Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/30/10 -- Canada; Thursday 7/1/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9432 ~ Adam's Games Begin Again
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: I-I-I need to be here. B-b-b-be right here where it's safe.
Dr. Fowler: You still think people want to hurt you?
Adam: No, I know-- I know they do. They--they--they--they do. My--my bro--my brother and my father, ev-everybody wants to--to--to--
Dr. Fowler: You're intelligent. You're physically fit. You can't defend yourself?
Adam: No, no, no, not-- not against everyone. Not--no. I--look. Look. They're--they're--they have eyes on me. The satellites are following me. I-I show my face, that's it. It's over. I-I-I have to stay-- I have to stay right here, right here.
Dr. Fowler: All right, all right. All I'm asking, Adam, is that you spend time in the dayroom. You think you can do that?
Adam: I guess. I guess. I guess.
Dr. Fowler: Okay, good. Someone will be in soon to escort you.
Adam: Okay, but--but-- but this isn't a trick, right? I mean, you're not being tricky? (Stammers) Pl-please, I--
Dr. Fowler: I'm gonna go over my notes.
Adam: Don't send me away.
Dr. Fowler: I'm gonna go over my notes, Adam. And then I'm gonna make a decision as to whether or not you should be in this facility.
Adam: I-I need--I need-- I need this place. I need to be here-- here, right here.
Dr. Fowler: Okay, we'll see.
(Key rattles in lock)
Man: Let's go.
Michael: Thanks for meeting with us, Owen.
Owen: Do I even have to ask what this is about?
Michael: (Sighs)
Victor: Adam faked the breakdown in court. I think that was obvious to everyone. It is also more obvious than ever that he is the one who killed Richard Hightower.
Owen: So you say.
Victor: If you're determined to nail a Newman for this murder, then please go after the right one.
Owen: I am.
Michael: Look, all we're asking for is that Nicholas be set free on bail.
Owen: (Scoffs) No way.
Michael: Owen, be reasonable.
Owen: Denying an accused murderer bail is reasonable, and Judge DiSanto agrees with me.
Victor: We're in a public place. We're in a restaurant, so would you kindly keep your voice down? Now let me ask you something. What will it take to get my son Nicholas out of jail?
Owen: Proof. Proof that someone else killed Hightower.
Chloe: Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, this would be so good for you.
Kevin: Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. (Sighs) Okay, please explain to me what the upside of a high-maintenance diva and a toddler moving in to my very small apartment with me would be.
Chloe: Okay, let's start with the obvious. You will never be lonely.
Kevin: Or have any privacy.
Chloe: You will never even know that we're there.
Kevin: So you're gonna keep me company and be invisible at the same time?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Neat trick, if you could pull it off.
Chloe: (Sighs) You have so much that you need to get to know about me. I'm awesome. Come on.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: This is a perfect opportunity. It will be so much fun.
Kevin: No. No, "Fun" is watching the World Series with the guys.
Chloe: Oh, my God. I love football.
Kevin: Good. Then watch it at Mrs. C.'s. I'm gonna be watching baseball at my place alone.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: We left my house at exactly the same time. Heather, where the hell is he?
Heather: Ellis isn't going anywhere. We'll question him when Ronan gets here.
Chance: If I can't trust my partner to be where he says he's gonna be when he says he's gonna be, this partnership is not going to work.
Heather: You've been partners for one day.
Chance: One day, and already he's, what, five, ten--
Heather: Okay. Okay. Okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Just relax. He seemed okay at the party.
Chance: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Yeah, everybody seemed okay at the party compared to my mom and Chloe.
Heather: Yeah, that was... interesting.
Chance: Chloe needs to know that my mom isn't going anywhere, just like I need my mom to know that Chloe isn't going anywhere, either, because I plan on spending the rest of my life with Chloe.
Ronan: (Whistling "Pop goes the Weasel") Hey, hey, hey. You ready to do this?
Chance: Well, yeah, we've been ready to do this.
Ronan: Good. Let's go then.
Chance: I don't think so. You see, we haven't discussed how we're gonna handle Frank Ellis yet.
Ronan: That's pretty much a no-brainer, Chance. The guy's accusing cops of selling drugs to inmates. We're gonna go in there and see if he's telling the truth or not.
