Y&R Transcript Friday 6/4/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/4/10 -- Canada; Monday 6/7/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9414 ~ Victor's Search

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

(Knock on door)


Billy: Hold on. Coming.


Billy: Yo, man, for real. Like, hold on.

Victoria: Oh. I woke you. Um...

Billy: No, are you kidding me? I wasn't asleep. Only old women and little kids go to sleep this early. I was watching a movie.

Victoria: Wow. It must have been a real nail-biter, huh?

Billy: Oh, what--what's up?

Victoria: Can you, uh, can you open this?

Billy: You just can't stay away from me, can you?

Victoria: No, you're right. I-I just have this weakness for pickles.

Billy: Yeah, well...

Victoria: I'm kind of ashamed of myself.

Billy: There you go. It's nice and open, dripping all over my floor.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Here you go.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Wow, what a relief.

Billy: Yep. (Growls) Come back here. Mm.

Tucker: So sorry for cuttin' into your evening.

Ashley: That's okay. Thank you.

Tucker: It's been one meeting after another, huh?

Ashley: Yeah, but, um, I'm enjoying myself. I really am.

Tucker: Yeah?

Ashley: Yeah. So what's happening with Beauty of Nature? I recall last time, you said you were gonna play things by the book. Are you keeping your word?

Tucker: Well, you laid down the law. I had to comply.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Tucker: I still want to know how Newman has the Asian market sewn up with Mitsukoshi, though. I think I found a legit way to get the information.

Ashley: I'm waiting.

Tucker: I'll arrange a leak. Victor will learn that I'm pursuing Mitsukoshi department stores for Jabot. Now I'm guessing that he'll, uh, make a move to shore up his deal with them.

Ashley: So you think he's gonna slip up and show his hand when he feels threatened?

Tucker: Too sneaky?

Ashley: It's sneaky. It's definitely sneaky. But it's not illegal, and I'm okay with sneaky. (Laughs) Where's the leak gonna come from though?

Tucker: Jill. Hell, she's so desperate for a story, she bugged our last meeting here.

Jill: Nikki?

Nikki: Oh, God.

Jill: What are you doing here?

Nikki: Not that it's any of your business, but I am looking for my daughter.

Jill: (Laughs) I think you took a wrong turn somewhere.

Nikki: Oh. Oh, you haven't heard.

Jill: If you're talking about Billy and Victoria in the sack, that was mercifully short-lived.

Nikki: Oh, my darling, they got married in Jamaica. Oh, don't swallow your tongue now after all these years. It wasn't legal, okay? No harm done.

Jill: No harm done? Are you joking?

Nikki: They're adults.

Jill: They're idiots! (Scoffs)

Victoria: Mm.

Jill: Billy? Billy, what were you think--

Billy: What the...

Victoria: (Gasps)

Chloe: Should I get down on one knee? That's kind of weird, huh?

Chance: No, uh, no. To propose?

Chloe: (Laughs)

Chance: To me? (Laughs)

Chloe: What?

Chance: I heard it, and I just don't believe this.

Chloe: I-I know. It's fun, though, right? It’s... except the part where you're kind of leaving me hanging here, so... I-I don't know. Are you gonna jump in? Are you--are you gonna say something? Anything? (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Chance: Um...

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Work.

Chloe: Oh.

Chance: Sorry. Chancellor.

Heather: Uh, hi. Uh, it's Heather. I'm--I'm in the parking lot outside. Uh, there's a bomb in my car, and the doors won't open. I can't--I can't get out.

Chance: All right, look, I'm on my way. Don't get off the phone with me, okay? It's Heather. She's in trouble.

Victor: I can be at the airport shortly. And you will take me to the--yeah-- to the place in Ottawa where you dropped him off. That's right. I will not come back until I find him. Thank you.

(Hangs up telephone)

Tucker: So do you remember how Jill sauntered up and said basically a whole bunch of nothing?

Ashley: She was here less than a minute, and she managed to plant a bug?

Tucker: Only takes a second.

