Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/6/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 7/7/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9436 ~ Sharon Is Set Up
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Paul: (Sighs) Patty, I need you to look at me. I'm confused about your confession. You claim that you murdered Richard Hightower.
Patty: (Sighs) No, one of the Adams. I keep telling you that, Pauly. I do.
Paul: Okay, one of the Adams. But the D.A. told me that you knew details about the crime scene that weren't released to the public.
Patty: Mm-hmm, horrible things.
Paul: Okay, what I need to know is if you were really there. Were you actually there, or did someone tell you to say these things?
Patty: There was blood.
Paul: Yeah, I know. Did Adam coach you?
Patty: I don't want to talk about him. (Breathing rapidly) (Sighs)
Paul: Patty, I need you to focus, please. I need you to think. I need to know. Did you know that Adam was here in the hospital?
Patty: He was here?
Paul: He was here. Did you see him?
Patty: I never thought I'd see him again, but he's everywhere, Pauly. He's everywhere.
Paul: Wh-wh-what do you mean, "He’s everywhere"?
Patty: (Whimpers) Aah! (Groans loudly) (Laughs) (Inhales deeply) (Sighs) I want him to leave me alone. I just-- will you make him leave me alone, Pauly? Okay? You make him leave me alone. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Adam: Hello, Sharon.
Sharon: Adam? I thought you were at the state hospital.
Adam: I got transferred.
Sharon: So the message that I got saying that an inmate was requesting a-a visit, that was from you?
Adam: You thought it was my brother?
Sharon: Yeah, of course.
Adam: He was released.
Sharon: When?
Adam: A little while ago.
Sharon: So--so you were purposely vague so that I would think it was Nicholas?
Adam: I thought that if you knew it was me, you wouldn't come.
Sharon: Well, you were right.
Adam: Sharon, hear me out.
Sharon: Why should I?
Adam: If for no other reason than there was a time that I meant something to you.
[Billy remembering]
Billy: Thank you. You want me to hire you a lawyer?
Adam: That's right. Not just any lawyer-- Rafe.
Billy: Really? Rafe wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.
Adam: You want my story? You get me Rafe.
Billy: Oh, hello. I heard Nick's out of jail.
Victor: If you're fishing for some morsel of information so as to concoct one of your... slanderous stories, you won't get it from me, all right? You've exploited the Newman name enough as it is.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Jack: Happy?
Emily: Mm, ecstatic.
Jack: About time they reinstated your license, Dr. Peterson.
Emily: (Sighs) Oh, I know. (Chuckles) I was afraid I'd never practice psychiatry again.
Jack: I'm just glad your brother manned up and admitted to writing those prescriptions.
Emily: Yeah, I've never been prouder of him.
Jack: It was fun last night-- our own private celebration.
Emily: Well, you do know how to keep a girl up past her bedtime.
Jack: I don't remember you complaining.
Emily: (Chuckles) Oh, Mr. Abbott, I am not complaining.
Jack: I never thought we'd be together like this again. Now that we are, I-I just want to savor every minute of it.
J.T.: All right, how's this for service?
Mac: (Sighs) It's--it's--it's great.
J.T.: (Laughs)
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: All right, is this okay?
Mac: Um, yeah, it's fine. You didn't have to carry me.
J.T.: Uh, well, any excuse to flex my muscles for you.
Mac: (Sighs) I can walk.
J.T.: Yeah, you can, like a little old lady.
Mac: (Chuckles) Stitches hurt.
J.T.: Yeah, I know they do. That's why I got you out here, so you could get a-- a faster getaway.
Mac: (Chuckles) A getaway? Are we Bonnie and Clyde now?
J.T.: Look, I know how much you hate Esther and your grandma hovering over you.
Mac: (Chuckles) You looking after me is bad enough. What happened to your promise to ignore me?
J.T.: I lied.
Mac: J.T.--
J.T.: No, look, I-I know you always want to be the person taking care of everybody else, but guess what? You're gonna have to suck it up.
Mac: I, uh, I...
J.T.: What?
Mac: Nothing. (Sighs) Never mind.
J.T.: Yeah, I know. You miss the twins. I know.
Mac: (Sighs) I never for one second regret carrying them for Lily and Cane. But... (Voice breaks) Letting go is a lot harder than I thought.
Cane: Looks like you're gonna be stuck in here for a while, huh?
Neil: Hey, you want me to go down to the gift shop and maybe get a deck of cards for you?
