Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/8/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 6/9/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9416 ~ Battle Lines Are Drawn
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Neil: Hold on, everyone. Just a minute. What is this all about?
Cane: Can we talk about this outside, please?
J.T.: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Neil: Wait. If this has anything to do with those two babies right there, I think we have a right to know.
Malcolm: You'll find out soon enough.
Cane: Come on. Let's--
Neil: What, you know about this, too?
Cane: Let's just go outside.
Mac: Don't touch me.
Roxanne: Cane, back-- back off, okay? She's upset.
Mac: Go on. Tell 'em what you're doing. He's suing me for control of the amniotic fluid.
Devon: What?!
Neil: You must be kidding. Tell me you're not going there.
Woman: Easy, Champ. You've got a pretty bad bump there.
Victor: How did I get in here?
Woman: I found you outside unconscious. The cook helped me drag you in. Are you feelin' a little dizzy, Mr. Newman?
Victor: How do you know my name?
Woman: (Scoffs) Everyone on the planet knows your name, I think. Besides, uh, I found this outside next to you, but no cash, no credit cards. They left you your license, though.
Victor: Where's my phone?
Woman: I didn't see one.
Victor: (Sighs) The last thing I remember, I walked out of here.
Woman: Well, I'm guessing Shaw Roberts jumped you from behind.
Victor: (Sighs) Is he the boat captain?
Woman: That's the one.
Victor: Where do I find him?
Woman: (Scoffs) I don't know.
Victor: Well, what do you mean, "You don't know"? He must come here often. I'm sure you see him.
Woman: What if he does?
Victor: Let me ask you something. Please remember. Did you see him talk to my son?
Woman: It gets pretty loud in here, okay?
Woman: Are you okay?
Victor: (Exhales) A little woozy. Whoa. I guess he hit me pretty good. (Exhales slowly)
Woman: Do you want anything?
Victor: No, nothing right now. Let me ask you, do you think that... that captain guy, is he the one who took my son out on the boat? I'm sure you know a lot more than you're letting on. I'll really make it worth your while.
Woman: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Nick doesn't know this, but, uh, when this is all over, he's taking us on a long vacation somewhere where they don't have internet or telephones.
Michael: Does that even exist?
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Tell me again why I hounded the man for months, the only man who kept Sharon from needing Nick.
Nick: So you're gonna let me know if you have any symptoms-- shortness of breath, chest or stomach pain, nosebleed?
Sharon: Well, if I do, I'll just call the doctor.
Nick: I gave the staff instructions on everything you'll need.
Sharon: I can talk to them myself, Nick.
Nick: You need to conserve your energy. Let us take care of you.
Sharon: Okay, well, that's exactly what I don't want.
Nick: Sharon, paraquat poisoning is serious stuff.
Sharon: Nick, I didn't say I'm not taking it seriously. But I just... I don't need you to swoop in and try to take care of me because all I need is to see Faith and--and just get some rest. And I-I can't take everybody trying to help, because that's the reason why I fell in love with...
(Shower turns off)
Skye: You're not still bothered about that call from Canada, are you?
Adam: If Victor tracks me here, then he finds out about you.
Skye: Oh, come on. We're a continent away from dear old dad.
Adam: Yeah, you don't know how relentless he can be.
Skye: (Sighs) Look, Shaw Roberts is old-school. He won't spill. Quit worrying. Enjoy yourself. We're this close from the biggest score of our lives. Shame we weren't murdered a long time ago.
Victor: What is your name?
Woman: McClaine. Meggie McClaine.
Victor: Are you gonna help me?
Meggie: Well, I have a family of my own with my own problems. I don't really need to involve myself with yours, but thanks.
Victor: What are you afraid of?
Meggie: (Laughs) Afraid?
Victor: Did he tell you to keep your mouth shut?
Meggie: Oh, Honey, I think you got the wrong idea. It's--it's-- I just don't have the time. If you hadn't noticed, I have a lot of customers to keep happy.
