Y&R Transcript Monday 7/5/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 7/6/10 -- USA
Episode # 9435 ~ Billy Has a Plan for Adam
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
J.T.: Problems?
Mac: I can’t... I can't bend down to pick up my shoe.
J.T.: Well, let me help here. Whoa. All right. (Sighs)
Mac: Thank you.
J.T.: That better?
Mac: Yes.
J.T.: You're still in a lot of pain?
Mac: Um, it's better. I just have to take it super easy.
J.T.: (Chuckles) Well, they're not gonna let you lift a finger at your grandmother's house, you know? You're comin' home a hero. After what you did for Cane and Lily...
Mac: An emergency c-section two months early?
J.T.: Yeah, but it worked out for the best, you know? Those babies are doin' great, and now Lily gets treated with their stem cells.
Mac: But that and the chemo might not be enough to save her.
J.T.: It breaks your heart to think about those twins being raised without a mom.
Mac: Yeah, L-Lily's been really worried about it, too. So worried, um... she put it in her will that if she dies, Cane and I should share custody.
Lily: Look at those innocent faces. I know what you two have been up to. You've been partying all night. (Chuckles) But that's okay. Mommy couldn't sleep, either, 'cause I've just been too excited to see you guys. You know that blanket you let me borrow? Well, I took it home so that Humphrey could smell it so that he could know your scent. So that way, he'll know that you're part of the pack, and he can protect you if I can't be there. But I really want to be there.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Neil: Hey, that was fast.
Cane: Yeah, I don't really even look anymore at the forms I have to sign.
Neil: Mm.
Cane: Let's just hope they didn't stick a deed of sale for the house in with the insurance forms, huh?
Neil: Yeah, right?
Cane: (Chuckles)
Neil: Look at your wife. She looks kind of tired, doesn't she?
Cane: Yeah. Oh, we just got the call. We, uh, start treatment today.
Neil: Really?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah. It seems they got a good supply of stem cells from the umbilical cord to the babies.
Neil: (Sighs) That's great.
Cane: Yeah. So, um, it's enough for an infusion. Let's just hope that miracles now do come in threes, huh? (Sighs heavily)
Billy: When did they transfer Adam out of the psych ward? He's already back in jail, though? All right, well, stick with it. We're gonna be all over this. All right. Hey, guys, how you doing? How's Lily?
Devon: Hey.
Malcolm: Good. We just left the hospital, man. It's amazing what those babies have done for her-- just completely renewed her spirit.
Devon: Yeah, and now we're hopin' that the, uh, the stem cells do the same thing for her body.
Billy: God's not used to hearing from me, but I've been a bit of a pest to him lately, so...
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Appreciate that. (Chuckles)
Devon: Prayer definitely, uh, worked for my niece and nephew.
Billy: Man, I thought my baby was tiny when she was born, but, I mean, these kids-- I mean, she's three times bigger than them.
Devon: Yeah.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Well, as long as they're healthy is all you care about.
Billy: Yeah, well, when they get older, they give you a few more things to worry about. Case in point--my niece Abby.
Malcolm: "The Naked Heiress."
Billy: No, no, no. Unh-unh, not today. No, today is sweet and discreet. That is the theme of today's shoot, Gentlemen.
Devon: Okay.
Malcolm: All right.
Devon: Well, this is the first one I've helped out with, so I'm-- I'm looking forward to it.
Billy: All right, well, good luck. Abby can be a handful.
Malcolm: Dude, I've had cell phones chucked at my head, okay?
Billy: (Chuckles)
Malcolm: I got this. (Laughs)
Billy: Uh-huh.
Abby: You know what I am surprised didn't get more buzz was the sex tape.
Chloe: It's a supply and demand thing. You know, everyone has a sex tape.
Abby: (Sighs)
Chloe: And, you know, you didn't really go for the sex part.
Abby: Mm, you think I should have gone further?
Chloe: Well...
Abby: Okay, well, you know what? I'm not going to make that mistake today. This cover has to be hot.
Chloe: Oh, it's going to be. Wait till you see the model that I got you. Oh, my God.
Abby: Really?
Chloe: Uh, yeah, you're gonna thank me.
Abby: (Chuckles) Oh, um, you know, just, uh, I'm gonna get a little-- little refill.
