Y&R Transcript Friday 7/2/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 7/2/10 -- Canada; Monday 7/5/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9434 ~ Adam's Arrest May Be Too Late

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Man: (Sighs)

Adam: Have they been here? My family? They want me dead, you know.

Man: (Sighs) Have you seen my flashlight or not?

Adam: Please don't let them kill me.

Man: Lights out.

(Key turns in lock)

Adam: (Groans) (Grunts)

Woman: Patty?

Patty: (Gasps) I-I didn't do anything.

Woman: Time for meds.

Patty: Yes, please. Make all the bad stuff go away. I-it was... it was a lie. I didn't kill him. There were two of them, but I didn't kill him.

Woman: Rest.

Patty: It was a lie.

Adam: (Whispers) Patty. The devil's coming for you.

Patty: (Gasps) Who are you?

Michael: Gloria? Gloria? Oh.

Gloria: Oh, you made it.

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: How did you convince Neil to let you in on a holiday?

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: (Laughs)

Gloria: Well, it's really not up to Neil, is it? Surprise! (Laughs) Jeffrey bought me Indigo as an anniversary present.

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: It's all mine. (Chuckles)

Jeff: Uh, ours, Sugar Buns. Ours.

Gloria: Isn't this fantastic?

Lauren: Yeah, incredible.

Gloria: (Laughs)

Michael: How is it I did not know about this until now?

Gloria: Because we are going to make a big...

Jeff: Thank you.

Gloria: Big splash announcing it at the party tonight, so cheers to me.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

(Glasses clinking)

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: And drink up. I got good news to spread around. (Chuckles)

Jeff: Overeager, this one.

Lauren: Uh-huh.

Michael: Oh, goody.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: Mommy gets to make a scene at the Chancellor house.

Lauren: Yes, and Jill, I'm sure, will go on and on about the fact that we're family. Is it too late to cancel?

Michael: No. No, we have a babysitter. We're allowed to have friends. We're allowed to have fun. Come on.

Lauren: That's right. That's right. Okay, but if she gets us matching dresses, I--

Michael: Then you have my permission to toss her in the pool.

Lauren: Ooh, this is why I love you so much.

Michael: That's right.

Ashley: There you go. Keep it. Thanks.

Tucker: Hey.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Happy fourth.

Ashley: Thank you. Same to you.

Tucker: You got no barbecues to go to today?

Ashley: Uh, well, I was supposed to go to Katherine’s with Neil, but we know that's not gonna happen. So I'm going to the office.

Tucker: No, why don't you come with me? Same party, different escort.

Ashley: Awkward.

Tucker: Well, I happen to know that Neil is with Lily and the babies today. And there's nothing awkward about you being my guest.

Ashley: I guess not. I mean, it's not like Abby’s a little girl waiting for me to take her to see fireworks, right?

Tucker: Yeah. I'm sorry her, uh, "Stay out of trouble" promise didn't work out.

Ashley: What do you mean?

Tucker: I assumed you knew. Uh, there's a video. It's--

Ashley: Oh, no. What did she do this time?

Tucker: Uh, well, this is a lousy way to start the evening. Brace yourself.

Ashley: (Groans) (Sighs)

Abby: Cute... and sexy... and smart is exactly what's going to make me a star.

Ashley: Oh.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: She'd better answer.

Abby: (Sighs) Yeah, no.

Daniel: Well, it must not be the press, or you would have picked that right up.

Abby: (Gasps) Wait. Oh, thank God. (Sighs) It's not tested on animals.

Daniel: What's with the bubble bath? You have, like, no attention span.

Abby: So... when do we leave for the chancellors' house?

Daniel: (Laughs) "We"? Yeah, me, you, next to a pool. Yeah, no thank you. No, I'm still having viral video flashbacks.

Abby: Oh, come on. It'll be fun. No camera on me. Frisk me.

Daniel: Okay, you know what? Only because clearly you've got no other invites, and I'm gonna take pity on you.

Abby: I am terribly lonely... except for those friends that are already meeting us there. Hmm.

Daniel: Wait, Abby, what friends? Hey, what friends?

Billy: Hello?

Victoria: Hi, it's me.

Billy: Oscar, don't printers respect holidays?

Nikki: Katherine!

Murphy: (Laughs) Hey!

Nikki: Oh, you look wonderful. Ohh!

