Y&R Transcript Monday 6/28/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 6/29/10 -- USA
Episode # 9430 ~ Phyllis' Confession
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jack: So Nikki held her own on the stand.
Paul: What about Phyllis?
Jack: Well, not so good. By the time that creep Pomerantz was through with her, it sounded like she thought her own husband was guilty.
Emily: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Paul: (Sighs)
Jack: Yeah, so am I. How'd things go with Jamie?
Emily: Well, we had a good heart-to-heart.
Jack: Did he agree to turn himself in?
Emily: He said he would.
Jamie: Don't you trust me, Em? I'm ready. Let's do it.
Emily: Jamie, you're shaking.
Jamie: I've been clean for 24 hours.
Emily: Well, you know, there's some orange juice in the kitchen, and I can get you an antihistamine and--
Jamie: I-I-I-I already took some. Let's just get this over with before I change my mind, all right?
Emily: Okay, I'll, uh, drive you down to the station.
Jamie: I'd rather you didn't. (Scoffs) This is humiliating enough.
Paul: Well, I can, um, I can give you a lift. I've got some friends down at the station that, uh, can smooth things out for you.
Jamie: Yeah, cool.
Jack: Thank you, Paul.
Paul: Sure.
Emily: I'm proud of you. (Sighs) You're doing the right thing, Jamie.
Jamie: (Sighs) Why does the right thing always feel so wrong?
Emily: Hey. I never thought we'd be a family again...
Jamie: Well, thanks to your friend here.
Emily: Whoa. (Sighs) Yeah. Paul is a Godsend.
Paul: Hey, you know, friends help each other out.
Emily: Patty's very lucky to have you for her brother.
Paul: Come on. Let's hit it.
Woman: (Gasps) Whoo! (Chuckles) (Gasps) (Laughs) (Gasps) Oh, no. She's hurt. (Voice breaking) I killed my baby! (Sobbing)
Patty: Shh. It's okay. (Chuckles)
Woman: (Sobs)
Patty: Can I look at her? Hmm? Look, she's okay. She's not hurt.
Woman: (Sobs)
Patty: She's just scared. She's just scared. She's very pretty.
Woman: (Chuckles) Oh. Don't cry. Mama loves you. (Sighs) Rock-a-bye, baby on the treetop You handled that very well.
Patty: Thank you.
Woman: You know, I've noticed a big improvement since you've been here.
Patty: Dr. Fowler's been... (Sighs) Helping me accept my life as it really is instead of living in my fantasy world. I feel good most of the time, but sometimes I get lonely.
Woman: Well, you could try reaching out to the other patients like you just did with Dawn.
Patty: Yeah, but it's not the same as seeing a familiar face.
Victor: I've arranged for a car to pick us up, take us to the courthouse as soon as we land. And then when we get to the courthouse, Michael Baldwin will put you on the stand.
Adam: You think my testimony will change things for Nick? What do you think's gonna happen when I get up on the stand?
Victor: You will tell the truth, Son. You will confess to the murder of Richard Hightower.
Adam: And if I do that, Dad, I would perjure myself.
Victor: The attorneys have enough evidence to prove that you're the one responsible for Hightower's murder.
Nikki: Oh, I am praying that your father gets Adam back in time. No, Victoria, don't go to the courtroom. You're needed at Newman. And besides, the only reason we took a break is because Nicholas insisted on it. He said we needed a rest. Well, Michael doesn't anticipate getting through all of the character witnesses today anyway. All right, I will. Bye-bye.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Faith is asleep. Leah took Summer to her favorite restaurant.
Nikki: You know, you could use a rest.
Phyllis: Yeah, I could. (Sighs) It's really hard to stay cheerful in front of Summer all the time, also knowing that I could be the reason that her father goes to prison.
Nikki: Stop that. You're gonna have another chance to testify. Michael is gonna get you back on that stand.
Phyllis: Yeah, it doesn't matter. The jury won't forget that, uh, Nick's wife thinks he's guilty.
Nikki: Yeah, and the D.A. put those words in your mouth.
Phyllis: Yeah, even if he did, you know, all my actions after the murder totally backed Pomerantz up. Getting rid of that-- that jacket that had the blood on it--
Nikki: You were trying to help him.
