Y&R Transcript Friday 6/18/10 -- Canada; Monday 6/21/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9424 ~ Nick Can't Let Go
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nick: So Jack told me that Dad called and asked you to fly to Sao Paulo. I'm glad you didn't go. I don't want you anywhere near Adam. So, uh, when you get a minute, why don't you just call me? I'd like to spend some time with Faith, okay? Bye.
Phyllis: Your dad wouldn't have called Sharon unless he really thought he needed her to find Adam.
Nick: Well, he's gonna have to come up with a different way. Using Sharon as bait-- nothing justifies that.
(Knock on door)
Jack: Where is he?
Phyllis: Hi. Right...
Jack: Nick?
Phyllis: There.
Jack: Get on the phone. Call your dad. Tell him to send her back.
Nick: Not Sharon.
Jack: She's in Brazil.
Nick: (Sighs)
Victor: Thank you for coming.
Sharon: Well, you know, the more I thought about it, there's just no choice. We can't let Adam get away with what he's done.
Victor: (Sighs) I didn't want to have to involve you.
Sharon: I know. I want to be involved. The whole flight down here, I kept replaying some things in my head that Adam said to me-- how impressed he was with my strength, and how much tougher I am than people give me credit for, and you know what? He was playing me when he said that. So I want to show him exactly how right he was about me. I want him brought down, and I want to help.
Victor: Good.
Skye: You're not still bothered about that call from Canada, are you?
Adam: If Victor tracks me here, then he finds out about you.
Skye: Oh, come on. We're a continent away from dear old dad.
Adam: Yeah, you don't know how relentless he can be.
Skye: (Scoffs)
(Shower turns off)
Skye: What?
Adam: Did you hear that?
Skye: Even now, you can't relax?
Adam: Yeah, well, there's this little thing called my dad and Jack Abbott being hot on our trail.
Skye: They'll never look here.
Adam: Shh, shh, shh. We need to get the hell out of this country.
Skye: That's the plan-- make our big score tomorrow at Wan's game, retire to a life of luxury anywhere you want to go.
Adam: We gotta get out of here. That's too long. We gotta do it now.
Skye: (Scoffs) Forget it, Adam. I'm not leaving.
Kay: Uh, well, you know that you're welcome to stay as long as you want.
Greg: Well, thanks.
Kay: Oh, and by the way, um, if you need any help with the arrangements...
Snapper: No, there's not gonna be a funeral.
Kay: No?
Snapper: No, Mom always wanted her body donated for research.
Greg: Yeah, I know, but we-- we gotta do something. Uh...
Snapper: Yeah, but--
Greg: A memorial.
Snapper: Yeah, but she was really clear, man. She didn't want a big display of emotion. And since we're the ones who knew her best, we paid our respects while she was still with us.
Greg: All right, then we got no choice. I--we gotta honor her wishes? Fine.
Snapper: As much as we can.
Kay: Uh, Gentlemen, forgoing a funeral is one thing, but, uh, more important is keeping a secret that you know in your heart should come to light.
Greg: What--what do you mean, "A secret"? What?
Snapper: (Sighs) Mom always knew who Jill's real parents were.
Greg: She-- she let Jill think that Katherine was her mother?
Snapper: She didn't want the real truth coming out.
Kay: And now it has. You did tell Jill what she needed to know, didn't you, Snapper?
Jill: Oh, I should have called.
Lauren: No. No, no, that's okay. Come in. You know, Michael has a meeting, but I-I'm sure he could spare a minute.
Jill: No, no, no, no. It's you I came--came to--
Michael: Lauren, I'm gonna be in the court, and then I'm gonna ca--oh. Hey, Jill. How are you?
Jill: Well, my mother... (Sighs) Liz Foster just passed away.
Lauren: Oh, Jill.
Michael: I'm--I'm sorry.
Lauren: Had she been ill?
Jill: Yeah, but it was pretty sudden. I mean, she was on a plane coming to visit me, and she just collapsed.
Lauren: Did you get a chance to see her?
