Y&R Transcript Friday 6/25/10 -- Canada; Monday 6/28/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9429 ~ Lauren's Family Tree Grows
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
(Door opens)
Michael: No comment. There will be no comment, please.
(Voices overlapping)
Nikki: I have nothing to say.
Michael: No comment. No comment.
Man: Please give us a story. Please.
Owen: Well, good luck, Counselor. You're gonna need it.
Michael: Don't let him get to you.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: How you doing?
Nick: I'm okay. I'm worried about you.
Phyllis: You don't need to be worried about me. I'm fine. I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately.
Nick: Any word from Dad? Has he found Adam?
Michael: I haven't heard from your father since I told him he had been subpoenaed. But, uh, we can't worry about what's going on in Brazil. We have to focus on what's going on in this courtroom.
Nick: (Sighs) Michael, you're the best at what you do, but we all know it would be a lot easier if Dad walked in with Adam.
Adam: You know, I'm just tickled pink that you came all this way to come see little old me, but you can't force me to go with you.
Victor: Don't you even think about it, Son.
Adam: I'm not your son, remember? You erased me from your life-- gone, never existed. Why would I want to go back to Genoa City with you?
Sharon: You know why, Adam. He needs your help.
Adam: You need my help. Go to hell.
Emily: Oh, Jack, the garden is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. These remind me of a Cauchois painting.
Jack: (Chuckles) When it was first planted, my father showed the gardeners a Wald Muller painting.
Emily: Hmm. I saw an entire exhibition of floral paintings in Philadelphia a few years ago.
Jack: I think I saw the same exhibit in Chicago. Amazing, wasn't it?
Emily: Yeah, it was. Nothing like the real thing, though.
Jack: No, there's nothing like the real thing.
Emily: I missed this-- talking with you, being with you like this.
Jack: Well, I've been trying to give you some space.
Emily: I appreciate it.
Jack: Well, I can-- I can put these in wat--
Emily: What was it like being here with Patty?
Jack: Nothing like this. I promise. Em, I missed you every moment that you were gone.
(Doorbell rings)
Emily: Um, I'll take these.
Jack: Paul. I certainly wasn't expecting you.
Emily: Did you find my brother?
Jamie: So what if he did?
Emily: (Sighs) Jamie. (Sighs) I'm so glad you're okay.
Lauren: Oh, Jill, I'm on my way out.
Jill: No, no, no, no. You can't leave.
Lauren: I-I promised Phyllis and Michael that I'd be there for Nick's trial, and, you know, quite frankly, we have nothing to discuss until these D.N.A. tests come back.
Jill: They're in.
Lauren: Already?
Jill: They're sending them over here.
Lauren: Now?
Jill: Yes. It won't be long now till we find out whether we're sisters or not.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jill: You will stay, right?
Lauren: Yeah, I'll stay.
Jill: It shouldn't be long now. Look, I know it's not easy finding that suddenly you have long-lost family.
Lauren: Listen, Jill, th-the thing of it is I already have a family. You know what? Let's just wait for the D.N.A. results and this whole thing could be a misunderstanding.
(Knock on door)
Jill: Oh, that's the messenger now probably.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jill: (Sighs)
Jill: You ready for the truth?
Lauren: Yeah, let's do it.
Jill: (Sighs)
Emily: Jamie, I am so glad you came.
Jamie: It's not like I had much of a choice.
Emily: So Paul told you about Patty and...
Jamie: Yeah, it's pretty messed up. I should have known something was up when, uh, you gave me-- when--when she gave me that prescription pad.
Jack: Hard to believe that didn't tip you off.
Jamie: (Scoffs)
Emily: When Patty told me you were coming into town, I figured you would know it wasn't me.
Jamie: Well, come on. It's not like we were close or anything. It's also not like I'm the only one who couldn't figure out what was up.
Jack: Okay, well, now you're here to help Emily.
Jamie: She's never needed my help.
Jack: Well, she does now, thanks to the phony prescriptions you wrote.
Jamie: The family reunion was your idea, Jack.
Jack: Okay, brother or no brother, you're gonna clean up this mess, and I'm gonna see to it.
Emily: Jack. Don't you have, uh, Nick's trial to go to?
Jack: No, Phyllis and Nick will understand.
Emily: Well, they need you. I don't.
Jack: You sure?
