Y&R Transcript Monday 6/21/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 6/22/10 -- USA
Episode # 9425 ~ Lily's Plea
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Oh, thanks.
Jill: Good morning, Michael.
Michael: Hey, Jill, how are you?
Jill: I’m in shock.
Michael: Losing Elizabeth like that so suddenly.
Jill: Yeah, I don't think it's really sunk in yet, you know? I can't imagine that she's gone. (Sighs)
Michael: Well, it sounds like she was a special lady.
Jill: Oh, she was. She was a wonderful mother. Michael, I wish I'd been better to her, you know? I wish I'd spent more time with her, but I was always so busy, so self-involved.
Michael: Well, I'm sure she knew how much you loved her.
Jill: Yeah, and as if that's not enough, then I find out who my parents were after all these years, my real parents.
Michael: Whenever it rains, it pours, right?
Jill: (Sighs) You know, besides us, Katherine's the only one that knows that Lauren and I may be half sisters.
Michael: Oh, uh, I won't say anything.
Jill: Good. Good, because today should be about Mackenzie and Cane.
Michael: Yes. I wish it hadn't have gotten this far.
Cane: Me, too.
Jill: Oh, Sweetheart.
Cane: Hey.
Jill: (Sighs)
Cane: What are you doing here, huh? Your mom just passed away.
Jill: I'm here to support you.
Cane: Thank you. Um, I'm sorry to hear about Liz.
Jill: Yeah. I was just really glad that my brothers and I could be there at the end, you know, to tell her that we loved her and good-bye and kind of have some closure.
Cane: It must have been a blessing for you.
Jill: Yeah. Anyway, the hearing.
Cane: (Sighs) Yeah.
Jill: Are you having second thoughts?
Cane: No. I wish I could have persuaded Mackenzie to do the amniocentesis, but now I'm just hoping the court will order her to do it.
Jill: You know that the stem cells from Mackenzie's amniotic fluid are not gonna cure Lily's cancer.
Cane: I know, but if they make her stronger, she can deal with the second round of chemo they're about to put her through.
Jill: That's a mighty big "If" at this point.
Cane: You know, when, um, when she was in France and nothing was working, I could have, you know, accepted the inevitable and given up, but I can't. How does a man just, you know, give up on the thing, the woman he loves, more than life itself, you know?
Jill: I know, Honey. I know, Sweetheart. But to go behind Lily's back-- what if she never forgives you?
Cane: Well, if she does that, well, you know, I'll deal with it. I just want her to live. That's it.
Jill: Cane, listen to me--
Cane: All right, listen, Mom. Please, I-I can't deal with lectures right now. I can't. I-I got so much going on today. Please, okay?
Jill: Okay, okay.
Mrs. Greer: Hello, Cane.
Cane: Hey, Valerie, um, Valerie Greer, my-- this is my--this is my lawyer. This is my mom. This is Jill Abbott.
Jill: It's nice to meet you. I'm gonna leave the two of you alone to speak in private, okay?
Cane: Thank you.
Jill: I love you.
Cane: I love you.
Valerie: How are you?
Cane: Um, okay. I, uh, just want this to be over with. Just tell me that we're gonna win.
Valerie: I wish I had a crystal ball, Mr. Ashby.
Cane: You know, if the judge doesn't rule in my favor, I'm gonna lose my wife.
Mac: (Sighs) I can't believe Cane's actually taking me to court.
J.T.: You know what? I get that he's desperate. But just so there's no doubt, I'm on your side.
Mac: There shouldn't be any sides.
J.T.: Well, you're doing what Lily wanted.
Mac: (Sighs) Yeah. She's been against the procedure from day one.
J.T.: Good, so stop feeling guilty. You're fighting for those babies, and you're fighting for Lily.
Mac: That's why today is so crucial.
Neil: Hey.
Malcolm: Hey.
Neil: Hey, Malcolm.
Malcolm: (Sighs) Feels kind of strange, you know, Lily not being here.
Neil: Yeah. I wish Olivia had been able to bring her home.
Malcolm: (Sighs) She was too weak to travel. I mean...
Neil: You--you think we should have told her?
Malcolm: About the hearing?
Neil: I mean, I know we decided that she was better off not knowing...