Victor: Why don't you make me happy?
Meggie: (Chuckles)
Victor: I'll, um, make it worth your while. I can see this joint could, you know, be spruced up a little.
Meggie: Oh, you think I'm trying to squeeze you for money. Well, news flash-- I don't want your money, okay?
Victor: I need to find this man. He's my son Adam. A lot of people will be very unhappy if I don't. One of those people is my granddaughter. Her name is Summer.
Meggie: Hmm.
Victor: She's a beautiful little girl. She makes me very happy. But if I don't find this guy, then, um, she'll have nothing but sadness in her life to look forward to.
Meggie: Okay, a guy who looks like this photo came in here and rented a room for a few nights.
Victor: Huh. I see.
Adam: Not now, Skye.
Skye: Doesn't the thought of all that money turn you on? (Sighs) What happened to "Friends with benefits"?
(Cell phone rings)
Adam: It's "O Juiz."
Skye: (Scoffs) What does that greedy bastard want now? (Ring)
Adam: He's returning my call, Skye.
Skye: You didn't.
Skye: The judge already got his cut last week.
Adam: Mm-hmm. You want to go into this game without his protection? Hello? O, Juiz.
Skye: (Sighs)
Adam: Como é você? Great. Thank you. Thanks for asking, yeah. I-I-I wonder if you could meet me here. Yeah, at the hotel. About an hour? Great. Thanks. Grato. I'm gonna take a shower.
Skye: (Sighs)
Sharon: I-I can't believe I was about to say "Adam." Uh, where did that come from?
Nick: We've all been on Adam overload the last few weeks.
Sharon: Well, I-I'm not in love with him, Nick. I mean, I'm not anymore.
Nick: Sharon, Sharon, you don't have to explain.
Sharon: No, I mean, what I-- what I meant was regardless of the reasons why he did it, I just really appreciated Adam encouraging me to be my own person. You know, I-I've leaned on you enough, you and Jack both. And I just think that it's important for me to stand up for myself because I want to be a good role model for our daughter.
(Knock on door)
(Front door opens)
Michael: Hey!
Phyllis: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Michael: Oh. (Quietly) We're here. Sleeping baby.
Phyllis: Yeah. She's sound asleep.
Sharon: Wow. Come here, Sleepyhead.
Phyllis: Here.
Sharon: Hey. Oh, my gosh. Got her.
Devon: Cane, why are you doing this? Lily was dead-set against usin' those stem cells.
Neil: So did she change her mind?
Cane: No, she doesn't know about it.
Devon: Yeah, what? Hold up. You're going behind her back on this? Behind her back, while my sister is fighting for her life right now?!
Roxanne: Devon, calm down.
Devon: No, hell, no. I'm not gonna calm down. We all know how Lily felt about puttin' those babies' lives at risk. How you just gonna ignore that?
Malcolm: You can't fault the man for trying to save his wife's life.
Neil: You know, Cane, this is a huge decision to make without consulting Lily first.
J.T.: Cane, it's none of my business, but you should talk to Lily before you take Mac to court.
Cane: You know, with all due respect, J.T., I'm-- please stay out of it. It's none of your business.
Devon: Cane, what the hell kind of husband are you?
Cane: I'm the kind of husband who will do anything in his power to save his wife's life. That's who I am.
Devon: That's why Lily left the country, okay? To be a part of the clinical trial in France.
Neil: Okay. All right, Devon. Devon. Just cool it for a minute. What if the doctors extract amniotic fluid from Mac and something goes wrong?
Cane: The doctors said the risk of that happening is miniscule.
Mac: But there's still a risk to the babies and to me.
Neil: Yeah, but imagine the guilt that Lily would feel if she recovered from her procedure and sacrificed her children. You know she would never forgive herself. She would never forgive you.
Cane: And she would still be alive, and that is my first priority, Neil.
Devon: But you know what? She trusted you to respect her decision on this.
Mac: Drop the case.
