Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/8/10 -- Canada; Friday 7/9/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9438 ~ Victoria Makes Her Choice
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Adam: So you're my visitor.
Sharon: Now you know what it's like being tricked.
Adam: It's great, actually. They said it was a Newman. I figured it was my father here to hassle me. I actually almost had the guard take me back to my cell. Uh, my arraignment is later. It's a good thing I didn't have them do it.
Sharon: Well, you might not be so happy when you find out why I'm here.
Adam: Just the fact that you're here, Sharon... after the way you left before, that means a lot to me.
Nick: Phyllis, you ready to go?
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm ready.
Nick: Summer all squared away?
Phyllis: Yeah, uh, Leah is taking her to a movie.
Nick: Good. Big day for us, huh? We get to hold our heads high and tell the world I'm officially cleared. Look, I know it's been a rough few weeks. That's all behind us now, all right? We're gonna go to this press conference. Then we're gonna come home, start puttin' the pieces back together, all right?
Nick: I'll pull the car around.
Nikki: Have I told you how proud I am of you?
Victor: Why?
Nikki: Going after Adam the way you did...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Ensured that he wouldn't get away with framing Nicholas... although I could have done without the jumping out of the airplane stuff.
Victor: Mm-hmm, well, I'm glad I wasn't here when you learned about that.
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Do I have everything?
Nikki: Although it is nice to smile about that now.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Our family is whole again, you know. The Newmans are strong, and they're back, and they're together again.
Owen: Patty Williams had motive. She was at the scene, and most importantly, confessed to the crime, providing details that only the police and Richard Hightower’s killer would know.
Judge: Are you planning to prosecute?
Owen: No, your honor. Ms. Williams is incompetent to stand trial. However, to protect the public, we ask that she be permanently committed to the state facility for the criminally insane where she presently resides.
Paul: (Quietly) Wait, no. That--that's not acceptable.
Woman: (Quietly) The D.A. just handed us a break-- a lot better than prison.
Paul: Now wait, wait. Ar-aren't you going to challenge Patty's confession?
Woman: I think we need to do what's best for Patty.
Paul: You need to challenge that--
Judge: I have a full plate tonight, Counsel. Is there an issue? Do you wish to challenge the state's recommendation?
Woman: Could--
Paul: (Normal voice) Your honor, m-my name is Paul Williams. Uh, Patty is my sister, and I am also her legal guardian. May I speak for her?
Abby: No, I haven't seen it yet, either. Zander's still unbundling it. His eyes should be popping out in about ten seconds when he sees the Naked Heiress in all her nakedness. Okay, okay. Yes, there is a well-placed hand here or there, but it still totally pushes the boundaries. Plus, there's a-- there's a huge feature on me inside. I know. I know. Well, if this doesn't get people's attention, I don't know what will. Kent, I gotta go. Bye. Gotta go. It's pretty shocking, isn't it? (Laughs) What the hell is... he tricked me. Oh, Uncle Billy, you are so done.
Billy: Yeah, look, I just want to know if you can handle a second printing if this baby sells as well as I anticipate it to. Fantastic. Oscar, I appreciate it, Buddy. Thank you.
Victoria: How could you do this to me, Billy?
Billy: I wanted to see you, too, Honey. Mwah.
Victoria: I'm just really wondering when you're gonna stop using your little magazine to humiliate anyone with the name Newman.
Billy: Come on. Abby wanted this. And have you noticed that "Miss Neh-ked" is only "Neh-ked" from the shoulders up? I mean, she's gonna be plenty pissed at me. Believe me.
Victoria: She's your niece, Billy, and the cover's not even the worst part. Your insinuation that Nick and Adam have some ongoing rivalry over poor, pitiful Sharon-- do you not realize that my family is dealing with enough right now? You had to go and make it worse?
Billy: Shh. What are you so fired up about? The article was tongue-in-cheek. Come on.
Victoria: Really? Okay, tell that to my father. Can you imagine how he's gonna react when he sees this?
