Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/12/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/12/10 -- Canada; Thursday 5/13/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9397 ~ Accomplice or Killer?

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: Thank you.

Billy: That's a cute kid. She's got her mom's smile.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. I was gonna bring these to the jail to show Nick. You know, he--he barely had a chance to bond with Faith, and now he's gone away again.

Billy: Thank you. You know, that's interesting. It would make a good story. First, Nick was separated from his kid because he thought she was dead, and then, because he was arrested for murdering the man who stole her from him, his own brother. Now that's a story.

Sharon: Billy, if you print one word about my daughter or Nick, you'll be joining Adam.

Billy: (Clears throat) Good-bye.

Billy: (Purses lips)

Nick: What's this? (Sighs)

Michael: (Sighs) Discovery materials. This is everything the D.A. has on your case.

Nick: Have you found anything yet?

Michael: Nothing that exonerates you.

Phyllis: There's gotta be something in here that points to the real murderer.

Michael: Unh-unh. My staff has already been over everything. There may be a time crunch. The D.A. is pushing for a grand jury hearing and a quick trial date.

Nick: I did not kill Adam.

Michael: Well, I would feel a whole lot better if we know who did.

(Handcuffs rattle)

Chance: Officer, can you give us a minute? Thank you. Hello, Patty. I'd like to talk to you about Adam.

Patty: Adam's a liar. He tricked me. He said he had a kitty.

Chance: You may be the one person who can help us put this whole thing together. When we searched Adam's room after he had escaped, all we found in there was a, uh, a stuffed toy cat. Well, I'm... I'm sorry that Adam tricked you like that.

Patty: I have a cat.

Chance: Do you?

Patty: Yes, I do. She's white and tan, and she's very pretty. I found her. She was a stray. "The three little kittens, they lost their mittens, and they began to cry." It's kind of a silly rhyme, because kittens don't wear mittens. "'Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear that we have lost our mittens.' 'You what?'" (Gasps) "'You bad little kittens. Now you shall have no pie.'" (Laughs)

Paul: I stopped by the jail this morning to see Patty, and they wouldn't let me see her. They have got her under, um, suicide watch and in solitary...

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Until after the hearing.

Heather: You know that's standard procedure.

Paul: Yeah, I do.

Heather: I'll be at Patty's hearing today. I've been consulting with her counsel.

Paul: You know, I don't think she understands the gravity of the charges against her.

Heather: I understand from my contacts in the D.A.'s office that Owen is leaning towards prosecution and prison.

Paul: She wasn't competent to stand trial for shooting Victor. If anything, sh-she is further gone now.

Heather: He agreed to the mental institution last time, and his adversaries will argue that he's soft on crime, that he should have prosecuted her last time, and that he is somehow responsible for her escape.

Paul: You know what, Heather? I don't give a damn about making the D.A. look good. This is about Patty and what is best for her. And you know as well as I do that she will not survive in prison.

Heather: (Sighs) Can we convince the judge?

Paul: We have to.

Billy: That's the third time you've checked your phone.

Chloe: Well, Chance is supposed to meet me here.

Billy: Well, did "Detective Dependable" stand you up?

Chloe: No, he's just-- he's been really... he's been preoccupied, you know? He's all caught up in the whole Adam murder investigation, and he's just been running late these days. That's all.

Billy: Does he talk to you about it?

Chloe: Why? Do you want the scoop for "Restless Style's" story?

Billy: Hey, there's a Newman scoop in every issue, and I've gotta come up with something.

Chloe: Well, the only scoop that I could give you is that chain mail is hot off the runway, and Versace's got a hot pink chain mail dress that's to die for. That's about it.

Billy: Yeah, that's good. Could you just hold on for a second? Hey, hey, come here, little one. (Growls) Hi.

Heather: Hi.

Billy: Um, could you just, um... thank you. Appreciate it.

Chloe: Yeah. Okay.

Billy: Hello, Heather.

Heather: Hello.

Billy: How are you?

Heather: Leaving.

Billy: Um, you know, I talked to Jack, um, and--and he told me about Patty. That's pretty incredible stuff.

