Y&R Transcript Monday 5/24/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 5/24/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 5/25/10 -- USA


Episode # 9405 ~ Could It Get Worse?

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lily: Please, please, please, please.

Cane: Hey, uh, the doctor called. Your prescription's ready, so I'll go and pick it up for you, and, um, hey, I found this.

Lily: My passport! Oh, my gosh. Thank God. I was so scared I'd have to call Aunt Liv and tell her to cancel my flight.

Cane: You know, I wish you would.

Lily: (Sighs) I know. I-I wish that we had more time together before I had to jump on a plane and fly to France. I hate leaving you. But the trial start tomorrow, you know? And there's no way I can pass up that opportunity.

Cane: You know there is. Just...

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: All you got to do is use the stem cells from the twins.

Lily: Look, stop, okay? I'm not gonna jeopardize their health. Even if I changed my mind, Mac would never even give permission, all right? So please just let it go.

Devon: (Sighs) All right, now see, this is good right here, because if I'm gonna be your assistant, I have to know how you like your coffee, right?

Malcolm: (Laughs) Oh, no, you gonna be learnin' a whole lot more than that.

Devon: Oh, yeah?

Malcolm: Yeah, man, I'm puttin' you through photography boot camp.

Devon: Mm. Bring it on. (Chuckles)

Neil: Whoa.

Devon: Hey, how you doin', Neil? Why don't you, uh, why don't you pull up a seat and join us?

Neil: No, that's okay. Thanks. Appreciate it. So, Malcolm, uh, Devon told me about your plan to hire him after graduation.

Malcolm: Yeah. Yep. Think it's gonna work out great.

Neil: For you maybe.

Malcolm: Well, I mean, I doubt that I'll be able to keep him for long when everyone finds out how ridiculously talented he is.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: Have--have you played him some of the tracks you've laid down?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: Malcolm, you don't need to tell me how talented my son is.

Malcolm: Then why is it that you have such a problem with him following his dreams?

Neil: Music is a tough business. You know, plenty of talented people never get their big break for reasons beyond their control. So if he took that position in Townsend and the other one fell through, he'd have a career. You know what that is, right? He can support his family.

Devon: (Clears throat)

Neil: And ten years from now, if he's still doin' a menial job, you know, the kind where he has to ask people, "You want some fries with that burger?" He'll have his Uncle Malcolm to thank for that.

Devon: Okay, all right, guys, time out here.

Malcolm: (Sighs)

Devon: I'm sittin' right in front of you, okay? And I made up my mind. If it's a mistake, then you know what? It's my mistake, and I will own it.

Neil: Hey, you know what? Not one of us is better off for you being here.

Malcolm: (Scoffs) (Sighs) Wow.

Chloe: Okay, so what's the plan?

Chance: Breakfast. I called ahead, and I ordered your favorite quiche...

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Chance: And I got you-- you ready for this? Some sticky buns.

Chloe: Okay, and then what?

Chance: Um...

Chloe: Come on. Come on. I-I want to know what my surprise is. Just tell me what my surprise is.

Chance: Chloe, that-- that is the surprise. I mean, we're doing breakfast.

Chloe: Oh, okay.

Chance: Are you disappointed?

Chloe: No. No. (Sighs) Yeah. (Chuckles)

Chance: (Groans)

Chloe: Yeah, I am. You've kind of built up my expectations. And your girlfriend's missing you like crazy, and you say that you're gonna make up for lost time, and, you know, I was kind of expecting...

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: Something more than carbo-loading.

Chance: Right. So what you're saying is this is a failure?

Chloe: No.

Chance: This is like an epic failure on my part.

Chloe: No, no, no, no. I... I love you, and I love breakfast, and I love sticky buns. I love it. Come on.

Chance: Are you sure?

Chloe: Yes.

Chance: You're sure?

Chloe: Yeah. It's--yes.

Chance: Okay. All right. Let's go. Unh-unh.

Chloe: What? Come on, what are you doing? What? What are you doing?

Chance: Oh, I didn't tell you the best part. We're doing breakfast but... in bed.

Chloe: (Groans)

Chance: Mm-hmm. Come on. Come on.

Chloe: Very good. (Chuckles)

Heather: (Sighs) How's Aunt Patty?

Paul: Well, um, they won't allow me to see her until they complete their initial evaluation.

Heather: Hmm. Have you spoken to her new doctors?