Chloe: Okay, okay. Hurry up. We gotta go soon.
Abby: Okay. (Clears throat) Last chance.
Daniel: For what?
Abby: To get in on my cover shoot at "Restless Style." I'm headed there right now.
Daniel: Well, have fun.
Abby: You are going to regret not using this chance to publicize your work.
Daniel: Yeah, I think I'll pass on "The Naked Artist." Thanks.
Victor: What is Pomerantz doing here? Does it have to do with the murder case, or what?
Michael: I don't know. His assistant wouldn't say.
Woman: Why aren't you releasing Nick Newman now that you've arrested his brother Adam?
Owen: Both men played a role in the death of Richard Hightower.
Woman: You're saying they worked together?
Owen: No. Nicholas Newman made multiple threats on his brother's life. Adam conspired to get Hightower here the night of the ball to serve as an unwitting decoy. Nicholas took the bait, murdering a man he believed was his brother. They're both responsible, and they both will be held accountable.
Woman: Has Adam admitted to kidnapping Faith Newman?
Owen: That's all I'm gonna say at this time.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Victor: Excuse me. This is preposterous, Pomerantz. You're still implicating my son in this murder case?
Owen: It's what the evidence tells me.
Michael: Uh, you didn't even mention the one suspect who confessed to the crime.
Owen: You mean Patty Williams? Oh, come on. She's nuttier than a fruitcake. There's no way that confession holds up under scrutiny.
Paul: I got a call last night from the director of the--the hospital. And he told me that you are insisting that you killed Richard Hightower.
Patty: No. Adam.
Paul: Adam?
Patty: I killed one of the Adams.
Paul: Y-you never mentioned this before-- not to me, not to your doctors.
Patty: I didn't want to remember. But the devil came to me last night and told me that I had to confess.
Paul: Whoa. Whoa. What do you mean, "The devil"?
Patty: (Whispers) He looked into my soul. (Normal voice) The devil himself.
Nick: Lookin' pretty good for a dead man. Welcome home.
Chloe: Okay. Well, I'm--I'm gonna go check on the other model.
Abby: Okay, well, I-- don't forget. You're engaged.
Chloe: Mm.
Abby: (Chuckles) Hi, Uncle Billy.
Billy: Mnh, mnh, mnh, mnh.
Abby: Oh, whatever. I'm doing you a favor. How much you want to bet this issue sells more than--
Billy: I would like to not bet with you anymore. I already lost this one, and now you're on the cover of my magazine...
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Billy: For which I will be rewarded from your mother by her killing me.
Abby: (Chuckles) Whatever. Mom is from another era when good little girls didn't try to start businesses. They just waited in line for their place at the family company, like she did, like Victoria did, like Jack wanted you to, and you said to hell with it, and I respect that about you.
Billy: You don't really need to butter me up. You're getting your way... within reason. There are stipulations. Nothing over the top.
Abby: Mm.
Billy: Okay? Yeah? What up? (Clears throat)
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Abby: Hey, Malcolm.
Malcolm: Hey.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Malcolm: Check you out.
Abby: (Squeals)
Malcolm: You are lookin' fine, Girl.
Abby: Thank you. You know what? I was so excited when Billy said that you were going to be my photographer. You're the best. (Chuckles)
Malcolm: Aw.
Abby: Well, uh, we were just talking, and we are going to make some changes to the original concept.
Malcolm: Okay, changes? Well, let me--B-Billy seemed pretty set on what he wanted to do, so, uh...
Abby: Yeah, no, um, little-- little things that'll just, uh, kick it up a notch.
Malcolm: Okay. All right. You're the boss. (Chuckles)
Abby: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Oh, Abby...
Abby: Hey.
Chloe: Um, this is Lars.
Abby: Oh.
Chloe: Yeah.
Abby: Oh.
Chloe: Yes.
Abby: Hmm. (Clears throat) What, um... I think we need to start by losing the clothes.
Chloe: Mm. Okay.
Michael: Your "Mistaken identity" theory still holds if Patty is the killer. She had motive. Adam was blackmailing her. It explains the sudden confession. If the person you thought you'd stabbed to death suddenly shows up hale and hearty, it would have pushed her over the edge.
Victor: Has it occurred to you there might be another possibility-- that Adam coerced her into taking the fall for his crimes?
