Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/27/10 -- Canada; Friday 5/28/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9408 ~ Last Laugh
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nick: (Sighs) I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Oh, what's wrong?
Nick: (Sighs) It's just I can't shut my mind off right now.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, maybe I can.
Nick: (Sighs) I mean, I just... I'm going over this and over it again and again. I-I...
Phyllis: (Blows raspberry) Okay. (Sighs)
Nick: I mean, see, we got... we got Adam. We got Hightower. We got bone marrow donation. It just doesn't make sense. Why would Hightower kill Adam if Adam saved his life? I mean, wouldn't he be grateful?
Phyllis: Yeah, you'd think. I mean, he even told his son that Adam saved his life, right? (Sighs)
Nick: Could he be covering?
Phyllis: For what?
Nick: I don't know. I-I mean, I'm just throwin'-- I don't know. I don't know.
Phyllis: I mean, let's change direction. Maybe... maybe Hightower showed up at the ball and then left for a different reason.
Nick: Such as?
Phyllis: Maybe he saw something he didn't like. Maybe he saw the real murderer.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Maybe he's scared, and he was afraid to come forward.
Nick: It's a lot of questions and no answers.
Victor: What we know is that until Richard Hightower disappeared, he paid his bills, paid his taxes, had a steady job and apparently was a great father to a boy. So why would someone like that suddenly transform into a killer?
Nikki: Maybe he didn't kill Adam.
Victor: Why was he here the night of the ball? And where is he now?
Man: Mrs. Newman?
Sharon: Hmm?
Man: Uh, I have accumulating mail addressed to Adam Newman. What would you like for us to do with it?
Sharon: Oh, you can throw that away. Um, wait. Actually, let me see that. Thank you. What the...
Emily: Thank you.
Jack: Hi.
Emily: Oh, God, Jack!
Jack: I'm sorry. I did not mean to startle you.
Emily: (Sighs) It's okay. I'm still a bit shaky from the meds withdrawal.
Jack: How did the hearing go with the American psychological association?
Emily: I'm on my way right now.
Jack: Well, I wish you'd reconsider my offer. I really would like to be there to support you.
Emily: Jack, I don't think that's a good idea.
Jack: Well, at the very least, I could attest to what a devoted doctor you are.
Emily: You know, I can handle this.
Jack: I know that. I also know everyone needs some help sometimes.
Emily: Okay. Thank you.
Rafe: Hey, Mac, do you have anything I can put my business cards in?
Mac: I... I don't think so.
J.T.: How about a peanut bowl?
Rafe: Uh, you know what? That will work. Mac, I want to thank you so much for offering up your place for my party.
Mac: You're welcome.
J.T.: You've got to be pretty excited to start your own practice.
Rafe: Well, being a defender-- a public defender had its moments, but this is...
Mac: Is like jumping in the deep end blindfolded?
Rafe: Exactly, but honestly, I have a feeling that getting suspended's gonna turn out to be the best thing that could have ever happened for me.
Mac: So who's coming tonight? Anybody we know?
Rafe: Uh, yeah, you'll know almost everyone. In fact, I'm--I'm a little concerned about the guest list. I don't want any drama, you know, not tonight.
J.T.: You ever seen Mac eight-six anybody out of here?
Rafe: (Chuckles) I can't say I have.
J.T.: Well, she is pretty fierce. Ow!
Rafe: I just want everyone to get along.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: Oh, it's you again. That's, like, twice in one day.
Billy: Mm, actually, it's like three times if you count waking up together.
Victoria: Do you want to say that louder so the people on the patio can hear you? 'Cause I don't think they did.
Billy: Oh, sure. Hey, uh...
Victoria: No, I'm just kidding, just kidding.
Billy: It seems like we had the same idea.
Victoria: Yeah, well, um, I needed a little caffeine after "Bumpy the camel."
Billy: Yeah. You going to Rafe's party?
Victoria: Yes, I am. Yep.
Billy: Would you like a ride?
Victoria: No. We can't be seen together. People are already talking. I have a reputation to protect.
Billy: Yeah, yeah.
Victoria: God.
Billy: Me, too, actually.
Victoria: Oh, really?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Hmm.
Billy: I am never seen with the same girl twice in public.
Victoria: Oh, right, well, I wouldn't want to ruin that stellar rep of yours.
Billy: Mnh-mnh. No.