Chance: How?
Ronan: Just watch and learn.
Chance: I don't think so.
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Patty: (Sighs) (Chuckles) I love coming in here. It's full of life, people. I don't like my room. It gets scary sometimes.
Woman: Well, it's good to see you getting along with the other patients.
Patty: I didn't think I would, but I understand them. I've gone to those dark places. (Sighs) But now that I'm feeling better, I can help them. Yeah.
Chance: I may be just a rookie cop, but I spent years in C.I.D. in the Army.
Ronan: Hmm.
Chance: I've interrogated more bad guys than you can possibly dream about.
Ronan: Get a medal for that?
Chance: I got experience, and lucky for you, I learned some patience along the way.
Ronan: Yeah, it's overrated, if you ask me.
Chance: I'll question Ellis, and if I need a helping hand, I'll let you know. You got that?
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Sid, uh, I'm surprised to see you here.
Sid: Just seein' how things were goin'. How are they goin'? Looks like you got a whole fleet of bodyguards, Ms. Stevens.
Chance: (Clears throat)
Heather: Uh, yeah. Can't be too safe, especially when my life seems to be threatened on a weekly basis.
Sid: Who's the new shadow?
Heather: Chance's partner.
Chance: Sorry. Sid, this is Detective Ronan Malloy. Ronan Malloy, this is Sergeant Sid Meeks. We work together on the Riggs' investigation.
Ronan: Nice to meet you, Sarge.
Sid: Heard there was a new shield in town.
Ronan: Uh-huh.
Sid: L.A., right?
Ronan: Yes.
Sid: Surfing and movie stars.
Ronan: Yeah, it wasn't really my scene.
Sid: Well, welcome aboard.
Ronan: Thank you.
Sid: See you all later.
Chance: Yes, Sergeant. You ready?
(Knock on door)
Frank: (Sighs) Well, I wasn't sure I was ever gonna see you two again. Who is he?
Chance: He is my partner Detective Malloy.
Frank: What can I do for you, Boys?
Chance: (Sighs) Last time A.D.A. Stevens and I were here, you said you were ready to give us information on dirty cops selling drugs to inmates.
Frank: Was I?
Heather: You said that if we transferred you to a more comfortable facility, you'd give us names, tell us how the transactions were being made.
Frank: Wow. I can't remember any of that.
Heather: The D.A. has finally given me the go-ahead to make a deal with you-- transfer in exchange for details about the drug trafficking.
Frank: Wow, that's real nice of you. But I already got myself a deal.
Chance: With who?
Frank: I can't tell. (Sighs) I'm goin' to the club med of prisons.
Chance: Frank, don't you back out. You promised us that if we gave you--
Ronan: It's not polite to put your feet on the furniture. (Sighs) Gum?
Frank: No, thanks.
Ronan: No? Okay. (Shudders) (Laughs) You came to play hardball, didn't you, Mr. Ellis? Yeah. Mm. (Laughs) Well, no, you actually-- you came to the right place, because my partner over here, my partner's a real nice guy. But me? Not so much for me. So I'm thinking that this is how this is gonna work from here on out. You're gonna tell us what you know, or I'm gonna tell every prisoner in this place that you're a narc-- everyone. Yeah. (Chuckles) Yeah. It's your move.
Patty: Hi, Dawn. How's your baby?
Dawn: (Whispering) She's sleeping.
Patty: Shh. (Whispers) We don't want to wake her.
Dawn: No. Shh.
Patty: Do I get to paint today?
Woman: Actually, Dr. Fowler would like you to write down your feelings.
Patty: That won't be easy.
Woman: I know. Just take your time.
Patty: (Sighs)
Patty: Okay, I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can. Okay.
Patty: (Sighs)
Woman: So how's it going?
Patty: It's really hard for me to describe my feelings, because my whole life, I've been the one that had to be taken care of-- by my parents, my brothers, Dr. P. And I'm... I get to help people now, like Dawn, and it feels good. It feels good to be the one that, um, they count on. (Sniffles) I just... I don't know how to put it into words.
Dawn: (Gasps) (Whimpers)
Adam: (Whispering) Patty did it. She killed before. She'll do it again.