Owen: All right, look, I will investigate this so-called confession. But nobody is excluded from suspicion.
(Cell phone beeps)
Victor: This man is an unrepentant fool, isn't he?
Michael: Mm-hmm. Well, Adam's been transferred back to jail. No arraignment has been scheduled. They're awaiting to assign him a public defender.
Victor: All right, you make sure that you find the weakest, most incompetent P.D. in town to defend Adam, okay?
Adam: You're lookin' damn fine yourself, Brother. Guess a steady diet of canned meat and personal humiliation agrees with you.
Nick: Well, pretty soon, I'm gonna be leaving all this behind. But you, on the other hand, are just getting started. So much for getting away with murder.
Adam: I didn't kill anyone.
Nick: (Scoffs) Give it up. We got you nailed. We know you gave your marrow to Hightower so his D.N.A. test could be misread. We can prove that you called him the night of the ball and gave him a disguise to match your own. And then there's that voice recording you left, proving that you tried to frame me.
Adam: That's what you got? Well, I haven't, uh, spoken to a lawyer, but I'm sure when I do, he or she will be quick to point out that it's not illegal to donate bone marrow, nor is it illegal to invite a man to a party. I'm sure they'll want to get an expert up on the stand to testify that that tape could have been faked. Now fleeing police custody-- okay, you got me there. But, uh, wow. The way the D.A. is just convinced that you're the one who's guilty of that murder, well, I'd wager that you'd spend more time in the state pen than I will.
Paul: The devil came to see you... in a dream?
Patty: It was real. It was real.
[Patty remembering]
Adam: Here's Adam.
Patty: Adam's back? Adam and Adam. There were two Adams.
(Breathing rapidly)
Adam: Two Adams, one murdered, sent to hell by you, and now I'm back to drag you to hell with me.
Patty: (Sobs) I couldn't get away. And the light--the light was just burning in my brain.
Paul: Wha--what-- what light, Patty?
Patty: (Sighs)
Paul: What light?
Patty: I saw blood on my hands.
Paul: Listen.
Patty: (Whimpers)
Paul: Come here.
Patty: (Sobs) It's not mine.
Paul: I know. I know. Look at me.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: Look at me. It was a nightmare, okay? Let it go. (Sighs) Listen...
Patty: (Sniffles)
Paul: There's something else. The--the D.A. is on his way over here.
Patty: To take me to prison?
Paul: No, he's not gonna take you to prison. He's not gonna take you to prison, but he's gonna want to talk to you. He's gonna ask you questions about what happened, you know, the night of the murder. He--he, uh, y-you can tell him you're confused, and you have no idea what was going on, okay?
Patty: (Gasps) But I do know, Pauly. I know everything.
Devon: All right. So, uh, how you gonna handle this?
Malcolm: The trick with models is to make them think they're gettin' their way.
Devon: Oh.
Chloe: Just do it a couple ways that she wants to do it, and then, you know, then we'll just move on, all right?
Devon: So just humor her, basically?
Malcolm: Hey, everybody's happy, and we get what we need.
Chloe: Yeah. Oh, perfect. Great. Great. Great. Uh, let's--let's get started. Uh-huh.
Abby: (Sighs) Okay, well, um, Lars and I have figured out what we're going to do, so just, um, follow our lead.
Malcolm: All right.
Chloe: Okay. Hey, Daniel. What are you doing here?
Daniel: Uh, Abby left her sunglasses on the counter.
Abby: And you got here just in time to see what you're missing.
Chloe: Okay.
Abby: Okay. (Clears throat)
Malcolm: Right.
Abby: Let's do it. Ready? (Clears throat)
Malcolm: Hey.
Chloe: Whoa. Uh... oh, God.
(Camera shutter clicking)
Malcolm: There you go.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Billy: Oh, hey! No! Hey, Man, you stop!
Abby: Billy!
Billy: Don't you "Billy" me. You--this is it. No more cover for you. You put this on. Put it on!
Abby: (Sighs)
Billy: You...
Abby: (Sighs)
J.T.: You hungry?
Mac: After four days of hospital food? What do you think?
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Lily: Oh, hi. I almost missed you.
Mac: Hi. No, I would have come to say good-bye.
J.T.: I'm gonna see if the nurse knows you're ready, okay?
Mac: Okay.
Lily: Hi. So I was with the babies just now.
