Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/10/10 -- Canada; Friday 6/11/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9418 ~ Passions Collide
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Chloe: Oh, that one right there...in this area.
Kevin: It's blueberry.
Chloe: (Gasps) Oh, that. That looks-- that just looks really, really good. Yes.
Kevin: Nice ring.
Chloe: Oh! He noticed. You noticed.
Chance: Imagine that.
Chloe: (Giggles)
Kevin: Unh, unh, unh. It's on me. Congratulations.
Chance: Thank you.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: Appreciate that.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: Mm-hmm. (Inhales sharply)
Chloe: (Humming)
Chance: Well, I take it you like the ring.
Chloe: I love the ring. And I love the man who gave me the ring. But I am not so much loving the fact that you're gonna be spending tonight and every other night with another woman.
Chance: Chloe.
Chloe: I get it. I get it. Heather needs a bodyguard, but why does it have to be you?
Chance: It's not just me. It's a whole group of us. We're alternating shifts.
Chloe: No, but you are the main guy, and you're gonna be spending every waking moment with her, and this was her idea. Don't tell me that it wasn't her idea.
Chance: Do you trust me?
Chloe: (Sighs) Yes, of course I trust you.
Chance: Okay, then.
Chloe: Right, okay. I can do this. I can do this.
Chance: You can.
Chloe: Yes, I have the ring.
Chance: You do.
Chloe: I have the ring. Okay, see? I'm happy. I can do it. See?
Chance: You are beautiful.
Chloe: (Squeals)
Chance: (Chuckles)
Heather: I'm all yours.
Kevin: What, are you lookin' for your phone? You left it in the office.
Jana: Oh, I hadn't even realized that I'd lost it.
Kevin: You did. You know you're not working tonight, right? I-I changed the schedule around.
Jana: Yeah, I know, so we don't need to work together anymore. I saw that.
Kevin: I figured it would be more comfortable for you.
Jana: (Sighs) Well, I think you should be more comfortable, too, so... I'm moving out.
Phyllis: Hey, Baby, just in time. Do you want a glass?
Nick: No, thanks. I gotta get out of here.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well, Summer is at Reed's, and we're all alone.
Nick: I know. I just came to get my passport and some stuff.
Phyllis: Your passport?
Nick: I think we found Adam in Brazil. Don't worry. I'm not going to Brazil.
Phyllis: No, you're not going to Brazil. You can't even leave the city.
Nick: Well, I am going to Ottawa to find my dad.
Phyllis: No, you're not. Call your dad.
Nick: I can't call my dad. His cell phone was stolen. I don't know where he's staying. I need to zip into town, tell him what I know, then I'm gonna come home. I'll be back before anyone knows I'm gone.
Phyllis: No, you're-- no. No, you're not! You can't take the risk, Nick. No!
Nick: The risk is that Adam will get away, so I have got to get Dad to Brazil before the trail goes cold.
Jack: Well, what is goin' on?
Nikki: We may know where Adam is, and Victor found out that Skye Lockhart is alive.
Jack: What?
Nikki: Yeah, I know. I know. But remember, Adam was the one who ID'd her body, or what we thought was her body.
Jack: So whose body was it?
Nikki: We have no idea. The only thing that's certain is that Adam helped her fake her death.
Jack: And maybe she's helping him now. Are they together?
Nikki: It's possible. Uh, N-Nicholas called the number that Adam had called the night that he disappeared, and a woman answered. It could have been Skye. Nicholas thought it was. He also heard a man's voice, and Chance says that the number was received within a 3-mile radius of Sao Paulo.
Jack: Tell me Nick is not headed to Brazil.
Nikki: Well, he wanted his father to go, but Victor is up in Canada. He's unreachable.
Jack: Nick's not going there, is he?
Nikki: He wants to, unless you can stop him. I mean, I have nowhere else to turn. I'm sorry to bother you, but he doesn't listen to me.
Jack: Okay... (Stammers) I'm--I'm glad you called.
Nikki: I don't want him to end up in jail!
Jack: Did he go--did he go straight to the airport from here?
