Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/9/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/9/10 -- Canada; Thursday 6/10/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9417 ~ Nick Makes a Mysterious Call

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Emily: Uh, none for me, thanks. I'm--finally weaned myself off the drugs that were forced upon me in the hospital, and my system could use a break.

Michael: (Clears throat)

Paul: Oh, hi there.

Lauren: Hello, everyone. Hi.

Emily: Hi.

Jack: Hey, Lauren, you look fabulous.

Paul: Yeah, I will second that.

Lauren: Well, thank-- well, thank you very much.

Emily: How are you feeling?

Lauren: Terrific.

Michael: She's doing great. Great, thanks to you, Emily.

Lauren: Well, and you.

Jack: Hey, pull-- pull up a chair. Join us, please.

Emily: Oh, please do. Please.

Michael: Oh, well, you know what?

Emily: Yes?

Michael: I think we will since I happen to have some pretty incredible news.

Emily: Oh.

Jack: Oh?

Paul: Oh, that's great. We all could use that.

Michael: Mm-hmm. I have obtained copies of the prescriptions that the D.E.A. is basing its case on. They were all written while Emily was, uh, confined to that hospital, which means the case should be dropped pretty quickly.

Jack: Hal-le-lu-jah.

Michael: And then, once we are over that hurdle, we're going to make an appeal to the American psychological association. We're gonna get your medical license reinstated.

Emily: Oh, great. And--and--and how long will that take?

Michael: It's hard to tell. We're dealing with a bureaucracy.

Jack: Well, wait. Wait, she's the victim here.

Emily: Eh, red tape is a given, I'm afraid.

Paul: Well, is there any way we can cut through that?

Michael: Well, find the person who wrote the prescriptions. That should expedite things.

Emily: Okay.

Jack: (Sighs)

Emily: (Chuckles)

Adam: Ahh, poor guy. He didn't even know what hit him.

Skye: (Chuckles) Some of us were there to play poker. I don't know what our tourist friend was playing.

Adam: I think he was playing right into your hands.

Skye: (Laughs) Feast your eyes.

Adam: Damn. We should celebrate, you know?

Skye: My thoughts exactly.

Adam: I'm hungry. You want to go get some Indian food?

Skye: Celibate much? I don't get it, Adam. You and Sharon are history. You threw your wedding ring out the window. We always had fun together before.

Adam: Skye, I'm happy with the way things are. You gonna change your clothes, or what?

Skye: (Scoffs) My God. You're still hung up on her. Never thought I'd live to see the day.

Phyllis: Maid services are included, plus the kitchen appliances and, uh, all the linens.

Sharon: Hmm, I, uh, don't know.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Sharon: I'm seeing a lot of glass and sharp edges.

Phyllis: Well, you can swap out any furniture you want. That's no problem. And any baby proofing you need to do, go ahead, and I'll just deduct it from the rent. I think this is a great place for you and Faith, don't you?

Sharon: Uh, honestly, I don't know.

Gloria and Jeff: (Laughing)

Jeff: Uh, is there a problem?

Gloria: I'll say there's a problem. What the hell are you two doing in our living room?

Phyllis: Uh, I'm sorry, Gloria. You mean my living room, right?

Victor: Skye Lockhart is not dead.

Nikki: What? Skye Lockhart is alive?

Victor: Yeah, and conspiring with Adam.

Nikki: How is that possible? We found her body I-in the stables.

Victor: Well, think back. Who ID'd her body?

Nick: Adam.

Victor: You bet. This lie goes back further than we thought.

Nikki: How did you find this out?

Victor: Uh, apparently a year ago, Skye Lockhart left instructions at this bar that I'm at to rendezvous with him outside of Canada.

Nikki: What do you want me to do on this end?

Victor: You find a line on Skye Lockhart, all right? And once we get a hold of her, then we get a hold of Adam.

Nick: All right, I'll, uh, I'll leave a message on your cell if I find anything.

Victor: Uh, don't bother, because my cell phone was stolen.

Nick: Stolen?

Nikki: Victor, were you robbed?

Shaw: (Laughs)

Victor: I thought you were going to leave this open for me, persuade him to stay.

Meggie: In front of his friends?

Victor: Yeah.