Victor: May I remind you that you wanted proof that Adam was alive? I used my resources and money to get that proof. And yet, you're still unwilling to reconsider the interpretation, your interpretation, of the evidence.
Owen: As far as I'm concerned, Adam being alive supports my interpretation of the evidence. He claims he lost his mind because his family was trying to kill him.
Victor: Now you know that's bull.
Owen: Well, none the less, it proves my theory that Nicholas was trying to murder Adam and killed Hightower by mistake.
Victor: (Sighs)
Michael: We don't believe a jury's gonna buy that.
Owen: Well, we'll see.
Michael: Meantime, Victor is back, and he brought Adam with him. So Nicholas has no motivation for fleeing the country. The only reason you have Nicholas in jail is because you thought he was a flight risk.
Owen: The only reason Nicholas was out of jail was because his father bribed Frank Ellis to fake an attack on him.
Victor: What are you talking about?
Michael: It's not polite to make false allegations against my client in front of me.
Owen: They're not false. I can prove it.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Jana: Any luck for the job search?
Ryder: Uh, it's a tough economy, even harder for a guy about to go on trial. But thanks for letting me use your computer.
Jana: Mm, well, what's mine is yours.
Ryder: I hope you know that goes both ways. I meant what I said about taking care of you.
Jana: Well, that is very sweet, but we are still going to have to find new digs.
Ryder: I was just getting used to this-- seeing how the other half lives.
Jana: Well, it's not really my cup of tea, to be honest. I'm more the... backpacking, roughing it type.
Ryder: Oh, really? Well, I could get used to this stuff.
Jana: Well, don't, because we're almost out of cash, and I still have to pay Kevin back for the money that I've borrowed from him. (Sighs) Almost makes me regret that very expensive champagne we bought last night.
Ryder: Almost?
Jana: Well, what we did after we drank it makes it all very worth it.
Ryder: There's gonna be plenty more champagne in our future.
Jana: Yeah?
Ryder: Mm-hmm.
Jana: How are you gonna pay for it? Do you have a money tree in there that I don't know about?
Ryder: Maybe. I'm serious, and I meant what I said. You have done so much for me. I want to do something for you.
Jana: Ryder, you don't need to prove anything to me.
Ryder: No, I need to show you how much I care about you.
Jana: You already gave up your relationship with your brother, and... that... means everything.
Ryder: It's not enough.
Kevin: What can I get you?
Chloe: Um, I will take a room-- not too big, short-term lease, kids allowed.
Kevin: To drink, Chloe. What would you like to drink? A vanilla soy latte, right?
Chloe: (Gasps) See? (Singsong voice) You already know me so well.
Kevin: You come into my coffeehouse. I know what kind of coffee you drink. Hardly makes us ideal roommates.
Chloe: (Normal voice) I clean. I cook. I will water your plants. Okay, fine. I will just probably water your plants, but I will pay half the rent.
Kevin: One vanilla soy latte without the room.
Chloe: (Sighs) Two-thirds. I'll pay two-thirds the rent.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: You will be practically living rent-free.
Kevin: You know that Chance is just doing his job, right?
Chloe: You think that I'm jealous of Heather Stevens?
Kevin: Well, you've never come out and said it, but based on everything that you've--
Chloe: It's not what it's about. I really just miss him. We just got engaged, and I never get to see him. And I think that you understand what it's like to be separated from someone that you really care about.
Kevin: (Sighs) All right.
Chloe: Really? Oh, my God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Kevin: This is short--
Chloe: Mwah!
Kevin: Short-term.
Chloe: Yes, very short-term. As soon as he is out of her apartment, we are gone.
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: You know what? I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna grab my stuff, and I'll be there tonight.
Kevin: Whoa. Whoa. I need some time to clean up.
Chloe: No, no. Don't clean. I'll help you clean. Better yet, I'll send my mother over. She is great with a feather duster.
Kevin: I am so gonna regret this.
Chloe: No, you're not. It's gonna be perfect. I promise. Delia and I are gonna be the best roommates ever.
Kevin: Yeah, until Chance figures out that you're spying on him.
Chloe: Hmm.
Ronan: When I said "Your move," I meant "Talk," all right?
Frank: Ease up.
