Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/16/10 -- Canada; Thursday 6/17/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9422 ~ A Foster Family Reunion
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Mr. Wan: The bet is $30,000.
Man: Too rich for me.
Mr. Wan: Mr. Newman?
Victor: Call.
Mr. Wan: Very good. Full houses, 7's over ace.
Victor: Damn it.
Mr. Wan: Our American friends are not doing so hot.
Victor: We certainly aren't. Let's take a break.
Mr. Wan: Your deal.
Jack: (Quietly) It's all in here.
Victor: (Quietly) Good.
Jack: You losing?
Victor: Mm-hmm, as planned.
Mr. Wan: That was a nice hand.
Jack: Well, I hope this plan of yours works.
Victor: The more I lose, the better the chance of attracting Skye Lockhart, and with her, Adam. (Sniffs)
Adam: All the cash in the world's not gonna be worth crap if Victor finds us.
Skye: That little Podunk village you're so anxious to get to, it'll still be there after I hear from Mr. Wan. He's putting a game together with a pot--
Adam: That'll set us up for life. I know. So I've been told. But if we're too dead to spend it, Skye...
Skye: (Scoffs) Get a grip, okay? You're starting to bug me. I know what I'm doing. Now are you coming, or what?
Adam: (Sighs)
Adam: (Sighs)
Estava: Excuse me. Stop right there. You're no longer welcome in my club. Your little scam is officially over.
Ashley: (Speaking Japanese)
Ashley: Um... (Speaking Japanese) (Chuckles)
Tucker: (Speaking Japanese)
Tucker: Arigato.
Man: (Speaking Japanese)
Ashley: Well, you've been holding out on me. You said you couldn't speak Japanese.
Tucker: Yeah, what I want to know is how are you fluent in a language except for the ingredients in your favorite drink?
Ashley: (Chuckles) Because I learned a long time ago that it's better to stay sharp when you're doing business on somebody else's playing field.
Tucker: But when the deal's all put to bed, so to speak...
Ashley: Arigato.
Tucker: Oh, no, put that away. Your money's no good here. (Speaking Japanese)
Jill: How is she? Is she still in pain? Do you know what's wrong with her yet?
Snapper: I just-- I need to light a fire under the lab results.
Kay: I--
Snapper: The biopsy should be back by now.
Kay: Well, I can put some pressure on the hospital.
Snapper: I'll take you up on that.
Kay: Good.
Jill: Great.
(Pager beeps)
Jill: Is it the lab?
Snapper: Yeah, finally. I'll be back. I'll be back.
Kay: Okay.
Jill: Oh, my God. (Sighs) I just feel so helpless. (Sighs)
Kay: Well, at least we'll know something, Jill.
Jill: Please, God, let the news be good. (Voice cracks) Please let everything be okay.
Greg: It will be. It has to be. Hey, kiddo.
Jill: Oh!
Greg: Mm.
Jill: (Sighs) Oh, Greg.
Greg: (Whispers) Its okay.
Greg: Jeez, Ma. I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but this, uh...
Liz: (Chuckles) Well, I had to find some way to get the three of you under one roof.
Kay: (Chuckles) How's Chicago, Greg?
Greg: (Sighs)
Kay: You must own that law firm by now.
Greg: Well, my little piece of it, yeah.
Liz: Don't be so modest. He's one of the most respected attorneys around, and you're handsome as ever.
Greg: (Chuckles)
Liz: (Chuckles) You and Snapper... oh, the girls that used to follow those boys around. (Laughs)
Greg: Yeah, well, what about Jill, huh? I mean, she had her share of, uh, what'd you call 'em? "Suitors"?
Liz: (Chuckles)
Greg: (Laughs)
Kay: (Chuckles)
Liz: Of course. All my kids did.
Kay: Uh, Elizabeth? Elizabeth, are you in pain? Shall I get a nurse?
Liz: Oh, no, no. (Inhales) It'll pass. It's just a little sore fr-from the biopsy.
Jill: Mama, um, you get some rest, okay? And we'll be right outside... if you need us, if you need anything.
Liz: (Sighs)
Greg: (Whispers) Hey. Good night.
Liz: Good night.
Kay: (Whispers) I'll be right outside, okay?
Liz: (Sighs)
Greg: Thanks, Kay.
Greg: (Sighs) Excuse me. Do I know you? (Chuckles)
Snapper: I have a vague recollection.