Lily: No, I just want to lay here and stare at these precious faces.
Cane: I know it's tough on you being away from the babies while you're in here having your treatment.
Lily: I just want to see them so badly.
Neil: Don't worry. We're gonna take so much video of those two little babies that you're gonna miss a single yawn.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: How you feeling?
Lily: Fine. I-I know what to expect from an infusion. I went through the same thing in France, so...
Cane: Yeah, but the difference is, that one didn't work, and this one's going to, 'cause the stem cells come from your own flesh and blood.
Lily: Hope you're right.
Neil: I have a good feeling. Today is the day that everything changes.
Mac: I never had any illusion that I was anything other than a surrogate. But to feel them grow inside of me and then to give birth...
J.T.: Of course. You're emotionally attached.
Mac: And now I have to say good-bye. And I want to. I want Lily to get better and raise these babies with Cane.
J.T.: Mac, you know you're always gonna be a part of these-- these kids' lives.
Mac: Yeah, as "Auntie Mac," but that's not the same. (Sighs) I feel so stupid.
J.T.: Why? Why do you feel stupid?
Mac: Because everybody warned me how painful it would be when the babies were born and I had to give them up, and guess what? They were right. (Sighs) I just... (Sighs) I'm an idiot to think that I could go through this and then just walk away without any issues.
J.T.: It's all right.
Lily: Do you realize how lucky we are?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: The twins were born two months premature. Things could have gone so wrong.
Neil: But they didn't.
Cane: And Charlie and Matilda are now healthy, and they're thriving.
Lily: Honey, will you actually go check on them?
Cane: Sure.
Lily: I want them to know that their parents are thinking about them.
Cane: Oh, you don't have to twist my arm.
Lily: (Chuckles) (Sniffles)
Neil: Well, Cane's really into the-- the daddy gig, isn't he?
Lily: Yeah, it's sweet. But enough about us.
Neil: (Chuckles)
Lily: What's going on with you?
Neil: Well, Baby, actually, uh, there's been some significant changes.
Lily: Oh. You mean besides becoming a grandpa?
Neil: Lily, I want to be there for those kids, right? I want to spend more time with you, stop wasting my energy on-- on, you know, things that don't matter.
Lily: Wait, please tell me you did not quit Chancellor.
Neil: Slow down now. I said I made some changes. I'm not an idiot, all right?
Lily: (Chuckles) Okay.
Neil: I, um, I did sell Indigo, though.
Lily: What? Indigo was your pride and joy.
Neil: No. No. Y-you--you are my pride and joy. I don't need Indigo anymore. All I need is you, Devon, Cane and those little beautiful babies.
Lily: (Sighs) Well... (Scoffs) I'm afraid to ask what else you've done.
Neil: (Winces) I ended things with, uh, Ashley.
Lily: What happened?
Neil: Ah, nothing. Um, Ashley's an amazing woman. You know, we, uh, we'll always be good friends. We both knew that this wasn't gonna be a permanent thing.
Lily: Yeah, but it's still sad.
Neil: Everything happens... (Clears throat) For a reason.
Lily: What do you mean?
Neil: Babe, after Dru died, I was convinced that I could find happiness with someone else. And Ashley made me realize that I could meet someone special and fall in love again.
Lily: Well, that's great, Dad.
Neil: I-I hope you know I loved your mother with all my heart.
Lily: I know you did, and she knew it, too.
Neil: I still... I still miss her every day.
Lily: Me, too. But I still want you to be happy, no matter what the future holds.
Billy: You are so suspicious.
Victor: You know, while some people think you... may have more depth than a cardboard cutout, I don't think so.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victor: I really don't.
Billy: Oh.
Victor: You're a narcissistic, no-good S.O.B. sniffing around for a story for your tabloid.
Billy: Well, that's not very nice.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Billy: But if I may remind you, you were all too happy to give me an interview when it suited your purposes.
Victor: And if you write another piece about this murder, you're seriously hurting the case against Adam Wilson.
Billy: Well--
Victor: Now I don't like that, because you've done that before.
Billy: Well, like I said, I didn't write that one, but I don't really need you to tell me what I can and can't write.
Victor: I'm trying to prove my son Nicholas' innocence. If you ruin that by speculation and innuendo in one of your... slanderous articles in that rag of yours, you'll have to deal with me, Billy-boy, all right?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Why don't you have a double tequila on me? Hello, Bob. Nice to see you.
Billy: Hey, Rafe. I need to talk to you.
