Y&R Transcript Monday 6/14/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/14/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 6/15/10 -- USA


Episode # 9420 ~ Snapper Returns

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nikki: You know, Jack and Victor have left Ottawa. They're on their way to Brazil.

Phyllis: That's hot. Yes, Nick told me.

Nikki: Victor's convinced that that's where Skye and Adam are hiding out.

Phyllis: I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole. Adam's alive. Now Skye?

Nikki: Yes, things are definitely getting curiouser and curiouser.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) You have no idea.

Nikki: Is there something I should know?

Phyllis: Nick thinks that Sharon still has feelings for Adam.

Nikki: What?

Phyllis: Yeah, that was his reaction, times 100. So if Victor finds Adam and brings him back to town...

Nikki: That's just gonna create a whole new batch of problems for you and Nicholas.

Phyllis: Well, Nick wanting to protect Sharon is hardly new.

Nikki: Well... (Sighs) Phyllis, you have to trust his love for you.

Phyllis: I don't trust Sharon.

Nikki: I understand.

Phyllis: Mm.

Nikki: Look, why don't we take a walk around the ranch? I find that it gives me perspective sometimes.

Phyllis: All right, I'll try anything.

Nikki: Yeah? Let's go. So... is there any good news?

Phyllis: Um... oh, Daniel's divorce from Amber is final, so that's good news for me.

Nikki: Oh, really?

[Abby remembering]

(Camera chimes)

(Water lapping)

Daniel: (Grunts)

(Water splashing)

Abby: (Quietly) Hey, Kent, it's the heiress. Listen, there is some, uh, crazy footage of me that is about to leak. Well, you know, the kind that makes it onto every gossip site in the world. Who is gonna leak it? You are. You remember? I said I had an idea. But listen, no one can ever know this came from me.

Daniel: (Sighs) (Groans)

Abby: Good morning.

Daniel: Who opened up the curtains?

Abby: (Chuckles) I, uh, I think that would be Mother Nature.

Daniel: (Groans) Doesn't she know I need coffee first?

Abby: I don't think she expected us to be out here all night.

Daniel: Well, that makes two of us. (Chuckles)

Abby: Oh, no. No, this isn't gonna make things all weird between us, is it?

Daniel: What are you talking about, "Weird"? Who's weird? There's gotta be something between us for it to be weird first.

Abby: Okay, good, fine. Then everything's good. I am gonna get out of here before anyone gets the wrong idea.

Daniel: Relax. We're just havin' fun.

Abby: You don't feel used?

Daniel: (Sighs) Almost all used up.

Abby: "Almost"? Mnh-mnh. (Giggles)

Daniel: (Chuckles)

(Footsteps approach)

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Nikki: (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Morning.

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Victoria: (Clears throat) Imagine the four of us in Tokyo in the same place at the same time.

Tucker: Of all the hotels in all the world, huh?

Victoria: The Newmans have been coming here for years.

Tucker: Ever since you landed the Mitsukoshi contract?

Victoria: Ever since we decided that big impersonal western hotels weren't really for us.

Tucker: Yeah, being away from home as much as I am, I appreciate something more intimate myself.

Billy: Yeah, I'm all for intimate.

Ashley: So are the two of you here for business or pleasure?

Victoria: Uh, business-- separate business.

Billy: Well, I mean, you can't come all the way to Japan and not mix in a little bit of pleasure.

Victoria: You can’t.

Tucker: You have a pretty full schedule in Tokyo?

Victoria: Uh, actually, yes. I have a meeting in a few minutes.

Tucker: Well, maybe we can all get together later for dinner.

Billy: (Clears throat) Hmm.

Victoria: How long are you gonna be here?

Tucker: We're not sure yet.

Victoria: Ah. I'm kind of surprised to see you here in Tokyo since most of Jabot's Asian business is done in Hong Kong.

Tucker: That's why we're here--to change that.

Jill: Was that the doorbell I heard? Is she here? Is Mama here?

Kay: Hector brought in some fresh flowers. Elizabeth always had this place looking so nice.

Jill: (Sighs) Ohh.

Kay: I just thought I would do the same for her.

Jill: Yeah. Oh, I can't wait till she comes. It feels like ages since I've seen her.

Kay: Don't worry. Well, it's not gonna be too long now.