Jill: Yeah, I was with her when she died. So were my brothers.
Michael: Good you had family around.
Jill: (Sighs) Yeah.
Lauren: Uh, Jill actually came here to talk to me, so if you have a meeting or something...
Michael: Oh, uh, um, anything we can do... you know that.
Jill: Thank you, Michael, thank you.
Michael: Okay.
Jill: (Sighs)
Michael: Uh, bye.
Lauren: Oh, bye, Baby. Do you want to sit down?
Jill: Yeah.
Lauren: Can I get you something to drink?
Jill: No, thank you. (Exhales)
Lauren: Okay. So what did you come to talk to me about?
Jill: Oh, my Lord. I don't even know where to begin.
Lauren: Must be very important to tear you away from your family right now.
Jill: You're not gonna understand this, but I'm with family right now. Lauren, I've just learned that you're my half sister.
Lauren: H-how is that even possible?
Jill: Trust me, I am as shocked as you are.
Lauren: Where'd you hear this?
Jill: Liz told Snapper when she was dying. She didn't want the secret to die with her.
Lauren: So tell me what she said.
Jill: Okay, she said that she has always known who abandoned me at the hospital. It was this young girl, a teenager, very poor.
Lauren: What was her name?
Jill: I don't know her name. I do know that her boyfriend was willing to marry her, but the boy's father, his whole family, objected very strongly. They were well-to-do. They were influential. They wanted their son to go to college and become successful. They didn't want him to disgrace the family with an illegitimate child, you know? And his father put a lot of pressure on him until he was willing to--to walk away from my mother and me.
Lauren: So this boy... your father...
Jill: Was Neil Fenmore, your father.
Lauren: Jill, I-I... I just don't know where Liz would have gotten this, but I've gotta tell you, I... I can't believe that it's true.
Snapper: Fenmore's went on as if it never really happened, like Jill was never born.
Kay: Well, Snapper, that's not an unusual reaction back then, I'm afraid.
Greg: I still don-- I don't get it, why Ma didn't want Jill to know.
Kay: Oh, Greg, please. I mean, Jill has struggled most of her life with self-doubt and insecurity. She's always felt like she was the outsider. No, no, no, no. Elizabeth knew how crushing it would be if she heard the story. I mean, come on, Gentlemen. I mean, to be deemed unworthy before you're even born?
Snapper: You think I shouldn't have told her?
Kay: Now I didn't say that, Snapper. I did not say that at all. She has every right to know about her heritage, no matter how painful.
Snapper: I think I know why mom lied to Jill about you being her mom all these years. She wanted Jill to have a feeling of acceptance, belonging. She knew she wasn't gonna get that from the Fenmore's.
Kay: Well, and I consider it an honor that she trusted me to be there for her.
Snapper: Now I'm telling you the truth for the same reason Mom lied. I want Jill to have your support.
Kay: Well, uh, I, uh, I will call her. I mean, she's probably reeling from all of this.
Nick: So you spoke to Sharon? She went to Brazil?
Jack: N-not directly. I called the private jet terminal, though. They confirmed it.
Nick: This is a disaster.
Phyllis: No, it's not. Your dad's with her.
Nick: Adam is unpredictable and violent.
Phyllis: Never towards Sharon.
Jack: That could easily change.
Phyllis: Oh, what are you talking about? You were just there looking for Adam. You would be there, too, if you didn't have to stand trial.
Nick: That's different.
Phyllis: How is it different, Nick?
Jack: He's already put her through enough.
Phyllis: Good. So she went down there to deliver payback in person. Good for her. More power to her.
(Telephone rings)
Jack: So you'll call your dad?
Nick: I'll let him know he crossed the line.
Phyllis: Hello?
Jack: Okay, I'm gonna call Michael.
Phyllis: Yeah. Okay.
Jack: Maybe he knows something we don't. I'll get back to you.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: That's great. Thank you. All right, thanks, Nikki. All right, uh, Sharon dropped off Faith at your mom's before she left.