Sharon: You've got five minutes.
Adam: I thought after we got back from Brazil, you'd go to court.
Sharon: I wanted to see my daughter.
Adam: Part of me would like to believe that you just didn't want to see me attacked up on the stand.
Sharon: Well, I'm just glad I didn't have to witness your fake breakdown.
Adam: Who says it was fake?
Sharon: Everyone, even the doctors at the hospital. Isn't that why you ended up here? Because nobody believed your act?
Adam: It wasn't an act. I panicked. What would you do if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit, Sharon?
Sharon: Well, you had no problem skipping town and leaving Nick to take the rap.
Adam: Sharon, that's an entirely differen--
Sharon: And did you really think that you could just disappear after all the disgusting things you did?
Adam: I did some very bad things. They were disgusting. But I am no killer.
Sharon: Stop lying.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Sharon: (Sighs) Hello? You're kidding. Okay. Thank you.
Sharon: Patty just confessed to the murder.
Adam: She did? Oh, my God.
Paul: So Nick has been released.
Jack: What? How did that happen?
Paul: My sister confessed to the murder.
Emily: Oh, my God.
Jack: You don't think...
Paul: I pray to God no, that she didn't. But we all know how much she hated Adam.
Jack: And she had the motive and the opportunity.
Paul: And a couple of days ago, she was happy and smiling, and then all of a sudden, she blurts out this confession.
Emily: Uh, any idea what changed?
Paul: After Adam's meltdown on the stand, they put him in the same mental hospital as Patty.
Jack: Do we know that their paths crossed?
Paul: Well, no one say them talking, and the surveillance cameras did not place them together.
Jack: Still, it does make you wonder.
Paul: One moment she's fine. And the next moment, she claims to be tormented.
Emily: What does she mean by being "Tormented"?
Paul: (Sighs) She believes that Satan came to her and told her what she had done, and that her soul would suffer if she didn't come clean.
Jack: But couldn't that have been a dream?
Paul: She swears it was real.
Emily: Do you think somehow Adam got to her without anyone knowing?
Paul: Emily, we are talking about the man who faked his own death.
Jack: Oh, oh, trust me. If this jerk did kill Hightower, and he thinks for one second that Nick's murder trial is falling apart--
Paul: He's got the perfect scapegoat in Patty.
Emily: I know. I know. She's--she's vulnerable, easily manipulated. I mean, look what Victor and Sarah Smythe did to her.
Paul: Plus, he's gotten to her before.
Jack: And he could have gotten to her again.
Patty: (Sobs) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) The devil made me do it. I don't want to go to hell. (Sobs) I don't want to go to hell. The devil made me do it. I don't want to go to hell.
Adam: (Sighs) Patty was furious with me.
Sharon: Because you forced her to help you escape that night of the ball?
Adam: I knew her identity. That could have been revealed. I-I-I-- I knocked her out with drugs. Maybe I-I pushed her too far.
Sharon: So--so you're saying she snapped and she killed Richard Hightower thinking that he was you?
Adam: Well, uh... the threat of that secret getting out-- I mean, she--sh-- if that gets out, then she loses Jack. I--
Sharon: But you still-- I mean, you set Nicholas up. You lured Hightower to the club. You made that recording. You made it look like Nick was after you.
Adam: I didn't kill anyone. You believe that, don't you?
Billy: I was hoping that you would represent Adam.
Rafe: Are you serious? I loathe the man. Come to think of it, so do you. What's the payoff?
Billy: (Sighs) An exclusive interview about how Adam faked his death, the whole sordid story.
Rafe: You got a lot of nerve. You know that, Billy?
Billy: Look, man, come on. Adam's gonna get a lawyer, and he's probably gonna lose. Then we can all throw a party. But if you are said lawyer, even if you lose, you are good enough to go up and put a show against Pomerantz, and then everybody's gonna say, "Yeah, that Newman kid? Guilty as sin. But if I ever need a lawyer, that Rafe Torres, that's who I want in my corner."
Rafe: You're laying it on kind of thick, wouldn't you say?
Billy: Just meet with him.
Rafe: You can be a real son of a bitch. You know that, right?
Billy: Yeah, I hear that a lot, actually.
Rafe: Yeah.
Billy: Cheers.
Victor: I assume Paul filled you in.
Jack: Yeah.
Victor: Hello.
Emily: Hi.
Jack: (Sighs)
Victor: This must be very difficult for you.
