Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/1/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 6/2/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9411 ~ Tucker, Exposed
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kay: Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather, inviting me to lunch.
Jill: Oh, Katherine, don't make such a big deal of it.
Kay: Oh, please, twice in one week. Ah, you know, uh, perhaps you thought the shock of it would give me another St-stroke.
Jill: I just thought it would be nice to put down the artillery and break bread with you. That's all.
Kay: (Chuckles) Why is it I feel that you're up to something?
Jill: Stop being so paranoid, okay? Just decide what you want to eat.
Kay: What are you doing?
Jill: I forgot my reading glasses. That's all.
Kay: Oh, look. There's Tucker.
Jill: Really? I hadn't noticed.
Kay: But he was here the last time we had lunch.
Jill: Was he?
Kay: (Sighs) Are you telling me you brought me here to beard for you while you spy on Tucker McCall?
Tucker: (Quietly) All I'm asking is for information on what transpired between Beauty of Nature and Mitsukoshi department stores. You just have to copy a few files.
J.T.: From Victoria's computer.
Tucker: After everything she's put you and your son through, that's a problem for you?
[J.T. remembering]
J.T.: Well, it wasn't bad enough you slept with the guy. You had to go and marry him, too?
Victoria: Look, it just-- it ha--
Billy: It just happened.
J.T.: After what I just saw on that video--where you were, who you were with, what you did when you got completely wasted-- you know, it makes me have serious doubts whether it's safe for you to be alone with our son ever again.
J.T.: I'll get back to you.
Tucker: Don't mess this up. I want to move quickly.
Ashley: (Sighs) I hate being late. I am so, so sorry.
Tucker: That's all right. Is everything all right?
Ashley: (Sighs) Just a lot of family drama.
Tucker: Oh, I hope Abby isn't stirring up more trouble.
Ashley: Mm, you don't know the half of it.
Tucker: I'm a good listener.
Ashley: (Sighs) Thank you. (Chuckles)
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Ashley: Oh, well, it's okay. Didn't you want to talk business?
Tucker: Yeah, well, I did want to continue our conversation about Beauty of Nature.
Ashley: Right. And I've been thinking about it. I mean, obviously, to acquire Newman's top cosmetics company would be, I mean, a huge coup for Jabot. But if Victor is not on board, then--
Tucker: What if he were?
Ashley: You know something?
Tucker: (Clears throat) It's my belief Victor bribed someone to secure exclusive rights for Beauty of Nature with Mitsukoshi. Now I have my people looking for confirmation. If I find it, he'll negotiate.
Ashley: And "Negotiate" is another word for "Blackmail."
Tucker: Persuade.
Ashley: You really want to go there? I mean, aren't you still under investigation? Um...
Tucker: Should I suspend doing business because I supposedly bribed a Yugoslavian official 30 years ago?
Ashley: Whatever move you make, you're going to be watched very closely.
Tucker: I've been in worse jams than this one, Darlin'. Now that Mitsukoshi deal, we could just call that an insurance policy.
(Cell phone beeps)
Cane: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Cute shirt. Kind of hides how huge you're getting... which is totally normal, because you are carrying twins. And you know what? We should totally go shopping, 'cause I know of a great store in Chicago. I would love to take you. We should go sometime.
Mac: Why are you being so nice to me? What do you want?
Chloe: (Scoffs) Does there always have to be an ulterior motive?
Mac: With you? Cell phone? Cell phone?
Chloe: Cell--cell phone's on the desk.
Mac: Thank you.
Chloe: So... (Sighs) That was, uh, quite the party last night, huh? A party's not a party until you get humiliated in public.
Mac: Yeah. Didn't see that coming.
Chloe: Mnh-mnh. That was a shocker. Billy and Victoria getting married. If ever two people weren't meant for each other...
Mac: Well, you seemed pretty floored when Abby played that wedding video.
Chloe: Well, yeah. I was--I was shocked because I'm always the one to know about the gossip first.
Mac: Oh, is that it?
Chloe: What about you?
Mac: What about me?
Chloe: You're telling me that there isn't one little part of you that isn't upset that Billy's moving on?
Billy: That is a vast improvement thanks to you and your doorknob. I hadn't closed that sucker in months.