Jill: You know, she really should have arrived. Her plane got in on time.

Kay: Well, she may have had a problem with the luggage, Jill. Now relax.

(Cell phone rings)

Jill: Oh, wait. Maybe this is her.

Kay: Hmm?

Jill: Yes, hello? When? I'll be right there.

Kay: What? What?

Jill: That was the driver we sent to get Mom. She was taken off the plane by paramedics.

Kay: Oh, my God.

Jill: She collapsed during the flight. Where are my car keys?

Kay: No, no. Robert will drive us. Robert. Robert! Rob--Robert! Bring the car around.

Jill: Oh, my God.

Kay: Right away. Yes, please.

Jill: Oh, my God, Katherine. She's gotta be all right.

Kay: Uh, uh, Jill, Memorial has very capable doctors. Relax.

Snapper: All right, I need stat blood gases, a C.B.C. and lytes. Put her on E.K.G., a cardiac monitor, and set her up for a chest x-ray. Set her on a nasal o2, 6 liters per minute. Okay, come on, come on, come on! Move! Move! Move!

Snapper: I want vitals every 15 minutes and continuous monitoring of her oxygen saturation. Thank you. (Sighs)

Liz: What's wrong with me, Snapper?

Snapper: Ma, we gotta wait for the lab results, but I don't want you to worry.

Liz: Well, not with you taking care of me.

Snapper: Look, I'm gonna go up and yell at some lab techs and see if I can get 'em to speed up the lab results, okay?

Liz: Okay. (Gasps) Jill. She's gonna be wondering where I am.

Snapper: I'll call her. Don't worry.

Liz: Okay.

Snapper: You rest, okay?

Snapper: (Sighs)

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: Wow.

Liz: Oh, Jill.

Jill: You really know how to make an entrance, don't you?

Liz: How good to see you.

Jill: Oh, Mama, it's good to see you, too.

Abby: Uh, where is my towel? I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was gonna be here this early in the morning. Sorry.

Nikki: No, no. No, no.

Phyllis: It's 10:00 in the morning.

Abby: No way.

Phyllis: Way.

Abby: We must have... (Clears throat) Worn ourselves out swimming and stuff last night.

Daniel: Uh, uh, yeah. You know, swimming and stuff is exhausting.

Abby: Yeah... (Sighs) It is, isn't it? (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Hey, I got a fun fact for you-- you might get a lot better sleep in your own bed alone. How about that?

Abby: Oh, you don't have to worry about Daniel. He's in amazing shape. He was ready to go again this morning.

Nikki: Does your mother know where you are? 'Cause she's probably worried that you didn't go home last night.

Phyllis: Unless she does it all the time.

Abby: (Chuckles) She is out of town on business. But I'm--I'm sorry we used the pool without asking first.

Nikki: No, no, no, no. Uh, anytime. You're welcome.

Abby: Okay, well, thanks, Nikki. I, um... (Clears throat) I'm gonna go take a hot shower before I go. I suddenly feel a chill. Come swim anytime.

Nikki: I'll catch up with you later. We'll finish our chat.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: Okay, please tell me this isn't gonna be Amber all over again.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I was about to ask you the same thing.

Daniel: What's the big deal? We were having fun. Yesterday, you were all like, "Go out, flirt," you know?

Phyllis: Yeah, no, no, I was all for it, but I didn't expect you to, um, use Victor's pool to do the breaststroke with his daughter.

Daniel: What's the big deal?

Phyllis: You'll find out what the big deal is if Victor finds out about this.

Daniel: (Sarcastically) Ooh.

Victoria: So you're here to steal a share of the market from Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: Capitalism's a beautiful thing when the playing field is level.

Victoria: Are you saying that it isn't?

Ashley: Not at all. It's just that Beauty of Nature has managed to get a lock on the cosmetics business with the biggest retailer in Japan.

Victoria: Well, perhaps we're just better at negotiating than you are.

Tucker: Negotiating? That's how you managed your exclusive arrangement with Mitsukoshi?

Victoria: My father and Mr. Mitsukoshi have a long history. They're very good friends as well as business associates.

Tucker: Ah. So personal connections-- that's the key to opening locked doors in Japan. I might have to work on that while I'm here.

Victoria: Well, excuse me. I actually have to run.

