Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/22/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 6/23/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9426 ~ Mac Is in Distress
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Ashley: Thank you. Oh, it's lovely, isn't it, stepping off of a transcontinental flight straight into a business meeting.
Tucker: Yeah, well, if it were any other meeting, I wouldn't have asked.
Ashley: I know, the department of justice. It's important.
Tucker: If they were interested in a painting I gave a friend 20 years ago, they'll be even more interested in whatever Victor's pulling in Japan.
Ashley: And you just can't wait to tell them.
Tucker: I can be impatient.
Ashley: You sure you want me? I mean, a-are you sure that you want me at the meeting right now? That's what I me-- that's what I'm trying to say. I could use a nap.
Tucker: You don't look it. You look beautiful. And... maybe I'm not ready for our trip to be over with yet.
Ashley: Kind of look around. All the walls are mahogany, no more shoji. Our trip is over.
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) This, uh, meeting shouldn't take long, but if you want to go, I'll understand.
Ashley: No, I'll stay, and then I need to go home. I gotta check in with Abby.
Tucker: Well, I was a witness. She promised to stay out of trouble when you were gone.
Ashley: I hope she kept her word.
Abby: Stupid video. I-I--thank God it was at night. Otherwise, everyone would be tweeting about my bikini line, or the fact that I don't have one.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Abby: I-it just-- it was a private moment. It was extremely private. Those paparazzi are perverts. And the guy I was with, I... (Sighs) Oh, I'm so sorry. E-excuse me. Just a minute.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Abby: Hi, Daniel.
Daniel: You-- you set me up, and you seduced me.
Abby: I'm a hussy. I know.
Daniel: And now it's on the internet. You don't call. You don't respond to my texts.
Abby: Well, I've been busy trying to find out who exploited us.
Daniel: Trying to find out.
Abby: (Sighs) "The Naked Heiress," private eye.
Lauren: You know, I thought you'd be at Mac's hearing.
Kay: Uh, well, she thought it would be too much for me after Elizabeth's death, and, uh, the truth is, I thought my presence would be an added stress for her, so... (Chuckles) I, um, I left J.T. and Michael to take care of her.
Lauren: Well, you left her in very capable hands.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Lauren: And Mac's right. You've really been through a rough time.
Kay: (Sighs) Oh, well, Elizabeth was a dear. She was a gutsy woman. And her d--her death was quite a shock to me... well, to many. So, uh, Lauren, um, Jill gave you the news about your father.
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Uh... (Sighs) D-do you really think it's possible that Jill and I are half sisters?
Kay: Oh, Honey, I don't have the details or--or any proof. But what I do know is that Elizabeth believed it. And Elizabeth Foster would never, never have made up something like that.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Lily: While I've been on chemo again, I've daydreamed about coming home, but not for something like this. Mackenzie shouldn't have to defend her choice... our choice. So please, okay? No amnio, no needles. Just leave Mac alone. Let the babies stay as safe as possible.
Judge: Even though that stem cell procedure could bolster your system for chemo? The amnio could be the first step in saving your life.
Lily: Your honor, do you have children?
Judge: Mm-hmm.
Lily: I know that my husband loves me, and I know that he's scared of losing me. But I didn't realize how terrified he was until I heard about this lawsuit. And Cane loves the twins, too, but I don't think they're real to him yet. But when you have children, your instinct is to protect them, to die for them if you have to. And my babies aren't here. But they'll be here in a couple of months, God willing. And I know the doctors say the risk is small, but... any risk is too much.
Abby: (Sighs)
Daniel: So "The Naked Heiress" is gonna nail the perp, huh?
Abby: Well, someone taped us doing naughty things, and then showed the video to the world.
Daniel: Someone who just happened to know you were gonna be at the pool, just happened to know you were gonna be swimming, just happened to know that I was gonna show up, and that, uh, we were, well, that... (Chuckles) Well, that someone must have superpowers.
Abby: Okay, maybe it was my camera.
Daniel: Really?
Abby: I needed test footage for my show.
Daniel: Of course. Of course. I mean, why wouldn't you need a nighttime poolside video for a show that doesn't exist?