Victoria: So... I hope you deleted that video from your laptop.
Billy: All gone, Princess.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Okay.
Abby: Hey, guys. Wow, so the rumors are true. You guys are dating.
Victoria: No. No, we are not dating.
Abby: Oh, okay.
Victoria: I got to go.
Billy: Yeah.
Abby: Didn't you tell a courtroom full of people that you guys hooked up?
Billy: (Whispers) It was just to give Vicki an alibi.
Abby: You lied to a judge.
Billy: (Normal voice) Look, nothing's going on between me and Daddy's little girl, okay?
Abby: Yeah, I believe you.
Billy: All right. Do you want something?
Abby: No, I'm good.
Billy: Good.
Abby: (Sighs) Hmm.
Chloe: I can't believe we're on a date.
Chance: I know, and let me just say you look fantastic.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: All the better to distract you when I beat you at bowling.
Chance: I don't think so. Prepare to meet your doom. I'm pretty good.
Chloe: All right, fine. Bring it on, tough guy. I'm gonna beat you.
Chance: Okay, well, first things first. You talk it--talk a good game.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Chance: Let's, uh, drinks? Yes?
Chloe: Yeah.
Chance: (Clears throat)
Heather: Hello!
Chance: Hi.
Heather: Hi, how are you?
Chance: I'm--I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Uh, can I get you a-a drink or something?
Heather: No, no, you put your money away because I am gonna get you a drink to thank you for helping me get my job back.
Chance: All right.
Chloe: You want to get his girlfriend a drink, too?
Heather: Yeah, sure. Uh, when you get a minute? So are you still working Adam's murder?
Chance: Uh, well, yeah. Yeah, well, you know how Pomerantz gets when the case is high profile. If you're not at your desk at 3:00 A.M...
Together: Then you're not doing your job.
Chance: Yeah, you knew that.
Heather: Yes.
Rafe: You guys, thank you so much for coming.
Chance: There he is.
Heather: Hey.
Chloe: Mwah.
Chance: How are you?
Heather: You're a very brave man.
Rafe: Well, when you get tired of working for the D.A., give me a call. Here is my new card.
Heather: (Gasps) Wow.
Man: Hi.
Rafe: Hi.
Man: Uh, introduce me to your adoring public.
Rafe: Uh, Tyler, this is Chloe...
Chloe: Hi, nice to meet you.
Tyler: Hey, nice to meet you.
Rafe: Chance, and I believe you know Heather.
Chance: How you doing?
Tyler: Nice to meet you.
Heather: Yes, hi.
Tyler: What are you drinking?
Rafe: Uh, whatever's on tap.
Tyler: Okay.
Chloe: Ah, he's a hottie.
Rafe: Hey, hands off. He's mine.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, you don't have to worry about me. I'm spoken for. You gotta worry about that one.
Victoria: Hello. Hello. Hi.
Rafe: So are you, uh, flying solo tonight?
Victoria: Yeah, of course I am. Of course.
Billy: All right, where is he? Ha ha! There he is.
Rafe: There he is.
Billy: There he is. Congratulations, Buddy.
Rafe: Thank you, Buddy.
Billy: Good work. Good to see you.
Rafe: You, too.
Billy: Aw, look at this. All my favorite girls in one place.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Billy: This is gonna be a heck of a night.
Woman: We've received a number of complaints from former patients who feel their care and confidentiality were compromised.
Emily: And I deeply regret that my patients were subject to this ordeal. But Patty Williams stole my face and my life. I had no control over the circumstance. I was her captive. You--you received the depositions from my colleagues. Everyone was deceived, including Dr. Jasper. And I hardly feel it's fair that I be penalized for Patty's actions. And given the opportunity, I will do all I can to rectify the situation.
Man: Doctor, you brought this on yourself by engaging in a relationship with a man who, according to your case file, was at least partially responsible for Patty Williams' psychosis. This is highly unethical. It cannot be ignored.
Phyllis: Let's approach this logically.
Nick: As opposed to what we've been doing.
Phyllis: Yeah. Maybe we have to think like Adam. Right? I mean, this is a guy who dressed up like your father's dead wife, and this is a guy who hid Ashley’s miscarriage from her so he could steal your baby. Hmm. We have to be as twisted as Adam was.
Nick: (Chuckles) Good luck with that.