Phyllis: I'm always trying to help Nick, aren't I? But I guess my best isn't good enough.
Michael: I have to say I have a sterling list of character witnesses, people who will prove what a fine, upstanding member of the community you are.
Nick: It doesn't matter how many people you drag up there saying they like me. My own wife thought I was capable of murder. What do you think the jury thinks right now?
Michael: Nicholas, you know how this works. The D.A. states his case. We refute it. The jury has taken an oath to be fair and open-minded. They've only heard one side so far.
Nick: If I'm on that jury right now, I'm ready to vote me guilty. Look, we gotta come out swinging. Forget these character witnesses. The only way these people are gonna find out who I really am is if they hear my story and are able to look into my eyes. I'm taking that stand in my defense.
Emily: Jack, I can't help feeling that this is all my fault. I mean, he thinks that I gave him the prescription pad so I'd get rid of him.
Jack: But you didn't. Patty did that.
Emily: Yeah, but if I would have tried just a little bit harder, you know, maybe he wouldn't have been so self-destructive.
Jack: He had to hit bottom. He's an addict.
Emily: But I am a psychiatrist who helps people. That's what I do. And I neglected him.
Jack: Listen--
Emily: How shameful am I, Jack? How shameful?
Jack: Listen to me. I don't begin to know all of the details. But obviously, he pushed you beyond the limits, or he wouldn't have alienated you so much.
Emily: You know just the right things to say to me. (Sighs)
Adam: Whatever evidence you think you have, it's circumstantial.
Victor: We all know you lured Hightower to the Athletic Club so you could murder him.
Adam: Mm, do we now?
Victor: Why else would you donate your bone marrow to a man who looked like you? Out of the goodness of your heart? You must be kidding me. You wanted your D.N.A. found on that man's body to set up Nicholas for the murder.
Adam: That just sounds crazy.
Victor: Does it? You watch it. Let me check with the pilot, see how much longer until we land.
Sharon: You can't keep spinning lies like this. I'm begging you, Adam. I'm begging you. Tell the truth.
Adam: Mm, for you? Because I think we already covered that, Sharon. Or do you want me to-- to s-sacrifice myself to save Nick?
Sharon: Why don't you do it for yourself? Just convince everyone that they're wrong, and no matter what people think about you, show them that there's still some goodness left in you.
Michael: I thought we'd been through this. Taking the stand would be a mistake.
Nick: I need those 12 people to realize that no matter how badly I hated my brother, I didn't try and kill or any--
Michael: I understand. I understand--
Nick: (Hits desk) You can't possibly understand! Not until you're in this chair. Now, Michael, I will fire you if I have to do that. Please don't make me. But I am taking that stand.
Michael: Now you listen to me. Putting you on the stand would open you up to the same sort of attack Phyllis just went through. What if you falter? What if you get angry? What if the prosecution tricks you into saying things that you really shouldn't?
Nick: I'll handle it.
Michael: What if he asks you about Adam... and Sharon? What if he asks you about finding Adam in Sharon's room with Faith? He will press every button you have. I know plenty of people who have sealed their fate by putting themselves on the stand when they shouldn't.
Nick: It's my life. That means it's my choice. I'm taking the risk.
Nikki: Nicholas' case doesn't hinge on your testimony. But it's more than that, isn't it?
Phyllis: Listen, nick knows there's nothing I wouldn't do for him.
Nikki: That's right. He does.
Phyllis: And he knows I love him.
Nikki: So why would you say that isn't enough? Is it Sharon? Is it because Nicholas has been so anxious about the situation?
Phyllis: Oh, Nikki. (Scoffs) Nick is always anxious about Sharon. I mean, since she left for Brazil, he's been obsessing over it. "Where is she? How's she doing? Oh, I need to talk to her. Aah! Does she need to be rescued again?"
Nikki: Look, we all know what Adam is capable of. So personally, I don't blame Nicholas for being worried.
Phyllis: Right, well, this goes way beyond, uh, the present... (Chuckles) Way beyond. I-I don't know what to do anymore. (Sighs) I mean, for God sake, Nikki, the--the housekeeper knew that Nick would do anything to protect Sharon. I mean, their-- their relationship is not normal for an ex-husband and wife. It is too much for me. I... I don't know what to do anymore. I am always questioning my marriage, always.
