Y&R Transcript Friday 7/9/10 -- Canada; Monday 7/12/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9439 ~ Phyllis Says Goodbye to Nick
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victor: You're in love with this man? Are you rebelling against me, or what is it?
Victoria: (Sighs) It's maybe just not about you, Dad. Maybe it's about how I feel about Billy.
Victor: Really?
Victoria: Yeah.
Victor: This is disgusting.
Billy: So, um... is this where you say "Just kidding"? (Chuckles)
Nikki: Let me check in my calendar, and I'll get back to you. Thank you.
Nick: (Sighs) Mom, have you seen Phyllis?
Nikki: Um, no, not since the press conference. Why? What's wrong?
Nick: She left me.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Phyllis. What are you doing here?
Phyllis: Well, let's see. It's, um, a good news/bad news kind of thing, Sharon. Uh, good news-- well, for you, anyway-- uh, I left Nick. Bad news-- for you again-- I want my apartment back.
Owen: (Sighs heavily)
Heather: Owen, I just got your message. Skye Lockhart is here?
Owen: Yeah, back from the dead, with Vance Abrams, no less.
Chance: That guy usually takes on cases that end up on TV.
Owen: Yeah, the judge called a recess so Adam can confer with his one-man dream team.
Chance: (Sighs)
Owen: So you'd better get ready to fight like hell.
Heather: Oh, of course. I-I will back you up, whatever you need.
Owen: No, forget second chair. You're lead counsel now. I can't get out of that Brookwater case.
Heather: But I haven't prepped to be lead.
Owen: (Inhales sharply) Then you'd better prep fast unless you want Adam to make bail.
Chance: Nick Newman's already been cleared, and Patty Williams, well, she'll never go to trial. If Adam doesn't go down, then no one pays.
Heather: Adam will rot in jail while on trial, get convicted and then rot in prison.
Owen: Now make it happen.
Chance: Are you okay to go in there? To face your ex?
Heather: There's nothing I'm looking forward to more.
Adam: I appreciate your coming.
Skye: How about my sticking my neck out and coming back to Genoa City? Do you appreciate that, too?
Adam: More than you know. Can you get me bail?
Vance: It should go quickly. Who am I up against?
Heather: Counselor, assistant district attorney Heather Stevens.
Vance: Vance Abrams.
Judge: Ready to proceed?
Vance: Yes, your honor. Sorry for my tardy arrival.
Judge: Mr. Abrams, how does your client plead?
Vance: Not guilty, your honor. And we ask that Mr. Newman's bail be set at a reasonable amount. He's been through enough. He deserves to go home.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Sharon: So you left Nick?
Phyllis: Yeah, I left Nick. What, are you shocked because he's not beating down your door yet, Sharon?
Sharon: Okay, so he... he finally gets free of murder charges, and--and--and you just--
Phyllis: Wait, wait. And I what? What, abandoned him? Is that what you were gonna say?
Sharon: But you two love each other.
Phyllis: Yeah, we do. We love each other. But then there's always you. You're always there.
Sharon: Well, you've broken up before. I'm sure you'll get back together.
Phyllis: Well, I think I just delayed the inevitable. Not anymore.
Sharon: So... so it's really over between you two?
Phyllis: Yeah, it's really over, Sharon, so I need my place back. You need to pack up and get out.
Sharon: Well, Faith and I can be out of here tonight. I mean, I never even really unpacked because the place didn't feel like home to me. The only reason I moved in here is 'cause you suggested it.
Phyllis: So naive... I'm so naive thinking that you living across town would be far enough away. And I am so glad, because I don't have to spend another minute of my life worrying about you two, and if you're gonna be together, and trying to keep you apart. Thank God.
Sharon: I'll just pack up our things.
Nikki: The murder charges have been dropped once and for all, and now to have this happen with Phyllis...
Nick: We just need some time to feel normal again, safe. We're gonna work this out.
Nikki: Oh, Honey, I hope so.
Nick: Oh, we will. I'm gonna go check and see if she got a room at the club.
Nikki: Okay.