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Neil: But...
Malcolm: I don't think there's any reason to upset her, Neil. There's nothing she can do.
Neil: Cane's not gonna back down.
Malcolm: Sometimes, others can see what's best for you when you can't.
Neil: Hey, you know what I'm praying for? I'm praying that this judge dismisses this case and Lily never has to know that any of this ever happened.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Neil: Do you understand how fragile she is right now? Right? This could devastate her.
Malcolm: I think that she'd get over it if it led to saving her life.
Neil: Even if the judge rules in Cane's favor, you do realize Lily may choose not to use the stem cells.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Neil: See, that's-- that's what's eating me up here. My-- our little girl is dying. And no matter what happens in there today, all I see is heartache.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Chance: Mr. Ellis, have a seat.
Frank: (Sighs)
Heather: We've been very anxious to talk with you again, Mr. Ellis.
Frank: Could have fooled me.
Heather: I beg your pardon?
Frank: I mean, I tell you I got major inside info on why Riggs was killed, I don't hear from you for days.
Heather: I've been busy.
Frank: (Scoffs) Doin' what?
Chance: Someone tried to blow up her car with her in it.
Frank: I hadn't heard about that.
Heather: No reason you would have.
Frank: So does this mean that your boss is finally paying attention?
Heather: He's still not willing to cut you a deal.
Frank: (Scoffs) What the hell is his problem?
Heather: He doesn't believe that we can trust you.
Chance: But he is letting us talk to you again.
Frank: That's big of him.
Chance: Look, I'm gonna tell it to you straight, Frank. All these things that you claim you know, if you want any chance of being moved to a more "Cush" penitentiary, you'd better start giving us some details.
Frank: Well, lots of folks that you work with, they ain't who you think they are.
(Lock beeps)
Kevin: Jana!
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Jana: My God, Kevin, what are you doing here? Couldn't--couldn't--
Kevin: I came to drop off your mail, Jana, some of your things.
Jana: Well, couldn't you have phoned first?
Kevin: I tried to phone first. Apparently, you've been busy.
Jana: Kevin, this is...
Kevin: I asked you point-blank if anything was going on with you two!
Jana: Well, it wasn't then.
Ryder: Kevin, it just... look, I'm sorry, man.
Jana: (Gasps)
Ryder: (Grunts)
(Breathing heavily)
Jana: Are you okay?
Heather: Mr. Ellis claims that we have a very serious internal problem on our hands.
Owen: Oh? Well, what kind of internal problem?
Frank: Mm, drugs are getting into the prison.
Owen: Hardly a news flash.
Frank: I'm not talkin' about the visitors smuggling them to the inmates.
Heather: What then?
Frank: Guards, prison personnel-- they're bringing 'em in and then selling it.
Heather: Any idea where these drugs are coming from?
Frank: Yeah, the cops. And that's what Riggs was gonna tell you the night he died.
Chance: That would explain why he was so freaked out.
Heather: And why you woke up from being hit over the head with narcotics planted on you.
Owen: Uh, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Frank: Okay, look, Riggs was the middleman. He just couldn't hack it.
Chance: He wanted out?
Frank: Yeah. He figured he'd talk and get transferred somewhere else.
Owen: Much like Mr. Ellis here.
Frank: Look, I'm not makin' this up.
Heather: Uh, Mr. Ellis, you have to understand. These allegations are very serious. The implications are so far-reaching.
Frank: I'll get you everything, just as soon as I get my--my deal in writing.
Owen: (Chuckles) No, you provide us with a list of names and transactions, and then we'll talk.
Frank: Yeah, go to hell.
Owen: Time's up, Mr. Ellis.
Chance: Owen, give me a couple minutes.
Owen: All right, five.
Chance: All right.
Chance: Mr. Ellis... (Sighs) You're not very bright, are you?
Frank: What?
Chance: You just told the D.A. to go to hell.
Frank: Yeah, well, if I had photos and written confessions, he'd still think I was lying.
Chance: If you're not, Ms. Stevens and I will back you. But you've gotta give us something concrete.
Neil: Michael.
Michael: Hmm?
Neil: Feeling confident?
Michael: Yeah, but you understand there are no guarantees, right?
Neil: Right. Of course.
