Y&R Transcript Friday 5/21/10 -- Canada; Monday 5/24/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9404 ~ Realization and Suspicion
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kevin: I don't trust you. You've burned me too many times before.
Ryder: I'll do anything.
Michael: See? It's not that hard.
Lauren: (Gasps) What--what's he doing here? Michael! Michael! Don't let him near me!
Kevin: Lauren. Lauren. It's okay. Lauren, its okay. He's not here to cause you any trouble.
Michael: No, there's nothing okay about it, not after what he put us through.
Lauren: (Gasps) What do you want? Where is Daisy? What are you doing here?!
Kevin: All right, hey, he's come back to turn himself in.
Ryder: It's true. I-I came back be-because it's the right thing to do.
Michael: Since when do you know what that is?
Ryder: Daisy's not coming back. She's too scared of the police.
Lauren: Oh, that little witch isn't scared of anything. In fact, if Sarah had given the order, she would have killed us, and so would have you!
Jana: Ryder's nothing like Sarah or Daisy. He helped us. Don't you remember? He brought me medicine for my headaches.
Lauren: Jana, he kept us ca-- in that cage. You almost died. We both almost died. But I guess that it's hard to feel anything when you--
Michael: All right.
Kevin: Hey!
Lauren: Aah!
Kevin: Hey, hey, don't talk to her like that, Lauren.
Ryder: Look, I'm sorry. Maybe I just--I shouldn't have come back. I-I should have gone straight to the police.
Lauren: Maybe?! Maybe?!
Ryder: I-I've caused enough trouble as it is.
Michael: Trouble? Your name is trouble. You shouldn't be allowed out on the streets.
Kevin: All right, look. Look.
Lauren: You should be in jail till you die!
Michael: All right, all right, Sweetie. Sweetie.
Jana: Okay, go on. Make the phone call.
Kevin: All right, all right.
Michael: It's okay.
Kevin: Hi, uh, this is Kevin Fisher, um, calling from Crimson Lights, and I have Ryder Callahan here. Yes, the fugitive. He's also my brother, and he is willing to turn himself in. Can you send an officer right away, please? 815 Hyde Park. Thank you.
Ashley: Your father's coming by so we can both talk to you together. No one left that room happy.
Abby: Well, if you would stop trying to control me and let me have my inheritance--
Ashley: Abby, I need you to come home.
Abby: I'm busy.
Ashley: Well, get unbusy.
Abby: Fine. I'll be by later.
(Door closes)
Man: Miss Newman, how lovely to see you again.
Abby: Oh, well, it's lovely to be back. Jonathan, before we get started, give me a sec, will you? I need to take care of one little thing.
Nick: I sure missed my two girls, and I think you both grew a couple inches while I was gone.
Summer: Faith did.
Nick: Well, I think you did, too. Definitely.
(Knock on door)
Nick: Who's that? Who is that? It's open!
Victor: Well, look at that.
Nick: Come here! (Sighs)
Victor: Look who's here. Look at that. Hi, my sweetheart.
Summer: Daddy's home! Daddy's home!
Faith: (Crying)
Victor: I can see that. I can see that, yes. Oh, what happened there? Why don't you go over there?
Nick: Oh, you don't want to go in there. It's okay. I'm gonna hold you. It sure feels great to be home.
Victor: I tell you, I was so relieved when I heard that you were, you know?
Nick: Yeah, on my business trip.
Victor: Right.
Nick: Hey, Summer, uh, don't you think it's bedtime? Yeah. I'll tell you what, why don't you run upstairs, and I'll come in and tuck you in in a second, okay?
Summer: I love you, Daddy.
Nick: I love you, too, more than you will ever know.
Faith: (Fusses)
Nick: Mwah!
Victor: Aw.
Nick: (Sighs)
Victor: Good night, Sweetheart. Have sweet dreams, okay? Sweet dreams.
Victor: I'm sure it feels good for daddy to have the two girls again, huh?