Nick: (Tapping foot)
Phyllis: Nick, you're wrong to be angry with Sharon. She's doing this for you... to keep you out of prison.
Nick: I am not angry at Sharon. I'm angry at my father, for putting the mother of my kids in danger.
Sharon: When were these taken?
Victor: Last night.
Sharon: But he's not at the hotel now?
Victor: He checked out.
Sharon: Because I called him and I told him that we were on to him. I'm so sorry I did that.
Victor: Don't feel badly about that. I understand that you had to do that, okay?
Sharon: (Sighs) I just-- I had to hear his voice.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: It just wasn't real to me that he was alive until then, after I spent months convincing myself that we were safe, and I'd never walk into my room again and find him holding my baby.
Victor: Mm. You must be terrified.
Sharon: Well, he's never exactly threatened Faith, not in so many words.
Victor: Well, he didn't have to, did he?
Sharon: You know, I... I dream about him still. Sometimes in my dreams, he--he takes Faith away again. And I just-- I can't live in fear like that. I won't. That's why I need to know exactly where he is, and I need to know that he cannot hurt anyone else I love.
Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want him to hurt you, okay? So you need to follow my instructions to the letter. Is that okay with you?
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Just knowing that you're here, I think, will be enough to flush him out into the open. I don't want you to come in contact with him. But if that should happen, I will protect you.
Sharon: How do we let him know I'm here?
Victor: (Sighs) I'll show you.
Victor: Boa tarde. Sim. O jornal, por favor.
Jill: Look, I didn't expect you to accept this without questions, okay? I have questions.
Lauren: (Sighs) So did Liz stay in touch with this woman, your birth mother?
Jill: Uh, no. She took her own life.
Lauren: Jill... (Sighs) Snapper never should have told you this. I mean, not now.
Jill: No, it's my story, Lauren.
Lauren: But what if it isn't?
Jill: (Scoffs) Liz would have had no reason to lie to Snapper.
Lauren: She's done it before. She let you believe that Katherine was your mother. I-I mean, it may have been out of love, but...
Jill: Yeah, but she swore him to secrecy. She did not want me to know about this.
Lauren: (Sighs) And--and honestly, what about this young girl? I mean, maybe she wasn't completely honest. It was a very romantic story that you told, but clearly, she was troubled.
Jill: Okay, so you won't even consider the possibility this is true then?
Lauren: It's just it's so far from what I know of my father.
Jill: I know. But it happened a lot of years ago, okay? And your family looked on it as a disgrace. They're hardly gonna let you know about it.
Lauren: You have to understand. If there was a tragedy like this in my father's life, I would have had some sort of inkling. We were very close.
Jill: So you had that kind of relationship with him? I mean, you could talk about...
Lauren: Everything. I have heard a million stories about his life, and nothing with this kind of history in it.
Jill: Yeah, but he was trying to put it behind him.
Lauren: Anybody who knew my father would know that he would never turn his back on his child, no matter what. It--it's unthinkable. He was a very devoted father.
Jill: (Sighs)
Skye: Oh, no. Hey, that's both of ours.
Adam: So come with me.
Skye: You're being so shortsighted.
Adam: Skye, I'm the only one who's looking beyond tomorrow.
Skye: Tomorrow could set us up for life.
Adam: What kind of a life is it gonna be if Victor finally catches up to us, huh?
Skye: You don't even know for a fact that he's here.
Adam: Jack is here, Skye, and he was on the phone with my father's personal attorney. What, you think Victor is lounging by a pool at home somewhere? Skye, listen to me. What happened last night, if it means anything to you, and if there's any future that you and have together, any kind of a future, you're gonna have to be with me on this. If not--
Skye: What? If I don't leave with you now, it's over?
Adam: Yeah, that's pretty much it. If you're not with me, you're not with me.
Skye: Fine. You stay in the shadows. I'll take the risk.
Adam: Okay, you take the risk. I'll take the cash.
Skye: Adam, wait.