Devon: Hey, Neil.
Neil: Hey, Devon.
Devon: I talked to Lily yesterday.
Neil: Yeah? How'd she sound?
Devon: She sounded terrible. Look, I know that you are against this lawsuit...
Neil: Yeah.
Devon: But the--the thought of my sister not being on this planet... that's why I'm supporting Cane.
Neil: Yeah. I know. I know, Son. It's okay.
Neil: (Exhales)
Michael: You and Devon okay?
Neil: Yeah. Yeah, we'll get through this. Thanks.
Jill: Hi.
Malcolm: Hey, Jill. I hate what this is doin' to the family.
Jill: You mean pitting us against each other?
Malcolm: Yeah. I still believe Cane's right.
Jill: (Sighs) You know, there are no bad guys in this. I mean, we're all fighting for Lily in our own way.
Malcolm: Why don't you tell that to my brother?
Jill: That's a good idea.
Jill: Hi. You hangin' in there?
Neil: Trying.
Jill: Look, is there a way that we could all possibly work this out?
Neil: You know what, Jill? You see, this is Cane's doing, right? This is not mine.
Jill: He just can't bear the idea of Lily slipping away.
Neil: Neither can I. Lily's not here. Mac and I are her only advocates. You understand that, right? Excuse me one minute.
Neil: I'm so sorry about everything.
Mac: This shouldn't be happening. It's wrong.
Neil: Yeah.
Mac: Excuse me.
Mac: It's not too late to end this.
Cane: Do you really think I'm enjoying putting you through this after everything you've done for Lily and me?
Mac: Then respect my wishes and hers, and drop the lawsuit.
Cane: I can't.
Mac: What if the judge rules against you?
Cane: Then I'll know I did everything humanly possible to try and save Lily.
Mac: (Sighs)
Jana: God, are you okay?
Ryder: Yeah.
Jana: (Sighs) I know you're upset, but you should not have hit him.
Kevin: Why not? It felt good.
Jana: Because I am the one that you are angry with.
Kevin: No, no, no, Jana. I'm upset with him, too.
Ryder: Look, I was trying--
Kevin: Shut up! All your talk-- "Kevin, I never knew what it was like to have a real family before." What a load of crap.
Ryder: I-I meant it.
Kevin: I said, "Shut up!"
Jana: Stop it! You had no right bursting in here the way that you did. How did you even manage to get the bloody key?
Kevin: Well, Jana, I showed my I.D. to the front desk, and I said I needed to get into my wife's room.
Jana: I thought we agreed that our marriage was over.
Kevin: Yeah, we did, but stupid me, I was worried about you.
Jana: Why?
Kevin: Why? Because I haven't heard from you in days, you're ignoring my phone calls.
Jana: Well, I just figured that it would be best if I kept my distance.
Ryder: She was trying to--
Kevin: If I have to tell you one more time to shut your mouth, I will do it for you. Now get the hell out of here! She and I need to talk.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Kevin: (Breathing heavily)
Heather: I don't think playing hardball was the way to go.
Owen: I don't make deals with snitches.
Heather: If he has information that could help us--
Owen: Heather, he's blowing smoke. If he had the goods, he'd say so.
Heather: I'm not so sure.
Chance: You have gotta give me something to take back to the D.A.
Frank: Look, I'm riskin' my life just being here, all right?
Chance: Look, I believe what you're telling me is sincere. But you can't start talking about guards and police being dirty without naming names.
Frank: What if I give Pomerantz names, and then he sends me back inside? If word gets around, I'll end up dead like Riggs.
Chance: I think you're scamming us.
Frank: You gotta believe me. I mean, look what happened to you, Ms. Stevens. You think it's a coincidence? And if I rat these guys out, I-I-I can't go back, man.
Owen: Well, I don't see anything in writing. Get him out of here.
Chance: Wait, wait, wait. Owen, we're not-- we're not done here.
Owen: Oh, yes, you are.
Frank: If anything happens to her, it's gonna be your boss' fault, man.
Chance: (Sighs)
Owen: Look, he's just playing us.
Chance: His story is adding up, though. Look, the guy is obviously freaked out, all right? I-I-I believe him.
Owen: If he's legit, he'll-- he'll give us what we need.