Paul: Yeah. They say she's adjusting well, but I want to see for myself.

Heather: I'm impressed the way you've stood by her.

Paul: Eh, don't be. I failed her... and Emily.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: Hey.

Emily: Hi, Jack.

Jack: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.

Emily: Mm. I almost cancelled. I wasn't feeling very well.

Jack: I hope it's not this bug that's going around.

Emily: No. I never thought I would say this, but I'm going through withdrawals from the drugs that Patty and Dr. Jasper prescribed.

Jack: (Sighs)

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: How can I help? Tell me.

Emily: Well, we can't change the past, so I just have to deal with it and move forward.

Jack: You think we could try doing that together?

Emily: (Sighs)

Chance: Yeah, o-okay. Um, thank you. Yes. I-I will take care of it when I get there. All right, bye.

Chloe: Okay, well, this is another first.

Chance: Uh, what's that?

Chloe: First time in a hotel room.

Chance: True. Right.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Come on. Let's go.

Owen: Chance, you have a moment?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. I... I sure do. Uh, one second. Head up to the room, and I will be there shortly. I promise.

Chloe: Hurry up.

Chance: I do.

Chloe: Go.

Chance: Okay. All right. Bye.

Chloe: Bye.

Chance: Uh, yes, Sir?

Chloe: (Sighs) (Groans)

Emily: I-I must have left my phone upstairs. If you'll excuse me for just a second.

Jack: (Stammers) No, I'll go with you.

Emily: No, I'll be right back. It's okay. You stay. No.

Jack: No, no, I'm happy to come.

Paul: Sorry to intrude.

Heather: We--we just wanted to check and see how you're doing.

Emily: I'm--I'm-- I'm feeling better every day. And I just-- I want to let you know how much I appreciate you running that D.N.A. test for me.

Heather: Oh, well, I'm obviously so glad I did. But, of course, Jack figured out who you were before the results came back.

Emily: Well, yes, but you figured it out first. You believed me.

Paul: I-I want you to know how deeply sorry I am and how grateful. You saved Patty's life that night at the hospital after she left you for dead.

Emily: I-I really can't deal with this right now.

Heather: Oh, of course. Uh, we--we understand.

Paul: Please, if there is ever anything I can do for you--

Emily: I don't think so. If you'll excuse me, okay?

Jack: (Sighs)

Mac: Daniel? Hi.

Daniel: Hey.

Mac: You looking for inspiration?

Daniel: Yeah, something like that. (Chuckles)

Mac: I heard about Amber leaving. I'm sorry.

Daniel: What are you gonna do, right? She had a choice to make, and she made it.

Mac: It couldn't have been easy though. She knew this little boy from infancy, right?

Daniel: Since the day he was born.

Mac: And he had no one else?

Daniel: Nah. She just felt like she couldn't turn her back on him.

Mac: She left her job, her friends, her husband that she loved.

Daniel: (Sighs) Yeah. For a kid that she hadn't seen in years.

Mac: It's not a reflection on you. It's maternal instinct. It's built in.

Daniel: Well, I guess you'd know something about that now, wouldn't you?

Mac: (Chuckles) I guess so.

Lily: (Laughs) Humphrey, you silly. Oh, you want to come with Mommy? Huh? Oh, I wish you could. But you have to stay here, okay? Take care of Daddy. Oh, yes. Keep him from getting lonely. All right? I'll be back soon, okay? And maybe I'll even have enough energy to take you on walks again, okay?

(Knock on door)

Lily: It's open.

Olivia: Hi.

Lily: Hi. You ready?

(Humphrey whines)

Lily: Um... I'm getting there.

Neil: Mm, thanks. Appreciate it.

(Cell phone rings)


Neil: Hey. How's my girl?

Lily: Uh, I'm okay, but I need to see you, so can you come over?

Neil: Lily, what's the matter?

Lily: Nothing. I-it's not bad news. I promise. But, um, I'm trying to reach Devon. Have you heard from him? He's not answering his phone.

Neil: Uh, he--he-- he's here with me. Uh, we'll--we'll--we'll-- we'll come right over.

Lily: Okay. Well, the sooner, the better.

Neil: You got it. Bye-bye. Hey, Kid, you need to come with me.

Devon: You know what? Hey, come on, Neil. You can't be doing this. I made my decision, all right? I told you.

Neil: It's not about that.

Malcolm: Is it Lily?

Neil: She called. She wants to see us right away.

