Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/7/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/7/10 -- Canada; Thursday 7/8/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9437 ~ Victor Is Set on Getting Revenge

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Chantal said you wanted to see me.

Victor: Hold on one second. I will get back to you on that, all right? Thank you. Please have a seat, Michael.

Michael: What's up?

Victor: (Sighs heavily) It's not enough that Nicholas is being released on bail.

Michael: (Sighs) The D.A. is dragging his butt. I know.

Victor: Look, you and I know that Adam Wilson and Patty Williams are the most likely suspects in Richard Hightower's murder.

Michael: Given Patty's confession and her knowledge of the crime scene, yes, she's the likely candidate.

Victor: And yet Nicholas and his family continue to suffer. I want to put a stop to that. I want you to make sure that all the charges against my son Nicholas are dropped by tonight.

Phyllis: Here we go. And we saw the sea lion show twice.

Daniel: Mm.

Summer: And went on a camel ride.

Phyllis: Yes, we went on a camel ride. That was real fun.

Daniel: Yeah, I just, I'm havin' a real hard time picturing you chaperoning a camp field trip to the zoo.

Phyllis: What?

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Hey, Nick, Honey. We're home! Hey, Miss.

Daniel: I thought that you, uh, said that he'd been released.

Phyllis: (Stammers) Released from customs, right? Because you have to go through customs when you get off the plane. (Chuckles) Um, Nick should be here. Hey, Baby, we're home!

Summer: Where's Daddy?

Phyllis: Um, Daddy had to go, uh, pick something up. H-he'll be home soon. Why don't you take your sea lion and go upstairs?

Daniel: Yeah, show your new bud to all the other kids.

Summer: (Giggles)

Daniel: So where's Nick?

Phyllis: Where do you think?

Sharon: Smile. Smile, Faith.

Nick: I can't believe how strong she is.

Sharon: Yeah. She's gonna be walking any day now.

Nick: We'll be chasing right after her.

Sharon: (Giggles)

Nick: (Chuckles) I was so worried that I was gonna miss her first steps. I mean, I missed so much already. I didn't want to miss that, too. I'm happy I won’t. Yeah.

Sharon: So are we.

(Telephones ringing)

Billy: Good work. This is gonna put a much stronger slant on the story. That's what I'm talkin' about here.

(Telephone rings)

Billy: (Growls) Billy Abbott.

Abby: I just thought of something that you can add to my cover story.

Billy: Oh, it's too late. It's too late. The cover's going to print tonight.

Abby: No, no, no. Did you know that the leading cause of death to manatees is--?

Billy: I gotta go. Ugh.

Rafe: Billy.

Billy: Torres, man of the hour. How did Adam take it when you told him you were taking the case? Was he ecstatic? Was he pleased? I bet he was. Will you stick around? 'Cause I need to get some quotes from you right after I interview Adam for the cover story.

Rafe: There isn't gonna be an interview.

Billy: Okay, now I'm confused. Um, the deal was you represent Adam, I get the exclusive.

Rafe: I'm not taking the case, Billy. I told Adam he can go to hell.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Chance: Come on in. (Sighs)

Chance: (Sighs)

Chance: Right. That one's for you.

Heather: Oh, thank you.

Chance: You are very, very welcome. Oh, Man. It's good to be home.

Heather: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Chance: Detective Chancellor. Wha-- wait, why wasn't I notified about this? Well, who authorized it? No, well, you need to find out right now. Yes, now. The sooner, the better. Thank you. (Sighs)

Heather: Bad news?

Chance: Yeah, apparently Ellis is currently in transit to that "Club Fed" prison.

Heather: Kind of sudden, isn't it?

Chance: Yeah, it is. Somebody doesn't want us interrogating him again.

Heather: There goes our best chance at finding the dirty cops who are dealing at county.

Chance: You know what? If Ronan hadn't gotten in my way the other day, this would--

Heather: He said the same thing about you. I'm curious. Do you trust your new partner?