Nikki: No, he went home, and he hasn't left yet. I checked with the guard.
Jack: Okay, hopefully, Phyllis has already talked him out of it. If she hasn't, I will.
Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, thank you so much.
Jack: Okay.
Sharon: Nikki? Oh, I'm glad you're still up. I have something that I need to tell you.
Skye: Adam, will you just get it through your head? It was a wrong number.
Adam: No, even before the call, I was thinking we'd been in Sao Paulo too long.
Skye: Look, it was the same for me when I first disappeared. I was always looking over my shoulder. You'll learn to relax.
Adam: Right. And the second I do that, I get caught.
Victor: Turn around. I'm gonna untie you. I want you to take me to the same port you took Adam.
Shaw: And why should I?
Victor: Why should you? You got a short memory, or what? Because if you don't take me where I want you to take me, you'll be fish bait. You got that? You want to live a long life, you do as I say.
Phyllis: Listen, you don't even know if that was Skye on the phone, and you don't know if Adam was with her.
Nick: Dad said they were gonna meet up. He just didn't know where.
Phyllis: Well, then wait for your dad to call, and then he can go down to Brazil.
Nick: If he does call here, then Mom will tell him. If he doesn't, it's up to me.
Phyllis: Why you? Why not me? Why not your mom?
Nick: Who knows what kind of traps Adam has set? Do you remember the cornfield? Do you remember what happened to Sharon, what could have happened to you? Phyllis, I can't have you puttin' yourself at risk.
Phyllis: But it's okay for you to put yourself at risk?
Nick: I'm the one facing criminal charges. This is my problem.
Phyllis: No, no, it's not. No, this is our problem. We're married. This is our problem.
(Knock on door)
Nick: Jack, excuse me. I was just on my way out.
Jack: So I heard. Bad idea.
Nick: So Mom called you?
Jack: Yeah, she's worried sick about you.
Phyllis: Yes. Yes.
Jack: And for good reason.
Phyllis: So am I.
Nick: I'm only gonna be gone overnight.
Jack: Unless you get caught, in which case, you'll be back in jail indefinitely, making national headlines-- "Accused killer tries to leave country."
Phyllis: It's gonna make you look guilty, Baby.
Nick: I already look guilty, thanks to Adam. This might be my one-and-only chance to prove that I'm not. If Adam gets away--
Jack: He's not going to get away.
Nick: If Dad doesn't get to Brazil--
Jack: I will go to Sao Paulo. I will track Adam down.
Phyllis: Good, Jack. You go. You go. Jack will get there quicker than your dad anyway.
Nick: Dad needs to know what we know, all right? Dad has connections in Brazil that you don't--
Jack: I will find your father. I will tell l him what you found out. You're not going anywhere.
Nikki: You're leaving the ranch?
Sharon: Yeah, this'll be our last night here.
Nikki: Why? Is there a problem?
Sharon: No, no, no. You--you and Victor have been so gracious. Thank you for everything. You know, I really appreciated having someplace to come when I got out of the hospital. But I'm ready now to take care of myself and Faith. And, you know, I think we need to have a home of our own. And, you know, I mean, I want Faith to see me as someone capable and independent. Frankly, I want to see myself that way, too.
Nikki: Um, Sharon, I-I hear what you're saying. I just hope that you will reconsider.
Sharon: I expected you to think this was a good idea.
Nikki: No, I don’t. I think it's a terrible idea. I mean, every day, there's more evidence that Adam could be alive, and I worry about your safety and Faith's safety. Not a good time for you to be declaring your independence since you could be in more danger than ever, Sharon.
Victor: All right, let's get under way.
Shaw: Well, what do I get for it?
Victor: You want to get paid?
Shaw: Well, your kid did, and that lady did. I mean, I told you, they gave me 20 grand to make the trip.
Victor: You can keep the money if you take me where I want to go. Otherwise, I'm gonna call the authorities and tell them that you've been smuggling fugitives. How's that? Now let's move it--
Man: (Laughs) What happened? Him again.
