Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/17/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/17/10 -- Canada; Friday 6/18/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9423 ~ A Tearful Goodbye

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

(Knock on door)

Man: Delivery from the States.

Victor: Oh, yes. I will take that. Thank you.

Man: Muito obrigado.

[Adam dreaming]

Sharon: Adam? I finally found you.

Skye: What is it?

Adam: (Breathing heavily)

Michael: Listen, this is only the first day of the trial.

Phyllis: There shouldn't be any days of the trial.

Nick: Well, there are, so we're just gonna take 'em one day at a time.

Michael: There. There, my point exactly. This is a marathon, not a sprint, which means that we need to be prepared for the long haul, right?

Phyllis: Oh, Jack, thank God. Thank God.

Michael: Jack.

Jack: Wow, you missed me, huh?

Sharon: Well, so what happened in Brazil?

Jack: I've been trying to get word to you. We've been playing a little phone tag.

Michael: Yeah.

Nick: What did you and Dad find down there?

Jack: Well, we have visual proof that Skye Lockhart is alive and well and gambling in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Michael: And Adam?

Jack: We pieced together enough to know he's with her. Your dad stayed there to trap him and drag him back here to clear your name.

Nick: It's gonna be tough to find Adam if he doesn't want to be found. I appreciate Dad trying, but it's a long shot that we just can't count on.

Kay: Uh, Murphy's offered to bring some coffee and pastries from the coffeehouse in case you're tired of hospital food.

Jill: That's very sweet of him, but--

Snapper: No, no, we're o-- we're okay.

Greg: Thanks, Kay. Look, why don't you, uh, go home and get some rest?

Snapper: Yeah. Yeah. We'll call you if anything changes.

Kay: (Clears throat) I can't leave now, for heaven sakes. I mean, we don't know how long until... uh, I prefer to stay, if that's all right with you.

Greg: Of course it is.

Jill: God, how do these rooms get so stuffy? (Chuckles)

Kay: I knew the moment the words came out of my mouth. I-I-I should talk to her.

Snapper: Unh-unh. Unh-unh. Sit. I got this one. (Sighs)

Jill: (Sighs)

Snapper: (Sighs) Hey.

Jill: (Sighs)

Snapper: Hmm.

Jill: What?

Snapper: You've got a little something right there.

Jill: Oh, thank you. (Sniffles) So this is what we do now, huh? We just wait. What, for days? For hours? Minutes? Just wait until Mama... Mama. (Sighs) My adoptive mother. Is that what it's gonna say in her obituary? That she's survived by her sons Greg and William Jr. and her adoptive daughter Jill?

Snapper: Look, I know you're angry with me and Greg, and we didn't finish talking before. So come on. Let's get it out. Get all this over with, huh?

Jill: I can't do that now. I can't. Our Mama's dying. (Sighs shakily) Ever since I can remember, Mama's hair has been gray or white. It... but she never seemed old to me, not until the tumor.

Snapper: Tumor gave her some trouble, but it didn't knock any of the "Feist" out of her.

Jill: I know. But, see, after that, I finally realized that she wasn't gonna live forever. I mean, I knew that, but the reality of it really hit me. And then I'd have all these random thoughts all the time about when it would happen and how it would happen and if I would be there for it. (Stammers) Is that really perverse to fixate on somebody's death that way?

Snapper: It's a way people deal with it, and it's a way you prepare.

Jill: Prepare? Can you really prepare for something like that?

Snapper: All the families I've had to break it to... not one of them was ready. It was like a punch to the gut every time.

Jill: It hurts already, Snapper.

Snapper: I know.

Jill: It's gonna hurt so much worse. (Sobs)

Greg: Well, she doesn't have you in a headlock.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Greg: Does that mean, uh, you're waitin' for me?

Jill: No wrestling. We're just talking. (Sighs)

Greg: About what?

Snapper: Waiting.

Greg: (Chuckles) Yeah. You know, guys, I-I've been thinking. Um, do you remember those coin-operated rides outside the grocery store on Cedar? Remember that?

Jill: Oh, my God. The blue dolphin and the pink pony.

Greg: (Laughs) Right.