Nick: (Sighs) You have no idea. I went up to the main house to pick 'em up. Summer raced into my arms. I never wanted to let her go.
Victor: Look at that. Look at you. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Such a pretty face.
Faith: (Cries)
Victor: Oh, Baby, what is it? My goodness. Where are Summer and--and-- I mean, uh, Phyllis and-- and Sharon? I thought they would be expecting you with open arms.
Nick: They, uh, went up to Minneapolis to check on Adam's visit. How did Kansas go? Did you find out anything?
Victor: No one anywhere near that place saw Adam and Hope's grave site. I'm certain of the time that he said he was there, so I think he was lying.
Nick: Hmm.
Victor: What's that on your hand?
Nick: Oh, it's, uh, nothing. Frank Ellis tried to attack me with a hypodermic needle.
Faith: (Fusses)
Victor: Oh, Baby.
Nick: I was able to fight him off, but he got me in the hand. It's just a puncture wound. It's no big deal.
Victor: Are you serious? I'm sorry that happened.
Nick: Yeah, you know, the whole thing was kinda weird. He comes after me. I punch him. He folds like a lawn chair. Turns out the needle was full of saline, which is, of course, harmless.
Faith: (Fusses)
Victor: How odd is that? Hmm.
Faith: (Babbles)
Nick: I saw Frank later and asked him about it.
Faith: (Fusses)
Nick: You know what he said?
Victor: Mnh-mnh, what'd he say?
Nick: He told me to ask you. So I'm asking. What'd you do?
Victor: Hmm.
Phyllis: I've seen this guy's face before. I'm sure of it.
Sharon: How is that possible? We're in Minneapolis. You said you didn't know a single soul up here.
Phyllis: Where have I seen him before?
Sharon: Maybe he reminds you of someone that you've seen, like, or you knew, um, an old classmate, or someone you saw on TV.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. It's driving me crazy. I have no idea.
Sharon: You know, he looks a little bit like Adam.
Phyllis: (Gasps) Oh, my God, that's it, Sharon. Sharon, this was the man who was at the ball the night Adam was murdered.
Michael: Here you go, Sweetie. Just relax. Why don't you sit down? Come on. Just drink this.
Lauren: How can I relax with him here?
Michael: You know what? Let's leave. We don't need to be here. They'll--
Lauren: No, I am keeping my eye on Ryder until I watch him out of here in handcuffs.
Michael: All right, Lauren, this is not good. Come on. Just let's--let's go, Honey.
Lauren: There's Chance.
Chance: Mr. Callahan, didn't think we'd be seeing you so soon.
Ryder: I made a mistake running away. I made a lot of 'em. I'm sorry... for everything.
Michael: Where was all this remorse months ago before all the damage was done?
Kevin: I wish things had turned out differently.
Ryder: Me, too.
Chance: Ready to go? Come on.
Ryder: Lead the way.
Lauren: I don't believe a word out of that creep's mouth. I think it's all a big act.
Michael: (Sighs)
Abby: Hi. It's your favorite heiress again in the best jewelry store in Genoa City, and since my favorite color is sparkly, I'm gonna do some serious damage.
Jonathan: What can I show you this evening?
Abby: Mm... something beyond fabulous. You know my taste, Jonathan. Wow me.
Jonathan: 18-karat gold, South African sapphire. This would look stunning on you.
Abby: Hmm... kind of expected, don't you think? I'm looking for something that really makes a statement.
Jonathan: More of a choker style, very youthful.
Abby: Ooh... (Gasps) It's pretty, but I want something bigger.
Abby: Ohh... bigger.
Jonathan: Whatever you like, Miss Newman.
Abby: (Giggles) That's right. I am an Abbott and a Newman, and I always get what I want.
Victor: Frank Ellis is a man who holds grudges, and since Adam was attacked in a similar way...
Nick: So you expect me to believe that this two-bit forger came up with this plan? Especially when it meant going to solitary and heading to the state pen earlier than scheduled?