Ashley: We were talking about you wanting Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: Never by name. If I had mentioned it by name, I would have smashed the bug.

Ashley: Well, there must have been some reason why you wanted her to hear so much.

Tucker: Well, this way, you see, Jill is sniffing for the rest of the story, and we feed her the information we want to get back to Victor.

Ashley: You're always just one step ahead, aren't you?

Tucker: You're no straggler yourself.

Ashley: Yeah, but I don't go for the jugular like you do.

Tucker: Oh?

Ashley: Oh. It's okay. I'm used to ruthless men. Um, in Victor, it's kind of unnerving, but in you, it’s... its kind of impressive.

Tucker: Have we met? I inspire fear and quaking.

Ashley: (Laughs) I'm sure you do in most people. But for me, I don't know. I feel like I can speak my mind and... not have to watch my back.

Tucker: I'm gonna have to work on that.

Ashley: Oh, please don’t.

Billy: All right, you, what the hell? And, you, with all due respect, what the hell?! You two can't just bust in my place, either one of you.

Jill: Oh, indignation is a great diversion, Billy.

Nikki: Yes, forgive the intrusion. Victoria, I have been looking everywhere for you.

Victoria: Why? What's wrong?

Nikki: Your father needs to speak to you right away.

Victoria: Oh, really? Well, if he's interested in coming down on me again, I'm really not, so I'm--

Nikki: No, no, no, no, no. It's nothing like that.

Jill: No, please, the two of you, would you mind leaving so my son can explain this to me?

Billy: Like I owe you an explanation.

Jill: You do, Billy. You told me to my face that this was over, and it was only just a little fun anyway.

Victoria: It is over.

Billy: A-and it wasn't even that fun.

Nikki: Oh, yeah, you guys looked miserable when we walked in.

Victoria: Come on, Mom, let's just go.

Jill: Excellent.

Victoria: Let's just go and see Dad and...

Billy: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, little chicken hawk.

Victoria: Um, it turns out, pickles give me hives.

Billy: Oh, go away.

Jill: I told you not to have anything to do with that one.

Billy: Mom, it's over.

Jill: She will grind you under her heel, and then feed you to daddy.

Billy: I have it covered.

Jill: Oh, my God, you have a plan. This is a plan. You have the inside track on the next Newman scandal. (Gasps) (Sighs)

Billy: Do you expect me to admit anything? Now just leave it alone.

Jill: Billy, thank God, Honey, you had me so scared. I thought you were actually falling for that girl.

Billy: Oh, Mom. (Groans) Mom.

Jill: Thank God.

Chance: Heather?

Heather: (Sighs) Help.

Chloe: Chance, please be careful.

Chance: Chloe, stay back. Please.

Heather: (Whimpers)

Chance: Look, I'm gonna get you out of there, okay?

Heather: I'm, uh, I'm scared to move.

Chance: All right, go to my car. Get the Slim Jim and the small flashlight, please.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: You're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be fine. I just need you to focus on me. Can you do that?

Heather: This, uh, isn't, uh, this isn't how I pictured dying.

Chance: There's a good reason for that. It's because you're not going to die tonight.

Heather: Mm. You don't know that.

Chloe: Well, I think I've had my fair share of interactions with exploding devices, so I know, and I believe when I say, you're gonna walk away from this, okay?

Heather: (Whimpers)

Chloe: Here.

Chance: All right, great. Thank you. Call 9-1-1. Get their E.T.A.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: Now, Heather, listen to me.

Heather: Uh-huh.

Chance: You saw the device.

Heather: Yeah.

Chance: Was there a watch on it? Was there a clock?

Heather: Uh, n-no. No, is that bad?

Chance: No. No, it just means it's not on a timer, that's all.

Chloe: All right, they'll be a couple minutes.

Chance: All right.

Heather: There. (Whimpers)

Chance: There we go.

Heather: Oh, thank God.

Chance: Heather, wait! No! Stop! Don't move.