Chance: (Scoffs) Do you?

Heather: Jury's sill out. You two have very different styles.

Chance: Look, I'm gonna go out for a little while, okay?

Heather: No. You--you're not leaving me.

Chance: You're gonna be okay. I'll get someone to, uh, to cover for me, okay?

Heather: Where are you going?

Chance: I'm gonna go to the prison. I'm gonna try and talk to Ellis alone, without Ronan.

Chloe: (Clears throat)

Chloe: (Humming)

Chloe: (Muttering)

Heather: How long will you be gone?

Chance: I will be back as soon as I can be. I wouldn't be leaving if I didn't think it was very important.

Heather: You know, as soon as you call the station, Ronan's gonna know what you're up to.

Chance: (Sighs) Then I will... I'll tell the Sarge I need personal time, all right? Heather, you're gonna be the only person that knows exactly where I am.

Ronan: There's better ways to eavesdrop.

Chloe: Like what? Because I'm open to suggestions.

Ronan: How do you think your fiancé is gonna feel about you spying on him?

Chloe: Well, he's not gonna know, because you're not going to tell him.

Ronan: (Chuckles) You know, if you want to know what Chance and Heather are up to, why don't you stop messin' with that kid stuff? Wiretap them.

Chloe: I would hate to be your girlfriend.

Ronan: Well, it's never gonna happen.

Chance: I thought I heard voices out here.

Chloe: Yeah. (Chuckles) Look who I bumped into in the hallway. Hi, Heather.

Heather: Hi.

Ronan: Did you get the call about Ellis?

Chance: Yeah. He's been transferred.

Ronan: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Transferred where?

Ronan: To some cushy prison.

Chance: No worries, though. He is still in custody.

Chloe: Well, I always worry about you.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Chloe: It's the life of a cop's fiancée. (Chuckles)

Chance: Yes. I missed you so much.

Chloe: Mm.

Heather: Excuse me.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Chance: Mm.

Ronan: Yeah, uh, don't mind me, you guys.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: So, um, how's Delia?

Chloe: She's great.

Chance: Yeah?

Chloe: She's great. Yeah. She, uh, she went to the park with my mom, and she got a crush on a little boy named Toby.

Chance: Oh, boy.

Chloe: She shared her little bubble bucket with him.

Chance: (Chuckles) That's really cute.

Chloe: I know. It's so cute, and that really got me thinking, 'cause I thought that maybe you and I could work on our wedding plans.

Chance: Oh.

Chloe: So I got you a bunch of magazines to read.

Chance: Oh, well, there's a shocker.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: But you know what? I have been thinking a lot about it, too.

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: And I want our wedding day to be very special, and I was thinking, what better way to spend that day than to jump out of an airplane? It's different. We could say our vows and get married in free-fall.

Chloe: Yeah, I don't think our parents will really like it. Your mom, my mom, not-- um, you know what? We can talk about it later, okay? Let's talk about it later.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: I've actually gotta get back to the office. Billy is being crazy. You know how he gets whenever you gotta lock down the magazine.

Billy: I cannot believe this. Here. Thank you. Why are you not taking this case?

Rafe: Did you seriously think I would?

Billy: It's a game changer for you, Man.

Rafe: No, thanks. I like sleeping at night.

Billy: (Groans) I cannot believe this. I have a cover story that should have been finished yesterday, and now I got... you.

Rafe: That's not my problem, Billy.

Billy: Why did you even go see him?

Rafe: To look him in the eyes and tell him what I think of him.

Billy: Well, that's wonderful. I cannot believe you're doing this to me.

Rafe: It's always about you. You didn't give a damn how I felt this entire time. I thought I was the one person you wouldn't use just like you use everybody else.

Billy: I didn't use you. I was helping you. This was win-win for both of us. (Scoffs) Man, we're friends, okay?

Rafe: We were friends. You're an ass.

Billy: (Chuckles) All right.

Billy: (Clicking tongue) Something tells me I'm gonna be hearing a lot of that soon.

