Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/19/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/19/10 -- Canada; Thursday 5/20/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9402 ~ Nick Is Attacked

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Tucker: Okay. Any leads on that research you're doing? Do you mean, "No"? Yeah. Yeah, the Newmans are all about appearances, aren't they? Well, dig harder. I need that information.

Jill: Problems?

Tucker: Nope, everything's just dandy.

Jill: Billy.

Billy: Yes?

Jill: Something is going on between Tucker and the Newmans.

Billy: What else is new?

Jill: No, no, no. If I can find out what it is, and if it's juicy enough, it gives you the perfect excuse to hire your mother back.

Billy: Sorry, Mom. "Restless Style" is officially out of the Newman business.

Jill: What on earth would possess you to make such a ridiculous decision?

Billy: (Chuckles) (Groans)

J.T.: I came to talk about the visitation schedule.

Victoria: Visitation, wow. God, I really... I hate that word-- "Visitation."

J.T.: Well, it's not fun for any of us.

Victoria: No, I-I can't really take how hard it is coming home at night and not hearing his little voice and seeing his... (Sighs) Seeing his toys scattered around, and... (Sighs heavily) Damn it. I promised I wouldn't do this.

J.T.: Do you want me to come back later?

Victoria: No. No, don't go. Listen, I can't do this anymore, okay? I need Reed back in my life. Do you think maybe we could just figure out a way where we can split equal time? Please, J.T. I don't want to fight with you, all right? I just need my son back in my life. Just tell me what to do. You name it, and I'll do it.

Nick: Look, my kids are growing up. I'm stuck in here. It's driving me crazy.

Victor: I'm sure you'll be out of here very soon, son, okay?

Frank: Well, look who's here. Like father, like son, huh?

Victor: What do you want?

Frank: Just heard you were in here yourself for the same murder. I'm surprised we didn't run into each other.

Victor: You're very lucky we didn’t.

Frank: And your boy Adam meeting his maker... bet you're not sorry about that.

Nick: You know that creep?

Victor: Frank Ellis.

Nick: Frank Ellis-- the guy who forged the diary.

Victor: That son of a bitch is lucky that I'm... meeting him in here.

Nick: It's just another piece of Adam's handiwork.

Victor: Boy, oh, boy. Anyway, I've gotta be going, so, um... (Sighs) I'll see to it that you'll be out of here soon, all right?

Nick: All right, Dad.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Thanks, Dad. (Knock on door) (Door opens) (Door closes)

Michael: What the hell were you thinking using my wife to entrap Patty?

Phyllis: She was okay with it.

Michael: Playing Sarah after the ordeal she's been through? She has nightmares. She wakes up screaming. Every memory is a torture to her. Forcing her to pretend to be that monster--

Phyllis: Well, she didn't say anything. I mean, she didn't mention this to me at all. She was on board. We didn't force her to do it, Michael.

Michael: I don't care. It was cruel. You should have known what a lousy thing that was to do her.

Phyllis: No, I shou-- listen, I am sorry that I upset my friend. I am sorry. But I'm not going to apologize because I asked my friend to help me. Sharon and I are determined to get Nick the hell out of here, and I'm grateful for what Lauren did. Listen, you can't be mad at me for--

Michael: Oh, yes, I can be mad at you. I am mad at you.

Phyllis: No, you can't!

Michael: You're lucky that I don't have time to dwell on this.

Phyllis: What's that? You have the cell phone records, right? From Adam's phone?

Michael: I have the cell phone records, yes.

Phyllis: Good. Oh, God, Michael, thank you so much. I want to see that. I want to see who he talked to the night he was killed.

Michael: All right, well, let's go. Uh, please.

(Knock on door)

Victor: The hotel manager told me that I would find you here.

Sharon: Yeah, come on in. Um... (Clears throat) The police just, uh, they just released this room. It's not part of their crime scene anymore.

Victor: I was told that was happening, yeah.

Sharon: Um... so there's a lot of my things here, and...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: (Sniffles) Adam's things, too. I guess I'll just... I'll just, uh... give them to charity, you know? Once I've had a chance to go through them all.

Victor: Yeah, well, why don't we... why don't we go through things, okay?

Sharon: Who knows? Maybe we'll even find a clue, something that could help Nick.

Victor: Well, let's try to find something.

Michael: The night of the murder, two outgoing phone calls from a cell phone recovered near Adam's body.

Nick: I don't recognize either one of these numbers.

