Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/13/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/13/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 7/14/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9441 ~ Victor & Nikki's Surprise Visitor

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Jack: Hi.

Phyllis: I assume you're here looking for Sharon.

Jack: With Adam out on bail, uh, yeah, I thought I'd check in. I guess you and Nick came up with the same idea.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Oh, no. I did not have that idea. I'm here because I live here. I left Nick.

Heather: (Sighs)

Nick: Wow. That's some kind of honeymoon. The groom's hiding from the bride, and the bride doesn't want to be around the groom.

Skye: Adam's done with hiding.

Nick: He's been gone a while. Where is he? The basement? Revisiting the scene of the crime?

Skye: He got a mysterious call and took off. Wouldn't tell me where he was going, which tells me quite a bit, actually.

Nick: Well, he'd better not be where we think he is.

Sharon: You followed me?

Adam: I came here for the same reason you did.

Sharon: To make a confession?

Adam: Seek guidance.

Sharon: You just can't stop lying.

Tucker: I'm really sorry to drop by so late.

Ashley: No, that's okay. What's goin' on?

Tucker: While I was in the car, I heard on the news that, uh, some idiot judge let Adam out on bail.

Ashley: I know. Isn't it disgusting? If he escapes again and commits more crimes... I mean, why wouldn't he? He gets away with everything.

Tucker: What can I do to help you feel safer? How about a security detail here at the house? Or better yet, why don't you pack a bag? Come home with me.

Daniel: Hey. Did you get my message?

Abby: (Scoffs) You mean when you blew me off before? Yeah, message received.

Daniel: I didn't blow you off.

Abby: You practically threw me out of your apartment after, like, two sips of champagne. Oh, wait, no. Maybe you just needed elbow room. That walk-in closet you call a home does get cramped with more than one person in it.

Daniel: Okay, I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate. I-I hadn't seen the magazine cover.

Abby: (Sighs)

Daniel: I-I didn't know what the reaction was gonna be. But, uh, now I've seen it.

Abby: And now you're in a great mood, huh?

Daniel: Well, yeah, you know what? I am.

Abby: Yeah, it's hysterical, isn't it? Seeing my own uncle making me look like a moron-- swapping out my cover story about animal rights for more garbage about Adam and Nick and Sharon, but I'll have you know, I'm gonna have the last laugh. I've been having massive hits on my web site, and this thing has barely even been on the stands.

Daniel: (Sighs) I don't doubt it.

Abby: People want to know more about me just because of one picture.

Daniel: One incredibly hot picture.

Abby: It's tame.

Daniel: This is not tame. Look at it. This is--this is-- that is one naughty little girl.

Abby: (Chuckles) Do you really think that-- that--it comes through?

Daniel: Yes, I do. I told you there is more to sensuality and sexuality than just skin.

Abby: Well, I guess you were right.

Daniel: So were you, you know, what you said about this being good for my career. Yeah, I-I got a call from my art dealer who just happened to be in a newsstand when this issue was delivered, and, um, he wants to see new work.

Abby: (Chuckles) That's awesome.

Daniel: Yeah, um, posing with the, um, what--what do you-- "The connoisseur of cool"?

Abby: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Daniel: Yeah, apparently that makes me cool by association.

Abby: No, you've always been cool.

Daniel: Yeah, I kind of fell off my game there for a while, but, uh, takin' a risk, you know, and--and having it work and pay off, it-- it... it feels good. It feels like me again.

Abby: Well, then you need to keep it up. What's next?

Daniel: Well, I thought I, um, I thought I would take you up on your offer... to paint "The Naked Heiress."

Abby: Oh. (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Chuckles) What? (Chuckles)

Abby: Oh, no, you know, I just--it's funny, because I was just thinking that it was a good thing that you turned me down.

Daniel: Why?

Abby: I just don't think I'm gonna be able to fit you in. I mean, now that the cover's come out, I'm--I'm in pretty high demand, and, you know, I'll be doing interviews. I'll probably be traveling. But you can check back with me. I'll see if I can fit you in. And congratulations again. Good luck on your work.

Daniel: Thank you.

Abby: Mm.

Billy: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: (Chuckles) Mm.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: Mm, mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. You don't need to get that.

Victoria: No, I-I have to get it.