Tucker: Your meeting.

Victoria: Yes. I'll see you later.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: Oh, I gotta make a call.

Ashley: Okay.

Tucker: Have fun.

Billy: Bye.

Ashley: What the heck is going on with you and Victoria?

Billy: Vicki just said we're here on business.

Ashley: You really expect me to believe that?

Billy: And you really expect me to believe that you and McCall just happened to show up in Tokyo the same time that Vicki did?

Ashley: The Far East is a lucrative and untapped market for cosmetics, so it's not that surprising that the heads of two competing companies would be here at the same time, Billy.

Billy: Yeah, if you say so.

Ashley: But you, on the other hand, don't usually cover Asian news, which leads me to believe that you're actually here to do a story on an American... an American that you know quite well.

Billy: (Sniffs) Ever think about going into investigative journalism?

Ashley: I could never ever hold a candle to you.

Billy: Oh, and flattery-- you must want something.

Ashley: Look at that. See? You sniffed that out. I couldn't do that like that.

Billy: (Laughs sarcastically) What do you want?

Ashley: I want you to keep me posted on the story you're doing.

Billy: Even if I was writing a story, which I'm not, and I gave you information, what's in it for the kid?

Ashley: The satisfaction of knowing that you're helping the company that your father founded and left to his children to cherish and to nurture.

Billy: That's below the belt. That's--

Ashley: Will you help me?

Billy: If I can. Here comes your boss.

Ashley: Thank you.

Billy: I haven't done anything.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: I know I can count on you, right, Billy?

Billy: Uh, uh-huh. Nice to see you, Sis.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hello.

Ashley: What?

Tucker: Victoria just went into her meeting with someone. It wasn't Mitsukoshi.

Victoria: Uh, Mr. Yonioshi.

Mr. Yonioshi: Ms. Newman.

Victoria: My father is very sorry that he couldn't be here, but I am honored that you would do business with me in his place.

Mr. Yonioshi: I am the one who is honored.

Victoria: Well, to show you how grateful I am to you for meeting with me, I brought you a gift. I hope it's an acceptable token of my thanks.

Mr. Yonioshi: Yes. Hai.

Daniel: Okay, seriously.

Phyllis: Yes?

Daniel: You need to just relax, 'cause we were blowing off a little steam. It's not like we're walking down the aisle.

Phyllis: Oh, God forbid.

Daniel: Well, you're just not gonna like anybody that I hang out with, huh?

Phyllis: No, you know what? No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm just a little protective. You have had two failed marriages, Daniel.

Daniel: Wow. Well, thank you so much for reminding me.

Phyllis: Well, I'm sorry. I'm a mother. We worry. That's what we do.

Daniel: Don't you have, like, a thousand other things to be worrying about instead of me?

Phyllis: Yes, in fact, I do, so why don't you give your mom a break and save yourself from that inevitable disaster?

Daniel: Fine. Fine. You know, if it means that much to you, hands off of Abby.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Abby: (Sighs) I feel so bad that you and Phyllis caught me and Daniel... you know. (Sighs)

Nikki: Well, that's the risk you take when you "You know" out in the open.

Abby: I really didn't mean for this to happen. I hope you believe that.

Nikki: I think you should worry about what your father will think if he finds out.

Abby: But you're not going to tell him? You can't tell him. He is so mad at me because of the reality show and the filing of the lawsuit against him to get my trust funds.

Nikki: Well, that's understandable, don't you think?

Abby: No. He is being so unfair. I mean, he and Mom are, l-like, the most uncool parents ever. They're not like you.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Believe me. There was a time when Victoria and Nicholas would have disagreed with that.

Abby: Well, I bet if they had come up with a sure-thing idea like the--"The Naked Heiress," you would had convinced Daddy to give them their trust funds.

Nikki: I had to run interference between those kids and their father many a time.

Abby: Well, they don't know how lucky they are, 'cause I don't have anybody on my side.

Nikki: Oh, and you want me to be?

Abby: (Stammers) I would never ask you to do something like that.

Nikki: Oh, no, I know you wouldn’t. You'd get me to offer to do it.

Abby: (Sighs)

Liz: Mm.

Jill: Is it better?

Liz: (Sighs) All this fuss over a cold. I'm gonna be out of here in no time.