Michael: There's no reason you should. The first one comes from a pay phone in a fast-food restaurant outside of Minneapolis. The second comes from a pay phone at an old bus stop along highway 53.

Nick: That's out in the middle of nowhere.

Michael: Yeah, the police already checked out both, didn't come up with anything.

Phyllis: So there's no way to find out who Adam was calling.

Michael: Well, it would seem that he might have a second accomplice.

Nick: Okay, so with all this evidence and Patty's testimony, it's clear there are other suspects, yet they continue to hold me without bail.

Michael: Well, the D.A. believes he has a solid case. Now it's time for us to get solid proof of our own.

Phyllis: The answers are out there. They are. We'll find 'em, right, Michael?

Nick: We just have to figure out how to go about it.

Sharon: (Sighs) I gave this to Adam for Christmas. It's cashmere. I remember him commenting how soft it is. It's really nice that I, uh, I don't have to go through this alone.

Victor: You shouldn't do this alone. We are family, all right?

Sharon: You know, in spite of everything, um, Adam was your son, and... to lose a child...

Victor: How long has it been since Cassíe died?

Sharon: (Voice breaking) Five years. (Sighs) This month, in fact. Uh, the 24th.

Victor: (Sighs heavily) Amazing how time flies, isn't it? I'm glad you have Faith now to help you get over this.

Sharon: Thank you. It's really generous of you to say that.

Victor: Do you remember that Cassíe predicted that you and Nicholas would have another baby? Now her prophecy's come true. Okay. We'd better start looking for what we were trying to find. (Sighs) By the way, uh, have you bonded with Faith? I mean, you were concerned about that.

Sharon: Well, I mean, not entirely. Um, the nanny that Ashley was using agreed to stay on, so we've had that consistency.

Victor: Well, that's good.

Sharon: But there's just been so many shake-ups since we got her back.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Sharon: You know, now is the time when Nick is supposed to be bonding with his child, and instead, he's locked up in a place where he can't see her at all.

Victor: (Sighs) I know. That'll change, I promise you.

Sharon: God, I really, really want to believe that it will.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: I just want this crime to be solved, and I want this insanity to be-- to be over with so that I can--I can move on and I can forget about Adam.

Victor: Yeah, I understand. You're not alone.

Victoria: I'm willing to do anything, as long as it means spending more time with Reed.

J.T.: Look, I hate this, too, all right? Reed misses you so damn much, and believe me, there are times that I wish we had shared custody. I mean, Tucker's been really cool about giving me time off, but I can't rely on that forever.

Victoria: Okay, but you don't have to, 'cause I'm his mom, and I would love to-- to watch him when you're busy. I know that you have objections about him being around my dad.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Victoria: You want me to move off the ranch? I will.

J.T.: That would be a-a great start.

Victoria: Okay, all right, I'll call an agent right now. I can rent something in town, or farther away if you want. How many miles do you want me to put between me and my dad? 5 miles? 10 miles? What do you want?

J.T.: No, look, hold on. D-distance isn't the issue here.

Victoria: But you said earlier if I left the ranch that that would be a start. What else do you want me to do? Do you want me to quit my job? Because I will. I'll quit my job. If you want me to have nothing more to do with Newman Enterprises, then that's what I'll do. (Voice breaking) I just want to get Reed back.

J.T.: Stop. Okay, all right, look. I can't tell you where to live, who to work for--

Victoria: Yes, you can. You can. I want you to. Just spell it out for me. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to get my son back, and I'll do it.

J.T.: Even if you moved off the ranch and quit your job, that's not gonna solve the problem.

Victoria: Which is?

J.T.: Victor and his influence on your family and all the insanity that creates for everyone, including Reed.

Victoria: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to cut all ties with my father?

J.T.: That wouldn't work, either, and you know that. Being Victor Newman's daughter is a huge part of who you are. Even if you got completely out of his orbit... I mean, that-- that's the only way that-- that I would feel comfortable sharing custody with you, and we both know that's not gonna happen.

Billy: "Restless Style" needs to move on to some greener pastures.

Jill: Oh, Baby, with all due respect, that is just ludicrous, okay? The public loves a Newman scandal, and your magazine's where they get it from.

Billy: Yeah.

Jill: Now you hire me back, I'm gonna spend every moment digging up the juiciest cover stories possible.

Billy: Hey.

Jill: Look, my Tucker exposé was one of your biggest issues ever.