Greg: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Snapper: (Laughs) Good to see you.
Greg: Hey, how you doing, man?
Snapper: I wish you'd asked me that a couple of days ago.
Greg: Yeah.
Kay: Oh, the biopsy. What'd the lab say?
Jill: Can you make a diagnosis yet?
Snapper: Yeah. Mom's got Wegener's Disease.
Greg: "Wegener's"?
Snapper: Yeah.
Kay: I've never heard of it.
Snapper: It causes the immune system to go out of control. It causes inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory systems and the throat and the kidneys, and it's systemic.
Jill: It sounds serious.
Snapper: It's not, if it's treated early.
Greg: Snapper, what are you telling us?
Kay: How long has she had this?
Snapper: It's hard to say. Katherine, the symptoms are the same as getting old-- just aches and pains. But if she's had it for a long time and it's gone untreated, it'll spiral out of control into renal failure, and if that's the case, at the end stage... (Voice breaking) There's not much we can do.
Jill: No. No, I do not want to hear that.
Snapper: (Normal voice) Jill, I'm sor--I'm sorry. I wish I had better news. I'll give her prednisone. I'll give her methotrexate. You know, it could buy her some time, but I'm telling you, right now, our chances are not good.
Jill: (Sobs)
Kay: (Sighs)
Jill: (Sobbing)
Jack: (Quietly) So what if your plan fails? What if Mr. Wan doesn't take the bait? For all we know, Skye and Adam are on their way to Timbuktu by now.
Mr. Wan: Two spades. No? Sir, your bet.
Victor: Skye Lockhart is a gambler, right? She's biding her time, waiting for the big haul. That's what gamblers do.
Jack: And you really think Adam is just along for the ride?
Victor: I'm betting on it. And this briefcase you brought is the exact thing with which we will trap him.
Jack: Well, it'd better work fast. Nick's trial starts tomorrow. We've got one chance to nail these two, and we're running out of time.
Mr. Wan: Your bet?
Victor: Don't you think I'm aware of that? Don't get nervous, Jack. You do exactly as I told you, and you watch the pieces fall into place. Cheers.
Mr. Wan: And another 7. A pair of 7's. Sir, your bet.
Skye: Our scam? What are you talking about?
Estava: It has come to my attention from some concerned patrons that you've been cheating at cards.
Skye: "Concerned patrons." Would that be a euphemism for "Sore losers"?
Estava: Gambling is illegal. So far, I've been lucky. But the authorities won't continue to look the other way if complaints are filed. I'm afraid I must ask you to leave at once.
Adam: You know, I think we should listen to the man.
Skye: This is outrageous. You have no proof I've cheated anyone.
Estava: I decide who plays. You must take your business elsewhere. I want no part of your trouble.
Adam: Trouble? What do you mean?
Estava: Two men were here asking a lot of questions about you.
Adam: What men?
Skye: Adam s--
Adam: No, no, no, no. Hold on. What men? I need to know. Who were they? When were they here, and what kind of questions were they asking?
Estava: They were asking about your lady friend, and not in a good way, either. Perhaps she cheated them, as well.
Skye: You don't know what you're talking about.
Estava: Either you leave by yourself, or I'll call security and have you removed.
Adam: You still think I'm being paranoid?
(Cell phone beeps)
Skye: (Sighs)
Adam: Oh, is that the phone? The new one that no one's supposed to have the number to?
Skye: I gave it to Mr. Wan. He just texted me. He's busy with another game, but we're meeting later at our old hotel.
Adam: What? What are you tal-- are you crazy, Skye? If we head back there, we're gonna get caught.
Skye: If I don't go, we lose our shot at all that money.
Adam: There will be other games when we're safe, another time.
Skye: We'll never be safe without those winnings. We need cash to get out of here, money for bribes. Paying people off to forget they saw us gets expensive.
Adam: You want to know about prison? Because I can tell you all about prison. If we continue this way, that is where we're headed. We need to get out of here, and we need to do it now.
Jack: Well, looks like you're having quite an evening, Mr. Wan.
Mr. Wan: Holding my own.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You certainly are, Mr. Wan. Um, how about another round?
Mr. Wan: Mm, perhaps your luck will change, hmm?
Victor: Perhaps it will. But this time, I want to raise the stakes.
Victor: Why don't you open this? This is my buy-in.
