Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/15/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/15/10 -- Canada; Friday 7/16/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9443 ~ Ryder Is a Wanted Man

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Chris: Paul, are you home?

Nina: Oh, my God. Is--is that Cricket?

Paul: That can't be.

Chris: Paul? (Sighs) (Gasps)

Paul: It is you.

Chris: Hi, uh, I just got in town for a visit, and I-I, uh, couldn't wait to say s-- (Sighs)

Victor: Thank you. Thank you, Michael.

Nikki: So was Michael able to find out anything about Meggie's story?

Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. He talked to the police in Ottawa, and apparently it is true that her barroom was shot up.

Nikki: And what about evidence about the boat captain and his friends?

Victor: Uh, there were no witnesses to the shooting.

Nikki: So... there's no proof...

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: That she's telling the truth.

Victor: No.

Nikki: You know, when you came back from Canada...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: And you told me that Meggie helped save your life, there was one little thing that you forgot to mention.

Victor: What's that?

Nikki: That she hit on you.

Victor: Oh, well, it happens, you know?

Nikki: And she apparently felt the need to unburden herself...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: And let me know what a good man I have.

Victor: (Chuckles) Didn't I tell you that for years? Hmm?

Nikki: Yes, but then she shows up on our doorstep exhausted and hungry and weak and apparently fleeing from some bad men with guns.

Victor: Baby, I know what you're implying, and the answer is no, I have no interest whatsoever, and if she is here because she--

(Footsteps approach)

Meggie: Hey, I put my clothes in the washer, and I got this out of the closet. I-I hope you don't mind.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Jana: I don't think that Ryder is in. May I ask you why you're arresting him?

Man: Grand theft, breaking and entering and burglary.

Jana: Oh.

Jana: (Clears throat)

Man: I'll check this out.

Jana: He's not here.

Man: We'll need to search for stolen goods, Ma'am.

Jana: Don't you need a warrant for that?

Man: Only if you want to make this hard.

Jana: Well, you don't have my permission to search our room.

Man: Tell your friend we'll be back, Ma'am. Have a nice day.

Jana: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sighs) (Sighs) Ryder.

Kevin: Let me just say one last time, no.

Chloe: But you're really, really, really pale.

Kevin: I am not getting a spray tan just so I can flirt with the spray tan girl.

Chloe: Oh, come on. You're mopey, and you're sad, and I want you to be happy and in love like me and Chance. Speaking of which...

Kevin: Wait for it.

Chloe: Do you think that I could go over and see if he's home? (Winces)

Kevin: (Mouthing word)

Chloe: (Sighs) Why not?

Victor: When you came to our doorstep and told us about what happened at your bar, you didn't tell us, though, that the Ottawa police didn't buy your story.

Meggie: Well, there's no surprise there. The cops liked me just fine before all that mess with you and that Abbott guy.

Nikki: Are you saying that this is Victor's fault?

Victor: No.

Meggie: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not laying blame. You know, I picked sides between some pretty tough customers, so I-I ran. But if my being here is causing any problems, I can leave.

Victor: It's not causing any problem at all, all right? You saved my life. I repay my debt. Meanwhile, we'll try to corroborate your story. So you're welcome to stay.

Nikki: I'm sure I can find some clothes for you upstairs. Come on.

Meggie: (Chuckles) Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Victor: All right.

Kevin: All right. Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh.

Chloe: Unh. I want to go see my fiancé.

Kevin: Who?

Chloe: What?

Kevin: Exactly, your fiancé, meaning you don't have to stalk him and act all crazy and pathetic.

Chloe: Chance is not Billy. He knows that I am not crazy. He knows that I am just loving and attentive, and I can go over to my boyfriend's apartment and go see him if I want. Thank you.

Chloe: Because I am not pathetic. (Sighs) I hate you.

Kevin: I'm okay with that.

Chloe: Oh, get away. (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Chloe: Plan "B."

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Sighs) Voice mail. Hi, Honey, it's me. So, uh, Delia lodged one of her toys in the toilet, and, um, yeah, Kevin's gonna kill me, so I really need you to get over here and help me out, okay? (Whispers) Help. Bye. (Chuckles) See? So he'll be here any minute, and then Heather can just hide away in her cave, and then we can spend some alone time together.

Kevin: Oh. "The toilet's clogged. Can I jump you?" Not hot.