Jill: (Laughs)

Greg: And--and Ma, she'd bribe us, right? That if we didn't tear apart the store...

Jill: (Laughs)

Greg: That maybe we'd get to ride, yeah?

Snapper: And she'd make us switch off in midstream 'cause she didn't want to waste a nickel.

Greg: (Laughs)

Jill: (Laughs) A Nickel. I know.

Snapper: (Laughs)

Greg: But we could never pull it off, could we? Being good, huh?

Jill: Oh, but she'd still let us ride the...

Snapper: Didn't you get her to take a ride once?

Jill: Oh, I did!

Snapper: Yeah?

Greg: Do you remember? She--she climbs on, one hand, smilin', laughin'.

Jill: Oh, she had that laughing fit, and she cried, she laughed so hard.

Snapper: (Laughs)

Greg: (Laughs)

Jill: Oh, my God. Oh, Mama.

Greg: Ride, ride, ride.

Snapper: (Chuckles)

Jill: Mama.

Liz: (Sighs) (Exhales) (Murmurs)

Kay: Well, look who's finally up.

Liz: (Sighs) Where's the kids at?

Kay: Outside. Do you want to-- I'll get them for you.

Liz: No, no, no, no, no, no. Y-you shut up an old woman on her deathbed before. But now you--you hush and you let me talk.

Skye: If I were the girlie type, I'd ask what you were thinking about, or who.

Adam: You know, I don't want to get into it, Skye, okay?

Skye: So just forget I know the name Sharon?

Adam: Yeah, please.

Skye: Obsessing over some woman is not your thing, and neither is running scared, so focus on the solution. The poker game Wan is setting up-- we just need the when and where.

Adam: (Sighs) How much do you think the take is gonna be?

Skye: Just like I told you-- enough for us to buy plenty of protection and live large.

Adam: We'd have to go back to Sao Paulo, you know.

Skye: Gotta go back if we want to start over.

Adam: Jack was at the hotel, so Victor could be there. If we go back, I-it's like we're begging to get caught, you know that?

Skye: What's the alternative? Ignore the chance at a major win? Who are you?

Adam: Who am I? I'm a guy who went to jail. I don't want to go back again, or worse, okay? You want to start over, Skye? We start now. We get everything we have and we get out of here. We go as fast as we can as far away as we can.

Sharon: Is Nick right? Is what Victor's doing impossible?

Jack: Victor's setting himself up as a pigeon, an unskilled poker player who loves the game and in this case, just happens to have millions. Adam wants to start his life over. He needs a score like this, and from all I've heard about Skye, she can't pass up a mark like this.

Michael: Well, let's hope it works.

Sharon: He's making himself a target. Adam has nothing to lose, which makes him dangerous.

Michael: It's time.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Okay. I love you.

Nick: I love you, too. I'm gonna be okay.

Phyllis: Okay. Me, too. I'm gonna be okay.

Jack: Hey, look. We got your back here. We got your back in Brazil. You're not gonna go down for something you didn't do. I believe that. You have to believe it, too.

Michael: All right, we should go in, people.

Nick: First leg of the marathon.

Sharon: Nick.

Sharon: (Sighs)

(Cell phone buzzes)

Sharon: Hello?

Victor: Sharon, this is Victor. I need you to come to Sao Paulo as soon as possible.

Owen: Most of you have heard of the defendant's name before this trial. You've seen his picture in the paper. Nicholas Newman-- a wealthy business man, heir to an empire, the man who has everything, the last person you'd expect to kill. But the state will prove that's exactly what Mr. Newman did. On April 1st, at the policemen's masquerade ball, in a building filled with law enforcement, Mr. Newman took the law into his own hands. He thrust a Gibraltar liberator pen into the heart of a man he thought was his half brother. However, it wasn't his brother that he killed. The murder victim was Richard Hightower, a devoted father bravely battling cancer on the verge of recovery. But Mr. Newman stole Richard Hightower's future in a fit of rage. That it was a case of mistaken identity makes it even that much more tragic. You'll hear about the threats Mr. Newman made on his brother's life. You'll hear the accused's own admission of an altercation with Adam Wilson the night of the murder. You'll see the blood evidence on Mr. Newman's clothes, and hear how his wife attempted to get rid of that evidence. And you'll hear how the defendant's sister gave him an elegant and expensive pen, and how Mr. Newman used it as a lethal weapon when he jammed it into an innocent man's chest. Now you knew the name and the face before today. But when the prosecution presents its case, you'll know much more about Nicholas Newman-- businessman, heir to an empire, and murderer.