Mac: Does it seem real yet?
Lily: I am in awe every second.
Mac: I know.
Lily: But actually, I wanted to find you so, um, I could just tell you how much all of this has meant to me so that you never regret it.
Mac: Lily, how could I ever...
Lily: Well, you know, if... you know, if I don't make it, I just-- I don't want you to think that you made a mistake.
Mac: I wouldn’t.
Lily: When I got this diagnosis and I thought about dying, you know, I was scared and miserable and angry, 'cause I was thinking, you know, what's the point of-- of being alive and... if you're just gonna disappear and leave nothing? But now... I don't have to feel like that anymore. I mean, I don't want to die. I don't, but... you know, if I don't make it, it's like, I won't feel cheated. At least I left the world Charlie and Matilda, my beautiful children. (Chuckles) (Sighs) Will you tell them how I feel?
Mac: Yes. Yes. Whatever you need, I'll do it.
Paul: Okay, when I waived her right to counsel, it was with the understanding that I would be present when you questioned her.
Owen: Look, I'm not going after your sister. I couldn't if I wanted to. She's unfit to stand trial.
Paul: (Sighs)
Owen: I fully expect her to rule herself out as a suspect. She's not gonna know the details of the murder we held back from the press. And if she does, it's because Adam fed them to her.
Paul: Adam?
Owen: He's been to this hospital for the past couple of days.
Paul: Adam was in this hospital? How the hell did that happen?
Owen: He was in here for a psych evaluation. The judge didn't know the history.
Paul: Oh, well, it all makes sense now. Obviously, he got to her and engineered a confession.
Owen: Look, the hospital administrator is researching how they might have come in contact. There are cameras in the common room. I'm getting the footage. If we can document that Adam approached her, pressured her in any way, that'll be another nail in his coffin.
Paul: Okay.
Owen: Hopefully, I can get Patty to open up to me about it.
Paul: Let me help you.
Owen: No, Adam's lawyer will argue you influenced her.
Paul: (Sighs)
Paul: Okay. Patty, Mr. Pomerantz is gonna want to talk to you alone. It's gonna be fine.
Patty: No, Pauly.
Paul: You're gonna be fine. I'm gonna be right outside the door. I promise. Okay?
Patty: Okay.
Paul: (Pats Patty's leg) I'll be right there.
Patty: Okay. (Sniffles) (Sniffles)
Owen: Hey. Its okay, Patty. All you have to do is tell me the truth.
Nick: The jury is gonna see right through you. What kind of man kidnaps his own brother's child?
Adam: Who's gonna testify to that, Nick? Ashley? She was delusional at the time. And then you've got a letter from a dead obstetrician-- sex offender. (Clicks tongue) God, sounds like an airtight case, you know?
Nick: You confessed everything to Sharon.
Adam: Sh-Sharon has been known to lie from time to time for your sake. So has our father, our sister, your wifey-poo. Yeah, they all lied for you, didn't they? Man. They lied to save your ass, and they just made you look guilty as sin. Did a bang-up job, too. I mean, they-- they did a better job of framing you for murder than I ever could have. That's irony for you. So as you see, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am just a poor farm boy raised in Kansas whose blind mother worked her fingers to the bone to put me through school. And then I finally move to Genoa City to be accepted by my family and loved, and instead, I'm... I'm despised and finally disowned. And then that one fateful, awful, awful night, when I was held against my will and threatened with torture if I didn't confess to crimes I'd never committed... you still think I can't sway the jury, Nick?
Nick: You might as well have a neon sign over your head that just flashes "Sociopath."
Victor: I couldn't agree more.
Billy: Yeah, and you broke it. I said, "No over the top."
Daniel: I didn't really see anything over the top.
Abby: Thank you. Thank you.
Daniel: I didn't really see much over the bottom, either, though. (Chuckles)
Billy: This isn't what we discussed, Man.
Malcolm: Look, I know, Billy. I-I got it under control.
Billy: Not what we discussed.
Malcolm: All right.
Chloe: Look, we-- Guys, we can tone it down.
Abby: No, no, we can’t.
Devon: Well, you know that you're gonna lose your cover.
Abby: Oh, if it's tame, then there's no reason to even do it. This needs to be impossible for people to ignore.