Heather: Hopefully, while I'm still alive.
Cane: Nobody's given us a greater gift than Mackenzie, and I feel nothing but gratitude towards her.
Mac: (Sighs) When I agreed to be Cane and Lily's surrogate, I vowed to protect these babies.
Valerie: Explain Lily's situation.
Cane: My wife has ovarian cancer, and she's out of the country at the moment receiving treatment. They're giving her stem cells from an adult donor, but it's not working, and her immune system is compromised now. I only filed this lawsuit after I found out that her condition was getting worse.
Mac: Finding out that Cane, Mr. Ashby, was suing me for my amniotic fluid... I was stunned.
Cane: Stem cells from her own babies are Lily's last chance at survival.
Michael: Miss Browning, would you tell the court why you're against this amniocentesis?
Mac: There are risks to the twins.
Cane: We've been reassured the risk of complications are very low, and if it could help my wife fight for her life...
Mac: As far as I'm concerned, any risk at all is too great, especially because these are the only children that Lily and Cane will ever have together.
Cane: If you knew Lily, if you knew what a kind person she was, and what a wonderful mother she would be... she deserves to see our little babies grow up. And the babies, they--they deserve to be loved by two--by two parents.
Mac: It kills me that Lily might not be here to see her children be born.
Michael: And yet, Miss Browning, you refuse to have a procedure that could possibly prolong her life.
Mac: These guys can't speak for themselves, so I have to do it for them. And this isn't just about me. Lily is completely against my having the amniocentesis.
Michael: Thank you, Miss Browning. That's all I have, your honor.
Judge: Ms. Greer?
Valerie: I have no further questions.
Judge: You may step down.
Mac: Thank you.
Michael: Your honor, may I approach the bench?
Judge: Counselor?
Valerie: (Clears throat) (Quietly) I'd like to file for a motion for dismissal.
Judge: (Quietly) On what grounds?
Michael: This is Miss Browning's body. If she's forced to--
Valerie: (Quietly) Oh, come on. You can do better than that.
Michael: Really?
Valerie: Yeah.
Judge: I've looked over Mrs. Ashby's medical records and the briefs that you've both submitted. Her situation is grave, and I have found nothing to indicate any significant risk to the well-being of the babies or the surrogate.
Michael: So you're going to rule for Mr. Ashby.
Judge: I need to review today's testimony. But I would not have agreed to hear this case if I was not willing to consider setting a precedent.
Lily: Please tell me I'm not too late.
Olivia: I'm Lily's aunt, Dr. Winters. We just flew in from France.
Lily: Your honor, would it be okay if I testified?
Judge: I'll allow it. But first, we'll have a brief recess.
Cane: I missed you, Baby.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: Lily, hey, Baby girl.
Lily: Hi.
Neil: It's so good to see you.
Lily: Hey, Dad.
Malcolm: It's about time you brought your little self home.
Lily: Mm.
Devon: Lily, I...
Lily: It's okay.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Lily: (Chuckles) It's all right. It's, uh, really good to see all you guys.
J.T.: Nothing like a grand entrance, huh?
Lily: Oh, my gosh. You're so big.
Mac: Tell me something I don't know.
Lily: Well, any problems, or...
Mac: Aside from an insane craving for pizza with anchovies, no. No, the twins are great.
Lily: May I?
Mac: Yeah, of course.
Lily: Hi, little babies. It's your mommy, and I love you both so much.
Neil: Hey, uh, Lily, why don't--why don't you-- why don't you sit down, all right? Take a load off, please.
Malcolm: Yeah, you must be exhausted from your flight.
Devon: Yeah, by the way, what were you thinking hopping on a plane like that?
Neil: Olivia, I thought you said she was too ill to travel on a plane.
Olivia: Yeah, well, she rallied a little in the last couple days.
Cane: Does that mean that--
Olivia: It means that despite the doctor's orders, "Miss Stubborn" here insisted.
Lily: Well, when I heard about the lawsuit today, I had to come.
Cane: How did you find out?
Jill: I called her.
Heather: Okay. Well, uh, could you just please have him call my office? Thank you. (Sighs) (Sighs)
Chance: (Exhales)
Heather: I can't even go to my room to get a file without worrying about my safety.