Chloe: Okay, you need to go now, because he is gonna be here any minute.

(Cell phone buzzes)

Heather: Chloe?

Chance: I'm sorry.

Heather: Things happen. The prison search blew up in our faces, and Owen handed us our butts. Between that and being stuck with each other all day every day, things happen. No harm, no foul.

Chance: Yeah. I don't think Chloe's gonna see it that way, though.

Heather: How would she even know?

Chance: I don't keep secrets from Chloe.

(Knock on door)

(Knock on door)

Ronan: What in the hell was that at the jailhouse? Answer. Answer. Now. Are you guys out of your freakin' minds?

Heather: (Sighs)

Paul: I can be there in 15 minutes. Uh, listen, I'm sorry. I have to head out. This won't take long.

Chris: No, don't worry about it. I'll be here when you get back.

Paul: Okay, make yourselves at home.

Nina: (Chuckles)

Chris: (Chuckles) You look wonderful.

Nina: Oh, please, I'm a mess. Um, so why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Chris: Um, it was really last-minute. So what's new?

Nina: Oh, you--you mean me and Paul.

Chris: Well, I guess my timing isn't the best.

Nina: I e-mailed you. I told you, you know, we were spending time together.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, I didn't realize it was code for this.

Nina: No, it wasn't code. This wasn't happening then. I'm-- are you okay with this?

Chris: (Sighs) I love Paul, and I love you, and as long as you're happy together, then...

Nina: Really?

Chris: You do look happy.

Nina: And you look incredible. If I didn't love you, I'd hate you.

Chris: (Chuckles)

Nina: Oh, my gosh, all the people that are gonna want to see you-- Katherine and Michael and... wait till you get a load of little Phillip.

Chris: Ah, you mean Chance? Phillip told me about his nickname. We've been calling each other and e-mailing.

Nina: (Chuckles) Oh, its crazy what's happening with him, huh?

Chris: That was quite a shock. I can't imagine what it was like for you seeing him after all these years.

Nina: As long as he's happy, I'm cool.

Chris: Yeah. I'm so happy for him. I'm gonna try and go up and see him this fall.

Nina: Oh, wonderful.

Chris: Maybe I can get Chance to come with me. We'll see, but Phillip just brags about him, and I-I can't believe that Chance is all grown up, and...

Nina: Yeah.

Chris: Engaged and...

Nina: (Sighs) You had to go there, right?

Chris: Well, yeah. Your e-mails were pretty clear on that point.

Nina: I pray every day that something will happen to blow that engagement to hell.

Ronan: So you had every cell tossed searching for drugs, and what'd you get? You got squat. Well, I mean, except now every player in that conspiracy knows that there's an investigation going on. You should have listened to me when I told you not to go in there.

Chance: Dirty cops are dealing drugs to inmates. Heather almost got killed. We tossed those jail cells to see if we could find anybody holding out and then squeeze them for information.

Ronan: Mm-hmm. How'd that work out for you? What'd you get? The single bag of dope in the whole place.

Chance: It's because someone tipped them off.

Ronan: Well, it seems that your secret plan wasn't so secret.

Heather: What is it exactly that you bring to the party here? Because so far, it's just Chance that's trying to build this case and keep me alive.

Ronan: I bring more time on the job and more experience with this kind of investigation. But if "Hotshot" over here needs someone to "Yes" him to death, tell him that he's so brilliant, well, I guess that's where you come in.

Chance: Ronan, I don't just sit on my ass waiting for dumb luck to fall into this case. I go out there. I make it happen.

Ronan: Yeah, congratulations, because you made it happen. You both have targets on your backs now. You need to start listening to your partner, Partner, unless you both want to end up dead.

Heather: (Scoffs) What an ass.

Chance: Sometimes I feel like he wants this case to blow up in my face.

Heather: Maybe he does. What if... Ronan is the one that tipped off the inmates? What if he's one of the dirty cops?

Chloe: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Take your fruity puffs and go.

Kevin: Mnh-mnh. My apartment.

Chloe: My love life.

Kevin: You don't even know if Chance is gonna show up.

Chloe: He still loves me.

Kevin: All I'm saying is he's got a job-- two, if you count Heather-- and maybe he's doing them.

Chloe: "Them"? What do you mean, "Them"?

Kevin: His jobs. Will you stop it?