Billy: (Grumbles)
(Camera shutter clicks)
Victor: The witch hunt is finally behind us. My son Nicholas is now reunited with his wife and his children. And, um, the other man who once was my son is behind bars for conspiracy to commit murder. Adam may have at one time or another assumed the name "Newman," but I assure you that from now on, he will no longer be a part of my family ever again. One would think that his repeated acts of sadistic malice were acts of revenge. But I'm absolutely certain it has nothing to do with revenge. But these were the acts of a psychopath. Adam Wilson... is evil.
Sharon: When I walked out that door, I should have never looked back.
Adam: Then why did you?
Sharon: Don't go there, Adam. I've had our marriage annulled. There's no hope for us-- none.
Adam: Tell me what you want, then.
Sharon: I came here for answers.
Adam: Answers to what?
Sharon: What we had between us, how close we were, how intimate we were. It just seemed so real to me.
Adam: Because it was real.
Sharon: I believe you. And that's the one thing that I do not understand.
Adam: The whole time we were married, I was carrying around with me so much guilt, Sharon. I knew you were devastated with the loss of your baby, and I knew I could fix everything... everything. But I was in my own personal hell, because I was falling in love with you more and more. And I knew that if I told you, I would lose you forever. So God help me, Sharon, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Sharon: How can a person inflict so much pain and then look me in the eye and tell me over and over again that he loves me, and--and--and convince me to love him? I just--I-I don't understand. I have never been so confused in my life.
Adam: It was monstrous, Sharon. I wish I could explain it, but I can’t.
Sharon: Well, try, Adam, okay? You have to try, because I need for this to make sense.
Judge: Then you agree your sister isn't competent to stand trial?
Paul: Or to make a valid confession. Your honor, my sister has suffered multiple psychotic breaks, something that Adam is well aware of. And while they were under the same roof, he could easily have manipulated her to confess.
Judge: Thank you, Mr. Williams. Mr. Pomerantz?
Owen: Paul, you and I both reviewed the hospital security tapes. There's no evidence that Patty interacted with Adam at all at any time during his stay. Uh, how could he have manipulated her if their paths never crossed?
Paul: Well, you can't prove they didn't, can you? And if anyone could have found a way to get to my sister, it was Adam.
Owen: Well, that's pure speculation.
Paul: How else could you account for the fact that out of nowhere, out of the blue, after all this time, my sister has a very vivid memory of committing a murder unless Adam got to her...
Owen: Well--
Paul: And coerced a confession?
Owen: Let's presume she suppressed the memory, and now it's come back.
Paul: (Sighs)
Owen: That's within the realm of possibilities, right?
Paul: So is what I am suggesting. Look, one of the reasons you dropped the case against Victoria Newman was because she was too short. Remember? You said that the--that the pen was driven into the victim's chest at a higher angle than she could achieve. Now how much taller is my sister than Victoria? An inch? Maybe two? So, yes, she may have known some of the details that Adam fed her, but in terms of the actual physical--
Woman: Paul. Paul. No.
Judge: Mr. Pomerantz? How do you account for the discrepancy?
Owen: Patty told me she stood on a crate. It's in the transcript of our interview. Stabbing a victim from that height matches up with the forensics.
Patty: Pauly. Pauly, huh? You don't have to fight for me. Whether the devil or Adam made me confess, I am guilty, okay?
Paul: Patty...
Patty: Hmm?
Paul: You need to be quiet, okay?
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Paul: No one called on you. You don't say anything, please.
Patty: I know its m-- I know it's my right not to say anything, but I did kill Adam, and I don't want to do any more bad things.
Paul: Shh! This is what I'm talking about.
Patty: I don't want to hurt anyone.
Paul: Please, Patty, be quiet.
Woman: The state has stipulated to my client's incompetence to offer testimony. Your honor should disregard any statements made by Ms. Williams at this hearing as well as her prior confession to Mr. Pomerantz.