Kay: Well, the heat and humidity must agree with me.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Murphy: Hey, Nikki, ahem. Mm.

Nikki: Oh, the apron is divine, Murphy, divine.

Murphy: Oh, what, this old-- this old thing?

Kay: How is Nicholas? Oh, come on, Sweetheart.

Nikki: He's holding up. Victor is strategizing with him right now. Now that we have Adam back, there's a chance we can prove that he set Nicholas up for murder.

Murphy: Oh.

Jill: Come on. Hello, everybody. Happy Fourth of July!

Murphy: Hi.

Nikki: Hello.

Jill: I want you to meet my new friend Morgan Belford. Okay, isn't this great? I can't wait for the fireworks later.

Victoria: Uh, Reed's with J.T. He conked out after the parade and one too many snow cones. (Chuckles)

Billy: Well, haul it on over here. Murphy's, uh, made enough food to feed his whole platoon.

Victoria: Well, actually, I was planning on just sort of vegging out. I was gonna have some mint chocolate chip ice cream and a "Father Knows Best" marathon.

Billy: Ahh, too bad. I'm a "Leave it to Beaver" guy myself.

Victoria: Oh, that's too bad, because I was planning on watching it at your place.

Billy: I'll be right there. (Clears throat) Hello, Mrs. Newman. That's a lovely dress you're wearing. You need to return my call, and you need to return my call right now.

Kay: Oh, uh, pardon me. Tucker, Ashley, aw.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hey.

Kay: I'm so happy you could make it.

Ashley: So how are Mac and the twins?

Kay: A-are you telling me that Neil has not been bragging about them constantly?

Ashley: I'm sure he would, um... we're not... I mean, we're not... (Chuckles) We're not exactly seeing each other anymore.

Tucker: (Clears throat)

Kay: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Uh, allow me to brag about little Matilda and Charlie.

Murphy: Uh, they're champs, both of them.

Kay: And by the way, my darling granddaughter Mackenzie is coming home any day now, thank God.

Ashley: Oh.

Tucker: Mm.

Ashley: That's terrific.

Tucker: Murphy, do I smell steak?

Murphy: You smell steak and chicken and fish... (Clears throat) And tofu, but you can blame Esther for that.

Tucker: I'll have one of each, minus the tofu.

Kay: Well, that's why we have plenty. It seems like some people in this family always take more than their fair share.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Tucker: Ouch, Mommy.

Kay: Really?

Tucker: No.

Daniel: Hey, nice apron.

Murphy: Oh! Hey. Hey, Buddy, glad you could make it.

Kay: (Laughs)

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't have missed it.

Kay: Hey, it's a lot different without Amber being here, isn't it?

Daniel: Yeah, uh, you know, it's real different, but, um, I-I hope you don't mind. I actually brought someone with me today, uh, Abby.

Ashley: Abby's here? Where is she?

Kay: Of course.

Daniel: Um, you know what? I'm not sure.

Murphy: Uh, is something going on here?

Ashley: Uh, yeah, actually there is. You... (Chuckles) You might not have heard about it, but you certainly will. Uh, Abby has a new web release.

Kay: Worse than the animal testing debacle?

Abby: Yes, unfortunately, it's much worse.

Kay: Oh, dear God.

Ashley: Excuse me.

Murphy: Hey, why don't we get something to eat?

Daniel: Yeah, sounds good.

Murphy: Okay.

Daniel: What you got here?

Murphy: Oh, you'll like that.

Jeff: How's tricks, Nikks?

Gloria: (Laughs)

Nikki: Hello.

Gloria: You know, I had no idea its potluck. Jill bought beefcake. (Chuckles)

Nikki: Mm.

Gloria: You know something? I think next big holiday, we should go someplace fabulous like the glitziest place in town, my new club. Jeffrey bought Indigo for me.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Nikki: You're kidding.

Jeff: (Chuckles) No.

Nikki: Neil sold it to you?

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Jeff: Yeah, the man knows a good offer when he hears one. Well, not--not that--that good. It's not like I overpaid.

Gloria: Oh, please. He'd break out in hives. (Laughs)

Nikki: Have you ever run a club before, Gloria?

Gloria: Honey, we're gonna change the name. We're gonna change the menu, the décor. It's going to be sort of a vintage-retro-mod-Victorian feely thingy.

Jeff: That sounds like history heaved on the walls.

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: That's not what we talked about.