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: Hello?

Jana: Kevin, it's me. I need your help. Can you meet me?

Kevin: (Sighs) Sure. Coffeehouse in a few?

Jana: Thank you.

Kevin: Bye.

Chloe: W-where are you going?

Kevin: Uh, I am going to see my wife. The place is all yours.

Chloe: Well, yay, but I don't... (Sighs) Hey, I want to know what all the drama's a-- Baby, you're here. Mwah. Mwah. Perfect timing.

Paul: So what's up?

Victor: Paul, thank you for coming. Please sit down.

Paul: Frankly, I'm surprised you'd call me for a case. I haven't forgotten what you did to my sister, but evidently, you have.

Victor: I hope that we can get beyond that anger. Um, the reason I called you is because a woman called Meggie McClaine just showed up at the ranch claiming that she needed my help. Now Meggie McClaine owned the dive bar in the waterfront district of Ottawa. I met her there while tracking down Adam. So apparently, she claims that her bar was shot up by a bunch of goons in retaliation for her having helped me.

Paul: Mm, and you're not buying her story?

Victor: Well, if it is a lie, I need to know. If she needs my help, and this is a legitimate story, then I will help her.

Paul: So what is it you are asking of me?

Victor: Obviously, I'd like you to do a background check.

Paul: Okay, where is she staying?

Victor: At the ranch.

Paul: So you have a woman that is either in grave danger or a con staying in the same house with Nikki?

Victor: That's why I called you. Will you help me?

Meggie: (Chuckles) It's a relief to have clean clothes on. And pretty is a bonus, too. Thank you.

Nikki: (Chuckles) You're very welcome. Are you still hungry? Would you like some tea?

Meggie: No, just relieved to let my guard down for a little while, even if it is just for a little while.

Nikki: Well, um, now is probably a good time to tell you, um, about the rules of staying here.

Meggie: The ground rules, eh?

Nikki: Exactly. Rule number one-- Victor is off limits.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Paul: Sure she is. You probably didn't even ask if she was all right with this woman staying in your house, did you? Once again, Nikki bends. She makes adjustments. She makes sacrifices to be with you. Look, I know. When she walked out before our wedding, I knew she wanted you. And she knew that no matter what happened, you would always come first with her. And that's how you like it, isn't it? You first. To hell with everyone else.

Victor: You're obviously too angry to do what needs to be done. So be it. Sorry we wasted both our time.

Paul: You know, Victor, I would love to tell you that I'm not gonna help you. But then I'd just go back to my place and think about the fact that Nikki is in this house with a woman who is either a con or a danger magnet. So once again, you get what you want. I am in. I will do whatever I can to find out about Meggie McClaine. But I am doing it for Nikki, not for you.

Victor: I got it loud and clear. So for whatever reason you're doing it, kindly start checking on her background right now, okay? Have a nice day.

Nikki: Victor told me that you helped save his life, and he means a great deal to me, so I am quite grateful to you. Clothes, food, shelter-- I will happily give you any of that. But you have already told me that you made a pass at Victor.

Meggie: Well, he's a handsome guy and decent. It's a change-up from the guys who get loaded at my bar every night. I was impressed.

Nikki: But he turned you down, and he will continue to turn you down if you pursue this, so don't. Victor and I have a good life together, and we worked very hard to get that. The last thing we need is complications.

Meggie: And that would be me?

Nikki: If you try to pursue that.

Meggie: Oh, I am so sorry. It was stupid of me to dump all of that on you thinking it would clear the air. I swear, I don't want your man. I just don't want to get shot up like my bar. I appreciate everything that you've done for me, and I promise you I won't take advantage.

Nina: How long are you staying for?

Chris: Uh, I have a one-way ticket from D.C.

Nina: Are you moving back?

Chris: Oh, no. No, no. Just a visit, a-a couple of weeks.

Nina: Oh, yeah. So what are you doing? You taking a pill? Hypnosis? What?

Chris: (Chuckles) What?

Nina: To help yourself from being a workaholic.

Chris: Oh, I am not like that anymore.

Nina: (Chuckles) Oh, really?

Chris: Well, okay, I brought my computer, a few Department of Justice files. You know, I don't want to talk about me. Tell me something glamorous about your Hollywood life.

Nina: Oh, yes, it's very glamorous. I spend all day in my PJs, writing the same screenplay over and over and over again, trying not to surf the web, and, you know...