Nick: Then I'm gonna bring my wife home.
Nikki: Oh, Victor, we have so much to talk about.
Victor: We do, indeed. (Inhales deeply) Our daughter Victoria has lost her mind.
Victoria: I know what I said. I know what I said.
Billy: And you meant it?
Victoria: My brothers are jailbirds, and my sister, she's naked, and I am actually capable of emotion-- big shock. You could, uh, put that on your next cover, if you want.
Billy: Well, it's the object of your emotion that's surprising.
Victoria: Would you just relax, all right? It's just-- it was a statement of fact requiring no response whatsoever, and if you want to get all worked up about a nonevent, then go ahead and get worked up about--about a nonevent.
Billy: You look hungry. You look hungry. Let me take you to dinner. (Whispers) I am asking you out.
Victoria: A date?
Billy: (Normal voice) Yeah, a date. We've never had one. But if you want to get all worked up over a nonevent, then go ahead. Get worked up.
Victoria: No. I mean, yes, I'd-- I'd like to go on a date.
Billy: Good, because I know the perfect place.
Heather: (Sighs) Frankly, I'm not sure why we're here. Bail shouldn't be a remote possibility for Adam Newman. He has already faked his own death and fled the country to escape justice. And that was before his newest and most damning charges of conspiracy to commit murder. Your honor, don't give Adam Newman the chance to run again. Force him to finally stand trial. Force him to finally face justice. We ask that the defendant be denied bail. Thank you.
Vance: My client ran, but it was out of self-preservation, not defiance. His father Victor Newman is a powerful man, and he made it clear in his recent press conference just how much he hates his own child. And, your honor, how many prisoners would love to get on Victor Newman's good side by going after his hated son? Adam made a mistake when he left town, but he's here now, ready to face the court, clear his name and live his life. So, yes, reasonable bail is in order. And, your honor, if I may point out, my esteemed colleague Ms. Stevens was once engaged to my client, and she was part of the kangaroo court that tried to force a false confession out of him. She should be removed from the case, or at the very least, seen for what she is-- a woman scorned who wants my client to suffer.
Heather: Objection!
Judge: Order. This hearing isn't about opposing counsel. It's about your client and possible bail. I've heard enough. Bail is set for $500,000.
Heather: Your honor--
Judge: We're done. Adjourned.
(Bangs gavel)
Adam: Hey. Come here. No friends, no money, no line of defense.
Skye: (Chuckles)
Adam: And then you march in and you save my tail. So can I go now? Is, uh, is it time to walk out of here and flip everyone off?
Skye: Uh, wait to flip until I actually post bail.
Adam: You can cover the bond, right? Its 50 grand.
Skye: I can cover it. But first, you ante up. I want something in return.
Victor: Victoria insisted I leave Billy Abbott alone because she's in love with him. I can't believe it. (Sighs heavily) Of all the things... maybe you better talk to her, okay?
Nikki: You expect me to talk our very headstrong daughter out of being in love?
Victor: You have got to talk to her, I'm telling you.
Nikki: Or we could let our children live their lives and make mistakes...
Victor: Sweetheart...
Nikki: And hopefully learn from them.
Victor: Do you honestly think I'm gonna allow this no-good S.O.B., this arrogant, useless fellow to hurt our daughter? And he will hurt her. He's an Abbott.
Nikki: Well, I probably shouldn't say this, but it's not like you and I both haven't been married to Abbotts before.
Victor: Sweetheart, the Newman’s have no business dealing with the Abbotts, all right? They will hurt us. That's all there is to it. No good will come of it.
Abby: (Scoffs) I'm an Abbott. So I guess that means you hate me, too.
Nick: Phyllis, it's me. They said you haven't checked in at the club. I really need to find you. We need to talk.
(Door revolves)
[Phyllis remembering]
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Nicholas, maybe you can just acknowledge that both of us are going through the same thing. And we'll find my son a lot sooner if we work together.
Nick: I don't have a problem with that.
Phyllis: You don't?