Heather: (Sighs) (Whimpers)

Chance: It's okay. Just stay there.

Heather: (Moans)

Chance: Hang on. Stay there. You're fine. Everything is okay.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: All right? One step at a time.

Heather: (Groans) (Sighs)

Chance: All right.

Heather: (Exhales)

Chance: There we go. There we are. You're okay. See?

Heather: Okay. Yeah.

Chance: You're still here. You're fine.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Chance: (Sighs)

Heather: (Whimpers) (Gasps)

Chance: (Sighs heavily)

Heather: Hmm?

Chance: Okay. Um, there are pressure-sensitive bars which are attached to the device. They're mostly found in I.E.D.s or improvised exploding devices.

Heather: What-- what does that mean?

Chance: It means that when you sat down, your weight activated the device.

Heather: So if I move...

Chance: The bomb's gonna detonate.

Heather: Mm. (Sniffles) (Moans)

Jill: This is so juicy. It is so delicious. Ashley and Tucker want to buy a company right out from under Victor's nose.

Billy: (Sighs)

Jill: Isn't it fabulous?

Billy: Oh, yes, fabulous.

Jill: And I have it all on tape.

Tucker: So have you considered my proposal?

Ashley: (Sighs) I'm not comfortable with it.

Tucker: It's not illegal. You wouldn't lose a penny.

Ashley: You know what? Victor and I are working together to try to turn Abby around. Tucker, this could totally backfire on me.

Tucker: This isn't personal. It's strictly business.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Jill: Don't you love it?

Billy: You spying on my sister?

Jill: Oh, Honey, you heard them. It's not personal. It's just business.

Billy: Well, Tucker certainly likes to mix it up. First, he went after Katherine and now Victor. He's kind of like one of those crazy guys who goes on those running-with-the-bulls trips.

Jill: My guess is that they're after Beauty of Nature.

(Cell phone rings)

Jill: Hmm. (Chuckles) Speaking of bull runner. Mr. McCall, to what do I owe the pleasure of this?

Tucker: I was hoping it's not too late to buy you a drink.

Jill: Meet you... now?

Tucker: Yeah, at the club. I want to pick your brain about something, and, you know, since we're on speaking terms...

Jill: For you? Of course.

Tucker: Yeah, it'll be like old times.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Victoria: Well, Dad's okay, isn't he?

Nikki: Yes, Honey. He just wants to talk to you about something.

Victoria: All right, well, how's Nick? And Sharon--how's Sharon doing after that whole crop-dusting nightmare? Those chemicals--horrible.

Nikki: I'm gonna go see her in a minute. Nicholas says she's doing better. They're probably gonna release her soon.

Victoria: Well, that's good. (Sighs) Adam is so repulsive. I don't know how one person can focus all their energy on trying to destroy everyone around them, and he's still out there. That's really scary.

Nikki: You know, Honey, at some point, we're gonna have to talk about him.

Victoria: Adam?

Nikki: Billy.

Victoria: There's nothing to talk about.

Nikki: (Sighs) Look, I know the breakup with J.T. was very, very painful, so this is just fun, you know?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nikki: You're having a fun distraction with Billy, but I'm telling you something. He is pathologically determined to ruin anything Newman any chance he gets.

Victoria: So that's what you think this is? A setup to hurt our family?

Nikki: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe. Or maybe he really does have feelings for you. I-is that what you want?

Victoria: No, I-- no, I don't want anything from Billy.

Nikki: I just don't want you to make a mistake with this guy and trust him.

Victoria: Oh, Dad.

Victor: I'm glad you're both here. How much have you told our beautiful daughter?

Nikki: Nothing. Just that, uh, you want to talk to her.

Victor: (Sighs)

Victoria: What's going on?

Victor: We have made real progress in tracking down Adam. The pilot who helped him escape to Canada agreed to drop me off in the same location in Ottawa.

Victoria: That's good.

Victor: But, my sweetheart, I asked you to come here because I needed to tell you that I want you to run this company while I'm gone.

