Y&R Transcript Monday 7/12/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 7/13/10 -- USA
Episode # 9440 ~ Victor Denounces Adam
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Skye: Let's get out of here.
Adam: No, no chance. We're gonna order the most expensive bottle of champagne, and we are going to toast.
Skye: To us?
Adam: To us... sticking it to my family.
Nikki: They're disgusting, both of them.
Sharon: I can't believe that... that he is your son.
Victor: He means nothing to me.
Nikki: Well, don't let him get to you.
Victor: Sweetheart, and what? Give him the attention that he is obviously craving? Why do you think I sent Abby home with that video recorder? I don't want that on the internet.
Victor: You all right?
Sharon: He sits there toasting his bride like he's never hurt a soul in the world.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Hold on for a moment. This is a phone call I was expecting. Uh, kindly get the check, and then we'll get out of here, okay?
Nikki: All right.
(Cork pops)
Skye: (Laughs)
Adam: There you go.
Skye: Thank you.
(Glasses clink)
Lauren: Oh, Jeremy, these are gorgeous and so unique. Well, I guess they'd have to be when you're designing for Madonna and Lady Gaga.
Jeremy: And don't forget Miss Piggy.
Lauren: Well, who could? (Laughs) I bet out of everyone, she was the hardest to please.
Jeremy: You have no idea.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Jeremy: But I toned it a li-- down a little for this collection.
Lauren: You mean no one-legged pants?
Jeremy: No.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Jeremy: I felt like the Fenmore's customer needed to be a little bit more practical.
Lauren: I don't know how you did it. They're--they're outrageous. They're wearable and affordable. I-I don't know who's luckier-- my customer or me. I'm just... I'm really honored to be able to be-- carry the Jeremy Scott line at Fenmore’s.
Jeremy: Oh, that's a huge compliment coming from you. Oh.
Lauren: So tell me, when can we start shipping?
Jeremy: Right away.
Lauren: And can we make this an exclusive contract?
Jeremy: Yeah, have your attorneys draw up the papers and drop them off at my offices.
Lauren: Great. Thank you.
Jeremy: You know, I've dressed a lot of celebrities and had some crazy success in this business, but I've always dreamt of selling my designs here at Fenmore’s.
Lauren: You're kidding.
Jeremy: No, ever since I was little, I'd take my sister's dolls and make clothes for them and have her pretend to be Neil Fenmore...
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Jeremy: And purchase the whole line 'cause it was so fabulous.
Lauren: (Laughs) Well, your designs are fabulous, and my father would have scooped them right up.
Jeremy: Is this him? Your father?
Lauren: Yeah, and my grandfather. That was the first day of their first store in New York. You know, they donated the proceeds from that week to the local charities.
Jeremy: Your father seems like a wonderful man.
Lauren: Yeah, he does.
Jill: (Laughs) You're a father. I still can't believe it.
Cane: I know. I know. I just, uh, hope those two don't know how nervous I am.
Jill: Oh, Honey, stop. You've gotta relax. You gotta enjoy this phase of your life.
Cane: (Sighs) Oh, speaking of, uh, new phases, I heard about the name change.
Jill: Oh, yeah. Yeah, "Jill Fenmore"-- has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Cane: Um... yeah.
Jill: But?
Cane: Do you think you're moving a little too quickly for Lauren? You know, D.N.A. tests, name changes...
Jill: She is not going to ignore the fact that I am her sister.
Cane: But, you know, if you push her, you know, maybe you'll just kind of push her away. It's the last thing you want.
Lily: Hi.
Jill: Hi.
Cane: Hey. What are you doing?
Lily: Uh, I just-- I couldn't stay in that room for another minute. I mean, all I could do was think about them. How are they?
Cane: They're good. Uh, they just ate, and the nurse said that Matilda's put on an ounce and a half, and Charlie’s put on 2 ounces. Huh?
Lily: They're still so tiny.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Cane: Yeah.
Jill: Honey, I know you just had the stem cell infusion and you can't tell anything yet, but how are you feeling?
