Y&R Transcript Monday 5/17/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 5/18/10 -- USA
Episode # 9400 ~ Abby Reveals Her Agenda
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kevin: Hi. I, uh, I have some good news. Actually, it's great news. I spoke to your doctors, and they think you're well enough to come home with me, tonight. Okay, I-I-I know that--that that doesn't mean much to you right now, but-- but I'm psyched. I'm psyched. I-I can't help but thinking that once you're back in our apartment--
Jana: You're hoping that I will feel something.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, y-you--you're gonna be in a familiar place, surrounded by things that you love, and, um... maybe you'll feel a connection.
Jana: I can see that's what you want.
Kevin: Hold on. And there's no pressure if it-- if it happens, it happens.
Kevin: I just need to, uh, check in at the coffeehouse, okay?
Jana: Fine.
Kevin: Jana, we're gonna get through this. Everything is gonna be okay.
Kevin: It's just gonna take some time. (Sighs)
Emily: You have my number. So if any positions open up on staff, I-- I see. No, no, I understand. Okay, thank you for your time. (Sighs) (Gasps) Lynn, hey. No, wait up, please.
Lynn: No thanks. I read the papers. I know all about you and that Patty person.
Emily: Well, then you must realize that I'm working very hard to get my life in order so--
Lynn: Well, my lawyer doesn't want me talking to you.
Emily: Your lawyer?
Lynn: I was desperate. I needed my therapist. And instead, I got some fake who told me to go to my happy place or get over it.
Emily: And I am very sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me, but you have to understand that that wasn't me, and I was being held against my will at the time and--
Lynn: Well, if you had some look-alike stalking you, you had the obligation to warn your patients. How was I supposed to know that wasn't you? Thanks to the lousy advice I got from the one person I thought I could trust, I almost swallowed a whole bottle of pills. I could have been dead because of your negligence. (Scoffs) I'm seriously thinking about suing you. So stay away from me.
Woman: Can I get you a refill, Mrs. Abbott?
Emily: Uh, don't call me that. I'm not Mrs. Abbott. I never was. (Sighs)
J.T.: That was fun last night, wasn't it? Going to the Three Stooges' movie with Mac?
Reed: When will I get to see Mommy?
J.T.: Well, remember, Buddy, we talked about this, you know? How you're living with me now, but your mom's gonna visit as often as she can.
Reed: (Sighs)
J.T.: Okay?
Jack: This is the woman you were in Jamaica with?
Billy: Yeah. (Sighs) I left out that small, yet important detail, didn't I, Jack?
Victor: This is your way of hitting me back, Billy, by getting involved with my daughter?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Oh, man, you are so far out of line, but what else is new?
Jack: Whoa, wait a minute. "Hitting me back"?
Victor: Watch your tongue.
Jack: You're responsible for this black eye?
Victoria: Daddy, please!
Billy: I got this.
Tucker: Well, come tomorrow morning, this will be your office. The new C.E.O. of Jabot Cosmetics, hmm?
Ashley: Hmm.
(Telephone rings)
Tucker: Ah, C.E.O.'s direct line. Go on. It'll be good practice.
Ashley: (Scoffs) "Building security," really? I'll let you take this one.
Tucker: All right.
Ashley: Go on.
Tucker: This is Tucker. Protesting? Where? In the lobby?! Who exactly is leading this protest?
Abby: Every year, millions of animals are maimed, tortured and killed in the name of beauty. We are here tonight protesting against Jabot's cruel practice of using animals in laboratory testing.
Man: Make sure you get everything.
Abby: Someone needs to speak for those who can't speak for themselves. All animals feel pain. It is morally wrong to harm one species for the benefit of another. We shouldn't eat them, use them for testing or wear them on our bodies. My name is Abby Newman, and I'd rather be naked than wear fur.
Emily: (Sighs)
Kevin: Thanks again for closing up. I owe you one.
Emily: (Sighs)
Kevin: Hey, you're doctor--
Emily: Yeah, I'm the one whose face is plastered all over the newspapers again.
Kevin: Yeah, I know all about that.
Emily: You own this place.
Kevin: Hi, I'm Kevin Fsher. It's about time we introduced ourselves for real.
Emily: Kevin, Emily Peterson.