Phyllis: What was Adam's connection to Hightower?
Nick: He gave him his bone marrow.
Phyllis: Why?
Nick: I don't know. 'Cause he's just a really super guy?
Phyllis: No.
Nick: No.
Phyllis: What did he have to gain?
Nick: (Sighs) I don't know. Hightower didn't have any money.
Phyllis: Yeah, but there's gotta be something that Adam wanted from him.
Nick: (Sighs) There's something that we are not seeing.
Phyllis: Let me see this for a second. The resemblance between Hightower and Adam-- that's what we're not seeing.
Nick: Okay, so they sort of look alike. What does that get us?
Nikki: Is it possible that Adam and Hightower are related? I mean, they do have similar features and builds.
Victor: To answer that question, I had Paul Williams track Hope's lineage several generations back. No Hightower.
Nikki: Maybe it's an alias.
Victor: He checked that, too.
Nikki: Well, they've gotta be connected somehow. Maybe they met at Harvard?
Victor: Apparently Hightower just finished high school, apprenticed as a mechanic. And I think the first time they crossed paths is when Adam donated his bone marrow. Yes?
Sharon: Well, I may have found another piece of the puzzle. From Adam's bank. It's a statement that confirms that he closed an account. Look how much money was in there and the day he withdrew it.
Victor: Whoa, whoa. 1st of April.
Nikki: The night he was killed.
Billy: (Laughs) Oh, come on, would I lie to you? Oh. (Laughs)
Mac: Here you go. Drink.
Victoria: Oh, thank you. So did Reed like his "Bumpy the camel" book?
Mac: I wouldn't know.
Victoria: I messengered it over. I figured that you would, since you're with J.T. and my son 24/7, so...
Mac: (Sighs)
Victoria: I guess not.
Mac: I don't want any problems with you. J.T. and I are just friends.
Victoria: You can save it, all right? I know that you and J.T. are seeing each other again. That's fine.
Mac: Any f-feelings that I had for J.T. are way in the past.
Victoria: Huh, could have fooled me.
Billy: (Makes silly noises) You want a drink? Come on. (Clears throat) Okay. (Whistles bottle)
Mac: Hi.
Billy: Who do I have to know to get a drink around here?
Mac: Um, the sa-- the--the same thing?
Billy: Keep 'em coming, please.
Heather: (Sighs heavily)
Billy: All right, where was I?
Heather: Mm, top ten reasons why women find you irresistible.
Billy: Uh, number six. My extensive collection of boxer shorts.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I have every holiday, every cartoon color--character. What's your favorite? Is it, uh, Cartman? Spongebob? Little Mermaid? Ooh, the lobster?
Heather: (Scoffs) No. No, my favorite is Spike Spiegel. You have him?
Billy: Who?
Heather: "Cowboy Bebop"?
Billy: Oh, you are such a dork. Anime doesn't count.
Heather: Wha--tha-- yeah, see, that's what I'm-- this is so like you.
Billy: What?
Heather: Because as soon as you start smelling defeat, you go and change the rules.
Billy: Oh, wow, you are so angry. There's so much hostility coming off of you right now.
Heather: Oh, you are so perceptive. That has to be number five, and number four, your incredible sensitivity towards women, and number three...
Billy: You know, this obvious desperation is really starting to turn me on.
Heather: (Sighs) A goat in a bikini would turn you on.
Billy: Maybe.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Billy: (Bleats)
Chloe: Whoo!
Chance: Not bad.
Heather: Wow, cool. Who's winning?
Chloe: I am.
Chance: Mm, for now. For the moment.
Heather: Well, how do you play?
Chloe: Oh, it's a 2-person game.
Chance: Uh, tell you what, how about, uh, how about you play winner?
Heather: Great. Awesome. Yeah.
Chance: Okay. All right.
Chloe: Yeah, okay. Last ball.
Chance: Yeah, here we go.
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: Oh, ho! Nice.
Chance: Thank you.
Heather: That was awesome.
Chance: (Chuckles)
Abby: Guess what, everybody. You're all gonna be on TV.
Woman: You engaged in a relationship with a person closely associated to your patient.
Man: A psychologist refrains from initiating an activity when they know, or should know, that there is substantial likelihood that their personal problems will prevent them from performing their work-related activities in a competent manner.