Abby: My show will exist, and it will be huge. Look, I had no intention of getting you on tape, okay? It was an accident. And I could kill whoever hacked into my computer and posted that video. I could kill them.
Daniel: Wow, hacked. Is that how-- you must feel so violated.
Abby: Yeah, I-I-I need to-- to install one of those new firewalls or something.
Daniel: I-I-I can actually do better. You know, Kevin and I are really good with computers. We could probably just take a look at it and figure out who stole the video, and then we can nail the baddies, and hard.
Abby: (Sighs)
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) That was less than productive.
Ashley: That's unusual for you, isn't it, not getting your way?
Tucker: I gave that department of justice drone every reason to look into Newman's hold on Mitsukoshi's stores. Something's up ever since the news got out that we want Jabot on the Japanese market.
Ashley: Well, you fed that information to Jill to provoke a reaction from Newman, and you definitely got a reaction.
Tucker: Yeah, Victoria hopped on a plane, went and made nice with a civil servant in Japan instead of the head of the department store chain. What's up with that? And I know that conversation was not about construction. It's completely illogical.
Ashley: It is. I know.
Tucker: You're relieved, huh, that the D.O.J. refuses to take a hard look at Victor?
Ashley: Well, I don't know about that. I mean, well...
Tucker: Your brother Billy knows more than he's saying.
Ashley: How strange was that running into Billy and Victoria in Japan?
Tucker: Well, maybe you could work on him, find out what he knows.
Ashley: Mm.
Tucker: Neil should be consulted.
Ashley: Why do you want to bring Neil into it?
Tucker: Well, he was working with Victor when Newman made their arrangement with Mitsukoshi. Chances are, he knows something useful.
Ashley: When you say he has to be consulted, I take it you mean by me.
Tucker: If you're amenable.
Ashley: I'm not going to exploit my relationship with Neil for business. And I'm also not gonna keep secrets from him.
Tucker: About...
Ashley: Oh, I don't know. Maybe about what happened between us in Japan?
Tucker: Well, that's up to you. That's personal. That's a separate issue entirely, which I'm sure you understand. As for business, I'll be happy to talk to Neil myself.
Lily: No matter what happens to me, I need to know that I was a good mom, and a good mom keeps her children safe.
Judge: We've all heard what Mrs. Ashby has to say. Any questions?
Michael: No, your honor.
Valerie: No, your honor.
Judge: You've given me a lot to think about. We'll take a brief recess while I consider my decision.
Cane: No, please wait.
Lauren: All right, let's get back to it.
Kay: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Lauren: I mean, obviously, Jill believed Liz. But then Liz lied about you being her mother.
Kay: And you think she lied about this? Oh, come on. Come on, Lauren. (Sighs) Things were so different back then when Jill was born. Even your grandparents, you know, were of that era. You know, hard-line, old-school. Pregnancy out of wedlock was a scandal, but...
Kay: If a mother was socially unacceptable...
Lauren: Y-you're making it sound like the--the prince and the scullery maid.
Kay: (Chuckles) Well, class issues seem ridiculous, you know, n--today, but they were very real when your father was young.
Lauren: But you think that my grandparents, I mean, forced my father to deny his own child?
Kay: (Stammers) Lauren--
Lauren: I... no. They wouldn't have done it.
Kay: (Sighs) Lauren.
Lauren: And my father wouldn't have allowed it.
Kay: Lauren, Lauren, Lauren. Just imagine yourself being very young, afraid and ashamed.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kay: And the people you love the most, trust the most, could lose everything because of your choices. Wouldn't you do everything you could to save them from that disgrace?
Lauren: Katherine, I-- look, I am so sorry about what you went through. But that doesn't mean that the same thing happened to my family, as well.
Kay: Oh, I made my own choices. Nobody forced me to.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kay: Back then, everyone knew what the whole world thought of illegitimate children and their mothers. Some of us just weren't strong enough to tell the world to take it and shove it.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kay: Shame can make you do things you never thought was possible. And the repercussions... dear God in heaven, they last a lifetime.