Victor: What are you suggesting?
Nick: I'm thinking you bribed Frank Ellis to make it seem like I wasn't safe in there so you could get me out.
Victor: All right, I'm guilty.
Nick: Damn it, Dad. Why would you do that?
Victor: Son, we had to make it look real, okay?
Nick: Yeah, and this guy could start talking, and I don't think the D.A. or the police are gonna be too happy if they find out they were scammed.
Victor: Son, I did this to, uh... make sure that you got out of there, and that you'd be safe. I think you would do the same thing for your kids, wouldn't you?
Nick: I wouldn't use the same tactics.
Victor: Well, those tactics got you home and allowed you to tuck your kids into bed, didn't they?
Nick: Of course I would rather be home than in jail.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: I mean, now I can really focus on my case. But I'm not happy about this.
Victor: Son, I got you out of that joint, okay? So let's just agree to disagree. Meanwhile, let's try to do everything we can to have the charges dropped against you. See you later.
Sharon: You're sure this man was at the ball?
Phyllis: Yeah, look. The--the day he went missing, April 1st, it's the same night.
Sharon: Where did you see him?
Phyllis: (Sighs) You know, okay... (Sighs) This is how it starts. You said that Adam confronted you in your room, right? Then Adam escaped, and we were all on the lookout. So I was at the party, and I saw this guy with the same mask and cape that you described. So I went up to him, and I pulled it off of him, only to feel like a complete moron. It was just some guy. I mean, I never thought anything else about it.
Sharon: You know what this could mean, don't you?
Phyllis: Yeah. Patty helped Adam escape from the hospital, right? Maybe this guy was recruited to help Adam skip town.
Sharon: And you said that the manager at the fast-food place gave you a full description of the man in the tuxedo, the one who waited by the-- the pay phone for the call?
Phyllis: Yeah, exactly. I mean, it was this guy-- the same height, the same build.
Sharon: Okay, so maybe if it was Hightower...
Phyllis: So, uh, yeah. Adam probably called him that night to arrange some rendezvous at the Athletic Club, but when they met up...
Sharon: Something went wrong. The plan went wrong, and he ended up killing Adam.
Phyllis: Maybe he intended to kill Adam. I mean, Adam double-crossed so many people.
Sharon: It doesn't matter either way. He got rid of Adam, and then he himself went on the run. That's why he's missing right now. All these pieces fit.
Phyllis: I know. They all fit. Oh, my God, Sharon, this guy could be our man.
Ashley: It must be a relief having Nick out of jail.
Victor: (Chuckles) Oh, is it ever. Now I can turn my attention to our daughter.
Ashley: She should be here at any moment.
Victor: (Sighs) How was she with you? Did she give you attitude?
Ashley: Um, she was chilly. Not a complete freeze-out, but definitely chilly.
Victor: Well, isn't that lucky for us?
Ashley: Yeah. You know what we have to do? Treat her like an adult, even though she's not acting like one.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: And we have to remain calm. We--we can't overreact, okay?
Victor: This notion of hers of using the trust fund money to finance this ridiculous reality show?
Abby: (Gasps) Jonathan... (Sighs) This is perfection. (Gasps) I'll take it. (Sighs)
Jana: Mm, must have been jarring seeing Ryder again...
Kevin: It was.
Jana: And having to phone the police and turn him in.
Kevin: Well, it had to be done.
Jana: Yes, of course.
Kevin: I just feel like such a hypocrite, though. Telling my own brother I didn't know if I could forgive him, when so many people have given me a second chance, and a third and fourth chance. (Sighs) But I just-- I just think about what happened to you, and, um...
Jana: Um, I'm sure that Ryder understands. Well, you probably just want to go home and go right to bed now, don't you?
Kevin: What, instead of going out with you?
Jana: Oh, I...
Kevin: 'Cause I-I still want to go on our date, if you do. Unless you're trying to say that you don't want to go.