Emily: I admit I was engaged to Jack Abbott while I was treating Patty, but I did know that it was a conflict of interest, so I removed myself from the case.
Woman: Nevertheless, your involvement with Mr. Abbott was irresponsible.
Jack: You can blame me for that. Emily didn't pursue me. I pursued her. As a matter of fact, she turned me down several times. But I wouldn't take "No" for an answer. I couldn't help myself. I was in love with her.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Oh, yeah.
Phyllis: Okay, I've been thinking.
Nick: What do you got?
Phyllis: You ready?
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: So this is my theory. Hightower has a bone marrow transplant to beat leukemia. He has a son he loves. He has everything to live for. Why does he kill Adam?
Nick: Have you ever met anyone who ever met Adam who didn't want to kill him?
Phyllis: True. Maybe it was corporate espionage. He needed information.
Nick: Hightower was a mechanic.
Phyllis: So maybe Adam asked him to rig someone's car so Adam could kill them that way.
Nick: That still doesn't explain why Hightower would want to kill Adam.
Phyllis: All right, here's an idea. We gotta think like Adam, all right? Think like Adam. He escapes from the hospital. He calls Hightower. They both show up at the club.
Nick: I mean, why even do that? Why show up at the club where everybody knows who you are?
Phyllis: Maybe... maybe the scheme didn't go as planned.
Nick: Let's just go back for a second. Let's go--let's-- let's go back to this idea that maybe Hightower did not kill Adam.
Phyllis: Okay. But the question still remains-- why did he disappear?
Nick: Maybe something bad happened. Maybe they're both dead.
Phyllis: Well, the police only found one body, and two D.N.A. tests proved that it was Adam's body that was in the basement.
Nick: Okay, so we have two D.N.A. tests... (Sighs) On a dead guy...
Phyllis: Mm.
Nick: That is burned beyond recognition.
Nick: I mean, could that be it?
Phyllis: Could what be it?
Nick: I don't know. I mean, this sounds crazy. I don't even know if it's possible, but we might be missing something here that's pretty big.
Phyllis: Like what?
Nick: Hightower had Adam's bone marrow. Does that mean he has his D.N.A., too?
(Computer keys clicking)
Jack: As for Dr. Peterson's record, I think you'll see that she is a caring, compassionate, professional woman who has always put her patients' needs above her own. In fact, I can tell you personally, firsthand, that she has dropped everything to care for her clients-- day, night, holidays. Look, I-I don't begin to understand the standards that you are citing or the specific damage that was done, but I do know that Emily had serious misgivings about ever getting involved with me. She shared them with me time and again, only I didn't listen. And eventually, we fell in love. And in my book, that's hardly a crime.
Man: Do you have anything to add, Dr. Peterson?
Emily: I do. I do. Even though this experience was horrifying, something positive did come out of it. By spending time as a patient in a psychiatric hospital, I've experienced committed care firsthand, and it's deepened my understanding and my compassion. I have made errors, yes. And I realize that my license is at stake. But when you determine my future, I hope that you can take all this into consideration.
Billy: Okay, nobody's gonna be on camera.
Man: Hey, watch the camera.
Abby: Uncle Billy, this isn't your call to make!
Mac: It's my call, and I say no cameras.
Abby: But--
Victoria: Abby, just don't push it, okay?
Abby: (Scoffs) This sucks. Let's go. Let's go. (Sighs) You guys should go.
Kent: Aren't you coming?
Abby: The hidden camera is still in this purse. I'll get that footage if it kills me.
Kent: Good girl. I'll catch you later.
Abby: Okay.
Victoria: (Sighs) Wow. Boy, that A.D.A., she sure shot you down, huh?
Billy: Yeah, that's just Heather's way of telling me she really, really, really wants me.
Victoria: So you gonna pursue that?
Billy: I mean... you're the one who doesn't want the world to know we're dating. Why, you want me to stop?
Victoria: No, no. I think you should go for it. If J.T. weren’t here tonight, and if I didn't have this whole custody thing hanging over my head, I-I'd probably be flirting, too. There's a lot of cute guys here.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, which one? The gay guy, or the already-taken detective?
Victoria: Well, how knows? I might have brought a date.
Billy: Yeah, who knows? Who cares?
Victoria: Yeah, who cares? Glad we're in agreement.
Billy: Yeah, me, too. (Clears throat)
J.T.: Um, did you mean what you said to Victoria earlier?