Gloria: Oh, don't bore me with the details, Jeffrey.

Nikki: Oh, no, of course not. I mean, why should a new business owner worry about details?

Gloria: Oh, please. It's gonna be sparkly and hip, and we are going to call it "Gloria."

Jeff: (Laughs) Oh, come--"Gloria." (Laughs)

Gloria: Honey. Honey, you have no vote. It is my present to do with as I please.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Nikki: I think I need some more... ice. I need ice. Excuse me.

Jeff and Gloria: (Laugh)

Kay: Hmm?

Nikki: What do you know about Jill’s new friend?

Kay: Um, I've never seen him before. I think I'd remember that.

Nikki: Look, look, look, look, look. What is she doing?

Kay: A check.

Nikki: (Gasps) My God, she's paying him.

Kay: Could Jill be so desperate she's paying for companionship and love?

Nikki: And attention and flattery? What do you think?

Kay: Thank God Chance isn't here. The detective's own grandmother hiring a gigolo? Only--only Jill. Wait here.

Kay: Um, Mr. Belford, is it?

Jill: Oh, you can call him Morgan.

Kay: Yes, I bet I can. Uh, whatever the two of you are up to tonight, would you please take it elsewhere?

Jill: Excuse me?

Kay: Most guests are usually here of their own free will, not because they're paid to show up.

Jill: How dare you ask me to leave my own home? In the second place, why would you assume I'm doing something so unsavory?

Kay: Does he ever speak for himself?

Jill: You know what? I don't have him around for his clever banter, okay?

Kay: (Chuckles) I won't ask you what you do have him around for.

Lauren: Hey!

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: How are you? Nice to see you. Mm!

Murphy: I'm happy for it.

Michael: How's it going?

Murphy: Good. Good. Hey, do you want, uh...

Michael: Good to see you, Murphy.

Jill: I don't have time for this.

Kay: Jill. Jill.

Victoria: Okay, for two. You hold that.

Billy: (Clears throat) This is, um, this is kind of girlie. Where are my pink fuzzy slippers?

Victoria: Shh. It's starting.

Billy: Ho--whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I mean, seriously?

Victoria: What? Yeah.

Billy: You're-- you're really into this? This isn't some sort of kitschy, ironic commentary?

Victoria: On what?

Billy: Uh, "Father Knows Best," because your father thinks he... its irony. It's big irony.

Victoria: My favorite one is where princess is dating this guy that Jim cannot stand.

Billy: Oh, well, does Jim punch the guy in the local gym, or does he, uh... (Clears throat)

Victoria: Mm. Let's make a deal, okay? No Victor talk tonight.

Billy: Okay, deal. No Victor talk. (Imitates Victor) You got that? (Normal voice) (Laughs) Oh, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. I'll stop. I'll stop. I'll be good. I'll be good.

Victoria: You better be. Otherwise, I will not beat you at canasta, and I will not bake you cookies.

Billy: And by "Baking cookies," you mean, um...

Victoria: Best damn cookies you've ever had.

Billy: I will shut up now. I will shut up now and...

Victoria: Mm, okay.

Billy: Hey, come--

Victoria: Shh. Here we go.

(Theme music playing)

Billy: (Sighs)

(Music stops)

Victoria: No!

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: What, are you kidding me?

Billy: (Laughs)

Patty: (Whispering) No one's there, Patty. No one's there. (Normal voice) Aah! No!

Adam: Patty Williams, I've come from hell for you.

Patty: No! (Muffled screaming) (Whimpers) (Sniffles) The light, it burns. Turn it off. (Sighs) Who are you?

Adam: I'm the one who knows who you are and all the dark stains on your soul. "I'm not obsessed with Jack. I'm in love with him."

Patty: Adam?

Adam: Here's Adam.

Patty: Adam's here? Adam's back? Adam and Adam. There were two Adams. (Breathing rapidly)

Adam: Look at me. Two Adams, one murdered, sent to hell by you, and now I'm back to drag you to hell with me.

Patty: (Breathing heavily)

Abby: No, it's never fun.

Man: Absolutely.

Abby: Yeah, she knows how to throw a good--Mom! Hey, you're--you're here. I-I thought, uh, you and Neil broke up.

Ashley: We need to talk right now.