Kevin: I've seen you in here... before you got screwed over by Patty. That woman messed with a lot of people's lives. Colleen Carlton was a friend of mine.
Emily: Oh, I'm so sorry. I never had a chance to meet Jack's niece, but I know she was loved.
Kevin: Yeah. Do you mind if I join you?
Emily: Oh, no. Please. Please sit down.
Kevin: Thanks. Um... (Laughs nervously) I could use some professional advice. I don't want to take advantage, though.
Emily: No, it's fine. I--ask away.
Kevin: Uh, okay. Uh, well, my wife Jana-- you might know her. She works here-- suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage. And she's okay. She's fine. I mean, she can remember things fine--people and events and... places. It's just that, um, she can't access her feelings. It's like her emotions, they're all just gone.
Emily: Flat affect is very common in cases of brain trauma.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. That's what her doctor said. But it's still really jarring, and I don't know if this is a temporary thing or... (Sighs) Anyway, she's, um, she's getting released today. And, uh, I was wondering if there was any way that maybe you could talk to her and--us and give us an idea of what to expect when she gets out?
Emily: Well, the neurologist assigned to her is-- is he not helping?
Kevin: Uh, yeah. Medically speaking, yeah. I mean, but relationship-wise, you know, I... I mean, I think--I think this is all a direct result of the--the stress she was under being held by her kidnappers for all those weeks, you know?
Emily: Oh. Yeah.
Kevin: Oh, do--do you know about all that?
Emily: No, I do. I do. I-I-I, um, I caught up after my own release.
Kevin: See, that's just the thing. I mean, you know what it's like to survive an experience like that and have to rebuild your life. You know, I think that talking to you could be exactly what Jana needs. (Sighs)
Emily: You know what? In that case, I would be glad to talk with you and your wife.
Kevin: Thank you. (Sighs)
Ashley: What is going on?
Tucker: You're not gonna believe this. (Sighs) There's a bunch of wannabe hippies down in the lobby. They're accusing us of testing our products on animals.
Ashley: That's ridiculous. My father was adamantly opposed to that. I was head of R&D for years. I would never, ever condone such a thing. How dare they.
Tucker: Hey, where are you going? Security can handle it.
Ashley: Tucker, this is my family's reputation.
Abby: (Giggles) My grandfather, John Abbott, founded Jabot Cosmetics. My mother ran the lab here for years. I know all of their secrets. The man who owns this company now, Tucker McCall--correction. The man who stole it--
Ashley: Abby?!
Abby: Mom?! What are you doing here?
Tucker: Okay, show's over, everyone.
Man: Is it true Jabot uses animals for testing?
Tucker: Get that thing out of my face!
Man: Did you know your daughter would be here tonight protesting?
Ashley: Abby, you come with me.
Abby: Why should I?
Ashley: Because I said so.
Man: Ms. Abbott, would you care to make a statement.
Tucker: All right, listen, everybody. Jabot has never and will never use animals in its product testing. Never. If you don't believe me, you can go on an impromptu tour of the lab facility right now. As for Miss Newman, she's young. She got her wires crossed. Go easy on her, huh? We all know what a rebellious kid can be like.
Victoria: I got on that plane of my own free will. No one forced me to. Hell, the whole thing was practically my idea. And before anybody asks, it was nobody's business where I was or what I was doing. I'm free. I'm single again, and I'm over 21, so please just deal with it. (Sighs)
Jack: Billy, I want to talk to you now.
Billy: Jack, you know, I'm beat. I'm really not in the mood for any fatherly advice.
Jack: Now! Billy.
Billy: Hey, uh, I hope you rethink that business opportunity. It could be a hell of a return on your investment.
Victoria: Would you just please go?
Billy: Okay. (Mutters)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Did I raise you for you to end up with this obnoxious punk?
Emily: I understand you're going home this evening.
Jana: So Kevin tells me.
Kevin: I think it's exactly what you need. You'll be more comfortable there. Plus I get to wait on you hand and foot.
Emily: You sound excited.
Kevin: I mean, since she went missing, that's all I've been able to think about-- when we'd be together again. I got all the ingredients to make your favorite curry, rented a bunch of movies off your queue, and I thought we could just, you know, hang out relax and... and then, hopefully, you'll feel at home there, in our place.
Emily: Jana, what do you think about that?