Paul: Patty, do you remember how unhappy you were around Christmastime when you found out that Jack and Emily were dating? Do you remember that? Do you remember?
Patty: Yes.
Paul: Answer me. I'm asking you.
Patty: Well, I don't understand why you would bring that up because you know how it hurts me, and you know that.
Paul: You don't--uh-huh. They had everything you wanted, didn't they?
Patty: (Sighs)
Paul: They were living together in that big house. They were sleeping in the same bed. Do you remember that?
Patty: Oh, would you just-- just--just--no, you stop it!
Paul: Jack was so happy, he put a big, big picture...
Patty: You stop it.
Paul: Of Emily on the wall.
Patty: You stop it. You stop it. You stop it. I mean, it Pauly! Stop it!
Paul: He was so proud of it, he wanted everybody to see it.
Patty: You stop it, Pauly.
Paul: That made you angry, didn't it, Patty?
Patty: Stop it. Stop it.
Paul: Did it make you angry?
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: Tell me if it made you angry.
Patty: (Voice breaking) Yes, it made me angry.
Paul: Did you know he gave her a ring--
Patty: You stop it! You stop it! Aah!
Paul: He loved her so much, he gave her a ring. They were gonna get married. They were gonna have babies. Emily wanted to have babies right away.
Patty: (Sobs) No. No. No. No, no, no. She had no right. That bitch! Jack was mine. He was mine, Pauly.
Paul: What did you do to them? What did you do to them?
Patty: He was. You know what? I put a house and I-- I burnt it with Jack in it, and then I took a knife, and I slashed Emily's face into ribbons, and I slashed her. I slashed her!
Paul: Her real face, right? You slashed her face?
Patty: Yes, her real face! Yes, I slashed her real face! I hate her! I hate her!
Paul: Okay.
Patty: I hate her! I hate her! (Sobbing)
Paul: Its okay, Baby. I know you do. I know you do.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: Okay, you're gonna stop right now.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: I'm gonna stop. Everything's gonna be fine.
Patty: (Whimpers)
Paul: Everything's fine now, okay? Just relax. Give me a breathing.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: Give me some breathing.
Patty: (Breathing deeply)
Paul: Okay, sit down. Sit down and relax. Everything's gonna be fine. Okay? Okay. You okay? I love you.
Paul: Your honor, um, my sister just confessed to something that did not happen. The house was papier-mâché with Jack's picture in it. She took a box cutter and slashed Emily's wedding portrait, not Emily herself. And to take her confession today at face value would be a mistake, just as it would be a mistake to take her confession at the hospital. Her account of what happened the night of the murder may jibe with some of the evidence. But to assume that she is guilty and order her committed for life would be doing my sister a grave injustice.
Victor: And now I'm sure you are very anxious to hear from my son Nicholas directly. Son?
(Camera shutters clicking)
Nick: Thank you, Dad. It will be a relief to finally be able to live my life without being torn away from my family. There are a number of people who I need to thank for that, starting with my attorney Michael Baldwin who wasn't able to be here this evening, but he is a brilliant, tenacious attorney who I'm also very lucky enough to be able to call my friend. To my father-- Dad, I'll never be able to thank you enough. He basically traveled the entire length of the western hemisphere to find Adam, bring him back here and exonerate me. And Dad happens to be pretty determined, if you haven't noticed that already.
Reporters: (Chuckling)
Nick: To my mother-- Mom, you are the glue that holds us together, and you keep us all believing in miracles. My sister who held down the fort at Newman Enterprises while I was away, my three amazing kids Noah, Summer and Faith who are my anchor. There is no doubt about that. But the person who is most responsible for things turning out the way they have is definitely my amazing wife Phyllis.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Nick: You were with me through all this. No one could have been more steadfast. In my darkest hours, your love and support is what got me through this. So I'm basically gonna spend the rest of my life with her making her understand just how incredibly grateful I am to be your husband.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Adam: It kills me, Sharon, to see you tied up in so many knots.
Sharon: I honestly don't know why I'm still here. I should have realized the last place that I would get answers is here with you.