Meggie: Way too suspicious. But don't worry. He'll be back.

Victor: Good. Because I have a score to settle with him.

Gloria: We are your tenants, and we have rights.

Jeff: Yeah, you can't just barge in here. You gotta give us notice.

Phyllis: Oh, I have, several times. You never responded.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Just let me take a look here. Oh, my goodness. Oh, wow. What?

Jeff: (Chuckles) (Sighs) Eviction notice.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Gloria: What?!

Phyllis: Um, I believe it says "Eviction." I have to take care of this. Can I meet you at the coffeehouse?

Adam: (Sighs)

Skye: You're seriously freaking me out here, Adam.

Adam: You gotta try and understand, Skye. Sharon was the one decent thing that I had in my life, the one thing that wasn't a con, the one thing that was real.

Skye: You want real? This... this is real. What do you think's gonna happen? You're gonna win her back after what you did? (Sighs) Look, I get it. You're heart's broken, but you gotta snap out of it, 'cause there's no going back. You're a ghost, Adam. In the end, it's gonna be you and me, like always. We got a good thing goin' for two dead people. Let me bring you back to life.

Adam: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, Skye and Adam must have worked out this plan ahead of time.

Nikki: Yeah, but still, he had to let her know that he was on his way.

Nick: Every call that Adam made or received the month prior to the ball was identified. So Adam did not call Skye from his cell phone, from his Athletic Club room, not from his hospital room or that phone that Patty gave him.

Nikki: Maybe he used another phone. I--maybe he even used a pay phone, or maybe he snuck into an office, used that phone.

Nick: Maybe he didn't have to sneak around, maybe he had the help of some nurse or used a phone from some other guest at the club.

Nikki: The pilot. The pilot. Um, Russ Curtis.

Nick: The pilot. You may be right about that, especially if Adam gave him a bunch of money to fly him up to Canada.

Nikki: Yeah, what's one little phone call?

Nick: And he's been so helpful so far. It might be time to give this guy a reward.

(Pounding on door)

Shaw: Meggie, it's me. Open up.


Shaw: Meggie?

Meggie: Comin'.

(Knock on door)

Shaw: Meggie, please? You seen my wallet?

Meggie: It's on the bar.

Shaw: Oh.

Shaw: What the--

Victor: You lookin' for this? I guess you helped yourself last night after you mugged me, didn't you?

Shaw: You didn't get enough then, huh?

Victor: I'll give you all the cash. You just tell me where you took Adam and where he was headed.

Shaw: I got a better idea. I'll pulverize you, take the cash and throw you in the harbor.

Victor: You gonna be a man now? Unlike last night, when you sneaked up on me from the back. Are you a coward?

Shaw: You son of a bitch. (Grunts)

Victor: You should have taken the deal, son.

Gloria: This is outrageous. You can't just throw us out of our home.

Phyllis: Oh, yes, I can.

Jeff: Oh, yeah? On what grounds?

Gloria: Yeah.

Phyllis: Well, let me ask you this. Uh, since you've been living here, how many times have you paid your rent on time? Just give me a ballpark.

Gloria: Wouldn't know. It's not my job.

Phyllis: Well, I'll tell you--never, not once.

Jeff: Well, we promise to do better.

Gloria: Yeah. Oh, come on, Phyllis. What's Michael gonna think if you throw his mother out on the street?

Phyllis: Well, I think Michael's gonna understand, Gloria, and you're not gonna be on the street.

Jeff: Look, th--th-- there's a real easy fix here. We'll just buy the place.

Gloria: That's an excellent idea. We love it here. Nothing like penthouse living.

Jeff: I'll get my checkbook. Name your price.

Phyllis: Um, well, it's not for sale. And per the terms of the eviction notice, you two have to vacate the premises right away before the sheriff comes here and throws you out on your butt.

Gloria: Fine. I never really liked your mangy apartment anyway.

Victor: Your hands are tied. Now let's see how quickly you come up with the answers that I want. Skye Lockhart-- that name ring a bell? Ever seen her before? Is she the one who gave you instructions as to where to transport Adam? On the back it says, "Wait for Shaw to contact you. Find ordem e progresso." What the hell does that mean?

Shaw: Go to hell.