Devon: Well, what's going on?

Neil: She didn't say. She only asked for Devon and me.

Malcolm: So what are you saying? She doesn't want me there?

Neil: Did she call you? Come on.

Devon: I'll... I'll keep you up-to-date, all right?

Malcolm: All right, yeah.

Cane: (Sighs) Hey.

Malcolm: Hey, Cane. Um, Neil just got a call from Lily.

Cane: Yeah. Yeah. She's, uh, she's leaving. She just wants to say good-bye to you.

Malcolm: Where is she going?

Cane: Um, a clinical trial in France.

Malcolm: France?

Cane: Yeah. Yeah. O-Olivia got her into this trial in the last minute.

Malcolm: Well, you-- you don't seem happy. I mean...

Cane: The research on this, uh, well, it's not as promising as the trial we talked about here, so...

Malcolm: You mean the one where they would use the babies' stem cells?

Cane: Uh-huh. That one.

Malcolm: Well, that must be why she didn't want me there. She probably figured I'd try to change her mind.

Cane: No, no, no, no. That's--that's my fault. I'm sorry, Man. I should have called you. But I've just got some stuff on my mind. That's it. I'm sorry.

Malcolm: Then I'm gonna-- I'm gonna head over there.

Cane: Oh, hey, Man, do--do me a favor. When you go, could you give this to her? This is her medicine. Appreciate it.

Malcolm: Yeah. What, you-- you're not comin' back now?

Cane: No, I-I can’t. I got a--I got a meeting I gotta take here. I, um, it's a--it's a lawyer. I gotta meet a lawyer.

Malcolm: Oh, okay. Uh, you trying to get them to grant you permission to go with her?

Cane: Uh, no, no. It's--it's, um, it's not a, uh, immigration lawyer. Malcolm, I am praying that Lily's treatment in France goes well, 'cause if it doesn't, I am going to sue Mackenzie for the amniotic fluid.

Neil: Okay, so then this tr-- thanks. This trial, it's the same basic concept as the other one you were considering?

Olivia: Yes, except these doctors are gonna be using adult stem cells.

Neil: Well, how do the adult and--and fetal stem cells differ in terms of--

Lily: Well, Dad, we don't have time to get into the science of it all, 'cause we have a plane to catch.

Devon: A plane to ca-- you guys are leaving today?

Olivia: She starts treatment tomorrow.

Neil: Tomorr-- how did you manage that?

Olivia: Well, I wouldn't take no for an answer.

Lily: (Chuckles) I'm so glad to have you on my side.

Devon: Yeah. Wow. Uh, do you want me to take Humphrey, huh?

Lily: No, actually, it's okay, 'cause Cane's staying here. He can't leave the country. Otherwise immigration won't let him back in so...

Neil: Well, that may be the bad news, but the good news is I can come with you.

Devon: Yeah, me, too.

Lily: Well... (Chuckles) You guys, I don't need an entourage, okay? I have Aunt Liv. And plus, you can't miss Devon's graduation.

Devon: Oh, no, of course we can.

Lily: Well, no, just come out after for a visit.

Neil: Um, all right, n-now if you need me, right, you pick up the phone, and you call me immediately. I-I'll be right there. All right? I-if she needs me, then you call me.

Devon: Do you have any music for the plane ride?

Lily: I actually didn't even think of that. (Chuckles)

Devon: No? Well, how about I download some for you? It'll be your going-away present. Can I use your laptop?

Lily: Yeah. It's over here. I'll show you.

Devon: Okay.

Neil: (Quietly) Hey, Liv, is she right?

Olivia: (Sighs)

Neil: Is this research study the perfect solution?

Olivia: It's the best option, considering she doesn't want to use the stem cells from the twins. I mean, it's a long shot.

Neil: Yeah.

Daniel: You know, I can't relate. I see the lengths that people are willing to go to to have kids, like Lily. Whereas me, I mean, I've spent my entire adult life trying not to.

Mac: Which is good, because if you're not ready, you shouldn’t.

Daniel: (Sighs) Do you think it's selfish, though, you know, because Amber wanted it so bad?

Mac: No, I think it's selfish to have a baby to save a marriage. Sometimes you have to do what you feel in your heart is right even if the people you love don't understand.

Daniel: You mean like the surrogate thing, right? 'Cause I know Billy didn't want you to do that, and then you did, and you guys broke up over it. And look, if Lily makes it through this, it's because of you.