Lily: Uh, I-I feel good. I feel stronger.
Cane: Yeah, but do you think you should be resting?
Lily: No, I-I need to be here with my babies.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: So I... I-I said that I love you, and...
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: And, um, you said it, too, kind of. I mean, so... now what?
Billy: Dinner. Yeah.
Victoria: Dinner?
Billy: Yeah, I'm hungry.
Victoria: But we just ate all the junk food, and I'm...
Billy: No, no, no.
Victoria: We ate a lot of junk food.
Billy: You ate all the junk food in this entire place.
Victoria: You know, has anyone ever told you that you're kind of, I don't know, just a little insensitive? Slightly?
Billy: Yeah, every day, actually. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Good. Well, it's nice to know that pouring my heart out to you hasn't changed anything.
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: Answer that. Go ahead. I need to call my mom.
Victoria: Hello? Oh, yeah, um...
Billy: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Jill: Hi, Honey.
Billy: Hey, Mom. How are things at the hospital?
Jill: Oh, I'm still here. The babies are fine. They're getting stronger.
Billy: How did Lily's stem cell infusion go?
Jill: She's still waiting for the results. But, um...
Billy: But what?
Jill: Well, I just-- the pressure is starting to get to her. You know, Cane and I are worried about her.
Billy: (Sighs) Let me talk to Cane.
Jill: (Scoffs) I don't think that's a good idea.
Billy: Mom, I just want to help.
Jill: (Sighs) Cane? Billy.
Cane: Thank you. Hey, Billy.
Billy: Hey. Mom told me about Lily.
Cane: Yeah, um, you know, being in one hospital after another in the last month hasn't really helped. You know, I wish there was a way I could just make it better.
Billy: You know what? I just might have an idea on how you can lighten things up.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey, where'd you go? Jill had to leave?
Cane: And... so do we.
Lily: Uh, what about the clinical trial?
Cane: Dr. Kershaw said it's okay if we go AWOL for a while, so, uh, come on. Let's go.
Lily: Uh, where?
Cane: (Whispers) It's a surprise.
Lily: But, Cane, what about the babies? I mean, somebody needs to be here with them.
Cane: (Normal voice) I know. I called your dad. He's coming over. He'll take care of them.
Lily: Okay, but so many things could go wrong-- for me, for them.
Cane: Trust me, trust the doctors, and trust your dad.
Lily: An hour?
Cane: One hour.
Lily: (Sighs) Okay.
Cane: All right? Come on. Let's go. You are gonna like this.
Lily: Okay, but I have to change first.
Cane: Oh, really?
Adam: Go check on our table.
Adam: Hey, Brother. You gonna congratulate me?
Nick: For what? Buying your way out of jail?
Adam: Oh, no. You didn't hear? I got married. Don't worry. It wasn't to Sharon again. (Sighs) I tied the knot with Skye. Now both of us are gonna have to cheat on our wives if we want to be with Sharon.
Nick: You're a little son of a bitch, you know that?
Sharon: Nick. Nick, don’t. Just let it go. Don't make a bad day worse.
Adam: Bad day? A little marital spat? I bet I know who it was about.
Sharon: Just walk away. Walk away. You can't help yourself, can you?
Adam: Sharon, I know what I did was wrong, okay? I-I just get upset when I see you come to his defense like that. It just gets me.
Sharon: Wh-why? Because you care so much about me?
Adam: Because I love you, Sharon.
Sharon: What about your wife? Does she know that?
Adam: Skye and I have an understanding.
Sharon: She doesn't look so understanding.
Skye: Table's ready.
Sharon: It just got a whole lot cooler in here.
Nikki: Well, well. Death certainly becomes you, although I can't really say the same for me, considering I thought I was responsible for yours.
Skye: Guilt trips are a waste of time.
Nikki: So who was it in the stables, Skye? Some poor, unsuspecting person that you lured in there, just like Adam did with Richard Hightower?