Victor: Really?

Shaw: Yeah. I'm leavin' now. You want to stop me, good luck. What the hell is this?!

Victor: It's a very old building you're in. I discovered some interesting features in it. Let me show you.

Victor: Very interesting building.

(Water lapping)

Victor: Isn't that a beautiful trap door? It leads right to the icy, dirty brown Ottawa River. It'd be a shame if you fell into it, wouldn't it, huh? How do you think it would feel with that concrete block chained to your feet?

Nikki: Well, Mr. Curtis, as I said on the phone, I wanted to compensate you for all of your help.

Russ: I know that's what you said.

Nikki: Oh, you don't think I meant it?

Russ: (Chuckles) Well, the thing is, uh, Mr. Newman wasn't all that happy about when I dropped him off in Canada on account of my making him use the parachute.

Nikki: You made Victor jump out of the plane?

Russ: Well, I-I-I had no choice. I couldn't--couldn't land in another country with... without fear of losing my pilot's license.

Nikki: Well... I-I-I guess we all have to do what we have to do.

Russ: (Chuckles) Yes, Ma'am.

Nikki: Now, uh, regarding your remuneration...

Russ: Whoa. That's... (Sighs) That's mighty generous.

Nikki: There's just one tiny little thing.

Nick: In order to get that money, Russ, you're gonna have to answer a question.

Russ: Well, I already told Mr. Newman everything I know about Adam, which really wasn't much.

Nick: Did Adam use your cell phone the night you flew him up to Canada?

Nikki: May we see it?

Russ: (Sighs) Look, I-I-I don't want any trouble, especially with the cops.

Nick: Actually, there's a greater chance of that happening if you don't let us see that phone.

Russ: (Sighs)

Nikki: We just need to find out what the number is, and then you'll get your phone back and your money.

Nick: Mom, there it is. April 1st, the night Adam escaped. A 2-minute call to some international exchange.

Nikki: Can you tell what country?

Nick: Not offhand.

Nikki: Do you know?

Russ: No, Ma'am.

Nick: Did Adam make this call?

Russ: If it's international, he must have. It sure wasn't me.

Nick: Do you remember anything about the conversation? Did he mention any names?

Russ: (Sighs) If he did, I wasn't paying attention. I just handed him the phone, flew the plane, and minded my own business, kind of like I'd like to do right now.

Nikki: Excuse us. Nicholas, come on down here for just a minute.

Nick: Hope you don't mind.

Nikki: I just want to write this down.

Russ: What are you doing?

Nick: Just erasing this number in case you wanted to give him a call and warn him.

Russ: (Scoffs) I would have if you hadn't. I'd kind of like to pretend I never met you people. No offen--no offense.

Nick: None taken.

Russ: (Clears throat)

Nick: Here's your phone.

Nikki: And here is your money.

Nick: Appreciate your help. Drive safely.

Russ: (Sighs)

Nikki: Thank you.

Nick: This line's caller I.D.-blocked, right?

Nikki: Unless you unblock it.

Nick: It's ringing.

Skye: Hello? Hello?

Nick: Well, hey, there, Sunshine. Put your old man on.

Skye: Who is this?

Michael: Well, we know Emily didn't authorize these.

Lauren: Well, what about Patty?

Paul: No, this isn't Patty's handwriting. See, the nuns made sure we had, uh, perfect penmanship.

Jack: Whoever wrote these wasn't even trying to forge your signature.

Emily: Yeah.

Michael: Well, since they're all filled out of state... in most likelihood, the pad was stolen.

Jack: So we're right where we started.

Emily: No, not necessarily. I was really, really hoping I was wrong about who did this. But now seeing the actual handwriting...

Michael: What? You recognize it?

Emily: Yeah. It's my younger brother's, Jamie's.

Jack: Oh, boy.

Emily: He and I have been estranged for years. Uh, he has a serious drug problem.

Jack: Oh, God.

Emily: And he stole my pads years ago, and presumably to... to feed his own habit. And I got the pad back, but, uh, um, I-I haven't seen him. I haven't seen him since.

Jack: You never told me any of this.

Emily: Well, Jack, I'm not very proud of that.

Michael: (Stammers) Does he live nearby?

