Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/14/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/14/10 -- Canada; Thursday 7/15/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9442 ~ Cricket Returns

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: Faith is down from her morning nap.

Nick: I want to apologize for last night.

Sharon: Yeah, tracking me down at church, Nick? Really? You and Adam both went way too far.

Nick: I didn't mean to upset you, but if I hadn't come--

Sharon: I-I could have handled it.

Nick: I'm worried about your safety, Sharon, now that Adam's out on bail.

Adam: You're dressed already?

Skye: I had a phone conference and a breakfast meeting with Vance.

Adam: My lawyer, huh?

Skye: Get up. I want to fill you in. We have a plan to transform your image.

Adam: I... think that would take a miracle worker, Skye.

Skye: It starts with you going out in public.

Adam: (Sighs) I don't know. I don't think that's a very good idea, especially after that diatribe my dad delivered last night at the G.C.A.C.

Skye: (Sighs)

Adam: I mean, uh, it was like I was Frankenstein’s ugly monster facing the pitchfork-wielding townsfolk, you know?

Skye: All the more reason to fact this head-on.

Adam: Or to lay low. I'm just gonna let things simmer down.

Skye: Do you want to get convicted and go to prison? 'Cause I didn't sign on for that.

Adam: (Exhales) For better or for worse, Baby.

Skye: I married you for your name. We're gonna salvage it... Baby.

Victor: Adam is on the front page again.

Nikki: Why don't you put that down for a minute and have some coffee with me?

Victor: (Sighs) I can't believe it. Thank you, Sweetheart.

Nikki: How's our houseguest?

Victor: She's asleep.

Nikki: I'm sorry I didn't stay up until the doctor came last night.

Victor: It was a long day.

Nikki: Well, did he say what's wrong with her?

Victor: Apparently, just very fatigued, exhausted, needs some rest and some fluids and, you know...

Nikki: Did you find out why she left Ottawa in such a hurry?

Victor: No, but it must have been a very good reason, because she's not someone who scares easily.

Nikki: If she's in danger, she could bring trouble into our home.

Victor: Baby, she saved my life. If I can help her, then I will.

Nikki: No, I understand that. Of course we will give her anything she needs. I mean, that's-- that's the least we can do. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with Adam and Skye.

Victor: I guess we're about to find out. Good morning.

Meggie: Morning.

Kevin: What are you doing here?

Jana: I'm covering for Heidi. You're not usually here this time of day.

Kevin: I'm doing payroll.

Jana: No, payroll's on Friday.

Kevin: Well, now payroll's on Thursdays. Things change.

Ryder: Hey, you left your ph-phone in the car.

Paul: So you didn't like the movie?

Nina: Well, it was okay. I thought the C.G.I. was kinda cheesy, you know?

Paul: Mm. I kinda liked that part.

Nina: Oh.

Paul: Here, taste this. I don't know what Gina puts in these, but...

Nina: Oh, my God.

Paul: Isn't that something?

Nina: That--

Paul: Isn't that great?

Nina: That's butter and sugar, is what that is. (Chuckles)

Paul: (Chuckles)

Nina: Illegal substances in Los Angeles.

Paul: Yeah? I wouldn't know.

Nina: (Laughs) Chance says I'm the worst person to see a movie with. I guess I'm just kind of critical or something.

Paul: Have you talked to Chance lately?

Nina: Yeah, yesterday. I talk to him now more than I did when we were both living at Katherine’s house.

Paul: That's funny, isn't it, that your son got assigned to protect my daughter?

Nina: Yeah, and from what Chance tells me, they're becoming good friends.

Paul: Yeah, that's nice. They're working together. The next generation, huh?

Nina: (Chuckles) I just--I wish it were under less dangerous circumstances.

Paul: Well, I tell you, after the bomb in Heather's car, uh, I feel better that Chance is watching over her.

Nina: Yeah, but who's watching over Chance? (Sighs)

Chance: (Sighs) Oh, come on. Come on, just ring, damn it. Ring.

Heather: Oh, God, maybe I turned it off.

Chance: Turned it off? What, accidentally? Um, no. No, it's--it's still on. You know, maybe Judge Bessey is calling...