Sharon: Come to Brazil now?

Victor: Yes, it is very urgent, because I am just about to flush out, uh, Skye Lockhart into the open, okay?

Sharon: Jack told us about your plan.

Victor: Although I may flush her out, that doesn't mean that Adam will necessarily follow unless he has a very good reason to.

Sharon: And you think that he'll come out for me?

Victor: It's a very unpleasant thought. I know that. And that is why I hesitated to call you.

Sharon: I'm scared of him. Victor, I... I mean, its one thing knowing that he's alive and he-- he's out there. He could get to me or Faith. But to purposely put myself in his path, I...

Victor: Sharon, I understand that. I really do. But I will always protect you. I will always protect Nicholas.

Sharon: I mean, just seeing Adam again...

Victor: I know what I'm asking of you is rather difficult. But please consider doing it for me and doing it for Nicholas, all right? If you decide not to do it, I understand. But I certainly hope in my heart that you will come.

Jack: Hey. Why are you still out in the hall?

Sharon: That was Victor. He wants me to fly to Brazil and help lure Adam out of hiding.

Jack: No way in hell.

Liz: Mm.

Kay: Okay? Okay?

Liz: (Sighs)

Kay: Fine, then. You talk. Who's stopping you?

Liz: I lied when I told you both that Jill was yours. I thought I was dying back then. There wasn't gonna be anybody to look out for her. I needed somebody who could. And--and I thought you'd be good for each other. You could fill each other up, especially that emptiness that you both have sometimes. Oh, don't be offended.

Kay: How can I? (Chuckles)

Liz: And now here I am, and I'm really dying. And Jill cannot be alone. It's not good for her.

Kay: She won't be alone, Elizabeth.

Liz: (Inhales deeply)

Kay: (Sighs) No, no, I prom-- I-I promise you. I will look after her. That was quite some lie you told when you made her mine.

Kay: But that lie became the truth, didn't it? I thank you and love you for it.

Liz: (Sighs)

Kay: Oh.

Greg: You can't get pissed off and disown us every time you get in the mood, you know? And I'll tell you something, Kiddo, you're in the mood a lot.

Jill: (Laughs)

Greg: Yeah.

Jill: How can I disown you? You're not even mine.

Greg: Oh, come on.

Snapper: We're your brothers. You're our sister. End of story.

Jill: I am telling you, ever since I heard about this adoption thing, it has been one shock after another. I mean, all those years, I thought Mama was my mother, okay? Then she wasn't, and Katherine was my mother. Then she wasn't. So now I have two mother figures and no mother. And I don't know who I look like. I don't know where I come from. It... it's really weird to be a secret to yourself, guys. But... I have you, don't I? I mean, you're my constant in all this mess. I am so sorry for the things I said to you guys last night.

Snapper: (Sighs)

Greg: Oh, come on. Are you kidding? Look, uh, I'm a lawyer. I'm used to it.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Greg: You gonna clock me if, um, I try to hug you?

Jill: No.

Greg: Then come here.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Greg: Mwah. Mm...

Jill: Oh.

Snapper: Hey, I'm sorry, too. I didn't understand all the pain you've been going through, all the unanswered questions.

Jill: You know, the hardest part is that now I may never have the answers.

Snapper: This is probably the worst time to tell you this.

(Footsteps approach)

Kay: It's time.

Jack: Look, I know you care about Nick, but no way. You are not playing bait for Adam.

Sharon: I didn't say yes.

Jack: Good. Victor is playing with fire down there. Power brokers and gambling-- too much cash and not enough law. That's fine for Victor, not for you.

Sharon: Well, he didn't want to ask me.

Jack: And yet somehow, he managed to.