Cane: Don't I have a say in this?
Mac: No. That's just it, Cane. You don't get to dictate what Lily and I do, especially when it comes to our bodies.
Cane: Well, if no one's gonna listen to my side of this, and I have to go to court to be heard, then so be it.
Mac: And I'll fight you. I'll do everything in my power to protect these babies.
Neil: And I hope you understand. We're gonna back her 100%.
Cane: (Sighs)
Mac: And then what, Cane? You pull her out of the clinical trial that she's in, drag her back from France and force her to participate in a procedure that could cause me to miscarry the only children she'll ever have?
J.T.: Hey, hey, don't get yourself worked up, all right?
Cane: Yeah, please don't do that. It's not good for the babies.
Mac: Oh, as if you care!
Cane: That--this is the most ridiculous thing that you could say to me.
Devon: (Clears throat) When Lily said no to using the fetal stem cells, and agreed to use the adult ones instead, you supported her.
Cane: And I compromised, and I'm not prepared to do that anymore.
Neil: Why? What's changed?
Malcolm: (Sighs) All right, come on, guys. I mean, can't you see how this is tearing him up? The man is trying to do what's right for his wife.
Neil: You're taking his side?
Malcolm: If fighting for Lily's recovery is taking Cane's side, then hell, yeah. You damn well better believe I am.
Michael: So the question we have to plant in the mind of the jury is, did Adam invite Hightower to meet him at the ball? Now the D.A.'s gonna have witnesses that will try and smear his reputation, but we will have witnesses who will swear that his character was beyond—
(Cell phone beeps)
Michael: Sorry-- reproach. Okay, I gotta take this. Excuse me.
Sharon: Nick, would you mind taking Faith up and putting her in our room?
Nick: Sure.
Sharon: Okay.
Nick: (Whispering) There you go. It's okay.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Did Nick tell you how much Summer loves having Faith around?
Sharon: Yes, he did.
Phyllis: I took pictures. I'll e-mail them to you.
Sharon: You know what, Phyllis? I'm too tired to play these games. Why don't we just drop the pretenses, okay? I know that you think that you witnessed something between me and Nick in the hospital.
Phyllis: Okay, let's drop the pretenses. I was just waiting for you to feel better.
Sharon: Okay, well, I feel fine, so let's just do it now.
Phyllis: All right, say whatever you want to say.
Sharon: All right, you know, I told you that I'm--I'm not using this investigation to try to get closer to Nick.
Phyllis: Yet you managed to play "The damsel in distress" one more time. And you know that my husband can't resist saving you.
Sharon: (Scoffs) Right, yeah, I-I-- I'm so desperate. I poisoned myself with paraquat so that I could-- I could be close to Nick and he'd help me.
Phyllis: You know, Sharon, I'm really sorry that that happened. I am truly sorry. (Sighs) And, you know, I've taken the high road. I'm thrilled that your daughter is alive. I even love the fact that my husband is able to raise the daughter that he thought he lost. And I felt good about putting our differences aside in order to help Nick, but for the love of God, do you have to live at the ranch, too?
Sharon: Did you change your mind about what you said the other night in the cornfield? I believe that your exact words were, "I'm going to let go of my insecurities and just trust that my husband loves me."
Phyllis: Well, yes, but every time I turn around, there you are. And now you're livin' right on top of us.
Sharon: (Groans)
Phyllis: (Scoffs) I mean, no--no wife should have to put up with this.
Sharon: Y-y-you know what, Phyllis? You are right. You are absolutely right.
Victor: Is there anything else you remember about him?
Meggie: He paid in cash. He kept to himself. He only talked to the guy who took him out on the boat.
Victor: Did he leave anything in his room? Did he make any phone calls?
Meggie: No, it was spotless. If he used a phone, it wasn't our house phone.
Victor: Well, I appreciate your candor. I really do. If you have any further information, don't hesitate to call me, all right?
Meggie: Okay.
Victor: As I said, I'll make it worth your while.