Victoria: Well, of course. Um, yeah, I can handle everything.

Victor: I know you can.

Victoria: Well, thank you for still having faith in me after everything, and when are you leaving?

Victor: Right away, my darling. And I'm so glad you came by, because I wanted to hug you good-bye, okay?

Chloe: Chance, the bomb squad is gonna be here in a couple minutes. They're gonna have shields. Will you please just stay here with me?

Chance: Chloe, nothing's gonna happen to me. I'll be fine, okay? Now please just step back, okay?

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Chance: All right.

Heather: (Whimpers) I'm praying. My Uncle Todd would be proud. "There's no atheists in foxholes." Isn't that what they say? (Chuckles)

Chance: (Chuckles) We're gonna get you out of there, okay? You're gonna be fine.

Heather: Mm-hmm. Chance, Chloe’s right. You should stay back.

Chance: Yeah, well, every once in a while, a guy needs to touch up his, uh, his explosive detonation skills, okay? So just don't take this opportunity away from me.

Heather: I'm serious.

Chance: So am I. Heather, I am not gonna leave you. You're gonna be okay.

Heather: Thank you.

Chance: (Sighs) Thank me after. All right.

Heather: (Sobs)

Chance: I'm gonna gently slide this underneath you.

Heather: (Gulps) (Sighs)

Chance: To maintain weight on the trigger itself. Once I do that, I want you to swing your legs over to the passenger's seat, all right?

Heather: Okay.

Chance: That way, once it's-- once the manhole cover is fully on the seat, I can then pull you out, all right?

Heather: All right.

Chance: Let's see. Okay?

Heather: So--so you... (Sighs) You want me to put my-- my legs over--over here?

Chance: Right there, yep.

Heather: And is that okay? That's--

Chance: That's fine. Just move slowly.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: Grip the handrail above your head...

Heather: Okay.

Chance: Or the side of the car, whichever one is easiest for you.

Heather: Okay, okay, okay.

Chance: All right, you ready?

Heather: All right, um, mnh, uh, yeah.

Chance: (Groans)

Heather: God.

Chance: (Straining) Okay.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: All right. Start to lift gently.

Heather: Okay. (Sighs) Okay.

Chance: Up. There you go.

Heather: All right, yeah.

Chance: There you go.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Chance: All right, here it comes. Keep going.

Heather: Is it okay?

Chance: Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Chance: (Normal voice) Okay.

Heather: (Gasps) Okay, can I-- can I put my weight back down?

Chance: Yeah. Okay.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: Gently. There you go.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: (Exhales deeply) Okay.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: Good. (Chuckles)

Heather: Okay. (Breathing heavily)

Chance: Well done. Okay.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: I want you...

Heather: Mm.

Chance: To now gently swing your legs back over towards me, okay?

Heather: All right.

Chance: You can do this.

Heather: Okay.

Chance: All right, there you go. Nice and easy. There we go.

Heather: (Chuckles) Okay.

Chance: One--you got it. You're okay.

Heather: (Exhales)

Chance: You're okay.

Heather: Mm... (Gasping) Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Chance: There you go.

Heather: All right.

Chance: All right, now swing around. There you go. Now...

Heather: (Breathing heavily)

Chance: Give me your arm.

Heather: All right.

Chance: Give me your arm. On the count of three.

Heather: No.

Chance: You can do this.

Heather: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Chance: Heather, look at me.

Heather: I can't do this.

Chance: You can do this.

Heather: I can’t. (Gasps)

Chance: On the count of three. One...

Heather: (Whimpers)

Chance: Two...

Heather: (Gasps) Oh, God, no.

Chance: Three. Go!

Heather: Aah! Oh, my--

Chance: Down! Down! Down! (Breathing heavily)

Chance: There's no detonation.

Heather: (Gasps)

Chance: (Sighs) There's no detonation. We're okay! We're clear! (Laughs)

Heather: Oh, my God.

Chance: Whoo!

Heather: Oh, my God. (Sobs)

Chance: (Sighs)

Heather: (Sobbing)

Victor: There you are.