Jana: No, I just thought that you'd probably be drained after all the excitement.
Kevin: No, no. I'm, uh, I'm great.
Jana: Okay. Well, we should probably get going then. I'm just gonna get my bag.
Chance: If there's anything you want to tell me about Daisy, now is the time.
Ryder: I've told you everything I know, Detective. We didn't have a plan. She could be anywhere by now. (Sighs)
Chance: Okay, well, if you think of anything, just, uh, ask for me. You're gonna be kept here until your arraignment.
Ryder: I kinda figured.
Chance: There are some folks here that, uh, want to talk to you... that is, if you're up for it.
Ryder: Sure.
Chance: Let 'em in.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Chance: Please.
Chance: Just keep it brief, okay?
Lauren: Now you're the one in a cage. How long before someone comes to help you?
Nick: All right.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Don't pinch me. (Laughs) Oh. Mm!
Nick: Mm. Feels so good to be home.
Phyllis: Yeah, it feels good. You know what's the best thing, is I don't have to bunk with the in-laws anymore.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: (Laughs) Where are the girls? Are they upstairs?
Nick: Sound asleep.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
Nick: So we got the living room to ourselves.
Phyllis: Oh...
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Oh, no, we don't. Um, come on, Sharon.
Nick: That's the door. Yeah.
Sharon: Hi, I just--I thought I'd give you guys a minute, you know?
Nick: (Sighs) Uh, thanks.
Sharon: I'm so glad you're out of that awful place.
Nick: Yeah, me, too. I just wish it happened some other way.
Sharon: Yeah, that you hadn't been attacked.
Nick: All that matters is I'm here.
Phyllis: Yeah, and that we have news.
Sharon: Yes, our trip to Minneapolis.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Sharon: It paid off.
Nick: What do you got?
Phyllis: This guy right here, um, we think that this is Adam's accomplice, and he may very well be the one that ended up killing Adam.
Sharon: And we need to go to the police with this right away, because if we're right...
Phyllis: Yeah, if we're right, he should be behind bars.
Ryder: Daisy's gone. She's not coming to help me.
Lauren: Then why are you back? What's your angle, Ryder? Did you think you'd just impress us all with what a stand-up guy you are? And if that's the case, why did you leave? Why didn't you just turn yourself in then? Answer me.
Ryder: Kevin told me to run, so I ran. I've always done what people told me.
Michael: Kevin told you?
Ryder: I mean, h-he just-- he wanted to get Jana to a hospital. I think he just-- he wanted me out of his sight. And I... I couldn't deal with the idea of going back to jail. I panicked. So I ran.
Lauren: Like the coward you are.
Ryder: But after a few days on the road, I thought of what the rest of my life would be like if I was on the run. I freaked out. Plus... I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't pay for what I had done. So I waited till Daisy was asleep, and I hitchhiked back. That's the truth.
Lauren: Or are you here to punish me for killing Sarah, the only mother that you really knew?
Ryder: Sarah might have taken care of me, raised me, been my aunt, but she wasn't my mother. I was terrified of her. I hated the things she made me do. But I was always too weak to stand up to her or to run away. Now I'm glad she's dead. You know, it--it's funny. I'm--I'm--I'm probably gonna be in here for a long time, but you know what? This is the freest I've ever been. I have you to thank for that, Lauren.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: I thought you said burgers and bowling.
Kevin: Or dinner and a movie... if that's okay.
Jana: Sure.
Kevin: So I know that this isn't a place we come to a... uh, a lot, but, um, I thought this would be the perfect place for us to, you know, to start over since this was the last place we were together before, uh, before things changed.
Jana: You mean before I was kidnapped.
Kevin: (Sighs) If you're uncomfortable, or if this makes you feel... I mean, if you think that, uh, this is too much pres-- do you want to go? We can go somewhere else.
Jana: No, this place is fine. Shall we look at the menu?
Victor: Sweetheart, arguing is not the idea, all right?