Nikki: Phyllis, keeping a marriage together isn't easy under the best of circumstances.
Phyllis: The circumstances have been bad for a really, really long time. I'm exhausted.
Nikki: What are you saying? Are you thinking of leaving him?
Paul: Look at you, "Madame Picasso."
Patty: Pauly! (Laughs)
Paul: (Laughs) (Grunts) Ohh!
Patty: Aah! (Laughs) I was telling the nurse how nice it would be to have a visitor, and here you are.
Paul: Well, I wish I could have been here sooner, but, uh...
Patty: Did you have a big case?
Paul: I couldn't get away. I'm sorry.
Patty: Don't. Don't be sorry. I know if, uh, you don't come to visit me, it's, uh, for a good reason.
Paul: Wow.
Patty: Hmm?
Paul: You really sound good.
Patty: (Chuckles) I feel good.
Paul: You have no idea how great it is to see you like this.
Patty: (Chuckles) Mwah. (Chuckles)
Emily: I hate asking you for another favor. You've been so generous.
Jack: Ask away.
Emily: Jamie's gonna need an attorney, and I was hoping you could recommend--
Jack: Already done. Michael Baldwin's agreed to take his case.
Emily: How much is the retainer?
Jack: All taken care of.
Emily: No, I'm gonna reimburse you for this.
Jack: No, listen to me. If I had realized sooner what Patty was up to, you and Jamie would never be in this situation.
Emily: All right, Jack, I'm not gonna--
Jack: No, I'm not gonna bend on this. I can be pretty stubborn, too.
Emily: You're incredibly generous, and I don't know how to thank you.
Jack: Well, just seeing you and your brother set things right and getting your own life back on track is thanks enough for me.
Phyllis: You don't think that I'm gonna just walk out on Nick in the middle of his trial, do you?
Nikki: Well, no, but I've never heard you talk like this.
Phyllis: It's just Nick has made Sharon part of our marriage. It's not that he talks about her all the time. It's not only that. It's what he doesn't say. I don't even think he's aware he's doing it.
Nikki: Look, you have to understand that Sharon will always be a part of Nicholas' life because of the kids.
Phyllis: Yes, because of the kids, because of the kids. Right. Right, right. So you've said. So I've said. (Sighs) But this thing goes on and on. I mean, I don't expect her to disappear. It's just--
Nikki: Just think of this as another phase, all right? Sharon will always be a part of his life, but at the end of the day, Nicholas will always come home to you and Summer, always.
Phyllis: Thanks. I appreciate the positive spin. But frankly, Nikki, coming from you...
Patty: You came to me a while ago and asked me about prescription pads.
Paul: Oh, yeah, well, um, you see, I didn't understand. When you said, "Brother," I thought you were talking about me, and what you really meant was Emily's brother, right?
Patty: Yeah, is she in trouble?
Paul: That's all been straightened out.
Patty: Good. That's good.
Paul: What?
Patty: She... she's suffered enough because of me, and I just hope things are turning around for her. That's all. (Chuckles)
Emily: What's wrong?
Jack: I can't believe I'm saying this, but, um, this isn't right.
Emily: It feels right to me.
Jack: It's not that I don't want to kiss you. God knows I want nothing more. I j... it's just, when you moved in here, I said I would help you through a tough time, no strings. I just don't want to take advantage of what is... a misguided sense of gratitude.
Emily: (Sighs)
Nikki: I don't want you to doubt for a moment that Nicholas loves you.
Phyllis: Oh, I don't doubt that. I know he loves me. I know that. But honestly, Nikki, I don't think he ever got over breaking up his family with Sharon. And ironically, that's one of the reasons we're still together. I don't think he could deal with ripping apart another family.
Nikki: He's very loyal.
Phyllis: Yeah. I need more than loyalty. I don't come in second.
Nikki: This is an emotional time for everybody. I would hate to see you do something and then regret it.
Phyllis: Oh, listen, I'm not--I'm not going to. I mean, Nick's trial trumps everything. I know that. But after this is over, I don't really think my feelings are gonna change. So I'm gonna put my life aside and put everything on hold, and my main priority is to get Nick home.