Abby: I was thinking the exact same thing. Okay, do you remember how great my "Restless Style" shoot went? Uncle Billy wants me to do another one. Of course, I-I just-- I can't do it without the exact right accessory. So I was thinking maybe we could crack open my trust fund. It is a legit business expense.

Ashley: You mean for your porn business, Abby?

Abby: (Chuckles) I'm sorry?

Ashley: I saw the video.

Abby: (Sighs)

Ashley: It made me want to vomit.

Abby: Mm.

Ashley: And just where did that disgusting tape come from? And don't try to tell me that you had nothing to do with it.

Abby: First of all, it was not porn. It was dark, and we didn't do it.

Ashley: You really expect me to believe that?

Abby: Did you see us go all the way? No, you didn't, because we didn’t. Maybe if we had actually had sex, more people would have watched it.

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Abby: But as it was, we didn't get any hits outside of Genoa City.

Ashley: Do you mean to tell me that you're disappointed? This is how you prove what a mature and business-minded woman you are, Abby?

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, it's so obvious that you are doing more with Tucker than I did on that tape.

Ashley: You have no idea what you're talking about, little girl.

Abby: Listen, you know what, Mom? You're awesome, okay? You are. You're awesome. But woman-to-woman, all you are ever going to be to "Player" McCall is flavor of the month.

Ashley: God, I never thought it could happen. Abby, I'm so ashamed of you.

Abby: Because showing a little skin just ruined Madonna’s career, didn't it?

Ashley: No, because it's just so trashy. And more importantly, it's so disturbing to me that you allow yourself to be exploited like this.

Abby: It is not exploitation if I do it myself.

Ashley: God.

Abby: I am in total control, Mom, and I'm nowhere near finished.

Jill: Morgan Belford, Lauren Fenmore.

Lauren: Hi, nice to meet you.

Jill: Lauren, weren't you telling me that you had someone looking into our father's papers? I'd like to take a look at them, too, you know? Family albums, any photographs you might have.

Lauren: And why would you want to do that?

Jill: Well, just because I've missed out on a lot of years with the Fenmores, and I'd kind of like to catch up.

Lauren: Well, my father's archives are in the Genoa City Library.

Jill: (Chuckles) I'm not really talking about files that anyone can see. You know, I'm talking about more personal family items. You got a problem with that?

Lauren: You know, I'm just gonna get Michael his drink.

Jill: Public files, right. Like I'm about to whip out my library card. (Sighs)

Kay: Ah.

Tucker: Katherine.

Kay: Mm-hmm?

Tucker: I got a question for you.

Kay: Uh-huh?

Tucker: How do you think Victor maintains his death grip on Japan for Beauty of Nature?

Kay: Well, if you're asking is Victor doing something less than above board...

Tucker: I'm not asking "If?" More like "What?"

Kay: (Chuckles) (Clears throat) Meaning you are asking my help for digging dirt. Too bad, Son. You're on your own.

Tucker: So you don't care that Jabot is completely shut out of Japan? Have you lost your edge as a businesswoman, or what?

Murphy: Hey, hey, hey. Independence day-- life, liberty and the pursuit of bratwurst, not business.

Tucker: Well, I guess I'll have a brat.

Kay: Good choice.

Michael: (Crunching)

Lauren: Family photos and-- I mean, what does she hope to accomplish? That she looks like some sort of distant cousin or something?

Michael: Well, this whole new family tree thing is novel. It'll die off.

Lauren: When? When? Because honestly, I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Jill: (Tapping bottle with spoon) Everybody, everybody, can I have your attention, please? There is something I would like to tell you all.

Murphy: What the heck?!

Gloria: Oh, my God.

Kay: Just--just a moment. Uh, please. Please.

Nikki: (Gasps)

Ashley: Abby Carlton Newman!

Abby: I'm not Abby. I'm an otter. And this--this isn't a pool filled with bubbles. This is a river polluted with runoff. Save our waters. Save the otters! (Sighs)

(Camera shutters clicking)

Patty: No, I didn't kill anyone, and you're not here.

Adam: You lied to the world and said you were Emily. I knew your secret, so you murdered me.

Patty: No.

Adam: You jammed a pen in my chest and my heart. You jammed cloth down my throat.

Patty: Why would I do that?

Adam: You were angry with Jack for being nice to Phyllis.

Patty: (Humming "I saw a ship a-sailing")

Adam: You were upset that I knew your secret, so you murdered me. I'm from hell, and I'm here to take you back there.