Paul: I don't know how to get the truth from my sister when she is so out of it.
Emily: Paul, you've gotten through to her before.
Paul: Not this time. This is way over my head. (Sighs) Listen, I know it is a lot to ask...
Emily: You want me to talk to her?
Jack: After everything she did to Emily? Have you lost your mind?
Victor: Jack, we need to know the truth, and I think Dr. Peterson is the best-equipped to get it.
Adam: I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks of me. What you think matters.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: Sharon, you know me. I could never have murdered a man in cold blood.
Sharon: Right now, I don't know what I think. I don't know.
Adam: Sharon. Sharon, wait.
Sharon: Just leave me alone, okay?
Billy: Uh, whoa, uh, Sharon. (Clears throat)
Sharon: Excuse me.
Billy: Man, do you mind if I, uh...
Rafe: Go. Just go.
Billy: All right.
Billy: Sharon. You look like you could use a friend. You want to go somewhere where we can talk?
Mac: Thank you. Why do I get myself into these situations?
J.T.: Because you're a loving and--
Mac: And I'm dumb. I'm dumb. Do you know this is where I married Billy? A marriage that lasted two hours until we found out we were cousins, and then years later, when we found out we were not cousins, we still couldn't make it work, and you know why?
J.T.: Because you're completely different people.
Mac: No. Because I wanted to carry Cane's dying wife's children. Who does that?
J.T.: A kind and loving person does that.
Mac: A crazy person who thinks that they can just step in and solve every crisis.
J.T.: Yeah, but you did.
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: You did solve the crisis.
Mac: I couldn't even carry them to term.
J.T.: Look, if those babies hadn't have been born when they were, Lily would be waiting to die. Instead, she's having a stem cell infusion that could save her life.
Cane: Hey, there, pretty girl. And g'day, little mate. Now I just want you to know that your mommy would love to be here right now, but mommy is doing a very important procedure that's going to make her stronger so that she can get better. And then we're gonna go home... as a family. And we're gonna live happily ever after.
(Monitors beeping)
Neil: You know what amazes me? That you can sit there so calm and relaxed, Babe.
Lily: Well... (Sighs) It's out of my hands. You know, this infusion is my last hope.
Neil: Don't talk that way.
Lily: Dad, I have to, 'cause if I don't make it--
Neil: Lily, please.
Lily: Listen, let me finish. If I don't make it, at least I know that I tried everything I could to be here for the twins.
Neil: You've fought so hard.
Lily: When I left France, I was so scared that I wouldn't even be able to see them. But I did. And I'm filled with such incredible joy because I got to see my beautiful children. Dad, if I died today, I would die happy.
Neil: Oh, Lily.
Paul: Patty knew things about the crime scene that only the authorities and the real killer would know.
Victor: Adam framed Nicholas. We must not allow him to frame Patty, as well.
Jack: Gentlemen, I want to get to the bottom of this as much as anyone else. There are other psychiatrists.
Paul: Jack, there is no time for another doctor to establish a relationship and trust with Patty.
Emily: Paul, you're right. You're right.
Jack: What, you're actually considering this?
Emily: I-I spent months gaining her trust, Jack.
Victor: We don't have months. My son Nicholas has charges against him for something that in my gut I know Adam did.
Jack: We promised ourselves no more Patty in our lives.
Emily: But, Jack, we had no way of foreseeing this situation.
Jack: When we got engaged, we said you were gonna find another doctor for Patty. You did that. Your compassion sucked you back into this case. That's all.
Paul: Jack, please.
Jack: She almost died, Paul. She almost lost her career. You just now got that back.
Emily: I know. I know, okay? But this isn't about Patty or me. A man was murdered, a little boy is suffering-- his little boy. And--and look, your families are all suffering.
Jack: (Sighs)
Victor: Then you will do it?
Emily: Yes, I'll do it.
Jack: (Sighs)
Paul: Okay. (Sighs)
Mac: What am I supposed to do now? I can't even trust my own judgment.
J.T.: What are you afraid of?
Mac: That I'll never be happy, and I'll never have my own children.
J.T.: Hey. You've been through a lot, and I know you're overwhelmed.
Mac: I'm so emotional. I hate it.
J.T.: I promise you, your future is gonna be awesome, okay? And if you want kids, you're gonna have those, too.
Mac: That's a really lovely thought, but you have no idea what's gonna happen in the future. What if I end up a bitter old woman?