Skye: No clue about the corpse. Things got dangerous here in the good old G.C., so I split. As for Chow, the guy was slime. Anybody could have seen that.
Adam: Even a partially blind man.
Nikki: (Sighs) You two deserve each other.
Billy: Oh, excuse me. Could you, um, park my pig, please?
Victoria: Just put the pig-- take our pig.
Billy: But be nice, because it's a very sensitive, sweet pig. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Hey. Whoa. Looks like the gang's all here, huh?
Victoria: Wow. What is he doing out of jail?
Sharon: Um, his wife bailed him out.
Victoria: Adam is married to Skye Lockhart?
Nikki: Oh, yeah. And Nicholas almost gave him a black eye as a wedding gift.
Nick: Yeah, it's too bad I didn’t.
Billy: The new missus-- she must have put up a lot of money for bail. I wonder why she'd do something like that.
Nick: You know, Abbott, if you're here for a scoop on the Newmans, why don't you just beat it?
Victoria: Oh, Nick, please.
Billy: Oh, take it easy, "Pop star." Vicki and I are just here for a little dinner, okay?
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: I don't want to cause you any trouble. Your family seems to have enough going on as it is. I'm gonna grab us a table. It's okay.
Victoria: Thank you.
Sharon: Calm down. Calm down.
Nikki: Let's go back to our table, huh?
Sharon: Okay. Nick--Nick, don't let him get to you, okay?
Nikki: Come on.
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Listen, I know what you're doing, and it's gotta stop.
Cane: All right, keep 'em close.
Lily: (Chuckles) Okay.
Cane: Closed. Closed. It's--you're all right. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. All right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you ready?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Open 'em up.
All: Surprise!
Lily: Oh, my gosh. (Laughs) What's going on?
Cane: Hmm?
Devon: It's a party, Lily, and you are the guest of honor.
Lily: But... (Chuckles) It's not my birthday.
J.T.: No, it's "Forget everything for an hour and enjoy your life" day.
Cane: Yep, and the celebration begins right now. Okay.
Devon: All right.
Roxanne: The pizza's already been ordered.
Devon: Yeah, we have, uh, uh, we have mushrooms, olives, pineapple, extra cheese, super thin crust.
Lily: (Chuckles)
(Tokens jingle)
J.T.: Hey, while we're waitin', how about some skee-ball? Anybody?
Devon: Hey, watch yourself now. Lily's a pro at that game.
J.T.: Oh, well, you've obviously never seen the amount of backspin I can put on those puppies. Talk about some serious bonus points.
Devon: Please, we can take them. How about her and I versus, uh, you and Mac?
J.T.: You're on.
Devon: Yeah?
Mac: Uh, actually, I will watch, but Roxy can be your partner.
J.T.: All right?
Roxanne: Sure.
J.T.: Let's go.
Devon: Let's do it.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: So you did this just for me?
Cane: Oh, yeah, I had a little help from some friends.
Roxanne: Yes!
Cane: Uh, you know, 'cause we want you to know what life is like outside the hospital.
Devon: Right here.
Devon and J.T.: Oh!
Lily: Well, I mean, is it okay for me to be here? I mean, what about the germs?
Cane: Oh, well, I got... these, and I got...
Devon: Watch this.
J.T.: Okay.
Cane: This...
Devon: Hey!
Cane: And Dr. Kershaw showed me how to make this place safe.
Roxanne: Yes!
J.T.: That's what I'm talkin' about.
Cane: So we are going to remember what we're fighting for, and that is you.
Roxanne: Come on, J.T.!
Cane: That is me. That is us. And it's us being happy. So come here.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Jeremy: All this space for my collection?
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. A-and see these circular racks? These are for the dresses, which we can adjust the height depending on the length of the gown, and if you need shelves, we can put them right there.
Jeremy: (Chuckles) It looks great.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Jeremy: What about signage?
Lauren: Oh, easy. Um, I was thinking here, and what about there? Good, huh?