Billy: You're right. You're right, and you made a really good point right there. And I'm gonna think about that. But right now, I'm gonna talk to Rafe, so you--you just... hey, man.

Rafe: Sorry I'm late. You sounded pretty intense on the phone. What's going on?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, here's the thing. Um... (Whispers) I kinda got married, and I need you to get that annulled as-- as soon as possible. Can you handle that sort of thing?

Tucker: I'm gonna have to get back to you.

Jill: So do you mind if I join you?

Tucker: Looks like you just did.

Jill: Mm. You just look like you could use a friend, that's all.

Tucker: Oh. Are we friends again? You know, I seem to recall a speech you made about dumpin' losers and never lookin' back.

Jill: What was I thinking, huh?

Tucker: Always a mystery.

Jill: I know you said earlier that everything was fine with you, but then I saw this huge frown on that handsome face of yours. (Chuckles) I just thought maybe you could use a distraction. That's all.

Tucker: Mm. Well... tempting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass. The price is too high.

Jill: What price?

Tucker: Jill, we both know you're after something, and I know I can't afford it, and I'm one of the richest guys in the world.

Jill: You make me sound like quite a snake.

Tucker: Well, I get the feeling the longer I stay here with you, the more likely I am to get bit. Now excuse me.

Rafe: So who’s the not-so-lucky bride?

Billy: (Clears throat) Victoria.

Rafe: Newman?!

Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Would you sh-shut up? Just keep your voice down. Give me a break.

Rafe: (Laughs) Wow. Whoo. When I saw you guys yesterday, I-I knew something was going on between the two of you.

Billy: Good for you, okay? You're very observant, okay?

Rafe: You know what? I don't even want to know what you guys were doing in Jamaica. Obviously, the two of you were--

Billy: Obviously--obviously, yeah, we were-- we were doing that.

Rafe: (Sighs) Not your smartest move, Buddy.

Billy: Really? I--thank you. Yet still... (Clears throat) When we were on that beach, and we were drinking... a lot, and we were dancing, and we were laughing, and we were having fun, and we were drinking, getting married sounded like a-a great idea. And--and in my defense, she sort of defies every assumption I've ever made about a Newman. I mean, she's got a great personality, believe it or not. And she's smart, and we all knew that she was sexy as hell. I mean, look at her. And--and, you know, she's, um, she's sweet, which really messes with my head, because a Newman being sweet defies all logic. Don't you think? I mean, that's-- it's just crazy, right? I mean, don't you think that's nuts?

Rafe: Well, Billy, what I think is, that you don't exactly sound like a guy who wants to end things with her.

Billy: You just drink your coffee... man.

Victoria: So basically, I am being punished for being Victor Newman's daughter, as if that were something that I could help.

J.T.: (Sighs) You have a blind spot where your father's concerned, and you can't grasp the concept of why I have a problem with him being around Reed and all the chaos that creates. Meanwhile, two judges-- two-- have ruled that I'm the better parent to take care of Reed because I can provide an environment for him that--that he needs at his age.

Victoria: I don't care what the judges said. Reed is a Newman. You can't change that. You can't change who his grandfather is, and I want you to remember that the next time you look into his eyes. Our son is a Newman, and he's gonna resent you one day for trying to erase that.

Sharon: Victor, take a look at this.

Victor: A ticket for a parking garage.

Sharon: Yeah, in Minneapolis, dated the 25th of February. That was right around the time when Phyllis got her hands on Skye’s diary, and, uh, Adam had disappeared for a few days. We thought that he was all trying to get away because he didn't want to be grilled about Dr. Taylor. And then--and then he just showed up here again one day. He told me that he had been in Kansas visiting Hope's grave, and, I mean, I just assumed that that was the case.

Victor: I'll be damned. So he wasn't in Kansas at all.

Sharon: I wonder who he knows in Minneapolis.

Victor: We'll find out.

Nick: All right, well, whoever Adam recruited to be his other accomplice, it had to be before we confronted him at the cabin, because he was in the hospital and--

Phyllis: Yeah, he was watched pretty closely.

Michael: All right, I'll have my staff go over his credit card records, see if anything pops.

Nick: You might want to check the phone records at the G.C.A.C., too.

Michael: Oh, that's a good idea.

Phyllis: You know what? And we should, uh, check out the restaurant that he called the night before he died.

Michael: All right, great minds think alike.

Nick: And, you guys, please be careful. I know Adam is dead, but if there is another accomplice out there, they're probably watching every move you make.