Adam: That night at the cabin, I knew that I had to leave Genoa City.
Adam: (Sighs) I forced Patty to help me escape from the hospital, and I went to the club to see you and Faith.
Sharon: You went there to kill a man.
Adam: Yes. I did. That was the plan. I set up Hightower. I lured him in. But then I saw you there. And you threw your ring at me... my mom's ring. And I knew I couldn't go through with it.
Sharon: Why?
Adam: Because you were disappointed. You knew I could be better. You believed in me. You saw the good person in me, and that is the person I wanted to be. By the time Patty killed the other Adam, I was long gone.
Sharon: (Scoffs) You expect me to believe all of this?
Adam: No, I don’t. But it is the truth. Sharon, I need you. (Sighs) I have nothing without you. I am nothing without you.
Adam: (Sighs)
Billy: Victor's never gonna like me, and there's nothing I can do about that, nor do I really care. But, uh, I mean, do you realize how many stories I've sat on since you and I have been... (Clears throat) Look, I just-- I-I can't do that anymore. I--your family's news, and I run a magazine. And I just don't understand how you can't see how I'd want to run with a story like this.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, right. Yeah, it's completely a no-brainer. In fact, I should be grateful... grateful that you left me out of it. Thank you.
Billy: See? There you go. You know, you're cute when you're mad, but you're even cuter when you're right. Mwah.
Victoria: You know what I get? I get that you are a thoughtless, pompous jackass without an ounce of human caring, and stupid me, I think that you're gonna maybe take my feelings into account, considering that you and I are... (Sighs) Maybe everybody's right about you anyway.
Billy: Okay, time out, all right?
Victoria: No. No, no, no. No time out. Time up. Whatever this is that we have between us, it's over. Consider yourself dumped. And you know what? You can put that in your stupid little magazine.
Billy: Hey, now look. Ho--where are you going? Stop. Just--you're being unreasonable, okay? You know, really...
Billy: I lied to you? How did I lie to you? You wanted to be on the cover? There you are. You're right there on the cover.
Abby: Yeah, I'm on the cover looking like an idiot.
Billy: You don't look like an idiot.
Abby: And you know what? The story--this story was supposed to be about me, only it's not. It's just another sleazy exposé about Nick and Adam, and that wasn't the deal. That does nothing for me.
Billy: Me, me, me, me, me. Look, Sweetheart, I'm trying to help you here.
Abby: (Scoffs) Don't "Sweetheart" me. That headline? That headline is an insult. I am working my butt off to try to build a brand, and you have completely undermined my credibility. You've made me look like-- like an airhead who couldn't run a business if I had Bill Gates helping me.
Billy: Oh, I make you look like an idiot?
Abby: (Scoffs)
Billy: Would you like me to say I'm sorry for that?
Abby: Yes.
Billy: Well, I'm not gonna say I'm sorry for that, because I'm not.
Abby: You're my family. I trusted you. What the hell?! We had a deal!
Billy: (Scoffs) There it is, fulfilled.
Patty: You embarrassed me in front of the judge.
Paul: Well, I wasn't trying to embarrass you. I was trying to protect you. You see, y-you... you were forced to make a confession.
Patty: But you're wrong, Paul. You were wrong.
Judge: Be seated.
Judge: I agree that the defendant is not competent to confess to any crime, much less offer reliable testimony or assist in her own defense. However, she remains a prime suspect in a tragic murder. To protect society and to ensure that one day justice might be served, I order that Patricia Ann Williams be returned to the state psychiatric facility where she now resides until such time that she is competent to stand trial.
Paul: B-but, your honor, that day may never come. She--she could very possibly spend the rest of her life in there.
Judge: I understand your frustration, Mr. Williams. However, I've made my ruling.
Patty: Pauly, it's gonna be okay. I promise.
Paul: Pattycake-- mm-hmm.
Patty: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Victor: I hope we were able to answer some of your questions. Thank you.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Nick: Great job, Dad.