Mr. Wan: My. (Laughs) Mr. Newman would like to raise the stakes, gentlemen. Are you in?
Man: (Sighs)
Man: (Chuckles) Another time, perhaps.
Man: Maybe later.
Mr. Wan: Very well, Gentlemen. Obrigado. Tomorrow night. Have a good evening.
Man: Good night.
Victor: How about just the two of us?
Jack: You can count me in. I haven't played hold'em in quite a while, so hopefully you'll forgive me if I'm a little rusty.
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles) What is the, uh, expression in your country? Uh, "The more, the merrier." (Chuckles)
Victor: You're sure you know what you're doing? The stakes are rather high.
Jack: I'm quite sure. Game on, old boy.
Victor: All right, Jack. Game on.
Ashley: So... this whole thrill-seeking billionaire persona that you've worked so hard to create-- where does that come from?
Tucker: What makes you think it's a persona?
Ashley: Oh, come on. Ever since you got to Genoa City, you've worked very hard at hiding who you really are.
Tucker: No, I was hiding who I was related to, not who I was. There's a difference.
Ashley: Not much.
Tucker: Don't tell me you think I bought Chancellor to punish Katherine.
Ashley: Mm, just the opposite. I know the two of you have bad blood between you, but what child doesn't long to be close to their mother? No matter how much they've disappointed us, like ours have.
Tucker: I think that's the first time I've ever heard you mention your mother.
Ashley: Yeah, well, she left our family when we were little. My father raised us. And she still comes back into town just long enough to reopen old wounds, you know? And then there's a social event, or a man that she just simply has to get back to. (Laughs) Oh, no.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Ashley: I shouldn't sound so bitter. (Clicks tongue)
Tucker: Man, that's one of the words I hate most.
Ashley: What, "Bitter"?
Tucker: "Shouldn't." "Should." You should forgive the people who've wronged you. You should be content with what you have. I've never been content. (Sighs) No, not a day in my life.
Ashley: I guess that's what drives you to succeed, huh?
Tucker: Dream bigger. Build higher. Reach for more, yeah. That's why I want chancellor and Jabot, especially Jabot, to be better now than they've ever been, because I own 'em now, and the buck stops here.
Tucker: What, that amuses you?
Ashley: You know who you sound like, right?
Tucker: Who?
Ashley: Oh, come on. You really have to ask?
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: I mean, it's fascinating, really, that you and Katherine never knew each other, and yet, you have so much in common. I mean, I would look at that sweet baby girl Faith... I'd look at her and... I'd see my own face smiling back at me. Well, we all know how that turned out. (Sighs)
Tucker: How's that for irony? I'm more like my mother than I'm willing to admit, and you still feel like that little girl's mama, even though she belongs to someone else.
Ashley: Quite a pair, aren't we?
Snapper: (Sighs)
Snapper: (Gasps) Oh!
Kay: I'm sorry.
Snapper: (Sighs) I've tried everything, Katherine. I've called... (Voice breaks) Every specialist I know.
Kay: Oh, come on. We all know you're doing the best you can.
Snapper: (Normal voice) Why, Ma? Why would you tell me something like that? Why would you lay that on my shoulders?
Kay: Because at a time like this, Snapper, she needs to unburden herself.
Snapper: Well, I've had to keep secrets before, Katherine. (Chuckles) Right here in this hospital with a little boy named Chuckie. (Sighs) I always wondered if I was doing the right thing.
Kay: Were you?
Snapper: I don't know. When you have years of drowning in regret, isn't that a sign you messed up pretty badly?
Kay: Not necessarily.
Snapper: I often wonder what life would have been like if I made different choices. And now ma lays this monumental secret on me. I mean, I know... I know it's her dying wish. But how do I look Jill in the eye and be honest with her? She expects me to be straight with her.
Greg: (Sighs) You know, hey, um, this-- this thing could turn around, you know? Jill, we're all here for you. You're not alone, Kiddo. If I can...
Jill: Greg, you haven't been there for me in years. Why would I think that would suddenly change?
Greg: Where is this is coming from, Jill.
Jill: Do you have any idea what I've been through in the last few years? I mean, when everybody thought Katherine was dead, where were you, Greg? Huh? And then we found out she was alive, but she wasn't really my mother, and Cane told me he wasn't really my son. He'd lied to me. My life was in shambles. Where were you then? Not a call, not to say "Hello" or "Go to hell." (Sighs)
Greg: All right, look. Look. You--you're upset. We all are.