Abby: So what is?
Victor: Your mother and I have come up with a couple of ideas that I hope will appeal to you.
Ashley: Besides the reality show, Honey, 'cause that's off the table.
Victor: If you demonstrate to us that you're mature enough to have access to those trust funds.
Abby: Both trust funds.
Ashley: Both?
Abby: Well, I want access to the trust that Colleen and Brad set up for me, and the one you did.
Victor: Excuse me, young lady. How much money do you need?
Abby: Well, the point is, um, I'm entitled to it. You designated that it would go to me when I came of age. Whether I spend it wisely is irrelevant. Uh, I am willing to prove to you that I can be responsible, though, so how do I do that? What's this...? (Sighs) This middle ground you're talking about?
Victor: Your mother and I know about your interest in the fashion world, and that you like to be in the public eye. So I thought you should do a stint on the local TV station, you know?
Abby: Uh, you mean, like, be a reporter or something?
Victor: Yeah, well, report on--on, you know, do features on fashion and... entertainment. If you're good, in no time at all, you might have a national audience.
Ashley: Yeah, or you know what? The other option-- maybe we could use you at Jabot. If you tested well, I think you'd be the perfect spokesmodel for Glow by Jabot, and the fact that you're an Abbott, Abby, it fits in so beautifully.
Victor: Does either of these appeal to you?
Abby: Well, they're great opportunities.
Victor: Yeah.
Abby: I-I-I-I totally get what you're-- you're trying to do.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Abby: It's just, I'm way more ambitious than that.
Victor: Oh, really? Are you ambitious or reckless?
Abby: Well, you call it "Reckless." I call it "Reaching for the stars."
Victor: Uh-huh.
Abby: You know, starting out national in a show that I am producing...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Abby: Where I have total control over the product--me? I mean, there's no comparison to that or answering to station managers or marketing people.
Ashley: We all have to answer to somebody at some point, Abby.
Abby: I know that you're really squeamy about this whole reality show thing, but I'm not. I mean, my lifestyle is a total win. Why not give my audience something to aspire to? You know, besides, you know, it's in my blood. Business savvy, killer instinct.
Victor: Business savvy and killer instinct-- Sweetheart, those are traits you develop over time, you know.
Abby: I'm not a kid anymore. I am a grown woman, and I know what I'm doing. And I at least deserve the chance to try. Look, if I fall on my face, then you can tell me, "I told you so," and lesson learned.
Victor: Sweetheart, you're entitled to your opinion, but it is our responsibility as your parents to make sure that you don't do something that you'll regret further down the road.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me.
Victor: Yeah? What? You can't be serious. What? I'll get back to you.
Ashley: What is it?
Victor: That was my personal accountant telling me that our daughter, our beautiful daughter, went to Stevenson's jewelry, and charged a necklace to her account at the tune of $85,000.
Ashley: $85,000? Are you kidding me?!
Victor: All this talk about behaving responsibly, and you pull something like this?
Abby: What I spent is a tiny fraction of what I'd be worth if you weren't being so stubborn.
Ashley: (Scoffs)
Victor: Let me have your credit cards.
Abby: What?
Victor: All of them, now! Give them to me.
Abby: (Scoffs) How is that fair?
Ashley: The fact that you could ask that question with a straight face only proves our point. You are nowhere near ready to handle a substantial sum of money.
Abby: I can't believe you.
Ashley: Is the necklace in there, too?
Abby: Why?
Ashley: Because first thing tomorrow morning, you're bringing it right back to the jeweler.
Abby: (Scoffs) I don't have it.
Victor: What do you mean, "You don't have it"?
Abby: On me. (Scoffs) Jeez, you guys, I'm not stupid enough to carry around that much bling.
Ashley: You get it from wherever you put it, and you bring it back to the store.
Victor: Abby, this has got to stop right now. We told you what it would take before we even consider releasing those funds to you, all right?
Ashley: A year from now, if then.