Heather: Owen? Oh, God, no.

Chance: Well, without that warrant, we can't search the jail cell for any drugs.

Heather: No drugs, no informers.

Chance: No informers, no leads to the dirty cops selling to the inmates, so... (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Chance: One second.

Chance: Hi!

Chloe: Hi!

Chance: Hey, Baby.

Chloe: Mwah. What are you two doing inside? It's so beautiful out.

Heather: We're, uh, waiting for a call.

Chloe: Oh, that's funny. Did you know that there are cell phones? And I hear that you can take them anywhere. (Chuckles)

Chance: Ha.

Heather: Hmm, what will they think of next?

Chloe: I don't know... hey.

Chance: Huh?

Chloe: Um, I was hoping that maybe you would want to pick out a wedding date, look at the calendar?

Chance: Um... yeah. Sur--yeah. Yes.

Chloe: Yeah?

Chance: Yes, let's-- let's do that. Uh, you don't mind, do you?

Heather: Mm, no. Go ahead.

Chance: Okay, great.

Chloe: Thanks.

Chance: Please have a seat.

Chloe: Um, okay, okay, okay. So where are we?

Chance: What do we have?

Chloe: All right. Okay, well, it can't happen, um, on a week when I've gotta close an issue, so that's not gonna work, and... eh, Kay and Murphy are gone this weekend.

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: Then I have my mom's birthday. Be prepared. That'll be fun.

Chance: You know, what about this date right here? August 26th? I mean, no events, no birthdays, no travels, no holidays. It's open.

Chloe: Mm. Mnh, yeah. N-no, no. No, that's not gonna work.

Chance: Why? Why isn't it gonna work?

Chloe: Um, 'cause that's the day that Cane and I... got...

(Cell phone rings)

Heather: Oh, it's-- its Judge Bessey. Heather Stevens. Uh, uh, yes. I-I understand. Thank you. Thank you, your honor. We got it.

Chance: Yes.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chloe: You got what? What'd you get?

Chance: Um, it's this case that we've been working on. Look, I-I'm sorry. But I can't get into it. You understand, right?

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. No, I-I get it.

Heather: Uh, we should take off.

Chance: Look, I, um, I definitely want to pick a date.

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: I really do, and I want to start planning the wedding. It's just I have to...

Chloe: I know. Okay. It's okay. We'll-- we'll do it later.

Chance: Good.

Chloe: Yeah, just--

Chance: Good. Good. Look, I-I want to give you the wedding of your dreams. You know that, right?

Chloe: Yes, I do, and you will, because I'm marrying you.

Chance: Good. Mm. Thank you for being so understanding about all this. (Chuckles)

Chloe: Um, okay, well, um, I guess I'll go. Um, bye, Heather.

Heather: Bye.

Chance: Please. Mm.

Chloe: Mwah.

Chance: Mm.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: (Chuckles) All right, bye.

Chloe: Bye.

Chance: (Sighs) All right, you ready?

Heather: Yeah, let's do this.

Nick: I could watch her all day.

Sharon: Sometimes I can't believe she's ours.

Nick: Look, I am never, ever gonna stop trying to protect her.

Sharon: Nick, come here. It's not your protection of your daughter that's-- that's the problem. It's--it's your overprotection. You don't seem to realize what a problem it is. You know, I don't want our daughter growing up feeling so dependent on her father that she-- she can't take care of herself.

Nick: I wouldn't do that to Faith.

Sharon: But you did that to me.

Nick: Well, I think you're exaggerating.

Sharon: No, I've seen your father do that to your mother, and I don't want to have to go through the same thing. You don't seem to realize how hard I've had to fight just to stand up for myself.

Nick: Look, you know, most women would be a little grateful if their ex-husbands still cared.

Sharon: Well, you don't seem to realize how capable I really am. You know, if I need your help, I will ask for it. When you come riding in here on your white horse, it just shows how much you don't believe in me.

Nick: Sharon, I have absolute confidence in you. It's Adam who I don't trust.

Adam: So you married me to be a Newman, huh? And here I thought that it was for true love.

Skye: That name will open doors for us.

