Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/24/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/24/10 -- Canada; Friday 6/25/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9428 ~ Sharon's Honest Lie

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: So you did not break the terms of your bail?

Nick: The D.A. was worried I might, though.

Victoria: All he has to do is imagine you doing something wrong, and he can throw you in jail? Where's the presumption of innocence?

Nick: Look at you. Maybe you should have gone to law school.

Victoria: Well, all I know is all of us have spent enough time in courtrooms to all have honorary degrees.

Nick: They don't give degrees in criminal injustice, which is where all of our experience is.

Victoria: Yeah, thanks to Adam.

Nick: You know, when you think about how he framed me, set this whole thing up-- the ingenuity, the attention to detail-- there's a sick kind of genius to it.

Victoria: Maybe he was right. Maybe we didn't give him any credit for his true talents.

Nick: Other families would have really appreciated his abilities, like, uh, Mussolini or Machiavelli.

Victoria: Well, he would have been Machiavelli's pride and joy.

Nick: It's just his bad luck he got stuck with us.

Victoria: I think we're the unlucky ones.

Nick: Yeah, well, wait till Dad gets a hold of Adam.


Mr. Wan: Allow me to introduce to you Senhor Victor Newman. And this, of course, is Senhora--

Victor: No introduction is necessary, Mr. Wan. The lady and I are previously acquainted.

Mr. Wan: You've played together before?

Skye: No, but we travel in the same circles.

Mr. Wan: Ahh. Uh, can I offer you a drink, Mr. Newman?

Victor: No, thank you, Mr. Wan. Would you kindly, though, open this briefcase?

Mr. Wan: Ahh. (Chuckles) Ahh, I'll get you your chips.

Man: You might have heard. We shouldn't underestimate the lady.

Victor: Believe me, I do not.

Skye: Believe me, you do.

Mr. Wan: All right. Please, have a seat. The game today is 5-card draw. With a $200,000 minimum bet, this is a shootout, and no chops are allowed. Only one of us leaves here a winner. (Chuckles)

Sharon: (Gasps) Adam.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Adam: Don't look so surprised. This is why you're here, right? To find me?

Sharon: Yes. I'm glad you came. I was afraid I would never see you again.

Lily: I wish I could see them being born.

Billy: You can't?

Lily: Well, a c-section is open surgery, and I could get an infection, and my immune system can't fight it off.

Kay: Lily, I left a message at-- oh. Oh, you're all here. Good.

Neil: Hi, Katherine. How you doing?

Kay: (Sighs)

Mac: Two months early.

J.T.: Hey, they're gonna be fine, all right? You did great. Don't worry.

Cane: This is it. This is it. We are gonna be parents. Hey, guys.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Dr. Caroll: Hey, we are good to go, Honey, okay?

Billy: Okay, show time.

J.T.: All right, good luck.

Lily: All right, you're gonna be fine.

Neil: Good luck, Mac.

Kay: Mackenzie...

Neil: All right, guys.

Kay: (Whispering) You're gonna be all right. I love you.

Cane: (Sighs)

Dr. Caroll: I'll check to see which O.R.'s available.

Cane: You in pain?

Mac: Um, no. They gave me an epidural.

Cane: All right, I'm gon--

Mac: But I can-- I can feel the contractions. Hang in there!

Cane: I'm gonna gown up. I'll see you in the O.R., okay?

Mac: Okay.

Cane: All right? I'll give you updates.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Bye.

Mac: (Sighs)

Lily: I don't really know what to say.

Mac: You're gonna be a mom.

Lily: (Chuckles) I'm gonna be a mom. (Laughs)

Mac: (Laughs)

Lily: (Laughs)

Billy: Well... (Sighs) I would have never pictured us like this in high school, waiting outside of Mac's delivery room.

J.T.: For babies that don't belong to either one of us.

Billy: Yeah, or to her, for that matter. Reed was early, wasn't he?

J.T.: Yeah, yeah. We, uh, took him while Victoria was still in a coma.

Billy: That had to be scary.

J.T.: It was terrifying.

Billy: Yeah, but worth the end result, right? I mean, hell, I didn't even want to have a kid. But, uh, when they open their little eyes and see you for the first time, it's, um... I'm just glad that Lily's gonna get that chance.