Billy: Mnh-mnh!

Victoria: I have to get it. It might be Reed.

Billy: Reed's asleep.

Victoria: Yes, but... (Clears throat) Sometimes he has nightmares.

Billy: (Sighs)

Victoria: I should get it. (Ring)

Billy: It's probably your father calling to tell you that I ruined your life.

Victoria: (Sighs) It's-- it's Nick.

Billy: Calling to tell you that I ruined your life.

Victoria: Hi. Hi, uh, what's-- what's going on?

Nick: Hey, could you watch Faith for a little bit? Something's come up. I need to get on it right away.

Victoria: Uh, yeah. Yeah, no problem.

Nick: Yeah, I'm still at the club, so it'll take me a few minutes to get to you.

Victoria: I-I actually-- I'm... I am still at--at the club.

Nick: You are? I thought you left a little while ago. Where are you?

Victoria: Uh... (Sighs) I'm upstairs.

Nikki: Oh, Summer's asleep already?

Victor: (Chuckles) Yes. She is adorable. That girl is just adorable. She wore herself completely out playing in the stables and then playing with Segundo.

Nikki: Aw. It's probably her last carefree night before her parents tell her what's going on.

Victor: (Sighs heavily) Sweetheart, I just wish I knew what was going on with our children, all of them.

Nikki: Not even a full moon.

Victor: Things were all so much simpler when they were Summer's age, weren't they?

Nikki: Simpler for them. For us, not so much.

Victor: Wouldn't it be nice if they could have learned from our mistakes? Hmm?

Nikki: That might be a little too much to expect considering it took us decades to figure it out.

Victor: Well, maybe you, not me.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victor: I'm so happy that you're living here again. This is where we should be.

Nikki: It is.

Victor: All the troubles behind us... finally.

Phyllis: Summer is at Victor and Nikki's.

Jack: You haven't told her you left Nick?

Phyllis: (Sighs) No. Wow. I don't even know how I'm going to do that. She was so happy when we renewed our vows. I mean, she-- she was really reassured that we'd be together forever. She's gonna be confused, not to mention scared.

Jack: Did you maybe not tell her because you weren't sure of your decision? I--

Phyllis: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. I'm sure. I mean, this may seem sudden to you, but it's not. I wasn't gonna leave my husband when he was up on murder charges.

Jack: You know, now that the stress is gone, you two might have more of a chance.

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Uh, no way. No, no, no, no, no. I-if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that Nick's feelings for Sharon will never, ever fade... ever. And I've fought it for a really long time, and it was proven to me in so many ways.

Jack: And you're done with the fighting.

Phyllis: Yes, I am. You know, I tried. I tried really hard.

Jack: Yeah, I do.

Phyllis: Yeah. (Sighs) Every day, I-I just became a little less. Do you know what I mean? Just a little less of a person. I mean, I-I turned into somebody that I didn't even like. I was paranoid, lookin' over my shoulder... (Sighs) Resentful, on guard. (Growls) (Sighs) (Chuckles) Who wants to be around someone like that? But this-- this was the thing... is I thought... (Voice cracks) If my daughter came to me and said, "Mom, I'm so in love with this incredible man, and he is great, and I give 110%, and he gives 40%, but it's okay. Its okay, because I-I love him so much, and his ex-wife is always comin' around, but its okay. I love him," I-I would say, "What are you doing? Get out. Get out of that relationship. Have some self-respect. Get out."

Nick: Sorry to interrupt your evening, but it's important.

Victoria: No, it's okay. What's--what's happened?

Faith: (Cries)

Nick: You know what? Let's talk about that later.

Billy: I tell you what, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna run the shower, turn on the fan, stick my fingers in my ears. You know, entertain myself. You guys talk amongst yourselves.

Victoria: Okay. Tell me what's--what's going on.

Nick: Adam's up to something. I need to check it out.

Victoria: No, Nick.

Nick: Relax.

Victoria: You just got out of jail from the last trap that he set for you.

Nick: It's not a trap.

Victoria: How do you know it's not a trap? No, you need to stay away from him completely.

Nick: Look, it might be nothing.

Victoria: With Adam, it's never nothing.

Adam: I need to explain about Skye, the marriage.