Shaw: (Laughs) He wanted to charter the boat, only I don't like the way he asked. What do you say we teach him some manners?
Victor: (Sighs)
Heather: I'm so sorry for the interruption-- work.
Chance: No, please, have a--have a seat.
Heather: Thanks.
Chloe: Yeah, it's-- it's not a problem, not a problem at all. We get it. Work--work--work happens, and work just sometimes intrudes in your personal life.
Heather: I do realize what a huge inconvenience this is, and I hope you know how grateful I am.
Chance: I'm just happy to help out, really.
Heather: Yeah, I-I-I'm sure, but you have cases you could be solving.
Chloe: Yeah, and a wedding that you could be planning. You know, and Delia. You've got a little girl at home who misses you so much. And, you know, we understand the obligation. Um, but Delia doesn't, and I-I don't know how to explain that to her yet. (Chuckles)
Heather: Mm, I bet she adores you.
Chloe: You know, may-- maybe you could talk to your boss, and you could find someone else who could play bodyguard, right? You know, someone who was single. (Chuckles) Someone who doesn't have the commitments and the obligations...
Chance: Chloe.
Chloe: That Chance does.
Chance: Come on now.
Heather: You know, you--you could turn down the assignment.
Chloe: Yeah.
Chance: No, you were almost killed by a bomb, and so was I. I'm taking it very personally, all right? I'm not gonna stop until I can figure out who's been targeting us. But what I can do is I can spend more time with Delia and with you. I mean, there's no reason why I can't do both.
Chloe: Yeah, you can do both. We can--we can do both right now, right? I-- you want to go, I don't know, catch a movie or get something to eat? We can hang out.
Heather: (Sighs) I would love to, but I have to follow up on that call.
Chloe: Oh, right--right now?
Heather: Yeah, sorry.
Chance: I will see you tomorrow. Come here.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Groans)
Jana: Found it. Thank you.
Kevin: (Clears throat) So listen, uh, are you sure that you don't want to stay in the apartment? I mean, familiar place, memories... it could help trigger some of your feelings.
Jana: Well, it hasn't so far, and it doesn't really make sense for me to stay there when I have no emotional attachment to it like you do.
Kevin: So where are you gonna go?
Jana: For now, the Athletic Club.
Kevin: With Ryder.
Jana: No, not with Ryder. But, yes, he will be there.
Kevin: And he is the reason you want to be there, right, Jana? I mean, let's be real. The Athletic Club? It's not really your kind of place.
Jana: I suppose I just felt like a bit of pampering after what I've been through.
Kevin: You deserve it.
Jana: Don't worry. I won't drain the bank account.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Jana: And I'll find something less expensive for me and Ryder.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Jana: Separately.
Kevin: What is the deal, Jana? Are you actually seeing him?
Jana: No, I'm not, definitely not.
Kevin: Okay, well, enjoy your pampering. Take it easy.
Jana: Have a good night.
Chloe: (Sighs) So is your day sucking as much as mine? Want to see my ring again?
Skye: The judge has kept us out of trouble so far.
Adam: With local cops so they won't arrest us for gambling.
Skye: (Sighs) His reach goes a lot higher.
Adam: How much does this guy want?
Skye: Depends. If he sees you like this, he'd know he could get whatever he asked for. Better to reel him in, get his hands dirty, too, so he's protecting himself as much as us.
Adam: That sounds like an elegant scheme, Skye. But we--we don't have time for that kind of a thing. We have to call the guy and set up a meeting right now.
Skye: Adam, seri--
Adam: Listen, it's either that, or we leave town today. Those are our choices. Victor is already in Canada. I'm not gonna let this guy find me. Please, make the call.
Skye: (Sighs)
Sharon: I can provide a safe home for Faith. I mean, I'll-- I'll buy locks. I-I'll get an alarm. I mean, I'll hire security guards if I have to.
Nikki: Nicholas would be much happier having her here where he can protect her.
Sharon: No, Nicholas would be a lot better off if Faith and I were someplace else. I mean... (Sighs) As much as he loves Faith, she's a living, breathing reminder that he wasn't faithful in his marriage, and Phyllis has tried to accept that and be accommodating--
Nikki: Wait a minute. Wait. Has Phyllis been pressuring you to do this?
