Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/3/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/3/10 -- Canada; Friday 6/4/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9413 ~ Love No More

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Pomerantz, all we're trying to do is get to the truth.

Owen: You Newmans have a way of making your own truths.

Victor: If that body turns out to be Hightower's, that means that my son Adam was a cold-blooded killer. Do you honestly think that I, as a father, would want to create a truth like that?

Owen: Well, if you're desperate enough.

Nick: No, Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad.

Jack: Don't, Victor. Don't.

Owen: Oh, wouldn't want to add assaulting a public official to your charges.

Jack: What charges?

Owen: You need a court order to exhume a body.

Nick: What about that letter from Hightower's family?

Owen: It's not good enough.

Jack: Then, what, you're arresting us?

Owen: I'm taking you in. When the dental records prove that Adam's buried beneath that pile of dirt, then I'll arrest you.

Phyllis: Sharon? Oh, my God. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon.

Sharon: (Coughing)

Phyllis: Oh, my God.

Sharon: My throat.

Phyllis: I know. I know. You--you were sprayed with pesticides by that plane.

Sharon: (Weakly) I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Phyllis: I know. I know. I know. Listen, just take it easy. Just relax. Relax. Relax. I'm gonna get help, okay?

Sharon: (Coughs)

Phyllis: I've gotta get help. Just--just keep on breathing. Sharon?

Sharon: (Gasps)

Phyllis: My God.

Chloe: Dammit doesn't taste like soy.

Chance: So take it back. (Sighs)

Chloe: To the barista from hell?

Chance: (Chuckles) He seemed nice to me.

Chloe: He treated me like I was some high-maintenance diva.

Chance: Well, Chloe, maybe you are.

Chloe: What? I ordered a 1-pump vanilla sugar-free soy latte, extra hot, half foam with a smidge of chocolate.

Chance: Yeah, that's definitely not high-maintenance.

Chloe: Just for that, soy or not?

Chance: Uh, I can just smell it, and, yes, that is soy.

Chloe: What kind of detective are you?

Chance: You want detective work?

Chance: Come here. Mm.

Chance: Mm. Mm-hmm. Tely soy.

Chloe: Sure?

Chance: I'm positive.

Chloe: It doesn't taste like soy.

Chance: Hi.

Heather: Hi. Sorry. Sorry to interrupt. Borrow your boyfriend.

Chloe: Mm.

Kevin: Hi. Um, I'm here to visit my brother Ryder Callahan, and, um, I saw my wife's name on the sign-in sheet, Jana Fisher. Is she still here?

Man: She left with Callahan.

Kevin: How did he get out?

Man: Your wife posted his bail.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Michael: We can still have dinner at home.

Lauren: Thank you. Uh... (Chuckles) We promised Fen Gina's spaghetti and meatballs, right?

Michael: Well, we can get spaghetti and meatballs to go, right?

Lauren: I love you, Michael, really.

Michael: I love you.

Lauren: And that's why I'm fine.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Excuse me. Is it possible to stay out of trouble for 24 hours? Hello. Yes, Victor. Yeah, I'll be right there. Bye. Looks like it's to go after all.

Lauren: No, we're happy and Fen's happy. You go.

Michael: Are you sure?

Lauren: Yes. We'll take a cab home.

Michael: (Groans)

Lauren: Any green?

Michael: Have I told you that I love you lately?

Lauren: Yeah. (Chuckles) I love you.

Michael: All right, see you, Buddy. Mwah.

Heather: Owen thinks that Nick Newman being attacked in jail was a setup.

Chance: So he could make bail.

Heather: Ah, you've heard the rumors.

Chance: Yeah, don't put much stock in them. Frank Ellis hates the Newman’s, so it makes sense that he would want to attack one of them.

Heather: I agree, but Owen's my boss, so I have to look into it.

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Are we stopping you?

Heather: I was hoping that you could come question Ellis with me.

Chance: Uh, okay. I'll tell you what, just give me a minute?

Heather: Uh, sure. Yeah. I’ll wait outside.

Chloe: Really? My mom has Delia for the evening, and we finally get to spend a night alone, and you're gonna leave with her?

Chance: Chloe, look, its business. I don't have a choice.

Chloe: Okay, what Heather Stevens needs is to get...

Chance: What?

Chloe: (Purses lips) She needs to get a life. Maybe then she would stop ruining mine.

Chance: Chloe, there's no reason for you to worry.