Emily: Uh, out-- outside of Saint Paul.

Michael: All right, since he lives in another state, and you two haven't seen each other for years--

Jack: M-m-m-Michael. Michael, this is my fault. I invited Jamie to come here for a visit.

Emily: Oh, I remember that. Patty came to see me wanting to know about our history. I-I gave her misinformation hoping that she would slip up in front of Jack.

Jack: Only Jamie didn't stick around long enough for that to happen. I don't know what words he and Patty shared, but as soon as he talked to her, he left town.

Paul: Well, I'm sure she realized that he had a problem and, um, gave him the pad to get rid of him.

Lauren: Yeah, but I wonder what he was thinking.

Emily: He just wanted access to drugs.

Michael: And easy cash-- selling scrips to fellow addicts.

Paul: You know, now that I'm thinking about it, every time I asked Patty about the--the prescription pad, she said, "Brother." I was thinking she was talking about me.

Lauren: But she really meant Jamie.

Emily: Right.

Jack: The pieces all fit.

Emily: I feel foolish even worrying about him now, but I do hope he's okay so that I can kill him.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: Well, having a challenging brother of my own, I can relate.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Jack: Yeah, same here.

Emily: (Chuckles)

Paul: Yeah, I guess I can relate, too, only mine is, um, obviously a sister.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: (Chuckles)

Lauren: So I guess there are advantages to being an only child.

Michael: Aw.

Emily: Aw.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Nick: (Southern accent) So you don't recognize my voice?

Adam: (Whispers) Who is it?

Skye: No, I don't. Who's calling, please?

Nick: It's Jerry. It's old Jerry. Put Milo on. Put your old man on.

Skye: (Sighs) No Milo here. You've got the wrong number.

Nick: Okay, well, I'm sorry that I wasted your time, Sugar.

Nikki: Okay, I got a hold of Chance.

Nick: (Normal voice) What'd he say?

Nikki: He's calling to track down the location of the tower that bounced off the last call received by this phone. When he finds out more, he'll call me.

Nick: I think we got the bastard.

Nikki: So who was on the phone? Was it Skye?

Nick: It was a woman with an American accent, and I also heard a man's voice in the background.

Nikki: Oh, man, it could have been both of them. It could have been Skye and Adam!

Nick: My gut tells me it is. Hopefully, Chance comes through, and we'll have their location narrowed down to within a couple of miles.

Victor: I'll tell you a little story about this. That used to be a boat launch. You know, a boat launch? Now it's just a hole. It's a portal that leads to the bottom of the river.

Shaw: Yeah, r-r-right. You're gonna murder me. Okay, go ahead, tough guy. P-push me in.

Victor: Yeah.

Shaw: Yeah.

Victor: Let's think about it for a moment. If I push you in chained to those concrete blocks, you're gonna go right to the bottom of that river. It's gonna buffet you like a rag doll. You're gonna panic. Before you go in, you'll take a deep breath, right? And then you're gonna panic. Then you can't hold it anymore. And then your lungs and your belly are gonna fill with that dirty water.

Shaw: Shut up! I get it, okay?!

Victor: That's a good boy. You willing to cooperate now? Tell me about Skye Lockhart and Adam? Tell me!

Shaw: (Breathing heavily)

Victor: Oh. Pretty tough, hmm? I'll give you ten seconds.

Shaw: Aah!

Victor: Ten seconds.

Shaw: (Gasping)

Victor: You tell me what I want to know.

Shaw: (Breathing heavily)

Victor: What do you know about Adam? What do you know about Skye Lockhart? Tell me now.

Shaw: (Gulps)

Victor: Six...

Shaw: No.

Victor: Five...

Shaw: I-I--

Victor: Four...

Shaw: Okay! Whoa! Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay!

Victor: All right, tell me what you know.

Shaw: Okay, the--the lady. The lady in--in the picture...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Shaw: Gave me 10 grand to set up a boat ride for this guy.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Shaw: He was gonna contact me when he got to town.

Victor: And did he?

Shaw: Yeah, but I--they-- I don't know any names. They-- they--they didn't give me any. I didn't ask.

Victor: What does "ordem e progresso" mean?