Jana: It's a lot to take in all at once.
Emily: Kevin, everything you have planned sounds wonderful, and I know it comes from a place of love and that you have your wife's best interests at heart.
Kevin: But?
Emily: Put yourself in Jana's place. Can you see from her point of view how this might sound a bit overwhelming? It's a lot of pressure to put on someone. And I-I'm not saying you're wrong. She can only deal with the present moment. And maybe you need to rethink your approach. Just take it one step at a time.
Kevin: Yeah.
Ashley: Go.
Abby: (Sighs)
Ashley: Why would you take your clothes off in front of the cameras, Abby?
Abby: I was making a point.
Man: Abby, can you back up your claim that Jabot uses animals for testing?
Abby: Tucker McCall ripped this company from my family. He would do anything--
Ashley: Okay, Miss Newman doesn't know what she's talking about. Get out of here right now. Get out! Go! Go! What the hell are you doing? This footage could end up on the internet. Do you know what that could do to your future? Now why? Why would you want to harm yourself this way and spread lies about your grandfather's company, Abby?
Abby: It's not Grandpa's company anymore. It's Tucker McCall’s. And maybe you're okay with him jacking it from us...
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: But I am not.
Ashley: Okay, Abby, there's something you don't know. I am the new C.E.O. of Jabot.
Abby: Since when?
Ashley: Oh, it's a very new development
Abby: Oh, maybe you...
Ashley: Look, Honey, I know you meant well.
Abby: Should have told me. I would have never done that. I'm really sorry, Mom.
Ashley: (Sighs) I know. I'm sorry, too. I feel horrible.
Abby: Oh, now what do I do? Oh, my God. I just exposed myself on TV.
Ashley: It's okay. Wait. You know what? Don't panic. What we're gonna do is get legal on it, and hopefully, they can keep it off the air. And maybe P.R. can do some damage control. In the meantime, you've got to stay out of sight and keep a low profile, all right?
Abby: Okay. Okay.
Ashley: (Sighs) You know what? Take the stairs. Go out through the loading dock.
Abby: Thanks, Mom.
Ashley: (Sighs) You know, Honey, please, no more stunts.
Abby: No, no. No, I promise. I-I... I'm really excited you're gonna be running things again.
Ashley: Uh-huh. Yeah, me too.
Abby: Ah. (Sighs)
Ashley: Please. Okay.
Abby: Kent, it's Abby. Did you get the footage we need? Awesome! Okay, uh, meet me at Crimson Lights. It's time to face my adoring public.
Victoria: You go on and on about the men in my life manipulating me, but what about you? You're worse than anyone.
Victor: Don't you understand? You're my daughter. I'm concerned about you.
Victoria: (Scoffs) When you say "Concern," you mean "Control."
Victor: Stop that control nonsense.
Victoria: Why can't you respect the fact that I am an adult? W-w-what is it about you, about letting your kids go that is so utterly terrifying?
Victor: Sweetheart, what is terrifying is when you show up with a punk like that from a vacation in--in Jamaica. Are you serious?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: When I came back from Belgium, I thought we could all have a fresh start.
Victoria: (Sighs) Right.
Victor: Instead, what happens?
Victoria: More guilt. I'm out of here.
Victor: Don't you walk away from me.
Victoria: You asked me to come back here and help you with Newman.
Victor: And you're going to help me with Newman.
Victoria: And here you are, lecturing me like a teenager.
Victor: You're behaving like a teenager, for heaven's sake.
Man: Recapping our top stories, Abby Newman, daughter of Ashley Abbott and business magnate Victor Newman led a rally at Jabot earlier protesting the use of animals in cosmetics testing. Young Miss Newman went for all-out shock value when she resorted to nudity to emphasize her point.
Abby: All animals feel pain. We shouldn't eat them, use them for testing or wear them on our bodies. My name is Abby Newman, and I'd rather be naked than wear fur.
(Light applause)
Jana: What are the chances that the symptom will go away and I'll be able to feel things normally again?
Emily: Well, without talking with your neurologist and--and doing a thorough exam, I can't comment on the prognosis. It's not a condition I've ever treated. That said, I am open to working with you. I'll do the research, make inquiries. In the meantime, Kevin, if you could try to contain your own hopes and expectations and avoid projecting them onto Jana... something as simple as saying the words "I love you"-- she can't respond in a meaningful way, and that might create hurt feelings and cause tension, none of which is, uh, good for her recovery.