Heather: Yeah, my aunt is a very sick woman.

Billy: Yeah, she's a-- and, well, I heard that you, um, ordered the D.N.A. test, so, you know, I thought maybe I could interview you and...

Heather: Mm, not interested.

Billy: Come on. You used to be interested. For old time's sake?

Heather: You mean old time's mistakes?

Billy: (Chuckles sarcastically)

Heather: Adios.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chloe: (Sighs) Wow, look at that. She shot you down.

Billy: (Mockingly) Yes, she did. (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Quietly) Hey, so is there anyone in this town you haven't slept with?

Billy: (Normal voice) Could you--that's my daughter. I...

Chloe: You couldn't stay in a committed relationship to save your life. Hey, so when do you think that Daddy's gonna stop acting like a frat boy?

Billy: If it works for George Clooney...

Chloe: Yeah, well, I think he's got the looks to pull it off.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Billy: (Clears throat) Well, then I'll think of something.

Chloe: Is that really the life you want?

Billy: Look, it would just drive you certifiably insane if I got serious with someone.

Chloe: Yeah, you're right. I'm the one who's holding you back. Dream on. You know that I'm in love with Chance. And, well, he's reliable. He's trustworthy.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: He's dependable.

Billy: So's a dog.

Chloe: (Scoffs) Go ahead. Make fun of me. But I have a feeling that you're gonna be living alone and miserable for the rest of your life.

Billy: Oh, there's plenty of women in this city that'll have me.

Chloe: I don't think that there's a woman alive who could tame Billy Abbott.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victor: I've come to see how you're doing.

Victoria: How do you think I'm doing? I told you not to do anything to J.T., but you completely ignored me, Dad and now I've lost custody of Reed. (Sighs)

Victor: Sweetheart, something happened. The judge was reassigned. It just didn't work out the way I planned, all right?

Victoria: This is not some business deal gone sour, Dad. I lost my son. I'm not gonna be there for him to tuck him in at night or to--to be there to soothe him if something happens. I'm not gonna be able to pick him up from school or help him with his homework, and every day that goes by is just gonna be one more day that I miss his childhood.

Victor: Victoria, no judge in his right mind is gonna take a child away from his mother.

Victoria: Dad, you pulling this stunt... (Sighs) It means that I lost Reed.

Victor: Sweetheart--

Victoria: I lost custody.

Victor: Sweetheart, I wasn't pulling a stunt. I was trying to help you, okay? I'll fix this. I promise you.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs)

Victoria: No, Dad, look. There is no quick fix to this. J.T. has already been awarded custody by two separate judges. If I go back to the court right now, no judge is gonna overturn this without a good cause. It's just how it's gonna be.

Victor: Victoria, I won't let you lose.

Victoria: J.T.'s right about you. It's all about winning.

Victor: Oh, Sweetheart, stop that, okay?

Victoria: No.

Victor: This is-- Reed needs his mother. I will do whatever is necessary.

Victoria: No! No, Dad, no. No tricks, okay? You sneaking Reed away when J.T. was due at court just confirmed everything that he told the judge about our family was true.

Victor: Look, I made a mistake. I made a misjudgment, okay? Something happened that I had no control over. Uh, I will handle J.T.

Victoria: No, I will handle my own problems, thank you very much.

Victor: But you told me that taking J.T. to court won't work.

Victoria: (Sighs) You know what, Dad? Your way of handling things, it lost me custody of my son. God, why can't we just have a normal family?

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm telling you, this is temporary. And, by the way, there is no such thing as a "Normal" family.

Victoria: Oh, well, certainly not our family. What I want right now is just to be left alone. Please. Thank you. (Sighs)

Victor: If you change your mind, you know where to reach me.

Chance: Patty, did Adam say anything to you in the hospital? Do you remember?

Patty: Detective? Detective? Do you have a phone? I need to make a phone call.

Chance: I can't allow you to do that.

Patty: No, I need to. It's important.

Chance: Patty, I cannot give you my phone.