Emily: Yeah.
Paul: Got it covered.
Jack: (Sighs)
Emily: (Whispers) I'll be fine.
Jack: If you need anything, anything at all, you call me.
Paul: Um, I'll be in the office.
Emily: I'm sorry you got caught up in all this, Jamie, but... Jack is right. You have to step up, if not for me, at least for yourself.
Jamie: (Scoffs)
Owen: So the defendant was angry because his ex-wife was leaving the Newman ranch?
Woman: Yes.
Owen: Did Mr. Newman say anything to make you believe his anger was directed at his brother?
Woman: He said if he could get his hands around Adam's neck, he'd--
Michael: Objection, your honor--words. Mr. Newman may have been speaking figuratively for all Ms. Hurley knows.
Judge: Sustained. Rephrase, Counselor.
Owen: How did Sharon Newman react to her ex-husband's... words?
Ms. Hurley: She told him not to talk like that.
Owen: Hmm. Doesn't sound like she thought he was speaking figuratively.
Michael: Objection, your honor!
Owen: Withdrawn. Did Mr. Newman say anything more?
Ms. Hurley: He said if he ever saw Adam, he'd kill him.
Owen: So the defendant was taunting his brother. Then what happened?
Man: Adam shoved him.
Owen: Oh, what did Nick do?
Man: Well, he went after the guy. I had to stop him from rippin' Adam's head off.
Owen: And then Nick left?
Man: Well, first, he told his brother that if he ever saw him near Sharon or his kid again, he'd kill him.
Owen: The prosecution calls Nikki Newman to the stand.
Nick: Have you heard from Dad? Where the hell is he?
Victor: We can do this the easy way... or the hard way.
Adam: What'd you do, Dad? Rent an army?
Victor: Those are the federales.
Adam: You want to kill me, kill me. You're up for an execution, aren't you, Sharon?
Sharon: Victor. (Sighs)
Victor: You're coming with me, Adam.
Adam: Okay, some other time. Screw you.
Victor: (Speaking Portuguese)
Sharon: Adam, no!
Victor: You move again, they'll shoot to kill.
Adam: Nice to know you still care, Sharon.
Jill: (Whispers) Oh, my God.
Lauren: Well?
Jill: (Normal voice) It's true. We share the same father. We're sisters. (Sighs)
Lauren: Can I see that?
Jill: Yeah, it's-- see this page? It shows the genetic markers that we have in common. Look, I know it's a shock. All right, maybe that's an understatement. I've never had a sister before, either. We can take it slow. Lauren, I just want to get to know you and Fen and Scotty and... oh, my Lord, Michael's my brother-in-law.
Lauren: All right, Jill. Jill. Stop for a second. This doesn't just suddenly change everything.
Owen: So when you arrived at the Abbott cabin, everyone else was already there.
Nikki: That's right.
Owen: And what was the purpose of this little get-together?
Nikki: We were holding an intervention for Adam.
Owen: So Adam was there against his will?
Nikki: I wouldn't say that, but we had to persuade him to come.
Owen: "Persuade." Is that a euphemism for "Kidnapping"?
Michael: Your honor, objection. Counsel is putting words in the witness' mouth.
Judge: Sustained.
Owen: Okay, so members of your family had to persuade Adam to come to this remote cabin. Why?
Nikki: Because we were concerned about him. We wanted to help him.
Owen: Well, if you were so worried, why were you late?
Nikki: Why was I late? Um, I was with a dear friend Katherine Chancellor, and she had a crisis of her own going on.
Owen: And you and Mrs. Chancellor, you're close?
Nikki: She's like a mother to me.
Owen: So this woman who's like a mother to you was having a crisis, and yet you left her to go help Adam? Why is that? 'Cause you were worried?
Nikki: Yes.
Owen: Worried that someone at the intervention might hurt Adam?
Nikki: No, of course not.
Owen: But you knew how much your son hated his half brother.
Nikki: (Sighs) They had their differences.
Owen: They fought over their place in their father's company. They fought over the woman they both loved, to the point where they got physical with each other.
Nikki: Yes.
Owen: I mean, Nicholas had injured Adam.
Nikki: Yes.
Owen: And things had reached a peak. That's why you left your best friend and raced to the cabin, because you were afraid your son might lose control and kill Adam.
Michael: Objection! Objection, your honor!