Mac: Don't say that.

Daniel: No, I'm serious. That's the truth. She's fighting harder than ever to survive for those babies, and you gave her that.

Mac: Okay, stop. Okay, stop. I'm--I'm not nearly as selfless as you think I am.

Cane: Mrs. Greer? How are you?

Mrs. Greer: Mr. Ashby.

Cane: Yes, Ma'am.

Mrs. Greer: Nice to meet you.

Cane: You, too, and this is, uh, Malcolm Winters. This is my wife's--

Malcolm: Father. I'm completely on board if I can help in any way.

Cane: Hey, why don't you stay, sit down with us, and we'll talk about this? Come on. Let's take a seat.

Mrs. Greer: Mm-hmm.

Cane: So did you have a chance to go, uh, go over the legal precedent we talked about?

Mrs. Greer: There isn't much that would apply. The law is sometimes slow to catch up to medical technology. And yours is such an unusual case.

Cane: Yeah, uh, what I need to know is what are my and my wife's rights when it comes to making med-- medical decisions regarding the, uh, the babies?

Mrs. Greer: More specifically, regarding their amniotic fluid.

Cane: Yes, Ma'am.

Malcolm: Yeah, and that belongs to Cane and Lily just as much as the babies, right?

Mrs. Greer: Well, we can certainly make that argument.

Cane: Okay, we can make the argument, but could we win the argument in court?

Mrs. Greer: No guarantees, but I think there's a good chance.

Cane: Good. (Knocks on table) That is what I wanted to hear, because I think my wife's life is gonna depend on this.

(Knock on door)

Jack: Hey, you didn't come back. I was worried you felt worse.

Emily: I think someone's been in my room.

Jack: Why would you think that?

Emily: Well, things have been moved. Not--not a lot. Just in different places than I--

Jack: Well, it's hard to keep track of exactly where you left things.

Emily: No, I've been paying special attention. (Sighs) Jack, I think someone's been following me. Okay, I-I know. I know paranoia's a symptom of withdrawal from my antipsychotics, but I left my car locked. It was locked the other day while I was with a patient, and when I came back, it was open.

Jack: Was anything missing?

Emily: No. Oh.

Woman: May I clean your room?

Emily: Um, not just yet. Can I ask you, were you in here earlier?

Woman: No, Ma'am.

Jack: Did you maybe see anyone come or go from this room?

Woman: No. There were some people in the hallway, nothing unusual.

Emily: Okay. Thank you. (Sighs) Oh, God. I'm not imagining things, Jack. I know I locked my car, and this was closed. I hate this.

Jack: Let's call the police, okay?

Emily: Uh, and what am I gonna say, Jack? Please, put that down. (Sighs) That--that someone's following me and they're moving my things around? And, by the way, I just got out of-- out of a mental hospital?

Jack: I don't want to take any chances. Listen to me. Patty was in league with Adam, with Sarah--

Emily: And they're both dead.

Jack: We don't know who else she was involved with or what kind of enemies she left behind. People could still be confusing you for her.

Emily: (Sighs) Wow.

Jack: I think you should move back to the house.

Emily: I'm not moving back in with you, Jack.

Jack: You can live in your own wing. Hell, I'll move out to the pool house. I just want to know that you're safe.

Emily: Did you set this up?

Jack: What?

Emily: So that I'd need your protection.

Jack: Emily, you know me better than that.

Emily: Do I?

Lily: Will you send us pictures from his graduation?

Neil: Come on. Who you talkin' to? You bet.

Olivia: I'm sorry I'm gonna miss that, you know?

Devon: Oh.

Olivia: But we'll get you something great from France.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: Oh, yeah, I know. We'll get you an alarm clock. Then you'll have to join the real world and get a job.

Devon: (Scoffs) That's funny.

Olivia: You have something lined up?

Devon: Um, y-yeah, I do. I have some things, you know, goin' on, but the only gift I want is for my sister to get better and get back here to my niece and nephew.

Lily: (Chuckles) Oh, I haven't called Mac. I forgot.

Neil: Give her her privacy, right?

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: (Clears throat)

[Cell phone rings]

Mac: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hey, um, are you busy right now? Can you come over?

Mac: Is everything okay?

Lily: Yeah, it's fine. It's just that, um, I'm actually leaving for France, like, today, and I want to see you before I go.

Mac: Wow, um, of cour-- of course. I'll be right there.