Ronan: Yeah?
Frank: I-I-I-I-- I got a bad shoulder.
Ronan: You've got a bad shoulder? I'd hate for that bad shoulder to get any worse. Which one is it? This one?
Chance: Let him go.
Ronan: I'm not finished yet.
Chance: Ronan, yes, you are.
Ronan: (Whispering indistinctly) Hmm?
Frank: Look, I told you everything there is to know, all right? The cops are dealing to inmates.
Ronan: Come here. Come here. I need names, names, names, or you're gonna miss the bus to that cushy prison of yours. Names!
Chance: Detective, that is it! I said that's enough.
Ronan: (Speaking indistinctly)
Chance: Detective, are you listening to me? That's enough.
Ronan: (Chuckles) What are you doin', huh? You're wasting your time. That guy doesn't know anything.
(Knock on door)
Chance: Officer. Take the prisoner back to his cell. Go. Get out of here. Ronan, what the hell was that?
Ronan: Mm, that was police work.
Chance: You crossed the line.
Ronan: (Sighs) No, I didn't. I just moved it a little bit. That's all. Oh, come on. What difference does it make? That guy doesn't know anything.
Chance: That guy knows a lot!
Ronan: He's making the whole thing up!
Chance: He knows a lot more.
Ronan: (Laughs) All right.
Chance: He knew about Riggs. He knew about me. He even knew that Heather was in danger.
Heather: Yeah, before my car was rigged with a bomb and my place was ransacked. Ellis does know something.
Chance: Yeah, and so did Riggs, and he's dead now.
Heather: I'm gonna see if I can get a warrant and search every cell in lockup. Once we find out who's holding, we can offer a deal to the first guy who flips on the dealers.
Ronan: No, no, no, no, no, no. What if you get nothing? What if nobody talks? Then you're done. Hold on. We gotta handle this a little bit more subtle.
Chance: (Scoffs) Subtle. Just like the way you handled Ellis? Real subtle.
Ronan: I know how to take care of this. I gotta check something out first.
Chance: All right, I'll go with you.
Ronan: No, you won't. I'm gonna fly solo on this one. Why don't you put your cape on and protect our pretty A.D.A. here, hmm?
Heather: What is wrong with him?
Chance: (Sighs) The guy has seen one too many cop flicks.
Patty: Where's my pen? Where'd it go?
Dawn: (Sobs) Look what Patty did to my baby!
Patty: No, I--
Dawn: She's killed before, and she'll do it again!
Patty: What? No! No!
Dawn: You killed her!
Patty: What are you--?
Dawn: You killed my baby!
Patty: Aah! I did not!
Man: Hey, that's enough! That's enough!
Dawn: (Screaming)
Patty: I didn't do anything!
Woman: Patty! Patty! Dawn, what is it?
Dawn: (Sobbing)
Patty: I didn't kill your baby! I didn't!
Man: That's enough! Come on.
Patty: Nurse, I didn't-- I didn't do anything. I didn't-- I didn't do anything.
Victor: Mr. Pomerantz, it's quite obvious that you don't like me, and I assure you, the feeling is mutual. But why in the world would you take your dislike of me out on my son Nicholas?
Owen: You know, you're wrong. I admire you immensely, and not just for your loyalty and devotion to your family, but you're a smart man.
Victor: I wish I could say the same for you.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Owen: You are so smart that it took a team of investigators weeks to find the tiniest crack in your plan to get Nicholas out on bail.
Victor: Aha. Here we go.
Owen: But they finally did.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)
Michael: This is your proof? A signed affidavit from Frank Ellis?
Owen: Your client struck a deal with Mr. Ellis to make it look like Nick was in danger, and Ellis' wife and kid would never have to worry about a thing. "You help my family, I'll help yours." Good plan. Unfortunately, its success relied on a felon, and it is so hard to find a trustworthy felon these days.
Victor: His word against mine.
Owen: Afraid not.
Victor: Whatever it is you want to say, say it.
Chloe: Mom. Mom. Please stop crying. Mom, stop. Mom, I am not moving to Guam. I will come by every night. Yes, every night. Does that make you feel better? Okay. I'll talk to you later. Good-bye. I love you. (Sighs)
Nina: You're moving out of the Chancellor mansion?