Patty: Because I need to get a hold of Jack. It's a matter of life or death.

Chance: I understand that.

Patty: Detective, I'm serious. It's a matter of life or death. Pauly!

Chance: You have to wait here, Patty. You--

Paul: What's the matter?

Patty: Pauly, my cat--cat-- cat, it's in the pool house, and--and it's--it's gonna die if it doesn't have any food and water.

Chance: Okay, okay, okay. Calm down. It's okay, all right? I'll--I'll get a hold of Jack. I'll let him know.

Patty: Okay, and you'll tell him that I'm-- I'm ready to be picked up?

Chance: Okay. Good luck in there.

Paul: Thanks.

Patty: They locked me up in a cell by myself, Pauly. (Sighs) And, um... (Voice breaking) Prisoners, they were-- they were saying horrible things to me. They were so mean and-- and... (Gasps) Oh, God, you can't let them put me back in there, Pauly. You can’t. I don't want to go back there.

Paul: Patty, come here. Just relax for a second.

Patty: Okay.

Paul: You don't belong in prison.

Patty: Mnh-mnh.

Paul: And that's why we're here. I'm gonna talk to the judge. I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to make sure that doesn't happen, okay?

Patty: (Chuckles) (Normal voice) Oh, you're so good to me, Pauly.

Paul: (Sighs)

Patty: You take care of me.

Owen: Thank you.

Heather: Owen, do you have a minute?

Owen: Well, I'm on my way to Patty's hearing.

Heather: That's what I want to talk to you about.

Owen: All right, you got five.

Heather: Patty belongs in a maximum security state psychiatric hospital, not prison.

Owen: Kidnapping and attempted murder are serious offenses. She was capable of distinguishing right from wrong.

Heather: Oh, no, I disagree. She is not competent to stand trial.

Owen: She knew enough to hide her identity.

Heather: Look, I-I get what you're doing, but she's sick. Yes, she has generated bad headlines for you, but putting a mentally ill woman in prison? She'll never survive. Just think about what that'll do for your career.

Phyllis: They didn't find a cell phone after they swept the area. That means that somebody came in and planted it... an accomplice.

Michael: (Sighs) It would have been difficult since the crime--oh.

Sharon: Hi.

Michael: Hey, Sharon.

Nick: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: What's all this?

Nick: Just discovery material for my case.

Phyllis: Yeah, we're looking through it.

Sharon: Um, do you need help?

Michael: Oh, yes, please. Grab a pile.

Sharon: Okay. Um, but first, do you want to see some new pictures of Faith? She drank from her sippy cup this morning. It was the first time.

Nick: I've missed so much already. Adam has taken me from her twice...

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Nick: First, when she was born, and now with this frame-up.

Phyllis: Well, don't worry about it. We're gonna find something in here that gets you back to your daughters, okay?

Michael: (Sighs)

Sharon: Oh, these are the--these are the interviews Adam had with his therapist Emily.

Michael: Mm.

Phyllis: Yeah, Patty, the nut job.

Nick: Yeah, his therapist was crazier than he was.

Michael: Let me see.

Sharon: All right.

Michael: You know, they never got a straight answer about how Adam escaped from the hospital and got to the ball.

Phyllis: So he had to have had an accomplice.

Michael: Well, I think we found her.

Nick: Did you interview Patty?

Michael: Hmm? Oh. She wasn't on the list.

Phyllis: It would make sense that she was Adam's accomplice. I mean, they were in cahoots.

Sharon: Yeah, uh, when he was gas lighting Ashley.

Phyllis: Right.

Michael: Hmm, and Patty took the fall. You'd think that Adam would be the last person she'd help.

Phyllis: Patty was not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Nick: And if she was conspiring with Adam...

Michael: Perhaps she knew what he was plotting.

Phyllis: Or the real killer.

Nick: She was in the basement that night. I saw her there.

Phyllis: What if Patty is the real killer?

Michael: Well, given the fact that she tried to kill Emily to protect her identity, and the fact that Adam probably knew who she really was...

Sharon: It's possible.

Michael: Oh... I'd say it's more than possible.