Adam: Yeah, all I want to do is just stay out of prison, lay low, maybe get a fresh start, you know?

Skye: Uh, you used to aim higher.

Adam: Well, I will when I'm exonerated.

Skye: By then, it'll be too late.

Adam: (Sniffs) Says who, Skye?

Skye: Your lawyer knows his stuff. We rehabilitate you in the eyes of the public and potential jurors before you ever get to trial.

Adam: (Sighs) What's this?

Skye: A list of charities you're making donations to.

Adam: Mm, okay. So we're gonna buy my, uh, good name, is it?

Skye: It works for Victor.

Adam: Yeah, well, I don't feel like giving money away, uh, especially when I don't know what my future is.

Skye: People are accusing you of terrible things. You need to show them how wrong they are, that you're capable of doing good, like helping the homeless.

Adam: "Adam Newman-- husband, philanthropist, psychopath." Sounds great.

Skye: (Sighs) I could turn Vlad the Impaler into a good guy with the right publicist. We're gonna change people's opinions about Mr. and Mrs. Adam Newman, starting today.

Adam: Skye, you're obsessed with that name.

Skye: It's got cachet. We'll work it.

Adam: You care to share with me your intentions? I mean, since we are using my name.

Victor: So how did you sleep?

Meggie: Oh, if I had a bed that comfortable, I'd never get out of it. Only thing missing is somebody in it to keep me company. (Chuckles)

Victor: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Excuse me for a moment. Yeah? Kindly put the call through to the study, all right? Thank you. It's a conference call. I won't be long.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Excuse me. Thank you.

Nikki: Would you like some coffee?

Meggie: Thanks. Yeah.

Nikki: How do you take it?

Meggie: Uh, black is fine. Listen, I'm s-sorry if I've moved in on you like this. I hope you don't mind.

Nikki: Oh, no, are you kidding? After everything that you've done for our family...

Meggie: Victor told you what happened in Canada?

Nikki: Well, you saved his life, and because of you, our son Nicholas is out of jail. I am very grateful.

Meggie: Ah, no wonder he turned me down. (Chuckles)

Nikki: He turned you down...

Meggie: Oh, he-- he probably didn't tell you. I, uh, uh, I made a pass. (Chuckles) Uh...

Nikki: Well, you are not the first.

Meggie: Well, he said he had a woman waiting for him at home. Uh, you're lucky. You should see some of the bums I've hooked up with. You wouldn't believe it.

Nikki: I probably could.

Meggie: Okay, well, we'll have to swap war stories sometime.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victor: Well, I cleared my schedule, so I'm all yours.

Meggie: Great.

Paul: I get to spend the entire day with you, and you take me shopping. You know, what I was thinking is that maybe we could drive out to the lake, maybe stretch out on a blanket somewhere private, secluded.

Nina: Fenmore's summer shoe sale is legendary. Women fly from New York for this.

Paul: Oh, I see.

Nina: It's preview day. We're here before the crowds.

Paul: Well, then. That makes all the difference.

Nina: Oh, I promise I won't be long, okay?

Paul: Okay.

Nina: Mwah.

Paul: What, was that a bribe?

Nina: Did it work?

Paul: I think you better try it again.

Nina: Okay.

Paul: It worked. (Chuckles)

Nina: Yay! Shopping!

Kevin: So you gave her her phone. Why are you still here?

Ryder: I like the coffee.

Kevin: Well, you see that sign right there? It says I get to refuse service to anybody.

Jana: Okay, you know what, Kevin? Maybe we should just leave. Ryder, we should just go.

Kevin: Man, that's weird. You're not making enough money as it is. How are you gonna afford the Athletic Club?

Ryder: I got it covered.

Jana: (Sighs) Let's go, Babe.

Chloe: What was that about?

Kevin: Um, nothing. It was a scheduling mix-up.

Chloe: Well, I don't understand why she's with him. That guy gives me the creeps. It must be hard for you to watch them together.

Kevin: She wants him? She can have him.

Chance: You are to remove the prisoners from the cell block. We'll be checking each cell for contraband.

Man: Why wasn't I told?

Heather: No one was told.

Man: This is highly unusual. I'm taking it up with the district attorney.