Kay: Well, thank goodness. I mean, the décor is dreadful. The food is--is worse. I can't wait till you get out of here and go to my home and have a five-star treatment.

Liz: Well, guests did when I was in charge. But I'm sure--I'm sure Esther is doing an even better job.

Kay: Unh-unh. Unh-unh.

Jill: Oh, please, that dimwit wouldn't know a fish knife from a bread knife.

Liz: Oh, well...

Kay: (Scoffs) Jill.

Liz: There was a time when you didn't, either. (Chuckles) (Coughing)

Kay: (Laughs)

Jill: Oh, Mama. Mama. Where is her doctor? He hasn't been in here since we arrived. Oh, my God, he's probably some intern fresh out of med school.

Liz: J-Jill. Jill. (Gasps) I-I...

Jill: Mother, I want you to have the best, okay?

Liz: But--but I have the best doctor.

Jill: Well, then where is he?

Liz: (Coughing)

Kay: Uh, Jill, get-- get somebody.

Jill: Hey! Could we have a doctor in here, please?!

Kay: Take a breath.

Liz: (Gasping)

Snapper: Ma? Ma? Hey. Hey. Just take it easy. Easy. Easy. Give me a mask. Okay.

Liz: (Gasping)

Snapper: Raise her level 10 liters per minute, okay?

Liz: (Gasps)

Snapper: Here, take this.

Liz: (Sighs)

Snapper: All right, take long, deep breaths, okay?

Liz: (Sighs)

Snapper: Long, deep breaths.

Liz: (Sighs)

Snapper: It's all right.

Kay: Well, I'll be damned.

Jill: How is she?

Snapper: She's fine. I gave her a sedative there. She'll sleep for a while.

Kay: Well, thank God you were with her when this happened.

Snapper: Thank God the hospital let me have privileges here. I haven't been here in years. It still feels like home.

Kay: Snapper, she said she had a cold.

Snapper: Uh, it’s... more than that. At the least, it's pneumonia.

Jill: And at the worst?

Snapper: At the worst, we gotta wait for the test results. (Sighs) Meantime, how about a hug, Sis?

Jill: (Sighs)

Snapper: (Sighs)

Jill: Oh, God, I ought to hit you.

Snapper: (Laughs)

Jill: Why didn't you let me know you were coming?

Snapper: Mm, I wanted to surprise you.

Jill: Oh, surprise me. You nearly gave me a heart attack. You're the last person I expected to see. So how's London? How's your work? Chris? What?

Snapper: Oh, there's plenty of time to grill me on everything, okay? Thank you. Excuse me.

Jill: Well?

Snapper: Oh, there are some things I don't like here. But let's not jump to any conclusions. I'm gonna go talk to a specialist. I don't want anybody thinkin' the worst here, okay?

Jill: Oh, okay. I'll stay with her.

Snapper: All right. All right, I'll be right back.

Jill: Okay. All right, Mama. Snapper's gonna make everything okay, all right? He's gonna make everything fine.

Victoria: Design Festa Gallery.

Mr. Yonioshi: Very different from traditional Japanese art museum. I think you'll like it.

Victoria: Hmm, I will check it out.

Mr. Yonioshi: (Sighs) You've been to Japan many times. I tried hard to find you something new to see.

Victoria: (Chuckles) I appreciate that.

Mr. Yonioshi: (Chuckles) Well, I must go. Give my regard to your father.

Victoria: Oh, I will.

Mr. Yonioshi: Tell him our arrangement will continue as it always has.

Victoria: He will be very happy to hear that.

Mr. Yonioshi: We are both happy. Ms. Newman.

Victoria: Mr. Yonioshi.

Billy: Yep, that present must have really sucked because you already re-gifted it.

Victoria: You're just jealous because I didn't give you anything.

Billy: Yep, yep. I think you're holdin' out on me.

Tucker: (Quietly) I was sure Victoria was meeting with Mr. Mitsukoshi.

Ashley: (Quietly) Well, you didn't think it was gonna be easy to spy on Victor, did you? What fun would that be?

Tucker: You got a plan?

Ashley: (Whispers) Yeah.

Ashley: (Gasps) Oh!

Mr. Yonioshi: Hey! Oh. (Sighs) I am so sorry.