Lily: You know, when I would pray that I would get the chance to hold them, I didn't think it would happen like this, them coming so early.

Kay: God sometimes goes rogue when he answers prayers, but, uh, he does know what he's doing.

Lily: So you couldn't get a hold of Olivia, Dad?

Neil: Liv? Oh, she's on her way out of town to visit your grandparents, let 'em know that things didn't go as we'd hoped in France.

Malcolm: The treatment in France. It might have worked if you'd have had the babies' stem cells.

Kay: I never even thought of that.

Neil: You can get their stem cells now.

Kay: What?

Devon: Can they do that during the surgery?

Lily: Well, actually, they're saving the cord blood. They're, um, they're gonna harvest the cells.

Neil: Honey, Lily, why... why didn't you tell us?

Kay: Yeah.

Lily: I'm--I'm sorry. I just--I mean, all I could think about is what's happening in that delivery room.

Malcolm: You can take part in that trial now. And if those cells can rebuild your immune system, then...

Lily: Well, it's not gonna cure my cancer.

Malcolm: No. No, but it'll help you get through the chemo better, and that could knock that damn disease out of you.

Neil: Lily, this might be your chance to recover.

Devon: And watch your babies grow up.

Lily: (Sighs) Yeah, I hope so. (Sighs)

Neil: (Sighs)

Lily: Mm.

Kay: Good work. Keep it up.

Nick: So you were in Japan for Beauty of Nature?

Victoria: Yes, I was shoring up our relationship with Mitsukoshi.

Nick: Was there a problem?

Victoria: No, no, but I wanted to make sure that one didn't develop. I heard a rumor that Mr. McCall was envious of our distribution there.

Nick: Envious... maybe a little curious, too?

Victoria: Yes, I think that maybe he might want to imitate our success.

Nick: Or horn in on it.

Victoria: Well, there's nothing to worry about. I've handled it. Dad gave me a very nice gift for Mr. Yonioshi, and Mitsukoshi has reaffirmed their contract with us, at least for the next few years, and I have it in writing.

Nick: Nicely done, Vick. I'm glad you moved so quickly.

Victoria: Yeah, it's a good thing I did. I got there right before Mr. McCall.

Nick: McCall was in Japan?

Victoria: With Ashley. So you know it has something to do with Jabot.

Victor: Two cards. I'm sorry that Adam couldn't be with us.

Skye: Adam?

Victor: I understand he's staying with you.

Skye: He was. He moved on. The heat was too much for him.

Victor: I see.

Mr. Wan: Hmm. (Chuckles)

Victor: Sharon will be very disappointed.

Skye: Sharon's here?

Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam didn't tell you?

Man: It's to you.

Skye: I'm out.

Mr. Wan: Hmm.

Man: I'm all-in.

Victor: Call.

Man: Two pair.

Mr. Wan: (Laughs) Very good. Very good. Now we are down to four. And, Mr. Newman, you have the chip lead, Sir.

Adam: You're part of Victor's vigilante mission to track me down.

Sharon: Victor did ask me to come.

Adam: And use you as bait, right? Like what happened up at the Abbott cabin when my father ambushed me?

Sharon: What happened that night was really out of control. That's not gonna happen again.

Adam: You're right. That's not gonna happen again, because I won't let it happen again. If it were up to you, Sharon, I'd be strung up on the nearest tree right now.

Sharon: That's not true.

Adam: When am I gonna get it through my thick skull that any feelings you had for me are long gone now?

Sharon: They're not gone. I wish to God they were, but they're not. That's why I'm here.

Devon: All right. Hey, I'll, uh, I'll meet you at the place, all right?

Malcolm: Cool.

Devon: Okay.

Malcolm: All right. (Sighs) You know, I, um, I remember what you said word for word before you left for France about not wasting time living in regret.

Lily: Well, good, 'cause I meant it.

Malcolm: Well, it's just so hard for me, Lily, because there are so many things that I would change if I could. (Sighs) I mean, I love you so much, but it's all been coming out wrong since I've come back to town.

Lily: Listen, I don't need another apology. It's fine.