Chloe: Who's worried? Worried.

Chance: All right, let me know if you decide to not wait and that you got home okay.

Chloe: Promise you won't be long.

Chance: Come here. I'll see you soon.

Chloe: Okay. (Sighs)

Lauren: Excuse me. I thought you couldn't make bail.

Jana: I posted it.

Lauren: Why?

Jana: Because he helped us when we were in a bad situation.

Lauren: He put us in a bad situation.

Ryder: I'm working on becoming a better person. Jana sees that. I hope you will, too.

Lauren: That's all you're saying to me? Excuse me. I have to get back to my son.

Ryder: Sorry about that. It's not your fault. Oh...

Kevin: You took out on a loan without telling me so you could put up his bail?

Jana: According to the terms of our mortgage, I'm allowed to.

Kevin: We set it up that way in case of an emergency. Posting bail for someone who tried to kill you is not an emergency, Jana. It's crazy.

Jana: When we signed that, we agreed that we wouldn't have to ask one another to borrow money.

Kevin: When we signed that, I trusted you with my life.

Jana: I know that our circumstances have changed, but--

Kevin: Changed. Changed. (Sighs) The Jana I knew would never do something like this.

Jana: Well, I guess I'm not the Jana that you knew.

Nick: It's still going straight to voice mail.

Jack: Sharon's not answering hers, either.

Victor: Mr. Pomerantz,

Owen: (Clears throat)

Victor: Let me ask you a favor-- kindly let my son go. You can keep me here. You can keep Jack here. Let him go. His wife is in danger. He's worried about her, all right?

Nick: Now that we know Adam's still out there...

Owen: Well, you see, we don't know that. Until we get the results of those dental comparisons back, no one goes anywhere.

Phyllis: Sharon, I'm gonna get help, okay? Sharon... if the cell phone... oh, God. Oh, God! (Sighs) It's dead. It's dead. All right, um, you have a cell phone, right? You have your cell phone somewhere? Is it--is it in your pocket?

Sharon: (Coughs)

Phyllis: Here? All right, good. Good. Oh, my God. No signal. Okay. Okay. (Sighs) All right, um, listen, Sharon, I have to get you on your feet.

Sharon: (Weakly) I can't.

Phyllis: No, you gotta work with me, Sharon. Sharon, you have to. Sharon! Sharon! Sharon, keep on breathing!

Sharon: (Coughs)

Phyllis: Sharon!

Sharon: Phyllis.

Lauren: Thank you so much for coming to pick him up. Honey, um, Marci's gonna take you home, and then I'm gonna be there really soon, okay? All right. Bye.

Kevin: (Shudders) I'll take another one, please. Um, okay, look. I get that the aneurysm has caused you to be disconnected from your feelings. But now it's like you're a whole different person.

Jana: One you don't like.

Kevin: One I don't know. And this whole Ryder deal-- Jana, it's not you.

Jana: How is it not me helping somebody and doing what I believe in even when nobody else agrees? What part of that is not me?

Kevin: The part that doesn't give a damn about how I feel. It's like you're more interested in connecting to him than you are to me.

Jana: He's not expecting me to f-feel something or to be somebody that I'm not. I can breathe when I'm with him.

Kevin: (Sighs) And I'm suffocating you. How again? By loving you?

Jana: By expecting me to love you back. I don't. I remember loving you, and I thought that I would feel those feelings for you again. But I haven't, and I just don't know if I ever will.

Kevin: (Sighs) Is there anything else you need to get off your chest?

Jana: I'm going to use the rest of the money to help Ryder. I'm going to put him up here for the night, and then tomorrow, I'm going to help him find a place to live.

Kevin: Why not just give him our apartment? He's taken everything else from me.

Jana: We'll get the bail money back.

Kevin: (Scoffs) You think this is about money? This is about me fighting for something that we both used to care about.

Jana: (Sighs) I just don't know what else to say.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Get out of my way.

Jana: (Sighs) Let's get you a room. (Clears throat)

Lauren: Jana.

Man: You're kidding me.

Owen: Mm.

Man: Victor Newman digging a grave?

Owen: Well, maybe we should find these men a cell.

Man: Yes, Sir.

Michael: Not necessary.

Nick: Oh, Michael, thank God.

Michael: No thank Judge Shaughnessy. She's the one who issued the writ of habeas corpus.

Owen: You know, when the results of the dental comparisons come back...