Chris: (Chuckles)

Nina: That's all while I'm not obsessing about Chance.

Chris: Well, uh, you both survived Iraq. I think you'll survive the police force.

Nina: Yeah, but... (Sighs) He couldn't take up accounting or something?

Chris: (Chuckles)

Nina: Oh, this is interesting, though. He has been assigned to watch Heather 24/7 to protect her.

Chris: Paul's Heather?

Nina: Yeah.

Chris: Well, you mentioned to me that she and Paul are close now.

Nina: Yeah.

Chris: God, he's gotta be a wreck, between his daughter and his sister, a-and thank you for keeping me informed about the patty situation. If I went by what I read in the paper, it is a totally different story. Oh, the horrible things they say about her. I-it's gotta just tear Paul apart.

Nina: Yeah, well, you know Paul. He...

Chris: Yeah, well, I'm-- I'm sure he's grateful that someone like Chance is looking out for Heather. It's scary for you, I realize, but...

Nina: Yeah, I... you know, it's weird. Something could happen to me, and I don't care. I can handle it. But every day, its like, "Please, let him get through this day in one piece."

Chloe: This is very, very bad. I almost forgot how good you feel.

Chance: Chloe, wait. Just--we need to talk.

Chloe: I know. I know. I'm sorry. I told a little white lie. Delia is not really here, but now you have me all to yourself.

Chance: Well, actually, I didn't play the message.

Chloe: Oh, well, then you couldn't stay away. I like that even better. Mm.

Chance: (Sighs) Chloe.

Chloe: Mm. Mm-hmm?

Chance: Chloe. Chloe. Wait, wait, wait. I-I... (Sighs) I can't. I can't do this. I can't.

Chloe: Oh, shh. Yes, you can.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: Yes. Yes, you can.

Chance: (Sighs)

Heather: Owen, I know. Yes. Yeah. Yes. That's why I'm calling you now. Do not go off on me again about the raid. If word hadn't leaked out-- yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Have you noticed that Ronan has cut us off at every pass? What--what skill and smarts? So far, all he's demonstrated is attitude. Either his ego is so huge that he wants Chance to fail to make him look bad, or Ronan's hands are dirty, too.

Jana: Oh, good.

Kevin: What's up?

Jana: I'm so sorry to do this to you. I know you're angry. (Sighs) I-it's Ryder. The police came by the club to arrest him for stealing.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Idiot. So that's how he's been paying for your hotel room?

Jana: Well, n-no, I don't know for sure. But I think it's possible, yes.

Kevin: Well, where is Ryder now?

Jana: I don't know.

Kevin: You don-- (Sighs) Jana, he's out on bail, bail that you paid by mortgaging this place. If he bolted--

Jana: I know.

Kevin: If he bolted, I could lose my business.

Jana: I know. I know. I--there must be an explanation.

Kevin: Yeah, the explanation is that he's an idiot.

Jana: Now I know that you're angry--

Kevin: (Scoffs)

Jana: Look, if you could just... if you could please help me find him--

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. I'll help you find him. Then I'm gonna hand his ass over to the cops so they can deal with him. What's his cell phone number?

Jana: He's not answering.

Kevin: I don't want to chat with him. What is his cell phone number and his provider so I can-- so I can hack into the server and access the G.P.S. on his phone? Give it to me.

Jana: Well, is it that easy?

Kevin: No, actually, it's really hard, but I'm not gonna lose my business because of him.

Jana: Okay.

Kevin: (Sighs) (Sniffs)

Chloe: It's Heather, isn't it? She's the reason why we're not back there doing very naughty things to each other.

Chance: Chloe--

Chloe: Because you realize that every minute we waste out here, we could not be wasting it out there. What, do you think that she's gonna walk in, knock on the door? Come on. I thought that we got past the whole "Not having sex" thing.

Chance: We did. We did, Chloe. We did. We--we certainly did.

Chloe: Okay, then aren't you dying?

Chance: Just things are--just--

Chloe: Because it has been as long for me as it has been for you. I'm dying.

Chance: (Sighs) I screwed up. (Sighs) I pushed too hard with the investigation. And now I'm getting serious flack from Pomerantz and--and--and Ronan.

Chloe: (Sighs) Really? That's it? That's why we can't...