Sharon: You already did that, and besides, I don't care.

Adam: Yes, you do. I think it bothers you more than you want it to that I'm married to someone else, but you have to know it's-- it's not like anything that we had.

Sharon: Oh, lucky for Skye.

Adam: Sharon, it's a marriage of convenience. She knows that I'll never love her. You're the one that I love.

Sharon: Okay, stop it, all right? This is no place for you to go into one of your speeches about how much you care about me unless you want to get struck by lightning.

Adam: Well, what better place than here, right? This is where you come to seek forgiveness.

Sharon: I can't speak for God, Adam, but I will never forgive you.

Ashley: Well, that's very kind of you to ask me to stay at your house, but, you know, Adam only targeted me because he wanted to get to Victor, so he doesn't have any reason to come after me now.

Tucker: Well, it's one thing to know that logically. No one would blame you if you felt anxious with him running around out there.

Ashley: I'm okay. I really am. I-I mean, I-I admit that I'm concerned about Faith. But I just have to trust that Nick and Sharon are doing whatever they can to keep her safe.

Tucker: Do you ever talk to them about her? Get updates?

Ashley: You know, I call once in a while and check in. If I bump into them, I'll ask, yeah. Other than that, I just have to let it go as best I can.

Tucker: I remember that day I ran into you at the airport-- you and Faith.

Ashley: Yeah, that was a bad day. I'd just found out that she wasn't my daughter. I mean, it hadn't been confirmed yet. Hey, you caught me in a moment of weakness.

Tucker: What? Are you kiddin'? That's not how I see it at all. You know, at the time, I had no idea what you were dealing with.

Ashley: Mm.

Tucker: Knowing what I know now, I am blown away by the grace and strength you showed under pressure... really. I mean, most people would have buckled.

Ashley: I can't buckle. Abby needs me.

Tucker: Yeah. Jabot needs you.

Ashley: I'm glad you recognize that.

Tucker: More and more, I'm coming to realize how much... I need--

(Footsteps approach)

Ashley: Hi.

Abby: Hi.

Tucker: Hey. Well, your daughter's here now. I'll let you go.

Abby: No, no. Don't mind me. I'm just grabbin' my stuff, staying at a friend’s. Hmm.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: (Laughs)

Tucker: (Laughs)

Billy: (Sniffs) Whoo-hoo! Uh-oh.

Victoria: Uh, uh-oh?

Billy: Uh-oh.

Victoria: "Uh-oh," what?

Billy: Uh-oh, well, it seems like you and I can't rent a hotel room without there being an explosion of one type or the other.

Victoria: An explosion?

Billy: Yep. Uh... (Blows raspberry) Explosion. (Laughs)

Victoria: Oh. Diaper bag's right over there.

Billy: All right, cover me. We're goin' in, Partner.

Victoria: No, it's okay. I'm just kidding. I'll do it. I'm joking.

Billy: Whoa.

Victoria: I'll do it.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't think I can handle this?

Victoria: But she's my niece, and I obviously have more experience than you do, so I'll do it.

Billy: Are you questioning my diaper-changing abilities? Really? Really? I mean--hold on. Really? We're gonna do this? Prepare to be amazed, Woman.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: You ready?

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: (Humming)

Victoria: (Giggles)

Phyllis: (Sighs) This feels like a wake. (Chuckles) It feels like someone died.

Jack: "The weeping may endure the night, but the joy cometh in the morning."

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Joy? Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think I'm going to be experiencing joy any time soon. I'll settle for... complacent.

Jack: No, Red. You've never been one to settle.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I know. But I did. I settled for so much less than I deserve. Why'd I do that? Jack, why do I always do that? (Sighs)

Jack: There's nothing wrong with you. You're a cockeyed optimist. It's me, remember? I know you. That tough-talking, cynical broad-- it's all an act.

Phyllis: Shh. (Whispers) Don't tell anyone.

Jack: (Whispers) Your secret's safe with me. (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Phyllis: (Sighs) (Normal voice) Thank you for listening to me.

Jack: (Normal voice) I will always be there for you whenever you need me, okay?

Phyllis: Oh, no, Jack.

Phyllis: Tell me we didn't almost do that again.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: Want a real massage?

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Hmm?