Malcolm: That's not what this is. This is me making a commitment to you, a commitment that I'm gonna be there for these little ones the way that I wasn't for you.

Lily: Well... (Sighs) I don't want that. Listen, I just want you to be there for them the way that you were there for me. Just be their Uncle Malcolm, you know? Whose face lights up every single time you see them, or who blows off grown-ups and serious conversation to chase 'em around the house and have a pillow fight.

Malcolm: (Chuckles) (Sighs) We did have a lot of fun, didn't we?

Lily: Yeah, we did.

Malcolm: Yeah.

Lily: I mean, it was just so easy to be with you, you know? I could tell you all my little secrets.

Malcolm: I couldn't tell you mine.

Lily: Listen, it's out now, okay? I mean, knowing that you're my biological dad should have brought us closer, but, you know, you're tied up in knots, trying too hard to make up for whatever it is that you think we should have had. But I just want my Uncle Malcolm back. I need him. And my kids are gonna need him, too.

Malcolm: Ohh, come here.

Lily: It's okay.

Malcolm: (Sighs)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: (Sighs)

Neil: (Sighs)

Kay: It's difficult to see Lily so frail, isn't it? In some ways, she's, uh, she's a lot stronger than she's ever been. I read about the way she, uh, stood up in court.

Neil: Something to see, all right.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Neil: Not a little girl anymore, Katherine.

Kay: No, my dear. She's about to become a mother, and she's ready.

Neil: She's gonna need a lot of support.

Kay: Well, come on. She's never gonna... (Chuckles) Have to lack for that. I mean, she has Mackenzie. Mackenzie's gonna be a part of those babies' lives forever.

Neil: Yeah, Mackenzie is definitely a part of the family, no doubt.

Kay: Um, Malcolm is back, right?

Neil: Malcolm is back, yep. The jury's still out there-- how helpful he'll prove to be.

Kay: Oh, Neil, he's never gonna be able to fill the role you do. He will never take your place in Lily's heart.

Neil: Katherine, are you, by any chance, trying to make a point?

Kay: Who, me? No, no, no, no. I was just, you know, thinking out loud. But, um, you can take it or leave it.

Neil: Katherine, I will take it. You have never, ever steered me wrong, and I love you.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Billy: You know, uh, 28 weeks ago, I was asking Mac not to be a surrogate.

J.T.: Do you regret that?

Billy: Well, understand, I wanted Lily to be a mother. I just wanted someone besides my girlfriend to help make that happen. Mac's ingenious solution was to, uh, stop being my girlfriend, so that solved that problem. But, uh, really she was right. We were just too different. It doesn't seem like that's a problem for you two.

J.T.: Well, we're just seeing where it goes.

Billy: That's good. That's good. I bet Reed likes her.

J.T.: Yeah, he does, actually. He likes her a lot. So I guess you'll be seeing more of Reed.

Billy: Would that be a problem?

J.T.: I just don't want to see him in an exposé in "Restless Style."

Billy: Yeah, I-I-I think I can live within that boundary. In fact, I think if I stepped over that boundary, his mother would kill me. So, yeah, we're good, man.

Nick: How do you know Tucker and Ashley were in Japan?

Victoria: I saw them.

Nick: Where?

Victoria: We were staying at the same hotel.

Nick: That's kind of strange.

Victoria: Well, it's not so strange, if you think about it. I always stay at the same hotel, and I told J.T. that I was going to Japan in case anything happened with reed.

Nick: You think he tipped off his boss?

Victoria: I don't know. Mr. McCall owns his own airline. He has access to the reservation systems. I'm sure that he could figure it out on his own if he wanted to.

Nick: So where'd you meet up with Yonioshi?

Victoria: (Sighs) At the hotel.

Nick: But that was before Tucker and Ashley arrived?

Victoria: No, they were there. Well, I mean, they weren't paying attention to me at the time. Billy was keeping them occupied, so...

Nick: Billy Abbott? You took Billy Abbott with you to Japan?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yes? No. He was there with me.

Nick: You never should have gone through with that meeting.

Adam: Sharon, what the hell are you doing here, really?

Sharon: Maybe you could call it a test.

Adam: A test?