Daniel: What's up?

Mac: Um, Lily's taking part in a clinical trial in France, and she's leaving today.

Daniel: France? What, she couldn't find anything closer?

Mac: No, she could. There were--there were a couple other options, but she picked this one, and I think that she made the right choice.

Cane: Thank you very much.

Mrs. Greer: I'll get started building a case.

Cane: Thank you.

Malcolm: I really hope those doctors over in France can help Lily so she'll never have to know about this.

Cane: But if the treatment doesn't work, we'll be ready to move, okay? 'Cause I'm gonna fight with everything I have to save her, even if it means she's gonna hate me.

Chloe: All right, turn off your phone. Take that phone off the hook, and we are official hiding out.

Chance: Uh-huh.

Chloe: We are officially gettin' to the mattresses.

Chance: Mattresses?

Chloe: Yes.

Chance: So to speak.

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: (Chuckles) Mm. I am so sorry for neglecting you for so long. I have a lot of making up to do, don't I?

Chloe: Yeah, try, like, a lot of making out to do.

Chance: A lot of making out to do?

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: Uh-huh.

Chloe: Mm. You miss me?

Chance: Mm-hmm. You have no idea. No idea.

Chloe: Mm. Yeah? Do you think about me?

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Fantasize about me? Yeah.

Chance: Yeah.

Chloe: I know. Me, too. (Chuckles)

Paul: So what are your plans for the rest of the day?

Heather: Uh, I should probably spend it working on my résumé.

Paul: Here's Owen.

Owen: Morning.

Paul: Hey, Owen. Good morning.

Heather: Hi.

Owen: Listen, I was gonna call you later, but since you're here, I'll give this to you now. Don't make me regret this.

Heather: No, Sir.

Owen: Another incident like the one at the Abbott cabin--

Heather: Uh, I-I have learned my lesson. I'm a changed woman.

Cane: Hey. Hey.

Neil: Okay.

Lily: There you are.

Devon: Here he is.

Cane: So I, uh, got everything on the list.

Lily: Including Uncle Malcolm. Thank you.

Neil: Hey.

Malcolm: Hey. I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't want to see me.

Lily: Oh, please. Of course I want to see you.

Malcolm: Well, I mean, I know last time I was here--

Lily: No, listen, we were all upset, all right? That whole issue is behind us now.

Malcolm: (Sighs)

Devon: Hey, you know what? I don't think that, uh, box is gonna fit in the bag, so whatever it is, you might want to leave it here.

Lily: Uh, excuse me. You better back off the brownies, okay? Are these Jana’s brownies?

Cane: Yes, they are. I bought out the store.

Olivia: Well, these should last us for the plane ride at least.

Cane: Well, when you run out, I'll, uh, overnight you some more.

Lily: I love this man. (Laughs)

(Knock on door)

Lily: Oh, that must be Mac.

Neil: You gonna get it?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: All right.

Devon: Hey.

Mac: Hi. Oh, great, we didn't miss you.

Lily: Hey!

Daniel: Um, hey, you know, when I heard you were leaving-- I-I hope you don't mind.

Lily: No, I-I'm so glad that you're here.

Daniel: Yeah.

Lily: Thank you. And I hope that one of you actually brought your camera because--oh, good. I need a picture of this. My support group. I just want you guys to know that honestly, I could never have gotten this far without every single one of you, you know, taking care of me and listening to me, praying for me and making the most incredible sacrifices. And I'm actually glad to have you all here because, um, there are some things that, you know, I want to say, just in case, you know, we never see each other again.

 Cane: Please don't talk that way.

Devon: Of course we're gonna see you again.

Lily: No, I know. I mean, I believe, you know, I'm gonna get better. And I know I'll be back in time to see my children being born. (Sighs) But, you know, no one knows anything for sure. And I don't want anyone to have regrets, okay, about things that you've done or--or what you've said or what you wish you had said. Because I know I'm loved, okay? And if we've done things to hurt each other, just know that when I look back, I'm not thinking about any of that. I'm only thinking about the good things. Believe me, okay? Everything else is forgotten. And I want you guys to know that I am so blessed to have you all in my life, you know, even if I didn't always recognize it at first. (Chuckles)

Devon: Well, I think you're talking about me now, right?

Lily: Well, you know, it was hard getting used to sharing my parents when I was so used to being a... (Chuckles) Spoiled only child.

Devon: Well, you got over yourself.