Jill: Oh, please. Please, please.
Greg: We--we got some real bad news to--
Jill: Hey, I am not one of your clients, okay?
Greg: My gosh--
Jill: You don't have to handle me. I'm your sister. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not your sister, am I? You just come into town when something's wrong with Mama.
Greg: All right, look. Look, you know what? I haven't been to Genoa City in a couple of years.
Jill: Couple years? Try seven!
Greg: Seven. Well, uh, I-I've stayed in touch.
Jill: Yeah, in e-mails, a Christmas card. That's not enough. I feel like we're strangers.
Greg: Oh, come on.
Snapper: What are you two doin' here? You should be in with Ma.
Jill: What do you care where I am or what I'm doing? That's a first.
Snapper: Why are you lashing out at me? What have I done?
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: How did John Abbott's daughter ever get mixed up with someone like Victor Newman?
Ashley: What? He was very charismatic. I was very young. I had a lot of dreams where Victor was concerned. Somehow, they never managed to meet reality. It took me till this last year to finally realize that.
Tucker: I'm really sorry about what happened to you.
Ashley: Well, you know, it gave me perspective. I mean, look at me. I lost my husband, my home, my little girl. I almost lost my sanity, but I didn't, not the way everybody thought I would.
Tucker: I don't know why everyone would assume you couldn't handle that.
Ashley: Mm.
Tucker: You're the strongest woman I know.
Ashley: I am?
Tucker: Yeah. And you're bright. You're talented. I can't imagine you fallin' apart no matter how rough things get.
Ashley: Thank you for saying so.
Jack: Well, how many times have I beaten you now?
Victor: I haven't kept track, Jack.
Jack: Kind of nice to have the upper hand for a change.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You enjoy it while it lasts.
Jack: Oh, I intend to.
Mr. Wan: It's my deal, Gentlemen. Small blind, please. This is the last hand, hmm?
Mr. Wan: I'm in. Call.
Victor: Call.
Jack: You know what? Let's make this interesting. $15,000.
Mr. Wan: (Laughs) All right, it's a friendly game. I will call.
Victor: $15,000.
Mr. Wan: The flop.
Mr. Wan: 9, 8, 5. Sir?
Victor: $15,000.
Mr. Wan: Mm.
Jack: $15,000 it is.
Mr. Wan: I will make it $45,000.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Call.
Jack: It's only money, right?
Mr. Wan: All right, Gentlemen. The turn. The black queen.
Victor: $50,000.
Jack: $50,000 it is.
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles) $50,000. (Sighs) That's a nice bet. I call. And the river. No help. Sir?
Victor: All in.
Jack: All in.
Mr. Wan: Hai. Whew! All right. Let's go. I call. I... have a pair of aces.
Jack: I hate this game.
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles)
Victor: You take it all, Mr. Wan.
Mr. Wan: (Laughs) Lucky me. Well, it's been a-a great pleasure, Sirs. Obrigado. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Jack: Yeah, it had its moments.
Mr. Wan: Well, I'm holding a game of my own in a couple of days. Uh, it's very discreet. Uh, much higher stakes, of course, if, uh, you are interested.
Victor: You count me in. I'm determined to win my money back... and all of yours.
Mr. Wan: (Laughs) Well, it is good to have hope.
Victor: When and where?
Mr. Wan: Uh, we'll talk soon.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Mr. Wan: Boa noite. Obrigado.
Victor: Boa noite. Obrigado.
Jack: Thank you. Three 5's. You had a straight. We both would have beaten him.
Victor: Why the hell did you inject yourself into this game? That was not our plan.
Jack: I thought it was starting to look like you were targeting him. Besides, I was enjoying watching you lose a little money. Anyway, he's got the briefcase. That's what's important. Now how long is this gonna take?
Victor: You just be patient, got it? That briefcase will get us exactly what we want.
Jack: Well, as soon as word gets out that there's a pigeon with deep pockets who's willing to lose, believe me, every hustler in town is gonna want a piece of you.
Victor: And of all the hustlers that will come here, Ms. Skye Lockhart will be one of them.
Adam: We shouldn't have come back here.
Skye: I get why you want to take off now, but, Adam--
Adam: No. No "Buts," Skye. Come on.