Phyllis: Come on. We're gonna be smart.

Nick: Promise?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Kiss me.

Victoria: Thank you.

Michael: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Phyllis: Hey.

Victoria: Phyllis.

Phyllis: All right, see you later.

Nick: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Sighs) Hi.

Nick: Hi. They're just, uh, checking out some leads, nothing worth talking about yet, but what are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you today.

Victoria: Oh, I just came by to get some background on one of your deals, um, for a meeting that I have. (Sighs)

Nick: Must have got you all choked up.

Victoria: (Chuckles) No, I'm fine. Don't be silly. I'm fine. (Clears throat)

Nick: Don't give me that.

Victoria: Look, I am just-- I'm great. I just--I don't want to-- I don't want to get into it. Besides, you have worse problems than I do right now.

Nick: Oh, so this was a contest? Nobody told me.

Victoria: Could we just not--

Nick: Vick.

Victoria: Let's not, because--

Nick: Vick, what's wrong? Talk to me.

Victoria: (Sighs) What isn't wrong? My whole life is... (Sighs) A catastrophe right now, and I-I don't know what to do about it.

Victor: Oh, I see. Well, thank you. You've been extremely helpful. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Sharon: What did they say?

Victor: (Sighs heavily) (Breathing rhythmically) The manager says that no one has visited the place where Hope is buried. It's a private plot, and that Adam has not been to the farm, either.

Sharon: (Sighs) Okay, well, maybe he visited the grave site after hours.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Maybe he stayed with friends. I mean, we can't prove that he wasn't in Kansas.

Victor: Well, I'm sure as hell gonna find out myself.

Sharon: What should we do with the parking ticket? Just sit on it and wait until you get back?

Victor: No, we won't do that. I'm gonna take this parking ticket and show it to that pompous D.A. and tell him to look down different avenues to find whoever the killer is.

Phyllis: Uh, do you recall a-a phone call coming in through the pay phone, um, the night of April 1st?

Man: Oh, sure do.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Man: The guy was waiting by the phone, wearing a tux and holding a mask. I mean, he was pretty hard to miss.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah.

Michael: Uh, did this man answer the phone when it rang?

Man: Mm. Only talked for about ten seconds. Then he took off. I never saw him again.

Phyllis: Can you describe him?

Man: 6 feet, dark hair, uh, early 30s, slim.

Michael: Caucasian?

Man: Yeah. Didn't get a good look at his face, though.

Phyllis: Um, can... this--this picture here, um, have you seen this man?

Man: You know, I've seen his picture in the paper and from the cops showing it to me, but I've never seen him here.

Michael: Uh, do you mind checking with your other employees?

Man: Sure. Sure, no problem.

Michael: Thank you.

Michael: My guess is that the man in the tux went to the policemen's ball after he left here, probably planning to meet with Adam.

Phyllis: Yeah, who is he? Who is this guy? And did he-- did he kill Adam?

Billy: I don't want to stay married, okay? I've been there. I've done that. Hell, I designed the orange jumpsuit. And right now, the last thing that I want to do is be tied down... (Clears throat) Especially not with a Newman.

Rafe: You weren't talking smack about her a minute ago, Billy.

Billy: Okay, fine, fair enough. Victoria's got a few things going for her, especially compared to the rest of the corpses in her family, but not--not enough to keep me tied down.

Rafe: I thought she had a "Great personality."

Billy: Total diva.

Rafe: Smart, funny.

Billy: Pain in the butt.

Rafe: "Sexy as hell." Oh, yeah, and what was that other term you used to describe her? "Sweet."

Billy: All kidding aside, can you see me, Billy Abbott, being stuck with a woman who never, ever, ever cuts loose? I mean, she's got a stick lodged somewhere. And let me ask you another question, can you imagine any other hotter, greater hell on earth than having Victor Newman, The mustache," as your father-in-law? I mean, come on, Dude. What?

Rafe: (Chuckles)

Billy: Wipe that grin off your face. I'm serious here, man.

Victoria: So there I am, practically on my knees, but instead of telling me what I can do to-- to be able to spend more time with Reed, he pretty much told me to forget it.

Nick: I'm sorry to hear that.

Victoria: I don't know what to do, Nick. I've tried everything, everything, and it's killing me. And then, of course, he had to remind me that the judge said that he was the better parent.

Nick: That's harsh, and it is absolutely not true.