Kevin: Well, I'm not going to apologize for loving Jana. I believe in my heart that you are the same person I fell in love with, and I will not lose faith in that no matter what.
Emily: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs) What, did I say something wrong?
Emily: No. No, you didn't, Kevin. You--you said everything right.
Billy: Thank you, Sir. (Sighs) You know what, Jack? Nothing washes down resentment like a nice cold beer.
Jack: What, you think this is funny?
Billy: Okay, look, whatever it is that you have to say, please just say it and hurry, because I'm beat, man.
Jack: Victoria Newman?
Billy: Well, why not? I mean, what do you have against her? She's cute.
Jack: This isn't some bimbo you picked up at Jimmy’s. This is Victor Newman's daughter.
Billy: Oh, no, wait. The great Victor Newman? The mustache? The big guy? Oh, no, I'm in so much trouble.
Jack: Look, this shiner you're so nonchalant about is gonna be the least of your worries if you continue to push this. Next time, I may not be able to help you.
Abby: (Sighs) I just heard a deejay talking about me on the radio.
Kent: That is only the start.
Abby: Oh, this is so cool.
Kent: I did a quick edit on some of the footage.
Abby: We are here tonight protesting against Jabot's cruel practice of using animals in laboratory testing. My name is Abby Newman, and I'd rather be naked than wear fur.
Ashley: Abby, upstairs, now. Miss Newman doesn't know what she's talking about.
Abby: (Laughs) Awesome. Taken out of context, my mom sounds like a witch. (Gasps)
Kent: What about the cash you promised?
Abby: (Sighs)
Kent: I've gotta pay Chuck for the camera work, and you need green to shoot the rest of your pilot.
Abby: You'll have your money tomorrow. No worries.
Kent: There's gonna be blowback...
Abby: (Scoffs)
Kent: Especially from your parents.
Abby: I can handle them. After all the crap they've thrown at each other the last few years... (Whispers) This is nothing.
Ashley: It's handled.
Victor: What in the world was our girl thinking?
Ashley: She was thinking that she was helping my family by embarrassing Tucker and sticking it to management. What she had no way of knowing is that I'm management.
Victor: Excuse me?
Ashley: I just signed a contract making me C.E.O. of Jabot.
Victor: You can't be serious. You signed a contract to work for Tucker McCall of all people?
Ashley: Oh, thank you for your heartfelt congratulations, Victor. The point is, Abby's aware of the situation. She's not gonna do anything like this again, okay?
Victor: Why the hell are you distracting yourself with work now when you should pay attention to Abby?
Ashley: You know what? Abby needs to learn from her mistakes, Victor. She's not a little kid anymore.
Victor: She just stripped on television, for heaven's sake. Don't you care about that?
Ashley: No, don't ask me if I care. You know I care.
Victor: Have you forgotten what's gonna happen tomorrow?
Ashley: No, I haven't forgotten. I-I'm aware it's gonna alter our child's life in ways she could never imagine.
Victor: Her behavior was so outrageous that we need to rethink our decision.
Tucker: Those ad mock-ups-- I've got 'em all set up in the conference room for you to take a look at.
Ashley: Perfect. Perfect. I'm going to do that.
Tucker: Well, it doesn't look like you're having the best night. (Sighs) Don't worry. I took care of everything with Abby.
Victor: The way you took care of Victoria's custody?
Tucker: I'm just glad I was around when I was needed.
Victor: You've been around to help my family a lot lately, haven't you? You mark my word, Tucker McCall. I'll repay you in kind.
Emily: Jana, while Kevin's doing the paperwork, is there anything else you wanted to ask me? That's what I'm here for.
Jana: How-- how do I act when I get home? Should I pretend? Try my best to laugh or cry?
Emily: Faking emotions, that's the last thing you should do. Whatever you're feeling or not feeling, I... (Sighs) I think you need to be honest with yourself and the people you love.
Jana: You told Kevin not to push too much. I do appreciate that.
Emily: Yeah, it's gonna be hard for him right now. But still, don't be afraid to ask your husband for what you need.