Owen: Answer the question, Mr. Newman.
Michael: Objection. Irrelevant and immaterial.
Owen: Your honor, I intend to prove a history of hostility and violence on the part of Nicholas Newman towards his half brother, a history that includes more than one public assault, kidnapping, torture, and culminating in a dark basement...
Michael: Oh, objection, your honor!
Owen: Where his hatred could no longer be contained and boiled over into murder, only he got the wrong man!
Michael: Your honor! Your honor, counsel is being prejudicial. Your honor, objection!
Judge DiSanto: All right, save it for the summation, Mr. Pomerantz, and I'm warning both of you to hold your tempers, or I'll find you for contempt. Strike the district attorney's last line, please. I'm overruling the objection. Go ahead, Mr. Pomerantz. Ask your question.
Owen: Thank you, your honor. I apologize for my outburst. Mr. Newman, did you conspire to kidnap, interrogate and torture Adam?
Nick: Where'd you get this idea that anyone tortured Adam?
Judge DiSanto: Answer the question, Mr. Newman.
Nick: Sir, this man has admitted that he hates my family and is out to get us.
Owen: (Scoffs) Your honor--
Nick: And I will not be railroaded by this son of a bitch.
Judge DiSanto: All right, order. The court will come to order. Mr. Newman, you're in contempt.
Michael: Your honor. Your honor, may we take a 10-minute recess?
Man: Oh, my God.
Victor: Your honor, I present you with Richard Hightower's murderer, Adam Newman.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Patty: I've hurt so many people, and I've done things I regret. You know, Colleen and Summer... shooting Victor. A-and I never-- I never should have helped Adam escape from the hospital. I never should have done that.
Paul: Well, it's okay. You were ill.
Patty: I was scared, Pauly. I've hurt s-- so many people, and I never meant to. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I didn't.
Paul: I know you didn't. I know that. You know why?
Patty: Why?
Paul: Because you have the biggest heart of anybody I know. Speaking of which, I have something to show you.
Patty: You do?
Paul: Yeah.
Patty: (Laughs)
Paul: I want you to take a look at this and tell me...
Patty: (Clears throat)
Paul: If you know who this is.
Patty: (Laughs)
Paul: (Laughs)
Patty: Is that...
Paul: Kitty Kitty, yeah.
Patty: (Gasps) Wow. Oh, my God, she's so big!
Paul: Isn't she adorable?
Patty: Yes. Aw.
Paul: You know, I must admit that I'm mostly a dog person, but she's really grown on me.
Patty: Pauly, I'm a--I'm a bit confused. Um, the two Adams that I-I met at the ball, I saw at the ball--
Paul: You know what?
Patty: What?
Paul: That is ancient history. Put it out of your mind.
Patty: (Sighs)
Paul: Out of your mind.
Patty: But I'm--I'm--I'm having these--these-- these horrible dreams about it.
Paul: Did you tell your doctor about them?
Patty: I did. I did. And he said I'm just working things out through my subconscious. Sometimes, I-I dream about Jack, and you're in my dreams, too. But the worst are the ones of Adam.
Paul: Adam haunts a lot of people.
Sharon: We'll be out of your hair as soon as Faith wakes up.
Phyllis: No problem.
Nikki: Victor's phone goes straight to voice mail.
Sharon: Well, he's probably at the courthouse right now with Adam.
Nikki: Yeah, I'm gonna head over there myself. Are you coming?
Phyllis: No, I promised Summer that I'd be here when she got home. Plus, I don't think I can restrain myself in the same room as Adam.
Nikki: All right, well, I'll call if I hear anything.
Phyllis: So what's your take on Adam? Do you think he'll tell the truth?
Sharon: I don't know. I hope so.
Phyllis: Well, it looks like Nick's home free, especially if, uh, that tape that Adam made to set him up is introduced into evidence.
Sharon: Well, Adam could justify anything.
Phyllis: Was it weird being around him?
Sharon: I'd do anything to help Nick.
Phyllis: Don't I know that.
Owen: Your honor, I object to this intrusion.