Sharon: That's because he's right. I'm the only person who Adam will reveal himself to.

Jack: Then Victor will have to work a little harder to flush Adam out. Look, you don't even have to listen to me. Nick will never go for your taking that kind of a risk.

Sharon: Well, I can't go in there and watch Nick get torn apart when I know there was a way I could have helped him. Just tell everyone I went to see Faith.

Jack: Okay, uh, Sharon? I know this is frustrating. You made the right decision.

Jack: (Exhales slowly)

Michael: (Sighs) The D.A. has made an assumption... many assumptions, actually, most of them way off base. The D.A. is assuming that when you see a wealthy man, you will resent him. The D.A. is assuming that you are all drooling over salacious tabloid headlines, so that when you hear "Mistaken identity," "Baby stealing," "Brother hating brother," you'll get sucked into the drama. The D.A. is also assuming that you will forget that this is a human being charged with a crime he did not commit. Nicholas Newman did not try to kill his brother. Nicholas Newman did not accidentally murder Mr. Hightower. Mr. Newman was framed, and the D.A. bought it. And now the prosecution wants you to buy it, too. We will prove why the blood evidence the D.A. mentioned earlier is unreliable. We will prove why the so-called eyewitness testimony is nothing more than--than sloppy hearsay. And that murder weapon-- you did notice how badly the D.A. wanted you to know how expensive it was. That's so you will be jealous of Mr. Newman and punish him for his bank account. That's how little the D.A. thinks of you. That expensive pen was not even on the person of my client at the time of Mr. Hightower's death. The D.A. would prefer you not notice how methodically and carefully my client was set up. After you hear our case, you will not hand down a guilty verdict as the D.A. assumes you will. You will know that the person who killed Richard Hightower is not even in this room. (Sighs) That person is out there... somewhere... literally getting away with murder.

Adam: Come on. Come on. (Striking keys on keyboard) I gotta get online. Load up.

Skye: You want me to take a look at it?

Adam: I just need it to find a new place for us to lay low.

Skye: After the game, not before. If I go play this game, we won't need to run. I'll score the millions we need to buy ourselves safety no matter where we are.

Adam: You know what, Skye? You're not the only good poker player in the world.

Skye: (Chuckles) I'm not good. I'm great.

Adam: (Sighs)

Skye: And Wan found a pigeon, some guy who wants to play with the big boys. Has the money, but doesn't know squat about the game.

Adam: You know, idiots get lucky, too.

Skye: Ha. Not that lucky. Besides, I know how Wan runs the game. He uses bicycle limited editions in blue.

Adam: So you're gonna stack the deck?

Skye: Aces and kings. Trust me. I'll win, and with this rich mark in the mix, I'll bring home a fortune.

Adam: Okay, go and win.

Skye: (Chuckles) After Wan's game, no one can touch us-- not the law, not the U.S. government, not even Victor.

Mr. Wan: Ah, meu amigo. Nice to see you back, Sir.

Victor: Mr. Wan, nice to see you. As I said, after yesterday's losses, I intend to win my money back and more.

Mr. Wan: I'm sure your luck will turn around.

Victor: Sooner rather than later. Is there a game of hold'em that I can sit in at?

Mr. Wan: Why, yes, uh, but the blinds are $5,000/$10,000. Perhaps a little too high.

Victor: I don't give a damn. Show me the way.

Mr. Wan: Ah. (Chuckles) After you, Air.

Victor: Thank you.

Adam: All the money you could pull in, you could just take off and forget you ever knew me.

Skye: True. But I'm used to you.

Adam: Well, I can't pay you back.

Skye: With a pigeon like this one, I don't need your money.

Adam: I'm not talking about cash, Skye.

Skye: It's gonna take a while for you to detox off the love drug called "Sharon." Meanwhile, I have my cards to keep me busy. Not a problem.

Adam: You know what? You're right. I do need to, uh, get over Sharon, so if you win...

Skye: I will.

Adam: And we buy our freedom, my old life is dead and gone.