Jeremy: Yeah, perfect. Everything looks great. Um, I guess the only thing is the window displays. I feel like they're crucial for sales.
Lauren: Completely. I do r--
(Knock on door)
Lauren: (Sighs) Would you excuse me?
Jeremy: Sure.
Lauren: Thanks. (Sighs) Jill, this is not a good time. I'm in the middle of--
Jill: Oh, my God, is that Jeremy Scott? I mean, the Jeremy Scott who designs for Rihanna and Katy Perry?
Lauren: Yes. Yes, and I'm in the middle of a meeting with him, so would you j--
Jill: Oh, good. Good thing I came by then. Mr. Scott. Oh, I'm so happy to meet you. I'm Jill Fenmore, Neil Fenmore's other daughter.
Jeremy: Hi.
Billy: Oh, hey, Ms. Lockhart? Or are you going by "Mrs. Newman" now?
Skye: Who wants to know?
Billy: Billy Abbott.
Skye: Billy Abbott-- "Restless Style" Billy Abbott?
Billy: Yep. So how are you likin' Genoa City?
Skye: It's a small town with small people. You can print that in your small magazine.
Billy: (Laughs sarcastically)
Sharon: What exactly is it that I'm doing?
Nikki: Nicholas and Phyllis have just separated. For all we know, they could get back together. I know Nicholas is hoping for that.
Sharon: Well, if that is what Nick wants, then I'm not gonna stand in his way.
Nikki: But you already are. You don't even realize it, but you're already involving yourself in his life.
Sharon: (Sighs) You know what? It's late, and the nanny's gonna be here any minute with Faith. I have to book a room, so good night.
Nikki: (Scoffs) Sharon.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Oh, hi, Dad.
Victor: How are you doing, my boy?
Nick: All right. I wish the circumstances were better.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Uh, your mother and I are leaving, so why don't you come with us?
Nick: And let him think he chased me off? No chance.
Victor: If that's the case, then why don't we order some coffee and, uh... but first, let me take care of some business.
Victor: Get out.
Adam: Sorry. The law's on my side, Dad. Oh, wait. I'm not your son. You erased me. Remember? So go home to your family, Victor. Let me enjoy dinner with mine.
Victor: May I have everyone's attention for a moment? This man here is Adam Newman. He was my son. I disowned him. And everything you ever heard about him is true. He's a liar. He's a kidnapper, and he's a killer. He murdered someone right in this building in cold blood. And yet, he is out on bail. He's free. And that is because of the incompetence of our district attorney, Mr. Owen Pomerantz. I think it is time that we make sure that justice will prevail in this town. Therefore, I ask you to deny service to this man in your cafés and restaurants. Do not allow him access to your stores. Don't help him in any way. I think it is time that we show Mr. Pomerantz that we want justice to prevail in this town.
Sharon: Nick, can I talk to you?
Nick: Sure.
Sharon: (Sighs) Would you mind watching Faith for the night?
Nick: Yeah, you okay?
Sharon: Yeah, I just... I can't be here.
Nick: Where are you going?
Sharon: Just-- can you watch Faith?
Nick: Yes, of course, but I'm worried. I mean, you're upset. You want to take off in the middle of the night, and Adam's on the loose.
Sharon: Okay, don't-- don't worry about me, all right? Worry about your wife. Worry about your family. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.
Nick: Sharon, everyone can use a friend.
Sharon: (Sighs) I'm not your friend. Look, I'll-- I'll call you about Faith.
Victoria: Wow. Where have I been the last few months?
Nick: Making goo-goo eyes at "Boy blunder."
Victoria: Yeah, okay. (Sighs) I guess I missed a few things.
Nick: Such as?
Victoria: Such as... what Phyllis is up against. I don't really blame her for leaving you.
Nick: (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Lily: That's right. That's right. Uh-huh.
Devon: Oh, yeah, some serious butt-kicking has just been done.
Lily: (Laughs)
Roxanne: You just beat us by a few points.