Victoria: Oh, that's great. So maybe if you'd just maybe consider buying, I don't know, maybe one more towel, that'd be-- that'd be nice, too.
Billy: Yeah, well, look at you. You're trying to change me already.
Victoria: Would you like some, um, ketchup and mustard on your peanut butter and crackers?
Billy: What, there's no mayo?
Victoria: No, sorry. That's all we had in the fridge. You might want to consider going shopping.
Billy: Nah, that's why I got married. My wife can do it. Okay, spousal abuse. Take it easy.
Victoria: Listen, since you're so handy with the screwdriver, there's a drawer in the kitchen...
Billy: You know, I am handy with a lot of things. You want to see?
Victoria: Mm... meh.
Billy: "Meh"? Really? Wait, Meh? Fine.
Victoria: Meh.
Billy: Give me my shirt back. Hit the bricks, Kid. Get out of here.
Victoria: Oh, this shirt?
Billy: Yeah, that shirt.
Victoria: You want this shirt back?
Billy: I will take that right off of you. I will snatch it off.
Victoria: I'll give your shirt back.
Billy: Oh, yeah?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: I'll take it back.
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: Oh, are you gonna get that? 'Cause--
Billy: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Let it ring. They'll call back.
Victoria: Oh, look. Oh, it's Rafe. It's Rafe. It's Rafe.
Billy: (Groans) Fine. Two seconds. Don't move. (Stammers) Rafe, Buddy, this had better be very import-- what? Really? Okay, man. All right, thank you. We don't have to get the marriage annulled.
Victoria: Why not?
Billy: Um, well, it-- it wasn't legal.
Mac: I think it's always difficult when your ex ends up with someone else.
Chloe: But Billy isn't just your ex. And the way that people tell it, you guys are right up there with Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.
Mac: (Chuckles) Um, yeah, well, when you got divorced and we got together, I thought that we were... but I made my choice, and we were never meant to be anything more than friends.
Chloe: And you're okay with that?
Mac: Yeah, I am. Are you?
Chloe: Yeah, of course I am. I'm with Chance.
Mac: He's a great guy.
Chloe: Yeah, he's the greatest. And why would I want to be with someone who is as unstable as Billy?
Mac: Because you have a daughter together, and that's a bond that can't be broken. And I don't think anyone would blame you for wondering deep down inside if you're family could be together again.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Well, trust me, I don't.
Mac: It's a perfectly natural thought, hearing that Billy married someone.
Chloe: Y-y-you know, let's just be thankful for Delia's sake that it was Victoria and not some stripper that he met at the Booby-Trap.
Mac: You know, you're allowed to feel angry and sad and whatever it is that you're feeling.
Chloe: Okay. Whatever this whole supportive and, I don't know, nice thing that you're doing, I guess is why people say that you're so nice, 'cause I never really understood what the big deal was.
Mac: (Chuckles) Wow, it's incredible how you can make a compliment sound like an insult.
Chloe: Hey. Do you really think that Billy and Victoria are in love? Because they were really hammered when they got married.
Mac: They left the bar together last night. I guess we just have to wait and see how it plays out.
Victoria: Oh, so we were-- we were never really married. (Chuckles)
Billy: Not according to Rafe. I mean, the wedding was ridiculous anyway.
Victoria: Yeah, it was completely...
Billy: Yeah, and it saves us the trouble of getting an annulment.
Victoria: Yeah. I mean, I wonder why they don't let you get married after 8:00 at night. That's crazy.
Billy: It's some-- some local law, uh...
Victoria: It's just so odd.
Billy: Yeah, well, it's not odder than not being able to serve apple pie in Wisconsin without serving it with cheese.
Victoria: Did you make that up?
Billy: No, trust me. It's true. It's true.
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Yeah, so that's great. I mean, I'm sure that my dad will be thrilled that we're not married.
Billy: Rafe said that Michael already told him and Ashley.
Victoria: Oh, really? That's good, because I wasn't really in the mood for dealing with him anyway. Great.
Billy: What about J.T.?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm gonna need to do some damage control there.
Billy: (Clears throat) Yeah, I better go see Chloe and let her know that Delia doesn't have a new stepmom.