Tucker: Well, Neil won't be joining us after all.
Ashley: What did his assistant say?
Tucker: Evidently, there's a case involving, uh, Cane and Mackenzie. Neil's at the courthouse.
Ashley: I have to go to him. Um, I'll touch base with you later, okay?
Cane: I'm dropping the suit. It was a mistake.
Judge: Are you sure?
Cane: Yes. Lily was right. I love her, and I'd do anything to be with her always, but not like this.
Judge: Case dismissed. (Bangs gavel) Good luck to you, Mrs. Ashby. It appears you have many people who love and support you.
Lily: Thank you, you honor. I do.
Mac: So it's all over.
Michael: It is. (Chuckles)
Cane: Don't ever go away on me again, okay?
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Come here, Baby. (Sighs)
Mac: Yeah. I thought I might pass out when the judge said "Dismissed," but I'm fine. Thank you.
Michael: Oh, uh, it was all Lily. Before she came in, I thought Cane had swayed the judge, but when she spoke... hmm.
Mac: She looked... so tired. She went through so much to get here.
J.T.: You know, Lily's right, though. Being a parent means protecting your child, you know? Making decisions that other people may not like, but you make 'em anyway.
Michael: All right. (Sighs) If you'll excuse me, I have an overwhelming urge to hug my son.
Mac: Ice cream, too. (Chuckles)
Michael: Yes, ice cream is also in order. You should have some, too, at home, and get some rest. I'll talk to you two later.
Mac: Okay.
J.T.: You said you were gonna pass out earlier. Do you still feel lightheaded?
Mac: No, I meant-- I meant from the relief.
J.T.: Okay, but how do you feel now?
Mac: Um... (Sighs) I'm not entirely sure.
J.T.: Hey, I'm gonna give Gabby a call, all right?
Mac: Okay.
Mac: I'm sorry. (Sighs) I'm sorry.
Lily: No, it's okay. You were so brave.
Mac: But you're the one... (Sighs) You've been through so much.
Lily: Wait, were you worried to tell me like the others?
Mac: I never thought that a judge would make me do something with my own body that I didn't want to do, and then when Cane took the stand...
Lily: Hey, please don't be angry with him.
Mac: Aren't you?
Lily: Y-yeah, I-I was, you know, when Jill called and most of the plane ride home. But then I talked to my Aunt Liv. Listen, Cane-- he panicked, and he tried to fix things. You know, he tried to fix me, and it j-- it was just all wrong.
Mac: But it was for all the right reasons, 'cause he really loves you.
Lily: And I love him... and you... and them. Listen, it took the three of us to make the babies. And I am gonna be gone someday, and I need to know that you're not angry with Cane. I need to know that they'll have both of you, that they will have all the love in the world.
Cane: Thank you. Thank you for calling Lily.
Jill: (Sighs)
Cane: You know, it was, uh, I would have been crazy to keep something else from her after all the secrets, but, um, I couldn't give up.
Malcolm: We haven't. All it takes is a second. There's plenty of time for a miracle.
Cane: Thank you.
Neil: So was it the flight over here? Is that why Lily appeared so weak?
Olivia: The adult stem cells that we were using to strengthen her system didn't work.
Devon: Well...
Neil: (Sighs)
Devon: Was Cane right? Would the babies' cells have helped more?
Olivia: Well, I--we can't say for sure, but the chance would have been better.
Devon: (Sighs)
Neil: She's made her decision.
Devon: Yeah, well, you know what? She can unmake it.
Olivia: (Clicks tongue)
Devon: We have to change her mind. She will listen to you.
Mac: Are you sure?
Lily: Yes, please, go home.
Mac: Okay.
J.T.: See you.
Lily: Bye.
Neil: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Neil: Oh, Lily, my beautiful girl, on the stand, fighting for what she believes in. (Sighs)
Lily: Thank you, Dad. Thank you for supporting Mackenzie.
Neil: Hey, I can't help it if I'm a sucker. Whatever you want, that's what you get.
Lily: But, I mean, you think I'm right, don't you? Y-you think I'm doing the right thing for our kids, right?