Patty: I don't want to go. I don't want to go. You can't make me go!

Adam: Cleanse yourself. Purge yourself. Confess your sins. Tell the truth. Tell the world you murdered Adam Newman.

Patty: And apples in the cabin and almonds in the hold.

Ashley: Get out!

Tucker: You. You. You. You. Come here! If you ever want to sell another picture, you get off this property now.

Jill: Whoa.

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Tucker: Now! Get!

Daniel: That was-- is that why you wanted to come here today, huh?

Abby: Do you--do you think they got the shot?

Ashley: Is this how you prove me wrong? You strip naked again?

Abby: You know what, Mom? I have to follow my heart, and it's with the otters.

Kay: Well, then you just follow it off this property.

Abby: What? You're kicking me out?

Kay: My God, you were raised better than this, young lady!

Daniel: Look, Mrs. C., I'm-- I'm really sorry. I didn't know that she was gonna do this.

Kay: Listen to me. Now this is Ashley and Victor's daughter. She's always been welcomed in my home, up until now. But to think that you're a part of this with her? I am shocked!

Ashley: This is how you represent our family? This is it? This--this is how you represent us?

Abby: You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything, and I know what I stand for.

Kay: Stop it! Now stop it. Don't give me that garbage, for heaven sakes. I mean, what you pulled... (Scoffs) You pulled--you-- you used my home as a publicity stunt? Not only was it selfish and rude, it was an insult to your parents, and was it ever an insult to me, young lady.

Murphy: Here. Go put that on.

Abby: Okay, I-I'm really-- I really am sorry, Mrs. Chancellor. You know what? I-I'll pay to have the pool cleaned, okay?

Kay: Oh, please.

Abby: Well, I would, if my parents would ever give me my inheritance.

Ashley: You can kiss that inheritance good-bye indefinitely, because Brad would never support this kind of nonsense.

Gloria: All right, eyes off the water nymph, Lover.

Abby: If you would all just listen to me--

Jill: You go dry off, for God sake. Let the grown-ups get on with their evening. Now scoot. Go.

Daniel: Let's go get dressed.

Abby: (Sighs) I'm so sorry.

Ashley: I can't even look at her.

Jill: Excuse me. I was just about to tell all of you something.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Kay: Oh, God, what next?

Jill: All right, here. Now most of you know that I have incredible news, okay? Once and for all, I can stop wondering where I came from or who I am, because Neil Fenmore is my father, and Lauren Fenmore is my sister. And God, I couldn't be prouder of that. The Fenmore family is my family. Katherine, this doesn't mean that I'm disparaging Liz Foster, okay? And you... (Chuckles) For better or worse, you're always gonna be in my life, okay? But to know the basic essence of my being? Who my father is? I-I can stop wondering, and I can feel complete, okay? And I wanted to find a way to honor the man who created me. (Sighs) And I found it. (Sighs) I have legally changed my name. I am now officially Jill Fenmore.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Jill: For god sake, that was sarcasm, people. I need a drink. (Sighs)

Lauren: You said I could throw her in the pool if she tried matching dresses. What do I get for matching names?

Michael: I'll throw her in the pool. High-five.

Nikki: She's not serious, is she?

Kay: Oh, I'm afraid she is.

Nikki: So you two really are...

Lauren: Evidently, yeah.

Nikki: I-I don't know what to say.

Kay: Oh, lucky us. Unfortunately, Jill has never had that problem.

Nikki: Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Nikki: And--and for her to ambush you like this.

Michael: Well, Jill is predictably unpredictable.

Nikki: And crass and cruel.

Kay: Oh, please. Please. Truly, I-I believe the woman is looking for the right answers. The way she expresses her gratitude, uh, oh, God.

Nikki: Look, Lauren, I'm sure you already know this, but watch your back, because Jill tortured Katherine for not being the mother she demanded, and if you're not the perfect little sister, she's gonna torture you, too.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Tucker: Congratulations.

Jill: (Chuckles) It's a little late.

Tucker: Well, it's a big deal to find out who your birth family is. I'm happy for you, honestly.

Jill: Thank you. Apparently, you're the only person here who understands.

Tucker: I want to say something to you, but I hope you won't think I'm buttin' in.

Jill: Well, we seem to be soldiers in the same war. Go ahead. Butt in.