J.T.: (Sighs) You know what? You're right, actually. This is probably the beginning of the worst part of your life.
Mac: Oh, shut up.
J.T.: No, Kay and Brock, they'll probably-- they'll disown you.
Mac: No way.
J.T.: You know, you'll lose the bar, and you'll end up friendless and childless and...
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: I'll probably hate you for some reason I don't even know yet.
Mac: Stop it. (Sniffles)
J.T.: Then it's just gonna be you and 15 cats and the internet.
Mac: (Chuckles) What an attractive picture.
J.T.: Hey, don't look now, but you might be smilin'.
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: No, don't-- don't ruin this bitter mood you're in right now.
Mac: I-I can't believe you did it.
J.T.: What?
Mac: You made me laugh. God, I love you.
Lily: Oh, look at that tiny fist.
Cane: (Chuckles)
Neil: That's right.
Lily: Oh, so cute! Oh, my gosh, I just want to squeeze 'em.
Woman: I need to remove your I.V.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Uh, do you want us to leave?
Woman: Just for a minute.
Cane: All right.
Neil: All right, listen, Honey, we'll be right outside.
Lily: Yeah. (Sighs)
Woman: All right. Feeling all right?
Lily: Yeah, except for going a little stir-crazy.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Lily: (Sighs)
Woman: Mrs. Ashby!
Adam: So now that Patty's confessed, they may drop the conspiracy charges against me.
Rafe: You'll still be facing kidnapping, fraud...
Adam: Now a sharp guy like you can get me out of that.
Rafe: Why do you want me to be your attorney?
Adam: Because someone who publicly hates me-- if they plead my case, that sends a message to the jury that I may be innocent.
Rafe: Do you really think I'd help you?
Adam: You're here, aren't you? You want fame, fortune, just like everyone else. In the end, everyone has a price.
Sharon: Huh, it's been a while since I've seen my old stomping grounds.
Billy: Yeah? Is it bringing back good memories?
Sharon: Considering the last few months, uh, yeah, it was like heaven on earth.
Billy: Can I ask you something?
Sharon: Sure.
Billy: Why'd you go see Adam?
Sharon: I thought I was going to see Nick.
Billy: Okay, yeah, fair enough. (Sighs) But why'd you stay?
Sharon: Because a part of me detests Adam. But a part of me wants to know that there's a human being in there.
Billy: Oh, why do you even care about that?
Sharon: Because I fell in love with him, Billy. I... and what does that say about me if he turns out to be nothing but a monster?
Billy: Sharon, he's fooled everyone. He's lied to everyone, not just you.
Sharon: But I'm the only one who married him.
Billy: Okay. Okay, fine. Then you must be happy that he's finally going to pay for what he's done, right?
Sharon: Well, he hasn't been convicted yet.
Billy: But they wouldn't release Nick if the case against Adam wasn't strong, so...
Sharon: No, Patty Williams confessed to the murder.
Billy: Okay, so Nick's off the hook.
Sharon: Not until the D.A. is satisfied with Patty's story. Until then, Nick still faces charges for killing Hightower.
Billy: What about Adam?
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, conspiracy, fraud, kidnapping, but not murder.
Billy: (Sighs)
Jack: You know, I really resent your pressuring Emily that way.
Victor: But, Jack, you don't want Emily to be taken advantage of again, do you?
Jack: No.
Victor: I should hope not.
Jack: Hey, let's not forget who started this whole ball rolling.
Victor: Jack, I'm not the one who pursued her psychiatrist-- Patty's psychiatrist, all right? If you hadn't put those two women in an untenable position, none of this would have happened.
Jack: You think I don't know that? You don't think I regret that every day of my life?
Victor: Jack, we need answers now, before rumors start flying, and before that miscreant brother of yours will write articles that could affect Adam's case.
Emily: (Clears throat)
Patty: Dr. P. I never thought I'd see you again.
Emily: Well, I was worried about you.
Patty: Why?
Emily: Paul said that you confessed to killing that man at the club.
Patty: (Sniffles) (Clears throat) Adam one or two.
Emily: I know you're exhausted and you're confused. But I need to talk to you about this. I'm not judging you, Patty. I never have.
Patty: No, you forgave me.
Paul: She did forgive you.
Emily: I need to understand what happened. Please? Can you help me? Patty, you're safe. It's just your brother and me. You can tell us anything, please.
Patty: But Adam--
Paul: Adam is not gonna hurt you. He's not here anymore, Patty.