Owen: Newman's custom tuxedo jacket, stained with the blood of the victim-- found and then subsequently discarded in a dumpster by the defendant's wife Phyllis. Depositions from Victor Newman's housekeeper and a police officer assigned to guard Adam Wilson-- depositions attesting to Nicholas Newman's threats to harm his brother. Victor Newman's watch-- the crystal shattered when he and his son Nicholas attacked his other son Adam. And Nick Newman's... pen. Looks harmless enough, doesn't it? Elegant. But when he jammed it into an innocent man's chest, it wasn't harmless anymore. Nick Newman's wealth has kept him free for the time being. This evidence will change all that.

Michael: Objection! Your honor, Mr. Pomerantz's obsession with my client's wealth is getting a little tiresome. Mr. Newman didn't somehow buy his freedom, as you suggest. He posted bail like anyone else would.

Judge: Sustained. The jury will disregard the district attorney's last two statements. And I think that's enough for today. We'll continue tomorrow, time to be determined. Adjourned. (Bangs gavel)

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Listen, what--what is this? Nick has money. Therefore he's a murderer? I mean...

Nick: (Sighs)

Michael: Well, Pomerantz has to play the class card, because his evidence isn't that strong.

Nick: I was watching the jury's faces. He's getting to them.

Jack: Oh, trust me, the district attorney has more muck to rake, too.

Michael: Well, then it's our turn, and I'm your secret weapon.

Phyllis: And the fact that Nick is innocent.

Nick: The jury will find that out eventually.

Phyllis: I'm not worried... although I'd feel a lot better if we received a call from Victor with good news.

Victor: May I have a double shot of tequila, please?

Mr. Wan: So, Sir, has your luck changed?

Victor: No, Mr. Wan, unfortunately, it hasn't.

Mr. Wan: Ah. Well, tomorrow perhaps.

Victor: Yes, tomorrow perhaps, at your own personal game?

Mr. Wan: Oh, you remembered. Yes.

Victor: How could I forget?

Mr. Wan: (Chuckles)

Victor: But the stakes are gonna have to be high, you know, for me to recoup all my losses.

Mr. Wan: Well, winnings are going to be very substantial.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I like that. Where is it?

Mr. Wan: It's my private railroad car. But I could send instructions to your hotel if you like.

Victor: Mm-hmm. What's the buy-in?

Mr. Wan: $25 million, but I would suggest you bring more.

Victor: I will do that.

Liz: (Moans) Just--just stop fiddling with--with those knobs. Uh... (sighs) It won't make any difference. (Sighs)

Snapper: What'd you send me to med school for, Ma?

Liz: Um, I want all of you to--to-- to listen. (Sighs) Soon, we're not gonna be stuck in this room anymore. So when it's time to leave... (Sighs) I will not have any grieving. I have had a good life. Not easy, mind you, but good, just like yours. No mother has ever been prouder. You... you brought me joy. Smart... too smart for your own good sometimes. Oh, but a joy. So if... you feel sad about my passing, I want you to remember something. I know exactly who you are right down to your toes, and I love you.

Greg: I love you.

Liz: And you, my boy... (Chuckles) And your smile. You're such trouble. You took me in, and you kept me well. I only made it this long because of you. And I love you for that and a million other reasons.

Liz: Oh, my girl. No matter what you say, you are my girl. And there's something I should have told you a long time ago. I'm sorry.

Jill: (Sighs)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: Where'd Sharon go?

Phyllis: I thought I saw her sitting in the back. I guess not.

Jack: Sharon went home.

Nick: Why? Something with Faith?

Jack: Uh, no, no. Faith's fine. Sharon just needed a little time.

Phyllis: Oh, well, Sharon wouldn't just take a break when he's on trial.

Jack: Your father called Sharon and asked her to meet him in Brazil.

Phyllis: To find Adam?

Jack: To lure him out of hiding.

Michael: He's using her as bait. God!

Jack: She knows she can't go for safety reasons. She feels like she's letting you down by not going there.

Nick: That's crazy. I would have flipped if she'd agreed to that.

Jack: I agree. I told her as much. Look, Nick, I want you free as much as anyone else. But we can't have Sharon walking through fire to make that happen. Adam's the one that put you behind bars. Adam's the one who should pay.

