Y&R Transcript Monday 6/7/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 6/8/10 -- USA
Episode # 9415 ~ Secret Lives
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Let me get this straight, you jumped out of a plane at night in another country? Are you crazy?
Victor: Not half as crazy as Adam, if he thinks he's going to get away with this.
Michael: Oh, you said you jumped out at the same place, at the same location he did?
Victor: He told the pilot that he would get himself to Ottawa, and from there try to find a boat to go to Quebec.
Michael: Well, and did he?
Victor: I don't know yet. Uh, once I find the skipper of the boat, then I'm on his trail again.
Michael: If anyone can track him down, you can.
Victor: Listen, the reason I'm calling is, have you heard from that-- that jackass of a D.A.? How did he react to the fact that Hightower was in that grave and not Adam?
Michael: Uh, well, actually, there has been a new development, one you're not gonna like. Pomerantz has decided to take the case to the grand jury.
Victor: What the hell is the matter with that egomaniac? Or is he too dumb to realize that this is a setup?
Michael: He wants to make a name for himself with this case. But to do that, he has to prove to the grand jury that he has enough evidence to indict Nicholas.
Victor: I'll tell you one thing, if that man wants a fight, he'll have one.
Nick: Easy there. You are doing great.
Sharon: Yeah, at the rate of about 0.1 mile an hour. (Chuckles)
Nick: Hey, just... I'm gonna have you doing laps around this joint in no time. You watch.
Sharon: (Laughs) Yeah, maybe with a walker.
Nick: You know, you were on a ventilator 24 hours ago. You might want to cut yourself some slack.
Doctor: Hey, look at you up walking.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yeah, and I want to walk right out of the building and get home as soon as I can to my baby girl.
Doctor: I'll be in shortly to examine you. If your lung functions are back to where they should be, I see no reason to keep you here another night.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nick: All right, excellent. Thanks, Doc.
Doctor: Sure.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh, when I said that, I--
Nick: You didn't expect her to go for it? Me, either.
Sharon: Well, hurry up and get me back to my room. I want to be there when she's ready.
Nick: Okay.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Nick: Allemande with a do-si-do.
Sharon: (Chuckles) Remember our square dancing phase?
Nick: Yeah. (Chuckles) Cassíe had a unit on it in school. What grade was that?
Sharon: Um, she was in seventh. Noah was in third.
Nick: Of course, the little man had to learn what his big sister was learning.
Sharon: Yeah. Remember we bought that tape and we moved all the furniture off to the side of the living room, and we taught him the steps?
Nick: That's right. How many nights did that last? Like, two?
Sharon: Uh, yeah.
Nick: Two.
Sharon: But it was fun.
Nick: It was fun. Well, you don't seem out of breath or anything, so...
Sharon: No, no, I mean, I-I feel fine. I'm just--I'm a little weak.
Nick: (Sighs) I bet that means you get to go home then. Come on.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: There you go.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: There you go.
Sharon: Nick, I was so scared that I was gonna die and that Faith would never know me as her mother.
Nick: That would never happen.
Sharon: It could have.
Nick: Mnh-mnh. I wouldn't let it. I just couldn't imagine my life without you. Come on. Let's get you into bed.
Phyllis: Looks like I came just in time.
J.T.: You know, I really don't appreciate having to come here to Newman. It's just another reminder.
Victoria: I'm pressed for time.
J.T.: So can we make this short? I got places to be.
Victoria: (Sighs) I am going out of town on business, and I thought that you would like to know, for Reed. I know you get upset when you're not in the loop.
J.T.: Was I ever in the loop?
Victoria: I will only be gone for a couple of days.
J.T.: That's what you said when you went to Dubai.
Victoria: And I would like to stop by the house and see Reed on my way to the airport. I'm hoping that there won't be a problem with that.
J.T.: That's fine. I'll call Gabby.
Victoria: All right. (Sighs) I'll have my cell phone on me in case Reed wants to get a hold of me.
J.T.: All right, well, just in case Reed wants to call, what time zone are you gonna be in?
Victoria: I am going to Japan.
J.T.: All right. Well, try not to have too much sake and get married.
Mac: Did you think it was real when you were doing it?