Daniel: Okay, listen. Listen. You know what, these, uh, these--these shots, you weren't gonna be happy with them.
Abby: Yes, I--
Daniel: No, you weren’t. You're fighting for the wrong thing here. I-it's not skin that draws in the eye. I-it's contrast, you know, between light and dark. Trust me. As a photographer, as an artist, I know this, all right? You want to--you want to have sweetness and sin, innocence and experience. Malcolm, come on. Help me out here, Man.
Malcolm: You're dead-on. That's right.
Daniel: Having those things in conflict, that's what's gonna pull people in-- trying to figure out who's gonna win, all right? The good angel or the bad.
Chloe: Why did we ever let you go? Billy, please tell me that you're in on this.
Billy: Sure, if there's clothing involved.
Chloe: Okay, great. Well, then I will get Lars.
Abby: No, no, no.
Malcolm: (Stammers) Abby, why don't you at least try it?
Abby: No, no, no. I'm not gonna do it, um, unless Daniel poses with me.
Daniel: Oh, no, no. (Laughs)
Abby: Okay, fine, I'm not doing it.
Billy: Fine. Go home.
Chloe: We don't have a cover.
Billy: (Clears throat) Daniel, a little help, please?
Daniel: Come on.
Chloe: You-- you've posed for us before.
Daniel: And I'm really just more comfortable behind the camera.
Billy: That's great. Next issue, you get a photo essay. Whatever you want to shoot. Your topic. Just help.
Malcolm: Hey, I'd jump all on that.
Chloe: Yeah, I would jump all over that.
Billy: Do it, Daniel.
Daniel: Yeah, okay, fine. Yeah.
Abby: Yes!
Daniel: Fine.
Abby: (Giggles)
Cane: (Chuckles)
Neil: (Chuckles) How cute.
Cane: Hey. Hey!
Neil: Well...
Mac: Hi.
Neil: Looks like they're, uh, they finally sprung you from the joint, huh?
Mac: I wanted to get one last peek first.
Cane: All right, let me help you.
Mac: I'm okay.
Cane: You know, we'll never forget what you did for us, the sacrifice you made. Hmm?
Mac: It was worth it...
Cane: Yeah.
Mac: To see you and Lily with your children.
Lily: Will you come and visit them?
Mac: If it's okay.
Lily: Yeah, of course it is.
Cane: Of course it's okay. Of course it is.
Lily: We want you to be a big part of their lives.
Cane: You, uh, take good care of this one.
J.T.: Yeah, you got it.
Neil: Thanks, Mac. (Sighs)
J.T.: Ready?
Mac: Yeah.
Lily: See you.
Adam: Two sons behind bars. You must be so proud.
Nick: He thinks if he's obnoxious enough, one of us will take a swing at him, make him look like the victim.
Adam: (Clicks lips)
Victor: We all see through you now Adam, even the shrink at the hospital. No more games to play, Son.
Adam: I'll tell you what, when that lawyer puts me up on the stand, I am gonna sing. I've got so many stories, all these dirty little secrets this family's been hiding. I'm gonna spill it. By the time I get to the part where I escape you all, the jury is gonna stand up and cheer.
Kreidler: I'm Kreidler, court-appointed lawyer for, uh, Adam Newman.
Nick: That'll be you.
Patty: I wanted to hide what I'd done, so I poured cognac all over the body and then I took a wrench, and I broke the gas line, and I ran away. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
(Knock on door)
Paul: Owen, Mr. Hewitt has the information you requested.
Owen: Thank you. Um, excuse me, Patty.
Paul: They keep daily schedules. Adam and Patty were in the common room at the same time.
Owen: Oh.
Mr. Hewitt: But it doesn't appear they came into contact.
Owen: (Sighs) Can you be sure about that?
Mr. Hewitt: I reviewed the tapes myself. I have copies of them here.
Paul: I would like copies of those, too.
Owen: Yeah, that's fine. Could Adam have gone into Patty's room?
Mr. Hewitt: Patients are never unsupervised in the public areas. Uh, the doors to their rooms are always locked.
Owen: All right, thank you, Mr. Hewitt. I'll call you if I have any further questions.
Mr. Hewitt: Okay.
Owen: (Sighs)
Paul: So w-what did Patty tell you?
Owen: She knew everything, Paul-- details that were never released.
Michael: Then you've found your killer, and it's not Nick Newman.