Billy: Did I ask you for any help with Victor? No, I didn’t.
Jack: I'm trying to get you to understand how incendiary this is. This is Victor Newman. You mess with his family, I promise you, you're going to pay for it. Now do everyone a favor and grow the hell up.
Billy: Where do you get off judging my life, huh, Jack? Yours is such an epic failure. And I don't know, but at least I can tell the difference between my wives beneath the sheets.
Jack: Get out of my sight.
Billy: I can do that.
Billy: (Sighs)
Jack: (Sighs)
(Doorbell rings)
Reed: For you, Mommy.
Victoria: (Sighs) Look at them. Look at you. Oh, I love you. Mm.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Kevin: That's from our wedding.
Jana: At the ashram.
Kevin: Right. Right, at the ashram. You wanted me to wear that Nehru jacket, and, uh, and I didn't really want to. I was--I was willing to for you. But then you told me you wanted me to be comfortable, so I wore that instead. Daniel wore the Nehru jacket. Um... oh, hey, what about, uh... what about this, huh?
Jana: My Ouija board.
Kevin: Yeah. Do you, um, do you want to-- you want to try it out? Maybe it'll, uh, give you some answers.
Jana: No, not really.
Kevin: Okay. Um... uh, Dr. Peterson said that I-- that I shouldn't crowd you, and I-I feel like I-- I mean, do you want me to leave?
Jana: Maybe some time would be good, just a-a night. Let this all sink in.
Kevin: Okay. All right, I can, uh, I can go upstairs and-- and crash on Michael and Lauren's couch.
Jana: This isn't how you envisioned things.
Kevin: Well, you know what? Don't, uh, don't worry about that. I'm just, um, I'm gonna do whatever I need to do for you so that you can remember how much, uh, how much you love our life together.
Emily: (Sighs)
Jack: Wait, wait. Can we just talk?
Emily: You know what? Not now, please.
Jack: (Stammers) All of your stuff is at the house-- your clothes, your makeup. I-I can bring them to you. I can--
Emily: Okay, I don't want them anymore. They're just-- you can give them to charity. They're not mine. Not after Patty used them. I've, uh, I've got some new things. I'm starting from scratch, rebuilding my life, and I can do this on my own.
Jack: Of course you can. The question is, should you?
Emily: Because of that woman, I have patients threatening to sue me, former employers who won't take my phone calls. And I want to move forward, Jack, and I can't do that if you won't let go. (Sighs) Okay, you know what? This is why I didn't want to talk. So I-I just--I don't want to go down this road again, okay?
Jack: W-w-wait. D-don't--don't go like this, please? Please.
Victoria: That's Jeremy and Jacob.
Reed: Mm-hmm. My "Cosmic man" book. I left it upstairs.
J.T.: All right, go get it, Buddy.
Victoria: Oh, okay. (Sighs) Thank you. Thank you for bringing him by. You have no idea how much I needed this.
J.T.: Well, the, uh, flowers were Reed's idea.
Victoria: That was very sweet of him.
J.T.: So, uh, last night...
Victoria: What about last night?
J.T.: Well, it couldn't have been easy coming home after that custody hearing.
Victoria: What is this, um, what is this really about, J.T.?
J.T.: What do you mean?
Victoria: I mean in the past 48 hours, you've finalized our divorce, you've ripped our son away from me, you've been about as harsh as I've ever seen you, and now here you are like everything's just normal.
J.T.: Reed missed his mom.
Victoria: And that's the only reason you brought him by?
J.T.: What are you askin' me?
Victoria: I don't know. I mean, it just feels like I'm being set up. What I don't understand is why.
Kent: Thank you.
Abby: So is it ready?
Kent: Being e-mailed over now. I'll go print it out.
Abby: Hurry. Hurry. I can't wait! Go. (Squeals) Yes! Yes! Dad.
Victor: Well, you're very happy.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Victor: Why don't you join me out on the patio, okay? Let's talk.
Kevin: Well, I'll just be a couple floors upstairs. And there's leftover vegan in the fridge if you're hungry.
Jana: Thank you for doing this.
Kevin: Well, look, I... I don't like leaving you alone your first night back, but if my being here is gonna do you more harm than good, I--
Jana: I wouldn't put it that way, so don't you either.
Kevin: Well, good night. Sleep well.