Meggie: (Chuckles) You want a drink before you go?
Victor: No, thank you. I-I really have got to go. Thank you.
Meggie: Well, good luck to you.
Victor: Thank you.
Meggie: There was one more thing.
Victor: What's that?
Meggie: He was staring at a photo on--on the wall there.
Victor: Okay.
Meggie: He was very interested in it.
Victor: Would you mind showing it to me?
Meggie: Here you go. Yeah, this one.
Victor: She looks familiar.
Adam: The judge call yet?
Skye: No. But when he does, this should make him more than happy. Shame it means cutting into our winnings, but...
Adam: You nervous?
Skye: No. You?
Adam: No worries. You're the best of the best.
Skye: Then why don't you seem happy?
Adam: (Inhales deeply)
Skye: Your body's in Sao Paulo, but your mind's in Genoa City.
Adam: You didn't see the look on everyone's face at the masquerade ball-- all my enemies wishing me dead.
Skye: (Chuckles) If, worst-case scenario, Victor finds you, the judge won't let you be extradited.
Adam: Yeah, I'm not as concerned about that as I am about how easy it would be to kill a man who's legally dead.
Victor: Do you know this woman?
Meggie: Well, we get a lot of people put their pictures up on the wall. I-I don't know her name, but I remember seeing her. We don't get a lot of ladies in this high-class establishment.
Victor: When was she here?
Meggie: A year ago... maybe. I-I don't know. Do you know her?
Victor: I've seen her somewhere. "Wait for Shaw to contact you. Find... ordem e progresso. See you in paradise."
Meggie: (Laughs) What does that mean?
Victor: I think that is Portuguese. "Ordem e progresso" I think means "Order and progress."
Meggie: Well, now, you know, I think, uh, Shaw was expecting someone.
Victor: Do you mind if I get your cell phone and take a picture of this and send it to my attorney?
Victor: Thank you.
Michael: No, no. I'll call you. Bye. (Sighs) That phone recording from Adam warning you to stay away from him? The D.A. just had a judge rule it inadmissible.
Nick: Damn it, Michael, that was the only piece of solid evidence we had that Adam tried to frame me. I mean, if Dad doesn't find this bastard and bring him home to testify...
(Cell phone beeps)
Michael: (Mutters) Oh, a picture message.
Sharon: You know, I've been trying so hard to do what's right for Nicholas and Faith. But obviously, it is just killing you that I'm still so involved in your lives.
Phyllis: Well, there's really nothing we can do about that. We have kids together. We'll always be involved in each other's lives.
Sharon: O-okay, but this is a little bit too close for comfort. I mean, the look on your face when you walked into my hospital room--
Phyllis: And saw my husband helping you into bed?
Sharon: You know, I-I-- I blame myself. I-I mean, I used to be a little bit insecure on my own, but I'm not that way anymore. I-I'm just-- I'm not that person anymore. I really want a life for myself, a life with a man who... not Nick, not Jack, not anyone who's with me just so that they can come to the rescue.
Phyllis: If you really feel that way, why are you back here at the ranch?
Sharon: Phyllis, I can't go to my mom's house. That's too far away. Um, I can't go to the Athletic Club because of what happened there. Let's see. Ashley is in Brad's, and it's gonna take me a little while to find a place.
Phyllis: You mean that? You're serious about finding a place?
Sharon: Yeah.
Phyllis: Give me a couple days. I'm on it. I'll solve both our problems.
Neil: Something's not right here. Why are you and Cane willing to put the babies at risk when Lily is on the road to recovery?
Cane: Because she's not. The clinical trial's not working anymore.
Mac: Since when?
Devon: She didn't say anything about that on the phone.
Roxanne: She told me things were good.
Neil: Are you sure about this?
Cane: I wish I wasn't.
Neil: How long have you known?
Cane: Just today. I was out on the balcony, and I was talking to her, and she said the treatment wasn't working anymore, so I didn't know what to do. I called a lawyer. Mackenzie, please. Using these fetal stem cells, that could be her only chance of survival. Please don't say no to me. Please.