Sharon: No.
Nikki: But you've discussed this with her.
Sharon: Um, actually, I'm--I'm gonna be renting out her penthouse.
Nikki: Oh, you are. Okay, so then this is her idea.
Sharon: Well, I-I was looking for a place anyway, and--and she just happened to have one available. But she's not gonna be sad to see me go. After all, I haven't exactly been respectful of her marriage. And though things are different now, she has no reason to believe that unless I prove it.
Nikki: So your goal here is to put her at ease?
Sharon: Well, um, we just have to find some way to coexist. You know, we're both gonna be raising children with Nicholas. And we can either fight about it and make each other miserable all the time, or we can act like adults and do the right thing, and that's what I'm trying to do.
Jack: Trust me, Nick. This is the best course of action.
Nick: Okay, you're right. You go to Sao Paulo. You start the hunt for Adam. Dad will be right behind you.
Jack: Nick, I can't let you go.
Nick: This is not your decision to make.
Phyllis: What happens if your dad has already left town and you can't find him?
Nick: I'll come back.
Phyllis: Who are you kidding? You'd go looking for him, and it'd take days.
Jack: Or worse still, you'd follow Victor down to Brazil. Nick, I know you want to get your hands around Adam's throat. We all do. Do not play into his hands. We don't even know if he has spies around here keeping an eye on your every move waiting for you to make a mistake so he can pounce.
Nick: I am not gonna live my life worried about Adam. Right now, he needs to be worried about me. Whatever it takes to drag his butt back here so he can face justice is what I'm gonna do.
(Knock on door)
Jack: I'll get that.
Heather: Oh, good. We made it here in time. Nick, you can put your bag down. You're not going anywhere.
Chloe: So is this the socially acceptable alternative to scarfing down a whole pint of ice cream in my bathrobe?
Kevin: I don't know. But it's even less nutritious.
Chloe: (Groans) My God.
Kevin: So what gives?
Chloe: (Sighs heavily) Okay, so remember when I told you about Heather? And how she was, you know, kind of hitting on Chance or whatever? Well, now it's even worse. Now its worse, because now, she has him assigned to be her bodyguard, like, 24/7.
Kevin: Because of the bomb?
Chloe: Yeah, because of the bomb. Yeah. (Sighs) Okay, yeah, fine. It's scary.
Kevin: Uh, yeah, a little bit.
Chloe: Okay, well, I think that she could have found someone else, right? I mean, and he's already working on, like, the highest-profile murder case. And he's not gonna give up on that. So now he's got two really time-consuming jobs.
Kevin: But that's not really what you're worried about.
Chloe: (Sighs) I trust Chance. I don't trust Heather. She is sneaky. And I wouldn't put it past her if she planted that bomb herself.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Are you kidding?
Chloe: Oh, I'm not serious, okay? Give... what is the latest with Jana?
Kevin: The latest with Jana? Uh, well, my wife is moving out. The marriage is over.
Chloe: No.
Kevin: Mm-hmm, yep. And to top it off, her new B.F.F. is Ryder, my brother who kidnapped her.
Chloe: And that's weird.
Kevin: Yeah, it's weird. I just don't get it. I don't get it. He's the reason all of this happened, and he's who she wants to be with?
(Knock on door)
Jana: Hello, neighbor.
Ryder: "Neighbor"?
Jana: Just checked in. Do you want some company?
Ryder: Come on in.
Chance: Nick, you have to know that by doing this, you're making things far worse for yourself if you skip town.
Nick: There's been a misunderstanding.
Heather: Mm-hmm. Apparently so. I mean, the judge made it clear that you aren't allowed to leave Genoa City, and yet, here you are with a bag packed and a jet chartered to Ottawa.
Phyllis: Jack?
Jack: I was worried that Phyllis and I wouldn't be able to convince you. Apparently I was right.
Chance: We're not here to take you to jail. No one wants that.