Nikki: All right, Victor, now go. Victoria can handle anything else that comes up.

Victor: (Sighs) Yeah.

Victoria: I can.

Victor: And for that, I'm grateful.

Victoria: Okay. But, Daddy, please be careful, because if Adam finds out that you're looking for him...

Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Yes, he's already killed one man that was on to him.

Victor: I will be careful.

Victoria: All right.

Nikki: Mm, pants on fire.

Victor: You'll kiss the grandchildren good-bye, okay?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: I'm getting Summer some scones for breakfast, so I'll tell her that they're from you.

Victor: All right, I'll keep you both informed, okay?

Nikki: I pray that you will find the evidence that will clear Nicholas.

Victor: I will.

Victoria: Daddy?

Victor: Mm-hmm?

Victoria: You be careful, and thank you.

Victor: And I have complete confidence in you running this company, okay?

Victoria: Good.

Victor: Bye, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Travel safely.

Victor: All right.

Nikki: He does, you know. He has enormous faith in you.

Victoria: Even though I married the enemy?

Nikki: We are just trying to make sure you protect yourself. That's all.

Victoria: Mm, well, you know what, Mom? You're right. He is fun, and-- and he is exciting, and... (Sighs) I don't know how Billy feels about me or what he wants, but...

Nikki: But you can't stop.

Victoria: Or maybe I can, but I-I don't want to. Maybe that's a sign that I can’t. I'm not sure. But he is such a jerk, Mom, and he is so full of himself. But he's fun and... and he's funny, and he makes me laugh, and he thinks that I'm funny. And when is the last time you ever heard anyone say that they think I'm funny?

Nikki: Oh, Baby.

Victoria: What? Don't say it like that. I haven't fallen for him.

Nikki: I-I didn't say you did. I... (Stammers) I didn’t.

Victoria: Well, I haven’t.

Nikki: Okay, I believe you.

Chloe: Here, some tea should help calm your nerves

Heather: Thank you.

Owen: I got your message. What happened?

Heather: Um, I-I got in my car, and the doors locked on me. I looked down. There was a bomb.

Chance: She called 9-1-1, and then she called me. Right now, the bomb squad has dismantled it, I believe, and I've got men canvassing the area.

Owen: You get any hate mail lately? Any recent releases from prison?

Heather: I-I-I can't think of anybody who would do this.

Chance: I can. I went over to the prison with Heather and talked to Frank Ellis about the attack on Nick Newman.

Owen: You think he arranged this?

Heather: No. No, no, he's looking to us to make his life easier. I'm--I can't help him if I'm dead.

Chance: He did offer to spill what he knows about the Riggs case in exchange for making his life a little easier.

Heather: He was nervous, itchy. He--he didn't want it getting out that he had talked to us. News couldn't have traveled that fast, could it?

Chance: The device that I saw seemed to be thrown together pretty quickly. And since I've heard Riggs' name, I've been targeted twice. Perhaps the people that were trying to send me a message are now trying to send you the same one.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Tucker: (Laughs)

Jill: Well, here we all are again.

Tucker: Mm.

Jill: You two really should rent this table, you know? You could write it off as a business expense.

Tucker: Hey, I like a good deduction.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Ashley: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Jill: Yeah.

Ashley: Anyway, um, are you going to the office tomorrow?

Tucker: I'll be in and out. I'll, uh, touch base with you.

Ashley: Okay, I'll see you then. Bye, Jill.

Tucker: Later.

Jill: Bye, Ash.

Ashley: Thanks.

Tucker: Oh, I'm so glad you could make it, Jill.

Jill: Thank you.

Tucker: I need your special insight.

Jill: And I would agree to give it to you, why? Because we're such good friends?

Tucker: No, because I'll give you a story in exchange.

Jill: One that's worth my time?

Tucker: I'm looking to expand Jabot into the Far East market. Now Mitsukoshi stores seem like the smartest way to go.