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. No, no, that's um, that's the reason. I've just got a lot on my mind.

Chloe: I know.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: That's why you need some distraction.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: Is this case gonna ruin us?

Chance: No. (Inhales deeply) No, it's not gonna ruin us. You know why? Because I'm not gonna let it. I'm not gonna let it. Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how hard I've fallen for you?

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: From just meeting to marrying you... Chloe, I know in my heart and my soul that this is right. This--this is right.

Chloe: Are you okay?

Chance: Forget work. Just forget everything. I'm--I'm--I'm fine. I'm great, but, uh, tomorrow will be better.

Chloe: We'll try again.

Chance: Yeah. (Chuckles) We'll try again tomorrow.

Chloe: Okay. That's okay.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Chris: And that dress? Oh, gosh.

Nina: (Laughs) I thought I was very chic with my sleeves out to here.

Chris: Oh, and your hair to match. (Scoffs)

Nina: (Laughs)

Chris: God bless the '80s. I'm not kidding.

Nina: (Laughs)

Paul: I can hear you guys all the way down the hall.

Nina: Oh, Dear.

Chris: Sorry about that.

Paul: No, it's great, you know? It really felt like, uh...

Chris: Old times?

Paul: Yeah.

Chris: Yeah, isn't that weird, huh? No matter how many years pass, everything just seems to click right back into place.

Nina: I really should get going. I'll let you guys catch up.

Paul: Oh, no, you don't have to go. Please.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, stay. It's okay.

Nina: No, really, I've got some more glamorous writing to do, but I'll see you soon?

Chris: Absolutely.

Nina: And I'll see you soon.

Paul: Absolutely.

Nina: Okay. (Chuckles)

Chris: See you. (Sighs)

Nina: Bye-bye.

Chris: Bye.

Paul: Okay, see you later.

(Door closes)

Chris: (Sighs)

Paul: Come here, you. Jeez.

Chris: God, I just barged right in. I should have known better.

Paul: Well, it's safe to assume on most days, I would have made it to the door a bit sooner, and, uh... (Sighs) Certainly more composed.

Chris: (Chuckles) I will tell you what I told her-- as long as you're both happy, that's really all I care about.

Paul: Well, you know, it's, uh, it kind of was a-- a knee-jerk reaction, you know? A little jolt of panic, like maybe I crossed the line somewhere. It's n-not like you and I, uh...

Chris: Are--are waiting for some kind of reunion or...

Paul: Yeah, that's exactly what I was...

Chris: I know.

Paul: (Sighs)

Chris: So this is where we are right now, and I think it's wonderful for both of us.

Heather: No, I don't have any proof that Ronan is a dirty cop. All it is right now is a hunch, but that's enough, don't you think? Have him taken off the case. (Sighs) It's a mistake, Sir. You remember that we had this conversation, because I certainly will.

Chance: Was that Pomerantz?

Heather: (Sighs) Yeah, he won't remove Ronan from the case.

Chance: That's just par for the course today.

Heather: How did it go with Chloe? Do I have yet another reason to fear for my life?

Chance: I, uh, I couldn't tell her.

Chris: I'm so sorry about Patty. (Sighs) How's Mary dealing with it?

Paul: She's devastated. Todd prays, and, uh, you know, Steve keeps his head down and works too much.

Chris: Nina told me about Heather.

Paul: I-I-- you know, I just think about all the time I stayed out of her life and all the time we wasted arguing.

Chris: Yeah, I know, but you're not arguing anymore, and I am so happy for you and for Heather. I always knew the kind of father you could be. I should, uh, I should go. I've got more doors to knock on, or... (Chuckles) Maybe I should call first.

Paul: Where are you staying?

Chris: I haven't gotten that far. It was such a spur-of-the-moment trip. The club, I guess.

Paul: Will I see you again?

Chris: Are you kidding? I didn't come all this way just to do a drive-by hug.

Paul: (Sighs) Things are okay with us, aren't they?

Chris: We are always okay. I'll see you soon. See you.

Paul: Okay.

Chance: If I tell Chloe what happened between us, it'd break her heart. If I don't tell her, then I am that jerk who didn't have the guts to stand up and come clean.

Heather: It's not weak to try to protect your girlfriend's feelings.

Chance: Heather, she's not my girlfriend. She's my fiancée... for now.