Neil: Lily, there's no one more brave, no one stronger, no one smarter than you, right? And what you said in there, a parent would lay down their lives for their children, it is the God's honest truth. I would lay down my life for you. If I could do anything, if I could do anything... oh, Baby.
Lily: (Sighs)
Daniel: Well, congratulations. You've discovered your path to fame and fortune.
Abby: (Sighs)
Daniel: But you know what? You had no business taking me along for the ride.
Abby: Oh, please. No one can even see your face.
Woman: (Gasps) (Whispers) I think that's the guy... (Normal voice) But I'd have to see his butt to be sure.
Women: (Giggle)
Daniel: Yeah, I think "Jailbait" over there is speculating on my butt.
Abby: It's, um, it's not him. Sorry. A-and I can't tell you my friend's name because his father is a-a prince, and--and he would freak out. And besides, Jean-Pierre is way hotter. Oh, wait, I-I'm sorry. Can you forget that you heard that?
Woman: Run a search. "Jean-Pierre" and "Royalty."
Woman: (Giggles)
Abby: Uh... (Sighs) Hmm, now jailbait has forgotten you exist. Yay.
Daniel: Yay.
Abby: Mm.
Mac: (Sighs)
J.T.: There you go. You're worried about Lily, aren't you?
Mac: (Sighs) I've--I've seen enough--enough death up close to recognize the signs. The chemo's beating her up too badly. She's not gonna be able to bounce back.
J.T.: You know, I held Victoria's hand through her coma. And sometimes, just when you're ready to lose hope...
Mac: They love her.
J.T.: Who does?
Mac: The babies. They love their mother. Does that sound ridiculous?
J.T.: No. No, it sounds about right.
Mac: They love her. (Sighs) They're growing so they can be held and sung to and loved by Lily. That's who they're waiting for.
Devon: Thank you for getting here so fast.
Roxanne: I was waiting for your call. Your sister is home.
Devon: (Sighs)
Roxanne: That's a good thing.
Devon: You didn't see her. Roxy, she... (Sighs)
Neil: It's so good to see you. So you're back.
Ashley: Yeah, I'm back. And I went to the courtroom. They said the hearing was over.
Neil: Yeah, the hearing is over. It just got finished.
Ashley: Hi, Olivia.
Olivia: Hi.
Ashley: How are you?
Olivia: Good. Good.
Ashley: Does that mean Lily's home?
Olivia: Well, she heard about the case and couldn't stay away.
Neil: Cane backed off at the last minute. Otherwise, the judge might have insisted that Mac have the amnio so that Lily could use the stem cells.
Ashley: And how is Lily?
Neil: (Sighs)
Ashley: Oh. I'm sorry, Neil.
Neil: You know, Ashley, we're supposed to go before our children.
Ashley: I know. Come here.
Lily: (Sighs) Finally.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: No, I-I can walk.
Cane: (Chuckles)
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: You know, I haven't seen my wife in so long. So let's pretend we just got married, and... let me carry you across the threshold like a proper husband would, hmm?
Lily: Okay.
Cane: (Chuckles) (Chuckles)
Lily: (Chuckles) Oh.
Cane: (Sighs) Thank you for humoring me.
Lily: (Chuckles) (Sighs) Oh, I have missed you.
Cane: I'm not going anywhere.
Lily: (Chuckles) Wait, where's Humphrey?
Cane: Um, he's at doggy day care. I'll call someone. I'll have 'em pick him up for you.
Lily: Okay, good, 'cause I don't want you going anywhere.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: Mm. (Sighs)
Cane: Is this too close for you?
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: Closer.
Cane: (Sighs) Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
Lily: For what? Loving me? Protecting me? Cane, I am so lucky to have you. Don't ever think that I don't know how lucky I am.
Cane: I love you.
Lily: I love you, too.
Cane: Come here. Come here, Baby.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Kay: ...Or step--oh.
Lauren: Oh, hi, Honey. Jill.
Kay: Oh, Michael, Jill.
Michael: Well, Katherine.
Kay: How are you two?