Nick: No. While Daniel's missing, we can be allies. But the minute we find him, all bets are off. I let vengeance run my life. And what did it get me? No peace, no satisfaction. And you warned me that that was gonna happen, but I didn't listen. I'm not gonna be that guy again. That's why I came here-- to square things with you, because I figured if you and I can trust each other, anyone can.
Nick: I will trust you. I will respect you. I'll laugh with you. I'll cry with you. And I will love you faithfully, through good times and bad.
Phyllis: When I first fell for you, it would be true love-- ridiculous, all-consuming, unconventional, inconvenient love...
Nick: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: The kind of love I've never had and the kind of love that people wish for... their entire life.
Sharon: I-I heard about you and Phyllis.
Nick: Did you see her? Where was she?
Sharon: Uh, yeah, she-- I saw her at the penthouse. She said that she needed a place to stay, and that is her home, so--
Nick: No. No, that is not her home, and it's not Summer's, either. You and Faith can go back there. I'm gonna talk to Phyllis and make sure she understands that us being apart's a mistake.
Sharon: Oh. Are you sure that it is?
Nick: Yes, Sharon, it is a mistake. That's my wife, and I love her. I'm not just gonna give up and let her leave me.
Sharon: R-right. Of course.
Nick: Did you think I was gonna let her go?
Adam: The "Sharkiest" shark defense attorney of all time, and you posted my bail. There's not much I can do to make us even.
Skye: What I want won't cost you a dime, just your name. Make an honest woman out of me... well, a married woman. Honest is pushing it.
Adam: You're serious. I gotta admit, I never saw this coming.
Skye: You're not exactly "Bachelor of the year," and I scare the pants off most men. We're the perfect match. You in or out?
(Door opens)
Heather: You can go. You and I are gonna talk.
Victoria: Oh, here. Um, here. (Laughs) This is our first date. This is, um...
Billy: (Singsong voice) It's impressive. I know.
Victoria: This is so-- gosh, I haven't been to an arcade in, um, God--
Billy: Well, I just made it worth the manager's while to clear the place out so we could have it to ourselves. That--that was the little phone call I made back at the—
(Game whirring)
Victoria: Oh, yeah, back at the office with my dad and all of that drama, and you thought... skee-ball.
Billy: Yeah, you know...
Victoria: (Chuckles) Wow.
Billy: I searched the cobwebs of my memory...
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: To try to find something fun for us to do, you know?
Victoria: Yeah, it's fun.
Man: Hey, Bill. Do you need some tokens, or are you, uh, still good from last week?
Billy: I'm good, Buddy. I appreciate it. You can just kind of...
Man: (Chuckles) All right.
Billy: Thank you. (Clears throat) So would you like to play skee-ball? Or would you like to play the crane game? Or would you like to--
Victoria: Um, I'd like for you to maybe, um... give me some tokens for the vending machine before I might have to eat your arm off.
Billy: Oh, okay. Um, sure. It's nice to see that you're still so very violent. (Clears throat) Um, here, you can have these tokens. Okay, you have a little more tokens. Go buy some cheese balls.
Victoria: (Laughs) Thank you.
Billy: And when you come back, and I'm gonna kick your butt.
Victoria: Oh, you're gonna kick my butt?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: You're gonna kick my butt?
Billy: (Whispers) I'm gonna kick your butt.
Victoria: Oh, Billy. Sweet, sweet Billy. Prepare to get owned.
(Token drops in slot)
Abby: (Clears throat)
Victor: Now you know that I have enormous respect for Ashley, and I love you very much. But you can't be serious about this piece in "Restless Style."
Abby: Oh, let me guess, I'm sure Nikki couldn't wait to show you the cover and tell you how I'm in danger of ruining my reputation forever.
Nikki: This might surprise you, Abby, but we have a few more important things to talk about.
Victor: I have seen this piece myself, and I'm very disappointed in you.
Abby: Come on. You started the Newman brand from nothing, okay? "Restless Style" is helping me develop my brand. Do you guys know why I'm here today? Allen Cook from "Celebrity Weekly" is coming here to interview me. He is coming to me, not me to him. Th-that's huge.