Nick: Faith doesn't really know who I am yet.

Sharon: Well, you two just need more time to bond. You know, you just... you keep popping in and out of her life.

Nick: Hopefully for the last time.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, you didn't sound very surprised when I called and told you that I made bail.

Sharon: Oh, well, I'd heard.

Nick: From Dad?

Sharon: No. Actually from Adam.

Nick: When did you see him?

Sharon: I-I went to the jail to see you, and you had left, and he was there.

Nick: Did he plead his innocence, beg you to forgive him again?

Sharon: Nick, please. Let's not get into this, okay? I'm just gonna end up defending Adam, and that's the last thing I want to do.

Nick: In the future, stay away from him.

Sharon: Really? Is that an order?

Nick: Well, it's not like you wanted to see him in the first place, right?

Sharon: Okay, but you're missing the point. I can--I can decide what's best for me as far as Adam goes, and anyone else for that matter.

Nick: You know I support you 100%.

Sharon: Okay, but it feels like I'm being undermined like you know what's best for me.

Nick: I just don't want to see you get sucked back into his sick manipulations.

Sharon: (Scoffs) Really, do you think that I'm that weak?

Nick: No. I just... you know that's not what I mean.

Sharon: Why don't you go home to your own wife and your other family?

Phyllis: So are you painting? Here.

Daniel: Thank you. Um, yeah, you know, I got a little project, but, um, I don't know. Without Amber--

Phyllis: It's hard to get motivated?

Daniel: Yeah. (Sighs) Something like that. What about you?

Phyllis: What about me? (Chuckles)

Daniel: Well, Nick's out of jail and you're not exactly, uh...

Phyllis: (Giggles)

Daniel: Doin' the happy dance.

Phyllis: Sure I am. It's been a nightmare. A nightmare. We'll see what happens.

Daniel: Mom?

Phyllis: Hmm? Yes?

Daniel: Look, um, you know I like Nick. I mean, the guy has always been great to me, and thank God he's out of jail right now. He shouldn't be over at Sharon’s.

Phyllis: He's spending time with his other daughter.

Daniel: Doesn't that drive you crazy?

Phyllis: It is what it is.

Daniel: Well, I don't think that you and Summer should, uh, come in second to Sharon.

Phyllis: No, we shouldn’t.

Daniel: Okay. Well, you know, I guess if you need a place to crash, you could always come stay at my pad.

Phyllis: (Gasps) Really? Do I dare?

Daniel: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Daniel: I don't know. Do you? But I will most certainly not hesitate to make you a key.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Billy: Leave me alone. Leave me alone.

Abby: You hung up on me.

Billy: (Groans) I'm on a deadline. Leave me alone.

Abby: Okay, well, it won't take long.

Billy: I've got what I need for the article.

Abby: Look, I just don't want to come off sounding frivolous.

Billy: Oh, Honey, not you.

Abby: This is important, okay? This is my future. I'm branding myself. This has to be right.

Billy: You are getting the cover. What more could you possibly want from me?

Abby: Can I see it?

Billy: Yes, you can. It hits the stands tomorrow. See it there.

Abby: No, no, come on, Uncle Billy. Please tell me you did not Photoshop my body too much. I hate when it looks all phony.

Billy: It's handled, okay? Beat it. Beat it!

Abby: (Scoffs) What is the big deal? Why won't you show it to me? What are you hiding from me?

Rafe: Hey. We meet again.

Sharon: Under better circumstances.

Rafe: You seemed upset at the jail.

Sharon: Well, I'd just seen Adam. Can you blame me?

Rafe: No, not at all.

Sharon: You talked to him, too?

Rafe: Yeah. We talked.

Sharon: Are you representing him?

Rafe: No, Billy, uh, was trying to persuade me to take the case, but there's no way.

Sharon: I don't understand. I mean, after everything that Adam did to Ashley, why would Billy want you to help him?

Rafe: Because in exchange, Adam's promised to grant him an exclusive interview.