Paul: Please believe me. I-I'm not minimizing what my sister has done. I am not here to make excuses for her, nor am I here to ask for leniency. I am here because she is seriously ill. And Patty won't get the help she needs if she is forced to stand trial, found guilty, and dumped in the general prison population. It would be cruel and inhumane to deprive her of the care she needs.

Heather: (Sighs) Your honor, Ms. Williams, my aunt, is unquestionably a danger to herself and others. Her psychosis is so severe that she's incapable of assisting in her own defense, and is therefore--

Patty: (Quietly) ...As fast as you can you can roll it and pat it and mark it with a "P" "P"

Heather: Is therefore not fit to stand trial.

Judge: Given the elaborate and deadly ruse she perpetuated, it seems to me Ms. Williams is the victimizer here, not the fragile innocent you claim her to be.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: (Sighs) Hello?

Billy: Hey, how'd the hearing go?

Victoria: It was a disaster.

Billy: What happened?

Victoria: J.T. has sole custody of Reed.

Billy: (Scoffs) I don't get it. What judge in his right mind would do that?

Victoria: My dad... he pulled some stupid stunt, and the judge found out about it, and...

Billy: That blows.

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. It kinda does. I'm kind of having a rotten day.

(Doorbell rings)

Victoria: Uh, I've gotta go. There's somebody at the door.

Victor: (Breathing heavily) What do you want?

Billy: I heard you screwed up Reed's custody battle today.

Victor: That's none of your business, son. You've done enough damage to me and my family, okay?

Billy: The way I see it, you cost Victoria her son.

Victor: Let me ask you something. How often do I have to warn you to stay away from me and Victoria?

Billy: Well, I don't know. I mean, or what? I'm not one of your kids. You can't really push me around.

Victor: Uh-huh. Oh, yeah?

Billy: Yeah. Oh, would you like to hit me? (Grunts)

Victor: Much better.

Billy: Good. I'm glad you feel better.

Victor: Want to hit me back?

Billy: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna hit you back.

Victor: I'm so looking forward to that, son.

Billy: Good. I'll see you then.

Chance: Hey. I am so-- mwah-- so incredibly sorry I'm late. I got held up and tied up--

Chloe: Oh, let me guess. Let me guess, you got held up with Adam's murder case.

Chance: (Chuckles) I've been a bit obsessed about it, haven't I?

Chloe: No, why would you say that?

Chance: Well, Chloe, this case is a big deal for me.

Chloe: I thought we were a big deal.

Chance: We are, Baby. Look, we are a big deal. And I just-- I need you to understand--

Chloe: I... I've been really understanding. And I think that maybe you could be a little understanding that I've been juggling my life and my daughter and my incredible boyfriend.

Chance: How can I make it up to you?

Chloe: Now we're getting somewhere. Well, I could think of a few things.

Paul: Your honor, since you have brought up Patty's victim, Dr. Peterson has given the court a written statement. I think you have a copy. In her opinion, Patty is so deluded that she can't tell right from wrong. And without ongoing therapy and medication, it's only gonna get worse.

Owen: Both of which are available in our prison system.

Heather: Mr. Pomerantz, with all due respect, how many mainstream facilities are equipped with the comprehensive array of mental health services required to keep psychotic patients under control, let alone offer them any hope of recovery?

Owen: Your honor, these are the same arguments that were made on Ms. Williams' behalf the last time she faced charges, which resulted in grave injury to one person, and contributed to the death of another. She was committed to a medium security psychiatric hospital over my strong objections, soon found a way to escape and inflict severe harm on Dr. Peterson, not to mention the threat that was posed to the doctor's patients and the community at large.

Paul: Excuse me, Sir, but are you gonna stand here and tell this court that you think my sister is fit to stand trial? That she's sane?

Owen: No, of course not. We are willing to stipulate that Ms. Williams is severely incapacitated, and that prosecution at this time would be inappropriate. The people do not object to confinement in a maximum security facility for the criminally insane and that she be fitted with a personal monitoring device. If Ms. Williams is rehabilitated to the point where she's fit to stand trial, the people reserve their right to reinstate criminal charges.