Owen: No further questions.
Michael: Mrs. Newman.
Nikki: (Clears throat)
Michael: When you got to the cabin, what did you see regarding Adam?
Nikki: He was sitting in a chair.
Michael: Was he tied up?
Nikki: No, of course not.
Michael: Was he restrained in any way?
Nikki: No.
Michael: When you left your friend to go help Adam, was she upset?
Nikki: No, not at all. She understood. She... she's concerned about Adam, as well.
Michael: So when someone is troubled in the Newman family, is it commonplace for you all to rally around them?
Nikki: Absolutely. That's what we do. Uh, that intervention at the cabin that night was difficult, but... it was the right thing to do.
Michael: At any point, did you feel that Adam's life was in danger?
Nikki: Absolutely not.
Michael: He was free to go whenever he wished?
Nikki: Yes, and in the end, he did.
Michael: Thank you, Mrs. Newman.
Judge: You may step down.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: (Clears throat)
(Helicopter whirring)
Victor: (Sighs) You okay?
Sharon: Yeah. What about Skye? What's gonna happen to her?
Victor: I got what I wanted from her. I don't care what she does now. Do you want to sit here?
Sharon: No. This way, I don't have to look at him.
Victor: Vamos.
Adam: Yes, home, James, and don't spare the rotor.
Victor: (Sighs)
Lauren: All right, I just sent Michael a message, but I really should get to the courthouse.
Jill: (Scoffs) You don't want to talk about this?
Lauren: (Sighs) Look, there's nothing really to discuss. I mean, I'm still Lauren Fenmore. You're still Jill Foster Abbott, Greg and Snapper's sister.
Jill: No, I'm not. I mean, I am, but you... we have a blood bond. I have never had that with anybody from my past before.
Lauren: Well, I had it my whole life. I grew up with a father who loved me. And my mother, well... (Scoffs) Joanna, I-- she's... they are who I'm connected to, them and Michael and Fen and Scotty. They're my family.
Jill: So what am I?
Lauren: You're someone I know. You're not a part of my life.
Jill: So you're saying that you don't want me to be?
Lauren: I don't see you as a sister.
Jill: You can't change the facts.
Lauren: You want something that I can't give you.
Jill: Not now.
Lauren: Maybe ever.
Jill: Wow. (Sighs) Whether or not you want to accept this, this changes everything for us.
Jamie: Why should I take the rap for this? That nut job Patty's the one who gave me the prescription pad. Let the cops arrest her.
Emily: They already have.
Jamie: Great. Then leave me out of it.
Emily: Oh, come on, Jamie. You're in this, and it's not just about breaking the law. You're using again.
Jamie: (Scoffs) Oh, like you ever cared about that before. When you were off at college, at med school, with your patients, you've always had a million other things to worry about besides your brother the junkie.
Emily: I have always cared about you, Jamie. I still do.
Jamie: Well, then great. Bail me out of this. I mean, if you give a damn about me, you'll do that.
Emily: That's what I would do if I didn't care. I would fix this and make it all just go away. But you have to own it, Jamie, or this will never get fixed.
Jamie: Don't give me that crap! I'm not one of your patients. I don't need you to shrink me.
Emily: Okay, fine. Fine, I won't "Shrink" you. I'll be your sister. Hey, look at me. Look at me. I'm in trouble with the D.E.A., and I need your help.
Jamie: (Sighs) (Scoffs)
Jack: Hey, Red.
Phyllis: Hey.
Jack: How's it going so far?
Phyllis: Not great, not terrible. A lot is riding on my testimony.
Jack: You sure you'll be able to pull this off?
Phyllis: What are my choices?
Michael: All right, Phyllis...
Phyllis: Hey.
Michael: I'd like to go over a few things.
Phyllis: (Scoffs) We--we don't have to do that.
Michael: I don't want Owen tripping you up. Now let's go from the top. First, small answers.
Phyllis: Mm.
Michael: "Yes" or "No" when possible. Be polite, even if the D.A. is going to be a jerk.
Jack: Which he no doubt will be.
Michael: Try not to look nervous.
Jack: Even if she is.
Phyllis: I'm fine. I'm fine. I got it. I'm good.
Jack: You're putting too much pressure on her.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: No, what I'm trying to do is keep Nicholas out of jail.