Chloe: What if I am?
Nina: I just-- you seem pretty attached to the lifestyle is all.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah. No, it's actually just getting a little too crowded for my taste over there.
Nina: Oh, is that so?
Chloe: Yeah, so when Kevin offered me a spare room, I accepted.
Nina: Kevin-- the same guy who's living in the building where Chance is going to be guarding Heather?
Chloe: Yeah, it's actually pretty funny how that worked out.
Nina: Uh-huh. I wonder how funny Chance is gonna find it.
Kevin: Did I leave the lights on?
Jana: Hello, Kevin.
Kevin: Jana.
Patty: (Sniffles)
Dr. Fowler: Patty, did you do this to Dawn's doll?
Patty: No, Dr. Fowler, I didn't. I swear to you. (Sniffles)
Dr. Fowler: This is the pen that the nurse gave you, isn't it?
Patty: Yes. But I don't know how it got there.
Dr. Fowler: Well, maybe you forgot.
Patty: No, I'm telling you the truth. I-I didn't do it. Dawn's lying.
Dr. Fowler: Why-- why would she accuse you?
Patty: I don't know. I don't know. I-I-I-I'm telling you the truth. I didn't--I didn't do that...
Dr. Fowler: Okay.
Patty: And I didn't kill anyone. I didn't. (Sobs)
Dr. Fowler: Okay, Patty. Patty, Patty, take it easy. Take it easy. I'm just trying to find out what happened.
Patty: But I keep telling you. I do, a-and I... (Sniffles) I told you the truth. I didn't do that, and I didn't hurt Dawn's doll. And I didn't kill anyone. I didn't, Dr. Fowler. I promise you. I want... (Sobs)
Dr. Fowler: Okay. Okay.
Patty: (Sniffles) I want to go to my room.
Dr. Fowler: Room 413. It's okay.
Patty: (Sobs) (Sobs)
Dr. Fowler: (Sighs)
Victor: There's nothing to back up his lie.
Owen: There is. I got a judge to issue a warrant to search your bank accounts. Your personal accounts were in order, but there was a suspicious transfer from one of your corporate accounts. A substantial amount of money was deposited in a Swiss bank account under Mrs. Frank Ellis' name.
Michael: Which proves what?
Owen: That I'm a generous man who understands your client cares deeply about his son and will go to any lengths to help him.
Michael: Does that mean you're not gonna press charges?
Owen: It means Nick stays where he is. And if his father breaks the law again, he'll join him.
Michael: I have to ask, what the hell were you thinking?
Victor: That man is an ass.
Michael: Well, I know you want to help Nicholas, but our hands are tied until Adam talks.
Victor: Then I will get Adam to talk.
Michael: What are you gonna do?
Victor: Pay him a visit.
Michael: (Groans)
Kevin: I wasn't expecting anyone.
Jana: I'm sorry to just drop in unexpectedly like this.
Kevin: How did you get in?
Jana: Joe. Joe let me in.
Kevin: Well, he could have fixed the leaky faucet while he was at it.
Jana: Yeah, I noticed it's still dripping.
Kevin: (Sighs) So what can I do for you?
Jana: Oh, um, I just came to bring you some of the money that I owe you. I was trying to figure out a place to leave it, but you're here. So I could just-- just give it to you now. Here.
Kevin: I can use this to hire a cleaning lady.
Jana: You know, you'll never find anyone better than me.
Jana: I should go.
Kevin: All right.
Jana: Um, the joint credit cards are in there, 'cause I didn't feel right about using them. Uh, Ryder agreed with me, too.
Kevin: He's a stand-up guy, that Ryder.
Jana: You know, he's trying really hard. He's actually back at the club right now finding a way to pay the bills.
Kevin: And how is he gonna do that?
(Lock beeps)
Heather: He got to you.
Chance: If you're referring to my new partner, he did not "Get" to me.
Heather: So these files just slipped out of your hand?
Chance: I don't like puzzles that I can't solve.
Heather: I'm gonna bet that you haven't come across many of those.
Chance: It doesn't help when you have someone come in and scatter all the pieces all about.
Heather: You mean someone who's not getting to you?