Sharon: Yeah, you've told me so many lies, Adam. I don't know what's true and what's not anymore. One thing that seems obvious is you were never really in love with me.

Adam: You know that's not true.

Sharon: No, I don't know that's not true. How could I know that's not true? I can't even trust my own judgment anymore. Everyone tells me that you were only using me. I've had to accept that.

Adam: Maybe you shouldn't listen to what other people say.

Sharon: Well, I tried to block it out. I tried to just push it all away, and every once in a while, some little piece of it just comes working its way back in, like... like our wedding night... or the first time we made love. And I think to myself, how could that have been a lie?

Adam: I meant everything that I said.

Sharon: Do you know how many times I replayed those words in my head? But it wasn’t... it wasn't good enough. I couldn't trust that. I had to hear it from you face-to-face, looking in your eyes, so here I am, and here you are.

Adam: Sharon---

(Thump from corridor)

Adam: What was that?

Sharon: Nothing. It was just someone out in the hall.

Adam: No, I-I-I've been here too long. I have to go.

Sharon: Adam, please don't go. Don’t. Please don't go.

Adam: Sharon, what kind of game are you playing?

Victor: You're a clever woman who undoubtedly knows how to look out for herself. So it would be in your best self-interest to, uh, let me know where I'll find my son Adam.

Skye: I told you, he's gone. He got spooked by the phone call from Sharon and took off. And don't bother asking where he went, because I have no idea.

Victor: You don't need to tell me that. He is here in Sao Paulo with you. I know because I observed your reaction when I told you that Sharon was in town, and you would not have reacted that way if Adam weren't here. Now it's entirely plausible that he might have abandoned you. But I know that he wouldn't leave this amount of money behind, would he?

Skye: All I have to do is tell Mr. Wan you conned him, and it's a done deal.

Victor: How do you know that he wasn't in on it from the beginning?

Skye: What do you want from me?

Victor: You know what the stakes are.

Skye: Winner takes all.

Victor: Winner takes my son Adam.

Skye: Two.

Mr. Wan: I'm good.

Mr. Wan: Hmm.

Victor: $800,000 to you, Judge.

Judge: All-in.

Mr. Wan: (Chuckles) Well...

Mr. Wan: Vamos Nessa. Me, too.

Victor: Raise half a million.

Victor: (Sighs)

Skye: Call.

Victor: Let me see your cards.

Skye: Full house.

Victor: I'll be damned. All 8's and aces, a dead man's hand.

Skye: In this case, the dead man's the winner, unless you have four of a kind.

Victor: (Sighs)

Victor: It's all yours.

Mr. Wan: Mm. I thought your luck was beginning to turn around, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I'm sure it'll turn around in the next round.

Sharon: (Sighs) You see? There's nobody here.

Adam: Victor could come back any second. Maybe that's what you're hoping for, Sharon.

Sharon: Victor's not coming back to the hotel. I'm meeting him at the airport, and you're coming with me.

Adam: (Chuckles) What?

Sharon: I think you should turn yourself in.

Adam: No, that's not gonna happen.

Sharon: Are you gonna live your whole life like this? On the run?

Adam: You know, it's better than living in a cage.

Sharon: I know you better than anyone, Adam. I know the kind of man you wanted to be, and the guilt must be tearing away at you what you did to that poor man.

Adam: Now first of all, I didn't kill Richard Hightower. And I had nothing to do with the explosive that went off, at the--at the--at the club. You and Faith were in that building. You were upstairs. Why would I do something like that?

Sharon: Well, if you're not guilty, then all the more reason for you to come back home, clear your name.

Adam: No one is gonna believe me. No one will see that I am innocent because of the things that I did do and the fact that I ran.

Sharon: None of that would be admissible in court. You could get a good lawyer.

Adam: Okay, I'll get a good lawyer, and Victor will pay off the judge, so it'll be a moot point.

Sharon: Then you can change the venue. You can get a fair trial.

Adam: Sharon, let me be clear with you on something. I am never going back to Genoa City.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, Vick, I've... (Sighs) I've kind of held back when it comes to this "You and Billy" thing.

Victoria: That's very wise, because it's really none of your business.