Patty: In my dreams, he--
Emily: It wasn't your dreams. Adam was in this hospital for the past couple of days. People saw him, talked to him.
Patty: Other people saw him?
Emily: Yeah. Just think back, Patty. (Sighs) Is it possible that Adam scared you or threatened you into confessing?
J.T.: Well, I didn't mean to break the "No doting" rule, but I was hungry.
Mac: Yeah, I can't-- I can't believe I said that. I mean, it has to be the hormones.
J.T.: Nope. Can't take it back. Sorry.
Mac: Yeah, well, I'm on major painkillers. Like, serious drugs.
J.T.: If you want me to forget it, I will... unless you don't want me to forget it. Hey, don't worry. I don't love you, either.
Lily: I was just weak. I shouldn't have moved so quickly.
Cane: Pam?
Pam: It's nothing to be alarmed about.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: You see? Now stop freaking out, please. People faint all the time.
Neil: Yeah, well, tell that to my heart, please, because it's beating out of my chest.
Cane: Yeah, thank you. Please, don't scare me like that again.
Lily: But you know what? I had this really weird experience when I was unconscious.
Neil: Really? Tell us.
Lily: I don't know. I just--it--it felt like somebody was lifting me up.
Cane: That was me, Baby. You fell out of the bed when I ran in.
Lily: No, no, no, no. It was--it was before that. I mean, I-I can't really describe it, but it was this really amazing sensation. Listen, I know it sounds weird, but I don't know. I just-- I think it's a sign that-- that everything is gonna be okay.
Emily: There was a doll stabbed through the chest? And the other inmates were wearing paper masks?
Patty: Like at the ball.
Paul: That had to have been Adam's doing.
Emily: He was just trying to unnerve her.
Patty: (Sighs) But how did he end up in my room? It was locked.
Emily: Adam's very resourceful.
Paul: Y-you know what? He could have bribed someone. He could have done any number of things.
Patty: Maybe. Maybe he got me to confess.
Paul: (Sighs)
Patty: But I still killed him. I stabbed him in the chest, and he died right in front of me.
Jack: Why haven't they called?
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Paul, what's going on? Really? No, no, I-I-I understand. Go ahead. Go. Uh, thanks for calling.
Victor: What's the story?
Jack: Evidently, Patty understands that Adam coerced her confession. She's still insisting, though, that she's his-- she's the killer.
Victor: In other words, she's still the prime suspect.
Jack: For purely selfish reasons, I hope to God it isn't Patty.
Victor: (Sighs heavily) So do I.
Jack: I lived with her all that time thinking she was Emily. If I'd known the truth sooner, I could have saved an innocent man's life.
Victor: (Sighs) I'm the one who brought Patty into town. If she is guilty, there's blood on my hands, as well.
Rafe: I want nothing to do with you or your case, for that matter. Actually, you know what? That's not true. I'd love to take it so I can tank you in court, but one of us has ethics.
Adam: Mm, can you say "Kangaroo court"? Why'd you come, Rafe?
Rafe: To tell you to go to hell.
Adam: You already did that when I dumped you and I went back to Heather. Remember that?
Rafe: You're not gonna think it's so funny when you can't find a decent public defender to work with.
Adam: Oh, somebody will take it for the publicity. You know how that goes.
Rafe: Yeah, unless they're already doing more lucrative work for Victor. But, hey, you can always represent yourself. Good luck with that.
(Knocks on door)
Adam: Damn it.
Sharon: Adam was just so convincing. He swore that he didn't kill Hightower.
Billy: That's because he has no conscience. The man can lie as easy as he can breathe.
Sharon: Well, how am I ever gonna know the truth?
Billy: You won't.
Sharon: Okay, well, I can't-- I can't live with that. I can't live with that.
Billy: You know what you need to know. Nick didn't do it, and Adam can't be trusted.
Sharon: I suppose.
Billy: You really got caught in the middle of this, huh?
Sharon: Yeah. I married both brothers.
Billy: Yeah, and Faith.
Sharon: Yeah, Faith. I gotta get home. I gotta see how she's doing.
Billy: Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.
Sharon: Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
Billy: Hey, any time. (Whistles) Well, this is perfect for the story. I have my damsel in distress.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Why don't you go home to your own wife and your other family?
Phyllis: I'm gonna wait until the charges are dropped.
Daniel: What about after he's cleared?
Abby: What's the big deal? Why won't you show it to me? What are you hiding from me?
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