Michael: We'll talk. I hope you're happy. In that crate, Pomerantz is gonna nail your butts to the wall.

Nick: I don't give a damn about him. I just need to find Sharon and Phyllis.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: All right, Sharon. I brought the car up as close as I could, okay? Now we gotta get up. All right, let's go. Okay, I-I'll help you. Let's go, Sharon.

Sharon: (Weakly) I can't.

Phyllis: (Straining) Uh, yeah, I-I'll help you. Come on, let--

Sharon: (Weakly) I can’t.

Phyllis: (Grunts) Here, let's go. (Breathing heavily) Sharon, oh come on.

Sharon: I can't.

Phyllis: Let's try again. Listen, Sharon open your eyes.

Sharon: (Whimpers)

Phyllis: Open your eyes, Sharon.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Listen, open your eyes open your eyes, Sharon!

Sharon: (Moans)

Phyllis: Oh, God. Listen, I need you here. Who's gonna make my life miserable, right? My God, Sharon, if you don't open your eyes to spite me, do it for your kids, please? Please. Do it for Faith. She needs you yeah. (Breathing heavily) She needs you. She needs you. Noah and Faith both need you. Please, do it for them.

Sharon: (Whispers) Go get help.

Phyllis: I can't. I can't. Get help. Because if I do, you... listen. (Sighs) Listen we have to get you to the car. Do you hear me? We have to get you to the car.

Kevin: Can I get a beer, a shot of tequila? And we're gonna keep those coming.

Chloe: Well, I thought I was having a rough night. (Sighs) Which I totally am. But you probably don't want to hear it.

Kevin: Mnh-mnh.

Chloe: What you're going through is... it's probably nothing compared to what you're going through.

Kevin: I guess so.

Chloe: (Sighs) But, you know, I just don't understand. I don't get it. You know, a smart detective like Chance can't see what a manipulating skank Heather Stevens is? You know, she's-- she's pretending like she needs this, you know, strong cop to help protect her and interrogate this scary forger. I mean, some A.D.A. she is. You know, I bet you-- I bet you she got her law degree online.

Kevin: Probably.

Chloe: You know, and he thinks that I'm threatened. Please! I'm not threatened.

Kevin: Have you seen Mac?

Chloe: No. Uh, no. Want her for something?

Kevin: I just need to talk.

Chloe: Oh, well, you can talk to me.

Kevin: (Sighs) No, thanks.

Chloe: (Sighs) Are you okay?

Kevin: Oh, yeah, I'm fantastic.

Chloe: Kev, Kev, Kev. I think you're a great guy. I do. I mean, the past few weeks, how you've stood by Jana, all the searches, the posters... and now she's just had surgery, and she has no feelings for you whatsoever, and you're still standing by her.

Kevin: Yeah, that's me, faithful to the end.

Chloe: Exactly like Chance.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Chloe: Hypothetical question, if you were in a committed relationship, and some girl kept on throwing herself at you, would you eventually give in?

Kevin: (Exhales) Trust. If you have trust, you've got nothing to worry about. But... when the trust is gone, that's when you're in trouble.

Heather: Mr. Ellis. Hi. I'm assistant district attorney Heather Stevens. This is Detective Chancellor.

Frank: If I'd known you were coming I’d have straighten up.

Heather: Why bother? You're not gonna be here much longer. Heading upstate for a nice long visit.

Frank: Yep. Pesky three strikes law.

Heather: You were already in enough trouble. Why assault Nick Newman on top of everything else?

Frank: I just don't like Newman’s.

Heather: Well, my boss thinks the whole thing was a setup so that Nick could make bail. If you can confirm that, he might be willing to cut you a deal. You tell us who asked you to rough up Nick Newman, the assault charge goes away.

Frank: Either way, I'm a lifer. Now if you offer me something else...

Chance: She's not.

Frank: Like making my prison life a little more comfortable-- better conditions, extra privileges.

Heather: So you do have something to tell us.

Frank: Not about the Newman’s. But I got something big. (Chuckles)

Chance: Frank, don't mess with us, okay?

Frank: Brent Riggs. Sound like I'm messing?

Chance: Wait, what do you know about Brent Riggs?

Frank: I know he called you for help. And when you went down there, poof! Gone. Nobody heard from him for weeks until you got a call from him again. And you went to meet him alone, which was a rookie cop mistake. And somebody knocked you out, planted drugs on you. A few days later, old Brent found floatin' in the river.