Billy: Marrying Victoria? I don't know what I thought.
Mac: You're actually serious about her.
Billy: I'm serious about a lot of things. (Clears throat)
Mac: Yeah, right.
Billy: Your health, for instance. How have you been doing?
Mac: (Chuckles) Um, well, aside from feeling like the twins are playing dodge ball against my spine...
Billy: Ooh, that sounds delightful.
Mac: Yeah, and the upside is that I now know the location of every ladies' room in Genoa City.
Billy: That could come in handy.
Mac: (Chuckles) Trust me, it has, but, um, I feel-- I feel kind of bad complaining with what Lily's going through.
Billy: Have you heard anything from her?
Mac: She and Olivia are settled in at the clinic, and we're all just hoping that the treatment works and she gets stronger and can handle the chemo.
Billy: Well, she's gotta get better. Those twins are gonna need their mama.
Neil: Here we go. One, two...
(Camera shutter clicks)
Neil: Nice!
Roxanne: Congratulations, college graduate. How does it feel being in the real world?
Devon: Oh, well, I'll let you know tomorrow, 'cause right now, it's time to party, right?
Cane: Hey.
Neil: It's time to party, and I'm gonna heat up some world-famous lasagna.
Devon: There you go.
Cane: Great. I'm starved. Let's do it.
Malcolm: Is there anything I can do to help?
Neil: Malcolm, as a matter of fact, how are you at makin' a salad?
Malcolm: I can handle that.
Neil: Okay.
Devon: Hey, I'll serve the drinks.
Malcolm: All right.
Roxanne: I will supervise.
Neil: Oh, Cane, you're gonna love this bottle of Shiraz that I got you. It's your favorite.
Cane: All right, excellent, man. I'm just gonna make a quick phone call. Okay, guys?
Devon: (Sighs) Yep.
Neil: So, young man.
Devon: Yeah?
Neil: Feels good, doesn't it?
Devon: It does feel good.
Lily: Bonjour.
Cane: Bonjour. Hey, uh, I know it's late, but I just wanted to call you. Um, I took some pictures, and I sent them to you, and I thought you might want to congratulate Devon.
Lily: Um, no, you know, that's okay. I actually talked to him earlier, and, um, I sent him a present, so when he opens it, will you take a picture?
Cane: Hey, well, listen, um, what's the matter? What's wrong? Um--
Lily: Nothing. Nothing. No. I just, um, I'm just tired.
Cane: You know, you're never too tired to talk to your brother. What's going on, Lily? What's the truth?
Lily: (Sighs) Um, you know those tests that I did the other day? Well, the, um, the results came back. The treatment is not working the way that Aunt Liv and I had hoped.
Cane: What did the, um, what did the doctor say?
Lily: They've done everything they can.
Cane: I'm gonna come over, okay? I'm gonna come over.
Lily: No, no. Please don't, okay? And listen, please, do not tell anyone, all right? This is Devon's big night. I don't want to spoil it for him.
Cane: All right, listen, Sweetheart--
Lily: No, listen, please. I mean it. I especially don't want my whole family coming over here, okay? I just--I can't handle that, okay? So just promise me.
Cane: You know, maybe we should, you know, just go back to the first plan, you know? The one with the amniotic fluid. It--
Lily: No. Stop. Okay, listen. I don't want to argue, okay? I don't have the strength. You already know how I feel about that. (Sighs)
Cane: Okay. Okay, we won't talk about it.
Victor: It's the event you've been waiting for. I think you're doing the right thing going to Japan, although I could strangle that McCall character for moving in on our territory while I'm distracted.
Victoria: Oh, please, like you wouldn't do the same exact thing?
Victor: I guess I would. Um... are you clear on-- on the deal with Mitsukoshi?
Victoria: Yes, Dad. I'll make sure that everything stays in place. You just concentrate on finding Adam.
Victor: I intend to do that.
(Intercom buzzes)
Victoria: Dad? Hold on a second. Yes? Victoria Newman. It's security? Go ahead. Put 'em through. Yeah, listen, can you deal with that right now? Because I'm really busy. I'm-- okay, that's fine. Thanks. Hey.
Victor: Who was that, Darling?