Mr. Yonioshi: Arigato.

Ashley: Okay.

Mr. Yonioshi: (Laughs)

Mr. Yonioshi: (Laughs)

Tucker: Hey, sorry to interrupt.

Ashley: Oh, not at all. Um, my business partner doesn't speak Japanese. Tucker McCall, this is Mr. Yonioshi.

Mr. Yonioshi: Mr. McCall needs no introduction. You are quite well-known in japans.

Tucker: It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yonioshi.

Mr. Yonioshi: If you need the services of a civil servant while you are here in Japan, please, do not hesitate to call.

Tucker: That's very generous of you. Would you stay and have a sake with Ashley and me?

Mr. Yonioshi: Uh, unfortunately, I do have a previous engagement. Sayonara. Mr. McCall.

Tucker: Wow. Mata Hari.

Ashley: Ah, I'm a woman of many talents.

Tucker: I'm beginning to realize that.

Ashley: What's the card say?

Tucker: Uh...

Ashley: Mm. "Akira Yonioshi, minister of zoning." Why would Victoria want to see the minister of zoning?

Tucker: I don't know, but I know who might.

Billy: Mm. So when they say "Private room" in Japan, exactly how private is it? Hmm?

Victoria: I don't know. But doesn't that just make it more exciting?

Billy: Like we need more exciting. Mm.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: (Growls)

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: (Groans)

Abby: I'm not asking you to choose sides between me and Dad. (Sighs)

Nikki: Well, that's very good, because it wouldn't work.

Abby: Yeah, I know that you all think that I am just some dumb bimbo--

Nikki: Not at all. Not at all. I think you're a very intelligent girl.

Abby: Then why won't Dad give me my money?

Nikki: Well, because you're also reckless and impulsive and desperate for attention.

Abby: "The Naked Heiress" is. Abby Newman is an entrepreneur trying to build an empire living with people who aren't in the biz.

Nikki: Well, Victor Newman is a very private person. And the idea of his life being broadcast to the world is very distasteful to him.

Abby: Well, you know, I think he better get over it, because satellites in outer space are already recording everything we do.

Nikki: You know, maybe if you came up with an idea that utilized your talent instead of your family, he might be more willing to give you access to your trust fund.

Abby: Yeah, I-I'm-- I'm workin' on that.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nikki: Hi.

Phyllis: Knock-knock, Ladies.

Nikki: Oh, come on in. Abby was just leaving.

Abby: Hi. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Oh. Oh, good. Um, I hope you weren't waiting for Daniel to take you home, because he already left.

Abby: You know, I am not counting on Daniel for anything.

Phyllis: Excellent. Excellent, because he is just lookin' for a good time.

Abby: Oh, a really good time.

Jill: What did you find out?

Snapper: We have accumulated a hell of a lot of data, but there is no diagnosis yet.

Kay: Well, what are you going to do about it?

Snapper: We're going to run more extensive tests, treat what we can, then do a plasma exchange, put her on steroids and see if there's a blockage in the urinary tract.

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: You mean like a tumor?

Kay: I mean, you think the cancer's returned?

Snapper: That's something we're hoping to rule out.

Jill: And if you don't?

Snapper: Look, let's just take things one step at a time, okay?

Kay: (Stammers)

Liz: (Sighs) Oh, how'd you like my surprise?

Snapper: (Laughs)

Jill: Oh, I loved your surprise. You know, I'm just gonna let Snapper check you out, okay?

Kay: Um, I'll talk to you later.

Snapper: Yeah. Yeah. (Chuckles) She really was surprised, huh?

Liz: But I wanted to hear about it.

Snapper: Come on. Put this back on, all right? All right.

Liz: Oh. Mm.

Snapper: Okay, shh. You just rest. You just rest, okay?

Jill: She can't die, Katherine. (Cries) She can’t. (Sighs)

Billy: You know, you guys should try out the private rooms. There's karaoke in there.

Ashley: Uh, yeah, well, you know, Tucker and I are actually here on business. We really are.

Billy: So you said. So you said.

Tucker: You know, it's a funny thing, Billy. Our business might have intersected with yours.

Billy: How so? (Sighs)

Ashley: I, uh, I may have come across some information that will help you with the story you're doing.

Billy: The story you allege that I'm doing.