Owen: (Sighs)
Paul: This is way too coincidental, Patty making this confession right after Adam shows up? He is using Patty as a scapegoat again.
Michael: Or he could have tricked her into committing the murder for him. Either way, this confession leaves you no viable case against Nicholas.
Owen: I'm not dropping charges against him or anyone until I've had a chance to research this thoroughly.
Michael: Well, while you're out sleuthing, let my client out on bail, or we'll have a little press conference of our own.
Nick: So Patty confessed to murdering Hightower?
Victor: She apparently mistook him for Adam.
Nick: But you're not convinced?
Victor: No. She's very, very gullible right now. I think that Adam could have manipulated her into assuming the blame. Long story short, what this means is that you are now way down on the suspects list, and Pomerantz will have to let you go.
Nick: What about Adam?
Victor: I think the conspiracy case against him is airtight. Looking at that lawyer, I don't think his defense will be too... stellar.
Nick: Did you have something to do with that?
Victor: Son, your father has a lot of connections, okay?
Kreidler: Uh, here. No, that's the shoplifter. Well, anyway, uh, pretty sure the, uh, arraignment's tomorrow.
Adam: How familiar are you with my case?
Kreidler: I just got assigned, but I looked it over a little bit, heard your story on the news. Looks to me like they got mostly speculation.
Adam: That's right.
Kreidler: So I think we've got a really good chance of, you know, negotiating this down to 10 or 15 years if we cut a deal.
Adam: No, no deal. No sense. I'm pleading not guilty.
Kreidler: Uh, you're taking a big risk going to trial.
Adam: What's your record?
Kreidler: You know, I-I'm not much of a litigator.
Adam: Okay, you're fired.
Kreidler: You do have the right to choose another attorney.
Adam: I know this, and I'm gonna exercise that choice. Thank you.
Kreidler: But every single P.D. has at least 50 cases right now. You think any of us are gonna commit to a lengthy trial?
Adam: Get out of here.
(Camera shutter clicking)
Malcolm: All right. All right, now. Give me a look like you know something that we don’t. There you go.
Chloe: Yeah, I like it. I like it. I think it's hot.
Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat) Hey, uh, from the shoulders up, please.
Malcolm: No worries. Damn, Girl, you're steamin' up the lens.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Okay, you know--you know what? She's, uh, she's actually got a little bit of shine. Let's fix that.
Abby: (Clears throat) I--while we're doing that, can we talk headlines, please?
Billy: Uh, I've got people for that.
Abby: Well, I--you know what? I-I want it to read, "O.M.G.," like, big and red, and then, um, something like "Fur isn't fair, so I'm naked."
Chloe: "Cruelty isn't fashion"?
Abby: "So I'm naked."
Daniel: Are we, uh, sensing a little theme here?
Abby: (Chuckles) O-okay. (Stammers) It could just read, "I support animal rights."
Together: "So I'm naked."
Devon: Right?
Chloe: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Mac: You shouldn't have told Esther I was hungry.
J.T.: Well, you are hungry.
Mac: Yeah, but now I'm gonna have, like, a 7-course meal when I would have been fine with a sandwich.
J.T.: Well, then you'll be seven times as happy.
Mac: No, I'll be uncomfortable 'cause everyone's fussing over me. You saw Grandma.
J.T.: Yeah, I actually almost had to carry her to her car to get her to go to her luncheon.
Mac: (Sighs) I bet even Chloe is gonna be nice to me now.
J.T.: Okay, I'll tell you what, after lunch, I will take you back to my apartment and completely ignore you. Is that better?
Mac: Yeah.
J.T.: You okay?
Mac: Yeah, I think it's just hormones or postpartum. (Sighs)
J.T.: Oh, yeah, that's right.
Mac: Didn't you go through this with Victoria?
J.T.: (Sighs) No, actually, she was in a coma. Remember?
Mac: (Laughs)
J.T.: No, it's--
Mac: I'm sorry. It's not--that's not funny.
J.T.: It's okay. You can laugh if you want to.
Mac: (Laughs) Oh, my God. I'm a mess.
J.T.: Hey, hey. You're a beautiful mess, okay? You're a beautiful mess. Don't worry.
Neil: Feel that grip on your finger?
Cane: Uh-huh. Stronger than yesterday, huh?