Michael: Your honor, Mr. Wilson-- he escaped custody and was on the run in South America. The defense has ample evidence that he killed Mr. Hightower and set up Nicholas Newman to take the fall. But your honor excluded that evidence because he wasn't present to be cross-examined. Now that he is available for questioning, I can prove my client's innocence. Your honor, I would like your permission to call Adam Wilson to the stand.
Owen: He--he wasn't even on the witness list.
Michael: He would have been if the D.A.'s office had been more vigilant in finding him.
Judge DiSanto: Let's hear what Mr. Wilson has to say. Step back from the bench, Gentlemen. You may step down, Mr. Newman, but I remind you that you're still under oath and can be called to answer the prosecution's questions.
Nick: Yes, your honor.
Michael: The defense calls Adam Wilson.
Victor: They're calling you to the stand, Son.
Man: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Adam: I do. I-I-I-I will. Wh-whatever you want.
Jack: Hey, I thought you were still in the pool house.
Emily: I'd like to clear something up with you first.
Jack: Look, I-I know I upset you earlier. I didn't mean to.
Emily: Okay, I didn't take it as a rejection. Did--
Jack: Good. I just think we moved too fast the first time. I think you agree. I don't want to do that again.
Emily: You thought I kissed you out of some misplaced sense of gratitude?
Jack: I think, given the chance, I could mess up this whole thing all over again. God knows I have a track record. I have been with wonderful women. Every one of those relationships I've destroyed. I don't want to do that with you.
Emily: Your marriages ended, but you've kept friendships with all your ex-wives. That's impressive, Jack.
Jack: Oh, I think that's more their doing than mine.
Emily: I don't think so. I kissed the man I fell in love with at Christmas, the one who insisted I enjoy myself, the one who fed me chocolate, took me ice-skating, who didn't care if I sang off-key when we went caroling. You are one of the best people I know.
Jack: Wow. That's a lot to live up to.
Emily: You're thoughtful. You're generous and a loving man, Jack.
Jack: I'm also a man who didn't know he was holding Patty in his arms, and I know that's the worst kind of betrayal. And I think if you're honest, you're not really past that yet.
Patty: The dream always starts out with Dr. Jasper in my room, and then he morphs into Adam. And then suddenly, we're at the Newmans' potting shed, or a supermarket, or--or the shelter that I lived at in Minneapolis. And sometimes Zapato's there and Colleen. And Phyllis is always there in her wheelchair. And I--and I'm--I'm trying to warn her that Adam wants to strangle her, but I-I-I-I-- I want to speak, and I can't. I can't s-speak. And then it always ends the same way. Phyllis tears off his mask, and his eyes are as red as the devil's. And I wake up terrified.
Paul: Pattycake, it's only a dream.
Patty: Yeah, but Adam said if I--if I told anyone what he was up to, he was gonna ruin my life.
Paul: Oh, Sweetheart, listen to me.
Patty: Okay. (Chuckles)
Paul: You're safe. You're really safe. I promise you.
Patty: Promise?
Paul: Adam will never hurt you again.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: Okay?
Patty: (Sighs)
Sharon: I don't want to fight with you.
Phyllis: I'm not fighting with you.
Sharon: Okay, well, I'm sorry you had such a hard time on the stand. Hopefully now that Adam's here, it won't matter.
Phyllis: What was it like seeing him?
Sharon: I, um, I got to see him in a-- in a different light. I-I think he gave me a lot of closure.
Phyllis: Wow. Just a few minutes with him, and you're already over him. Wow.
Sharon: Well, what did you prefer? That I sob and sob?
Phyllis: No, I-it's just amazing the strength of his feelings for you. The minute he knew you were in Brazil, he should have run. But he didn't do that. Victor was right using you for bait. He just couldn't get over you-- Adam, like all the other men in your life just can't seem to let you go, Sharon.
Sharon: I moved off the ranch, Phyllis. What more do you want me to do? Shave my head?
Phyllis: I misjudged Adam. I thought he was a sucker. But I guess there's just one man for you. Isn't there? And we all had to learn the hard way.
Michael: When was your first meeting with Richard Hightower?
Adam: I don't remember.
Michael: What was your relationship to the dead man, Mr. Wilson?