Heather: We find that acceptable, your honor.

Judge: I'm not sure I do, Ms. Stevens. The victims of her actions... what about their rights?

Sharon: Who would ever suspect that Adam's doctor would help him escape?

Phyllis: Exactly. I mean, Patty could go and come as she pleased. As far as everyone knew, she was Emily.

Sharon: She could be the key to your freedom, Nick.

Nick: Oh, great, my future's in the hands of a psycho. Why don't I feel comforted?

Michael: All right, guys, we have to move fast. Patty's hearing is happening as we speak. The judge could order her to a maximum security facility.

Phyllis: Oh, God.

Michael: She'd be kept isolated until she's evaluated, but depending on the results, she may not be allowed visitors.

Phyllis: What are we waiting for? Let's get to the courthouse. I'll see you.

Michael: Let's go.

Nick: Bye.

Michael: Come on.

Victoria: It's getting to be a habit with you.

Billy: Okay, would you like me to hit the bricks, or...

Victoria: Just don't give me any grief.

Billy: I won't give you any grief. I promise.

Victoria: How'd you get the shiner?

Billy: Um, eh, well, I ran into a door. (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Chuckles) A door.

Billy: Yep.

Victoria: Does she have a name?

Billy: Not a "She."

Victoria: Well, I bet you deserved it.

Billy: Hey, why are you so mad at me?

Victoria: It's nothing personal. I'm just kind of... mad at everybody. My divorce was final today. I just got the papers.

Billy: I'm sorry.

Victoria: Thanks. Thank you.

Billy: Yeah, I know how you're feeling. Um, even when you know the marriage isn't working and it's all over, there's something about seeing it on paper.

Victoria: (Sighs) J.T. and I... I just... I mean, I thought that we would be spending the rest of our lives together, and we had so many dreams, you know? We were gonna go to Italy this summer with Reed, and we were gonna build a dream house and...

Billy: Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Victoria: And... (Sighs)

Billy: Hey. Hey. It's okay. You still have a son together. All the dreams you have for you and Reed, they're still there.

Victoria: (Voice breaking) Yes, but I won't be sharing it with J.T.

Billy: Not the way you think, not the way you thought.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: I mean... you know, when DeeDee does something cute, do you know who I call?

Victoria: Hmm? Chloe.

Billy: Yeah. 'Cause she's the only one that loves her as much as I do, and, you know, we're always gonna have that bond.

Victoria: Mm... it feels like it's gone for good.

Billy: Well, it's not. Trust me. You know, plenty of people get divorced.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And they bounce right back. It's kind of like the phoenix. You gotta be burned to ashes to be reborn.

Nick: So since Patty was impersonating Emily, and Emily was appointed Adam's shrink...

Victor: She might know something about his death.

Nick: Maybe she killed him herself.

Victor: Where is she being held right now?

Nick: There's a hearing today to see if Patty's competent enough to stand trial. Sharon, Michael and Phyllis went over there to see if they could talk to her.

Victor: (Sighs) God, I wish I'd realized what a disturbed woman this is.

Heather: Ms. Williams had been getting by for many years without incident. She held down a job. She supported herself. She even sought therapy for an extended period of time to try to get over past traumas.

Paul: If she'd just been left alone... but certain people in this town took advantage of her instability. And I'm not asking to hold anyone else responsible. I'm just asking that-- that Patty be put in a hospital where she would be cared for, somewhere where her family could offer love and support. And if your honor would just see fit to grant that request, justice would be served for everyone.

Sharon: Okay, the door's closed.

Phyllis: Do you think the hearing's still going on?

Michael: Yeah--no, no, no!

Sharon: Maybe she's--

Michael: Closed door. Closed door. Hold on.

Phyllis: Okay.

Michael: Okay, later--

Phyllis: Oh, God.

Patty: Pauly, what is she doing here?

Phyllis: I want to talk to you, Patty.

Michael: Phyllis.

Patty: No, you go away. Go away.