Victoria: Yeah, you might want to do that sooner rather than later. She seemed really upset last night.
Billy: Well... (Chuckles) Well, I-I better get going and go see her before her head explodes. Um, feel free to take a shower, whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Bye.
Billy: See ya.
Victoria: See ya.
Jill: The idea that I am using you as a beard to spy on Tucker is preposterous, okay? If I needed a body across the table from me, believe me, I'd pick somebody younger, hotter and a lot more male than you.
Kay: You, my dear, have never had anyone in your stable like that since, um...
Jill: Tucker?
Kay: There's no sense in denying it. You're here to do an exposé on him for the magazine.
Jill: Fine, then I'm not gonna waste time arguing.
Kay: Aha!
Jill: Don't "Aha" me, Katherine.
Kay: The last time you almost killed any chance I ever had of a relationship with my son. Don't do it again, Jill, and I'm warning you now. Don't do it again.
Tucker: I promise. Victor will be handled with kid gloves. One businessman suggesting the possibility of an acquisition to another. It's a deal that would benefit both parties.
Ashley: You can paint it any way you like. I don't want any part of it, and I don't want Jabot to be involved in anything illegal, either.
Tucker: Well, we're gettin' ahead of ourselves. I don't know that a bribe even took place.
Ashley: I suggest that you explore a different avenue.
Tucker: There is another option.
Ashley: What is it?
Tucker: You could deliver Beauty of Nature on your own.
Jill: Katherine, you're overreacting.
Kay: Mm. No, no, no, no. I-I know you have an ulterior motive in inviting me to lunch.
Jill: Just because they were here the last time we were here-- we always see someone we know here, okay?
Kay: After all these years, do you not know that I know when you are lying? Now I don't buy it. I don't think they do either.
Jill: You know what? You have a point, okay? I would hate for Ashley and Tucker to jump to the wrong conclusions. I think I will just pop over there and say hello, nip any concerns in the bud.
Kay: Sit down.
Tucker: As I was saying, you could be the key to bringing Beauty of Nature into the fold.
Ashley: If you're thinking that I acquired, um, Newman shares or stock when I got divorced from Victor, I didn't.
Tucker: No, I-I'm aware you have no interest in the company.
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Tucker: But Brad Carlton did.
Ashley: And those shares went to my daughter.
Tucker: And they're in a trust which you currently control.
Ashley: I sure do.
Tucker: Now if you're so inclined, you could, um, use Abby's holdings to leverage a buyout of Beauty of Nature.
Jill: Wow, fancy running into the two of you again. So how are things? Making big plans for the company?
Tucker: Hmm.
(Knock on door)
Victoria: Did you forget your key?
J.T.: (Scoffs)
Victoria: Well, didn't you get my text? I-I mean, I told you that I was gonna be in town later.
J.T.: Well, this can't wait. We need to talk.
Billy: I wasn't sure you'd take my call.
Chloe: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you and Abby cooked up this whole thing just as a publicity stunt for "Restless Style."
Billy: Hey, even I have my limits.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Yeah, I wonder. So here is a helpful tip. Next time that you're gonna break the news that Delia's gonna get a new step-mommy, try doing it before the wedding.
J.T.: So where is Reed's new step-daddy?
Victoria: Billy's not here.
J.T.: Well, this is a hell of a place you got here. Is this where you're gonna be living now? Not a lot of closet space. I mean, what--what are you gonna do when Reed comes over for sleepovers?
Victoria: You know, you can just stop your rant, J.T.
Billy: And before you try to smack me in the face again, there's something that you should know.
Chloe: (Sighs) Don't tell me that she's pregnant.
Billy: Uh, no.
Chloe: Then just go, okay? Because whatever you have to say, I don't even want to hear it.
Victoria: There's nothing to worry about.
J.T.: Oh, yeah, right, because, uh, marrying Billy in a drunken ceremony on a beach in Jamaica is just normal to you, right?
Victoria: (Sighs) We found out the marriage isn't legal.
Billy: And, hey, it turns out that there's some wacky law in Jamaica that you can't get married after 8:00, so we're not even married.