Chance: Well, that's what you've got me for.
Heather: (Sighs) You're a detective, not a bodyguard.
Chance: (Chuckles)
Heather: Although since you saved me from that bomb and after everything Ellis said today...
Chance: Mm.
Heather: You are the person I feel safest with.
Chance: So what do you think of Frank's story?
Heather: My gut tells me he's on the level.
Chance: Mm-hmm. Which means Owen is going about this the wrong way. He's trying to blackmail Ellis. (Sighs heavily)
Heather: Yeah, like, "Give us the information, or somebody's gonna take you out."
Chance: Yeah, right now, Frank is so scared that he's just gonna stop talking to us altogether.
Heather: I know. (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs) If the people in prison find out that he's a narc...
Heather: We've got to get those names.
Chance: Uh-huh, if there are cops in my department who are selling drugs... (Sighs) We don't know who they are. We don't know how many of them there are.
Heather: Which means we can't trust anyone.
Chance: Yeah.
Kevin: I accept that things are over between us.
Jana: Do you?
Kevin: Yes, I do. You feel nothing for me anymore. And after what I just walked in on, I don't recognize you.
Jana: Well, I cannot help that I am not the girl that you married anymore.
Kevin: It doesn't matter, Jana. It doesn't matter who you are. Getting involved with Ryder is a bad idea.
Jana: 'Cause he's your brother?
Kevin: No, because he betrays people.
Jana: I know that that's how you see him.
Kevin: You have to realize that you're playing with fire.
Jana: You don't know Ryder the way that I do.
Kevin: Right. Right, the Ryder that you have compassion for.
Jana: (Sighs) Do you know that it was the first emotion that I have felt since they operated on my aneurysm? I was tired of being numb.
Kevin: Has it crossed your mind even once that maybe he's using you?
Jana: I reached out to him. He never once asked me for help.
Kevin: Well, the best cons don't. They manipulate you, and they make you think it was all your idea.
Jana: He's not like that.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Really? Really? I mean, 'cause he's out of jail. He's living in the lap of luxury. He even has a hot new toy.
Jana: God, don't be mean.
Kevin: (Sighs) I just... I just want to help you, Jana, okay?
Jana: (Sighs)
Jana: Ryder and I... it's not just that I feel compassion for his situation, or that I'm allowing him to use me.
Kevin: Then what is it, Jana?
Kevin: Say it.
Jana: I care about him.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Jana: And I want to be with him.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Kevin: You're falling for my brother.
Neil: Jill, why the hell would you call Lily?
Cane: You knew how sick she was.
Jill: She had the right to know.
Malcolm: It wasn't your decision to make, Jill.
Devon: All right, guys, let's just chill out.
Michael: Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the venue.
Olivia: And Lily doesn't need any more stress.
Lily: Okay, would everyone stop treating me like I'm gonna have a meltdown, please?
Neil: Jill, this wasn't your business.
Cane: How could you do this to me?
Jill: Look, I know that you were all trying to look out for Lily, okay? But you were going about it the wrong way.
Neil: And what makes you an expert?
Jill: Because nobody deserves to be lied to about something this important.
Cane: So you took it upon yourself just to--
Jill: You would have regretted--I swear to you-- you would have regretted not being honest with her. All of you would have regretted it. Trust me, I know. (Sighs) You can't hide something of this magnitude from somebody you love, no matter what the repercussions are.
J.T.: Why is she so worked up?
Mac: Liz Foster died yesterday.
Lily: Okay, would everyone just leave her alone please? I'm grateful that she even had the guts to speak up.
Cane: Listen, hey, now you know the reason for doing what I did. Do you understand?
Kevin: Of all the guys in Genoa City, Jana... Ryder?
Jana: In the beginning when I couldn't feel anything, he was the only one who didn't put pressure on me.
Kevin: To be somebody you no longer were, right? You told me that already. Need I remind you that he is the man who kidnapped you, kept you locked in a cage? You almost died. Hey, he's the whole reason your life changed in the first place.
Jana: No, my aneurysm is the reason why I'm like this now.
Kevin: Well, you might not have had one if you'd gotten medical attention sooner.
Jana: (Sighs) I just don't want to argue with you about this anymore.