Michael: Pleasant surprise. Hi, Sweetie.
Jill: Mm, great minds.
Kay: Uh, what happened at the courthouse?
Michael: Oh, well, Lily flew in and pled her case.
Jill: And Cane withdrew his suit.
Kay: Poor Cane. It's--it's got to be awful for him, but I'm very proud of Mackenzie because, uh, she won't be told what to do with her own body.
Michael: Well, I invited Jill over to see if we could, uh, find out more about her birth parent situation.
Lauren: Well, yeah, uh, of course. I want you to know that I have been going through all my father's papers, and, um, there is nothing about an old love or a pregnancy.
Jill: Well, I would hardly expect him to address it directly, you know. And there's probably some hints, some clues, that would be real easy to miss unless you wanted to find them.
Lauren: I want the truth as much as you do.
Jill: Really? Because the truth to me means answers. The truth to you means a lot of questions.
Lauren: (Scoffs) I even contacted my mother, and, of course, Joanna's M.I.A. in the Himalayas with some swami or sherpa.
Kay: Why, surely, there are other resources, Lauren.
Lauren: (Scoffs) Well, yes. I-in fact, I have somebody going through my family's archives right now.
Kay: Oh, good.
Lauren: And, uh, hopefully, they'll find something to help us.
Kay: Hmm.
Jill: Well, it helps me.
Lauren: No, us. You're talking about a father that I adored. And if he had another child, I'm not gonna keep that silent.
Abby: I'm really sorry that you got pulled into this, but trust me, it's not you they're interested in. (Gasps) Yay!
Daniel: "Yay," what?
Abby: Give me my phone.
Daniel: You're tracking clicks on that video?
Abby: I need to know what pulls in the numbers. Obviously, sexy water romps score big. Shocker. Give me my phone.
Daniel: You're pathetic.
Abby: Yeah, I know. You keep telling me.
Daniel: No, no, no, no, no. I mean, really pathetic. Like there's some big, gaping void of nothingness inside of you that makes this so important to you.
(Cell phone clatters)
Abby: You know what I think? I think that you wish that you cared about anything half as much as I care about this.
Daniel: (Scoffs)
Abby: I have a life, Daniel. I have goals and aspirations, and maybe you think they're stupid, but at least I have them. What do you have?
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: Exactly.
Olivia: What is it?
Ashley: Do you need to be alone?
Neil: Hey, listen. I-I hope you don't mind, and...
Ashley: Of course not.
Neil: Thanks.
Olivia: Bye, Honey.
Neil: Bye.
Olivia: Mm.
Neil: Olivia, thank you so much for taking care of Lily. Thank you.
Ashley: Olivia, you've been so amazing. Everything you've done for Lily... (Sighs)
Olivia: Not enough.
Ashley: Oh, come on. You know that's not true.
Olivia: Do I? You know what? I just better stop. I'm not that pretty when I'm wallowing. What about you? How are you doing without Faith?
Ashley: (Sighs) Uh, well, not great. But I'm getting better. You know what helped me? Realizing how lucky I-I actually am. Traci's never gonna hold Colleen again. Neil is terrified of losing Lily. At least I know that Faith is safe and she's healthy and she's loved.
Olivia: That's all that matters when they're babies, right? Who am I kidding? That's all that ever matters. And then they get bigger, and the world gets badder, and all of a sudden, this...
Ashley: Oh, Honey.
Olivia: You know, I have to call-- I have to call Nate and my parents. They've already lost Dru, and now I have to tell them...
Ashley: So do you want me to come back to the club with you, or do you want to come over to my house for a little while?
Olivia: No, no. I-I have to do this on my own. You know, Neil shouldn't spend too much time by himself. I thank God that you're in his life.
Malcolm: Right now is time for family.
Neil: Not now. Later.
Devon: Okay, we'll go. Just for now, okay?
Neil: (Sighs) Uh-huh.
Malcolm: The only way we're gonna get through this is together, man.
Roxanne: You're the best Dad I've ever seen.
Neil: Thanks.
Kay: Well, I heard that Lily came back to protect her children just as you tried to. And she could not have chosen a better surrogate.