Chance: Fine, after you comply with the warrant. Let's move those prisoners-- now.

Meggie: Uh, the boat captain, you know, the--the one who put the hole in the hull and set you adrift?

Victor: His name was Shaw Roberts, right?

Meggie: Yeah. Well, he--he and his friends, they didn't like the fact that I helped you out, and they decided to teach me a lesson.

Nikki: My God. What did they do to you?

Meggie: Oh, late one night when I closed the bar down, they came by and got all up in my face. And, well, that's when the guns came out. And Shaw and his friends, they just shot the place up like it was the O.K. Corral.

Victor: Did you report it?

Meggie: Yeah, but there were no eyewitnesses, so... (Chuckles)

Victor: And that is when you decided to leave town?

Meggie: Actually, I was gonna clean the place up and go back to business as usual, and then that's when I saw these same goons hangin' around where I live, and I just... (Clicks tongue) I don't know, I just jumped on the first bus, no idea where it was even gonna go, and then I remembered that you said that if there was anything I ever needed-- I-I know it was presumptuous of me to just show up. I-I know that. If you want me to take a hike, really, there's--there's no-- no hard feelings.

Victor: (Chuckles) Mm.

Nick: You know, this is nice, us having breakfast with our daughter.

Sharon: Yeah. You know, I want you to spend as much time as possible with Faith. It just doesn't mean that you get a say-so in my life.

Nick: Yeah, I know. You got boundaries. I'm cool with that.

Sharon: So no more crossing them. Say, "Yes, Sharon."

Nick: I'm committed to looking after my children, but, yes, Sharon.

Skye: Let's get you some breakfast. I'll fill you in on what I've been up to.

Faith: (Babbles) (Babbles)

Adam: What a happy-looking family this is. You know, I should-- I should take a picture, send it to Phyllis. What do you think?

Nick: You need to stay away from me and my family.

Adam: What, are you threatening me in public, Nicholas?

Nick: You were thrown out of here once before. This time, I will personally see to it that you--

Skye: Let's go.

Nick: I cannot wait for the day that you get thrown back into prison.

Adam: No, no, no, no, no. I gotta be convicted first, and I'm not so sure that's gonna happen. Told you we should have ordered room service.

Skye: Hold your head up. When people hear the truth about how the Newman’s behaved towards you, you'll get a lot of sympathy.

Adam: (Exhales) I just got to the point where I felt like the only thing I could do was what I did. You know, I just-- I was the only one looking out for me, you know?

Skye: Not anymore. I've got your back. That's why we made such a good team at Harvard. We were willing to do whatever it took, risk it all for the prize. Wait till you hear what I've got planned.

Sharon: Um, Nick, I'm sorry. I just-- I've lost my appetite.

Nick: No, no, no, no, no. Please, don't go. If you leave, he wins.

Sharon: I don't care. I don't want to be in the same room with him.

Nick: (Sighs)

Victor: Anyway, I suggest you stay here until we straighten this out with the authorities.

Meggie: I don't want to be a bother.

Victor: You're not a bother. You helped me when I needed your help, and I will return the kindness, okay?

Nikki: Well, there is plenty of room.

Victor: Well, then it's settled.

Meggie: Thanks. I didn't actually really have any place else to go.

Victor: You'll be safe here.

Chance: (Sighs)

Heather: Anything?

Chance: No. All the cells I searched came up clean, and that never happens.

Heather: All we need is one, just one prisoner holding drugs. We can make a deal.

Chance: No, I want names. I want every dirty cop, and when I find out who they are...

Heather: Let's just hope we do, okay? Owen already doubts the tip we got from Ellis. If we come up empty, he'll be all over us.

Chance: No. But we did this by the book. We got a warrant.

Heather: Yeah, without his approval.

Chance: Once we find out who the dirty cops are, the D.A. won't be able to argue with the results.

Heather: If we find them.

Chance: We will. We will.

Paul: It just shows to go you...

Nina: (Chuckles)

Paul: That even shopping can be fun with the right person.

Nina: Oh. Well, wait till you see what I've got planned for our next date.

Paul: Hey, who says this date's over? Don't you want to know what I have in mind for us next?