Shaw: Well, that's a ship. It's the name of a freighter. I--okay, I took this guy up the Saint Lawrence seaway. I-I watched him get on the boat.

Victor: All right, where was the ship headed?

Shaw: (Stammers) The lady gave me another--

Victor: Where was it headed?

Shaw: I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!

Victor: Oh, really?

Shaw: Aah! Aah! (Stammers) The crew is p-Portuguese. That's all I know.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Shaw: (Breathing heavily)

Shaw: Look, I told-- I told you what you wanted. Let me go.

Victor: There's one other thing you can do for me.

Jeff: (Groans) I'm sure gonna miss this place.

Gloria: I suppose we could fight it.

Jeff: Mm, ah, yes, with the highly effective "We never open our mail" defense.

Gloria: Did it seem odd to you that Sharon Newman was here with Phyllis Newman? I thought those two hated each other.

Jeff: (Sighs) Out with the old, in with the new.

Gloria: Think she's sellin' her the place?

Jeff: (Chuckles) Selling, renting, what difference does it make? We're outta here. Hey, maybe it's a sign.

Gloria: A sign?

Jeff: Yeah, time we got our own place.

Gloria: Or we could build a place, the biggest estate in Genoa City. Got the money.

Jeff: On paper, anyway.

Gloria: And in case you hadn't heard, dirt's cheap these days. Sell a few stocks, buy a big piece of property right next door to Jack Abbott.

Jeff: Mm.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: Nice fantasy. Not real practical, though, since we gotta be out of here as soon as possible.

Gloria: (Sighs) What do you suggest?

Jeff: Well, we could get a room at the club. (Sighs) Take our time deciding on where to go next. In fact, why don't we book one right now...

Gloria: (Giggles)

Jeff: Have dinner while we're at it?

Gloria: You're on, lover man.

Phyllis: Oh. Okay, everything's set. Jeff and Gloria won't be an issue. (Sighs)

Sharon: Phyllis, I'm really not comfortable with you throwing them out just so that I can rent the place.

Phyllis: Well, I'm not throwing them out. I sent them two eviction notices last month way before I had this idea. This is a new start for you, no bad memories. There's plenty of room for Faith to grow and for Noah when he comes back.

Sharon: I don't know. This is all moving a little bit fast. I think I need some time to think about this.

Michael: You know, we could score some points with the feds if we could apprise them of Jamie's location.

Jack: You think you could find him again?

Paul: I will get on that tonight.

Jack: Thanks. (Stammers) Is there anything that Emily and I can do right now to maybe help her case?

Michael: Well, if you--

Lauren: Uh, excuse me.

Michael: Wait, are you sure? You're o-okay?

Lauren: Yeah, I'm just going to the ladies' room. Yeah, I'll be right back.

Michael: Oh, um, well, back to your question-- yes. Yes. I know you and Jamie have been out of touch, but if you could find a way to get a recent example of his handwriting for comparison's sake, it would be grea--

Paul: Uh, excuse me, all right?

Jack: Do you maybe have anything like that in the house?

Paul: Lauren? Um, I just wanted to say how glad I am you're feeling better, and that, um, I owe you an apology.

Lauren: For what?

Paul: I gave Michael my word that I would keep my eyes on you the entire night the night of the masquerade ball, and I got distracted with Heather and--

Lauren: Paul. Paul. Sarah would have kidnapped me no matter what. Her entire plan depended on it. So let's not berate ourselves for things we had no control over, okay?

Paul: Like the night you and I, um...

Lauren: Exactly. I... I was drugged. I wasn't myself, and it's over and done with. Come on. We're too good of friends to let this derail us, so just hug me. Tell me everything's okay, and then let me go to the bathroom and fix my face before dinner comes...

Paul: (Laughs)

Lauren: Because you know there's one thing I hate-- cold halibut!

Paul: Cold halibut.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Paul: (Laughs) Of course.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Gloria: They want us to pay cash?

Jeff: Uh-huh, two weeks up front, plus an extra deposit for incidentals.

Gloria: Well, that's ridiculous.

Jeff: Really?

Gloria: What, they don't take credit cards anymore?

Jeff: Well, you remember what happened the last time we stayed here. The bank gave us the boot, wouldn't authorize any more charges.