J.T.: It shouldn't have gotten this far-- all the stress on Mac.
Kay: Oh, Darling, you do look-- you look a little worn. Tired?
Mac: I was sure that I was doing the right thing for the babies, and now I think I've made a horrible mistake.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: What's wrong? You okay?
Lily: Um, I have, uh, pills in my--in my purse. Can you, uh... (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs) You have so much stuff in here.
Lily: It's okay. It's not a big deal.
Cane: I got 'em. I got 'em. I got 'em.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Here, Sweetie.
Lily: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales)
Cane: Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?
Lily: (Sighs) For what, Cane? They can't cure me. All they can do is just manage my pain, and you and I just did that right here. (Sighs) Listen, no more hospitals, okay? Please. Whatever time I have left, I just... I want to spend it here with you. (Sighs)
Cane: (Whispers) Come here.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs heavily)
Michael: There's absolutely no reason to go around in circles. We can answer all the big questions with one cheek swab.
Jill: Exactly. A simple D.N.A. test will put an end to all of this, okay? Coincidentally, my D.N.A. is already on file at Memorial. All you have to do is go to the genetics lab, and the swab takes two seconds, and--and then... (Sighs) We'll find out if we really are sisters.
Lauren: Just like that, huh?
Michael: I mean, if you're willing.
Lauren: Well, yeah, of course. I need that answer as much as you do.
Ashley: Hello.
Tucker: Hi. Did the case not go well for Lily?
Ashley: It's not that. You know, Neil's daughter is Lily, and--and she's not doing well. I mean, she may-- she may be dying.
Tucker: Oh. (Sighs)
Ashley: I know.
Tucker: I can't imagine what Neil must be going through.
Ashley: And, you know, I can't, either. (Sighs) But I can't add to it. You know, he doesn't need to hear about what happened in Japan-- not from me, and not from you.
Tucker: Well, that's not an issue.
Ashley: Okay.
Tucker: I don't usually share that kind of information. But... I can't pretend I'll forget about our time together. I suspect you won't, either.
Ashley: I don't regret what happened, but it's over.
Tucker: It doesn't have to be.
Ashley: Neil needs me.
Tucker: What about when what Neil needs and what you want are two different things?
Ashley: I want to be with Neil. I do.
Tucker: I don't believe that. But that's for you to sort out. I'll be happy to wait... but not too long.
Kay: Now if Lily flew all the way back from Europe to make sure that her babies were safe, then you have to know you did the right thing, Mackenzie.
J.T.: Katherine's right. If Lily were carrying those babies, she wouldn't have that amnio.
Kay: Yeah--
Mac: But she's not carrying them because of the cancer, and the chemo is destroying her, and the stem cells could make her stronger.
Kay: Darling, she has made her decision, Mackenzie. Now respect her wishes. Respect the fact that she made the choice knowing what it means.
Mac: But I could talk to her and tell her that I made a mistake...
Kay: (Sighs)
Mac: And--and that I'm not worried for the babies anymore.
J.T.: Are you honestly willing to have that amnio now?
Mac: The risk is low, and it could save Lily's life.
Kay: All right, no. No. Um, make... make no decisions today, all right? Let's just talk about this tomorrow.
Mac: Grandma, Lily's dying... not someday, but soon. Tomorrow could even be too late.
Cane: Is the pain better?
Lily: Yeah, but it'll get worse.
Cane: Then we'll get you more pills.
Lily: Cane, after it gets worse, it'll be over.
Cane: Lily... (Voice breaks) Please don't.
Lily: Listen, being with you is so precious to me. I am grateful for every second that we have together. But when it's time, you have to let me go.
Cane: I can't. (Voice breaking) I can't. I can't.
Lily: It's okay.
Cane: (Sobs) I can't. (Sniffles) (Sobbing)
("When the Wind Blows" playing)
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Skye: As soon as I win, we'll be able to come and go as we please. No one would dare touch us.
Adam: That doesn't include my father.
Victor: Don't you worry about Adam. When I get to that plane, he'll be with me.
Billy: This is your fault.
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