Ashley: Oh, please. You can't tell me that you weren't trying to get a scoop earlier.

Billy: Do you think I was working an angle on Vicki in there? Come on.

Tucker: Here's the deal, Billy-- we'll tell you what we know, you tell us what you know.

Billy: (Clears throat) Okay, Tucker, you first.

Ashley: On one condition-- you promise not to print one word of it until we have absolute proof of our theory.

Billy: Oh, we have a theory.

Tucker: The Newmans are up to no good again. You in or out?

Billy: I'm in.

Daniel: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Daniel: So, um, did you get grounded?

Abby: They did treat us like we were in junior high. "You know a fun fact? You get a better night's sleep in your own bed alone."

Daniel: Mm, yeah, boy, was she wrong about that one.

Abby: Mm, she has no idea what a naughty boy you are.

Daniel: There are some things that a mother shouldn't know.

Abby: That's true, and your secrets are safe with me.

Daniel: (Chuckles) All right, well, I'm gonna take off and go hit the gym, and then I gotta meet a gallery owner.

Abby: You know, I've--I've actually never seen any of your art. Do you ever do nudes?

Daniel: My favorite subject.

Abby: Hmm.

Daniel: No, you know, there's nothing quite like the feeling of doing a naked woman just right.

Abby: Well, you ever want to do me, I'm available.

Daniel: Don't you think you're already a little overexposed?

Abby: (Scoffs) There is no such thing.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Abby: I, um, I better let you get going. I'll see you around the pool?

Daniel: I hear it's gonna be a hot summer.

Abby: (Chuckles) You have no idea. Hmm.

Jill: I just... was so sure that the cancer was gone for good.

Kay: All right, Jill. Come on now. Please. Don't get ahead of yourself. All Snapper said was he wanted to rule it out.

Jill: No, this can't be happening. I need more time.

Kay: You--

Jill: I've got so much to tell her. I have to make her understand that I never meant to hurt her. It's just that when I found out you were my mother, when I thought you were my mother, I was so happy 'cause it meant I could be somebody. I didn't realize that I already was somebody, because I was the little girl that Liz Foster took in and raised. And, all right, it wasn't perfect, but she did the best she could, and that home and that love, that family... I took it all for granted, Katherine. And now I'll never get the chance to tell her how much it meant to me and how much she meant to me.

Kay: All right, now you listen to me. You pull yourself together, and you stop wallowing in this self-pity. Yes, that woman in there did raise you as one of her own. But she also stepped up and gave you the one thing that you needed most in your life, and that was a mother. Now by God, you get in there, and you act like the daughter you should be instead of this-- this blubbering, self-absorbed woman...

Jill: How dare you!

Kay: Trying to absolve herself in past screw-up’s.

Jill: How dare you!

Kay: Oh, God, don't you... (Clears throat) Don't you understand? Elizabeth doesn't give a flying fig for the past. She's clinging to the present. And she's clawing her-- her way towards every precious moment, towards the future, because that's what she wants is a future. She wants everyone around her, everyone around her to believe that she has one.

Kay: Now you stop your whining about what you did or you didn't do. And by God, you start thinking about what you're going to do for her as a daughter. Do you think you can manage that?

Liz: S-Snapper? Leave the machine. Sit with me, please.

Snapper: Okay, okay. Not too much talking.

Liz: There's something I-I have to say.

Snapper: It can wait.

Liz: No. There's something that...

Snapper: Ma? Ma? I said take it easy. Just breathe, okay?

Liz: (Gasps) You don't understand.

Snapper: (Sighs) I do understand. I know you're afraid.

Liz: I'm afraid there may not be time to tell you.

Snapper: There will be plenty of time.

Liz: I'm the only one who knows. (Gasping) (Coughing)

Snapper: Ma? Ma, easy.

Liz: (Gagging)

Snapper: Easy.

Liz: (Wheezing)

Snapper: Just--okay, easy. Just take deep breaths. (Inhales deeply) (Exhales slowly) Come on.

Liz: (Breathing deeply)

Snapper: Okay, shh. Shh.

Phyllis: Look, right there. Gray hairs--you see those? Gray hairs--you see 'em?

Nikki: Mm... I don't know without my glasses on.

Phyllis: Yeah, I thought kids were supposed to keep you young.