Jill: (Laughs) Well, good luck with that, okay? Victor has the exclusive there with Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: Hmm.

Jill: I could never get Jabot into Mitsukoshi, and you won't, either.

Tucker: That's why I'll steal Beauty of Nature out of Victor's hands... (Whispers) With your help, of course.

Jill: Steal Beauty of Nature from Victor Newman?

Tucker: Why not?

Jill: (Laughs) Because it's impossible, that's why not.

Tucker: No. No such thing.

Jill: Look, Mitsukoshi wouldn't even take a meeting with you. Victor holds all the cards in this.

Tucker: Or maybe he's paying the guy under the table.

Jill: (Scoffs) Well, it wouldn't surprise me if he was greasing palms all over Japan. He could even... he could even have something on the C.E.O.

Tucker: Either way, I need to know.

Jill: Well, now, I'm surprised Ashley couldn't help you with this. But I doubt if I can do any better. I know precious little about Victor's business deals in Asia or anywhere else.

Tucker: But you could find out.

Jill: How, Tucker, could I find out?

Tucker: With those gorgeous eyes and your... other substantial charms.

Jill: You want me to seduce Victor Newman?

Tucker: That's a hell of an idea.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: Excuse me.

Jill: Yeah, go ahead and take that.

Tucker: This is Tucker.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: What'd he say?

Jill: He says he wants me to seduce Victor Newman.

Billy: What?

Jill: Yes, he's hoping I could get information on how Victor's managing to hold on to Mitsukoshi. Tucker is looking for shelf space in their stores. He wants Beauty of Nature, Billy.

Billy: How can he, uh--

Jill: Steal it-- he wants to steal it.

Billy: And he gave you all that, and you buy it?

Jill: Damned if I know. Look, I'll be over there as soon as I can.

Billy: Okay, well, I'll see you soon.

Billy: "Mitsukoshi." What do we got here? (Knock on door) Hold on, Mitsukoshi.

Billy: (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Sighs) You eat all those pickles already?

Victoria: I left an earring.

Billy: Okay. Sure you did. Come right in.

Victoria: On the couch. Earring.

Billy: Ah, how convenient.

Victoria: Yeah, so did your mom's head pop off after I left?

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Did mommy put you in time-out?

Victoria: You know, you're not the only topic of conversation. My father's leaving town, and he's putting me in charge of Newman.

Billy: Oh, that's sweet.

Victoria: Yeah, sweet. It's just... it's a lot to look after. (Sighs)

Billy: So... (Clears throat) If anything crazy happens...

Victoria: (Clears throat)

Billy: It would land in your lap?

Victoria: Why? Yeah. What's gonna get crazy?

Billy: Tucker's after Beauty of Nature.

Victoria: Mm-hmm, he's made that very clear.

Billy: He also has a lead on a chain your dad has a lock on, Mitsukoshi. He wants to find out how your dad got that lock and then, well, break it.

Victoria: How legit is your source?

Billy: It's legit enough.

Victoria: Why are you telling me?

Billy: Well, I never did get you a wedding present, or a, "Hey, we're not really married" present.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Well, jewelry's always nice.

Billy: Yeah, but it won't get you out of trouble. If Tucker gets anywhere with this, well, it's on your watch. Your dad would be, um... (Clicks tongue)

Victoria: You told me so I wouldn't be blindsided.

Billy: Yeah. Are you gonna yell at me now like when I opened the door for you? "I don't need you to open that door."

Victoria: Well, I mean, I guess I could do that. Or I could say "Thank you." Thank you.

Billy: You are welcome. (Sighs)

Heather: We need to find out who could have heard what Ellis told us.

Chance: Well, let's make a deal with Ellis and hear what he has to say.

Owen: Oh, cut a deal with a 3-time offender without being sure this is about him?

Heather: Listen, you make a deal or not, that's completely up to you. But there's no way I'm letting this go.

Chance: Heather, you go off half-cocked, and then what?

Heather: Who says I'm gonna be half-cocked? I'll be smart, but I want answers.