Kevin: Well, Jana, how could you feel anything but contempt for him?
Jana: (Sighs) I will admit it took me by surprise.
Kevin: Well, you could have just walked away.
Jana: I didn't want to.
Kevin: Why? Why not? Is he that much of a stallion in bed?
Jana: If you think that that is what this is about--
Kevin: Well, it doesn't matter what I think, does it? Or Michael, or Lauren, or anyone else who cares about you. You want to be with that scum? Fine. But do not come crying to me when he screws you over, and he will screw you.
Jana: Kevin, that's-- that's not--
Kevin: And another thing. You said you were gonna find a cheaper place for you and "Prince Charming" to stay.
Jana: Yes, I am.
Kevin: Good. Good. 'Cause you don't have the money to afford two rooms here much longer, unless you put it on the joint account. Mnh-mnh.
Jana: No, I do not expect you to pay for any of my expenses.
Kevin: Oh, well, I wasn't sure. I mean, you did take out a loan on the coffeehouse to bail him out of jail without even asking me about it.
Jana: I will pay you back for both of the rooms. I can cover it.
Kevin: Barely, but that's not my problem anymore. You just get yourself outta here soon, because if you think for a second that I am paying for any of this...
Heather: This shouldn't take long.
Chance: Thank you very much. All right, ready?
Heather: Oh, my God.
Chance: All right, hey, wait.
Heather: (Scoffs)
Chance: Wait. Stay-- stay out here. Stay out here, okay? Just give me a minute.
Chance: All right, they're gone.
Heather: Somebody was in here looking to see if I had any new information.
Chance: Yeah, and sending you a message that you are still not safe. They can get to you in your car, your home. They can get to you any time and anywhere they want.
Heather: (Sighs)
Kevin: Can I get a, uh, vodka rocks? Light on the rocks, double on the vodka.
Ryder: Was it a bad scene?
Jana: (Sighs) I have hurt Kevin so much.
Ryder: So have I. And the last thing I want to do is cause him more pain.
Jana: (Sighs)
Ryder: But being with you, Jana--
Jana: Oh, this is just not the way that things were meant to turn out.
Ryder: I get it if you're telling me that we've gotta end this.
Jana: No, I'm not. I'm not. This is what I want. You are still what I want, Ryder.
Owen: What were they looking for?
Chance: As far as we know, her files.
Heather: This has convinced me even more that there's merit to Ellis' story.
Owen: We don't know this is related to him.
Heather: I've met with him twice, and I've been targeted both times afterwards, and the same thing happened to Chance, if you recall.
Chance: Look, I know that you're waiting for Ellis to blink here, but our lives are in danger.
Heather: Please, Owen, let us handle this the way we want to.
Chance: We can get you the names that you want.
Owen: No, I'm sorry. No, no deal until he give us what we want.
Chance: (Sighs) Then something's gotta change.
Heather: (Sighs)
Owen: Meaning?
Chance: Meaning that Heather can't stay at the hotel, Owen. There are too many people going in, coming out of there all the time.
Owen: All right, agreed. We'll find her an apartment where you can secure the perimeter.
Heather: Thank you, Sir.
Owen: Look, I know you think I'm being a hard-ass. But I just don't want anything to happen to either of you.
Heather: We know that.
Owen: So, uh, whatever reason you're being threatened, it's clear you've stumbled on to something big, which is why I'm assigning another detective to this investigation.
Chance: Wait, what?
Owen: I'm not replacing you, Chance. You've been doing a good job.
Chance: Well, then why are you--
Owen: Well, you're still pretty green. I want you to have backup, someone with a little more experience. I've already talked to your superior, and he's all for it.
Chance: (Sighs) Whatever you say, Sir.
Owen: Good. I'll call your new partner and ask him to stop by. I think you're gonna like him.
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: Hey. This could be a good thing.
Chance: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, I guess we're gonna find out.
Mac: Excuse me.
Michael: Okay.
Mac: I didn't, um, really get a chance to see you last night. I didn't get a chance to express my condolences.
Jill: I'm sure you had a lot to deal with preparing for today.
Mac: Well, I've been-- I've been in a daze since I found out about the lawsuit.
Jill: Yeah, it must be really difficult getting caught between a husband and a wife that way, huh?