Chance: I also don't like bullies, okay? I saw enough of them in Iraq, and in my vast experience of it, they end up doing more harm than good. Ellis? They're not gonna get anything out of him now-- nothing.
Heather: (Sighs) It's a shame. I still think he knows something.
Chance: Yeah, well, "Detective Hollywood" screwed up any chance we have of finding out what it is.
Heather: If you're hoping to get anywhere with this case, or with your partnership, I suggest you work it out with Ronan.
Chance: (Sighs) (Groans) I don't see how that's possible.
Nina: Thank you very much.
Chloe: I know your favorite thing in the world is causing trouble for me and Chance. But I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell him that I'm moving in with Kevin.
Nina: (Scoffs) Don't you think he's gonna notice when you run into him at the mailbox?
Chloe: I would like to tell him myself, Nina.
Nina: Right, just so everything's on the up-and-up-- no secrets, no ulterior motives.
Chloe: Exactly.
Nina: I wonder how he's gonna react when he finds out you're moving into the apartment next door so you can spy on him.
Chloe: I am not spying on him.
Nina: Oh, right, you're moving into Kevin's cramped little apartment just because you can't stand living at the mansion anymore, being waited on hand and foot by your mommy like a princess. Yeah, that's honest.
Chloe: Since we've been engaged, I haven't had a chance to spend any time with him.
Nina: Mm-hmm, and Heather and he, on the other hand, have spent tons of time together, which doesn't bother you, of course.
Chloe: No, actually, it doesn't.
Nina: Oh, my God, you can't even be honest with yourself.
Chloe: Okay, okay. (Sighs) What is your problem?
Nina: You. You are my problem. You're Chance's problem, too, though he doesn't know it yet.
Chloe: Oh, my God. Why are you doing this?
Nina: (Sighs) It's called being a mom.
Chloe: No, actually, I think it's called being a bitch.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Chloe: (Sighs)
Nina: Ronan, hi. Sorry you had to witness another disagreement between Chloe and me.
Ronan: Mm, no need for you to apologize.
Nina: Okay, I gotta go. It was nice to see you again.
Ronan: You, too.
Nina: And, Chloe, I guess I won't see you at home.
Chloe: Mnh-mnh. (Chuckles) Oh, you don't understand.
Ronan: (Scoffs) Yeah, I think I do.
Michael: I called in at least a dozen favors to get us in here. So please, no trouble.
Victor: I just want to talk to Adam, okay?
Michael: Well, he may not want to talk to you.
Victor: I'm prepared for that.
Michael: Ahh, that's what worries me-- how you plan on getting through to him.
Victor: I won't lose my cool.
Michael: But Adam has nothing to lose. He will make a scene just to cause you trouble.
Victor: Michael, I get it. I get it. Thank you.
Michael: Here comes the doctor.
Dr. Fowler: Mr. Baldwin.
Michael: Thanks for doing this.
Dr. Fowler: Mr. Newman.
Victor: Dr. Fowler.
Dr. Fowler: I understand you want to see your son.
Victor: I do indeed.
Dr. Fowler: Well, there's something I should tell you before you do.
Victor: Which is?
Dr. Fowler: Well, I finished my psych evaluation on Adam, and I'm prepared to render a decision as to whether or not he's competent to return to court.
Adam: When are you coming back?
Man: Not for at least an hour. You need something?
Adam: No. No, no, no, no. Uh, I'm fine. I'll be--I'll be fine. You do what you need to do, what you have to--have to do, and I'll just talk to my mom. We have--we have a lot to catch up on. We're gonna have to have that talk later, Mom. Right now, I have an appointment in Room 413. (Grunts) (Grunts)
Patty: (Whimpers) (Sniffles) (Sighs) Adam. He's bad. He made me do things... bad things.
[Patty remembering]
Adam: You're gonna bring me a disposable cell phone. As my doctor, you are going to recommend...
Patty: No.
Adam: That I be heavily sedated for the transfer to prison. And you will show up personally and administer that shot yourself.
Patty: No! No! I didn't--I didn't-- I didn't--I didn't do it 'cause I'm not--but he-- but he made me. He said if I didn't, he was gonna...
[Patty remembering]
Adam: If you want me to keep your secret, and I will keep your secret, you have to help me escape tomorrow night, the night of the policemen's ball.