Jack: I need you to call Sharon, convince her that you can get Nick acquitted without her playing bounty hunter.
Michael: I'm sorry. I'd love to, but I'm not that good a liar.
Jack: What are you saying? You don't have a case? You can't help Nick? It's hopeless?
Michael: Of course not. But having him here, having Adam here, putting him on the stand, that would be a huge boost to our case.
Jack: I thought you said you already had evidence that Adam set Nick up.
Michael: I have evidence. I can't use it. It's ruled inadmissible because Adam can't be cross-examined. But if we can produce him, the prosecution's case falls apart.
Jack: (Sighs)
Michael: Look, I understand. I understand your concerns about Sharon. But... (Sighs) If she had asked me, I would have told her not to go. But she went. And for Nick's sake, I can't say I'm sorry.
Jack: Well, Nick is sorry. Nick is upset, damned upset.
Michael: (Sighs)
Jack: If Victor's plan backfires and Sharon pays the price, his son isn't gonna be any more forgiving than I am.
Sharon: What is it?
Victor: It's from the hotel desk. I asked them to screen all of my calls.
Sharon: Who's it from?
Victor: It's from Nicholas. "I don't have your new cell phone number yet, and I have been trying to reach you. Please call me A.S.A.P."
Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, I hope everything is going okay with the trial.
Victor: Well, that is a-- yeah, I know.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Hello?
Victor: Hi, Son, I got your message. What happened in court?
Nick: Uh, not much. Just opening statements. Is Sharon with you?
Victor: Uh, in fact she's right here.
Nick: Take her to the airport. Put her on a plane home right now.
Victor: I don't think she'll agree to that, Son.
Nick: Well, then don't give her a choice, Dad. Look, I know that you both are just trying to help me, but the last thing I want is to have Sharon anywhere near where Adam can get to her.
Victor: Now wait a minute. Do you think I would allow that to happen?
Nick: Well, none of us has a real good track record, Dad, of figuring out when this psycho's gonna strike.
Victor: Why don't you talk to her yourself, all right? Here she is.
Sharon: Hi, Nick.
Nick: Hey, come home now.
Sharon: Not until I've done what I came here to do.
Nick: Look, your daughter needs you, okay, Sharon? If anything happens to you...
Sharon: Nick, your father is my personal bodyguard, so you don't have to worry.
Nick: You think Adam still loves you, and that means that you can trust him?
Sharon: I-I don't trust Adam, okay? I'm terrified.
Nick: Then what the hell are you doing?
Sharon: I'm protecting my family, and don't tell me if the situation were reversed that you wouldn't do the exact same thing. Of course you would.
Nick: (Sighs) Look, I-I-I have a real bad feeling about this, all right?
Sharon: It's called helplessness. Maybe next time, you'll listen when I tell you I'm feeling it.
Nick: That's doubtful.
Sharon: Well, a girl can dream, huh?
Nick: Just be careful. Stay safe, all right?
Sharon: Okay.
Victor: Thank you for now. Son, I promise you, we'll take no unnecessary chances.
Nick: Don't let anything happen to her, all right? I need her here.
Victor: You have my word. I won't let anything happen, all right?
Phyllis: You need Sharon here? (Scoffs)
Nick: She is opening herself up to an attack from Adam.
Phyllis: Oh, please, we're all open to attack from Adam. He's on the loose. We're all open to attack. (Sighs) I'm glad that she's down there. She's gonna take him down, thank God.
Nick: I don't expect you to have the same level of concern.
Phyllis: You know what? I am concerned. I am concerned. But, see, what you have here, it's not concern. It's some anxiety, some panic, over Sharon. What is it with you? You know, you'd think that she was a child instead of a grown woman.
Nick: No, she is a grown woman, up against a psychopath.
Phyllis: Not with your dad there. He will protect her. He's not gonna let Adam come near Sharon. Listen, Nick, this is phenomenal news. I mean, we're gonna catch Adam, and he--he'll probably confess. This is our first chance, and--and I'm glad that Sharon is down there. She's doing something for herself. She's standing up on her own two feet. Good for her, you know? She's--she's not being the victim. She's being the avenger. But look at you. I mean, you don't want to see her like that. You want to see her as some, sweet, poor, little "Woe is me" Sharon.