Sharon: Oh. And you said no. Good for you.

Rafe: Well, I'm sure Billy's found another way to... Billy ditched me at the prison and left with you.

Sharon: Yeah, he saw I wasn't feeling that well.

Rafe: Or m-maybe he thinks that you're his way into the story on Adam.

Sharon: He wouldn't dare.

Rafe: You really don't think so? How much did you tell him?

Victor: You don't make a move until we know exactly what N.T.I. is up to. All right? Okay. Okay. I'll get back to you later. (Sighs heavily) Look, I'm going to bring the governor and the state's attorney general into this mess. Pomerantz is dragging his heels. You know it. I know it. I'm going to hold a press conference. I will publicly accuse Pomerantz of refusing to drop charges against my son because he has a vendetta against the Newman family.

Michael: Victor, I urge you to be circumspect for Nicholas' sake.

Victor: Michael, I understand that. I appreciate your advice, but the point is, Nicholas did not kill Richard Hightower. You know it. I know it. And I suspect Pomerantz knows it. That son of a bitch is dragging his heels for personal reasons. I think the only-- only thing that man respects is a display of power. Let's show him.

Daniel: Call him.

Phyllis: I'm not chasing after him. I told him a while ago that things have to change.

Daniel: It doesn't look like he heard you.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Daniel: So what are you gonna do?

Phyllis: I love him. I'm gonna stay with him until the charges are dropped.

Daniel: What about after he's cleared?

(Front door opens)

Nick: You're here.

Phyllis: Hey. Hi. Welcome home.

Nick: You have no idea how much I missed you. Mm.

Daniel: It's, uh, good to see you.

Nick: It's great to be home.

Phyllis: So did Michael say anything about the charges being dropped?

Nick: He's workin' on it.

Phyllis: Oh.

Summer: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!

Nick: Hey, Supergirl. (Groans) I missed you so much. Okay, okay, I gotta stop. I think I'm gettin' dizzy.

Daniel: I'm going to, uh, take off.

Phyllis: Oh, okay.

Nick: No, why don't you stay for dinner?

Daniel: Um, no, that's all right. I-I just wanted to come by and welcome you home, and, uh, say hi to this one, and I'll see you real soon.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Oh, I think I'm gonna put you down.

Phyllis: Thanks for the talk.

Nick: (Grunts)

Daniel: Yeah, um, take care of yourself.

Phyllis: I will.

Summer: Mommy said you'd be here when we got home.

Nick: Oh, did you think I left again? No, Daddy's not going anywhere, okay?

Summer: No more business trips?

Nick: No, Sweetheart, I promise you. I'm not gonna leave you ever again.

Rafe: Billy doesn't care who he uses. Nick and Adam only mean one thing to him, and that is a story that will sell magazines.

Sharon: No, what I told Billy was in confidence.

Rafe: Yeah, well, good luck with that.

Sharon: You know, after everything that we have all been through, you'd think that Billy would start doing things differently.

Rafe: He charms people. That's how he gets away with it.

Sharon: (Sighs) Well, obviously, he doesn't care who he hurts.

Billy: I don't understand you. You've already got the cover. You've got a big, fat, juicy article. What else could you possibly want?

Abby: I want final say.

Billy: Final say?! Cover models don't get final say. They don't even get to see the proofs. Unless, you know, they have a really good contract, and that's really rare, so...

Abby: Oh, well, you know, when I am mega-famous, I am gonna have picture approval in all my contracts.

Billy: That's wonderful. As much as I would like to chat with you, I--

Abby: No, no, wait. Just wait. One more--

Billy: (Stammers)

Abby: One more minute. One more minute. I just want to, um...

Billy: Come on.

Abby: Okay, wait. Sorry. It's this. (Grunts) Here.

Billy: Uh-huh. What's on that?

Abby: Pictures of me coming out of the bubbles in Katherine Chancellor's pool.

Billy: Oh, no. No. I've seen those online. I never want to see 'em again.