Victoria: Uh, nothing. There's a messenger in the lobby. They're insisting that I sign for the package. So how are things going in Canada? You didn't say. Are you making any progress?
Victor: Uh, not yet, but I think I'm on the right track.
Victoria: Daddy, would you please be careful?
Victor: You, too, my sweetheart. And listen, you'll find what you need to take to Japan in my file cabinet. And once you have delivered it to Mitsukoshi, everything should be sealed and delivered, all right? But please, be...
Victoria: Discreet. Don't worry. No one will know. Bye.
(Knock on door)
Billy: Hello. Special delivery.
Victoria: (Sighs) Billy. What are you doing here?
Billy: Oh, what? You think I can go a whole 24 hours without giving you grief?
Victoria: You know, uh, this isn't really a good time. I need to leave town.
Billy: Who are you marrying now?
Victoria: On business.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Where you going? For how long?
Victoria: Well, that's for me to know, and for you not to find out.
Billy: Oh, it's like that, huh? All right, that's fine. I can play that. I'm just not gonna tell you about Tucker now. That's all.
Victoria: What about Tucker?
Billy: You know that story I told you we were working on, about how Tucker is interested in Beauty of Nature and Newman's hold on the Japanese market?
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: Well, he kind of figured out that we were on to him, so he might actually make a move before we're able to break the story.
Victoria: Hold on a second. You promised that you would hold off on posting that.
Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Have you read anything online? No, you haven't.
Victoria: Oh, thanks. Talk about small favors.
Billy: Hey, you know, I didn't have to tell you anything, and I did give you a favor, and now you're getting mad at me.
Victoria: How stupid are your sources that they tipped off Tucker that you were on to him?
Billy: It wasn't intentional. He just figured it out. Sometimes, things happen, no matter how hard you try to prevent them.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: Billy, do you know where we are?
Billy: I know exactly where we are, but I know where I want to be. Mm. Tell you what.
Victoria: Hmm?
Billy: Hold on. I'm gonna lock the door.
Victoria: Yeah?
Billy: Yeah. Hold on.
Victoria: (Gasps)
Billy: Mm. What are these things?
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: Huh? (Whispering indistinctly) (Grunts)
Victoria: Aah!
Billy: (Growls)
Victoria: Mm.
Victor: Excuse me. How are you? Um, have you seen this man? Maybe he passed through here a couple of months ago? It's important that I find him.
Man: Nobody's seen him. (Scoffs) Nobody here sees anything, and most strangers have enough sense not to come in here nosin' around where they're not wanted.
Woman: Uh, knock it off, Johnny. Unless you're gonna start tipping better, stop harassing the paying customers.
Victor: I'll have a double shot of tequila.
Woman: You've got it.
Victor: I thank you. Keep the change.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Victor: Hi.
Woman: Hi.
Victor: Have you seen this man? He may have come through here a couple of months ago maybe. It's important that I find him.
Woman: He might have been in here.
Victor: Is it possible that he was looking for a boat to take him to Quebec?
Woman: That's a good guess.
Victor: Do you have any idea who, uh, might have taken him? His name is Adam, and he's my son. It's literally a matter of life and death.
Woman: You might want to show it to him.
Victor: Hey, have you seen this man?
Man: Never seen him.
Victor: Take another look.
Man: You callin' me a liar?
Victor: I said, "Take another look." I'll pay you double whatever he paid you.
J.T.: Hey, Bartender.
Mac: Hi. Usual?
J.T.: Am I that predictable?
Mac: Only for your friends.
J.T.: Yeah, listen, uh, about that "Friends" thing...
Mac: Shut up and drink your beer.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: So what brings you by?
J.T.: Mm, I came to ask you out on a real, official date.
Mac: What did you have in mind?
J.T.: Well, probably not, uh, bowling, you know. Uh...
Mac: Right, no, not bowling. Um, sushi's out, too, and roller coasters are a no-go.
J.T.: Yeah, bumper cars could be a little dangerous, too, so...
Mac: Right, so what's left?
J.T.: Well, I don't know. I'll figure it out, but, uh, is that a yes? You'll, uh, you'll go out with me?
Mac: How about tonight?
Roxanne: (Laughs)
Neil: Hey, now. You can save the love stuff till after we eat, all right? Dinner's ready.