Jana: Good night.
Emily: (Sighs) Why? Why could you not see what was right in front of you? How could you ignore all these big red flags that were going off?
Jack: (Stammers) Just imagine our positions switched, and you saw me behaving weirdly. Would you immediately jump to an evil twin scenario? Yes, I saw differences, troubling differences. But I overlooked them. I looked past them, because I loved you so much. They were not four months of wedded bliss. They were four frustrating months trying desperately to find you in her, months I f--kept feeling I was losing my soul mate. You say you need space? Fine. I'll give you space. But I didn't give up then.
Emily: (Gasps)
Jack: And I'm not gonna give up now. You take as much time as you need. I'll wait for you.
Emily: (Sighs)
Man: Hey, man.
Billy: Can I get a big bottle of water, please? Thanks. (Sighs)
J.T.: Look, I came here to prove to you that I'm serious about working together as parents.
Victoria: Yeah, well, that's very easy for you to say. You won.
J.T.: No, Victoria. Nobody won. I want you to know that I don't take it lightly how important you are in Reed's life, just like I never took our marriage lightly.
Reed: Found it!
J.T.: Oh, good job, Buddy. Good job. Hey, it's time for us to go, so why don't you say good night to your mom?
Victoria: Okay, come here, and just squeeze me as hard as you can. (Grunts) Little squeezer.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Hey, listen. Listen to me. You be good for your dad, okay?
J.T.: I'll call about the visitation.
Victoria: Fine.
J.T.: All right, Champ. Let's hit the road. Come on, Dude. (Groans) You're so heavy.
Reed: Good night, Mommy.
Victoria: Hi, uh, is Michael around? Uh, yeah, this is Victoria. I-I'd like to speak with him about an annulment. Um, you know what? Never mind. No, no, no. It's okay. No message. Thank you.
Abby: I didn't mean to embarrass you and Mom. I just... I just want you to be proud of me.
Victor: Come here.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victor: Okay, sit down. Sweetheart...
Abby: (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Victor: You're in way over your head. You know that, don't you? But the important thing is that you take responsibility for your actions, which I see you're doing. Why don't you dry your tears?
Abby: (Sighs)
Victor: Want me to take you home?
Abby: Okay, in a minute. I just-- I need to go fix my face.
Victor: Okay. I'll be out on the patio, okay?
Abby: Thanks, Dad. You're the best.
Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.
Abby: (Sighs) Thanks.
Abby: Okay, change of plans. I've gotta go with my dad, but he's under control. No worries.
Kent: Wrapped around your little finger, from what I saw.
Abby: Is that...
Kent: Hot off the presses.
Abby: Yay! (Gasps) It's perfect. (Laughs) With the pitch we have planned...
Kent: Can't see any network turning us down.
Abby: By this time tomorrow, we are gonna have everything we need to make this reality show happen. (Gasps)
Ashley: Well, okay, I'm gonna have the art department adjust these layouts.
Tucker: Sounds good.
Ashley: I'm kind of surprised you haven't mentioned Abby.
Tucker: What, her youthful indiscretion?
Ashley: (Chuckles) Is that what we're calling it?
Tucker: Well, we all have 'em, don't we? Yeah, you wouldn't believe some of the crap I pulled when I was her age. I think Abby'll learn. Maybe the hard way, but she'll learn.
Ashley: And what if she doesn't?
Tucker: She has a mom who loves her, who cares what happens to her. And you won't hesitate to kick her butt into line when it's warranted. That's more than a lot of people can say.
Ashley: Would you mind if we took a quick break? I need to make a phone call.
Tucker: I'll leave you to it.
Ashley: Thank you.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Come to your senses yet?
Ashley: I thought about what you said. And maybe Abby isn't mature enough to handle this.
Victor: Well, I'm very glad you can see that.
Ashley: So can you undo the arrangements?
Victor: First thing, okay?
Ashley: (Sighs) I just hope she doesn't get too upset when she realizes that we've changed our minds.
Victor: Ashley, we are doing the right thing. Please trust me on this.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: How could the best days of our lives be such a mistake?
Cane: I'm not gonna stand by and watch you sacrifice yourself on some small chance the kids are gonna get hurt.
Abby: I'm an Abbott and a Newman, and I will get the money.
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