Nick: Okay, just stop it.
Phyllis: Oh, you stop! (Sighs) Stop! I can't believe this. What's really going on here? What is the real problem here?
Victor: We have to make absolutely sure that Adam seeks you out, not the other way around.
Sharon: Don't you think there's risk we're being overly cautious? I don't want us to miss our opportunity here.
Victor: Sharon, I don't think there's anything like being overly cautious where Adam is concerned. You know what he's capable of, okay? Especially now. He feels betrayed by you.
Sharon: Because I've turned against him.
Victor: He doesn't think he can trust you.
Sharon: You know, if he suspects that this is a trap, he won't come.
Victor: Oh, he'll come. He can't resist you. Remember how long the phone call was between the two of you? He must have suspected that I would use that to trace his whereabouts. He's in love with you. That's the one weakness he has, and we need to exploit that.
Sharon: So when do we start?
Victor: The plan is already in motion.
Skye: I can't believe I'm doing this. It's like dropping out of school the night before graduation.
Adam: "You gotta know when to hold 'em," Skye.
Skye: Oh, shut up.
Adam: Hey, it's the smart move, and you know it.
Skye: (Sighs) You know how long I've been working toward this payoff? Tomorrow's game would have been the highest stakes I've ever played.
Adam: Hey, there will be other games, Skye. We're gonna be able to come back here eventually when the heat dies down. You understand me? Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. I need you on this one. Look, I can't take any chance of anything happening to you.
Skye: All right, we play the hand your way.
Jill: The only thing I know for sure is that Liz believed this story.
Lauren: (Sighs) I just--I-I don't know where to go with this. Um... you know, my--my grandfather and my father, they've passed on.
Jill: I don't expect you to do anything, okay? I just... I thought you should know about it. Um... (Sighs) The one consolation I have in all this is... maybe I have a sister.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jill: Um... but I-I can see that that's unfathomable to you. Just would you promise me that you'd keep an open mind on it?
Lauren: (Sighs) Yes. Yes, I will. I-I'll look into this.
Jill: Thank you. Thanks, and I better get back, 'cause my brothers will be worried about me.
Lauren: Please tell them how sorry I am.
Jill: Yeah, I will. Uh...
Jill: Mm.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh, well, there you are.
Greg: Well, we were worried about you.
Snapper: Afraid we wouldn't get a chance to say good-bye.
Greg: (Sighs)
Jill: Good-bye? What, you're leaving? Both of you?
Snapper: We don't want to. We... we know you're in good hands with Katherine.
Kay: Snapper told us what you learned about your parents.
Snapper: I hope you're all right with that.
Jill: (Sighs) I'm fine. No more secrets.
Greg: Hey, you're, uh, you're not mad at Ma, are you?
Jill: No. I understand why she did it. Everything she did, she did for us anyway.
Greg: Yeah, well, you know, Ma knew what we needed before we did, and she made sure we got it.
Kay: And the poor, motherless little girl that you were needed a family.
Jill: She gave me a wonderful one.
Greg: That's right.
Kay: (Sighs)
Snapper: (Chuckles) Hey, you always wished you had a sister. Well, now you do.
Jill: (Chuckles) We'll see. (Clears throat)
Kay: Did you tell Lauren?
Jill: Oh, yeah. That's where I was.
Kay: And how did she respond?
Jill: She was very gracious, and very skeptical.
Michael: Ah, I thought you were going into the boutique.
Lauren: I found someone to cover.
Michael: You feelin' all right?
Lauren: Yeah, I'm fine.
Michael: Oh, hmm. You thinkin' about your dad?
Lauren: Oh, I'm just wondering how well I knew him.
Michael: Well, you've said you were always close.
Lauren: Yeah, we were. We were very close, you know? I was an only child. We confided in each other. I mean, I guess there's a possibility that he kept things from me.