Lily: But I've learned so much from you, Devon. You know, the way you never gave up after you lost your hearing. It's like, look at you now, you know? You--you're graduating from college with a degree in music. You're about to make it your career. You did it. You won. Don't worry. I'm not gonna let my brother show me up.

Devon: Good.

Lily: I'm gonna keep fighting, okay? (Sighs) Uncle Malcolm. (Chuckles)

Malcolm: No, no, no, no. You're not gonna say good-bye to me. I'm not ready for that. (Sighs)

Lily: All right, well, at least let me tell you I'm so glad that you came back. And I don't care why. (Chuckles) I really don’t. I'm just so thankful to have you in my life again. And I'm so thankful for those beautiful pictures you took of me, because every time I see them, I see that I am my mother's daughter. And I'm your daughter, too.

Malcolm: (Sighs)

Lily: I'm so proud to have you as my father. And, I'm--you know, I'm sorry I never told you before. You know, I know I didn't take it very well.

Malcolm: (Sighs) No. Baby, don't apologize to me.

Lily: (Chuckles) So we're good?

Malcolm: We're good.

Lily: Okay. Dad... (Chuckles)

Neil: Hey, no, no, no. No, there's nothing that you need to say that I don't already know.

Lily: No, but I want you to hear it... (Voice breaking) Because I said enough awful things to you when I was a teenager. You know, but I didn't get it. I didn't understand, you know? (Sniffles) (Normal voice) I just thought that you were overprotective. (Chuckles) (Sniffles) But now I'm gonna have my own little babies. And I see now. You would die for me. You would trade places with me if you could. (Sniffles) And you told me, you know, that "Someday you'll thank me." (Laughs) Thank you. (Sighs)

Neil: Honey. Honey.

Lily: Thank you.

Neil: I love you so much. I love you so much.

Lily: I love you. (Sniffles) (Chuckles) (Sighs) Cane. (Laughs) You are, and you always will be, the love of my life. (Sighs) And as complicated as we've tried to make things... (Chuckles) It's really that simple, isn't it?

Cane: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Lily: You know, it's scary and... (Sighs heavily) Unbelievable to me that...

Cane: (Sighs heavily)

Lily: I almost walked away, especially 'cause it seems now like you and our children are the reason I was put on this earth. Mac... (Chuckles) None of that would have been possible if it weren't for you. You brought Cane back to me. And you gave us a chance to have our own children. (Sniffles) And I want you to know that you are as much family to me as anyone is here. (Sniffles) (Sighs) And I love you so much for protecting them the way that I would if I could. (Sighs) (Sniffles) And I don't want to leave you guys. I don't, but I'm gonna be back soon, okay? (Sighs) And I'm gonna finally get to hold you in my arms. But even if I don't, I will hold you in my heart the way that my mom does me. (Sniffles) And you'll be in good hands. (Chuckles) (Sniffles) (Sighs) They'll be in your guys' hands.

Olivia: We'll love them like our own.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Lily: (Sighs)

Chloe: Mm, we never did get to the breakfast part of breakfast in bed now, did we?

Chance: No. No, we didn’t. Where's my--

Chloe: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Chance: What?

Chloe: No--ooh. Oh, look. That--that time is wrong. It's very wrong. It's very fast. Actually, I think it's broken. It's broken. Stop it. Put it down.

Chance: (Sighs) Well, okay. You know, we don't have to get back to work.

Chloe: No. No, we definitely don’t. Hey, I... I don’t. I have a very flexible schedule.

Chance: Yeah, well, I would, too, if I could just... (Sighs) If could solve this murder case.

Chloe: Really?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, it would be great.

Chloe: Mm?

Chance: I'd go back to my normal caseload. I mean, I'd have all this extra free time, which I would spend doing exactly this. (Chuckles)

Chloe: The butler did it. (Sighs) Yeah. Case closed.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Owen: I was already leaning towards reinstating you, and then I talked to Detective Chancellor.

Heather: Oh, uh, Chance is grateful that you were able to coax so much information out of Aunt Patty about Adam's escape.

Paul: Did Chance also tell you that I never would have done it unless Heather convinced me?

Owen: He said you handled the situation beautifully with intelligence, compassion and restraint.

Heather: He said that?

Owen: Don't linger too long over your coffee. There's a lot of work waiting for you.

Heather: Thank you.

Paul: Congratulations.