Abby: (Stammers) I'm also trying to launch a 1-word catchphrase, okay? So which on describes me better? "Ab-spiring" or "Ab-tastic"?

Billy: "Ab-surd," okay?

Abby: Look, you don't get it. Please just look--

Billy: Just--fine. I'll take it, but just get out of here. Get out of my way. Move. Move. Move. Go.

Abby: Thank you. Thank you, Uncle Billy. Thank you.

Billy: Thank you very much. (Growls)

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: Hello?

Billy: Chloe, come to work right now. I need you.

Chloe: Ch-ch-chill out, Dude. Chill out. Okay, I'll be there. I'll be there in a minute. Good-bye. (Groans) Billy. He's trippin' out.

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: All right. Well, I gotta go.

Heather: You leaving so soon?

Chloe: Well, Chance and I, we were just talking about our wedding details.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Um, you know what? I'll just come by later, and I'll drop off all those magazines. It's so convenient that we live so close to each other.

Chance: I know. Okay. Mm, bye, Baby.

Chloe: Okay, bye.

Chance: Yep.

Chloe: Later, Detective.

Ronan: Mm, later. Well, now that that's over with, why don't we all talk?

Heather: What-- what should we talk about?

Ronan: Well, how about that you guys don't like the way that I'm handling things? I got it. Message received. But I was put on this case to get results.

Chance: And instead, you got our informant transferred.

Ronan: Don't put that on me.

(Cell phone rings)

Ronan: This is Detective Malloy. Yeah, that's right. He what? How in the hell did-- all right, well, call me when you know something. Frank Ellis just escaped custody.

Chance: Damn it!

Heather: How?

Ronan: While he was being transferred. They don't have any more details right now.

Chance: Somebody's goin' down for this.

Michael: Owen?

Owen: Baldwin, I'm not in the mood.

Michael: Your office said I might find you here.

Owen: What do you want?

Michael: Oh, I want to talk about Nicholas Newman.

Owen: Well, unless you've got some new evidence, you can call my office and make an appointment.

Michael: You're gonna want to hear what I have to say.

Owen: (Scoffs) Look, Michael, this is not a good day to push.

Michael: Listen to what I have to say. Your day's about to get much, much worse.

Owen: (Sighs) Right?

Nick: All right, have fun! I'll be here when you get back.

Phyllis: I could have canceled that playdate.

Nick: No. I don't mind some time alone with my wife. You were upset with me because I went to see Faith, right?

Phyllis: Your daughter was really upset that you weren't here when she got home.

Nick: Look, I-I knew that I'd have the rest of the day to spend with you two.

Phyllis: You know what? I totally understand.

(Knock on door)

Nick: You know, when you're in prison, it's the little things that mean so much, like opening your own door. Hey, Dad. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hey, Victor.

Victor: Hello, Phyllis. How are you?

Phyllis: Hi. Thanks for getting him out. Mwah.

Victor: Well, we have to partially thank Michael Baldwin for that. How does it feel to be home?

Nick: Awesome. I'm praying I never go back to jail again.

Victor: That's why I'm here. I've set something in motion to make sure this will never happen again.

Michael: You'll be hearing all about it when Victor holds his press conference.

Owen: Oh, God, so he's bringing the attorney general into this?

Michael: And the governor's office.

Owen: (Sighs) So Newman thinks he can throw his weight around, make his family problems--

Michael: Look, I know. I mean, look. Listen to me. I know you think you're doing the right thing.

Owen: Look, Hightower was a good man, a single father.

Michael: Nick was charged with his murder because you had evidence proving that Nicholas could have murdered Hightower, but now the--the new evidence is pointing another way-- away from him. As one litigator to another, I think you're letting your ego interfere with your principles. From now on, whatever happens, you've brought it on yourself.

Billy: Oh, where the hell have you been, Man? I am making changes to the cover, the cover story, everything.

Chloe: Okay, I think this is a little last-minute. We go to print tonight.