Patty: (Sobs) No. No.
Adam: If you keep pushing me, I will have to expose you, and I'll have to tell everyone who you are.
Dr. Fowler: Patty, did you do this to Dawn's doll?
[Patty remembering]
Adam: I know exactly who you are, Patty. If you rat me out, I will rat you out so fast, your crazy little head'll spin.
Patty: No!
Dr. Fowler: Did you do this to Dawn's doll?
Patty: No, I didn't! I didn't! I didn't! I didn't kill anyone. I didn't do it. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't do it. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I didn't kill anyone!
Ryder: Yeah, I've got the money. Well, I'll get it to you as soon as I can. All right, it'll be there.
Jana: (Sighs) One for you, one for me.
Ryder: This is what took you so long?
Jana: Well, that, and I ran into Kevin. (Sighs)
Ryder: How did it go?
Jana: Um, it was very awkward. But I gave him the money, and I think he really appreciated it.
Ryder: It's good karma, right? And I think it's already startin' to pay off.
Jana: What do you mean?
Ryder: Well, I got a... (Sighs) Couple job leads, so keep your fingers crossed.
Jana: I will, and I will also make a prayer to the goddess. I'm really proud of you for sticking to it.
Ryder: I've just been running from everything for so long. I think I've learned finally that if you can embrace the truth, you can solve your problems.
Jana: Quoting from the "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" book, I see.
Ryder: Paraphras-- paraphrasing. But the idea is the same, that you can create the quality of life for yourself. I want the best for us. I'm gonna make it happen.
Sid: How'd it go with "Soldier boy"?
Ronan: Mm. Doesn't suspect a thing.
Sid: He gonna give you any problems?
Ronan: No. Mm, nothin' I can't handle.
Chloe: Oh, I thought you said it was a mess.
Kevin: Cleaned up a little bit.
Chloe: Well, it could definitely use a woman's touch.
Kevin: Yeah, I guess it is missing that.
Chloe: It's definitely more spacious than I thought.
Kevin: Yeah, it does sort of feel big and empty.
Chloe: (Sighs) It's perfect. It is perfect for me and DeeDee. And for me and Chance. (Giggles)
Kevin: Well, I'm glad somebody's gonna be happy here.
Chloe: Thank you so much. I don't know how I'm gonna repay you. Thank you.
Kevin: Well, you could take out the trash.
Chloe: Oh.
Kevin: All right, fine. No trash. Uh, I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that you've got more stuff out in the car.
Chloe: Oh, yeah. That's just my makeup.
Kevin: Let's go.
Chloe: Oh, thank you.
Kevin: Uh-huh.
Chloe: And...
(Elevator bell dings)
Chloe: Ooh.
Chance: Wh--
Heather: Chloe.
Chance: What are you doing here?
Chloe: Meet your new neighbor. (Chuckles)
Chance: Y--
Victor: So, Doctor, what conclusion have you come to regarding my son's mental competency?
Dr. Fowler: In my professional opinion, I believe Adam is putting on an act.
Victor: I agree with you.
Dr. Fowler: You're not surprised by my diagnosis?
Victor: Not in the least.
Dr. Fowler: Nor displeased?
Victor: No. I know that he is putting on this charade in order to avoid facing the consequences of his actions and in order to hurt his brother.
Michael: What happens next?
Dr. Fowler: Adam will be turned over to the police first thing tomorrow.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Fowler: Would you still like to see him?
Victor: Have you told him of your conclusion?
Dr. Fowler: Not yet.
Victor: All right, then I want to see his face when he learns the truth. As a matter of fact, I want to be the one to tell him.
Patty: But I didn't kill anyone. (Sniffles) I didn't kill anyone.
Adam: (Whispering) Patty... Patty!
Patty: Who's there?
Adam: It's me, Patty, the devil. I've come to get you.
Patty: No. No.
Adam: You're a murderer, Patty. You're going to hell. You're gonna burn in hell.
Patty: No! No! (Sobs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Heather: Oh, whoa!
Chloe: Suddenly Chance is every other guy who has ever cheated on me.
Patty: This mask-- where did it come from? Where did it come from? Who put this there?
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