Chance: (Sighs) Give me a second, okay? Hey.

Chloe: Hi.

Chance: Hey, come here. (Sighs)

Chloe: I'm just so glad... I'm so glad that you're okay. (Sighs) You're okay.

Chance: I am. I'm okay. I am so sorry that my job keeps putting you in danger. Well, it's not my job. It's me.

Chloe: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. You keep me safe. You keep me sane. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And Riggs... Riggs-- I finally forget that name, and... (Sighs)

Chance: Yeah.

Chloe: I just... I, um, it just means that there's still someone out there who's trying to hurt you.

Chance: I'm gonna be fine.

Chloe: Yeah, you will.

Chance: But I promise you... I promise, I am not gonna let anything happen to you, either, all right?

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: Okay, come here.

Owen: Well, I'm putting a detail on you. I'm not about to let someone spook my A.D.A.

Heather: (Sighs)

Nikki: Ashley, hi. How are you?

Ashley: Oh, hi. Uh, busy at Jabot, but it's a good busy.

Nikki: That's good. I'm sure Jack has told you the latest on Adam?

Ashley: It's horrifying, isn't it? I mean, he actually murdered somebody to fake his own death? How's Sharon doing?

Nikki: Better. She's, uh, she's doing better. But just knowing that Adam is still out there...

Ashley: Oh, believe me. I must have looked over my shoulder about a dozen times today, and then I think about Sharon and Faith.

Nikki: The baby is safe, very well-guarded at the ranch. Don't worry.

Ashley: I'm sure she is. It just... it helps to hear it. (Sighs)

Nikki: Well, Victor has gone to another country to track down Adam. He won't rest until he's in jail for good.

Ashley: Yeah, it's interesting. It's one of those occasions when I'm actually grateful for Victor's determination, you know?

Nikki: Yeah, we all are. All right, well, you have a good night.

Ashley: Mm, you, too.

Ashley: Hello, this is Ashley Abbott. Hi, um, I was just wondering, is Mr. McCall still there meeting with Jill Abbott? No, no. Don't interrupt them. Thank you so much. Bye.

Tucker: Uh, sorry about that.

Jill: (Chuckles) For what? Taking the call, or trying to pimp me out to Victor?

Tucker: Did I do that?

Jill: "Sexy eyes," "Substantial charms" to get information from him about Mitsukoshi? That's really an out-there move, even for you.

Tucker: You're offended, and with good reason. I'm sorry. I just thought Victor might be compelled to drop his guard, that's all.

Jill: Oh, please. Victor's been around the block, okay? I'm afraid my "Substantial charms" aren't gonna work this time. Now if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to call.

Tucker: Okay. Uh, Jill? You forgot something.

Jill: That's not mine. (Laughs)

Tucker: No?

Jill: No.

Tucker: Oh, my mistake. I, uh, I thought it was yours. I guess we should press "Play" and find out who it belongs to.

Jill: You know what? It is mine. God, my assistant insisted that I carry one, you know, to dictate letters and so forth. I'd forgotten I even had it. (Chuckles)

Tucker: I prefer pen and paper myself.

Jill: Yeah. Anyway, thanks. Bye-bye.

Tucker: You take care.

Victoria: All right, so Tucker wants a piece of Newman’s Asian market. Newman can deal with that. Or I can deal with that, since at the moment, I'm Newman. You're not gonna publish this, are you?

Billy: I-I came to you first.

Victoria: Would you hold off? Please? For me?

Billy: (Chuckles) For chicken hawk? I'll hold off as long as I can.

Victoria: Okay. Thank you. I'm gonna go deal with this now.

(Airplane engine rumbling)

Victor: Are we close to where you took my son?

Russ: You see those blinking lights over there? That's where he wanted to go.

Victor: How soon till we land?

Russ: Land? (Laughs) This is foreign air space. I can't land here. I'd lose my license, get arrested.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Russ: Well, I took him this far. He did the rest himself with a parachute from back there. You want to follow him, you jump, too.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: Now.