Adam: So you don't believe me? I thought you wanted me to get over Sharon. Now I'm--I'm--I'm trying to do that here, Skye.

Skye: Yeah, you're--you're doing great. Look, Adam, you and I, we're a lot alike. But this "Heart on your sleeve" thing you have going for Sharon? I can't relate.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, this is all a fantasy where Sharon's concerned. You're right.

Skye: That she'd run across the beach in slow motion and melt into your arms?

Adam: Yeah, you know what? This whole thing is over between Sharon and I. It was over before it even began. I realize that.

Skye: And you're all better now, ready to move on.

Adam: Yes, actually. I am.

Adam: (Sighs)

Jill: No, Mama. No apologies.

Liz: It was love-- all I did.

Jill: I know.

Liz: My baby. I'll always love you.

Jill: (Sobs) Mama, I love you, too. You know that, don't you? No matter what I ever said or did.

Liz: Oh, I know.

Jill: Oh, Mama. Do you remember that purple sweater you knitted me? The one I loved so much? Do you remember you let me sleep in it, Mama? (Sighs)

 (Monitor flat lines)

Jill: Mama? Mama? No. No.

Snapper: Jill. Jill.

Jill: No, Mama.

Snapper: Jill.

Jill: (Sobs)

Kay: (Whispering) Jill. Jill. Come here.

Jill: (Whispers) No.

Kay: It's all right.

Snapper: (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Jill: Not yet. (Sobs) No, just a little more time.

Snapper: No, no, no. Look, they need to take--

Jill: Please. Please.

Snapper: They need to take her.

Jill: I can't. Please.

Snapper: Okay.

Jill: Oh, thank you.

Jill: (Sniffles)

Jill: (Sniffles)

Kay: (Clears throat) Well, uh, now is certainly not the time for hotels. So, uh, why don't we all go to, uh, my home?

Snapper: Thank you.

Greg: Yeah.

Snapper: (Sighs) Come on, Sis. Come on.

Jill: You were gonna tell me something before.

Snapper: (Sighs) Does it really matter right now?

Jill: Please. I want to know. Mama's gone. Tell me.

Snapper: Well, you have a right to know.

Jill: A right to know what?

Snapper: Who you are.

Phyllis: You want to do a pattern? Orange, dark orange. (Laughs)

Summer: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Here's yellow.

Summer: Dustin's going to California. Can we go soon, too?

Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. We'll--we'll go to California. Daddy is really busy at work right now.

Nick: Yeah, but you know what? I think my schedule's gonna open up here pretty quick... (Rubs hands together) And I'm gonna take my two girls to... (Singsongy) California.

Summer: I told Dustin you'd say that.

Phyllis: Oh, no.

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: (Rubs hands together) (Normal voice) All right, what do you say we blow this pop stand?

Summer: It's not a pop stand, silly. It's a café.

Nick: Ohh, café. Aren't you the fancy one?

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: Café.

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: All right, let's do it.

Phyllis: Let's blow the café.

Skye: Now that, my friend, is what we've been missing. We always were good together.

Adam: Always.

(Cell phone rings)

Skye: Hello? Of course, wouldn't miss it. When and where? See you then, Mr. Wan.

Skye: (Sighs)

Adam: So the game is set, huh?

Skye: Tomorrow, his private railway car, and the pigeon will be there. It's all good from here on out.

Jack: Hey, Sharon. It's Jack. I, uh, just wanted to give you an update on Nick's trial, see how you're doing. I called the house, and you didn't answer, so I'm trying your cell and-- oh, Sharon, please tell me you didn't.

(Knock on door)

Victor: Yes?

Man: Sir.

Victor: Obrigado.

Man: De nada.

Victor: (Speaking Portuguese)

(Knock on door)

Victor: (Sighs)

(Elevator bell dings)

Jill: (Rings doorbell) (Sighs)

Lauren: Jill. Are you okay?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Snapper: I'm telling you the truth. I want Jill to have your support.

Skye: You stay in the shadows. I'll take the risk.

Adam: You take the risk. I'll take the cash.

Sharon: When do we start?

Victor: The plan is already in motion.

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