Nina: Oh. Does it involve clothing? (Laughs)

Paul: Let's just say, um, less clothing.

Jana: (Sighs) (Sighs heavily) (Sighs)

Ryder: Since you got the day off, why don't we, um, why don't we do something?

Jana: Do something?

Ryder: Yeah. I don't know, uh, have a picnic or go see a movie?

Jana: I thought that you said you have a job lined up.

Ryder: Well, I do, but I can postpone it. I'd rather be with you.

Jana: Oh?

Ryder: Mm.

Jana: Okay. It's a date. I'll go freshen up.

Chloe: (Laughs) Look. So Delia--oh, gosh, she's eating, and she thinks that there are bugs on the plate. But my mom has to explain to her that they are just spices. (Laughs) (Chuckles) Oh, kids. She's just so cute. Hi.

Alison: Hi.

Kevin: Hey. What can I get for you?

Alison: Uh, just a coffee.

Kevin: You got it.

Kevin: There you go. Ah, it's on me.

Alison: Thank you. Thanks. I haven't seen you around lately.

Kevin: Well, have you been looking?

Alison: Apparently not hard enough.

Kevin: (Laughs) Well, I'm usually here. Come by anytime.

Alison: Okay, sounds good.

Chloe: Um, who is that?

Kevin: Um, that is Alison. We went out on a date.

Chloe: Dude, she's cute.

Kevin: Mm. And she plays the tuba.

Chloe: Naked? (Squeals) Just asking.

Kevin: (Laughs)

Chloe: You should ask her out again.

Kevin: Uh, you know, the thing is I, uh, I talked about Jana a lot on our date.

Chloe: Yeah, well, that was really stupid, so maybe you should make up for it and ask her out again. Look, I-I-I just-- I know what it's like. You know? I was totally hung up on Billy, and he wanted nothing to do with me.

Kevin: Well, I mean, this is a little different, you know? Jana loved me until her brain aneurysm.

Chloe: You know, that may never change. I'm just saying that I think that you could open up your heart to some new possibilities because something really amazing could happen. (Clicks tongue) I mean, look at me and Chance.

Chance: Nothing. Nothing. Not a damn thing-- no drugs, no weapons.

Heather: Not even any contraband.

Chance: Those jail cells were way too squeaky-clean.

Heather: Somebody tipped off the inmates.

Chance: Who? Nobody knew about the warrant, not even Ronan.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: (Sighs) What about Judge Bessey? Did you say anything?

Heather: No, no. I trust him.

Chance: You trust him? What about his staff? Do you trust them?

Heather: Possibly. (Sighs)

Chance: Possibly. Possibly, possibly, possibly, possibly. Damn it! I should have seen this coming.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: I should have seen this coming. They have been one step ahead of us the entire time.

Heather: (Sighs) Just prepare yourself for some major fallout.

Chance: Yeah, well, I can't wait to hear from Sergeant Meeks when he finds out about it.

(Knock on door)

Chance: One second. (Sighs)

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: (Exhales sharply)

Heather: What? Ronan?

Chance: No, it's worse.

Owen: Going to Judge Bessey on my case without clearing it first? What the hell were you two thinking?!

Chance: I'm the one to blame. I pushed Heather into making that phone call. (Sighs)

Heather: (Sighs)

Owen: You are both in it up to your eyeballs. What possessed you to sidestep my authority?

Heather: Sir, I tried to talk to you, but you put me off.

Owen: That doesn't mean you go rogue. Do you know how angry you've made the warden? And so much for his cooperation in the future.

Heather: Sir--

Owen: And--and now you've tipped off everyone involved that you're on to them.

Heather: Every cell in that jail was squeaky-clean.

Chance: There wasn't so much as a baby aspirin to be found anywhere. Obviously, Sir, there's a leak.

Owen: You find anything, you bring it to me or Ronan. Understood?

Heather: Yes, Sir. (Sighs)

Chance: Yes, Sir.

Owen: Another stunt like this, and you'll be off this case, and you will be out of a job.

Meggie: Well, you can call this place a ranch, but it's a palace.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Meggie: I mean, anything you want, you snap your fingers.