Devon: (Laughs) Okay.
Malcolm: The salad's a masterpiece.
Devon: I would expect nothing less. (Chuckles)
Neil: Hey, you know what? Why don't you, uh, sit down for a second? I-I want to give you a gift before we eat.
Devon: Okay.
Roxanne: Bring on the loot.
Devon: Yeah, what do we got?
Neil: Well... (Sighs) Open it and find out.
Devon: I see.
Neil: There you are, son.
Devon: Wow. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. This an amazing camera, Neil.
Neil: And it's, um, it's all charged up and ready to go. That way, if you want to try it out tonight, you know, get the hang of it before you start working for, uh, Uncle Malcolm...
Devon: That sounds great.
Malcolm: Mind if I check it out?
Devon: Yeah, go ahead. Absolutely.
Malcolm: Wow. Wow.
Neil: Yeah? What do you think? Does it meet your approval?
Malcolm: Nice, Neil. Really nice.
Roxanne: You did good.
Neil: Yeah, thanks.
Devon: Neil, thank you. Really, you couldn't have gotten me a better gift. I appreciate it.
Neil: You're welcome. Enjoy it.
Devon: Thank you.
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Thank you. Now who is gonna be my first victim...
Neil: Uh-oh.
Devon: With this thing, this bad boy?
Roxanne: Well, if I must...
Devon: Yeah? Okay. All right, you sit right there.
Roxanne: Okay.
Devon: Let's see.
Neil: (Clears throat)
Devon: Oh. You ready?
(Camera shutter clicks)
Devon: There you go. That's nice. Look--okay, a-act just natural. Just like--
Roxanne: Like serious?
Devon: There you go.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Cane: (Sighs heavily) I can't believe you're gonna be so far away.
Lily: (Sighs) Its okay. I'm gonna... I'm gonna come back to you healthier, all right? You'll see.
Cane: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Malcolm: Man, you been out here for a while. Is everything okay?
Cane: Yeah. I, uh, I-I-I-I just called Lily to, uh, you know, I thought she would want to congratulate Devon for his graduation, but she, um... if I tell you this...
Malcolm: Look, Cane, I'm not gonna say a word to anybody, okay? What's going on with Lily?
Cane: (Voice breaking) She's not doing well. The treatment's not really working for her.
Malcolm: Has the cancer spread?
Cane: (Normal voice) Uh, I don't know. Um, Olivia wasn't there, and... (Sighs) And I didn't want to push Lily, 'cause she was just too upset to talk about it. But, um, it's pretty obvious. I don't think... (Voice breaking) Her condition's kind of gettin' worse, you know?
Malcolm: (Sighs) I mean, I was hoping that, um--
Cane: Yeah, I know. I know. I know. We all were. (Sniffles) You know what the funny thing is that Lily made me promise that I wouldn't say anything, 'cause she didn't want to ruin, um, Devon's graduation.
Malcolm: I'm glad you told me, Cane. You shouldn't have to deal with this alone, man.
Cane: Yeah. (Normal voice) So, uh, I've made my decision, and I know it's one that she is not going to approve of, but how can I just stand back and watch her die if I know I can do something to save her?
Malcolm: You're talking about...
Cane: (Inhales deeply) I called the lawyer, and I told her to pull the trigger on the lawsuit against Mackenzie, 'cause, you know, those babies' stem cells might be the only thing we have to save Lily's life.
Phyllis: Comfy?
Sharon: Uh, yeah, just... just fine, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Good. Good.
Nick: Well, the doctor should be in any minute.
Phyllis: Bet you're anxious to get out of here.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh, you have no idea.
Nick: Sharon's doing great, isn't she?
Phyllis: Yeah, she's doing great. Considering she just died in that cornfield, it's miraculous. You have the magic touch, don't you, Baby?
Sharon: Well, all I can think about is just getting home to Faith. I mean, Nikki brought her by here earlier, but it's not the same. I mean, Nick, here we are trying to bond with our daughter, and fate keeps just intervening.
Nick: No, no, no. It's not fate. It's Adam. Adam caused all of this.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Doctor: Let's see how your lungs are doing.