Nikki: Well, whoever said that didn't have any kids.

Phyllis: You know, this is my own fault. I practically begged him to go out there and have a good time.

Nikki: Well, he sure took your advice, didn't he?

Phyllis: Yes, he did, didn't he? I mean, I don't know why I worry about him. He's practically a grown boy.

Nikki: Hey, I can't imagine not worrying about Nicholas and Victoria, but at some point, you've gotta let go.

Phyllis: Well, I-I-I could do that. I could do that if Abby didn't seem to be waiting there with open arms.

Nikki: I don't think you should worry about that too much. Like you said, he just wants to have a good time.

Phyllis: I know he does. But she just strikes me as the kind of girl who likes to wrap men around her finger, and she uses whatever means necessary.

Nikki: You know, that reminds me of someone.

Phyllis: Yes, it does, doesn't it? Yes, it does. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, all right, so this is just between us, right? Victor doesn't need to know anything about... you know.

Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not. I mean, my God, those kids are lucky he's out of the country. He will never learn about this from me.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Woman: I just saw a new video of Abby Newman online. (Scoffs) Way better than the last one. She's having sex with some hot guy in the pool on her dad's estate. (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Scoffs) (Closes cell phone) That little stinker.

Abby: (Sighs) This is great. (Gasps) (Gasps)

Kent: (Gasps)

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: (Giggles)

(Water splashes)

Kent: Oh, it stopped before you got to the good stuff.

Abby: (Laughs) Oh, I've gotta--gotta leave 'em wanting more, and they will. They're gonna want lots more of me.

Kent: (Chuckles)

Billy: Bribing government officials? This is the theory? This is why you think Newman has kept Jabot out of the cosmetics game here in Japan?

Ashley: And now Victoria's here doing his dirty work this time.

Billy: Well, you don't really have any proof of that.

Ashley: Billy, you don't think her behavior's been a little suspect?

Tucker: You haven't noticed?

Billy: What is this?

Billy: Not really.

Tucker: What about the gentleman Victoria met with earlier? He's from the zoning department. What business does she have with him?

Billy: She said Newman's planning on building new offices here in Tokyo, so...

Ashley: And you really believe that?

Billy: There's no reason not to. Now look, guys, I'd love to help you, but right now, there is a roomful of very attractive Japanese women waiting for me to teach them the "Y.M.C.A.," so... I'm outta here. (Clears throat)

Tucker: He's lying.

Victoria: When I'm with you I find it strange there's nothing about you that I would change when I'm not with you a minute feels like an hour ooh, I need your sugar to sweeten the sour in a crowded room I'm smilin' when I'm not on time I'm smilin' when I get it wrong I'm smilin', smilin'

Billy: Whoo

Together: I never ever smiled like this before whenever you talk I just wanna hear more my heart is at home every time we kiss I've never had a smile like this

Billy: (Laughs)

Jill: Oh, my God. You're jealous, aren't you, you ridiculous woman? You have all the money in the world, and you're jealous of that simple little woman in there.

Kay: Oh, God. It's like talking to a brick wall.

Jill: No, you are. That's why you don't want me to express my feelings. Because when all is said and done, you cannot deal with the fact that she's the one I consider my mother, not you.

Kay: You take narcissism to a new level, Jill.

Jill: (Scoffs) That is the pot calling the kettle black.

Kay: I'm going to cut you some slack, because underneath this self-pity and all the accusations, you're scared out of your mind.

Jill: I don't need you to tell me how I'm feeling.

Kay: Oh, the hell you don’t. I mean, who else is gonna drag you out of this swamp of self-pity? Jill, put your own selfish needs aside, and go in there to that woman and be the daughter that she needs right now! This is not about you, Jill. This is about my friend Elizabeth.

Jill: (Sniffles)

Liz: It--it's about Jill.

Snapper: Shh. No talking.

Liz: Jill--I have to. I have to tell you. Nobody else knows.

Snapper: All right, Mom. Just take it easy.

Liz: (Sighs)

Snapper: What about Jill?

Liz: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Michael: We want Phyllis to testify. She could be the key to proving that Adam set this whole thing up.

Liz: Promise me. Promise me you won't tell her, Son. Please.

Sharon: I've never loved a man like I loved you.

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