Chloe: Oh, yay. Awesome. Those wacky Jamaicans.
Billy: Well, see? Victoria and I aren't even really married, so...
Chloe: Okay. It doesn't even matter, 'cause you thought that you were. And what kind of role model are you for our daughter?
Mac: Hey, stranger. Did you see the sonogram I sent Lily this morning? The twins had their heads together. They looked like they were talking to each other.
Cane: Uh, no, I haven't seen it yet. I'll check it out when I get home.
Mac: So what's the latest from Olivia? What does she think about Lily's treatment?
Cane: So far, so good.
Mac: You want a beer?
Cane: No, no. I-I don't want a beer. Thanks. Um, you know what I would like, though, is that this came in the mail today, and I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.
Mac: What is it? It's addressed to Lily.
Cane: Yeah, she asked me to get her mail while she was gone, and, uh, you know, I don't think she'd want me to see this, so I'm thinking maybe someone from the, uh, law firm sent it by mistake.
Mac: Her last will and testament. Did you know she was having this drawn up?
Cane: No. No, she, uh, she didn't mention it to me.
Mac: Seeing it in writing makes it so real.
Cane: Especially, uh, the bit about the babies. She, um, she wants you and me to have joint custody if she doesn't make it. What, you have nothing to say about that?
Mac: Cane, I-- (sighs)
Cane: All right, listen, it's--it's--it's really clear in the surrogacy contract, okay? That you have no claim to these babies, so I just want to know a couple things. When did Lily talk to you? Why'd she change her mind, and why'd she go behind my back?
Mac: (Sighs)
Jill: I know that you don't think I was being sincere the last time we spoke, but I was being sincere, okay? I think that Tucker made a very wise choice naming you C.E.O. of Jabot.
Ashley: Thank you. Mm, thank you very much.
Tucker: Jill, if you're lookin' for work--
Ashley: (Chuckles)
Jill: Oh, I'm not looking for work. I've moved on, okay? I'm just be supportive, that's all. Anyway, I won't take up any more of your time, you two. Enjoy your lunch.
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: Mm-hmm. (Sighs)
Mac: I'm as surprised about this as you are.
Cane: So, um, Lily never spoke to you about sharing custody with me?
Mac: No, never. She never brought it up.
Cane: I just don't understand why she would do this without telling me.
Mac: I can't speak for Lily, but I know that she was upset about your disagreement about the stem cell... (Speaking indistinctly)
Cane: You know, I just don't understand why doesn't she want to do everything in her power to live?
Mac: (Sighs) I'm not-- I'm not saying that she was right in not discussing the will with you, but would you really have wanted to be arguing with her right before she got on the plane? She probably didn't want to upset you.
Cane: Well, I am upset.
Mac: Cane.
Mac: (Sighs)
Billy: Somebody's jealous.
Chloe: Oh, don't embarrass yourself.
Billy: Oh, you say you don't care, but it's obviously driving you nuts.
Chloe: Billy, you didn't think about how this marriage would affect your daughter.
Billy: You can't handle it because you--you know, I might be serious with another woman.
Chloe: You are impulsive. You are reckless. Your entire life is chaos. It is a total Peter Pan complex.
Billy: I was having some fun. I got a little carried away. There's no harm. There's no foul here.
Chloe: What--whatever happened to that whole, big wakeup call you had on New Year’s Eve?
Billy: At least I didn't lie to someone or trap them into being married like somebody else that I know.
Chloe: Okay, well, that was a very long time ago.
Billy: Oh, okay. And now you're the poster child for morality? Is this--is this, uh, Chance's holier-than-thou influence on you? Because I don't like it. You used to be a lot of fun.
Chloe: Here's a concept. I can be fun and be an adult at the same exact time.
Billy: Where's Delia? I'd like to see my daughter. Will you get her, please? Thank you very much.
J.T.: You think because your marriage to Billy is a sham that all the other issues go away, too?
Victoria: Why are you talking to me like I'm some unfit mother?
J.T.: No, I know you would never purposely hurt Reed.
Victoria: Well, then let me spend some more time with my son, all right? Last night we were talking, remember? Maybe we would be able to work something out.
J.T.: (Chuckles) Well, that was before you got wasted and married Billy or fake-married Billy. Whatever you did.