Nikki: I would adore a real massage.

Victor: Would you? Okay, I'll take care of the lights, and you go upstairs.

Nikki: Okay.

Victor: Okay?

(Telephone rings)

Nikki: Of course the phone would ring now.

Victor: Yes. Hello? Who? How'd she get in?

Nikki: (Whispers) Who is it?

Victor: All right. I'll be damned.

Sharon: Leave me alone.

Adam: No, you said that you came to Brazil because you needed proof that I still loved you, and you got it, because I came to you, Sharon.

Sharon: I said a lot of things in Brazil that I didn't mean.

Adam: And you said a lot of things that you did mean. I know you're not gonna lie to me here now, in church before God.

Sharon: Oh, you want to talk about lying in church? You--do you remember the last time we were here? I was here for bereavement. You were standing up here getting ready to be Faith's Godfather, her Godfather. What are you doing here?

Nick: What just happened here?

Sharon: I-I--look, it doesn't matter, okay?

Adam: It's none of your business, Nicholas.

Sharon: I didn't--

Nick: Did you tell him you were gonna be here?

Sharon: No, I think he has G.P.S. on my car, or he followed me.

Nick: Oh, okay, so you're stalking her. That's a violation of your bail.

Adam: They don't lock you up for going to church, Nick. How about you? How'd you know I was here? Maybe you're stalking me.

Nick: Sharon texted me and told me she was gonna be here.

Adam: So you're here chasing after your ex when you should be back home trying to fix your marriage, whatever that thing is, and that makes you morally superior, how?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Little baby snores. (Whispers) It's the sound of victory.

Victoria: (Whispers) Yes! (Normal voice) I would give you a standing ovation... (Whispers) But I don't want to wake her up.

Billy: (Quietly) You know, two years ago, I wouldn't have gone near a dirty diaper in a hazmat suit.

Victoria: (Normal voice) Oh, well, remind me to thank Delia the next time I see her. She's trained you very well.

Billy: Yeah, it's funny. Actually, now I kind of enjoy being around kids. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Oh, really? You know, it just seems like such a long time ago that reed was a little baby, and I really miss little baby chub and baby giggles, and... (Sighs) Oh.

Billy: Yeah, giggles, chubs--that's--that's fun.

Victoria: Just putting his little head on my shoulder, and rocking him to sleep. And, oh, he was so-- smelled so sweet. (Sighs) I would love to have another baby. (Gasps) I don't mean us.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.

Victoria: Not you and me.

Billy: No way.

Victoria: No.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Keep going. (Laughs)

Victoria: Well, I guess that's another thing that Reed taught me-- to take my foot and just jam it right up in my mouth. Just wedge it up on in there.

Billy: It's adorable, yeah.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Nice.

Victoria: It's cute.

Billy: It's cute. (Laughs)

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: I'm so annoyed with myself right now.

Jack: Don't be. Don't be. Nothing happened.

Phyllis: Yeah, something could have happened.

Jack: No.

Phyllis: No?

Jack: Oh, jeez. Now I've offended you.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, you haven't offended me, but... really? I mean, you weren't tempted? Please just give me--

Jack: Yes, if I said I wasn't, I would be lying, but...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Jack: I don't want to let Emily down again.

Phyllis: I'm sorry, Jack. I don't--I don't want to screw up your thing with Emily. I'm sorry.

Jack: Yeah, who knows where things are headed with us? But... (Sighs) Nothing is certain. That is clear. If it falls apart this time, it won't be because I didn't give it my all.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's hard to live with that, knowing that you could have done more. I'll tell you what's worse is knowing that you gave it everything, everything you had, and it still didn't work out. That is actually worse.

Jack: Nick loves you. Nick chose you.

Phyllis: I never stopped feeling like I was the mistress... ever. I always felt like I was trespassing on sacred territory. I never felt safe or secure. There's only so long you can live with that.

Adam: Wow, look at you-- veins popping, teeth clenched. So if this is what happens when Sharon and I have an innocent conversation in church, I wonder what else could happen.

Nick: You don't do innocent.

Adam: I bet it was just killing you knowing she was in Brazil in a hotel room with me. Did she happen to mention to you what happened? That I kissed her, and that she kissed me back?