Mac: I was really torn about whether or not to tell Lily what was going on.
Jill: And yet, you didn't. Why not?
Mac: Because everyone was against it, and I decided it wasn't my place.
Jill: (Laughs) So you're saying it wasn't my place, either?
Mac: No. Telling Lily was the right thing to do.
Jill: Thank you. I hope Cane comes around.
Lily: Cane, you shouldn't have filed that lawsuit without discussing it with me first.
Cane: I knew you would just try to talk me out of it.
Lily: Well, it wasn't fair for you to keep me in the dark. But, you know, I know that your heart was in the right place.
Cane: You know, everything I did, I did 'cause I love you.
Lily: I know.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: When I heard the pain in your voice on the phone when I told you nothing was working...
Cane: Yeah, my heart was breaking for you, for the babies.
Lily: I should have realized you'd do something drastic. (Sighs)
Cane: I'm sorry. I just, um...
Lily: No. Hey. No more looking back, okay? I did a lot of soul-searching after Jill's call.
Cane: Does that mean you've changed your mind about Mac's procedure?
(Door opens)
Judge: Would everyone please take a seat? Mrs. Ashby, I'm ready to hear your testimony now.
Ryder: I know how bad Kevin must be feeling right now, but I'm really glad this is out in the open.
Jana: Really?
Ryder: I've lived so much of my life behind a lie. I don't want to be that guy anymore.
Jana: (Sighs) I just wish he hadn't found out the way that he did.
Ryder: Well, look, you've been-- you've been spending a bundle on both these rooms. So... what if we share one?
Jana: No, we can't do that.
Ryder: Am I moving too fast?
Jana: No, it's not that.
Ryder: Is it the money?
Jana: (Sighs) I can hardly even afford to pay for this room anymore.
Ryder: I'll handle it.
Jana: You?
Ryder: Well, you took care of me. Let me take care of you.
Kevin: No, thanks.
Alison: You sure?
Kevin: Alison? How are you?
Alison: I'm good, really good.
Kevin: Good. It's been a while.
Alison: Since your mom set us up on that date. (Chuckles)
Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah, that awkward date.
Alison: No. I mean, only until you told me what was going on. Did your wife ever come back?
Kevin: Um, well, the short answer is, uh, yes, she did.
Alison: Oh, that's great. If you're waiting for her, I can go. I just--
Kevin: No, no, no. I'm not. I'm not waiting for her. We split up.
Alison: I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted things to work out.
Kevin: Well, you can't make somebody love you. (Sighs)
Alison: So that's it? There's no hope?
Kevin: Not a shred.
Alison: Do you want some company while you finish your drink?
Kevin: I would love some company.
Alison: Okay. Thanks.
(Knock on door)
Chance: (Sighs)
Owen: Oh, Detective Malloy. This is my A.D.A. Heather Stevens.
Heather: Hey. Hello, Detective.
Ronan: You can call me Ronan.
Owen: And this is your new partner, Detective Phillip Chancellor. He goes by "Chance."
Chance: (Clears throat) I'm, uh, looking forward to working with you.
Ronan: You might change your mind about that, Phil. So I, uh, I heard you've been having some problems. And don't worry. I've got your back now.
Lily: When I went to France, I knew the odds of surviving my cancer were against me.
Judge: What treatment did you receive there?
Lil: Um, I was infused with adult stem cells, and I was simultaneously given chemo because my doctors didn't think that I should put it off any longer. Um, but, uh, it was no use. They, um, they finally told me that they had done all they could do. And, you know, when you hear news like that, you pretty much have no choice but to accept it.
Judge: Has that changed your perspective regarding your husband's lawsuit?
Lily: I don't want Mac to have the amnio. I felt that way before I left, and I feel even more sure about it now. It's, like, I know the chances are slim, but I can't bear anything happening to my son or daughter. And if I'm going to die, you know, when I-I die, I... I need to be at peace with myself. And the only way that can happen is if Cane and our babies are together.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mac: I was sure that I was doing the right thing for the babies, and now I think I've made a horrible mistake.
Lauren: You're talking about a father that I adored. If he had another child, I'm not gonna keep that silent.
Ashley: Are you sure you want me at the meeting right now?
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