Abby: Those terms are unacceptable.
Victor: Unacceptable to you? Is that what you're saying?
Ashley: If you continue to defy us and act like a spoiled child, that's exactly how we're gonna treat you. You have now lost your credit cards. Next, it's gonna be your monthly allowance. And any discussion about your trust funds is put on hold!
Victor: You get it together, or the only reality show you'll be starring in is the one where you find out what it takes to live on your own, without daddy's help, without access to the trust funds. You got it?
Kent: (Scoffs) I'll be damned. (Sighs)
Phyllis: So when Sharon said that he looked like Adam, that's when I realized that I had seen him before.
Nick: We contacted you, because unlike the D.A., you've been open-minded and reasonable.
Sharon: And when Victor and I spoke to Owen Pomerantz about Adam's parking garage ticket, he blew us off. He said it wasn't relevant.
Phyllis: Yeah, as if the only leads that matter are from the night of the murder. I mean, that's crazy. It's insane. This is very substantial new information.
Nick: We hope you'll agree this deserves to become a part of the investigation.
Phyllis: Right.
Chance: (Sighs)
Sharon: Chance?
Chance: Well, let me step outside for a bit. I'll give a call up to the Minneapolis P.D., and I'll see if they can tell me anything else about this, uh, this Mr. Hightower. Excuse me.
Michael: (Sighs) Gloria was right. Fenmore's sleepin' like a rock.
Lauren: Glad to hear it.
Michael: Seeing Ryder behind bars, hearing what he had to say, I hope that makes you feel a little better.
Lauren: I'm just glad he's been arrested.
Michael: All right, what can I do? Do you just want to sit here for a while and relax? Do you want me to, I don't know, heat you up some warm milk?
Lauren: (Groans) No, I just, I-- I want you to get me a sedative, okay? (Sighs) No, I... I need something to calm down my nerves. I was not expecting what happened tonight.
Michael: I know. I know.
Lauren: (Sighs) (Crying) All I wanted was to go out with you tonight and look what the night turned into.
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: It's okay. It's okay.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kevin: It's a flourless chocolate cake. It's your favorite. You always get this big grin when you know they have it on the menu.
Kevin: Huh?
Jana: It's good.
Kevin: Yeah. Hey, do you remember that water tower that we climbed on our first date? Maybe we should go out there again sometime, you know, for our next date.
Jana: We could.
Kevin: (Inhales deeply)
Jana: I can see that you're disappointed.
Kevin: No, no, no. I love this cake.
Jana: No, I don't mean about the cake. I mean about tonight. You're trying very hard not to show it, but I know that you're expecting something more from me, especially since Ryder returned and shook everyone up.
Kevin: Everyone but you.
Jana: I know that you want me to react more, say more, talk about my feelings about when I was held captive.
Kevin: It's just strange, you know, something... that happened to us and shook up our lives so much-- you're just so unfazed by it. I would have thought if anything would get to you, it would be confronting one of your kidnappers. I mean, part of me is glad, you know? You don't want to see someone you love be upset, but it... (Sighs) God, when did our date turn into an Ingmar Bergman movie?
Jana: It's all right. Don't worry about it.
Jana: (Sighs) I do think that it's probably best to just call it a night.
Kevin: No, no, no. No. Let's, um, let's just change the subject. Or let's--you want to go bowling?
Jana: No, I don't think so.
Kevin: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Jana: I think I'm going to go now, okay? And, um, I think it would probably be best if I were to leave alone.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chance: All right, the Minneapolis P.D. was really helpful.
Sharon: What'd they say?
Chance: Well... (Sighs) Hightower has no record. The guy is a mechanic, and he's a reliable employee, though he has taken some time off due to an illness. Uh, he's a widower. He's a single father with a son. The guy just seems like an all-around good dad. Uh, there's been no credit card or--or bank account activity since he disappeared.
Nick: Any leads?