Nick: Okay, we'll, uh, we'll just be right outside.
Nick: I hope Sharon gets to come home soon.
Phyllis: Yeah, where is that, actually--"Home"?
Nick: Is that a serious question?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I hope it's not the ranch.
Nick: That's where she's been staying.
Phyllis: You know, I don't want her to be homeless, but don't you think it's a little weird that your ex-wife is staying with your parents just up the path from our house?
Nick: Phyllis, if you think you walked in on anything, you didn't. Uh...
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: You know, I shouldn't have to remind you why she's in there right now. It's 'cause she was helping me, 'cause she was helping us.
Phyllis: I know, and I appreciate that. I really do, but I'm just not thrilled with her being on top of us all the time, you know?
Nick: Why are you so bothered if she goes back to staying where she's been staying?
Phyllis: I'm not bothered. I'm not. It's... (Sighs) I just want to center on our family. I just think it's best for our family if we have space from Sharon. Is that too much to ask?
Nick: (Sighs) You know, Mom could use the company right now with Dad gone. And Sharon was poisoned. She needs rest. She should not be alone right now.
Phyllis: I-I don't know why you're arguing about this with me. Sharon has money. She can afford help.
Nick: Yes, you're right. But with Adam still out there, our security team can protect her a lot better if she's actually on the property.
Michael: Uh, excuse me. It's good you're both here. I have news that isn't pleasant.
Nick: Grand jury?
Michael: The grand jury has indicted you again. (Sighs) I'm sorry, but it looks like we're going to trial after all.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Billy: Well... (Clears throat) Consider your passport stamped.
Victoria: Ha! So that's what this was. I see.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Hmm.
Billy: I think next time, though, maybe we should put a sheet over "El presidente."
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. You had to remind me? Oh, my gosh, I can't believe we did that here with him...
Billy: Watching.
Victoria: Watching.
Billy: Yeah, watching.
Victoria: Would you stop? It's just so wrong.
Billy: Oh, is it so wrong? Cover your eyes, Pops. Mm.
Victoria: It's so wrong.
Billy: Mm, it feels good, though.
Sharon: Why won't the D.A. just admit that he's wrong? Why does he have to put Nick through this?
Michael: Ego, resentment, politics, narrow-mindedness. Did I mention ego?
Sharon: Explain to me how a grand jury of supposedly 14 intelligent people could indict a man for killing someone he never even met.
Nick: Mistaken identity.
Michael: The basement was dark. Nicholas was in a blind rage having let Adam slip through his fingers earlier. He runs into Hightower, who sort of, kind of looks like Adam. It becomes a matter of "Stab first, ask questions later."
Nick: Pomerantz is just gonna recycle the witnesses.
Michael: The maid and the guard who heard you threaten to kill Adam on two separate occasions.
Sharon: Kill Adam, not Hightower.
Nick: I was set up by a real pro.
Phyllis: Yeah, but he made one mistake. He underestimated us. And when Victor finds Adam, and he will, that son of a bitch is gonna pay for this.
Woman: The good stuff.
Man: (Scoffs)
Victor: And it's on me.
Man: I don't know you, and I don't like you. I don't want to drink with you.
Victor: That's a waste of a very good tequila.
Man: I told you to leave me alone. I don't know anything. I never seen the guy. Now get outta here.
Man: (Grunts) (Grunts)
Victor: You want to fight, son?
Man: (Gasping)
Victor: Give me your watch.
Man: (Gasping)
Victor: Take it off!
Man: (Grunting) (Gasping) (Grunts)
Victor: (Grunts)
Man: (Grunts) (Groans) Aah.
Victor: Now... there's an inscription on this watch. That's from this boy's mother. How the hell would you get a hold of this watch if you didn't cross paths with my son?
Man: (Breathing heavily)
Victoria: Well, thank you again for my memorable bon voyage. But I have a lot to do before my trip, so...
Billy: So don't let the door hit me on my cute little booty.
Victoria: Would you please not be difficult for once? Please?
Billy: Fine. Whatever. Good-bye. Have a nice trip.
(Makes silly noises)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
(Telephone rings)
Victoria: Victoria Newman. Uh, hold on a second. Let me check my e-mail. Uh, yes, it just arrived. Um, okay, well, I'm rushing to the airport now, but I'll read it on my flight tonight. Yes, I'm catching the last flight to Tokyo.