Chance: That was an I.A. investigation. No one on the outside would have known about that.

Frank: Yeah, well, people talk, and I got big ears. Hey, so you want to know the rest, or not?

Heather: He's bluffing.

Frank: Maybe, or maybe not. You're gambling with your own life. And what I know affects you, too.  

Frank: (Chuckles) What if I'm not? (Thump) All right, look, I'm done but you want to hear the rest, here.

Chance: What do you think?

Heather: (Sighs) I think we ought to go someplace and talk about this.

Chance: All right.

Kevin: Thank you. (Sighs)

Chloe: Can I ask you something?

Kevin: Can I stop you?

Chloe: Do you think Heather Stevens is pretty?

Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah, she's pretty.

Chloe: Mm. Well, I guess if you're into the whole librarian/schoolteacher look, she's pretty.

Kevin: Librarian? Heather? Where do you check out your books? (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Sighs) All right, you know, she's just-- she's just so not put together. You know, those suits that she wears? Tacky. That briefcase/purse thing she carries around? Total knockoff. I don't know where she gets her shoes. And she's never had a mani-pedi in her life.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Are all pretty girls this insecure... or is it just you?

Chloe: I'm not insecure. I'm annoyed. There is a very big difference. Let's--let's talk about something else, ok how about Jana? Any progress?

Kevin: Oh, yeah. Yeah. The last couple of days, she's showing all these signs of compassion.

Chloe: Well, that's-- that's great.

Kevin: Yeah, it's great... if you're Ryder.

Chloe: She's showing compassion to Ryder?

Kevin: Yep. (Sighs)

Chloe: What are you gonna do?

Kevin: Nothing. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done fighting and begging and pleading with her. (Sighs) If Jana doesn't want to get back to what we had, screw it. I'm done banging my head up against the wall.

Chloe: That you're giving up on your marriage?

Lauren: Do you know how difficult it was for me to come here tonight? I have been afraid to leave my apartment because of what Sarah and Daisy and Ryder did to us.

Jana: Mm. They treated us badly.

Lauren: They terrorized us. I thought--I thought we were gonna die in the cage. I'm still having nightmares because of it.

Jana: I'm sorry.

Lauren: Michael... Michael promised me that I would be safe as long as Ryder was in jail. And then you, my sister-in-law, my... my friend, you bail him out.

Jana: Lauren, you are still safe. Ryder wants a chance to change his life, just like Kevin, just like me. People do that.

Lauren: You and Kevin are good people at the core.

Jana: So is Ryder. I know it. I look into his eyes, and I can see it. I see it there, and I know that if you looked hard enough, you would, too.

Lauren: (Scoffs) A-a-and you're determined to be his savior?

Jana: I told you, he helped me.

Lauren: No. No, I helped you. I protected you. I am the one that kept you alive. And this is how you pay me back?!

Jana: And I thank you, Lauren. I will never forget what you've done for me.

Lauren: Okay, well, then you remember something. You remember that he is the son of Tom and Sheila, and that is a recipe for serious emotional damage. What we saw-- I think that was just the tip. So you'd better ask yourself before you get into this any deeper, is this something that is good, or is this just plain reckless?

Phyllis: Open your eyes. Please, open your eyes.

Nick: Sharon, Phyllis, you here?

Phyllis: Nick, we're over here! Nick! Oh, my God.

Nick: What happened? What happened?

Phyllis: The crop duster came by, and it sprayed on us.

Nick: Sharon? Oh, God.

Sharon: (Gasping)

Phyllis: She inhaled the pesticides.

Nick: Okay, we gotta get her to the car.

Phyllis: Here.

Nick: You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.

Phyllis: Any word?

Jack: Nothing yet.

Doctor: She's suffering from parquet poisoning.

Victor: How do you treat that?

Doctor: Normally, administer activated charcoal, but the pesticide's in her lungs, so we have to pursue a more aggressive therapy, hemoperfusion. Hopefully, this will remove the poison from her lungs.

Phyllis: "Hopefully"?

Doctor: This condition can be fatal.

Jack: (Sighs heavily)

Phyllis: Oh, my God.

Doctor: She is lucky you got her here when you did. Much longer, and nothing could have saved her. Get the hemoperfusion started right away.

Victor: We'll be here waiting for you, okay?

Jack: Quite a coincidence, this crop duster spraying a field tonight right where Adam had the taxi drop him off.