Lily: Unh-unh. Excuse me, missy. I think a few hundred, okay?
J.T.: Okay, fine, cheaters. What's next?
Devon: Cheaters?
Cane: All right, here is what we are gonna do. We are gonna have a race.
Mac: Oh.
Cane: You are gonna clean "Ms. Pac-man."
Mac: All right.
Cane: And I...
Devon: (Chuckles)
Cane: Am gonna clean "Donkey Kong." And whoever finishes first, well, that is the game that we are going to play.
Devon: All right.
Roxanne: Okay. Okay.
Cane: Huh?
Lily: (Chuckles)
Roxanne: On your mark. Get set. Go!
Lily: Come on, "Donkey Kong." Let's go! Let's go!
Devon: Go, go, go. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Cane: Done!
Lily: Whoo!
Roxanne: We got this, J.T.
J.T.: Oh, yeah.
Roxanne: Okay?
J.T.: Oh, yeah. Hey, uh, can you fill in for me for a second?
Cane: Yeah, I can do that, 'cause there's nothing I would rather do than beat these two hot dogs.
Lily: Oh, yeah, bring it on, Baby.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Cane: You having fun? Hmm?
Lily: Yeah. I mean, who knew that disinfecting could be so much fun?
Cane: (Chuckles)
Lily: I cannot wait to go home and just water the plants and clean the house and walk Humphrey.
Cane: Yeah, well, it won't be long.
Lily: No, but seriously, if you can do this for our kids, make even the bad things disappear, even if just for a little while, then you are gonna be an amazing dad.
Cane: You are gonna be an amazing mom.
Lily: (Chuckles)
J.T.: You okay?
Mac: Yeah, everything's great. The twins are great, and Lily's getting better. Everything's exactly-- everything's exactly the way it should be.
Jill: Is this how you're planning to display Jeremy's collection?
Jeremy: Lauren worked out the layout. I think it's terrific.
Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's all wrong.
Lauren: Jill, we want to showcase Jeremy at the front of the store. That way, our consumer can see what kind of product we sell at Fenmore's and come in and see.
Jill: Yeah, but you see, there's never been any evidence that that kind of strategy works.
Jeremy: Um, I have another appointment. Why don't I let you ladies work this out, and, um, I'll see you guys later.
Jill: Absolutely. Sounds great.
Jeremy: It was lovely meeting you.
Jill: Lovely meeting you, too.
Lauren: Okay, would you excuse us?
Jill: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Lauren: I will call you, and we will finalize the details for our agreement, okay?
Jeremy: What about your sister?
Lauren: Mm, she won't be a problem. Bye.
Jeremy: Bye-bye.
Lauren: What the hell do you think you're doing? [Sighs]
Lily: Theirs is more fun.
Cane: (Laughs)
Devon: Don't worry about it. Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Lily: Mine won't go.
Cane: This is not working.
Lily: Theirs is more fun.
J.T.: Say, "Cheese."
Mac: (Sighs) I wish I felt like it.
J.T.: Sorry, uh, no green tea.
Mac: I only drank that because I was pregnant. I really wanted to be here for Lily and help her feel better and forget about her cancer.
J.T.: Well, I think whippin' us in skee-ball did wonders for her.
Mac: My heart's just not in it.
J.T.: Your heart's hurting.
Mac: Which is no excuse for how I'm feeling.
J.T.: Hey, listen to me. You don't have to justify your feelings, all right? You're entitled to feel sad, frustrated, angry, confused.
Mac: All of the above?
J.T.: (Chuckles) Nobody thought givin' those twins away was gonna be easy for you.
Mac: What if it's impossible?
J.T.: What can I do to help?
Mac: Take me to see them.
J.T.: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Mac: Say good-bye for me. I'll meet you outside.
Cane: (Laughs)
J.T.: Hey, Guys. Mac and I are gonna take off. She's, uh--
Lily: Really?
Cane: I-is she all right? Is she okay?
J.T.: Yeah, she's fine. She's just tired.