Nick: This is not an escape attempt. It's an emergency situation.
Heather: Well, someone else is gonna have to handle your emergency for you. These are judge's orders. You have to surrender your passport and driver's license immediately.
Phyllis: You have no choice, Baby.
Jack: One day, you're gonna thank me for this.
Victor: Why don't you stay out of it, all right? It's none of your business.
Shaw: (Chuckles)
Man: (Scoffs)
Shaw: Same advice I gave you, isn't it? Should have taken it, shouldn't you?
Man: What are you doing, man?
Shaw: Ah, relax. No one will know or care.
Skye: (Sighs)
Adam: So, what, the judge said no?
Skye: No, he said yes. He can offer us protection for a price.
Adam: But an exorbitantly high price, right?
Skye: I told you this would happen. (Scoffs) The nerve of that guy.
Adam: Please tell me what the price is.
Skye: Oh, he's gonna think about it and get back to us.
Adam: Listen, if Victor shows up here, that will be the best investment we ever made. Trust me.
Skye: Look, I'm gonna take a shower. Answer my phone if it rings. It'll be the judge calling with his price.
Chance: We're gonna need your driver's license, as well.
Nick: So I can't even drive myself to work?
Heather: There's always the Newman limo.
Nick: That's not my thing. How about a special permit?
Heather: I'll see what I can do. You'll get these back after the trial.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You're not gonna tell the D.A. about the chartered jet, are you?
Chance: I see no need for that to come up.
Phyllis: Great.
Heather: The whole point of this is to keep you out of jail. We're trying to help you.
Nick: Oh, I'm supposed to believe that? That you're on my side? You have messed up this investigation from the beginning, falling for every bogus clue that Adam has left for you. And you've ignored the real ones. You still don't even believe that Adam is alive. You should be out there trying to clear my name, and now you won't even let me do that.
Heather: If Adam is alive, nobody wants him brought to justice more than I do. But the fact is that my hands are tied on this.
Phyllis: Maybe you should talk to your boss, you know? And talk him into actually solving this case instead of persecuting the Newman family.
Chance: After joining up with you guys at the Abbott cabin, holding Adam hostage and submitting him to that kangaroo court, Heather's lucky Pomerantz didn't have her disbarred.
Phyllis: Okay, well, uh... (Sighs) Are you--you should go. I...
Heather: Yeah, okay.
Nick: You know, when the truth comes out, I'm bringing a suit for false arrest.
Phyllis: Jack will find your dad. Your dad will find Adam.
Nick: I bet you're happy Jack stopped by.
Phyllis: Nick, I want to keep you safe. That's all I want. I mean, I would build a cocoon around you if I could.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Hello?
Sharon: It's me.
Nick: Hey, Sharon, what's up?
Sharon: Could you come to the main house? We need to talk.
Nick: Yeah, I'm on my way. Sharon needs to talk to me about something.
Phyllis: (Scoffs) What? It's so late. I mean...
Nick: I need some air anyway.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Chloe: So you gotta think about that guy. That--that guy, he was the hiker, and he got himself pinned in the rockslide, and he had to cut off his arm to survive.
Kevin: Why am I thinking about this guy?
Chloe: That's what it's like when you are so in love with someone, but they are not into it as much as you are. So you gotta... you gotta cut it off.
Kevin: That's what I'm doing.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, I thought that I was doing that. I thought that I did that, and I needed to do it sooner with Billy. And then I wouldn't have given Chance such a hard time.
Kevin: Well, he stuck it out.
Chloe: Yeah, and now look. He wants to marry me.
Kevin: Yeah, and that's what matters, right?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: And this whole thing with Heather, it's nothing. It's temporary. Marriage is...
Chloe: Forever.
Kevin: Well, sometimes it is. You know, yours might be.
Chloe: Yeah, and you also thought that yours was gonna last forever.
Kevin: And if anybody was supposed to make it, it's me and Jana.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Well--well, thank you for the rousing vote of confidence. That really helps. Thanks. Mm! Hi! You're back.
Chance: Hi. I am. I needed a coffee.