Victoria: Oh, come on, like you've never done anything in your past.
J.T.: Yeah, in the past, before Reed was born. You know, you don't get it. It's--it's your judgment.
Victoria: Judgment, yeah.
J.T.: Yeah, or lack thereof. You're like a completely different person.
Victoria: Let's be honest, J.T. this isn't even about our son. You say you're not punishing me, but you are. You won't forgive me, will you?
(Cell phone rings)
J.T.: Answer it.
Victoria: It's work.
J.T.: I can wait.
Victoria: Victoria Newman. This is gonna take a second. Uh, yeah, did you give Vladimir the information? What did he say?
Tucker: Good to see you. Give my best to Trixie. (Sighs)
Ashley: You're very popular.
Tucker: So have you considered my proposal?
Ashley: (Sighs) I'm not comfortable with it.
Tucker: It's not illegal. You wouldn't lose a penny.
Ashley: You know what? Victor and I are working together to try to turn Abby around. Tucker, this could totally backfire on me.
Tucker: This isn't personal. It's strictly business.
Ashley: (Chuckles) Oh, my God. D-do you have any idea how many times I've heard Victor say that? This crosses a line for me personally.
Tucker: Okay. We'll just have to find another way then.
Ashley: Is there an ulterior motive here?
Tucker: My only motive is to turn Jabot around and make it the success it deserves to be.
Ashley: Well, you certainly say all the right things. But if you're hoping that I'm gonna get involved in any of your dodgy schemes, then we're gonna have some big problems.
Victoria: All right. (Sighs) So where were we?
J.T.: (Sighs) Well, we were at a stalemate.
Victoria: Right. You said you weren't punishing me.
J.T.: Well, obviously, we're not capable of having a rational discussion about this right now, so...
Victoria: Would you please just at least let me spend some more time with my son?
J.T.: We'll talk about that when we cool down.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: (Sighs) This is Tucker.
J.T.: Where are you?
Tucker: I'm at the club finishing up a meeting.
J.T.: I'll be right there.
Tucker: I'm looking forward to it.
Kay: Virgin Mary, heavy on the hot sauce.
Mac: Grandma. That was fast. (Sighs)
Kay: You call, I run.
Mac: This isn't exactly your kind of place.
Kay: Oh, well, uh... (Sighs) It does remind me of the good old days. If only I could remember them.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Kay: Hmm. So you called, my darling.
Mac: Yeah, uh...
Kay: And you sounded very upset on the phone. Why?
Mac: Well, Cane was here earlier, and I knew that carrying a baby for them was a huge commitment, and... I'm just--I'm afraid I didn't consider all the ramifications, and I just--I-I can't-- I can't imagine myself raising these children with him.
Kay: (Stammers)
Cane: Hey, Lily, it's me. Um, hoping I'd reach you, but you're not there, so, uh, can you call me when you get this? It's important.
(Knock on door)
Cane: (Sighs) I love you. Um, I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
Jill: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Cane: Come here.
Jill: Oh.
Cane: Oh.
Jill: Katherine bailed on me for lunch. I thought maybe you'd like to share this with me.
Cane: Yeah, um, I'm kind of not hungry right now. Sorry.
Jill: What's wrong?
Cane: I really don't want to talk about it. It's cool, though.
Jill: Is it Lily? Is she okay?
Cane: This came in the mail today. It's her will, and, um...
Jill: Oh, Sweetie.
Cane: Yeah.
Jill: You have to expect she'd have this drawn up.
Cane: Yeah, really? Um, read this bit.
Jill: Joint custody with Mackenzie?
Cane: Look, you know, I-I can get over the fact she didn't mention that to me, but what really scares the hell out of me is... does she think she's not gonna make it?
Billy: (Making silly noises)
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: Look at this. (Making silly noises) Oops, I messed up.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Billy: You're better at this than daddy. Show me how to do it. (Smacks lips)
Chloe: Well, no one makes her laugh like the way you do.
Billy: Well, that's because daddy's a funny guy, isn't he?
Cordelia: (Fusses)
Billy: What?
Chloe: Yeah, well, we should tell daddy to take things more seriously.