Billy: W-we're gonna make it. We're gonna make it. I just--I expected to have some quotes from Adam for the article, and, of course, I didn’t. So now I have to tweak the whole damn thing, and then because of that, I've gotta change the article. I've gotta change the cover and the cover story, the headlines--oh, God.

Chloe: Shh. It's okay. I'm on it.

Billy: Good. Good. Good. Because when I am done with this, I am gonna go see our little girl. I'm gonna relax, and she's gonna put a smile on my face.

Chloe: Oh, yeah, right. About that.

Billy: What else could be going wrong with this day?

Chloe: Oh, nothing. I, um... I moved out of the Chancellor mansion.

Billy: You moved out?

Chloe: Yeah, like, a couple days ago.

Billy: Whoa, don't walk away. You moved out a couple of days ago, and you didn't tell me? Where's my daughter?

Chloe: Our daughter is with my mother, and she will be moving back in with me in a couple days.

Billy: Are you gonna give me that address, or are you gonna keep that a secret? Because our daughter's gonna be staying there.

Chloe: It's at Kevin’s.

Billy: Fisher? The Chipmunk? Are you serious? This--this makes no sense. This is wrong on so many levels. What are you doing?

Chloe: I--nothing. I mean, you know, uh, Chance and Heather live across the hallway. It's a lot closer.

Billy: (Groans) This makes so much sense now. You really need to see somebody. I did--look. You should have consulted me before you made this decision.

Chloe: Oh, like you consulted me when you moved into your little love shack?

Billy: This is different, because Chance is living with Heather because he's guarding her because her life is in danger, and you in your infinite wisdom decided to take our daughter and move in next door. This is--this is crazy.

Chloe: I am not putting our daughter in danger. I would never do that. That place is like a fortress, and there are more cops there than there are at Dottie’s Donut Shack.

Billy: I don't care. I don't approve.

Chloe: Well, too bad, because you don't have those privileges anymore. And I'm not talking about this any longer, because I have a deadline that I have to get to.

Billy: Hey, I'm not done talking with you. I'm not done with this.

Chloe: I am.

Ronan: Well, did you think to get a plate number?

Heather: He must have a contact over there.

Ronan: No, you didn't, did you? Okay.

Heather: All right, well, uh, please call me if you hear anything.

Chance: What do they know?

Heather: Nothing. Nothing certain. Somehow Ellis got out of his cuffs.

Chance: Was there an accomplice?

Heather: I don't know.

Ronan: Okay. Okay. Yes. I'm on my way down there right now. All they know is he made a break for it in mid-transport.

Heather: While he was in custody of the department of corrections. Nothing suspicious there.

Chance: Same M.O. as my last informant Riggs. He miraculously escapes and then ends up dead.

Heather: That's twice we've had someone willing to talk disappear while in police custody. Doesn't bode well that our suspects are cops.

Chance: Yeah, odds are he's gonna end up downstream in a river, just like Riggs.

Ronan: Unh, unh, unh. Where do you think you're going?

Chance: Well, we need answers. I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna go talk to the guys in transport.

Ronan: Huh? What about Miss Stevens?

Chance: Cover for me?

Ronan: No.

Chance: I won't be gone that long.

Ronan: No, no, no. That's your gig. I'll go down and talk to transport. We just--we don't need you messin' up things any more. Okay?

Ronan: Yeah, it's Malloy. This Chancellor kid's all worked up. I don't think he's gonna go along with the program.

Phyllis: Listen, Victor, you've tried to reason with the D.A. before. What makes you think it'll work now?

Victor: Look, it has become obvious that either Patty Williams or Adam or both of them together killed Richard Hightower, okay? So Owen Pomerantz does not see that. And he's not dropping charges against you. Therefore, I have decided to go to the state attorney's office and the governor's office.

Nick: Is that a wise move?

Victor: Son, I have waited long enough to use my connections, okay? Patty Williams confessed to the murder. That means it should be clear to everyone-- to everyone concerned that you are not the guilty party. Owen Pomerantz is the one who refuses to acknowledge it because he hates our family. So we're gonna have to fight him.