Gloria: How are we supposed to come up with it at this hour? Not even Rockefellers carry around that much cash.

Jeff: I know, Pumpkin.

Gloria: Don't you dare "Pumpkin" me! We are worth a fortune! But right now, our reputation and our credit is no better than a bum on the street.

Adam: Tell me again what he said.

Skye: That his name was Jerry, and he wanted to talk to some guy named Milo. I told him he had the wrong number, and he apologized.

Adam: Wh-what do you think that means?

Skye: That Jerry dialed wrong.

Adam: No, no, no, no, no. Thi--

Skye: (Sighs)

Adam: Something isn't right here, Skye. We can't be too careful. I mean, Victor showed up already in Canada, you know?

Skye: Baby, we are so far away from Canada. Let it go. You're acting like it was Victor on the phone.

Adam: How do we know it wasn't? How do we know that it wasn't Victor, Skye?

Skye: I know, all right? He has a very distinctive voice. This was some Joe blow who dialed wrong. You need to lighten up.

Adam: No, no, no, no. I-I had this whole thing planned. This thing was foolproof. Now--now Victor shows up in Canada, and we get a call on a number no one is supposed to have.

Skye: (Sighs)

Victor: Don't go in just yet.

Meggie: Oh, my God, did he--is--is he okay?

Victor: He's all right. Nothing fatal, okay? I just don't want him to see you when I take him out of there.

Meggie: Where are you going?

Victor: He's gonna take me to the freighter where he dropped off Adam, and I will find out the route of that freighter and find out about its home port. And that's where I'll pick up my search.

Meggie: Well, Shaw is dangerous, you know. So don't you take your eyes off of him for one second.

Victor: Don't-- don't you worry about that. But I want to thank you, okay? You've been very, very nice and very helpful. If there's anything I can do in return...

Meggie: Actually, there is.

Victor: Really? Well, you name it.

Meggie: Well, it's been a long time since I met a man who knew how to treat a woman right. I thought maybe after you finished your business with Shaw you could come back. You know, no strings attached, Cowboy, just a little fun for both of us. What do you say?

Victor: (Chuckles)

Meggie: (Laughs)

Nick: Once we hear from Chance, we gotta get word to Dad somehow.

Nikki: Yeah, well, how do we do that when we know he doesn't have a phone?

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Is that Dad?

Nikki: Hey, Chance. Did you find anything out? Great. Great. Thank you so much. Okay. The call went to Brazil, somewhere around Sao Paulo. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where are you going? Where are you going?

Nick: To find Dad and Adam.

Nikki: No, you aren't going anywhere.

Michael: We're just going right over there for our secret hideaway, okay?

Lauren: Yeah.

Emily: All right, well, it was good to see you. Thank you.

Lauren: Thank you so much.

Michael: We disappear. Ignore us.

Paul: Okay.

Lauren: See you.

Jack and Paul: Good night.

Lauren: Good night.

Michael: Thanks, Paul.

Paul: See you.

Emily: Good night. Well, it is so nice to see those two relaxed.

Paul: Yeah, I'm gonna take off, too. Uh, I want to get a jump start on tracking down Jamie Peterson.

Jack: Hey, good luck there, Paul.

Emily: Will you keep us posted?

Paul: I will do. Thanks for dinner.

Jack: Good night. Well, that leaves you and me, a piece of cherry cheesecake and two forks.

Emily: Mmm. There are worse things.

Jack: Yeah, before we get into that, though, I do want to say something. I, uh, I do feel responsible for this whole D.E.A. mess. If I had even the slightest inkling that bringing your brother into town would cause this much trouble, I--

Emily: Jack, you don't need to apologize. You were just trying to make sense of what was going on, and you stuck by Patty because you believed she was me. And I can't fault you for being loyal now, can I?

Jack: I wasn't about to give up on you then, and I'm not gonna give up on you now.

Lauren: Hmm. I think I'm gonna order an outrageously expensive cognac. What about you?

Michael: You sure you just don't want to head home?

Lauren: No, I want to have an after-dinner drink with my handsome husband. And you know what? To hell with Ryder and whoever else is in this building. I'm glad I ran into him because I'm not afraid anymore.

Michael: You're amazing, you know that? How you've come through all this... you're stronger than ever.

