heather, I've got to tell Chloe. I can't keep this from her. But... (Sighs) How do I tell her something that I know is going to break her heart?
Chloe: Delia and I are staying at a safe house.
Billy: (Clears throat) Heather Stevens is a target, which means people are trying to kill her. And they don't care about collateral damage, and that is the term people are gonna use to describe you if they miss by, say, what, 10 feet?
Chloe: Well, Chance isn't gonna let anything happen to either of us.
Billy: Chance-- Chance is not superman. He is a cop, and I don't think a very good one.
Chloe: This has nothing to do with Delia being in danger. You are so jealous.
Billy: I'm jealous? What am I jealous of, his nightstick?
Chloe: I mean, the fact that I... don't really care about the whole "Bad boy fetish" thing. I'm actually turned on by the knight in shining armor.
Billy: (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah, I guess you would be if you slept through your entire life.
Chloe: Why can't you just be happy for me? Be happy that I have found a good, decent, honorable man who has not hurt me the way that you did.
Kay: (Sighs) Well, it seems like a lifetime ago since we've seen each other.
Chris: (Scoffs) Well, maybe because I missed your funeral and rebirth.
Kay: (Laughs)
Chris: (Laughs)
Kay: Well, you still have a shot at the funeral.
Chris: Oh.
Kay: As for my new life, uh...
Chris: You seem so happy.
Kay: Well, that's because I am.
Chris: Well, this new husband of yours seems like quite a guy.
Kay: You could say that. (Laughs)
Chris: So this "Coming back from the dead" act seems like a reoccurring theme in your family.
Kay: Then you heard about Phillip?
Chris: Yes, I did. It's so incredible after all these years.
Kay: I'm so sorry you missed him, because he was here for a while.
Chris: I-I know. I know. And we've been talking on the phone and e-mailing.
Kay: You know--my God-- it--it's so vivid. I-I remember the very first time that Phillip brought you here. And you were the first girl that Jill and I both approved of.
Chris: (Laughs) Well, Jill would have chosen anyone over Nina.
Kay: Well, I didn't exactly welcome her with open arms. (Laughs) Uh, to this day, I-I get the feeling that she still feels unaccepted by us. Uh, you do know that, um, she is seeing Paul.
Chris: I do. I-I just saw them.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Chris: I went over to his place.
Kay: How did that go?
Chris: Fine. (Sighs) Paul and I have a connection. We always will. But that's it.
Kay: Hmm.
Chris: The rest is over.
Kay: (Laughs) For a lawyer, you--you are not a good liar. (Laughs)
Chris: (Laughs) All right, thank you for the coffee and the company. (Sighs)
Kay: How long are you going to be in town?
Chris: Well, I haven't decided yet.
Nina: I wonder how long Cricket's gonna be in town.
Paul: Uh, I don't know. (Sighs)
Nina: Listen, you're not gonna change your mind, are you, about us going away, even if Cricket stays in town for a little while?
Paul: I'm not gonna change my mind... about anything.
Paul: Okay?
Nina: Okay.
Meggie: I thought you two were married.
Victor: Mnh-mnh.
Nikki: Um, we're divorced.
Meggie: (Laughs) I'll be damned. You two are the most married unmarried people I've ever met. I mean, it's obvious how much you love each other, and you're not married?
Victor: We're trying to rectify that, Meggie... in private.
Meggie: Oh! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Rectify away. I'll just, um, be upstairs in the room with the door closed.
Victor: All right. Cool.
Meggie: (Giggles)
Victor: (Chuckles) She's right, you know.
Nikki: I hate to ask about what.
Victor: I love you.
Nikki: I know that.
Victor: Well, then marry me.
Nikki: Victor, I'm so touched. But this is so sudden.
Victor: (Sighs) I've been thinking about this for months, you know.
Nikki: (Sighs) So much has happened.
Victor: And yet, here we are... after all this time. You know that I almost left this world. And when I was about to, I realized that I had one... overriding regret-- that we didn't spend more time together.
Nikki: (Sighs) Well, we certainly have made our share of mistakes. And I don't want to make another one.
Victor: You'd make a mistake by marrying me?
Nikki: No, not that. But I want to marry you for the right reasons. And I-I just couldn't help but question the timing of this proposal. I mean, this Meggie person shows up...
Victor: Oh.
Nikki: And she's trying to get away from some bad guys...
Victor: I know.
Nikki: And goes right into your arms and--
Victor: Please do not worry about her, all right? I've made it clear to her none of that will happen.
Nikki: Are you gonna make it clear to me?
Victor: I love you. I want to marry you.