Sharon: Nick, listen. Don't listen to him. Look, he's trying to provoke you. He's just trying to provoke you.

Adam: I wonder. I-I-I just wonder here. You can answer me. Did you make it this obvious to Phyllis your obsession with your ex?

Nick: You're the one who's so obsessed and is delusional if you think Sharon wants anything to do with you.

Adam: The great thing is, she can speak for herself.

Sharon: You know what? Yes. Yes, I can. I can speak for myself, except no one here is listening. There's no chance in the future between you and I, and I told you I don't want you coming to my rescue. Both of you need to stop it. I will decide where to go, what to do and how I feel. I don't need either of you!

Victor: Meggie.

Meggie: I had nowhere else to go.

Victor: This is Nikki. And, Nikki, this is Meggie. She was the lady who was so kind to help me when I was looking for Adam in Canada.

Nikki: Oh, yes.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: We are both so grateful to you. Victor told me how you helped him find Adam.

Meggie: Well, he told me a lot about you, too. It's nice to meet you.

Victor: Had I had known that you were coming, I would have sent a car to the airport.

Meggie: (Chuckles) I took the bus.

Victor: You did?

Nikki: Oh, that is a long trip.

Victor: My goodness. Please sit down. You must be exhausted.

Nikki: Yes, come in.

Victor: You right there. Okay.

Nikki: So, um, can I get you anything?

Meggie: Uh, a glass of-- of water.

Victor: Have you eaten?

Meggie: I'm fine.

Victor: I'm going to get you something in the kitchen anyway, something to snack on, all right? And then you can tell us what brought you here.

Ashley: Seriously.

Tucker: Mm.

Ashley: Where did you learn to cook like this?

Tucker: Uh, let me see... uh, it was Egypt.

Ashley: (Chuckles) Egypt?

Tucker: Yeah, yeah. Archeological dig. I, um, I made friends with the camp cook.

Ashley: (Chuckles) Never a dull moment for you, huh?

Tucker: Actually, that dig was pretty dull.

Ashley: Yeah? No exciting discoveries?

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) I've had better luck lately. I came across a real treasure.

Ashley: Where was that?

Tucker: A little karaoke bar in Japan. I've been thinking a lot about that night.

Ashley: Me, too.

Tucker: Now I know we agreed to, uh, to leave what happened in Japan in Japan. But... that leaves the question, what are we gonna do about what's happening right here right now?

Ashley: I'm open to seeing where it goes.

(Knock on door)

Daniel: I thought you had someplace you had to be.

Abby: Mnh, turned out to be lame. (Chuckles) What are you doing?

Daniel: I'm just getting ready to paint.

Abby: What are you gonna paint?

Daniel: This canvas.

Abby: (Chuckles) Shut up. I mean, what are you going to paint?

Daniel: I haven't really figured that out yet.

Abby: Then I guess I got here just in time.

Nick: Wait, Sharon. Wait.

Sharon: Nick, I came here to be alone and to get some peace.

Nick: I knew he'd interfere with that.

Sharon: He's not the only one.

Nick: Look, I came to help you.

Sharon: If I need help, I'll just ask for it.

Adam: Hey, Nick, uh, a little advice-- I wouldn't wait by the phone.

Sharon: Why don't you go back to your wife, Adam? She's probably the only person on earth who would be happy to see you.

Nick: You know, I wouldn't be too sure about that-- Skye being happy to see you.

Adam: No worries, Nicholas. You see, I don't have the same problems that you have in your marriage, not being able to keep your wife happy and all. (Sighs)

Nick: You know, if I were you, it's not Skye I would be worried about losing. It's that high-priced lawyer that she paid for. Now I know he was able to get you out on bail--

Adam: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's be very, very clear here. He didn't get me out. You did, and Dad, and Jack. It was that torture session up in the cabin. It garnered a lot of support, a lot of sympathy with the judge. I imagine it'll do the same with the jury. So I'll have you to thank for setting me free, just like I had you to thank for sending Sharon straight into my arms-- ordering her around, treating her like she's part of your harem. You basically gift wrapped her for me. And you know the thing that I love? And, I mean, Nick, I love this. Despite needing to save your marriage, you cannot control yourself. You are going absolutely crazy knowing that she loves me.