Mac: I-I just denied that anything was going on, because I didn't think that you would want me spilling your personal business to her.
J.T.: Is that the only reason? 'Cause, uh, I thought we had something going on here, you know?
Mac: (Chuckles)
Chloe: So that was quite the entrance.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Chloe: What was that all about?
Abby: Haven't you heard? I'm starring in my own reality show.
Chloe: Oh, okay, I get it. Now that's the-- "I would rather be naked than wear fur."
Abby: Yeah. Yeah, you saw it.
Chloe: Ye--I think the entire world saw it.
Abby: (Laughs) Good.
Chloe: And your father must have had a cow.
Abby: You know, he pays a fortune to keep the paparazzi away from us, and they still-- still write about us, so I might as well make some money off it.
Chloe: You're a smart girl.
Abby: (Chuckles) You are the only person that thinks that.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Abby: Where is that hot boyfriend of yours?
Chloe: Oh, he went to go get my phone. It was in the car.
Abby: Oh.
Chloe: Yeah.
Abby: I think he had company.
Chance: Go ahead.
Heather: Thank you.
Chance: You're welcome.
Chloe: Hi.
Heather: Hey.
Chance: Hey.
Chloe: I didn't know you needed an escort.
Heather: Oh, no, I-I just-- I had to make a call outside.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, and you just so happened to be outside.
Chance: Chloe, um, chill a little bit.
Chloe: Are you hitting on my boyfriend?
Heather: (Sighs)
Victor: So Adam went to the bank after he escaped from the hospital.
Nikki: That's an awful lot of cash to carry around. Maybe he stashed it.
Victor: You can say that again.
Nick: They told us at the ranch we'd find you here.
Phyllis: We have news.
Nick: We think we found Hightower.
Sharon: Where?
Phyllis: Buried in Adam's grave.
Jack: Hey, come here. Sit down. (Taps seat)
Jack: Sit down.
Emily: (Sighs)
Jack: I thought you did a really good job in there.
Emily: Yeah, but was it enough?
Jack: Well, I think dr. Jasper's deposition...
Emily: (Sighs)
Jack: Is gonna carry some weight.
Emily: Jack, if I lose my license, I won't be able to practice anywhere in the country. And what will I do? What will I be, hmm?
Jack: You will find new opportunities.
Emily: (Sighs) But this is everything I worked for.
Jack: It hasn't happened yet. It may not.
Man: Dr. Peterson?
Emily: (Sighs)
Heather: Oh, Dear. (Chuckles) Threatened much, Chloe?
Chance: Okay, you know what? Why don't we just, uh, go finish our game? How about that?
Chloe: You're the one who's making a fool of themselves, because Chance is taken.
Chance: Chloe, as much as I like you guys feeding my ego, can we not--
Heather: Okay, so are you gonna forbid him from talking to anybody that he works with, any woman that he sees at work?
Chloe: Only the cows that throw themselves at him.
Chance: Okay, you know what? Ladies, can we just go to separate corners here and stop--
Billy: Uh, hey, I gotta talk to for a minute about Delia.
Chloe: No, not right now.
Billy: Actually, yeah, right now. Excuse us, guys.
Chance: Please.
Billy: Turn around for a second. What is going...?
Heather: (Scoffs) Lovely.
Billy: Sit down. Thank you very much. (Clears throat) What are you doing?
Chloe: Putting that tart in her place.
Billy: No, you just morphed back into "Manhattan" Chloe. You gonna hack into e-mails, intercept phone calls, act crazy all the time again?
Chloe: Fine. I'm... I'm scared. Okay? I'm afraid that I'm gonna wake up one day, and he's just gonna say, "Joking."
Billy: He's a good guy. And he's into you. And he was a virgin before you met him. Okay? You're freakin' out for nothing, so knock it off.
Chloe: Fine. You're right. You're right. (Sighs)
Mac: Obviously, you are more than just a friend, since I don't go around making out with friends.
J.T.: Oh, well.
Mac: But, um, I was being defensive because I wasn't sure what your feelings were about it.
J.T.: Well, obviously, then we need to talk about it.
Mac: (Chuckles) I can't imagine that you'd seriously be interested in someone in my condition.
J.T.: Come on, I told you. I think it's sexy as hell.