Nikki: I... I just need some more time, okay?
Victor: (Sighs) All right. You take all the time you need.
Chance: (Mouthing words)
Heather: If somebody planted a bug, you would have found it. You're being paranoid.
Chance: Yes, well, in the military, it's called being cautious, all right? I'm starting to not trust anybody.
Heather: So what do you want to do?
Chance: There's only one thing to do-- tell the truth.
Heather: To whom?
Chance: To everyone. With the help of the press, we're gonna blow the lid right off this entire drug ring.
(Telephone rings)
Billy: "Restless Style."
Chance: Billy, its Chance. Uh, I've got a favor to ask of you. I want to give you a story.
Billy: Oh, a story about do-gooder cops, huh? Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that, man.
Chance: Trust me, there are no good guys in this story. Can Heather and I come over?
Billy: Uh, yeah, sure. I'll just drop everything for you.
Chance: Okay, we're on our way.
Billy: That was Chance. He claims he has a story for me.
Chloe: No, he probably just can't stay away from me.
Billy: Hmm. That's why he's bringing Heather.
Chance: Billy is waiting.
Paul: (Sighs)
Michael: Hey.
Paul: Hey, Michael, glad I ran into you.
Michael: Yeah, me, too. I've got something for you. I had one of my legal interns do a search of public records in regards to, uh, Meggie McClaine. Nothing jumped out. I was hoping you'd come up with something.
Paul: Okay, I'll take a look at it. Uh, yeah, a copy of the Ottawa police report on the shooting at McClain’s bar.
Michael: All right. You think she was telling the truth?
Paul: Hard to say without any witnesses.
Michael: All right, uh, per usual, Victor wants a full report by yesterday. Okay, see you.
Paul: Oh, whoa, wait. Before you go, um, you'll never guess who's back in town.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh, sorry.
Michael: Yeah, David? I sent you that contract. I want you to look it over and call me if there are any p-- don't interrupt me. Call me if there are any problems, all right? Thank you. All right. So who is back in town?
Chris: Me. (Laughs)
Michael: (Laughs) What are you doing here? I mean, how long have you been back? I mean, how long are you staying?
Chris: Oh, one question at a time. (Laughs)
Paul: Doesn't she look great?
Michael: Yeah.
Chris: (Laughs)
Michael: Oh! Good to see you.
Chris: It's good to see you, too.
Michael: (Laughs) It--
Ronan: Oh, I haven't seen you around.
Chris: I'm not a police officer. I'm an attorney.
Ronan: That's okay. I'm not gonna hold that against you.
Sid: We've got work to do.
Ronan: Ronan Malloy... just in case you want to look me up.
Michael: All right, you know what? Why don't we go in here where things are a lot less perv-y?
Chris: So how is Lauren? I heard what happened with Sheila’s sister.
Michael: It was tough. She's doing the best she can.
Chris: And Fenmore?
Michael: Fenmore-- you wouldn't recognize. I mean, he's a little person now with very strong opinions and feelings. It's good to see you again. Who else knows you're in town?
Chris: Uh... Katherine, Paul, Nina.
Paul: Chris stopped by my place, and, uh, Nina was there.
Michael: Oh. Well, that must have been some reunion.
Paul: (Laughs) Yeah.
Meggie: I'm not interrupting again, am I?
Victor: Meggie. No, no. Um... sit down for a minute.
Victor: Um... (Laughs) You know, I'm very grateful to you for saving my life in Ottawa. I really am. And I promised you that I would pay you back if ever you needed my help.
Meggie: You're an honorable man.
Victor: But I'm a man with priorities. And my priority is, um, my family-- my children and grandchildren... and Nikki. And I won't allow anyone to hurt them... not even someone that I feel obligated to.
Kay: Proposed? Well, I'm... I'm not all that surprised.
Nikki: I was.
Kay: (Laughs) Is that why you turned him down? No ring? No, I--we all know when Victor proposes to anyone, there's always a ring.
Nikki: And it is a spectacular one.
Kay: Mm. And you still said no.
Nikki: I didn't say yes. It--it's very complicated.
Kay: Well, um, it always is where the two of you are concerned.
Nikki: Yeah, but I always used to know where I stood with him.
Kay: So, um... what makes you doubt him? Is it, um, the woman from Canada? Victor told me.
Nikki: He did?
Kay: Well, um... I gather she's staying at the ranch. And, uh, is she the reason that you are concerned about Victor's feelings?
Nikki: No. (Stammering) I don't know. I-I--maybe.
Kay: Well, o-okay. Are they--you know, are they doing a little, um...
Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I don't think that. But I think Victor believes that I'm worried about that. I think that's why he proposed.
Kay: Oh, Nikki, I don't think that's the only reason that, uh, you doubt Victor's feelings.
Nikki: He just divorced Ashley, and then there was Sabrina before that...
Kay: Oh, come on.
Nikki: Diane before that.
Kay: We know he's always had a legion of women, Darling. He--but he always comes back to you.
Nikki: Yeah, he comes back, but then he leaves again.
Kay: Well, is that what you're worried about?
Nikki: (Sighs) Look, he's got a brand-new strong heart. And, uh, I'm kind of stuck with my old battered one, so I don't know if I could take losing him again. You probably think I'm crazy for not accepting his proposal. I know.
Kay: Just the opposite. I would have said no.
Nikki: Hmm. When you were 14, I should marry Victor, huh?
Kay: Nikki, right now, the two of you are so content. You're more at ease with one another than I've seen you in ages.
Nikki: Yes, I-I think that's true. I feel that.
Kay: Well, then, Darling, why risk losing that?
Nikki: (Sighs) It's just so hard to know what to do.
Kay: Follow your heart, as old and battered as it is. (Laughs) It really will not lead you astray. Hmm?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh.
Victor: And do me the favor and deliver it to the ranch right away, okay? Yep. Thank you.
Meggie: There you go.
Victor: You didn't have to do that.
Meggie: Well, this is Nikki's house, you know? It's important that I remember that.
Victor: All right.
Victor: Uh, kindly bring the car around for Ms. McClaine. Yep. Thank you.
Meggie: (Laughs) Are you kicking me out?
Victor: I'll have the driver take you to Fenmore’s boutique, and you can pick out whatever clothes you want.
Meggie: Are you sure it's okay to go out? I mean, it might be a little dangerous. What if Shaw and his buddies tracked me?
Victor: My bodyguards will keep you safe, all right?
Meggie: Are you sure, I mean, about the shopping? (Laughs)
Victor: Aha. I'm very sure about the shopping, okay? The car is waiting for you.
Meggie: Thanks.
Victor: Okay. Yep.
Meggie: (Laughs)
Victor: You have a great time in that store.
Meggie: Oh, thank you.
Victor: All right?
(Door opens)
Victor: (Chuckles)
(Door closes)
Victor: (Sighs) I want you to meet me at the stables, okay? Yep, as soon as you can. And this time, I promise there will be no interruptions.
Chloe: All right, well, this one is really, really sexy. I like that one. It's hot.
Billy: Yeah, I was thinking something a little bit more subtle.
Chloe: Okay, like, "Victoria Newman" subtle, hmm?
Billy: (Groans) Yeah, I like that one.
Chloe: (Groans) It's boring.
Billy: You know, okay, fine. Let's ask Chance. He knows about boring. Hey, Chance!
Chloe: No, let's not ask Chance. Let's not. Shh!
Billy: Chance, I-- (Sighs) Ah, Detective Malloy.
Chloe: Yeah, A.K.A... (Singsong voice) "Detective Judgmental."
Billy: Ah. Hi. How are you?
Ronan: Is Chancellor here yet?
Billy: Ooh, I get it. We're playing 20 questions. Um, no. You have 19 left.
Ronan: (Laughs) 'Cause I know you set a meeting up to discuss a case that he's working on with you.
Billy: Ah, see, that's not really a question.
Ronan: Listen, Pal, I'm trying to do you a favor here, Abbott.
Billy: Oh, the G.C.P.D. wants to do me a favor. I'm gonna pass.
Ronan: Don't take the meeting with Chancellor, and if you do, if you're that stupid, I would strongly advise that you don't print one word that he says to you.
Billy: Okay, well, it's my turn. I'm gonna ask just one question. How did you know that I had a meeting with Chance?
Chance: That is an excellent question, one that I would love to hear the answer to.
Ronan: Chance--
Chance: You know what? Never mind. Forget it. Ronan, game over. Detective Ronan Malloy, you're under arrest for illegal wiretapping and conspiracy to commit murder.
(Handcuffs rattle)
Kay: Ah. You just missed Christine.
Nina: Oh, really? Did you guys have a nice chat about the good old days when she and Phillip were together?
Kay: Well, now I-I thought you would be happy that she's back in town.
Nina: No, I am. It's just, you know, the timing. The very day Paul and I...
Kay: Oh, stop it. Are you-- are you telling me you think she came back to town because you and Paul are...
Nina: Uh... no. No. It's just that I can't help feeling like we're teenagers again.