Victor: Well, I have an outstanding staff that keeps things running smoothly.

Meggie: Oh, well, I mean, I--that's the first time I've ever seen a stable that has air-conditioning.

Victor: (Laughs)

Meggie: (Laughs) You must have thought that was so dinky, that room I offered you upstairs. Oh, my God. You know, your horses live better than some of my friends, although my friends are dead, but...

Nikki: Hey, if you ever do want to go riding, just talk to our head stableman. His name is ray. He will get you set up with anything you need.

Meggie: Well, I'm actually more of a sailor type. (Chuckles) I must sound like such a yokel to you. (Laughs)

Nikki: No, not at all. I felt the same when I first laid eyes on this place. Even though it's been so many years, there's still something magical here.

Meggie: (Laughs)

Victor: You know, every so often, it's very good to be reminded of what one has.

Skye: We're starting a hedge fund.

Adam: Oh, no, I can’t.

Skye: Too late. The paperwork's filed.

Adam: No, I gotta clear my name first, Skye.

Skye: This will help.

Adam: A hedge fund. Why?

Skye: Success breeds success. I've invested most of that cash from Brazil, used our system we put together in college.

Adam: That was just a theory we had at the time.

Skye: I'm beating the street, outperforming almost everyone out there. People are noticing.

Adam: Well, we're gonna need investors for that.

Skye: I've already had a few calls. Once the S.E.C. approves our hedge fund, I shouldn't have any trouble attracting investors. With my results and the Newman name...

Adam: Skye's the limit?

Skye: Funny. We're finally playing with the big boys.

Adam: It is what you always wanted.

Skye: I'm twice as smart as everyone else. Why not be twice as rich?

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: (Sighs) Thanks for walking us back to the room.

Nick: Adam has some kind of nerve showing up here. I'll go talk to the manager.

Sharon: No, don't bother. I can't stay here. (Sighs) I'm always gonna be afraid that Adam's gonna show up and flaunt everything the way that he is.

Nick: Okay, well, then let me talk to my dad. Maybe you can move to the ranch temporarily.

Sharon: No, you know what? I'm--I'm not just leaving the club. I'm gonna leave Genoa City.

Chance: Do you know what the worst part is? Owen's right. I blew it. I'm a failure.

Heather: You are not a failure.

Chance: Heather, I should just walk away from this case. I should let Meeks and Ronan handle it.

Heather: No, you can’t.

Chance: I know when to cut my losses.

Heather: (Sighs) There have been roadblocks every step of the way. This case was completely getting away from us. You did what you had to do. You took a risk. It didn't work out. That's--that's what risks are all about.

Chance: Heather, your job is in jeopardy. I have no idea what Meeks is gonna tell me when he finds out about this. And Ronan--of all peop--

Heather: Is an insufferable jerk. Don't let him get to you. If anything...

Chance: Right.

Heather: He's jealous, 'cause you're the real deal.

Chance: (Laughs) Yeah.

Heather: We've been thrown into this crazy situation. We've spent a lot of time together. And I've gotten to see firsthand what an incredible man you are. You're honest, trustworthy. You have more courage than anyone I know. You... (Sighs) You stand up for what you believe in, even when it gets you into trouble. When you say you've got my back, I've got nothing to worry about.

Heather: (Sighs) You're the... you're the best man I've ever known.

Chance: (Whispers) Come here.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chloe: I'm gonna put this up at the magazine up on the board.

Alison: Nice. Thanks.

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah.

Alison: Okay, cool.

Chloe: Yeah, and I'll see you around.

Alison: Sounds good.

Chloe: All right.

Alison: Thank you. Bye.

Chloe: Yeah. Mm. So, uh, did you know that Alison has a home business?

Kevin: No, I didn’t.

Chloe: Yeah, spray tans. I made an appointment.

Kevin: Oh, good. You have been looking a little pasty lately.

Chloe: The appointment's not for me. It's for you.

Kevin: Oh... (Chuckles) Cancel it.

Chloe: Uh, no, you cancel it.

Kevin: I don't want a spray tan.

Chloe: Come on. What have you got to lose?

Jana: (Laughs)

Ryder: (Laughs) Let’s.