Lauren: Not just me, Baby, we.

Jeff: Four olives in a martini hardly constitutes dinner.

Gloria: (Sighs) I lost my appetite.

Jeff: Whereas I, having remembered that our banker plays golf with the owner of this fine establishment, am ready to dig into a big, juicy porterhouse.

Gloria: Hmm.

Jeff: Oh, come on, Kitten. Let's enjoy the evening. Let it go.

Gloria: No. Since I came to this stupid town, I've been treated like a second-class citizen, and I'm sick of it. The Newmans, and the Abbotts, even the Chancellors-- what do they have that we don't have?

Jeff: A decent F.I.C.O. score?

Gloria: Oh, shut up, Jeffrey. It's not about the money. It's about recognition and--and respect. I'm sick of us being the loser couple that gets kicked out of places.

Jeff: You want to do the kicking out.

Gloria: Yeah, I do. Imagine havin' a place at the tippy-top that Genoa City's society's just dying to get into. And I could stand at the door and tell 'em all... "No, I don't think we want you in here, Phyllis." "Sorry, Sharon. No ordinary people allowed."

Jeff: Not our kind, Darling.

Gloria: (Laughs) Oh, Baby, you read me like a book.

Jeff: Yeah? Like a Braille book?

Gloria: (Chuckles) Mm, stop it. You'll ruin my fantasy.

Jeff: Fantasy? Mm, listen. Why don't we go upstairs to the room? You go in first. I'll knock, and you do your damndest to try and keep me out.

Gloria: Why, "Mr. Big," you'll never get past the velvet rope.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: We'll see about that.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Why are you hesitating to move in? Is it because I'm gonna be your landlord? Because if it is, I'll sell it to you on favorable terms.

Sharon: Wow. You really do want me off the ranch.

Phyllis: We both win.

Sharon: I'm not ready to jump into buying a condo right now, but... I will give it a try if you're willing to do a month-to-month lease.

Phyllis: Absolutely. You can be in by tomorrow.

Nick: Mom, now that we know where Adam is, we can't waste any time.

Nikki: We will get the information to your father.

Nick: How?

Nikki: I don't know how, but we will figure out a way. You're not jumping bail, all right? Not with your trial date this close. That's not happening.

Nick: Mom, Mom, Dad may need help, all right? And we gotta go now before the trail gets gold.

Nikki: All right, well, I'll go. I'll go. I'll take the jet. I'll be by Victor's side by tonight.

Nick: No, I want to do this. After everything that Adam has put this family through, I want to personally nail his butt to the wall.

Nikki: If you get caught, you will go to jail. Now think about your family.

Nick: Mom, that's all I am thinking about.

Nikki: Nicholas! (Sighs)

Nikki: (Clears throat) Hi, it's me. Listen, um, my son is about to make a terrible mistake, and I think you're the only one who can stop him.

Victor: You're a very beautiful woman. You're very kind, very brave. If things were different...

Meggie: Oh, you're taken, aren't you? Somebody back home.

Victor: (Chuckles) Her name is Nikki, and she means a hell of a lot to me. I mean, she wouldn't find out about this, but I would know. Do you understand?

Meggie: Yeah, I do, and I admire you for it.

Meggie: Nikki's a lucky woman.

Victor: Well, if you ever need anything...

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Victor: I left my card. You know where to reach me.

Meggie: Good luck, Cowboy. You take care of yourself.

Victor: Thank you.

Victor: You walk out that door and you walk to the docks. I'll be right behind you.

Shaw: Where we goin'?

Victor: Where you took Adam. You make one false move, Son, I'm gonna get you.

Adam: We've gotta get out of here, Skye, tonight.

Skye: We're using different names. We've got connections. There's no reason for you to be this paranoid. If you're that freaked out about one call, we'll dump the phone and get a new number. Don't overreact and blow this, Adam.

Adam: Look, we can't risk this. There's too much at stake, Skye. We gotta get the hell out of here tonight.

Skye: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: My wife is movin' out. The marriage is over.

Chloe: No.

Kevin: Mm-hmm. Her new B.F.F. is Ryder.

Jana: Want some company?

Man: What happened? Him again?

Shaw: (Laughs)

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