Paul: Michael?

Sharon: It's only gonna take a minute.

Patty: I don't want to talk to you, either. I hate you both! Sarah should have killed you like she was supposed to.

Phyllis: Excuse me? Sarah wanted to kill me, why?

Patty: For me. You couldn't keep your hands off Jack. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water

Michael: That explains why Sarah attacked you.

Patty: She didn't keep her part of the bargain, so I-I didn't keep mine.

Paul: Patty, Patty, what bargain?

Patty: I can't tell you. It's a secret.

Michael: Patty, why would Sarah agree to kill Phyllis for you?

Patty: She would kill Phyllis if I... killed you. Don't tell her I told you, okay?

Michael: Sarah could have taken over Lauren's life without anyone suspecting.

Heather: Aunt Patty, how were you supposed to kill Michael?

Patty: Sarah gave me a gun. (Chuckles) Bang, bang. (Laughs) (Whispers) Bang, bang. (Normal voice) It was a good plan. It was. It was a very good plan. I was supposed to... make a statement to Detective Chancellor about Adam at the same moment she'd kill Phyllis. And then when she was making a statement with the police, that's when I would... I would shoot you.

Michael: Oh, well, that's why you wanted to talk to me about Lauren, and why you wigged out when I mentioned that Phyllis had called.

Patty: (Voice breaking) But she chickened out. (Sniffles) And it's not fair. It's not fair that I'm here and she got away.

Sharon: What about Adam? Did you stop him from getting away?

Patty: Liar, liar, pants on fire I hate Adam. (Whispering) I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

Paul: Okay.

Patty: I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him...

Nick: I sure hope they made it in time to talk to Patty.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Maybe I should call Baldwin.

Nick: Phyllis will call if she knows anything.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Hey, wasn't Victoria's custody appeal today?

Victor: Yeah, this morning.

Nick: And?

Victor: (Sighs) She lost.

Nick: (Sighs) What happened? Don't tell me that J.T. used Billy Abbott against her.

Victor: No. Had some, um, other circumstances involved.

Nick: Oh, Vick must be devastated. I'm sure this thing with Billy didn't help.

Victor: Yeah. I made it clear to Billy Abbott to stay away from Victoria.

Billy: Okay, no steak?

Victoria: I'm not gonna waste a perfectly good piece of meat.

Billy: (Winces)

Victoria: That'll take the swelling down just fine.

Billy: I-I--

Victoria: So are you gonna tell me how you got the shiner?

Billy: (Chuckles) Okay, three guesses.

Victoria: Well, you said it wasn't a woman.

Billy: Mnh-mnh.

Victoria: So... her ex-husband.

Billy: Father.

Victoria: My father?

Billy: Your father. Ran into "Daddy dearest" at the gym.

Victoria: What did you say to provoke him?

Billy: Hey, why are you blaming me? I'm the injured party here. I-I told him he was screwing up your life. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Bet that went over real well.

Billy: Yeah, it did. It did. Mm.

Victoria: Yeah. So... (Clears throat) Is that helping?

Billy: Yeah, it feels good. Wish I could do something to make you feel better.

Victoria: Oh, no. My life sucks right now. There's no happy pill that's gonna make that any better. Part of me just wishes I could hop on the next plane outta here.

Billy: Oh, yeah? Well, what's stopping you?

Victoria: (Scoffs) Right.

Billy: Oh, come on. I'm serious. Where's your sense of adventure?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Let's do it. Come on!

Chloe: I'm gonna use the ladies' room.

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: I'll be right back.

Chance: All right, bye.

Chance: Hey, Heather.

Heather: Oh, hi.

Chance: How'd Patty's hearing go?

Heather: Um, the judge agreed to put her in a facility for the criminally insane.

Chance: Oh. Well, I mean, at least she's not going to prison. I mean, she probably wouldn't survive that. And maybe at this, uh, at this hospital, she can get the help that she needs, you know?

Heather: Yeah, that's the hope. I just... when I think about all those people that she's gonna be surrounded with, I... it's--its horrible. And my dad is really torn up about the whole thi-- I just--I-I wish that there was something that I could do.