Mac: About that.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: Um, I made an agreement with Lily and Cane that while I'm pregnant, I wouldn’t...
J.T.: All right, well, then, it will force us to take things slowly, see where it goes.
Mac: That would be good.
J.T.: Especially, you know, with Reed in the picture, 'cause he's been through a lot, and I don't want to confuse him. But I don't want you to think for a minute that I don't think you're attractive.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Abby: I know you didn't approve of the stunt at Jabot...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: But it's not like I'll be running around naked all the time.
Victoria: Abby, I am not loaning you money for your show.
Abby: This has "Cash cow" written all over it. Even Uncle Jack is interested.
Victoria: Well, great, okay. So what do you need me for?
Abby: Come on, Victoria.
Victoria: Look, Dad and Ashley won't let you dip into your trust funds, and I do not want to get anywhere near another family drama. So, no. Sorry.
Abby: I thought my own sister would support me.
Victoria: I'm sorry. Sorry.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Victoria: Oh, excuse me.
Rafe: Is everything okay?
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. I'm having an awesome time. (Chuckles)
(Knocks on bar)
Abby: Just one sec. (Sighs) Excuse me, Uncle Billy.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Abby: Will you invest in my reality show?
Billy: Maybe I didn't make myself clear the first time you asked.
Abby: Well, maybe I just didn't pitch it right. It's a great way to stick it to my dad.
Billy: Hmm. Yeah. No.
Abby: (Sighs) Come on. Victoria won't invest either.
Billy: Oh, come-- Honey, look at me. The entertainment media business, it can be a lot of fun. It can be glamorous. Hell, it can be sexy. But most times, it's just plain nasty.
Abby: I'm fine with nasty.
Billy: (Chuckles) You want to bet?
Abby: (Scoffs) Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Billy: (Sighs)
Abby: I bet you that I can be as ruthless about getting my name out there as you are about promoting "Restless Style," and if I win, you have to put me on the cover.
Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) What if you lose?
Abby: I won’t.
Billy: (Chuckles) We'll see.
Abby: You know, you're supposed to be the fun uncle. I can't believe you're siding with my dad.
Billy: Me either. (Sighs)
J.T.: Hey. Reed loved his "Bumpy the camel" book.
Victoria: Oh, he did?
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah.
Victoria: Oh, that's good. Did you tell him that it was from me?
J.T.: Yeah, he, uh, he wanted to know why you weren't there to read it to him.
Victoria: Oh, well, it wasn't my day.
J.T.: Look, I-I hate keeping you two apart, okay? I wish there was a way we could work this out.
Nikki: You think Hightower is in Adam's grave?
Nick: Because the body in the basement was so badly burned, it's likely they did the D.N.A. test from the bone marrow. What if Adam was counting on that?
Victor: Bone marrow.
Nikki: Adam's generous donation.
Nick: What if the body in the basement was Hightower with Adam's D.N.A.?
Sharon: Are you serious?
Phyllis: Faking your own death by offing the guy who has your D.N.A. I mean, it's so perverted. It reeks of Adam.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Uh, would that even work?
Nick: I looked it up online. There is a case where a guy did this so he could get away with murder.
Phyllis: Ho-hopefully, uh, we can--we can run a test on--on something other than bone marrow and--and have proof that that body is not in fact Adam’s.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I would say this is the silliest idea I've ever heard. But with Adam Wilson, anything is possible. Hmm.
Woman: Because of the extenuating circumstances in this case, and your unblemished record as an excellent doctor, your license will not be revoked.
Jack: (Sighs)
Emily: (Sighs) Oh, thank God.
Woman: You will be on a 12-month probation. Barring any new infractions, your record will be wiped clean.
Emily: (Sighs) Thank you so much.
Man: Good luck, Doctor.
Emily: Thank you. (Sighs) (Sighs heavily) (Laughs) It's over.
Jack: Oh, quite a relief, huh? Hey, how about I buy you a celebratory cup of coffee?
Emily: I'd like that.
J.T.: Hey.
Victoria: Thank you.
J.T.: So, um, I was thinking about what you said before about how you can't help being a Newman, and, um, you know what? It's--it's unfair of me to ask you to do that. (Sighs) Bottom line is, our son is suffering without you.
Victoria: I would do anything. You know that I would, right?
J.T.: Yeah. Look, it was never about me keeping Reed away from you to punish you. I just-- I questioned your judgment.