Adam: Newman.
Michael: I beg your pardon?
Adam: My name, I had it changed back to, uh, the name I was given at birth, Victor Adam Newman Jr.
Michael: Very well, Mr. Newman. Isn't it true you donated bone marrow to Richard Hightower? That you purposely sought out someone with the same build and features as yourself in the hopes of sabotaging a future D.N.A. test?
Adam: Wh-where is she? Where's Sharon? Why is-- why is Sharon not here in court?
Michael: Answer the question, Mr. Newman.
Adam: No, I want to know why Sharon's not here. You did this, didn't you?
Michael: Mr. Newman.
Adam: You tried to kill me. You wanted me dead, didn't you?
Judge DiSanto: All right, Mr. Newman, sit down. Order. Order in the court. Now please pull yourself together and answer the question.
Adam: I-I can't. I can't. I can't breathe. I--the air. There's no air in here. Stay--stay away from me! This is like the cabin! This is like the basement! Don't--don't do this! Don't--don't lock me up! Do not lock me up! I will kill myself! I will kill myself! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!
Nikki: Oh, God. Was he like that on the plane?
Victor: It's an act. He's putting on an act.
Patty: (Laughs)
Paul: (Chuckles)
Patty: Okay, well, send Mom my love, and Todd and Steve.
Paul: I will.
Patty: You'll do that?
Paul: They will be so happy to hear how well you're doing.
Patty: You're such a good brother, even after all the trouble I caused you.
Paul: You know what?
Patty: What?
Paul: That is all over now.
Patty: Okay. (Laughs)
Paul: You just keep taking good care of yourself, and, uh, you know what you can do for me?
Patty: Hmm?
Paul: Paint more pictures.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: I love you.
Patty: I love you, too.
Paul: See you soon.
Patty: All right, bye. (Laughs) (Sighs)
Emily: You're right. I have been furious with you for not realizing that you were married to Patty and not me.
Jack: I've been pretty angry at myself, too.
Emily: I've worked very hard to get through this, but... I understand now, Jack. You were just helping your wife. Your intentions were good.
Jack: I still should have figured it out.
Emily: Patty manipulated you horribly. And when you realized it was her, you saved my life, and I will always be grateful for that, Jack.
Jack: You have no idea how much that means to me.
Emily: Okay. So it's time for us to move on.
Jack: M-move on how?
Emily: Patty has been part of our lives from the beginning. So whatever happens in the future, she has no part in it.
Jack: I could not agree more.
Emily: (Laughs) (Sniffles) (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Sharon: You think that I've been scheming to get Nick back?
Phyllis: Scheming? Oh, no.
Phyllis: Do you want him? Yes. You see, it's written all over your face when you look at him.
Sharon: (Scoffs) Phyllis, I went to Brazil to help Nick. We were on the same team.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's right. That's right. And you saved the day, and my husband should be eternally grateful. Hey, I should shut my mouth and just be happy, right?
Sharon: Oh, I didn't say that.
Phyllis: No, you didn't. But you, once again, are the heroine-- Sharon, the heroine. And my husband will always, always thank you and be grateful to you, won't he?
Sharon: I'm gonna grab Faith and we'll get out of your hair. I hope that the charges against Nick will be dropped tonight, and he'll be home tonight. So why don't you tell him that if he wants to see Faith, or if he wants to talk to me, that he can call.
Phyllis: Oh, I think we both know he will. (Sighs)
Victor: He was perfectly lucid in Brazil and on the plane. This was just an act.
Nick: Adam knew he was gonna be hauled off to jail right after his testimony.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: Now he gets to be placed under observation instead.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nick: I mean, we knew even if you found Adam that this wasn't gonna be easy.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Well, he went out of his way to bring court to a grinding halt.
Victor: Considering the history of what he has done, considering his mischievous mind, who the hell knows what he has up his sleeve now?
Adam: Help! Help me! Somebody, help me! Call the FBI! My family, they're gonna kill me! Don't lock me up! Don't lock me up! No!
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Abby: How would you like to go into business with me?
Chloe: We are engaged.
Nina: No, please. Don't tell me.
Chloe: Yeah.
Paul: Are you falling for your bodyguard?
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