Heather: (Sighs) (Laughs)

Jack: Emily, I know I let you down. I want a chance to make that up to you, and I'm not asking for anything in return.

Man: Excuse me. Dr. Emily Peterson?

Emily: Yeah.

Man: This is for you. If you could sign here, please. Thank you.

Emily: It's from the A.P.A., the psychiatric association. (Sighs)

Jack: What? What's wrong?

Emily: They're threatening to take away my medical license.

Jack: Well, on what grounds?

Emily: Ethical violations.

Jack: You were the victim.

Emily: Jack, I was romantically involved with her ex-husband. That's a breech of trust.

Chance: Just give me a bite, like, a single bite.

Chloe: Okay, you want a bite?

Chance: Yes, I would love a bite.

Chloe: Yeah? Unh.

Chance: What are you doing?

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: Can--Chloe. Oh.

Chloe: I know. It's amazing.

Chance: That is so good.

Chloe: Oh, we could go back upstairs. That's amazing.

Chance: Really?

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Chance: All right, come on. We got--we gotta go.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Heather: Chance.

Chance: Heather, hi.

Heather: Look.

Chance: It looks like vacation's over, huh?

Heather: Yeah, thank God.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Paul: Owen told us how you went to bat for her. Thank you.

Heather: I really appreciate it.

Chance: Well, look, we're just, um, we're glad to have you back.

Heather: Well, I just--I just know that you've been so swamped lately, and it means a lot that you would do this for me.

Chance: Don't worry about it.

Heather: Thank you.

Chance: (Chuckles) You're welcome.

Heather: Thanks. Thank you.

Paul: Okay.

Chance: All right, bye, guys.

Paul: Bye. See you.

Chance: Mm-hmm. You--

Chloe: Bye. Here. I don't want any more.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: I can testify for you. I can help hire a lawyer.

Emily: You know those patients I told you about who were trying to sue me for malpractice? Well, one of them did.

Jack: That will never hold up in court. You were held captive in a psychiatric unit, for God sake.

Emily: I can't do this. I can’t. I--we'll have to do this another time.

Jack: O-okay. Okay. Okay. Look, if there's anything I can do, I am a phone call away.

Emily: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Daniel: Ooh. Oh, that's nice.

Neil: Yeah? Cool.

Daniel: Oh, you're gonna like these. Yeah.

Mac: I hope you understand my decision not to allow the amnio. Of course I want Lily to get better. I'd do anything... um... almost anything.

Cane: Well, we all have to do what we have to do.

Mac: (Sighs)

Devon: The bags are in the car.

Olivia: We should get going.

Lily: Okay. I love you. (Sighs)

Neil: I love you. Devon and I will come see you soon. I promise, all right?

Lily: Okay.

Malcolm: Me, too, just not at the same time.

Lily: All right. Try to get along, okay?

Malcolm: Okay. For you, baby girl.

Mac: No overseas flights for me.

Lily: All right, but keep me updated, okay, every day.

Mac: I will. I will deliver. I promise. Pun intended.

Lily: (Chuckles) All right. And you two take care of each other, okay? And the babies.

Mac: You know I will.

Cane: Don't worry about anything here. We got it covered.

Lily: All right. (Sighs) Okay. You want to say good-bye, too? Huh?

Daniel: Just get one of that, huh?

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Daniel: There we go. I promise I will send these to you.

Neil: Oh, my gosh.

Lily: Okay. And, hey, let me know how things are going with you, okay?

Devon: Hey, you better let me take this little guy.

Lily: All right.

Devon: Come here.

Lily: Bye, Baby.

Devon: There you go.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Devon: I love you.

Lily: I love you, too. (Chuckles) (Sighs) Well... I love you guys, and I'm gonna miss you all. All right? (Chuckles) Okay, ready.

Cane: Come on, let's go.

Lily: Bye.

Cane: You know, it's wrong I can't go with you.

Lily: We'll talk every day.

Cane: You know, if you need me to wipe the tears from your eyes maybe or to hold you hand, you call me, okay? I'll be there for you. Don't worry about immigration.

Lily: No, Cane. You couldn't come back, and you have to be here for the twins.

Cane: And for their mom when she comes home. You come back to me, Baby. (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Lily: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Abby: You could invest with me, and I'll make us millions.

Kay: I would certainly hate to think that Amber's just waiting for you to show up if it's never going to happen.

Victoria: Call Rafe. Tell him to drop the annulment.

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