Chance: Yeah, there's one. Uh, his sister-in-law said she received a letter from him, uh, stating that he was never coming back, uh, after he had supposedly disappeared, and it was postmarked from Miami. Now the detective that I spoke to in Minneapolis e-mailed me a scan of that letter which you can take a look at. Here you go.
Nick: It says he's depressed, and he's afraid of dying. "Not sure if this treatment is gonna work." He wants to be alone, doesn't want to burden his family, etcetera, etcetera.
Phyllis: Um, okay, if this guy killed Adam, and then went AWOL, this letter could be the cover.
Chance: Well, before we start jumping to any conclusions, I want to follow up on this a little bit more, all right? I want to talk to the family and--and see if there's anything else that they can tell me, because as of right now, this guy is an official person of interest.
Kevin: Hey, thanks for covering. I can take over.
Woman: You're back from your date already?
Kevin: Yeah. There'll be other dates.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Jana: Ryder?
Ryder: Jana?
Ryder: You're about the last person I expected to see.
Jana: I was on my way home when I realized that there's something that I need to say to you. I appreciate you turning yourself in, but you should know that I'm not out for blood. Not everybody thinks you're a monster. You were just caught in a bad situation, and you didn't know how to get out of it.
Ryder: I'm not sure why you felt a need to come all the way down here to say that, but I'll take it.
Jana: I should go.
Jana: (Sighs) I understood what you meant earlier when you said that you felt no connection to your sister, even though she was such a big part of your life. I know what that's like... being... disconnected and lost. (Sighs)
Jana: Guard? (Key turns in lock)
Michael: Pill helping? Hmm?
Lauren: Hmm?
Michael: Feeling sleepy yet?
Lauren: Yes, thank God.
Michael: Mwah.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: All right, then let's head to bed. You need your rest. You got a big day tomorrow.
Lauren: Why?
Michael: (Chuckles) Didn't you tell me that you had interviews lined up for some possible sales help? (Groans)
Lauren: Uh... I've been thinking about that. I can just get someone from the main store to cover the boutique.
Michael: Why would you do that?
Lauren: Because I want to stay home.
Michael: What you want to do is barricade yourself inside this apartment.
Lauren: And what if I do? I know Ryder has been locked up, and I-I really hope he means everything he says, but Daisy's still out there. (Whimpers) And this whole--whole thing could happen again. I can't-- I can't leave here. (Sobs)
Michael: It's okay.
Lauren: I-I can't do it. (Sighs)
Michael: I got you. You're okay.
Lauren: (Sobs)
Nick: I'm just glad someone on the force is looking at other scenarios.
Sharon: There's still a lot of unanswered questions.
Phyllis: Yeah, starting with, where is Hightower now?
Sharon: Not in Miami would be my guess.
Nick: You know, it just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, this nice, working-class dad from Minnesota is mixed up with someone like Adam? Doesn't that seem a little strange to you?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Sharon: He's not someone on paper who you'd peg to be a murderer.
Nick: We need to find out everything we can about Richard Hightower, track him down.
Kent: So who's gonna come after me and break both my legs when I sell that little trinket you sent?
Abby: I bought it. It's yours, and it should more than cover what you've fronted so far and hopefully prove to you that I am serious about going ahead with this project.
Kent: Okay, Abby, you've gotten a reprieve. But I still need the rest of the cash pronto, if we're going forward on our own. Otherwise--
Abby: Unh-unh. There is no "Otherwise," Kent. It's coming soon. It's all in motion now. Trust me.
Ashley: As if we don't have enough going on, we're served with legal papers?
Victor: Any idea what this is about?
Ashley: No, none.
Victor: This is outrageous.
Ashley: What is it?
Victor: You and I are being sued by our daughter for the release of the funds.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mac: I am not nearly as selfless as you think I am.
Cane: I am praying Lily's treatment in France goes well, 'cause if it doesn't, I am going to sue Mackenzie for the amniotic fluid.
Emily: They're threatening to take away my medical license.
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