Skye: Give me a few minutes to check in with Mr. Wan. Please.
Adam: There are two men after us-- two men. They could be guys that you pissed off at a poker game. They could be thugs after us. They could be Victor's men.
Skye: Wait here. Stay out of sight.
Ashley: What do you want? I was 19 years old.
Tucker: Yeah, 19. Yeah.
Ashley: I was 19. I was very headstrong. I think-- I thought I knew everything there was to know about the world.
Tucker: Well, I-I-- somehow, I just never would have pegged you for a rebel.
Ashley: What are you talking about? I am a rebel.
Tucker: Yeah?
Ashley: I am. I've been known to make some extremely impulsive decisions.
Tucker: Hmm. You mean like walking into a hotel bar in a foreign country dressed like that, for example?
Ashley: What's wrong with how I'm dressed?
Tucker: Not a damn thing. As a matter of fact, I've never seen you look more beautiful.
Ashley: I think I'm gonna call it a night.
Tucker: You really want to do that?
Ashley: Yeah. I'll see you in a few hours, okay? Sleep tight.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Kay: Dear, Dear, sweet Elizabeth...
Kay: We have so much more... ahead of us. This can't possibly be the end. Couldn't you just... couldn't you just dig down deep, find one more miracle for us?
Liz: (Sighs)
Kay: God knows we... we surely could use it.
Jill: I just think that we should be honest here. I'm trying to figure this out, because the truth is, we haven't been a family ever since Mama told me I was adopted.
Greg: Oh, come on, Jill. One has nothing to do with the other.
Jill: Oh, well, forgive me if I find the timing just a little suspect, since that was the last time I saw either one of you.
Greg: Well, what do you want me to say, huh? That I'm a-- I'm a bad brother? Is that it? It's a two-way street, Kiddo.
Snapper: Hey, hey, hey. The important thing is here that we pull together for Mom's sake, okay?
Jill: Don't you understand? There is no "We." There hasn't been for years.
Greg: Okay, okay, "We," myself included, we should have-- we should have made an effort, okay? Mea culpa, hmm? Now let's move on, Jill. I mean, Snap-Snapper said it. He's right. There's a very sick lady who means a hell of A... (Sighs) Let's just focus on her, all right?
Jill: (Sniffles)
Snapper: Hey.
Jill: (Sighs) (sniffles)
Snapper: Hey.
Jill: (Sobs)
Snapper: I'm sorry you're feeling abandoned.
Jill: (Sniffles)
Snapper: I know from all of Mom's letters you've been through some pretty heavy stuff...
Jill: (Sighs)
Snapper: Which means you're a pretty strong woman.
Jill: (Sighs)
Snapper: And look what you've got now, huh? You've got a big mansion. You've got two terrific sons. You've got grandkids. You've got a fantastic job with design and creativity of a magazine.
Jill: (Sighs)
Snapper: Why don't you focus on all the positive stuff that you've achieved instead of the pain?
Jill: (Sniffles) Yeah. You know, you're right. If we do lose Mama, not much is gonna change... except that I will lose the one person that has ever really given a damn about me. (Sighs) She's the one person that I have completely taken for granted all these years, the same way that we're taking advantage of... the same way that we're taking each other for granted, okay? And at her funeral, we'll all cry, and we'll pretend to comfort one another.
Greg: (Sighs)
Jill: And then we'll go back to our separate little cocoons-- you to London, and you... (Chuckles) To your 80-hour court weeks, me... I will be... all alone. Oh, dear God, I really will be all alone.
Kay: That's enough, Jill.
Jill: You stay out of this, Katherine.
Kay: Oh, come on, Jill. People lose touch. They grow apart, even though they have the very best intention. The three of you have been brought together in a crisis. You've been dealt a horrible blow. Your mother is dying, and that is one of the hardest things that you will ever go through. So forgive yourself. Forgive your brothers. But most of all, forgive yourself.
Jill: Oh, for God sake, what do you know about forgiveness, old woman?
Snapper: Jill, take it easy. Don't go saying something you're gonna regret now.
Greg: Yeah, that's my department.
Jill: No, you know what? I don't belong here.
Kay: Wh-why would you say such nonsense?
Jill: Because I don't belong anywhere. I never have.
Kay: Yes, you do. Yes, you do belong somewhere!