Chance: You went to court. You stood by your family. I mean, how many people can actually say that they did that much? You know? Look, don't worry about it.

Heather: Mm.

Chance: Everything's gonna be fine, okay?

Chloe: Shoptalk?

Chance: Um, Patty, uh, was just, um, sentenced to, um, a maximum security hospital.

Chloe: Oh, well, that's a good thing, right?

Heather: Yeah, just-- it just hit me kind of hard.

Chance: Look, I'm sorry to do this, but I actually have to get back to the station, so, um...

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: Meet me here later?

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: Yeah?

Chloe: Looking forward to it.

Chance: Mm. (Chuckles) Okay. Bye.

Chloe: Mwah. Bye. Mm.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Woman: Hi, may I help you?

Billy: You absolutely may. We need two tickets to the first flight out of here, wherever that might take us.

Victoria: (Clears throat)

Woman: Okay, that would be Detroit, and you guys can just make it.

Victoria: Detroit. Okay.

Billy: Yeah, Detroit, you know? "Motor City," "Home of Motown."

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Go, Tigers!

Victoria: Uh, what's your, uh, next flight after that?

Woman: Mm, Cincinnati.

Victoria: My big spur-of-the-moment adventure is Cincinnati.

Billy: Okay, okay, okay.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Wow.

Billy: We can do better. We can do better.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: We can... do better. (Snaps fingers) Kingston, Jamaica, leaves in an hour.

Victoria: (Gasps) Oh, yeah.

Billy: We'll have beach. We'll have sun. We'll have rum kiss cocktails. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, two seats on that flight, first-class if you have it.

Billy: I-I got it. It's my treat.

Victoria: No, no, no. No, no. You--you can get the hotel. (Unzips purse) It's my treat. Um, I just want to forget everything and have some fun and... have fun. (Chuckles)

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Oh.

Nick: I feel so badly for Victoria. You know, in hindsight, Dad, we should have handled the situation with Adam differently.

Victor: Son, we did what we had to. I'll do everything in my power to get Reed back to Victoria and to get you out of here.

Nick: How?

Victor: Don't you worry about it. I'll deal with it.

Paul: That's it. No more questions, okay?

Michael: Paul, please. You owe me this. Please.

Paul: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Paul, Nick's future could depend on this.

Sharon: Patty, did you help Adam escape?

Patty: Go away. I don't want to talk to you.

Paul: It's all right, Patty.

Patty: (Sighs)

Michael: Will you talk to me about Adam?

Patty: He told me that if I helped him, he could get Jack and me back together. He's a very bad man.

Michael: Yes, he is a very bad man. Now did you help Adam escape from the hospital? Did you go with Adam to the policemen's ball? Did you see Adam in the basement of the Athletic Club?

Patty: (Voice breaking) No, no. No, no. Make him stop.

Michael: Patty, did you see him in the club? Patty--

Patty: Make him stop, Pauly.

Paul: I will try and talk to her when she's lucid. It's time to go, Patty.

Patty: No, okay, um--

Paul: Look, see? She's gonna go.

Patty: Um, y-you won't leave me? You'll--you'll-- you'll be with me?

Paul: I will stay with you as long as I possibly can, okay? Come on. I'm right here.

Patty: If you see Jack, will you tell him where to find me?

Michael: I will.

Patty: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Paul and Patty: Jack jumped over the candlestick

Patty: (Laughs) Jack be nimble...

Michael: All right, um, I've got to get to another case. Look, I will follow up with Paul, and I will call you both, all right?

Sharon: I don't know if she's ever gonna be stable.

Phyllis: Yeah, you think? (Sighs) Listen, Sharon, we have to figure out a way to get information out of her before she's transferred.

Sharon: Well, good luck. She hates us both.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I think I know someone Patty will talk to.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: You, me and Mac are gonna hit the road.

Billy: You want to get back on the plane? Do you want to go home back to real problems? Do you?

Paul: What did Adam want from you?

Patty: He wanted a costume for the ball.

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