Victor: Do you think this man is gonna help you, or what?
Abby: Well, once my brand gets going, the money is gonna be rolling in, and if I combine that with my trust funds, I'm gonna be set for life.
Victor: I assure you, you will not see a penny of that trust fund if you continue this nonsense.
Abby: (Sighs)
Allen: Miss Newman, Allen Cook, "Celebrity Weekly."
Abby: (Gasps) (Laughs) Allen. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. Uh, please, meet my father Victor Newman and his multiple ex Nikki Newman.
Nikki: How do you do?
Victor: I beg your pardon?
Allen: Uh, Mr. Newman, I have to ask, how do you feel about your daughter's stock being on the rise because of a sex tape?
Victor: Because of what?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: I like the long ones. Do you want one?
Billy: (Laughs) Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, you do. Have a cheese puff.
Billy: I don't want-- I don't want a cheese puff.
Victoria: You're having a cheese puff.
Billy: I don't want a cheese puff. (Growls) I don't want a cheese puff! Stop. Stop. Leave me alone.
Victoria: I'm gonna give you a cheese puff.
Billy: You're not giving me a cheese puff. You're not gonna give me a cheese puff-- uhh!
Victoria: (Laughs) Take that!
Billy: That's just violent. That's just violent, and I got you!
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: (Growls) I don't want a cheese puff. Okay, eh.
Victoria: Have a cheese puff. Have another cheese puff. Have another cheese puff. (Laughs) My turn.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Lucky 50.
Billy: Uh-huh.
Victoria: Yeah! Yes! (Laughs)
Heather: You're disgusting-- all that moaning you did about being misunderstood. Meanwhile, you tortured Ashley, stole Sharon's baby.
Adam: Mm, yeah, 'cause this is about Sharon and Ashley. This has nothing to do with you being dumped.
Heather: You were going to kill Hightower, but somebody killed him for you. It's conspiracy to commit murder. You got bail, but I will make damn sure you're convicted.
Adam: And see, that is exactly, precisely the reason that you shouldn't be on this trial. You shouldn't be a part of this case, because this is personal to you, Heather. This is not justice. And frankly, it--it's not your best look.
Heather: If they take me off the case, I'll just get up on the stand, testify against you.
Adam: (Laughs) And say what? That you made love to the evilest who ever eviled? And then you snuck down to my daddy's cellar and grabbed some vintage wine, and you just can't stay away from those bad guys. Or you can say that, uh, had I been devoted to you, and only you, this whole time, you'd be my wife by now.
Heather: Thank God I found out what you are-- repulsive and vicious. No one with a heart will ever make the mistake of caring about you again.
Sharon: You know, Phyllis just seemed so certain. But you know her better than I do, a-and if you believe that things will change...
Nick: She thinks she only has part of my love.
Sharon: But that's not true.
Nick: Of course it's not true. She has all of it. I just need to make her see that once and for all. We have too much to fight for.
Sharon: Well, Nick, um, I really hope that you get what you want.
Nick: Thanks.
(Door revolves)
Victor: Where is this tape? Who has seen it?
Abby: Didn't get around to telling him about that?
Victor: You knew about this?
Allen: Uh, I-I'm sorry. I assumed this was common knowledge.
Nikki: I just recently found out about it, and I thought it would be more appropriate for us to discuss it at home.
Victor: (Sighs heavily)
Abby: Okay, y-you know, Dad, please, I know that it's a shock that your little girl is all grown up. A-and I am appalled that my privacy was invaded like that. (Stammers) When the-- when the footage-- when it surfaced, I was a wreck, and you have been under so much stress with Adam and Nick, I couldn't possibly add to that.
Victor: Who videotaped this? I want his name.
Abby: Dad, you can't hurt him, okay?
Victor: I want his name.
Allen: Mr. Newman, if it helps, the footage is dark. And on the upside, with internet discussion of the tape a-and her "Restless Style" cover, Abby's star is on the--
Victor: I didn't ask you for your opinion. You print one word of this, I'll close you down. You got it?