Michael: (Chuckles) We all have secrets. (Sighs)
Lauren: Not like this.
Michael: Well, like what?
Lauren: Like maybe he had another daughter... Jill.
Nick: I really wish you wouldn't read so much into this.
Phyllis: What am I supposed to think? I mean, you're in a state of anxiety here, high alert, you know? Sharon's in danger. Whoo, problems!
Nick: She just got out of the hospital.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: She almost died. I just got done worrying...
Phyllis: Oh, please.
Nick: That my daughter would not know who her mother is.
Phyllis: Blah, blah, blah. (Sighs) Is it about your daughter? Is it because Faith won't see her mother? Because that's not what you said before.
Nick: What's it gonna take to convince you that I'm committed to this marriage?
Phyllis: It's gonna take you being committed to this marriage. But you are so protective of Sharon and so possessive of Sharon.
Nick: No.
Phyllis: Yes! You know what? And I don't even blame her. I don't blame her. She's doing all the things I ever wanted her to do. She's standing on her own two feet. She's getting a life, but you're standing here freaking out!
Nick: Getting a life I'm okay with. It's the putting her life in jeopardy is where I have a problem.
Phyllis: No, actually, that's not your problem. Your problem is I can't take this anymore. That's your problem, Nick. I can't keep on looking at this every time I turn around.
Nick: I'm not gonna apologize for being concerned.
Phyllis: Of course you're not. I don't even want your apologies anymore. I want this to change. I want it to change.
Nick: Well--
Phyllis: Is it gonna change? Is it?
Nick: We're under a lot of stress right now, all right? Let's just agree to talk about this after the trial.
Phyllis: Oh, sure, Baby, I'll do that. I'll talk about it after the trial. I'm going out.
Nick: Don't do that. Phyllis.
Phyllis: Give me a break. I really need a break. (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Jack: So did Nick convince Victor to send Sharon--
Phyllis: Oh, go to hell. (Sighs)
Jack: I beg your pardon?
Phyllis: Why do you always have to go to Nick with Sharon's problems? Why do you always do that?
Jack: Because Sharon wasn't listening to me.
Phyllis: For good reason. It's none of your business. Nor is it Nick's business. You're her ex-husband. You're both ex-husbands-- ex. (Sighs)
Jack: Nick is also the father of two of her children.
Phyllis: Oh, really? Do you think I don't know that? I know. They have kids. They have a bond. They have history. I know. And he's trying to move on. And it's impossible to do when you come over pushin' all the wrong buttons.
Jack: Okay, I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Don't apologize to me. I'm not done yelling at you.
Jack: I didn't think of the position I was putting Nick in. I know you two have been through a lot of strain lately with the trial and Sharon and the baby almost living with you.
Phyllis: I moved her out. I moved her into the penthouse. I was so tired, Jack, of seeing her freakin' face all the time. She's in another country, and her presence is still looming. Oh, my God, this never ends.
Sharon: That's me at the airport just a few hours ago.
Victor: Right. And you know that Adam will be following the story. In fact, perhaps this is all we need to flush him out in the open.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Victor: So maybe you can go home.
Sharon: No. No. I mean, what if-- what if he doesn't follow that story? What if we need to do something more? Besides, I want to be here when he's captured, because I-I want to tell him to his face how I feel about him.
Victor: Listen carefully. There'll be plenty of time when he is behind bars. Meanwhile, don't do anything to agitate him, all right? Just tell him what he wants to hear.
Sharon: He wants to hear I'm still in love with him.
Victor: Then that's what you'll tell him.
Skye: So what's the plan? Are we flying out?
Adam: Unh-unh. No, no, no. Uh, transportation workers are striking. There's huge delays at the airports, the bus stations, train stations, everywhere.
Skye: Oh, well, looks like we'll be doing a lot of driving. Time to trade in our boring old wheels for some sporty new ones.