Victor: I'll have Michael Baldwin find out who owns that farm, and who owns the crop-dusting business.

Nick: Somebody at one of those places knows something about Adam.

Victor: Yeah, and we're gonna find out what it is.

Chance: (Exhales rhythmically)

Heather: All right, do you think Ellis is lying?

Chance: Well, he knew a lot about the Riggs case.

Heather: Could have heard it in jail.

Chance: What he knew about you-- you see, now that-- that is what threw me.

Heather: Yeah. I mean, I was there when you were arrested for drug possession. Other than that, I wasn't really involved in that investigation.

Chance: Well, that whole thing with Riggs, it just-- it never felt finished to never.

Heather: Hmm. Are you gonna ask Owen if he'll make a deal with him?

Chance: I was hoping you would.

Heather: Do you have a problem with the D.A.?

Chance: This case. Every time I look I hit a brick wall. So what do you say?

Heather: Sure, I-I owe you for coming with me tonight.

Chloe: You can't give up.

Kevin: (Slurring words) Jana is the one who gave up.

Chloe: Maybe she just needs more time, Kevin.

Kevin: I gave her time, and she just got further away, and--and now she says she doesn't love me? (Scoffs)

Chloe: What?

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. That's--that's the thanks I get for not quitting on her. Everyone was like, "Dude, she's gone," and I would not believe it. I was like, "She's in trouble," and I went and I brought her back here, and she wakes from her surgery. She has no feelings for me. And I wait, and I wait for her to figure out what we mean to each other, and now I know. Nothing. (Sighs) You know, it's a good thing, though, because... it's better to know than to waste your life waiting for something that's not gonna happen. (Sets glass on table)

Chloe: So what are you gonna do?

Kevin: I don't know. I know that when you find love, you hold on to it, because just like that... (Thud)

Chloe: Uh, I think we need a taxi for him.

Michael: All right.

Phyllis: Oh, it's Michael. He was flying out on highway and uh, I was at the field when you sprayed.

Russ: I'm really sorry. Uh, nobody was supposed to be there. That's why we spray at night.

Victor: Mr. Curtis, we're not blaming you. We'd just like to ask you some questions, all right?

Russ: Sure, what about?

Jack: About a man who was dropped off by taxi April 1st right at the field where you were spraying tonight.

Victor: Do you recognize this man?

Russ: (Sighs)

Nick: Sharon was hurt because of this man. If you know something…

Michael: Nick, please, let me handle this! Nicholas, please.

Russ: (Sighs) Can I get a drink of water?

Michael: Sure. Nick—

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: (Sighs) Excuse me. What have you go now you're sure? No, uh, thank you. The dental results are in. Its Richard Hightower buried in potter's field.

Jack: I'll be damned. Adam is alive. He set this whole thing up.

Victor: Are we gonna call my favorite district attorney?

Michael: I'm on it. Please let this be over. Please let this be over. (Sighs)

Kevin: Can we talk? (Sighs)

Jana: Kevin, I really don't want--

Kevin: Please, can we talk?

Ryder: I'll be at the bar.

Kevin: Get me a beer, will you? It's my money. (Sighs)

Jana: I don't want to fight with you.

Kevin: (Sighs) Well, I came to tell you that... (Sighs) I'm through.

Jana: Fighting?

Kevin: With everything.

Jana: I don't understand.

Kevin: I'm never gonna stop loving you, Jana. But I'm done. There's no reason to hold on anymore.

Jana: So where does that leave us?

Kevin: The end, I guess. (Chuckles)

Jana: Of our marriage?

Ryder: Lauren, I'm really sorry about everything. I'll stay as far away from you as possible.

Lauren: Maybe I should have thanked Jana for bailing you out, because facing you, I'm not afraid anymore.

Chance: But I didn't think she would do it, so...

Chloe: Hey.

Chance: Hey.

Chloe: Ready to put those handcuffs to use?

Heather: Okay.

Chance: Ahem.

Heather: I'm gonna head out.

Chloe: I'm sorry. You guys were done here, right?

Heather: Yeah.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: Yeah, we're, uh, we're done.

Heather: Oh, uh, we should get together tomorrow morning, though, and talk strategy before we meet with Owen.

Chance: Okay, sounds good.

Heather: I'll bring the coffee. Oh, and I'm-- I'm sorry I stole him.

Chloe: Yeah, bye.

Heather: Bye.

Chloe: Hmm.