Skye: Adam, this is the justice of the peace. I had him on call for the day. And since we're right beside the courthouse, I just scored us a marriage license.
Adam: We're getting married right now?
Skye: Unless you can't live up to your end of the deal.
Victoria: Yes! Booya!
(Game whirring)
Victoria: What's this? That's you getting spanked.
Billy: Whoa.
(Game whirring)
Billy: Wow. Uh, wow, that's amazing. I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much-- sober anyway.
Victoria: Yeah, well, it's just a sugar high probably...
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: And the thrill of victory.
Billy: Yeah, is that what it is? You know what I think? I think you're just figuring out how awesome I am. I mean...
(Game whirring)
Billy: And you did that in front of your, uh... (Clears throat) Pain in the... dad. So that must be a relief lifted right off your little shoulders.
Victoria: Do you know what I think?
Billy: What do you think?
(Game whirring)
Victoria: (Laughs) I think I still haven't pounded you at moon... ridge game.
(Game whirring)
Billy: (Inhales deeply)
(Claps hands)
[Nick remembering]
Nick: I don't want to live without you.
Phyllis: Ooh. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: So, Phyllis Newman...
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: Will you marry me-- again? You're amazing.
Nick: You're always there for me... and for Summer. No matter how tough things get, you always fight for us. I love you.
Phyllis: I love you, too.
(Doorbell rings)
Chance: It couldn't have been easy going face-to-face.
Heather: (Sighs) And not rip his head off? (Sighs) No, it wasn't easy.
Chance: You are a tough and smart girl-- woman-- who can bust chops with the best of them. But I just don't get...
Heather: Why did I pick Adam?
Chance: Yeah.
Heather: (Scoffs) He was wounded, smart, angry. (Sighs) Maybe I could relate. And I thought underneath... (Sighs) Oh, God, it sounds so stupid, but I thought I was smarter than everyone else because I could see the real him, you know, the good in him.
Chance: (Inhales deeply) Honestly, I don't get it.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: I-I don't-- I don't get it. I don't see it. What I do see is I see you, and I see Chloe, and I see a lot of other good woman wasting their time with guys that aren't worth jack. If a guy is an ass and he enjoys being an ass, then no matter what you do, what you say, what you try to come up with, how you try and change him, the guy is always gonna be an ass. So stay clear.
Heather: (Laughs)
Chance: Run. Jump. Skip. Hop. I don't care. Leave.
Heather: (Laughs) You're right. You're right. I've learned my lesson.
Chance: Finally.
Heather: (Laughs)
Chance: Thank you.
Heather: (Sighs) Oh, Man. It's too bad you're taken. What I need is a guy like you. (Sighs)
Chance: (Chuckles)
Man: Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?
[Adam remembering]
Adam and Sharon: With this ring, I thee wed.
Man: Mr. Newman?
Adam: (Sighs)
Man: That's your cue.
Adam: (Sighs) I do.
Man: Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Skye: Let's get out of here.
Adam: I know just the place we can go.
Victoria: Oh, that is all class. Look at that. Glossy girl.
Billy: I know. You're so glamorous. You... (Moaning)
Victoria: Like that?
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: That is nice. Oh, so cute.
(Game whirring)
Victoria: Wait a minute. When did you do this?
(Game whirring)
Billy: (Clicking object) Uh, I don't know. Maybe when you were getting your sixth sugar fix. I don't know.
(Game whirring)
Victoria: "I... love you... too." Really?
Billy: Uh... I don't know. Kind of... oh, maybe a lot. (Growls)
Nick: If you want to stay here because you need some space, that's cool. But after that, come home-- you, me and Summer.
Phyllis: Mnh-mnh, it's not gonna happen.
Nick: No, I am not gonna let you...
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Nick: Just end us. I know things h-have been rough for a while. I know there may have been times where it didn't seem like I knew what I wanted, but I've been dead certain for a long time that it is you. It's us. Things got all screwed up when I was in jail, but I am out now, Phyllis, and I will prove to you-- I'll spend every second that I have, every ounce of energy that is in me proving to you that what we have is worth fighting for. I need you and Summer. Please.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Summer is your daughter. That will never change. I wouldn't keep you two apart.