Kay: (Sighs)
Nina: I finally get the cute guy to look at me, and in walks the prettiest girl in school. I can't--I can't compete with that. I never could.
[Christine remembering]
(Knock on door)
Chris: Who is it?
Paul: It's me, Chris.
Chris: Hi.
Paul: Hi. Oh, Man. You feel good. Uh--
Chris: Mm. Mm.
Paul: Oh. (Laughs) Hi, Nina. Sorry. I didn't know you were there.
Nina: No, no. Don't let me interrupt.
Paul: I'll get right back to you. Those were some good times.
Chris: We had a lot of them.
Michael: And some pretty scary ones, too.
Chris: Oh, God. She had a knife. She drugged my wine. She--
Michael: No, no. I know. I know. Don’t... talk about it.
Chris: It was all a setup, Michael, so it looked like guilt drove me to suicide.
Michael: I know. Look... everything is gonna be all right. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore, okay?
Chris: (Sighs)
Paul: We came so close to losing you that night. I'll never forget what that was like.
Chris: I just remember all those memories flooding through my mind. It's funny, all the thoughts and feelings we have locked up inside us. They're buried, but... they really never go away.
Nina: I don't think what Cricket and Paul had will ever be completely over.
Kay: Don't you dare let that interfere with your friendship with Christine.
Nina: I'm not trying to. I mean, I was heartbroken the last time she left town.
[Nina remembering]
Nina: I'm gonna miss you.
Chris: I'm gonna miss you, too.
Nina: Oh, Dear. I promised myself I wasn't gonna get emotional.
Chris: (Sighs)
Nina: (Sighs) It's just... you know, I got so much good stuff happening in my life right now. It would be really nice to have my best friend around to share it. (Sobs) (Sighs) But... we'll survive, right? (Sighs) (Sniffles) Look what we've survived already. We can get through anything... (Laughs) (Sniffles) Even if you are halfway around the world. (Sighs) Mm. Am I right, or am I right?
Chris: (Laughs) You are definitely right.
Nina: I love you.
Chris: Me, too. It's funny the things you do remember.
Michael: Like the day we decided to start a law firm together?
Paul: (Laughs) Yeah.
Chris: (Laughs)
Paul: (Sighs)
Chris: (Sighs)
Chris: (Sighs)
Michael: Uh, still in the room. Where did you two go?
Chris: Oh, nowhere. (Laughs)
Paul: Nowhere important, huh?
Chris: (Sighs)
Chance: Sid?
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Chance: What are you doing here?
Sid: Malloy called me. Said you were going to spill your guts to this rag about an ongoing police investigation.
Chance: Heather and I found out that our safe house has been bugged. I knew that whoever was listening in would try and keep us from going to the press.
Heather: So we made it look like we were gonna tell Billy our suspicions about the case.
Chance: We knew that whoever was listening in would try and stop us. Sid, it has to be Malloy. How else would he know that we were gonna be here? You spied on two of your own. You tried to use that information to hide the fact that we couldn't find any drugs down at the jail cell, and now he's here trying to shut us up.
Heather: He's your dirty cop.
Ronan: Are you believing this crap, hmm?
Chance: Do you deny that you bugged the apartment?
Ronan: No, I don't deny it. And this is exactly why I did it.
Chance: Oh, please.
Ronan: Because I knew that you couldn't be trusted.
Chance: Whatever. Now you're just trying to cover your tracks, Malloy.
Ronan: You're down here to give an anonymous story on a case you're working on to your slimeball uncle. And I busted your ass doing it. Who's covering what tracks now?
Billy: It's "Mr. Slimeball," and that's two, okay?
Ronan: (Laughs)
Billy: And just so you know, my straight-arrow nephew, he didn't tell me anything.
Ronan: Yeah. No, you wouldn't cover for your family, would you? Hmm.
Billy: (Humming)
Sid: This looks bad. You're off the case, Chance. Malloy, you're in charge.
Chance: Wait, I'm--I'm what? Sid, you can't do that.
Heather: I'm going to speak to Owen about this.
Sid: Be my guest.
Chance: I'm not gonna sit back and just accept that, Sid.
Sid: A lot worse things can happen to you than being taken off the case.
Chance: You--
Billy: (Clears throat)
Chance: No. No. No. No. No. No. No way! You're not gonna get away with this.
Ronan: You know, um, I heard a lot of things in that apartment... a lot of things. Some of them, it could be, um... it could be a little damaging on the home front. Hmm?
Chance: You're a bastard.
Ronan: No fraternizing-- isn't that rule number one in the army?