Billy: Daddy takes looking after his little girl very seriously.
Chloe: Maybe we should tell daddy not to stumble into any more drunken marriages. You know, because, you know you're kidding yourself if you think this isn't gonna affect her someday.
Billy: You know, I already have a mom. I do. (Silly voice) Hey, let's go see mommy. (Humming) (Normal voice) Here you go.
Chloe: Okay.
Billy: Hey, little whippersnapper. I am gonna see you later, okay? Sometime when mommy's not around... (Whispers) Cause she's not very nice. (Normal voice) Bye. Esther!
Esther: Billy. What was that all about?
Kay: Well, Darling, there's no greater sign of trust than asking you to help raise Lily's children.
Mac: And I'm honored that she had so much faith in me, but I wish she had spoken to me first, or spoken to Cane.
Kay: Well--
Mac: He was so upset, and I don't want to do anything to come between them.
Kay: No, Darling, perhaps she just didn't want to upset him.
Mac: But he is upset, and so am I. I'm trying to focus on being healthy throughout this pregnancy, and I dream about the looks on Lily and Cane's faces when they hold their babies. I can't afford to consider any other possibility.
Kay: Are you trying to tell me that you wouldn't want to help raise her children if Lily does not survive this cancer?
Jill: You're gonna make a wonderful father.
Cane: (Sighs)
Jill: You are, all right? But to raise two small children? I happen to think that Lily's being very wise here. She knows she can trust Mackenzie not to take advantage of the situation.
Cane: Okay, but what if this means that Lily thinks she's not gonna make it. What if--
Jill: You're jumping to conclusions.
Cane: No, no, no. No, I'm not, 'cause what if the situation is worse than she's letting me know?
Jill: You think Olivia wouldn't have told us that? Honey, listen, none of us wants to even consider the possibility that Lily is not gonna survive, okay? But Lily has to face that head-on every single day. And if, God forbid, she doesn't make it, she has made sure that her children are taken care of, and she did it out of love, and you cannot fault her for that. Plus, you big dummy...
Cane: (Chuckles)
Jill: Did you ever consider the fact that maybe she didn't say anything to you because she has ever intention of coming home and looking after her kids herself?
Cane: Thank you.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Cane: Thank you. I needed to hear it. Thank you. Mm.
Jill: Mm.
Cane: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Cane: It's her.
Jill: Oh, okay. Well, I'm gonna give you your privacy. I love you, okay?
Cane: (Sighs)
Cane: Hey. Hey, how you doin', Sweetheart?
Lily: Hi.
Cane: You okay?
Lily: Uh, I'm tired. (Sighs) They ran some more tests today.
Cane: What'd they say?
Lily: I haven't gotten the results yet, but, you know, I'm hopeful.
Cane: Yeah, I wish I was there with you.
Lily: (Chuckles) Me, too. So, um, why'd you want me to call you? It sounded important. Is something wrong?
Cane: (Inhales deeply, sighs)
Lily: Cane?
Cane: Um, yeah, I'm--I'm--I'm here. Nothing--nothing's wrong. I-I-I'm just lonely, you know? And I just wanted to hear your voice. That's it.
Lily: (Chuckles) Well, you have Humphrey there to keep you company.
Cane: He's, uh, mopin' around, and, you know, together, we both make a really good pair. So, um, when did Dr. Murrel say you can come home?
Lily: Um... (Sighs) I don't know, but hopefully before the twins are born.
Cane: (Chuckles) Well, in that case, we'll be, uh, we'll be together, and, um, you're gonna be well.
Lily: (Chuckles) Well, that's the plan. (Yawns) Oh, I'm sorry. I'm falling asleep.
Cane: Well, you get some sleep, all right? Um, I'll talk to you soon. I love you.
Lily: (Sighs) Okay. Love you, too. Bye.
Cane: (Sighs heavily)
Cane: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Mac: Of course I'd help Cane raise the children. I'd--I'd do anything for them. (Sighs)
Kay: Well, tell that to Cane.
Mac: He might misinterpret my intentions.
Kay: Then talk to Lily. Talk to Lily.
Mac: I-I'm not supposed to know about the will.