Chloe: Yeah?

Chance: You asked me something before.

Chloe: (Sighs) My proposal?

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Mm, which was promptly followed by an explosive device.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Yeah, I have really great timing.

Chance: Yes.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: Not "Yes, you have bad timing." Yes.

Chloe: Yes?

Chance: Affirmative.

Chloe: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Chance: What?

Chloe: No, I--no, you cannot give me cop tough-guy lingo. I need a real answer.

Chance: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Okay. Yes, you may have my tough-guy hand in marriage.

Chloe: Not because of the bomb?

Chance: Was that part of the proposal?

Chloe: No. No, but because it was scary...

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Or I'm clingy, or you feel guilty, or because I--

Chance: Chloe, yes, because I want to spend the rest of my life with just you... okay?

Chance: Mm.

Chloe: (Giggles)

Chance: (Chuckles)

Heather: I'm sorry.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Heather: I'm sorry to interrupt.

Chloe: Mm, mm, mm! (Laughs) We just got engaged!

Chance: (Laughs)

Heather: Well...

Chance: Mm.

Chloe: (Giggles)

Heather: That's wonderful.

Chloe: I know. I know. We know. We know.

Chance: (Laughs)

Heather: Uh, I have, uh, some unfortunate timing.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Heather: Owen wants a security detail put on me.

Chance: Well, someone did just try and blow you up, so I think having some extra security's a good thing. 24/7, too.

Chloe: Yeah, protection. Honey, you--you should get her I don't know, one of your guys. Put--put them on the job.

Heather: Uh, no, uh, Owen had someone in mind, actually-- you.

Chloe: Hmm.

Victoria: Oh, Mom. Thank goodness you're still here.

Nikki: Hey.

Victoria: Listen, I can't get Dad on his cell phone.

Nikki: Well, he probably doesn't have a signal. What is wrong?

Victoria: Well, Tucker McCall is trying to muscle in on Mitsukoshi in Asia. He is determined to figure out how Dad has a corner on the market, and he wants to break it.

Nikki: How'd you find out about that?

Victoria: Billy told me.

Nikki: Really? Well, I guess I didn't give him enough credit.

Victoria: Listen, right now, I just need to figure out how to keep Mr. McCall out of our territory, and Nick has his hands full. So what do you think Dad would say?

Nikki: I think that he left you in charge because he trusts your instincts. So what do they say?

Victoria: Hmm. They say I am going to Japan.

Jill: All right, I told you I would get the scoop on Tucker and Newman, and I did. Although I gotta tell you, this scoop, this glorious scoop, nearly landed right back in Tucker's hands.

Billy: So he busted you?

Jill: (Sighs) I smoothed it over. It's okay.

Billy: Well, good. Well, play the damn thing.

Jill: No, I want a bonus for this, all right?

Billy: (Chuckles) Okay. (Clears throat)

Jill: Wait a minute. Oh... Tucker McCall. You lousy pain in the...

Tucker: Look... what Jill left behind.

Ashley: (Gasps) She did not. She recorded you again?

Tucker: I couldn't help myself. I had to take it.

Ashley: But I thought you wanted Victor to know what you're up to.

Tucker: Eh, Jill not having the tape isn't gonna make any difference. Victor will still hear my intentions for the Asian market.

Ashley: Not necessarily.

Tucker: Why not?

Ashley: Because he's out of the country. He left Victoria in charge of Newman.

Tucker: This is perfect. You don't agree.

Ashley: I'm torn. Victor left for a damn good reason, and I back him 100%. But this is business, and if you left the country, uh, he would definitely use it to his advantage.

Tucker: That's my motto-- "Do unto Victor as he would do unto us."

(Airplane engine rumbling)

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: I just couldn't imagine my life without you. Come on. Let's get you into bed.

Victoria: Would you stop? It's just so wrong.

Billy: Why is it so wrong? Cover your eyes, Pops.

Phyllis: I just think it's best for our family if we have space from Sharon.

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