Heather: Maybe you don't have to tell her.

Chance: It's not if I tell her. It's when. (Sighs) So, um, what did you have to say to Owen? (Sighs)

Heather: I told him that I think Ronan is compromised. Obviously, somebody tipped off the inmates, and Ronan was just far too eager to say, "I told you so."

Chance: How would Ronan know the details?

Heather: I don't know. Maybe he overheard.

Chance: Unless...

Heather: (Whispering) You think he bugged the place?

Ronan: Son of a bitch. (Sighs)

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: Where's Meggie?

Nikki: She's resting. Where have you been?

Victor: I went to meet Paul.

Nikki: Paul?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: For work? Victor.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I needed someone that I could trust to check out her story.

Nikki: All right, well, I'm sure it was a perfectly lovely conversation, just like the one I had with Meggie.

Victor: What did she say?

Nikki: She was very polite.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: I just needed to let her know that I wasn't quite sure if I could trust her.

Victor: I know. She won't be here for long. You, however...

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Ryder: Jana.

Jana: It's not in there anymore.

Ryder: Look, I can explain that. But first, I need to get out of here.

Jana: Ryder, you cannot run from the police.

Ryder: Well, I can't go back to jail. I know things look bad, but the way things look and the--and the way they are is two different things. Just come with me. I'll make you understand.

Jana: Run with you?

Ryder: The cops won't believe I'm innocent, not until I show them proof. And I can't do that from a jail cell. I'll go alone if I need to. But being with you... I need you.

Jana: (Sighs) Okay. Okay. (Sighs) Okay, now. It has to be now, Ryder. It has to be now, okay?

Kevin: I am not leaving. I'll put headphones on if I have to.

Chloe: (Scoffs) Jeez, relax. Chance isn't even here.

Kevin: Well, that's a bummer.

Chloe: How's Jana?

Kevin: Jana hooked up with a crook.

Chloe: Ryder? Wasn't kidnapping his thing?

Kevin: Well, now the cops want him for burglary. He ran, and since Jana took out a loan on the coffeehouse to post his bail, if I don't find him, I'm gonna lose my business.

Chloe: (Sighs) What a jerk.

Kevin: I am gonna find him, though. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him, hand him off to the cops, and they can beat the crap out of him, too.

Chloe: Oh, well, that's a plan.

Kevin: (Exhales deeply) So what's your story? Did Chance ever show?

Chloe: (Sighs) Yeah, he showed. And then he left.

Kevin: So what? No sexy time?

Chloe: I don't know. Something huge is going on with him. I just don't know what.

Chance: Somebody knows far too many details of the case that we're working on. The fact is, though, no one else has been in here without us.

Heather: Well, it only takes a second to plant a bug, so we should at least have a look around, right?

Chance: Sure thing. Tell you what, why don't you start searching over there?

Chance: Anything?

Heather: Uh, no, all clear.

Chance: Yeah, here, too. We should be really careful about what we say from here on out. Wait a minute. I'm getting a text message. Come with me for a second.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: (Sighs) Bastard.

Heather: He heard us. Ronan or someone else has been recording every word we've said in there for who knows how long. They heard us when you and I...

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. Yes, well, the point is they know we're on to them. But what they don't know is that we just found the bug.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: Now we need to make sure we keep it that way.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Ronan: Yeah. We have to get rid of Chancellor.

(Knock on door)

Paul: Hey, you.

Nina: (Chuckles) Hi. Sorry.

Paul: Hi.

Nina: In my mad dash, I forgot my phone. Where's Cricket?

Paul: Uh, you know, places to go, people to see.

Nina: Probably not the greeting she expected-- you and me in... yeah.

Paul: Well, you know, she said she was happy for us.

Nina: Well, she's not the type to throw a fit. It could not have been easy.

Paul: Well, Chris and I have been done for some time now, so... it's not like she came back to stake a claim on me.

Nina: You sure about that?

Paul: Yeah, I'm sure.

Chris: I haven't seen her yet. I have to find the right time to let her know that she's in danger and that I'm here to help.

Victor: You know I love you. I just was waiting for the right time. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chloe: You are so jealous.

Billy: I'm jealous? What am I jealous of? His nightstick?

Meggie: Are you kicking me out?

Chance: Detective Ronan Malloy, you're under arrest for illegal wiretapping and conspiracy to commit murder.

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