Tucker: You know, I found out that Katherine was my birth mother years ago. Now if I'd wanted to, I could have changed my name to "Tucker Chancellor," but I didn’t. I took another name entirely.

Jill: Yeah, but you made quite a game out of keeping your identity secret until you chose to reveal it. I don't-- I don't have anything to hide.

Tucker: No, it was no game, no game. I was creating my own identity with no expectations. There's a lot of freedom in that. Now I think it's fair to say you're one of a kind.

Jill: (Chuckles) Thanks.

Tucker: It's not too late to stay Jill Abbott.

Jill: Yeah, it's way, way too late. You know, I could have changed my name back to Foster after my last divorce, but I didn’t. And when I thought Katherine was my mother, I could have changed my name to "Chancellor." But I think that... deep down, I knew that those weren't my names. But now I am Jill Fenmore. It's my name. It's me. It feels right.

Nikki: What you have always been, Jill, is grasping. And even though you think you know who your father is, it hasn't changed a thing.

Victoria: Hey, did you get the generator going yet? 'Cause if you, uh, get the power back on, we can still see the one where Jim wants to be father of the year. It's really, really funny.

Billy: I'm sorry, Darling, I'm just all thumbs.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victoria: What are you doing?

Billy: Oh, we don't need any gosh darn TV, not when we can play pinochle.

Victoria: Is that Brylcreem on your hair? Please tell me that you used Brylcreem. Can I touch it? Let me touch it.

Billy: I'm worried about junior.

Victoria: Bud.

Billy: Yes, Bud. He wants one of those wacky radio transistor thingamabobs, and I'm afraid he's gonna listen to some rock 'n' roll music that makes the kids go wild these days.

Victoria: Aw. You did this for me.

Billy: Did what, Darling?

Victoria: Come here.

Billy: You're not gonna touch my hair, are you?

Victoria: You know, it's really too bad about the electricity, because I was gonna bake you these cookies.

Billy: Hmm. Well... mm. Mm, for Pete's sake. Mm. (Growls)

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: (Laughs)

Adam: You were hiding behind the wine cases waiting for me.

Patty: No, I wasn’t.

Adam: I was in the dark, dank cellar trying to get my way out, and you jammed that pen into my chest, right into my heart.

Patty: No, no. You were mean to me, but I didn't kill you. I didn’t.

Adam: You stabbed me. You saw the blood leak out, all that blood. Can't you see it?

Patty: (Sobs) No, I can’t.

Adam: Can you see it?

Patty: No, I can’t. Leave me alone!

Adam: You're gonna be in hell with me-- you, me and the devil all alone. Your brothers will be in heaven. Your kitties will be in heaven. And you'll be down there burning for all damnation. You murdered me.

Patty: (Sobbing) No, I didn’t.

Adam: All that blood, blood on your hands.

Patty: Did I?

Adam: Blood on your hands.

Patty: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: Blood on your hands.

Patty: Blood... blood... blood! (Breathing heavily)

Adam: Yeah, that's right, blood.

Patty: (Sobs) Aah!

Adam: Now--now you remember.

Patty: Aah! (Sobs hysterically) No!

Abby: Did you see their faces when I made my political statement?

Daniel: You took a bubble bath in public, that's all. The only statement you're making is that you're a brat.

Abby: You're not mad. You just like being difficult.

Daniel: Look, Mrs. Chancellor's been really, really good to me, and she's trusted me, and I kind of need my friends right now.

Abby: Oh, please don’t. Please don't slide back into your "Whiner land" thing, okay? You just stopped being all morose about amber leaving. You want to get over her? You want to move on? Take me up on this "Restless Style" cover. It'll teach her a lesson.

Daniel: (Laughs) I don't want to teach Amber a lesson, and I don't want a magazine cover, and I don't want a sex tape. Alienating my friends is not my idea of a good time.

Abby: What about the nuts and bolts of daily life, huh? You know, like paying your rent? Buying coffee? Paying your cell phone bill? The "Restless Style" cover will cover all of that and tide you over.

Daniel: No. No. I told you no!

Abby: Okay, fine. You're stubborn. How about a loan? I don't have enough to cover the bling I want for the photo shoot, but I could slip you some cabbage if you need me to.

Daniel: Are you trying to bribe me into tolerating you?

Abby: Fine. How about I just spring for two hot chocolates?

Daniel: It's July.