Chloe: Oh, you need more of me. Be honest.
Chance: Mm.
Kevin: Chance, your usual?
Chance: Uh, please--large.
Chloe: So guess what? I came up with the greatest idea while you were gone. I thought that maybe it would be a great idea if you would stay at the Chancellor residence. You know, it's so much better than staying at the club. It's safer. You don't have all those people walking in and out, and then you can work at the same exact time. You can be with the family. You can protect her.
Heather: That is such a generous offer. Um, I'm... really beat. It's been, like, such a long day, and all I can think about is just crawling into bed at home. I'm sorry. I mean, you understand, right?
Chance: Yeah. Yeah. No, that's fine. If, uh, if you could just give me a-a second, though, in the meantime?
Heather: Oh, of course.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: I am gonna miss you like crazy.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, you are gonna miss me when I'm lying naked in bed. Mm-hmm.
Chance: You're evil. Do you realize that?
Chloe: Yep.
Chance: Teasing me like--
Chloe: Well, I wasn't--oh.
Heather: (Gasps) Aah!
Chance: You okay?
Heather: Oh, God, sorry. Sorry. Yes. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's, uh, I'm just jumpy. I'm just jumpy. Oh, God.
Phyllis: Ah, Mr. Ears, the wayward bunny. (Chuckles)
Nikki: Yeah, I was afraid that Summer wouldn't be able to sleep without him.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, hopefully, she's having so much fun at Reed's right now, she hasn't noticed he's gone missing.
Nikki: Mm. I was just talking to Sharon now. I hear she's gonna be moving into your penthouse.
Phyllis: Yes. Yes. It's win-win. What is that? You don't agree?
Nikki: I know Sharon is very sincere in wanting to respect your marriage, but I can also understand your desire to set some perimeters.
Phyllis: Yeah, I... Nikki, it was just getting so cozy. You know what I mean? I mean, Nick is at the main house right now talking to her. She calls, he goes running.
Nikki: And you don't think that will happen if she calls from across town?
Phyllis: Well, I was thinking that she would have less reason to call.
Nikki: She'll have his daughter.
Phyllis: Yes, she will, no matter where she lives.
Nikki: But when she's here, when they're alone, they're not really alone. At your penthouse, it'll be a little different.
Nick: So you're really okay with moving to the penthouse? No one guilted you into it.
Sharon: No, no. I-I-I'm really excited. You know, and you can still come and visit Faith whenever you want. Your dad, as well. By the way, have you heard from him?
Nick: Yeah, actually, he had some pretty shocking news. Skye Lockhart is alive.
Sharon: What?
Nick: She and Adam are probably together in Brazil right now.
Sharon: Are you sure?
Nick: I called this number. An American woman's voice answered. There was a man's voice in the background.
Sharon: Adam.
Nick: I think so.
Sharon: Nick, give me the number.
Nick: No, no. It's not a good idea.
Sharon: No, Nick, give me the number. I need to hear his voice.
Kevin: Buck up, Buttercup.
Chloe: (Sighs) My fiancé is spending the night with another woman. Screw bucking up.
Kevin: Well, at least you know where he is. My wife? No idea.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs)
Ryder: Finish it off?
Jana: (Sighs) Why not? I'm not driving, am I?
Ryder: (Chuckles) Oh, hey, before I forget, um, I should give this back to you. Thanks.
Jana: You read it?
Ryder: Yeah, well, I-I don't have anything but time. Remember?
Jana: Were you able to get anything out of it? Do you--do you feel spiritually enlightened now?
Ryder: (Laughs) Uh, yeah. Yeah. Uh, something like that. I-I mean, I-I... I don't know how you go from being someone like me to being someone like that. How did you do it? Is it... is it from the book? Or how much of you is just... like, you?
Jana: Like what?
Ryder: Kind, compassionate, generous, brave.
Jana: I think that you have me... confused with somebody else, someone who's not a cold... (Sighs) Unfeeling cyborg.
Ryder: A cold, unfeeling person couldn't have bailed me out of jail or forgiven me. I know it's hard to admit, because you're not supposed to feel this way. But I know there's something in there.