Nikki: You were wonderful.
Nick: I am a little surprised you didn't go after the D.A.
Victor: I would love that S.O.B. to lose his job. But I think flaying him in public is counterproductive. I just want him to apologize. I don't want to start another war.
Nikki: Phyllis, uh, can you-- can I--excuse us for just a second.
Victor: Sure.
Nikki: I can see how difficult this is for you.
Phyllis: Well, I-I don't see how you can see that. I mean, my face hurts, I've been smiling so much.
Nikki: Well, I hope that what Nicholas just said to the press reiterates what I told you the other day. He does love you so much.
Phyllis: I know he does.
Nikki: You guys have been through so much, so--so much stress. Maybe, I don't know, some time alone somewhere... go away by yourselves. You could just relax, no distractions.
Phyllis: That's very interesting.
Nikki: I'd be happy to take care of Summer anytime.
Phyllis: (Sighs) You know, I'm-- I may take you up on that. What are you doing tonight?
Nikki: Well, I will be out for a while tonight...
Phyllis: Oh, okay.
Nikki: But I'll leave bunches of carrots for Summer and her sitter to feed the horses.
Phyllis: Thank you. She'd like that. Thank you, Nikki. Thank you.
Owen: Can I have your attention, please? I'd like to make an announcement.
Nikki: Maybe this is our apology.
Victor: Mm, who knows?
Owen: I'm Owen Pomerantz, the district attorney for Walworth County. As you've no doubt heard, the murder charge against Nicholas Newman has been dropped, and he is no longer a person of interest in the murder of Richard Hightower.
Sharon: (Whispers) Hey, what'd I miss?
Owen: We're officially reopening the investigation.
Nick: Oh, not much. We just went. Now Owen showed up. Where have you been?
Sharon: I-I had to see Adam again.
Owen: Now I have just come from a hearing in which Patty Williams, who confessed to the murder...
Nick: What is wrong with you?
Sharon: Nick, don't start with me.
Nick: Why on earth would you feel the need to go and see Adam?
Sharon: Because I just-- I needed to see him for me.
Nick: Look, I am free now. You don't need to--
Sharon: Nick, the whole world doesn't revolve around you, okay? I'm glad that you're out of jail now, and you can come and see Faith, but you know what? I'm sick of you telling me what to do.
Owen: ...In her own defense. At that time, the state reserves the right to charge her for this murder as well as reinstate all prior charges. The pursuit of justice is an inexact science. It's measured in results. And I'm happy to say the results here are excellent. Besides having a probable murderer behind bars, Adam Newman is about to be charged with conspiracy in the death of Richard Hightower. And in the meantime, Nicholas Newman is free to go on about his life. Thank you very much. I'm not taking any questions at this time.
Nikki: I guess he couldn't quite get the words out, could he?
Victor: That's about as much of an apology as he is capable of making.
Nikki: I guess so.
Victoria: (Sighs) Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Congratulations.
Nick: Oh, thanks, Sis.
Victoria: Mm.
Nick: It feels good just to be able to breathe again.
Victoria: Yeah, I'll bet. Well, I would have come sooner, but I was, um, I was dealing with, uh... uh, this, so I--
Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, my God.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Victor: Dealing with what? What is this? That son of a-- excuse me.
Victoria: Uh, yeah, well, you know, the article is about how Adam and--and Nick are apparently fighting over a certain damsel in distress and--
Nick: (Sighs) That's the last thing I need right now.
Nikki: You know, what worries me is Phyllis. This is just gonna fuel the fire.
Nick: When did she leave?
Nikki: Um, a while ago. If I were you, I'd go find her.
Nick: Yeah, I'll go find her.
Victoria: God.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Victoria: (Groans) You know, Billy is such an ass, which I told him in so many words. I mean, it's just like he does whatever he pleases. He doesn't care who he...