Lily: All right, well, tell her thank you for coming. And you, too. Thank you so much for being here.
Cane: Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it.
J.T.: Good-bye.
Lily: All right. Bye. Aw. Well, that was really sweet of Mac to come, even though she's not feeling 100%.
Cane: Yeah, but everyone wants to be here for you, so...
Lily: Well, this was perfect-- perfect setting, perfect people... although I'm really surprised that Jill wasn't here.
Cane: Yeah, well, she's, uh, you know, she's got a lot on her mind, so...
Lily: I know. I still can't believe that she and Lauren are sisters.
Lauren: You are unbelievable! Butting into a private meeting with a high-profile designer?!
Jill: (Scoffs) In case you have forgotten... (Scoffs) I used to be the C.E.O. of Chancellor Industries and Jabot Cosmetics. I have years of experience in advertising and marketing. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of a sister who has all that to offer?
Lauren: You need to get it through your head. I don't want you as a business partner or a friend, and I sure as hell don't want you as a sister!
Victoria: I know. I know that you love Phyllis, and I know that you love Summer, but you gotta be honest, Nick. There's a little part of you that still has feelings for Sharon.
Nick: We have kids and a past. (Sighs)
Victoria: Yeah. Well, here's what I think. I think that if you find Nick Newman, then you're gonna find out who he should be with.
Fr. Lopez: Last I'd checked, God wasn't texting yet.
Sharon: Um, sorry, Father. I was just letting someone know that I'm here. (Sighs) Though I'm not really sure why I came.
Fr. Lopez: Usually the best time to come. Would you like to talk?
Sharon: Oh, I... (Sighs) I haven't been to mass or talked to a priest in... since I was a little girl.
Fr. Lopez: Oh, we still do the traditional, old-fashioned, anonymous confession. Uh, Monsignor Navin is there now.
Sharon: Thank you.
Sharon: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been years... many years since my last confession, and I don't know where to start. (Sighs) I came here a year ago. I joined your bereavement group, and--and I-I felt strength from that that I never knew I had. And I have to do that again. That's why I'm here. I need your help, Father, with these feelings that I'm having for this man. Um, feelings that I know I shouldn't have. I-I-I've tried to shut him out, and--and I... I can't seem to do it. No matter how many times he's hurt me or betrayed me, I... I just can't stop thinking about him, or wanting to be with him. And... even though it's the last thing in the world that my daughter and I need, I just... the thought of moving on without him is... I just--I-I really want to make the right decision, and I don't know what that is. And so I need you to help me. Father, help me decide what's right.
Victoria: (Sighs) What's the going rate for undeniable restraint?
Billy: Ooh. Tough to put a price tag on that.
Victoria: Mm, yeah, I figured.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Well, I really do need to figure out a way to show you how much it means to me that for one entire evening, you managed to not behave like a jackass in front of my family. Thank you very much.
Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, thanks, Baby. That's so nice. I don't know, maybe I can help you out with this. Here. Think fast.
Victoria: Oh!
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: A room.
Billy: Yeah,
Victoria: Really?
Billy: Uh-huh.
Victoria: You couldn't wait for... (Whispers indistinctly) (Laughs)
Billy: Uh, Baby, I used up all my restraint.
Victoria: (Normal voice) Well, then you better get up to the room.
Billy: Okay. What about your parents?
Victoria: Well, they can get their own room. Bring the pig.
Billy: Oh, this is gonna be fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. Come on, Piggy. (Grunting)
Man: Mr. Newman? You'll have to leave.
Adam: We're not finished.
Man: We've had complaints. You're making the other guests uncomfortable.
Adam: I can't imagine who might be saying that.
Skye: Come on, Adam. It's our wedding night. Let's go.
(Cell phone rings)
Adam: What? Mm-hmm. Where? Those were the exact words? Okay, I'm leaving now.
Skye: Where are you going?
Adam: I married you, Skye. That's all I owe you.
Mac: I thought coming here would make me feel better. These babies represent everything that is good in the world-- life... and hope. I should be happy and grateful. I just feel cheated.