Victoria: I don't know, because it seems like our family is always involved in some sort of a crisis, and I'm always caught in the middle of it. And I forget it's not good for Reed.

Nick: That doesn't change the fact that he needs his mother.

Victoria: You know what? You're right. He does. So how do I... how do I fight him, Nick? How do I fight J.T. when he has the law on his side?

J.T.: Well, I was just headed to your place. Listen, about that Parkway acquisition--

Tucker: No, no, before we get into that, I need a favor from you. You're not gonna like it.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Well, thanks for the heads-up. What is it?

Tucker: Um, I need some information on a deal Victor was involved in a few years back. Your ex-wife should have access to it.

J.T.: Wow, you weren't kidding about me not liking it.

Tucker: I assumed you'd be willing to go outside your comfort zone considering I did the same thing for you.

J.T.: What do you mean?

Tucker: The reason you have full custody of your son is because I stepped in to make that happen. I want you to return the favor.

J.T.: You "Stepped in"? How?

Tucker: Normally, I wouldn't have intervened, seeing as how it's a family situation. But the day Reed disappeared and Victor miraculously showed up with him, it didn't take a genius to see he was trying to make you late for court. So I made a call to the judge on your behalf. And that's how you got to keep your kid.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Tucker: You know, you really ought to be thanking me, son. Since you're not, I'll tell you what it is I'm looking for.

J.T.: You want me to spy on Victoria.

Tucker: Unh, unh, unh, unh. I do want a peek at her private files.

J.T.: For what?

Tucker: Well, it's come to my attention that a few years back, the company was in some hot water with the Mitsukoshi department store chain in Japan. And somehow, quite suddenly...

J.T.: (Sighs)

Tucker: Quite mysteriously, everything was forgiven. Now I want to know what transpired to make Newman's legal troubles disappear. I also want copies of every sales agreement between Newman and Mitsukoshi. I figure this information will help me when I make my play for Beauty of Nature.

J.T.: Well, you got the wrong guy.

Tucker: A person sticks his neck out for you, and this is how you repay him?

J.T.: Well, if you will excuse me, I've got someplace to be.

Owen: Well, I fail to see how a parking receipt from February is relevant to a slaying that occurred in April. Where's the connection? What does it have to do with the case?

Sharon: That's what we want the police to help us find out.

Owen: Look, Ma'am, with all due respect--

Sharon: Look, all we're asking you to do is trace Adam's movement the weeks and the days leading up to his murder. I know in my heart that my husband's killer is out there somewhere.

Victor: Is all you're thinking about is to find a warm body and attach the name "Newman" to it?

Phyllis: This is what I believe. Adam must have called Patty and asked her to bring his cell phone so he could get in contact with the guy who was waiting for his call.

Michael: Okay. All right, and so this man is the person who may have killed him.

Phyllis: Okay, why would this guy want to kill Adam? I mean, that's--I don't-- it's not coming together for me.

Michael: Why... why...

Phyllis: Yeah, why?

Michael: All right, maybe something went wrong, and he wanted to hide his involvement. How about that?

Man: You're in luck. Tiffany here remembers seeing the dead guy.

Tiffany: He was certainly exceptional - but not in the way the Ivy League school expected.

Phyllis: So you saw this man, Adam, here, when?

Tiffany: A couple months ago with another guy and his little boy. That was the only time.

Michael: Did you happen to overhear what they were talking about?

Tiffany: The kid gave him a hug. Then Adam took off.

Michael: Mm, so, um, clearly, they all knew each other.

Tiffany: More like they were getting to know each other. But I could tell they were meeting about something important.

Man: Anything else?

Michael: Huh? Oh. Uh...

Phyllis: Um, no. No. Thank you. You've been extremely helpful. Thank you very much.

Michael: Thank you. Thank you so much. And thank you, Tiffany. Come on. Let's go.

Owen: This parking ticket doesn't change what happened the night Adam was killed. He named his attacker. All the evidence points to Nicholas, who had ample motive and opportunity. In my opinion, you're grasping at straws.

Victor: Mr. Pomerantz.

Victor: Listen carefully. Every minute my son spends in that dark hole, his life is in danger. I know you don't give a damn, but I do. I'm his father. You got that? And I will spend every dime I have to make sure that you will not be reelected to this damned office come November.

Owen: Mr. Newman, you're making this personal when it's not.

Victor: You have a good day, Mr. Pomerantz.

Owen: I'm only doing my job. Excuse me.

Victor: You have a good day.