Jana: Right. So sci-fi or action adventure?

Ryder: Uh, you choose. Hey, uh, I just-- I forgot my cell phone upstairs. I'm just gonna run and grab it.

Jana: Oh, wait. Will you get my cardigan? It might be cold in the cinema.

Ryder: Yeah. Yeah.

Man: Jana Fisher?

Jana: Yes?

Man: I understand you're staying with Ryder Callahan.

Jana: Yes, that's right.

Man: Where is he? We have a warrant for his arrest.

Jana: No, he's out on bail. There's been a mistake.

Man: No, Ma'am, no mistake.

Nick: Sharon, there are other ways to deal with Adam. You could move into a higher-security building. I can help you find a place, I-if you want help. I'm not trying to push.

Sharon: No, I mean, I'd just always be looking over my shoulder wondering if he's gonna show up. I mean, I doubt a security building would do it.

Nick: All right, I'm not trying to tell you how to handle this situation, but running from Adam is not the answer.

Sharon: No, I just-- I need to just chill out. I need to put some space between me and... a few things. I just... I don't have a really great perspective right now.

Nick: What about Faith?

Sharon: Well, I know that we don't have a formal custody agreement, but you know I would never keep you from your daughter.

Nick: Okay. Will you promise you'll stay in touch?

Sharon: Of course.

Nick: I promise you, when things settle down, we're gonna spend more time together, Faith, 'cause I don't want to miss anything else.

Nick: If she walks--

Sharon: Oh, I'll just-- I'll send pictures. You know, I-I-- maybe I won't be gone that long.

Nick: Be safe.

Sharon: I-I will. Thanks. I'll call you when I get settled.

(Door opens)

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Nick Newman. No, Newman Enterprises is not going into the hedge fund business. Where'd you hear that? They filed with the S.E.C. this morning? Look, I have no idea what the Newman fund is, but I assure you, I will find out.

(Champagne fizzing)

Adam: Ahh.

Skye: Thank you.

Adam: To our new business venture, the Newman fund.

(Glasses clink)

Meggie: That's your son Adam, isn't it?

Victor: Yeah, he was let out on bail.

Meggie: God, I can't imagine reporters always sticking their nose in my business. I would slap them silly.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Don't think we haven't thought of it.

Victor: That's right.

Meggie: (Moans) Oh.

Victor: Are you all right?

Meggie: Mm-hmm, yeah. You know, I-I-- I didn't get much sleep on that bus.

Victor: Why don't you go upstairs and lie down?

Nikki: You know, if you're hungry, I can have the cook send something up to your room.

Meggie: Oh, don't trouble yourself.

Nikki: It's no trouble.

Victor: Meggie, you shouldn't overdo it.

Meggie: (Laughs) Do you always boss everyone around like this?

Victor: Well, yes.

Meggie: (Laughs) Okay, I-I think I will go lie down. I'll be in my room.

Victor: All right.

Nikki: Okay. Um, about Meggie...

Victor: Sweetheart, hold on for one second. One second. (Sighs) Michael, it's Victor. (Sets glasses on desk) Uh, do me a favor and call the police department in Ottawa in Canada and ask if they filed a report about a Meggie McClaine. Meggie--M-e-g-g-I-e. She owns a dive bar in the--in the-- in the water district of the-- of Ottawa, okay? And find out if there was a shoot-out or something. Um, and get back to me, all right? Meggie McClaine, exactly. Right. Bye.

Nikki: I was just gonna say, um...

Victor: (Exhales deeply)

Nikki: I'm surprised you welcomed Meggie without question.

Victor: Yeah, but, you know, she seemed a straight shooter when I was up there, seemed to be honest, straightforward.

Nikki: But there's a "But"?

Victor: Yeah, not everyone is what they claim to be or what they seem to be, so... I want to find out.

Chris: Paul? You home?

Next on "The Young and the restless"...

Chloe: Is this case gonna ruin us?

Chance: (Sighs)

Meggie: The ground rules, eh?

Nikki: Victor is off-limits.

Nina: I e-mailed you. I told you, you know, we were spending time together.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. I didn't realize it was code for this.

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