Roxanne: Well, I'm glad you like it.
Devon: (Chuckles) I do, I love it. I do. Wow. That's some stack of presents I got goin'. I ought to graduate more often. (Chuckles)
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Yeah, man.
Neil: And well-deserved, Son. Don't take this lightly, you know? Because a college diploma-- seriously, it's an achievement.
Cane: Yeah, it is.
Neil: And considering all the obstacles that you've overcome to get here, my man, I am very proud of you.
Devon: Thank you, Neil. That means a lot.
Roxanne: Well, there are only a few boxes left.
Devon: I know. I know. Let's see. Oh, looky here. This one should be good.
Malcolm: Who's it from?
Devon: It is from Lily.
Neil: Really?
Devon: It's from Lily, yep. (Grunts) Let's... let's see what it is.
Neil: Tear it open, man.
Devon: Wow. Wow, Miles Davis. This is my favorite album.
Neil: Yeah.
Devon: Oh, my--no way. No way, guys, check this out. Check it out. It's--it's signed.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Devon: It's signed by him. (Laughs) Signed!
Neil: Wow. That looks--that looks mint. Hey, how did you find an autographed copy of this?
Cane: Oh, you know, uh, Lily's resourceful, huh?
Devon: "Devon, great music lasts forever, and so do great memories. I hope you make lots of them today. I am there with you in spirit. Congratulations. Love always, Lily."
Neil: That's very sweet.
J.T.: Great. All right, thanks a lot. Okay, so Reed is goin' to bed. Victoria's gonna stop by and tuck him in. Gabby says she'll stay as late as I need her.
Mac: This is working out great.
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you're covered here. I'm covered at home, so where do you want to go?
Mac: Logistics are up to you.
J.T.: Logistics are up to me.
Mac: Yes.
J.T.: Okay, so we could go--
Man: Mackenzie Browning?
Mac: I'm Mackenzie Browning. How can I help you?
Man: This is for you.
Mac: Okay.
J.T.: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just got served.
Mac: Great. What now? (Sighs) (Gasps)
J.T.: What is it?
Mac: I can't believe he'd do this.
J.T.: Who?
Mac: Cane. He's suing me for my amniotic fluid!
Michael: The district attorney is shrewd, and he also has an ax to grind. We can't make the mistake of underestimating him.
Sharon: Okay, so what's our counterattack?
Nick: Well, you are not gonna worry about that tonight, all right? You heard the doctor. You need some rest, and hopefully, at home in your own bed.
Sharon: With Faith in her crib right there next to me.
Nick: When you saw the doctor, did she say for sure if you were gonna get released?
Sharon: Um, well, she said she wanted to check my blood work first and then decide.
Nick: All right, well, I got my fingers crossed for you.
Sharon: I know you do.
Doctor: Hi.
Michael: Hi.
Doctor: Popular lady. Every time I see you, more people are here.
Sharon: Yes, I am so lucky. I have an amazing support system.
Doctor: I'm delighted to hear it, since I'm sending you home.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh, you don't know how hard I have been hoping that you would say that.
Doctor: There's one condition, though-- I want you to take it easy for a while. As well you're doing, parquet poisoning is not something to be taken lightly.
Sharon: Okay, well, I promise I'll--I'll just-- I'll be careful.
Doctor: Taking care of a baby is a lot of work. Will you have help, someone to look after you for the next few days?
Nick: Sharon's gonna have as much help as she needs for as long as she needs.
Doctor: Good. I'm sending you home with a few prescriptions. Since we'll be disconnecting the I.V., you'll need to get them filled as soon as possible.
Phyllis: Oh, I'll do that for you, Sharon.
Sharon: Gee, thanks, Phyllis. Um, so can I get dressed?
Doctor: I'll leave a list of instructions at the nurses' station, along with your prescriptions.
Sharon: Thank you so much, Doctor.
Doctor: My pleasure. Good luck to you, Sharon. Don't hesitate to call with any questions.
Phyllis: So do you need any help getting ready?
Sharon: Um... no, I think I'll--I'll be okay.