Nikki: Oh, Honey. For you to be this upset, you must be--
Victoria: If he supposedly cares about me like he says he does, then why would he print this crap? I mean, doesn't he realize that that's wrong? And doesn't he realize that if we're close that that should count for something? You would think that it would, and every time he does this, he acts like he's shocked that I'm upset, that I would want to defend my family.
Nikki: You don't have to worry about us. We'll survive. All I care about is what makes you happy. And you know what? If that turns out to be Billy Abbott, that's okay with me. It's not up to me. Now your father, on the other hand, probably...
Victoria: So you're not gonna warn me away from Billy, Mom?
Nikki: My darling, there will be plenty of other people to do that. I just want you to be happy.
Victoria: Thank you. So, uh, where did Dad rush off to so quickly?
Nikki: I have no idea. It's a little late for a business meeting.
Victoria: Billy.
Abby: You used me, Billy.
Billy: Sucks, doesn't it? Being on the receiving end.
Abby: Excuse me?
Billy: How many people have you screwed over on your rocket ship ride to mediocrity?
Abby: (Scoffs)
Billy: I mean, besides myself, your father, your mother, Katherine, the poor guy in the make-out video.
Abby: I'm sorry, are you finished? 'Cause I don't--
Billy: No, I'm not finished. Listen to me. You see this? Being in the spotlight? That's what it's all about. Once you're out there, you can't take it back, and you can't control anything-- not your image, not your words. And you're lucky, little girl, that I'm teaching you this, and not somebody who wants to make money off of you.
Abby: You know something? I would have expected this kind of patronizing garbage from my father, but not from you, okay? Up until this point, you have treated me like an equal, but so much for loyalty, right?
Billy: Did you not listen to me?
Abby: You are the one person in this family that I thought I could trust. Obviously, I was wrong.
Billy: Oh, fine. Figure it out on your own. (Sighs) Man.
Owen: May it please the court, Adam Newman is the spider in this tangled web that is the Hightower murder.
Judge: Before you get on a roll, Mr. Pomerantz, where is counsel for the defense?
Adam: I have none, your honor.
Judge: I assume someone was appointed to handle your case.
Adam: He was, and he was woefully unprepared, not to mention indifferent, so I had him dismissed. I will be defending myself.
Judge: I strongly advise you to accept counsel or retain a lawyer at your own expense.
Adam: I appreciate your concern, your honor, but I, uh, I prefer to go it alone.
Judge: Do you realize what we're doing here, young man? You're being arraigned on a list of charges longer than your arm.
Adam: Yes, I do, your honor.
Judge: Yes, what?
Adam: Yes, I do know what we're doing here, and I do know what I'm doing here. And I am prepared to take responsibility for my own legal fate.
Owen: Oh, first time for everything.
Judge: If you change your mind, a public defender will be provided for you at no cost. Mr. Pomerantz, let's just cut to the chase. The first charge is conspiracy to commit murder. How do you plead, Mr. Newman? Guilty or not guilty?
Nick: Hey, why'd you take off so early you missed Owen's lame attempt to try and redeem himself in front of the press. What's wrong? Is it Summer?
Phyllis: No, Summer's fine. Um, Summer is with Leah up at the main house. And your--your mom's gonna make sure that she, um, is looked after tonight.
Nick: That'll give us some time to talk.
Phyllis: (Sighs) No. We're not gonna talk anymore. I have played the good wife... (Voice cracks) (Sighs) For a really, really long time. And I stood beside you in front of the cameras tonight. (Sighs) I'm done. No more, Nick.
Nick: No more what?
Phyllis: No more us.
Nikki: So... you're a cover girl now-- very impressive. You're showing a lot less skin than usual. Do you think that your fans will recognize you?
Abby: I'm sorry. Are you lecturing me on being naked? Isn't that how everyone met you here?
Nikki: Good one. You know, Abby, the only real thing of value that any of has is our good reputation. And once that's gone, no amount of money can buy it back. People in power, people of class, people who could possibly open doors for you down the line-- I don't think they're gonna view what you're doing as laudable.
Abby: I think I preferred you being bitchy.