Chance: Malloy, you shut your mouth.
Ronan: No. You're the one that's gonna shut their mouth, aren't you? And you're gonna play along like a good little boy.
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: (Sighs)
(Footsteps approaching)
Victor: Come here, Baby.
Victor: Stay. Come here.
Victor: When I asked you to marry me earlier, I didn't do it the right way.
Nikki: You didn't have to.
Victor: Yeah, well, I want to. I'm a very fortunate man. You know I've amassed a great deal of money-- very wealthy-- beautiful children, grandchildren.
Victor: But without you, I have nothing. You know, when you left Genoa City last time, you came to me and you told me that no one would ever love me the way you do. And you're right. You're absolutely right. I knew then that I had everything I ever wanted in you. So... (Sighs)
Victor: Will you marry me?
Kay: Mm-hmm.
(Hangs up phone)
Nina: So tell me, how do you do it?
Kay: What?
Nina: You always bring such clarity to things.
Kay: You're joking, right?
Nina: No, I'm serious. Worrying about Cricket and Paul is a waste of time. She's the best friend I will ever have. And Paul is really a stand-up guy. And I'm not gonna let past rivalries or current insecurities ruin what I have with either of them.
Paul: It's like no time has passed at all.
Chris: No, except you have a grown daughter who's an A.D.A.
Paul: I know. That's amazing, isn't it?
Michael: (Chuckles) Christine, you never did tell us why you're back in town. Does the, uh, Justice Department have you working on a case right here in G.C.?
Chris: Can't a girl just come back and see her old friends?
Michael: Mm, I'm not buying it. But I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Paul: Ditto. I'm just glad you're back.
Ronan: I just wanted to make sure you got my message earlier. Print nothing.
Billy: Yeah, okay. Well, since all that's flying around are accusations, I'm gonna sit on it, if, when the facts come out, you give me an exclusive. That's the deal.
Ronan: Don't run the story. I'll think about the rest.
Billy: Hmm. (Quietly) He's a weirdo.
Chloe: Okay.
Billy: Strange.
Chloe: Well, that was out of, like, a spaghetti western.
(Door closes)
Chloe: And Clint Eastwood and the outlaw and some big old-fashioned showdown. (Sighs)
Billy: (Normal voice) Yep, except for this time, our Eastwood bit a bullet.
Chloe: Yeah. But now at least he's not gonna be living with Heather anymore. (Clicks tongue)
Billy: I know, and our daughter can come back where it's safe, to the mansion, yes?
Chloe: Exactly.
Billy: All right.
Chloe: So it's like a win-win situation.
Billy: It is.
Chloe: Except for Heather. Sucks.
Heather: (Sighs) Ronan for my bodyguard? (Scoffs) They might as well let Frank Ellis watch me.
Chance: Heather, look, I'm not bailing on you, okay? I've just got to--
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: I've just got to take care of a couple of things first before I fight Ronan on this.
Heather: Chance, I don't feel good about this.
Chance: Neither do I.
Woman: Can I help you?
Meggie: How much is this one?
Woman: (Laughs) $800.
Meggie: Oh. Wow, I haven't spent that much money on clothes in the past two years.
Woman: Mm. Uh, perhaps you'd like to see our sale rack. There are some lovely dresses there for under $100.
Meggie: No, thanks. No. Here. Um, I'll take all of these, plus find some shoes to match, okay?
Woman: (Scoffs)
Meggie: And put it all on Victor Newman’s charge account, okay? Oh, beautiful.
Nikki: (Sighs) Victor. I came here to tell you that I can't marry you. I just was so afraid of losing the magic that we had somehow recaptured. But... I mean, marrying you again really shouldn't take any of that away. I know. I guess the question really is, am I... am I willing to risk... the memories of our past, our joys... and heartaches for a new future with you? (Sighs) Am I willing to take that leap of faith with you? Will I marry you?
Nikki: Oh, my God, Victor, yes. I'm ready to burst. Yes, I will. Yes. Yes. A million yeses. I love you so. (Sniffles)
Victor: My darling. My darling.
Nikki: I love you.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: You make me so happy.
Nikki: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Hey, Buddy, where's my ring? (Sniffles) (Laughs) Oh.
Victor: I almost forgot.
Nikki: It's perfect.
Victor: I love you more than you know.
Nikki: I love you more.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: This girl's gonna bring you down.
Daniel: There's more to Abby than people think.
Lauren: You're suing me for half of Fenmore’s?
Jill: It should be a slam dunk.
Ashley: You're bribing a Japanese official.
Tucker: And whether that stays between the three of us is up to you.
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