Phyllis: Oh, God, stop. Please. (Sighs) Please stop. I am not the type of woman-- I am not-- who needs to be coddled or coached. I know what I'm doing. Now let me just do what I have to do.
Man: All rise. Court is back in session. The honorable judge Thomas DiSanto presiding.
Judge DiSanto: Be seated. Mr. Pomerantz, call your next witness.
Owen: The prosecution calls Phyllis Newman to the stand.
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Jack: (Whispers) You can do it.
Man: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Phyllis: I do.
Jamie: You act like I'm the one who did something wrong.
Emily: I'm not blaming you for anything.
Jamie: You're the one who hooked up with your crazy patient's ex-husband.
Emily: Okay, Jack and I fell in love. Don't go there.
Jamie: (Laughs) Yeah. And made a big freakin' mess in the process. And now you want me to take the fall and get you off the hook, right? What's it matter if Jamie goes to jail? His life's not worth crap anyway.
Emily: That is not how I feel.
Jamie: It's like when we were kids. You were always the good one. I was the screw-up. Well, not this time, Ma'am. This one's on you.
Paul: No, it's not. Don't blame your sister for this. You want to blame someone? Blame me.
(Helicopter whirring)
Sharon: Any news from home?
Victor: It seems that Nikki and Phyllis are now testifying for the prosecution.
Sharon: I hate to think what Pomerantz is doing to them.
Victor: Pomerantz is no match for Michael Baldwin.
Sharon: Are you gonna call him and tell him you're bringing Adam home?
Victor: No. He'll tell Pomerantz. I don't want to give that idiot a chance to use my misbegotten son against Nicholas.
Sharon: So you're just gonna show up in court with Adam?
Victor: He won't know what hit him.
Adam: And what? You think I'm just gonna give everything up to save you and your favorite little boy?
Owen: Do you recognize this?
Phyllis: It's a pen.
Owen: Do you know how it was used on the night of April 1st?
Phyllis: Somebody wrote with it?
Owen: (Chuckles) Your husband?
Phyllis: Not that I saw.
Owen: But he does have one like this.
Phyllis: My husband has a pen that looks like that.
Owen: According to the serial number, this is the very one he had. When is the last time you saw your husband use this pen?
Phyllis: When he wrote on my cast.
Owen: Was that before Richard Hightower was murdered?
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: And then you never saw it again until today.
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: So your husband had the pen. Richard Hightower was killed with it. And you never saw it again. Is that right?
Phyllis: I-I guess. I suppose.
Owen: Yes or no?
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: And let's go to the night of the murder. You and your husband were at the policemen's ball.
Phyllis: We were.
Owen: Was there any time when your husband was out of your sight?
Phyllis: Um, I'm his wife, not his stalker.
Owen: Do you know where he was when he wasn't with you?
Phyllis: He was checking on his ex-wife.
Owen: The mother of his illegitimate daughter.
Michael: Objection. Relevance?
Judge DiSanto: Sustained. Move along, Mr. Pomerantz.
Owen: Do you know why your husband went to check on his ex-wife?
Phyllis: Because we heard that Adam had escaped.
Owen: And your husband was upset about that?
Phyllis: We were all upset about that.
Owen: So after your husband went to check on the other Mrs. Newman, what happened?
Phyllis: Then Sharon ran into the Athletic Club and told us that Nick had surprised Adam.
Owen: Is that when she got a phone call from Adam saying he was in the basement?
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: And then Nick ran there to confront him?
Phyllis: Uh, ye-- along with a half dozen other people.
Owen: So now you're alone. According to the statement you gave to Detective Chancellor, you saw a person with the same build and height as Adam, and you ripped their mask off.
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: Was it Adam?
Phyllis: No.
Owen: Who was it?
Phyllis: Richard Hightower.
Owen: And what was Richard Hightower wearing?
Phyllis: He was wearing a black cape and a black and gold mask.
Owen: And didn't you later find out that that's exactly what Adam was wearing?
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: Now Nicholas had seen Adam in this costume, but he hadn't seen Hightower. So he had no idea that Adam had this doppelganger at the party. You, on the other hand, had no idea what Adam was wearing. And still, you mistook Hightower for Adam in a well-lit room. Isn't it even more likely that your husband would make the same mistake in a dark basement?
Phyllis: No, no, no, because my husband did not kill anybody.