Nick: Holler when you're decent.
Michael: Isn't that wonderful news? Now that we know Sharon's gonna pull through--
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Michael: We can start focusing on your defense.
Phyllis: He shouldn't need one.
Michael: I know this is frustrating, but things are far from hopeless. I mean, some of the evidence against us, when we thought Adam was the victim, now it works in our favor.
Nick: Like what?
Michael: You have no ties to Richard Hightower. The blood on your sleeve, it's Adam's, which supports your version of what happened. And the voice mail he left accusing you, that proves Adam was trying to set you up.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, of course he was. Nick didn't kill anyone. (Sighs)
Nick: Now we just have to go to trial and prove it.
Victor: Where's Adam? Where did you take him? And where did he want to go from there? (Glass shatters)
Johnny: Get out now, unless you want to leave in an ambulance.
Woman: Leave it alone, Johnny.
Johnny: He's messin' with Shaw!
Woman: I said leave it alone.
Victor: I want answers, and I want them now.
Shaw: (Grunts)
Victor: Now!
Woman: Tell him what he wants to know.
Victor: You tell me now.
Neil: Mmm, this is really good. Still plenty of cake left. Anyone?
Cane: Uh, no, we gotta take off. Thanks, though.
Neil: You're gonna take off? It's--it's early, isn't it?
Cane: Yeah.
Devon: Come on, stay.
Cane: No, I gotta-- I gotta get Humphrey out for a walk, you know, so...
Roxanne: You should have brought him.
Cane: Next time.
(Knock on door)
Neil: Is that for you, Devon? You invite some friends over?
Devon: No, not me. I figured it'd just be us tonight.
Neil: Oh, well... oh.
Devon: This is good.
Neil: Hey, Mac, how you doing? Uh, come on in. Um, we're just celebrating my son's graduation.
Mac: You can't be surprised to see me. What is this? You want to tell me what the hell you're thinking?!
Billy: (Clears throat)
Billy: Oh, look at that—2D. I'm in 2C.
Sharon: (Moans)
Nick: Are you okay?
Sharon: Yeah, fine. Thanks.
Nick: Okay.
Sharon: I just, um, where's my purse?
Michael: Here. Here.
Sharon: Oh, thank you.
Phyllis: Here you go. An orderly is on his way, uh, with the wheelchair. Here are your prescriptions. I got 'em from the pharmacy. You're all set.
Sharon: Appreciate it, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Don't mention it.
Michael: No, I'd like to follow you up to the ranch. As soon as we get Sharon settled in, we'll get to work on the case.
Sharon: Okay, um, I want to help.
Nick: Uh, no. You heard the doctor. You need rest. Besides, you helping me is what landed you here in the first place.
Phyllis: Yeah, spend time with your daughter. We'll work with Michael.
Nick: We'll call you if we need you, I promise.
Michael: Oh, I think I can punch enough holes in the D.A.'s case to at least prove reasonable doubt.
Nick: On paper, maybe. With a jury, you never know.
Michael: Exactly right.
Nick: I can't get overconfident. Pomerantz was able to get two indictments. He could get a jury to convict me.
Woman: What's it gonna be, Shaw?
Shaw: (Breathing heavily)
Victor: Take it easy. (Sighs) Now you don't want the authorities to find out that you smuggled a foreigner around the country, do you?
Shaw: All right. I'll take you down to the boat. He left some things down there.
(Door closes)
Victor: Thank you.
Woman: Don't come back here, okay?
Woman: You're cleanin' this mess up, you know.
Victor: (Moans) Ooh. (Groans)
(Telephone rings)
Adam: (Grunts) (Sighs) Hello.
Adam: Victor showed up in Canada. (Sighs) Damn. They figured it out. They know I'm alive.
Woman: They can't possibly know that for sure, and they never will. We saw to it the trail will go cold. No need to worry, Babe.
Adam: (Sighs)
Skye: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Malcolm: The man is trying to do what's right for his wife.
Neil: You're takin' his side?
Phyllis: No wife should have to put up with this.
Sharon: Uh, y-y-you know what, Phyllis? You're right.
Skye: We're this close from the biggest score of our lives. A shame we weren't murdered a long time ago.
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