Jill: (Sobs)
Kay: You belong in that room with the woman who sacrificed everything to give you kids a home. So maybe your childhoods were not idyllic. Maybe you've been lazy about keeping in touch with one another. But my God! I mean... (Sighs) There is time to fix it. The time is short, but there's time to fix it. Because pretty soon, you're going to be all each other has. Now by God, you'd better start acting like it. Do you understand me? Start acting like it, and dry your eyes. And move your fanny in there, and I'm not asking you. I am telling you! You get in there and you be with your mother. Move it. Do it! Now.
Jill: (Sniffles) (Sighs) It's so much easier to get mad than to... to say good-bye.
Greg: Jill, hey. Hey. Yeah.
Jill: (Sobs)
Mr. Wan: Come in. Come in.
Skye: Took a chance you'd be available.
Mr. Wan: Have a seat, my dear. I was going to give you a call to give you an update.
Skye: Mm-hmm.
Mr. Wan: I believe I found us a new sheep to shear.
Skye: Really?
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles) He’s completely inept at playing cards, but, uh, more qualified in other ways.
Skye: Oh, yeah.
Mr. Wan: É Bom.
Skye: (Chuckles) Look at that.
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles)
Skye: Nothing like the color of money. (Chuckles)
Jack: That's Skye Lockhart, all right, alive and well-- proof that she's still puttin' on cons.
Victor: Mm-hmm. But not for long.
Jack: You sure they won't find that camera?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. It's a very small device the si--the size of a needle. It can be hidden anywhere. It's the same cameras that Adam used all over my house.
Jack: Well, serves him right. I'm gonna give Michael a call and tell him the good news.
Mr. Wan: There is more where this comes from if you want in.
Skye: Are you kidding? I can't wait to clean out this moron.
Mr. Wan: (Chuckles)
Victor: Good luck to you.
(Sets glass down)
Jack: Come on, Michael. Pick up. Pick up. (Groans) Damn it! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Michael, its Jack. Boy, I wish this was you and not your voice mail. We need to talk.
Victor: Hey. Everything okay?
Jack: We need to talk, Michael. Call me as soon as you get this message, day or night. You'll be happy you did.
Mr. Wan: Ah, I shall see you soon.
Skye: Hey, you okay?
Adam: (Whispering) Be careful.
Skye: You look like you're having a meltdown.
Adam: Hey, Jack is here. He was right behind me. He was right around the corner. I just looked at the guy. You think I'm being paranoid now?
Skye: (Whispering) We will go someplace safe tonight.
Adam: No, we need to go someplace safe now!
Skye: We'll be safe, but I need to come back. Mr. Wan came through with a game and a brand-new sucker, some hotshot who can barely play. It should be a rich enough pot that we'll never have to worry about Victor or the law ever again.
Jack: (Sighs)
Victor: What did Mr. Baldwin have to say?
Jack: Oh, I left a message, told him to call me. I didn't want to leave too many details on his voice mail.
Victor: (Sighs) (Sets glass down) Yeah. Mr. Wan told Skye Lockhart all about a patsy that he found for the next game.
Jack: This big game that he's promising could be days from now. The trial starts tomorrow.
Victor: Mm-hmm, I'm perfectly aware of that.
Jack: Well, I think one of us should be back in town for it.
Victor: (Sighs) Nothing pains me more than to know that I'm thousands of miles away from my son Nicholas when he needs me the most.
Jack: No, trust me, the best thing you can do for your son right now is make sure that Adam testifies.
Victor: Yeah, by any means possible.
Jack: I'm gonna go back there, give Nick all the support he needs.
Victor: I appreciate that.
Jack: Well, of course you do... now. The question is, what's it gonna be like when this is all over?
Victor: When this is all over, Jack, all bets are off.
Jack: Deal. (Sniffles)
Jill: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Greg: (Sighs)
Jill: (Sighs)
Jill: (Sighs)
Greg: (Whispers) Okay.
Jill: (Sniffles)
Snapper: (Whispering) Jill's walkin' around with so much pain.
Kay: She has all her life.
Liz: (Moaning)
Jill: Mama.
Liz: (Murmurs)
Jill: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Hello?
Victor: I need you to come to Sao Paulo as soon as possible.
Skye: This "Heart on your sleeve" thing you have going for Sharon--I can't relate.
Liz: There's something I should have told you a long time ago.
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