Nick: (Sighs) I don't know, Dad. I mean, you know what the press is gonna say if we use our connections.

Victor: Son, I don't give a damn what the press says. I never have, and I don't now. I will make sure that your name is going to be cleared of all charges.

Owen: You should know by now I don't respond to threats.

Michael: No threats. No threats. I'm simply pointing out a few facts. Adam has returned from the dead. And we both know from the recording he left on his phone, he was planning to frame Nicholas for Hightower's murder. Now add to the mix poor, unstable Patty Williams. She can't be tried, but strangely enough, her confession is holding up under scrutiny.

Owen: That's why I agreed to Newman's bail.

Michael: That--he didn't commit the crime. (Sighs) I know you don't want to look like the D.A. who let Victor Newman's son off the hook. But what if you prosecute an innocent man and lose? I've seen what happens to a prosecutor who loses a great big, high-profile media case. Their--their careers tend to, uh, vanish... overnight.

(Knock on door)

Daniel: Who is it?

Abby: America's hottest new cover model.

Daniel: (Clears throat) (Sighs)

Abby: (Giggles)

Daniel: Shouldn't you be out saving the pygmy hippos or something?

Abby: "Restless Style" comes out tomorrow, and I wanted to thank you for posing with me. So as a special gift, I have decided to let you paint me naked. (Sighs)

Daniel: (Laughs) That is, uh, awfully generous of you. I think I'm gonna pass, though.

Abby: Don't be a moron. This is a career opportunity, and you need to take advantage of it.

Daniel: Mm, don't worry. I'm sure there's someone out there that would love to take advantage of it.

Abby: Do you enjoy being a starving artist? 'Cause it--it's not that practical, you know.

Daniel: I enjoy staying on Victor's good side.

Abby: I can handle my father.

Daniel: Oh, just like you handled him with your trust funds?

Abby: Fine. Don't paint me. I'm not insulted. I have too much to be happy about. Help me celebrate my cover?

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Billy: You got it all?

Chloe: The article and the cover?

Billy: Oh, Man, great. Great. This is good news. Look, I'm sorry. Next time, I promise, it's not gonna be this crazy.

Chloe: (Laughs) You say that every time.

Billy: (Groans) Look, Oscar, I thank you. I owe you. Thank you. Okay, everybody, the latest issue of "Restless Style" has officially been put to bed. Congratulations. Now go home. Get some sleep. Come back here in the morning, because we start all over again first thing.

Chloe: Mm. Well... I would not want to be Abby, because I would want to be far, far, far away when she finds out what you did to her.

Billy: She'll live.

Chloe: Oh, a girl can do a lot of damage in 6-inch stilettos.

Billy: Look, there's no way that I'm gonna put my niece's body shot on the cover of my magazine. I don't care if it was simulated nudity or not. Because her mother will come in and have my head.

Chloe: Oh, well, you don't have to convince me.

Billy: She has nothing to cry about. I mean, she's still on the cover. She's still in the article.

Chloe: It's not even Abby that I worry about. It's the Newmans, because they are going to wish that you were the dead man in that basement.

Billy: Hey, look, everything in that article is true, okay? It practically wrote itself. It's classic. It's Cain and Abel. Its two brothers who are accused of the same murder. There's a frame-up. There's a fake death, and then there's the woman caught in the middle. It's awesome.

Sharon: And I guess I'm that woman caught in the middle?

Chance: This waiting is driving me crazy.

Heather: Just be patient.

Chance: Try Owen.

Heather: I've already left him two messages.

Chance: (Sighs) Our best option is to get that warrant, head down, check out the cellblocks at the county.

Heather: Yeah, it's Owen's case. He has to sign off on it. And you know Ronan's gonna give you grief.

Chance: Screw Ronan. We'll have to move fast so we don't tip our hand. We won't discuss this with anyone but the D.A. As soon as we have that warrant, we'll move in, catch him at the jail cell off guard.