Michael: Objection, your honor. He's badgering the witness, and he's supp-- the whole thing is supposition.
Phyllis: Not Adam, not Hightower. My husband is innocent.
Judge DiSanto: Ms. Newman, you're about to be in contempt. Order.
(Banging gavel)
Michael: Your honor.
Phyllis: He did not kill anybody.
Judge DiSanto: Order!
Jamie: Wow. (Sighs) Even the guy whose sister you screwed over steps up for you.
Paul: You got it backwards. My sister went after Emily, and you got caught in the cross fire.
Jamie: How is that your fault?
Paul: You nailed it. You said that you were not the only one who didn't realize that Patty switched places with Emily. And if anybody should have figured that out, it should have been me.
Emily: Paul.
Paul: It's true.
Emily: No.
Paul: Yeah. Week after week, I saw you locked up in that mental hospital. You begged me to listen to you. I didn't.
Emily: But you couldn't believe that your sister could do something so horrible. That's all.
Paul: If I had run the D.N.A. test when you told me to, you would have been out and back with Jack, and Jamie wouldn't be in this mess.
Jamie: Yeah, I'd just be in some other one, right, Sis?
(Bangs glass on table)
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: W-what's with you? You are so determined to build a wall between you and your sister.
Jamie: Oh, it's already there, man. (Scoffs) Its 10 feet tall. I didn't build it myself.
Paul: My sister is gone. We are never gonna laugh about the stupid things we did as kids or gripe about my parents. We're not gonna pick up the phone and talk to each other for no reason at all... because she is lost to me... forever. It does not have to be like that with you and Emily.
Jamie: You don't know anything about us.
Paul: Maybe not. But you have something that I would give anything for-- a whole, healthy sister who loves you and who is reaching out to you, and from where I stand, you would be a fool to let that slip away.
Emily: Please, Jamie.
Jamie: We're talking jail time if I turn myself in.
Emily: And I'll do whatever it takes to help you. Come on. We'll get you the best lawyers. We'll tell them that Patty tricked you. (Sighs) And I'll get you the help you need.
Jamie: Look, I know I come off as this hard-ass, but... (Sighs) I'm scared, Sis.
Emily: Me, too. But I will take care of you, okay? I promise.
Jamie: (Sighs)
Lauren: You're still here.
Jill: (Sighs) It's so weird, you know? All the times I've passed by here on my way to work at Jabot, and I never... never knew I was a Fenmore.
Lauren: I have to get going.
Jill: Look, I know this isn't easy for you. Your dad wasn't honest with you. He wasn't honest with me, either.
Lauren: You weren't-- you weren't in his life like I was.
Jill: I know that. I missed out on that. And I missed out on having a sister. (Sighs) We can't change the past, Lauren, okay? But we could have something now. We could do whatever sisters do.
Lauren: Look, I-I don't even know what that is.
Jill: I don't know what it is, either. That's why maybe we could go out to dinner. H-how about some night this week?
Lauren: I... I think I ju-- I need some time to just let this sink in, all right?
Jill: Yeah. Yeah. You just take all the time you need.
Lauren: I really gotta go.
Jill: Right, to the courthouse, absolutely.
Jill: Thanks.
Lauren: Good-bye, Jill.
Jill: Bye. See you later.
Judge DiSanto: Mrs. Newman, I won't tolerate any more outbursts like that in my courtroom.
Phyllis: I'm sorry, your honor. I'm sorry.
Judge DiSanto: Mr. Pomerantz?
Owen: Let's talk about what happened in the days after the murder.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Owen: Do you recognize this?
Phyllis: Uh, that's-- that's a tuxedo jacket. That... that's Nick's tuxedo jacket.
Owen: Right, the item that was missing when the police searched your house. It was later found in a dumpster behind a bar downtown. Did you have anything to do with it getting there? Let me remind you, you're under oath.
Phyllis: Uh, I gave that jacket to Sharon.
Owen: And told her to get rid of it.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yes.
Owen: Can you describe the appearance of the jacket when you gave it to Sharon Newman to dispose of?
Phyllis: It had blood on it.
Owen: Blood that was later proven to be Adam's. So your husband had an altercation with his brother at the ball that drew blood.
Phyllis: I-I-I guess.
Owen: And when you saw the blood on the jacket, you assumed Nick had killed Adam.