Adam: (Sighs) You know, thinking about this, um, it's gonna take some time to-- to get out of the country, you know, no matter how we do it. With--with the strikes, the roads will be packed. I-I, uh, I think that maybe Victor will probably have people at--at the border looking for us. Maybe we--we just, uh, we--we lay low for a while.
Skye: How low?
Adam: Uh, invisible low.
Skye: You're telling me I'm gonna be across town from a game I'd kill to get into, and I can't go?
Adam: Well, maybe if we're extra cautious--
Skye: Yes! Yes, I will leave nothing to chance! (Gasps)
Adam: I just don't want to hear you whining forever...
Skye: (Squeals)
Adam: About the score that you could have taken down.
Skye: You're gonna be so glad we did this. Oh.
Sharon: I'm not sure if I could hide my real feelings from Adam.
Victor: Sharon... you have to. Chances are you will never get in touch with him directly. But if you do, I want your assurance that you will not do anything to anger him. I promised Nicholas that I will keep you safe. I don't intend to let him down.
Sharon: Neither do I. I'll do anything. I'll do anything where Nick's concerned.
Victor: I'm grateful to you. Thank you.
Nick: (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs) Hey, Mom, it's me. Yeah, how's Faith doing? (Chuckles) Good. I appreciate you taking her on such short notice. Yeah, um, no, I'll come and get her. I really want her with me tonight.
Phyllis: I'm just worn out, Jack.
Jack: Red, you gotta let it go.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Listen to you. "Let it go." What, did you just let it go when you were married to her?
Jack: No, I let her go.
Phyllis: I can't. I love him. Why--why do I have to give something up? (Sighs) You know, why do I have to fight? Why--why do I have to do that? Why can't he do that? I mean, why can't he stop needing her? (Sighs)
Michael: (Chuckles) You and Jill as sisters. (Chuckles)
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: Unbelievable.
Lauren: Well, that was my first reaction.
Michael: What? Now you're thinking it's possible?
Lauren: No. No, I mean, there's no way. That's just not who my father was. (Sighs) No one can blame Jill for trying to cling to some semblance of a family, but I'm pretty sure this isn't true.
Michael: Well...
(Glasses clink)
Michael: Easy enough to find out.
Snapper: Now you call me or you come see me. I would love it.
Greg: No, no, no, listen, I got dibs. Besides, Chicago is a lot closer than London, huh?
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: Mm.
Greg: My sister, yeah?
Jill: Mm, my brother.
Greg: (Laughs) Kay Chancellor, thank you so much for everything, okay?
Kay: You're welcome. Not to worry. She's gonna be in good hands.
Snapper: I know she will.
Kay: Okay, Snap.
Snapper: Come here. And remember, Ma is with us all the time.
Jill: Yeah. I love you.
Snapper: I love you. Bye.
Jill: Bye.
Kay: (Exhales) Well... (chuckles) Oh, dear God in heaven. This day has been one devastating blow after another, hasn't it?
Jill: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: I don't really think it's sunk in yet, you know? I suppose you'd be grateful for that, 'cause any moment, it's gonna hit me. I lost my mother today.
Kay: Oh, Sweetheart.
Jill: I lost both my mothers, and my father.
Kay: Well, thank God Liz protected you from their pain, their failings.
Jill: Oh, Katherine, can you imagine as a child if I'd had to deal with this? 'Cause even as an adult, I don't even know what to think. (Shudders)
Kay: Are you cold?
Jill: It's just the air conditioning.
Kay: Well, uh, I'll have Esther turn it off. (Stammers) What else can I do to help you? Come on. Come on. What?
Jill: Fenmore? Jill Fenmore.
Kay: (Clears throat) I think it's a nice name.
Jill: Yeah, but who is she?
Kay: Whoever you want her to be. This is a start, Jill, and it's all up to you from now on.
Jill: Mm.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: Jana!
Chance: If there are cops in my department who are selling drugs--
Heather: Which means we can't trust anyone.
Jill: To go behind Lily's back? What if she never forgives you?
Cane: I just want her to live. That's it.
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