Nick: Well, you make it my business, when you jeopardize a relationship that's as crucial to our company as this one.

Victoria: I didn't jeopardize anything, Nick. Dad and I had the whole situation under control.

Nick: So you wanted to take this sleazy gossipmonger with you to witness this very confidential transaction?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nick: He could have gone back to his sister, our chief rival. He could have been the one to--

Victoria: Listen, I am not going to discuss this with you, all right? You are paranoid.

Nick: I really hope I'm wrong, because if any part of this gets out, it's your butt that's on the line.

Victoria: Do you think I am unaware of what's at stake?

Nick: Sort of looks that way.

Victoria: Look, if you don't have any confidence in me, that's just fine. Next time there's a crisis, I will stay at home and sit on my couch, and I will eat bonbons, and I will let you deal with the problem from your prison cell. Would you like that?

Nick: Vick? (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Nick: Come on.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nick: (Sighs)

Adam: You know what, Sharon? Th-this-- this was all a mistake. I--

Sharon: Adam, no. Don't leave. Don’t.

Adam: Because you love me? Because you're the one, Sharon. You are the one who said you could never forgive me for the things that I've done.

Sharon: No, you told me that we could never get back what we used to have. But then you're here. You're here. You risked your freedom to come here, which tells me you can't let go of this any more than I can. I'll tell you this, you're the one man in my life who loved me when I needed to be loved.

Adam: Sharon, if I thought that there was a ghost of a chance between us, I would do anything. I would let them do anything they want to me, but that would mean that there was a chance.

Sharon: I don't want this to be good-bye.

Adam: (Sighs)

Adam: You can't even kiss me.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: You're trembling. This was all an act.

Sharon: No.

Adam: You would say anything, wouldn't you, to save your precious Nick?

Sharon: Adam, if I'm trembling, it's because I'm afraid.

Adam: Of me?

Sharon: I'm afraid of what would happen if I let myself believe in you again. Do you not understand how much you have hurt me? How hard it is for me to trust you now? I want to believe that you are gonna just do something to make this right, to fix this again. Because if you could, Adam, if you could be the man that I thought you were, the man who I loved, who I married, I would stand by you.

Skye: I'll see that and double it.

Victor: (Sighs) Let me have three cards.

Skye: Dealer takes two. $5 million, which is more than I have.

Victor: You can fold or go all-in. But in this case, all-in includes the chip that is not on the table.

Skye: All-in. Four of a kind.

Malcolm: All right, who's hungry?

Kay: (Laughs)

Devon: These are for the mother-to-be.

Lily: Aw, thank you.

Neil: What did you do, buy out the gift shop?

Devon: Well, I had to get in there before word got out about the twins, or there'd be a run on the place.

J.T.: Smart man.

Devon: That's right.

J.T.: Thinkin' ahead.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Billy: Did they have any, uh, cigars?

Devon: Yeah, they did, actually. You want, uh, bubblegum or chocolate?

Billy: I'll pass.

Kay: (Laughs)

Devon: Yeah? (Chuckles) Oh, and we, uh, we did not forget about you, but they didn't have a great-grandmother one, so...

Kay: Oh, très élégant, yeah.

Neil: Yeah, hey, let me help you with that, shall I?

Kay: I'd rather not.

Neil: You--okay. (Chuckles)

Kay: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: (Chuckles)

Neil: But it is nice.

Kay: It's pretty.

Cane: Yeah.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Cane: (Sighs) I-it went great. Uh, the babies are fine. I mean, they're tiny, but that's to be expected. So they're being taken straight to the NICU.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Mac: I got to see them. They're beautiful.

Cane: (Sighs) The doctors are optimistic.

Kay: Oh, Mackenzie, you did it. You did it, my darling!

Cane: We can never thank you enough.

Lily: You are an angel. This never would have been happening without you.

Mac: I'm so glad it's not happening without you.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Neil: Cane. Cane. The cord blood?

Cane: Um, it's on the way to get, uh, to the lab.

Devon: How soon can they harvest the stem cells?

Cane: They know it's urgent.

Billy: You brought two lives into this world today, and you might have saved another.

J.T.: That's not bad for a day's work.

Malcolm: Congratulations, Grandpa.