Phyllis: No.
Owen: Well, why else hide the jacket?
Phyllis: I was afraid that the police would think that Nick killed Adam.
Owen: And the thought never crossed your mind?
Phyllis: No. No.
Owen: But you lied to the police. You hid evidence to protect your husband. You expect us to believe that--that you didn't think he was guilty?
Phyllis: Yes.
Owen: That doesn't make sense.
Phyllis: I don't care if it doesn't make sense. I told you that I was afraid that the police would think--
Owen: Afraid your husband was a murderer!
Phyllis: No! That's not true!
Nick: You'd better leave her alone!
Michael: All right, objection, your honor. Sit down. Sit down now. Sit down! Objection, your honor!
Owen: No further questions.
Emily: (Speaking indistinctly)
Paul: Oh, thanks. So do you think he's gonna go through with it and turn himself in?
Emily: (Sighs) Yeah, I mean, Jamie's not a bad guy. He's... he's just made some bad choices.
Paul: (Chuckles)
Emily: What?
Paul: Uh, that's exactly how I feel about my sister, not that you can compare the two.
Emily: You love your sister as much as I love my brother.
Paul: I miss her.
Emily: I'm sure she misses you, too.
Paul: I don't know how I couldn't see it. You're nothing like my sister.
Emily: (Laughs) Oh, you know what? You have to forgive yourself. I have. And if we are all gonna live here in Genoa City, we have to move past this.
Paul: So you're gonna stay after everything that's happened?
Emily: I've met some wonderful people-- Jack, his family, you.
Emily: Yeah, I'm gonna stay.
Judge DiSanto: Mr. Baldwin?
Michael: Your honor, um, I have no questions for the witness at this time, but I do reserve the right to cross-examine her later.
Judge DiSanto: You may step down, Mrs. Newman.
Phyllis: Okay.
Judge DiSanto: Mr. Pomerantz?
Owen: Your honor, the prosecution rests.
Judge DiSanto: Well, in that case, let's take a short recess. When we return, be prepared to call your first witness, Mr. Baldwin. Court's adjourned.
Phyllis: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you guys. I'm so sorry. I made you look bad. I'm sorry.
Nick: No, you didn't. Tell her she didn't, Michael.
Michael: Hey. Owen asked the questions we thought he would. You answered them. You did fine. Don't beat yourself up. We've got a long way to go.
Nikki: Michael.
Michael: Excuse me.
Nikki: Please tell me the truth. How do you really think its going?
Michael: Well, I think it would be going a whole lot better if Victor showed up with Adam. But, uh, it's getting a little late for that now.
(Helicopter whirring)
Adam: Miss me? You know, it just dawned on me. I was out of your lives. You never had to see my face ever again. Yet here we are. You're dragging me back to Genoa City. And you are so sure this is, uh, a big victory. But think about it. I'm back in your lives, your homes, your heads. It really makes you wonder, who's the real winner here?
Nick: Tell Summer and Faith I love 'em.
Phyllis: Okay.
Michael: I'll see you back there later, okay?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: Hey, you did fine.
Phyllis: I thought you were my friend.
Michael: I am your friend.
Phyllis: Then don't lie to me.
Michael: Phyllis--
Phyllis: Oh, I... (Sighs)
Jack: Hey, Red.
Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm fine.
Jack: No, you're not fine.
Phyllis: No, I'm not fine. I'm definitely not fine. I am definitely not fine. (Sighs) I am angry. I am frustrated. I am done, Jack. (Voice breaks)
Jack: Hey, hey, hey.
Phyllis: (Sobs)
Jack: It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
Michael: Hey, Honey.
Lauren: Hi.
Michael: I thought you were gonna be here when Phyllis testified.
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Um...
Michael: What? What's wrong?
Lauren: No, no, you know, you've got too much to worry about here. I-I'm good.
Michael: I'm sorry. My work never comes before you. What?
Lauren: (Sighs) It's true. Jill's my sister.
Jill: (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Jill: Yes, I'd like to retain an attorney. (Sighs) Yeah, it's concerning my family estate and what my rights are.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Patty: Adam said if I--if I told anyone what he was up to, he was gonna ruin my life.
Sharon: I'm begging you. Tell the truth.
Adam: You want me to sacrifice myself to save Nick?
Nikki: Are you thinking of leaving him?
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