Abby: Dude, those bubbles were half ice. I don't care if it's July. The Chancellors need to heat that pool.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Abby: Who's gonna cover me up if I decide to strip again?

Jill: Nikki, what is your problem? You were clearly jealous when you thought I was Katherine’s daughter. And now that I'm Lauren’s sister, you can't stand that, either.

Nikki: You are embarrassing yourself. (Slams bottle down)

Jill: By claiming my name? My family?

Nikki: (Scoffs) You are so quick to call Lauren your sister. Have you ever stopped to consider how she feels?

Jill: My birth mother was treated like garbage, and I spent my whole life never feeling like I fit in. But by all means, let's pity poor Lauren, born into a manor house and raised by a doting father. Well, he was my father, too.

Nikki: You know what? You cannot make up for lost time with your father by demanding that Lauren be your sister. That is not how you go about getting into a family?

Jill: Really? Well, what do you suggest? Should I shake my tassels and marry in?! Maybe I could become a Newman. Or an Abbott, or-- I won't mention Chow, okay? That's how I should do it? Just glom into it like that?

Nikki: There's a big difference, Honey. Those names were given to me. I didn't take them.

Jill: Well, I don't need a handout, because it is my blood. It is my family. It is my name. I am a Fenmore now and forever, the way I always should have been, and if you don't like it, I really couldn't care less.

Nikki: (Scoffs)

Lauren: You know what, Nikki? Thank you. I really appreciate you trying to help, but there a few things I need to say to Jill.

Nikki: Don't waste your breath.

Jill: (Sighs)

Billy and Victoria: (Kissing)

(Fireworks exploding)

Billy: Mm. Was that fireworks?

Victoria: (Sighs) Not yet.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: (Grunts)

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: Yeah, you would probably call it "The Chug-a-lug."

Jeff: Oh, no, no. "Hair of the Dog."

Gloria: Over my dead body. (Laughs)

Jeff: Oh, yeah? Well...

Gloria: Whoo-hoo!

Jeff: This hammer's heavy enough. (Sighs)

Gloria: You wouldn't dare. (Laughs)

Jeff: Wouldn't I?

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: (Groans) Mm.

(Fireworks exploding)

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: What?

Daniel: (Sighs) You. You, when you came out of those bubbles, just--I mean, the look on everyone's faces was... (Chuckles)

Abby: (Chuckles) I know. (Chuckles)

(Fireworks exploding)

Murphy: Oh, finally. Quiet, after all the ruckus.

Kay: (Laughs)

Murphy: Oh, look at that.

Kay: Yeah.

Tucker: Well, you can thank me later for draggin' you here tonight.

Ashley: (Chuckles) Here's to my daughter, the activist. She's for a great many causes, but apparently, she's against only one-- wearing clothing.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: Thank you.

Tucker: No, I was kiddin' about thankin' me.

Ashley: Well, I'm serious. Today was, um, quite an experience. It would have been a lot worse without you.

Michael: So how do you and Jill know one another? Did you meet in business circles?

Morgan: You could say that. I'm Jill’s new attorney. I suspect you and I will be seeing each other in court.

Michael: Oh. What about?

Jill: I want my rights as a Fenmore.

Lauren: You have a family, a family who adopted you and who loves you.

Jill: Don't make this any harder than it has to be, okay? I am a Fenmore. I have the same genes as you, and I deserve everything that comes along with being a Fenmore.

Lauren: "Being a Fenmore." And you have the gene. You-- you know what? You can wave those documents around. You can make demands. Hell, why don't you just tattoo your forehead with "Fenmore" across it? But none of that is gonna make you a Fenmore, and it never will.

Patty: (Sobbing hysterically)

Woman: Patty?

Patty: (Sobbing)

Woman: Calm yourself. Shh.

Patty: (Sobbing)

Woman: Shh.

Patty: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Aah! I'll confess! I'll confess. I'll confess. Don't let the devil take me. I'll confess that I killed Adam. I will. I'll confess. I'll confess.

Man: He's asleep.

Man: Adam Newman? You're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder.

Adam: What?

Man: You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to give up that right and make a statement, anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You also have the right to have an attorney present while you are questioned and during any statement you choose to make.

(Handcuffs lock)

Man: Let's go.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: If anything's gonna work, this will.

Paul: What did Patty tell you?

Owen: She knew everything, Paul-- details that were never released.

Nick: Lookin' pretty good for a dead man. Welcome home.

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