Victor: You know that people will be looking for me.
Shaw: Yeah, well, they'll never find you.
Man: You can't do it here.
Man: Let's take the boat out, get him drunk, dump him overboard.
Shaw: That's a waste of good liquor. I did promise him a boat ride.
Victor: You're not gonna get away with it.
Shaw: Get out. Cast off!
Victor: You know they'll come looking for me.
Shaw: Enjoy your trip.
(Door lock clicks)
Kevin: Okay, this is a cry for help.
Chloe: (Sighs) I don't want to go home. I don't want to go home because I'm gonna sit there, and I'm gonna obsess, because that's what I do...
Kevin: Hmm.
Chloe: Obsess.
Kevin: Me, too. My shift ended an hour ago.
Chloe: (Sighs) Hey, I know. Let's go see a movie. Let's go see a movie. Come on.
Kevin: You and me?
Chloe: Yeah, come on. If--if amber were here, that's what she would do, right? She would try to cheer us up and make us take our mind off of things.
Kevin: All right, one condition-- no obsessing.
Chloe: Uh, you, either.
Kevin: And you have to stop waving this thing around. You're gonna knock somebody's eye out.
Chloe: Oh, come on. I mean, can't I at least admire it? It is pretty. Look.
Kevin: Let's go.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: (Yawns)
Heather: (Chuckles) You've been busy.
Chance: Uh, I thought you could use a little privacy, so I, uh...
Heather: Um, do you need anything? I could order room service or something.
Chance: No, I'm good.
Heather: All right. Well, good night, and--and thanks.
Chance: You're welcome.
Heather: Seriously. Thank you very much for being here. It makes me feel a lot better. I've been really on edge since the bomb scare.
Chance: Well, it's natural to feel that way.
Heather: For me, it's a little too natural. (Chuckles) I-I grew up in an abusive home.
Chance: Oh.
Heather: I just-- I hate this feeling. I mean, it's even worse now. Somebody wants me dead.
Chance: Heather... (Sighs) You're not gonna die.
Heather: Okay.
Chance: Okay. Night.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs)
Ryder: I can't do this.
Jana: (Sighs) I want this. This is the first thing that I've wanted in a long time. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Yeah, that could have been a mistake moving Sharon off of the ranch. I had to try, Nikki. I mean, my God, she's gotta grow up. She's got to. She cannot keep on going to my husband and leaning on my husband, and she did grow up at one time, remember?
Nikki: And...
Phyllis: She was living alone. She was taking care of herself.
Nikki: Then Adam.
Phyllis: And, you know, he's a master manipulator. I mean, he fools a lot of people a lot smarter than Sharon and less needy than Sharon. But now he's gone. And I think I'm just giving her another chance... which... that could be a mistake, right? (Sighs) But if it is, you know, so be it. I'll live with it. I don't--I don't think it is.
Nick: Why would you ever need to hear Adam's voice again?
Sharon: I-I just-- I don't think that I'll really believe that he's alive unless I do. I mean, I know intellectually that he is. But I-I just...
Nick: You... you need definitive proof.
Sharon: Well, maybe I can get him to admit what he's done or something that could help you find him.
Sharon: Nick, please?
Nick: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings, ring, ring)
Adam: Hello?
Jack: I'm tryin' to find someone.
Meggie: The bar is closed.
Jack: Uh, he might have been here earlier-- biggish guy, mustache, grayish hair. Um, probably askin' a lot of questions.
Meggie: Come in. You want a drink?
Jack: No, I really need to see this guy.
Meggie: Why?
Jack: Then you have seen him.
Meggie: (Laughs) Maybe.
Jack: Listen, I got a message from his son. It's very important that I find him.
Man: (Laughs)
Shaw: Set us up, Meggie. We're havin' a wake for an old friend.
Man: (Chuckles)
(Pounding on door)
(Objects clatter on floor)
(Water gushing)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daniel: You're too sexy.
Ashley: You are going to Tokyo, right?
Tucker: Come with me.
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