Heather: I'm sure we can cut a deal with someone.

Chance: It's our best shot at uncovering the dirty cops supplying the drugs.

Daniel: A little of the bubbly. Mm.

Abby: (Giggles) Thank you.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Abby: (Squeals)

Daniel: Cheers.

(Glasses clink)

Abby: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Mmm. It is very bohemian.

Daniel: Is that code for "Depressing"?

Abby: It's small.

Daniel: It's cozy.

Abby: How much is your rent?

Daniel: Why? You thinking about leasing a studio in the building?

Abby: Uh, no, it just can't be that much. And I don't understand why you don't ask your mother for help, or better yet, live in her penthouse.

Daniel: Yeah, well, Sharon's kind of there right now.

Abby: (Scoffs) And we know how much Phyllis loves her. (Sighs)

Daniel: I don't run to my parents every time I need a few bucks.

Abby: Neither will I when this cover comes out.

Daniel: You know, you could always get a job.

Abby: "The Naked Heiress" is my job. You're gonna see. I am the new connoisseur of cool, and you are gonna be the hottest new artist because you posed on the cover with me.

Daniel: That's not gonna make a difference.

Abby: If you really thought that, then why'd you do it?

Daniel: (Sighs)

Abby: For me?

Daniel: Billy offered me a photo essay, remember?

Abby: That's the only reason?

Daniel: I needed the paycheck.

Abby: (Laughs) To my new fame and fabulosity, courtesy of "Restless Style."

(Glasses clink)

Billy: It's already at the printers.

Sharon: Billy, you can stop this.

Billy: I can't stop it. It gets shipped out tonight.

Sharon: How dare you take what I said to you in confidence and put it in print?

Billy: Look, come on. Understand, first of all, I knew most of that already. I didn't quote you.

Sharon: You used me. You preyed upon me when I was vulnerable.

Billy: No, I portrayed you in a sympathetic light.

Sharon: Oh, oh, well, that makes me feel so much better. You know, you think that Adam is a liar who shouldn't be trusted. You're no better than him.

Chloe: Yes! I never get tired of seeing that.

Billy: (Laughs sarcastically)

Chloe: I wonder how Victoria is gonna react.

Billy: (Sighs) She's not even mentioned in the article.

Chloe: Oh, no, how could she possibly care that you've attacked the Newman family yet again?

Billy: You know what? Everything in that article is the truth. I didn't endanger anybody's legal case. And we cannot be sued for libel, so we did good tonight.

Chloe: Yeah, I wouldn't go that far.

Billy: Oh, no? Well, turn around. Come down here. Take a look at this. Oh, look at this. Don't be so mean. Ready? (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Michael: Pomerantz is, uh, issuing a press release stating that the district attorney's office is... wait for it... dropping all charges against Nicholas Newman.

Nick: Ahh! You mean I'm a free man?

Michael: (Laughs) Congratulations.

Victor: About time, my boy.

Nick: Finally. We can go on with our lives.

Phyllis: I'm happy for you, Nick.

Michael: I-I hope you don't mind. I phoned Lauren on the way over. She says the four of us have to get together. We gotta celebrate.

Nick: Yeah, cool. Cool. I just--I can't tell you what a relief this is.

Victor: You know something? It--it ain't enough.

Michael: The charges are dropped. I thought that's what you wanted.

Victor: Mm. Mnh-mnh. The fact that the prosecutor dropped charges against Nicholas does not restore his good name. I want the D.A. to publically apologize and declare your innocence. Okay?

Nick: No, Dad, I just want to put this whole thing behind me.

Victor: Son, this is very important for your family. Very important for you. Very important for business in the future. And I want the world to know that your mother and I and Phyllis support you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Abby: Are you lecturing me on being naked? Isn't that how everyone met you here?

Victoria: Consider yourself dumped. You can put that in your stupid little magazine.

Nick: No more what?

Phyllis: No more us.

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