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Lily: The pediatrician said their lungs have to get stronger, but you wouldn't know it when they cry.
Neil: Oh, you're gonna be taking 'em home real soon, right?
Lily: Oh, my goodness. Can you imagine?
Cane: Yeah, I can't wait for that day. Hmm? Hey.
Lily: Hi, Dr. Kershaw.
Dr. Kershaw: I thought I'd find you here.
Neil: Yeah, that's a pretty safe bet, Doc. (Chuckles)
Dr. Kershaw: Uh-huh.
Lily: Uh, is it time?
Dr. Kershaw: We can start with the stem cell infusion whenever you're ready.
Lily: Okay, thank you. I just hate leaving them.
Neil: Sweetheart, you okay? You nervous?
Lily: Well, my body didn't react well to the other stem cell treatment. I almost didn't make it home.
Cane: Yeah, but these stem cells are from your babies. They're going to be a better match, okay?
Lily: Well, if anything's gonna work, this will. All right, well, I have to go now, okay? But I'll be back soon. And we have to promise each other to get stronger, all right?
Michael: Think fast. Your clothes. You made bail. Let's go home.
Victor: Michael Baldwin, you did a hell of a job.
Michael: (Chuckles) Come on.
Victor: Come on, Son.
Michael: Thanks.
Billy: Hey, Adam. It's Billy Abbott.
Adam: Billy, what do you want?
Billy: I'm getting a jump on the competition. I'm the early bird, and you are the worm.
Adam: Mm, or the snake, right? You want my story?
Billy: Yeah, let's see. You faked your own death, skipped town. I want your story even if I have to sit here in front of you to get it.
Adam: (Clicks lips) Yeah, we might be able to work something out.
Devon: (Sighs) You know something? I never realized how much manual labor was involved in photo shoots, Man.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) That was nothing. You wait till we go on location and you gotta hike a few miles.
Devon: Nice.
Abby: Hey, look, thanks so much, you guys. (Chuckles)
Malcolm: Oh, no, that was fun. You make sure and tell your mama I said hey.
Abby: I will, but for your sake, I won't tell her what we were up to, 'cause she's gonna be a little shocked when she sees these pictures.
Devon: She ain't the only one.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Abby: (Chuckles)
Devon: Let's go.
Malcolm: All right.
Abby: See you. See you.
Malcolm: See you around.
Daniel: Hey, Guys, thank you.
Malcolm: Hey, Man, you did good.
Daniel: Thank you. (Sighs)
Abby: Okay, so I owe you one.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Abby: But if this cover does for my career what I think it's going to, I-I'll owe you big.
Daniel: Don't worry about it. I'll get my picture assignment in "Restless Style."
Abby: Right, right. Good thing that Billy came up with that idea so that you could do what you wanted to all along.
Daniel: Oh, you think you just have me all figured out, don't you?
Abby: Mm... not completely. I still haven't figured out who you're rooting for-- the good angel or the bad. (Chuckles) (Whispers) That's what I thought.
Owen: Thank you, Patty. You've been, um, very helpful.
Patty: (Sniffles) Are you disappointed in me?
Paul: No, I asked you to tell the truth. If that's what you did... the I'm proud of you. Come on. You'll be fine.
Patty: (Sniffles) (Sniffles)
Paul: (Sighs) All right, be right back.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: You okay? Adam got to her somehow. I am sure of it. He found in Patty the perfect scapegoat. She can't defend herself. She is not a Newman. She doesn't even know what's happening. Whatever went on in the basement that night, Adam is the one to blame.
Billy: You want me to hire you a lawyer?
Adam: That's right. Not just any lawyer. Rafe.
Billy: Really? Rafe wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.
Adam: You want my story? You get me Rafe.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Mac: I miss them.
J.T.: The babies?
Mac: I'm used to them being with me every day. And I still... sometimes I put my hand on my stomach, and I wait to feel a little fist or a foot, and then I remember. Pretty soon, the pain from the c-section is going to go away, and it will be like it never happened, just a scar to remind me that they were ever there. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Emily: Is it possible that Adam scared you or threatened you into confessing?
Billy: Just meet with him.
Rafe: You can be a real son of a bitch. You know that, right?
Billy: I hear that a lot.
Adam: I didn't kill anyone. You believe that, don't you?
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