Nick: I need you, too.
Phyllis: (Clicks tongue) I can't do it. (Sighs) I'm so tired, Nick. I... I'm so tired.
Nick: I-- you've been carrying the load for a long time. That was supposed to change when I... you came home from Europe with Summer, and I was supposed to help, and... I dropped the ball. I-I can do this now.
Phyllis: No. No, you can't. I mean, you've proven that to me. You can't do it. It will never just be us in this marriage.
Nick: There is nothing between Sharon and me.
Phyllis: Oh, God! There will always be something between you and Sharon-- always. I will not sit back and watch it anymore! I am not doing that! (Breathing heavily) (Sighs) Oh, I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to get upset. I am done with this. (Sighs) (Sighs) In the beginning, it was so incredible. (Sighs) Oh, Nick, we had this thing. We had this thing, and... we couldn't stop it. (Sighs) Nothing could keep us apart. It was amazing. (Sobs) And as... (Voice breaks) As time went on, it just got chipped away and chipped away and chipped away, and I didn't-- I didn't know what to do about it. And Summer got sick, and you got in the plane crash. (Normal voice) And oh, oh, and you slept with Sharon, and oh, you slept with Sharon again! (Breathing heavily) And miraculously, Sharon got pregnant. (Sighs)
Nick: We got past all that.
Phyllis: We-- we... never got past that. That... (Voice cracks) Stares me in the face every single day. Every time you're in the room with her, she looks at you... (Gags) (Sighs) (Normal voice) You mention her name. The two of you in a room talk-- I-I can't...
Nick: All that matters to me is our marriage and finding my way back to you. You gotta believe me.
Phyllis: You shouldn't have to find your way back to me. That's the thing. You shouldn't have to. (Slapping hand against palm) You should be with me. You should be with me. You know, other-- other people get d-- they get divorced. They get divorced. They have kids together. They talk together. They talk about the weather. They go home, and it's over. They have history, and it doesn't define who they are. They're not still in love. (Whispers) They're not still in love. (Sobs) (Normal voice) Sharon will always have a hold over you. (Voice breaks) That's the way it is. And I thought I was a fighter, and I wanted to fight it, and I can't. I was kidding myself. (Cries) You... this is done. This is done. (Sobs) I shouldn't have to fight anymore. (Sniffles) I-I'm--I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life loving someone who doesn't love me.
Nick: That's not true. You have no idea how much I love you.
Phyllis: (Sighs) And you have no idea how much you've hurt me.
Nick: I can be better.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: Let me fix this.
Phyllis: You can't fix it. (Sighs) (Sighs)
Nick: So what now? I'm just supposed to walk away from you?
Phyllis: Yeah. You're supposed to walk away from me.
Phyllis: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly) (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Phyllis: (Mouthing words)
Abby: This is so crazy. I've had more hits today on my web site than I've had all week. That lame "Restless Style" cover was exactly what I needed.
Allen: Uh, I don't think your father is going to be quite as pleased as you are.
Abby: Oh, whatever. Don't worry about him. He just likes getting all worked up. Oh, you can totally quote him, by the way.
Allen: Oh, I plan to.
Abby: (Laughs) Ooh, this day is ending so much better than it began.
Sharon: Hello.
Victor: Hey.
Nikki: Oh, Sharon. Have you seen Nicholas?
Sharon: Yes, and Phyllis, and she asked me for her apartment back.
Victor: Why would she do that?
Nikki: Because she has decided to separate from Nicholas.
Victor: Why the hell wasn't I told about that?
Abby: (Gasps)
Adam: I hope everyone's having a wonderful evening. I know I am. Allow me to present to you my wife Mrs. Skye Newman. Hey, Dad. It's great to be back.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
J.T.: Nobody thought giving those twins away was gonna be easy for you.
Mac: What if it's impossible?
Skye: Guilt trips are a waste of time.
Nikki: So who was it in the stables?
Adam: I love you, Sharon.
Sharon: What about your wife? Does she know that?
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