Chance: So, um, you're never gonna guess what we found out from Ellis.

Chloe: Guess what? I have--a treat and you are gonna love it.

Victor: The woman was looking for his whereabouts. Now we know you didn't mean to harm her. But do us a favor and tell us what you know about this man.

Russ: He called me, asked me to fly him out of town. When I asked him why, he wouldn't tell me. He just said he'd make it worth my while. He did. (Sighs)

Victor: Where'd you fly him to?

Russ: Ottawa.

Victor: Ottawa.

Michael: Pomerantz. Russ, why don't you have a seat in the waiting room? Well, working late tonight?

Owen: I'm taking a dying declaration on another case. But as long as I ran into you...

Jack: You figured you'd come here and spread a little more doom and gloom.

Owen: I'm filing new charges against Nick in the morning for the murder of Richard Hightower.

Nick: Are you freaking kidding me?

Phyllis: That's crazy.

Nick: Pomerantz, what's the matter with you?

Owen: The facts are the same. He had the motive, the opportunity. The murder weapon belonged to him. He killed the wrong man, but it's still murder.

Michael: You are never going to convince another grand jury to put Nicholas on trial.

Owen: We'll see. Oh, um, don't leave town.

Nick: That’s who I should kill.

Phyllis: Shh.

Michael: Nick. We're getting you out of this.

Victor: Okay, this is gonna end once and for all.

Jana: So you're saying that our marriage is over?

Kevin: (Sighs) It takes two people to make a marriage, Jana, two people who love each other, respect each other and want to build a life together. (Sighs) I want those things, but I can't wait for you to want them.

Jana: I don't know what to say.

Kevin: Well, your actions have said it all.

Jana: That's what this is about? My helping Ryder?

Kevin: (Sighs) It's about me realizing that you're right. The Jana I knew is gone. And the only thing left for me to do is to let her go, for your sake and for my sake.

Jana: If I could feel something right now, I'm sure that I would feel my heart breaking.

Kevin: (Chuckles) If you could feel your heart right now, we wouldn't be having this conversation. (Sighs)

Jana: Right.

Ryder: Really, you don't have to put me up here. This must cost a fortune, and I don't--

Jana: No, you have spent too many nights in alleys and jail cells, and so tonight, you deserve the royal treatment. You do. You deserve it. I'm gonna go check you in now.

Jack: (Exhales)

(Monitor beeping)

Sharon: Mm. Mm.

Nick: Hey it's--hey, it's okay. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon, its okay. It's okay. You're in the hospital.

Jack: Hey. Hey. Welcome back, Sweetheart.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Nick: It's okay. You were poisoned. Do you remember that?

Sharon: Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Nick: Okay, the doctors, they did a procedure on you. They said it went great. You just need some rest, okay?

(Monitor beeping)

Nick: I'm right here.

Jack: Everything's gonna be okay.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

(Monitor beeping)

Victor: I want you to take me to the exact spot where you took Adam.

Michael: Too dangerous.

Victor: I don't give a damn. You will take me there because Nicholas' future depends on us finding Adam, all right? And if he's there, I'll find him.

Chance: What's wrong with inside?

Chloe: Well, this is more, uh, more private and romantic.

Chance: Wha... (Chuckles) We need private and romantic for this?

Chloe: Yes. Yes, we do.

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: Um...

Chance: (Clears throat)

Chloe: Okay, so, well, usually when I have an epiphany, it has to do with my shoes and clothes and whatever I found next to go with my newest mini. And tonight I was enlightened in a totally nonfashion way. Uh, it is big. It's--it's bigger. Um... (Sighs) Okay, love-- love is really hard to come by, and it's hard. It's--it's--it's hard. It's a lot of work. But when you have it, you shouldn't let it go. And I think we have it. We have it, right?

Chance: Right.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: We do.

Chloe: Yeah, so a couple of months ago, you proposed to me in the back of a cab in New York City, and it was raining, and...

Chance: (Clears throat)

Chloe: (Sighs) I made the stupidest choice, and I said "No." Because all I ever want is to be with you. That's all I ever want, so... I know that we're not in the back of a cab, and it's not raining, and we're not in New York, but I was wondering... (Sighs) If you'd marry me. (Sighs) Will you marry me?

Heather: (Sighs)

Heather: (Sighs)

(Door handle rattling)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"... ,

Heather: So if I move...

Chance: The bomb's gonna detonate.

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