Neil: So what--what exactly did Lily say?
Cane: That the, uh, doctors have done everything possible, but the treatment's not working, and she still hasn't given up.
Devon: Well, see, there you go. If Lily hasn't given up hope yet, then neither should we.
Cane: But she's just spinning that for my sake. I could tell by the sound of her voice.
J.T.: There's other clinical trials, Cane.
Cane: (Stammers) The fetal stem cell trial is the best one, and Olivia said-- well, other than the one she's doing now.
Neil: Don't you think, though, that you should have called Olivia first before--before you called your attorney?
Malcolm: Neil, face the facts.
Neil: Why don't you stay out of this, Malcolm? Okay, until we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I don't even want to talk about this.
Cane: I know. I know.
Mac: Okay, Neil's right. You made an impulsive decision, right? So what's it gonna take to get you to drop this ridiculous lawsuit? Your wife standing next to me on the other side of the courtroom?
Cane: M-m-Mackenzie, Lily's life is in your hands.
Mac: The babies' lives are also in my hands.
Cane: I-it's not a death sentence if we draw the amniotic fluid.
Mac: I'm not saying that it is, but if there's any chance at all that it could harm them, then I'm not gonna d--
Cane: I'm not gonna change my mind. I'm not.
Mac: Fine. You want an ugly court battle? You've got one.
Neil: Mac, wait. J.--J.T.?
Cane: How can I make you understand?
Neil: You know, Cane, what I don't understand is, how you could betray my daughter, your wife, like this.
Skye: Victor's got you spooked.
Adam: You don't know him like I do.
Skye: (Chuckles) Is that really what's got you all twisted up, or is it this?
Adam: You spying on me now?
Skye: Could you make it a little more obvious next time I walk into the room?
Adam: Are you jealous, Skye?
Skye: (Chuckles) You want to waste your time pining for Blondie? It doesn't bother me.
Adam: Sharon was different from any woman I've ever met.
Skye: 'Cause she was honest and innocent and kind to helpless little animals?
Adam: Okay, Skye, you can cut it out.
Skye: I know what it's like to hole up in a hotel room, change your name, wonder about the people you left behind who think you're dead. That "Hindsight is 20/20" thing? It's bull. You remember the good stuff and block out the rest. I was no more a helpless victim to mean old poker-playing gangsters than you were the misunderstood husband who desperately wanted to be a good guy.
Adam: (Sniffs) I tried.
Skye: Now matter how we want to rewrite history, I'm still the card shark who got in over her head with the wrong people, and you're the baby-stealing scammer who pissed off an entire town. That's the past. This con, it's our future. We play this right, we walk out of here with millions. Even if Victor somehow tracks you down here, we'll be long gone.
Victor: No, no. She left a picture of herself in a bar about a year ago.
Michael: Uh, that's pretty impressive, uh, given the fact that she was murdered and found in your stables, what, almost two years ago.
Victor: Who the hell is she?
Michael: That's Skye Lockhart, Adam's ex-girlfriend.
Victor: That's not possible. Maybe someone who looks like her. Maybe a relative or a sister?
Michael: Conveniently enough, the person who ID'd Skye's body just happened to be Adam. He recognized her Harvard class ring.
Victor: Well, maybe that ring was planted.
Michael: This could be the answer to our prayers, given the D.A. just had, uh, Adam's phone recording tossed out as inadmissible.
Victor: Well, what does this do to our case?
Michael: I'm not gonna lie to you, Victor. It's possible that the only thing that could save Nicholas now is Adam himself.
Victor: Well, don't say anything to Nick about Skye, all right?
Michael: No, I didn't see this coming. Skye Lockhart faked her own death.
Victor: Well, she wouldn't be the only one. See you.
Nick: What'd my dad have to say?
Michael: Uh, he has a lead.
Phyllis: A lead? Hey, did he find Adam?