Nick: You know, you're right about one thing. Your relationship with Sharon-- it is all about me. See, you sit there, and you think you're this master manipulator, and all you did was get played. Sharon used you to get over me. She never loved you.

Adam: Mm, whatever you need to say to make yourself sleep at night.

Nick: And, you know, everybody else knows it but you. Hey, tell me something. Has... has she ever called my name while you were in bed with her? (Grunts) Nah, we're not gonna do this here.

Adam: Sudden religious conviction? Wait till you can catch me unawares?

Nick: Nah, that's your M.O., like the way you did with Hightower.

Adam: I didn't kill him.

Nick: Now we both know that's not true. Maybe you did or did not actually do the deed, but you set the man up to die.

Adam: As is most often the case, you don't know what you're talking about.

Nick: You know, I met his little boy... his son. Heard you met him, too. I heard he hugged you. So you took this little boy in your arms, and you let him thank you for saving his father's life, and the whole time, you were setting the man up to die. Now your fancy lawyer may keep you out of prison, Adam. But you got another judgment coming, and that one's gonna reserve you a permanent place in hell.

Victoria: Nick didn't tell you that she was here?

Sharon: Um, he was preoccupied.

Victoria: With what? Is he okay?

Sharon: Yeah, Nick's fine... um, at least he was fine when I left him. Look, I just want to get my daughter home and get her to bed.

Victoria: Uh, okay, well, she's been fed, and--and she's been changed.

Billy: Yeah, quite expertly, I might add.

Sharon: Okay. What time did she go to sleep?

Victoria: Right after the bottle.

Billy: Yeah, a couple of giggles, and right out.

Victoria: Yeah.

Sharon: Well, that's good, huh?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Now I don't have to worry about you quoting her in "Restless Style."

Billy: (Chuckles)

Sharon: I can't believe you're okay with him exploiting your family like that.

Victoria: I'm--I'm not.

Billy: Okay, hey, hey. Let me get the door for you. Right this way, Ma'am.

Sharon: Sure. Where do you draw the line, Victoria?

Billy: Bye. Wow. (Clears throat) She's not really happy with the cover story.

Victoria: Nobody's really happy with the cover story.

Billy: Well, you're forgetting my adoring public and that you and I, we kissed already... (Singsong voice) And we made up.

Victoria: Did we?

Billy: (Normal voice) We did.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: But apparently, not enough. Not enough kisses. You want some more kisses? You want some more kisses, hmm?

Victoria: No, I don't want more kisses. No, I don't--

Billy: Hmm? No? You need something more? Maybe a little--

Victoria: I don't want more... (Laughs)

Billy: Maybe a little baby-makin' practice? Something like that?

Victoria: Aah! No! (Laughs)

Billy: No? Huh? Maybe a little?

Victoria: Stop. Stop.

Billy: No, I won’t. I won’t. Oh, look at you. You're smiling. I got you. (Chuckles)

Jack: You know, I could stay longer.

Phyllis: No, no. We shouldn’t. Let's be good. We're gonna be good. We are. We're gonna turn over new leaves. (Sighs) And I'm gonna dance at your wedding with Emily. The real wedding this time.

Jack: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. That's what I want to do. I want get ahead of myself. I want to p--catapult my way into the future where it doesn't hurt so much. I want to skip the part where I have to break my daughter's heart. I want to be in the future. I mean, I'm excited for you, Jack. I'm excited for you and Emily. I think this is gonna work out. I-I just-- I want you to be happy.

Jack: Right back at you, Red.

Victor: Here you are.

Meggie: That's very kind. Thank you. I knew you wouldn't turn me away.

Victor: Well, you have been very helpful to me when I was in Canada. And I told you that if you needed anything just to--just to call me.

Nikki: Is that why you're here? Are you in some sort of trouble?

Meggie: I, uh...

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Victoria: Aah!

Billy: (Growling)

Victoria: Aah!

Billy: (Grunts)

Victoria: (Giggles, laughs)

Sharon: You want your bottle? Here it is. There you go. Sweetheart.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Owen: Another stunt like this, and you'll be off this case, and you will be out of a job.

Skye: I married you for your name. We're gonna salvage it.

Sharon: I'm not just leaving the club. I'm gonna leave Genoa City.

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