Neil: Same to you.

Doctor: You ready to meet your babies?

Cane: You ready?

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: You ready?

Skye: I won. We're gonna have everything we ever dreamed of.

Adam: That's fantastic. Don't waste time getting to the spot we talked about, okay? We're all set. I'm expected elsewhere.

Sharon: Wait, don't go. Don't do this, Adam. You're gonna regret it, believe me.

Adam: Sharon, you need to believe something. I mean, really believe me. Look at me. The truest thing about me is my love for you. It has never waivered. It has only grown stronger.

Sharon: Let it give you the strength to do what's right.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Sharon: Let's go now... together.

Sharon: Hi, is my taxi still there? Oh. (Sighs) I'm sorry. Uh, that's my fault. I was delayed. Um, can you call me another one? Thank you. Um, my companion and I will be right down. Okay.

Sharon: Adam? Adam! (Sighs)

(Monitors beeping)

Billy: Oh, hey.

Kay: Oh, there she is.

Billy: (Chuckles) Look who got a hall pass.

J.T.: Yeah, as if she'd miss this.

Mac: Try and stop me.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Kay: (Chuckles)

Cane: Are you ready, Mommy? I would like you to meet your children.

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: Huh?

Lily: Oh, my...

Cane: Aren't they beautiful?

Billy: Hey, right on time.

Neil: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Kay: Look what you have done, my darling girl. Look what you've done.

J.T.: Is--is it what you'd hoped it'd be?

Mac: (Sighs) It's so much better.

Billy: Look at those little guys. (Chuckles)

Kay: Mm.

Victoria: They're perfect.

Kay: (Chuckles) Ohh.

Billy: Yeah, they are.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: (Chuckles)

Lily: What a little peanut you are.

Cane: Hey, you say, "I'm not a peanut, Mommy. I'm almost 3 pounds."

Lily: Oh, that's pretty good for 28 weeks.

Cane: Uh-huh. You know, it's all that pizza Mackenzie was eating.

Baby: (Fusses)

Lily: Oh, you're waking up?

Cane: (Gasps)

Lily: Huh?

Cane: Hey.

Lily: What do you see?

Cane: Hey.

Lily: See this handsome guy next to me? That's your daddy, yes. And I am your mommy. (Chuckles) And these big smiles on our faces are all because of you.

Cane: Yes, they are.

Baby: (Fusses)

Lily: Oh, yes. (Chuckles) And you, too. Yes.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: (Chuckles) And we have never been so happy to see anybody in our whole lives.

Cane: No.

Lily: (Sighs) I cannot wait to hold them.

Cane: You ready to show everyone? Yeah?

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: (Hits intercom button) Can you guys hear me out there?

Neil: Yes.

Malcolm: Yeah.

Cane: I would like to introduce you to our two little miracles. This is Charlie and Matilda Ashby.

Billy: Yay!

Malcolm: Wow.

Nick: Hey, Sharon. (Sighs) It's me. You're probably on a plane right now. I sure hope you are. I'm back in jail. The judge revoked my bail. But don't worry about Faith. She's with my mom. She's--she's good. But the sooner you get back, the better, with or without Adam... hopefully with, 'cause I sure would like to get out of here.

Skye: (Laughs) Kiss me. I'm brilliant.

Adam: And we're rich, too.

Skye: (Laughs) And rich! I am so excited to get out of here.

Adam: Yeah, tell me about it. It couldn't happen soon enough.

Skye: No, we gotta wait for the judge, uh, pay him his fee, get our new identities.

Adam: Okay, great. So how'd the game go? Wh-what happened? Wh-who--who was in the game?

Skye: Wait, here he comes.

(Helicopter whirring)

Adam: Run, Skye. Run!

Sharon: Adam, she lied to you.

Adam: What have you done?

Victor: She lost the game.

Skye: I'm sorry. I don't know how he did it.

Victor: I'm a better cheat than you are. And now it's time for the truth, and you'll come with me to tell it.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Emily: I'm in trouble with the D.E.A., and I need your help.

Jill: You ready for the truth?

Lauren: Let's do it.

Adam: Kill me. You're up for an execution, aren't you, Sharon?

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