Michael: Well, let's see how it pans out. Look, I'm sorry I can't stay. I've got a-a meeting in town. Uh, Nicholas, call me tomorrow. Call my office. Let's get together. There's a few things I want to go over.
Nick: Will do.
Michael: All right, well...
Phyllis: Bye.
Michael: We'll see you later.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nick: See you.
Phyllis: We should get home to Summer, okay?
Nick: Yeah, I'm just gonna make sure Sharon gets settled in.
Phyllis: (Scoffs)
Sharon: Nick, just go home and be with your family.
Phyllis: Yeah, that sounds great to me.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: Yeah, let's go kiss our daughter.
J.T.: When did Michael say he was gonna make it?
Mac: Um, he was just leaving the Newman ranch. (Sighs) I'm really sorry that our big date night turned into a big bust.
J.T.: Oh, come on. It's not your fault. Leave it up to a subpoena to put a damper on things, huh?
Mac: This has to be a little uncomfortable for you.
J.T.: Yeah, it's, uh, it's bringing back memories... Victoria pregnant in a coma, me fighting with Victor against Nikki and trying to figure out what to do.
Mac: Victoria had preeclampsia, right?
J.T.: Yeah, her blood pressure was through the roof. The doctors weren't-- they weren't sure that she was gonna make it. But, uh, they thought a c-section was her best chance of survival. Reed was premature, and his lungs weren't fully developed. But, uh, Nikki fought against a c-section because she thought that's what Victoria would want.
Mac: And you?
J.T.: Well, Victor and I wanted to try to save Victoria. It's one of the few times we actually saw eye to eye.
Mac: So I take it you agree with Cane... (Sighs) About the fetal stem cells.
Cane: Did I just hear that correctly, J.T.?
J.T.: Look, I'm not getting in the middle of this. This is your guys' fight, all right?
Cane: You know, I-I would have thought that of all the people, uh, you know, you would understand.
J.T.: No, this is different. Victoria, she couldn't tell us what she wanted, but Lily's been very clear from the beginning.
Mac: And you're ignoring her.
J.T.: Look, I know you're scared, and you think you're doing the right thing. But, no, I don't support you.
Neil: Yeah, I-I'm still waiting on hold, uh, for Dr. Winters. (Sighs) Yeah, thanks.
Devon: What do you think about everything?
Roxanne: If you were dying and there was a way to save you, I wouldn't hesitate.
Neil: Olivia, hi, it's, uh, Neil. Yeah. Yeah. I-I'm--I'm okay. Listen, um, Cane spoke to Lily earlier today, and, um, he's under the impression that the treatment isn't going well. Are they sure? What about... what about other options? Um, O-Olivia, I-I need a moment. I'll--I'll--I'll call you back, okay? Thanks.
Malcolm: (Sighs) We're not givin' up.
Neil: My baby girl.
Devon: Did Olivia say that there was any other experimental trials that Lily could get into, or...
Neil: The ones with any promise have waiting lists up to a year long.
Devon: Great. (Sighs) Well, uh, maybe Cane and Malcolm are right then. If the stem cells from the amniotic fluid are Lily's best chance...
Neil: No, not you, too.
Devon: I want her to live.
Neil: So do I, Son. But I can't go against her wishes.
Malcolm: (Sighs) Even if it means saving her?
Neil: (Sighs)
Cane: You were willing to sacrifice your baby to save Victoria's life, right?
J.T.: If we had done the caesarian when we wanted to, I wouldn't have my son today, and I can't imagine my life without him. Luckily for us, when the doctors did the c-section, Reed was old enough to breathe on his own.
Michael: I am so sorry I'm late. Mackenzie, did you bring the subpoena?
Mac: Yes, I did. (Sighs)
Michael: Cane.
Michael: Cane, there's no way you're gonna win.
Cane: Yeah, well, my lawyer thinks otherwise. She thinks it might even set a precedent, Michael.
Michael: Mm-hmm, and destroy your marriage.