J.T.: Hey. Hey. Give yourself a break, all right?
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: You just had major surgery. You just gave birth to twins. Your hormones are all over the place.
Mac: I really do want Lily to get better. I really do want her and Cane to have a long and happy life and raise their kids. But I have a hole inside of me that I can't fill no matter what I do.
J.T.: You're in pain.
Mac: (Sighs) I have seen suffering, J.T., real suffering-- mothers who have lost their children, kids who were terrified and starving, and I never, ever fell apart. I could comfort them. I can't comfort myself.
J.T.: Well, let somebody else do it...
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: All right? Let me do it.
Mac: (Sniffles) (Sobs)
Cane: You ready to go?
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: You know, one day, we're gonna come back here, and Matilda and I are gonna beat the pants off of you and Charlie at skee-ball.
Cane: Mm, it sounds like a date.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: And then you guys will have to do dishes for a week, while Mattie and I sit on the couch and read American Girl books.
Cane: Oh, really? Well, you know, if that happens, then I think Charlie and I will have to demand a rematch.
Lily: Well, bring it on.
Cane: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Lily: It's girl power all the way. (Chuckles)
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: No, but seriously, promise me that it'll be that way.
Cane: I promise you... except the part about you and Mattie being, you know, better than Charlie and me. (Chuckles) Come on, Baby. Let's go see our skee-ball friends. Come on.
Cane: You do know that skee-ball is a lot like cricket.
Lily: (Scoffs) Uh, you better keep dreaming, because you guys are never gonna beat us.
Cane: Oh, oh, please cover your ears Charlie, all right? Because, uh... (Whispering) Right now, she's gonna be offending our manly pride, 'cause we have things at stake like dishes. 'Cause we all know dishes are women's work. (Laughs)
Lily: Oh, did you hear that, Matilda? "Women's work." Yeah, we're gonna show them, right?
Cane: (Normal voice) Huh? Oh, look, look. I just saw it. He smiled.
Lily: Cane, he can't smile.
Cane: I'm telling you, he just smiled. He knows. Don't you? You know.
Lily: Oh, he knows what? That you guys are gonna beat us?
Cane: No. He knows that his mommy's getting better, and we are gonna be the best family ever. That's what he knows. Hmm? That's what he knows.
Lily: Well, maybe you're right.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: Maybe it is a smile.
Cane: Maybe.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: What can I get you?
Mac: Uh, tea.
J.T.: Tea it is.
Lauren: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sobs) Damn you. (Gasps) (Sighs)
Jill: (Sighs) Ah. Thank you for meeting me.
Morgan: I'm glad you called.
Jill: Well, I wanted to let you know that I'm ready to move ahead with my suit. I want to claim my half of the Fenmore estate.
Morgan: Good, because I found out something about Neil Fenmore's will that I think you'll find very interesting.
Victoria: Mm.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: Mm-mm.
Victoria: (Laughs) Mm.
Billy: You.
Victor: Son, if there's anything I can do for you or Phyllis...
Nick: No, I think I gotta deal with this on my own.
Faith: (Cries)
Nikki: (Gasps) Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Nick: Yep, sounds like its bottle time.
Victor: Yeah?
Nikki: All right, I'll take--I'll take care of it.
Nick: Oh, okay, thanks, Mom. The bottle's in the diaper bag.
Nikki: Okay, no problem.
Victor: Okay. If you need anything, you let me know, all right?
Nick: Thanks, Dad.
Skye: Martini, dry. (Sighs)
Nick: You know, I'd-- I'd apologize for a bride drinking alone on her wedding night, but you get what you pay for, even when it comes to husbands. But you gotta ask yourself, what would make a groom leave his bride on their honeymoon night?
(Door closes)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daniel: I thought I would take you up on your offer to paint "The Naked Heiress."
Phyllis: Thank you for listening to me.
Adam: I bet it was just killing you knowing she was in Brazil in a hotel room with me.
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