Owen: You, too.

Sharon: Well, with that attitude, Nicholas will never get out of jail.

Victor: (Sighs) I don't want you to worry, all right? I will see to it that he gets out of jail.

Nick: Sis, it's not gonna be like this forever.

Victoria: (Sighs) Well, I'm not so sure you're right about that, but thank you. Thank you very much for trying to cheer me up. I appreciate it. It's funny. You know things are bad when your brother, who's in jail, is the one giving you a pep talk.

Nick: Yeah, it's not easy livin' in a fishbowl.

Victoria: We're Newmans. It kinda goes with the territory.

Nick: Still, J.T. used that to make you look bad in court. I wonder how he would feel if the tables were turned.

Victoria: What are you suggesting?

Nick: Have him tailed. Find out what kind of father he is when he thinks no one's watching.

Victoria: I don't think I can go there.

Nick: Why not?

Victoria: I don't know. It could just go wrong in so many different ways, and besides that, J.T.'s a wonderful father.

Nick: Oh, I'm sure he is, but you can't tell me he's never made any mistakes. And the judge should have a full picture, right? Look, Vick, with the stakes this high, you've gotta do something. Right now, J.T. has you at a disadvantage. At least make it a fair fight.

Tucker: Well, I see you're still here. You're obviously not givin' up.

Jill: I tried to make nice with you earlier, and you blew me off, okay? It's your loss.

Tucker: You're right. It is. I don't know what I was thinkin' being so unfriendly.

Jill: You were probably thinking that you didn't need me. But now you've discovered that you do. The question is, what for?

Tucker: Well, maybe we ended our alliance too soon. Maybe there are ways we can help each other.

Jill: As in, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"? (Chuckles) Now do you see what a huge mistake it was to underestimate me?

Tucker: Yeah.

Jill: Mm.

Tucker: Well, I've been on your good side. I've been on your bad side. And why not go with the path of least resistance?

Jill: Especially if it keeps your name out of print?

Tucker: Touché.

Jill: Hmm.

Tucker: So what do you say, Darlin'? Truce?

Jill: Oh... okay, considering you're such a sweet talker.

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Jill: (Chuckles)

J.T.: Victoria?

(Knock on door)

Billy: Hey, Vicki.

J.T.: Abbott, what the hell are you doin' here?

Billy: You first.

J.T.: I came to get something of Reed’s.

Billy: Off of Victoria’s computer?

J.T.: Look, it's none of your damn business. What are you doing here?

Billy: Uh, well, Vicki and I were supposed to be discussing the, uh, murder investigation, so...

J.T.: Well, Vicki is not here. So get the hell out, okay?

Billy: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No--no reason to push or shove. Jeez.

Victoria: "Private investigator." (Sighs)

J.T.: I couldn't get the files off Victoria’s computer.

Tucker: Try again.

J.T.: This isn't what I agreed to when you hired me.

Tucker: Your job, J.T., is to do whatever I tell you to do. Now I need that information. Get it for me, or resign.

J.T.: I told you I couldn’t get them.

Tucker: And like I said, try again.

J.T.: If I'm unemployed, Victoria can take me back to court. I could lose full custody.

Tucker: You owe me, J.T. this is the part where I collect.

Billy: Hey, Mom, um, I was thinking. You're rehired.

Jill: Fantastic. Thank you, Baby. Do I have to ask what my first assignment is?

Billy: (Chuckles) I want you to find out everything there is to know about what's going on between Tucker and the Newmans.

Jill: It would be my pleasure.

Nick: What's up? (Gasps) Jeez! (Grunts) Aah!

Sharon: Between the calls Adam made, this parking stub and this meeting he had with a stranger at such an out-of-the-way place...

Michael: There's definitely somebody else in the picture.

Phyllis: Yeah, and since the D.A. won't help, we're gonna have to find him ourselves.

Victor: I will head to Kansas and see what I can find out, okay?

Phyllis: Thanks, Victor.

Victor: I'll be in touch.

Michael: All right, thank you.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh. Oh, excuse me. Michael Baldwin. What? What?!

Sharon: Michael, who is it?

Michael: Oh, hold on. Hold on! It's the superintendent of the jail. Nicholas has been attacked.

Sharon: (Gasps) What?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Abby: You are delusional.

Daniel: And you are a brat.

Cane: Saving Lily is the most important thing I can do right now.

Olivia: But it's not in your hands.

Ryder: I came to say sorry. I want to make peace.

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