Cane: Is that your, uh, your legal opinion?
Mac: You know, it's gonna be you against both your babies' mothers in court.
Cane: W-what do you mean, "Mother"?
Mac: Host, carrier-- whatever you want to call it. Lily and I are together on this.
Cane: Don't make me out to be the bad guy here on this. I'm not. I'm on Lily's side. Do--do you know what it is like to love someone and just watch them get sicker and sicker, and to think, maybe... maybe there's something that, you know, you can do to help them? You know, I-I don't understand. H-how can you not see my side of this? It doesn't need to be like this.
Mac: But it does, Cane. As long I'm carrying these babies, it does.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: That's your final word, right? You have decided to stand against-- against your sister on this.
Devon: Yes.
Neil: I wish you could have seen your sister the day, the very day, that she made the decision not to do the fetal stem cell trial. All she could talk about were her children, how she was willing to-- to risk anything for those babies, because that's who Lily is. And I-I can't take that away from her, man.
Devon: I know. I know that. I know. I know you want to support her, and I know you want to save these babies. And, man, I do, too. I do. Believe me. I've been brushin' up on nursery rhymes and cartoons and superheroes, and--she knows. My closet's packed full of stuff for these kids, and I'm ready to spoil them like a good uncle would. But, Neil, with Lily not here, I... I can't do that. I can't. I can't be behind her if it means not... (Sighs) Listen, we lost Dru. Now are you gonna tell me that you're willing to sit back and let Lily go, too?
Malcolm: (Exhales)
Neil: (Sighs) I... I don't know. I don't know what's right anymore.
Devon: Well, I know that you always told me one thing, and it's to follow my heart.
Neil: Yeah.
Neil: Uh, Olivia, hi. It's--it's me again. Neil. Yeah, one question. Um, is there anything else that the doctors in France can do for Lily? Then I want my daughter home.
Nick: Summer's asleep. Your daughter's a real chatterbox.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) And she's happy to have her daddy home. So am I.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: You're amazing. You're always there for me and for Summer. No matter how tough things get, you'll always fight for us.
Phyllis: Do you know why?
Nick: Why?
Phyllis: Because you, our daughter and our entire family mean everything to me.
Nick: I love you.
Phyllis: I love you, too.
Adam: I don't know why I'm still hanging on to this.
Skye: You were trying to be somebody you're not.
Adam: (Sighs)
Skye: When I planted my Harvard ring with that body, it was symbolic of starting a new life. Say good-bye to who you tried to be and hello to who you really are.
Adam: (Sighs)
Skye: She wouldn't have kept you happy. You need the adrenaline rush. Think of all fun we'll have parting fools and their money.
Adam: I need to go give the judge his payoff.
Skye: Hey, I'm glad you see things my way.
Adam: I don't want to be late.
Skye: (Sighs)
Sharon: Someone once told me that I-I don't need anyone to rescue me-- that I can rescue myself. That person taught me a lot of things... some not so nice things. But he was right about the first part. I can make it on my own. I'm not gonna get sidetracked this time. Phyllis said she'd help. (Sighs) You never know where you'll find a friend, sometimes in the least likely of places.
Meggie: It's probably the size of one of your closets back home, but...
Victor: (Chuckles)
Meggie: It's got a bed, and it's clean-- clean enough.
Victor: Well, thank you. I'll go to the bank tomorrow, and then I'll pay you back for not only the room but for everything else.
Meggie: Just the room's fine. Thanks.
Victor: Okay. Oh, one last favor. Would you get in contact with Shaw Roberts and ask him to meet me tomorrow night? He's the only link that I have to the guy in the picture, Adam, and girl in the picture, Skye. There's some unfinished business I have with Mr. Roberts.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: You two have to vacate the premises right away before the Sherriff comes here and throws you out on your butt.
Victor: Skye Lockhart. Is she the one who gave you instructions as to where to transport Adam?
Skye: My God. You're still hung up on her.
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