Victoria: The last thing that I am is irresponsible when it comes to Reed. He's the most precious thing in my life, and, I mean, the thought of being able to spend more time with him... I would never do anything to jeopardize that. So anything I've done, I will make it right.
J.T.: I'm glad to hear you say that.
Victoria: Okay. I'm not gonna let you down.
Chloe: So... I kinda made an ass out of myself before. You think maybe we could just rewind and go back?
Chance: Chloe, there is nothing going on between Heather and me.
Chloe: I know. I know.
Chance: Do you?
Chloe: You would never-- I know.
Chance: I--you're right. I wouldn’t. Chloe, what the hell was that?
Chloe: It has nothing to do with you. A few of the guys that I've dated in the past have been very untrustworthy. Fine. All of them have been. And, you know, when Heather was flirting with you, I got a little insecure. All of my old insecurities came up. You know, you guys spend a lot of time with each other at work. And... I-I-I know. I... (Sighs) I know it's stupid. It's really stupid, and I'm sorry. And can you forgive me?
Chance: Well...
Chance: I have only read about makeup sex.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Chance: How's that?
Chloe: Good answer.
Chance: Mm.
Rafe: I think I got myself another client.
Heather: Great.
Rafe: What's up with you?
Heather: (Sighs) Am I "Bitter single girl"?
Rafe: (Laughs) What? (Chuckles)
Heather: I was engaged to a sociopath, and I hooked up with the playboy of Genoa City, and now I am attracted to someone who's already taken.
Rafe: Okay, come on. Dish.
Heather: Mnh-mnh.
Rafe: Come on.
Heather: I can’t. I can’t. Just tell me. Am I "Bitter single girl"?
Rafe: I don't know. You tell me. (Chuckles)
Abby: (Sighs) I couldn't get either of them to fund the show. Oh, well, it's too bad for them. I'll get even.
Emily: Well, now I get to call all my patients and try to make amends for all the damage that Patty caused.
Jack: Hey, you're good at what you do. They will come around.
Emily: (Sighs) I'm not as optimistic as you are, Jack.
Jack: How about I propose a toast? To the newly reinstated--
Woman: Dr. Emily Peterson?
Emily: Yes.
Woman: Agent Navarro, D.E.A. You're under arrest for conspiracy to sell controlled substances.
Emily: What?!
Jack: Wha--wha--no. There must be some mistake.
Navarro: No mistake.
Emily: (Sighs) Jack. (Sighs)
Billy: So... (sighs) What did J.T. tell you?
Victoria: Why?
Billy: Because you seem... happy
Victoria: Oh, well, I think that he's seen the light. He's gonna let me spend more time with Reed.
Billy: That's good.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: That's really good.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. So now you and I just have to dissolve our you-know-what before it comes back to bite me.
Billy: (Clears throat) Yeah, I'm on it. (Sighs) I'm on it.
Victoria: Good. Thank you.
Mac: I'm really glad that you did that for Reed.
J.T.: Yeah, me, too. Me, too. You know, Victoria promised to be more responsible, and I believe her.
Abby: Can I get everyone's attention? Please, um, quiet. Hi. I would love to propose a toast to the newlyweds.
Chance: (Chuckles) To Rafe? Really?
Chloe: Oh, yay!
Rafe: (Laughs) Dude, it's not us.
Abby: No, to the happy couple Billy Abbott and Victoria Newman.
Chloe: Okay, Abby, stop joking.
Abby: (Laughs) No, I'm not making this up. Am I, Uncle Billy?
Billy: Okay, you've had your fun.
Abby: See for yourself. It's their wedding video.
Billy: (Groans)
Nikki: So what's our next step?
Phyllis: I think we should go to the D.A. with this.
Nick: I left a message for Michael. He hasn't called me back yet.
Nikki: What if Pomerantz won't cooperate?
Victor: One way or the other, I'm gonna get a D.N.A. sample.
Phyllis: You'll be cleared.
Victor: Yeah. But if it is indeed the case that Hightower is in that grave, that means that Adam Wilson is alive. That means you and Ashley and Faith are in mortal danger.
Adam: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: How the hell do you get married by accident?
Abby: Ratings are gonna be insane.
Chloe: Mm.
Victor: Now, Mr. Pomerantz, you will listen, and you will stay here until we are finished.
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