Nikki: You wonder why the people who love you aren't supportive of this "Heiress" thing. It's not because they enjoy criticizing you, Honey. It's because we care about what happens to you. Now taking your clothes off in public will definitely get you attention, for a while, at least. But what it won't get you is respect. People form judgments that last a lifetime. To this day, my past is thrown in my face, decades later, exactly the way you just did.
Billy: (Chuckles) Awesome. Hello, Victor.
Victor: Hello, Billy Abbott. I started my day thinking that everything was all right with my family-- one of my sons freed of all charges, declared innocent, the other one behind bars where he belongs. And now this.
Billy: Yeah, looks like everybody's plans got screwed up today.
Victor: Let me ask you something. Let me ask you something.
Billy: Sure.
Victor: When you use me on a cover, have fun with me, tear me apart, it's all right. I'm used to it. But my daughter is off limits.
Billy: Your daughter asked for this. She begged for this cover.
Victor: You own this magazine. You could have put a stop to it. Instead, you decided to exploit her.
Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, man, I guess that's one way to look at it.
Victor: You know what I think of your magazine? You know what I think of you? (Glass shatters)
Victor: That's what I think.
(Door opens)
Abby: We're from different generations, Nikki. Okay, pole dancing-- it's hot right now. It might even be a sport in the next Olympics.
Nikki: You know what? You are absolutely right. Times are different. And now all of our indiscretions go straight to the internet.
Abby: (Sighs)
Nikki: Honey, what you are doing is so well-documented, you're never gonna get rid of it.
Abby: That's the point. That is the point-- to document it. I want people to know who I am. Being naked is my ticket, okay? I'm making a name for myself, and I am doing good with it, you know, for the animals. (Gasps) My video is climbing. (Chuckles) It's in the top five on Viewclick.
Nikki: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait, what video?
Abby: (Laughs)
Nikki: Oh, my God. Are you--are you--are you having sex with this guy? Abby!
Abby: Can you believe this? This cover--it worked. By tomorrow morning, I am gonna be a household name. (Laughs)
Paul: Well, here we go. (Sighs) Listen, um, I'm sorry I had to put you through that. I promise you, I will not stop trying to get you out of here.
Patty: I wish you would, Pauly. I belong here.
Paul: No, you don’t. Please don't do that.
Patty: No, it's true. It's true. People understand me, and I get to draw, and I get to talk to Dr. Fowler and do my therapy, and it's all okay. It's a relief that I-- that I'm not a threat to anyone anymore. I feel safe. Here. This is a good place to spend forever, I think.
Paul: (Sighs)
Judge: Mr. Newman, which is it? Guilty or not guilty?
(Door opens)
Skye: Not guilty, your honor.
Billy: Great. You need to calm down.
Victoria: Dad!
Billy: You really need to calm down.
Victoria: Hold on! Wait! Don't hit him.
Victor: You give me one good reason that I shouldn't rearrange his face.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: Because I... I love him.
Sharon: (Sighs) Adam and your daddy... what a mess. I wish I could just give up on both of them.
Nick: I have no idea where this is coming from.
Phyllis: Oh, you... (Scoffs) (Laughs) You don't? Really?
Nick: No. I just stood in front of the world saying how important you are to me, how you've been my rock through this whole mess, and I meant that.
Phyllis: I know you meant it. I know you did. You say so many wonderful things to me, and you mean them all. You're very sincere, and I feel placated. But things don't ever change. I mean, I come here, and I... walk in... (Sighs) (Voice cracks) I deserve so much more, Nick. I deserve so much more. I-I-I-I-I can't do this anymore. I can't be your rock. I can't be your shrink. It's--it's done. This is done. This is good-bye for good.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Yeah, I left Nick. What, are you shocked because he's not beating down your door yet, Sharon?
Victor: He's an Abbott.
Abby: I'm an Abbott, so I guess that means you hate me, too.
Adam: There's not much I can do to make us even.
Skye: What I want won't cost you a dime... just your name.
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