Kay: (Sighs) Mackenzie, look. I will always be here for you if you need to talk. So let's just pray that, um, Lily gets better and this never becomes an issue.
Mac: Well, what if she doesn't?
Kay: Well, my dear, we'll have to deal with that as it comes. That's the best any of us can do.
Chloe: And after all that, the craziest part is that the marriage wasn't even legal.
Esther: (Chuckles) That's quite an adventure Billy had.
Chloe: Yeah, he's such an idiot.
Esther: Shh! Delia can hear you.
Chloe: Sorry. Your father is wonderful.
Esther: Honey, I totally understand that you're hurt.
Chloe: I'm not hurt.
Esther: You know, Billy's human. He--he made a mistake. You've made some doozies yourself. Boy, so have I. Remember Roger?
Chloe: (Sighs) Billy has a child, Mom.
Esther: Is he a good father?
Chloe: Yes, but--
Esther: That's all that matters.
Chloe: (Sighs) So you're saying I should just let it go?
Esther: Well, one day, you could use a little understanding yourself.
Chloe: Mm.
Esther: I made some carob fudge brownies. Yum.
Chloe: Mm.
Esther: Mm.
Chloe: All right, we'll be right in. (Sighs) So I can just... can I just let it go? Huh? Do you think I can do it? Just breathe and just let it go? Well, we'll see. Come on. Let's go eat.
Billy: Well, hello, "Chicken Hawk." What are you still doing here? I thought you were gonna see J.T.
Victoria: Oh, I did, actually. He was nice enough to stop by and remind me yet again why I shouldn't have custody of my son.
Billy: Well, at least he's consistent.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. How did things go with Chloe?
Billy: Oh, they went great if you like being chastised like you're a 2 year old.
Victoria: Oh. Well, at least it's over. (Sighs)
Billy: What? Being abraded by our exes, or our marriage? (Clears throat)
Victoria: Both, I guess.
Billy: Well, I've got beer in the fridge if you'd like to celebrate the end of our non-marriage.
Victoria: I should... I should go. I-I've got a lot of business that I need to attend to.
Billy: Yeah, I need to get to the office myself.
Victoria: All right, I just-- I stayed because I wanted to see how things went with Chloe, and I thought that I should probably say good-bye. You know, it's good that it turned out this way.
Billy: Yeah, agreed.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. I mean, it was really fun and everything. But you and I, in the long run, it would just be--
Billy: No, it would never...
Victoria: No, never ever.
Billy: Mnh-mnh. Nope.
Victoria: Well... it's funny, 'cause I feel like maybe we should just shake hands or something. I don't know.
Billy: Good-bye, Mrs. Abbott.
Victoria: Bye, Mr. Newman.
Billy: Hmm. You know, we really did dodge a bullet. (Sighs)
Tucker: I hope I've assuaged any doubts you might be having. I have complete confidence in you, and I hope we'll work together for a long time.
Ashley: So do I.
J.T.: Ashley.
Ashley: Hi.
J.T.: Tucker.
Ashley: Per-perfect timing. I was just leaving. Thank you for lunch.
Tucker: My pleasure.
Ashley: See you.
J.T.: See you.
Tucker: What do you got for me?
J.T.: Nothing.
Tucker: Something go wrong?
J.T.: No, I decided not to go through with it.
Tucker: You, um... you do understand what's at risk?
J.T.: I left Newman Enterprises because I couldn't in good conscience do certain things that Victor asked me to do. I want to be able to live with my decisions. I want to be the kind of man that my son can look up to.
Tucker: Do you realize that most people would kill for the opportunity I've given you?
J.T.: I'm not one of 'em. You're gonna have to find another way that doesn't involve me doing your dirty work.
Tucker: I like that kid.
[Jill playing her recording]
Tucker: This isn't personal. It's strictly business.
Ashley: (Chuckles) Oh, my God. D-do you have any idea how many times I've heard Victor say that? This crosses a line for me personally.
Jill: Gotcha.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jana: I don't think that you belong in here.
Ryder: I don't think the rest of your family would agree.
Victor: I need a pair of hands.
Jack: For what?
Victor: To dig up Adam's grave.
Lauren: Shut up! Go away!
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