Y&R Transcript Friday 5/7/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 5/7/10 -- Canada; Monday 5/10/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9394 ~ Is All Fair in Love and War?

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Get a coffee, real, please?

Mac: And a decaf green tea, and I will pay for both.

Billy: (Chuckles) What's the occasion?

Mac: You don't know?

Billy: Well, it's not my birthday. Did I win a Pulitzer?

Mac: You're telling me that you have no idea what today is?

Billy: Not a clue... unless you're referring to our wedding anniversary, which really isn't our wedding anniversary, because we got it annulled, so it doesn't really count. It...

Mac: Right, exactly. Someone, give this boy a gold star.

Billy: Well, it's not a Pulitzer, but I'll take it. And, um, this is for you for our not-wedding anniversary. I... here.

Mac: That's so sweet. Thank you.

Billy: That's sweet, sweet. Take it easy now. I mean... (Laughs)

Mac: It's a present. It's exciting. Oh, my goodness--Snoopy!

Billy: Yeah, and that-- that little bird he always hangs out with.

Mac: Woodstock.

Billy: Yeah, Woodstock.

Mac: I always loved the idea of friends who are polar opposites.

Billy: Well, if you can refrain from calling me your "B.F.F.," I-I'm--I'm cool with being friends.

Mac: I never thought I'd hear you say that.

Billy: I never thought I'd say it. But, uh, it feels good, right?

Mac: Yeah.

J.T.: All right. (Sighs)

Victoria: You had no right to take Reed from the police station without telling me.

J.T.: We agreed-- you agreed to keep our son away from the murder investigation.

Victoria: I said I wouldn't talk about it.

J.T.: Well, did you ever--

Victoria: I kept my word.

J.T.: Did you ever think he might overhear something? You put him at risk.

Victoria: Look, I made sure that he was well taken care of while I handled a family crisis.

J.T.: There's always a family crisis with you. That's why I have full custody of Reed.

Gloria: Michael, Michael, Michael, where are you?

Michael: Gloria.

Gloria: Ah, I'm trying to call you.

Lauren: (Sighs) How's Jana? Is there any change?

Gloria: She's got her motor functions back, even talking a little.

Lauren: (Sighs) Thank God.

Gloria: Mm. How are you?

Lauren: Um... (Chuckles) I don't think there's enough words in the English dictionary to describe how happy I am to be home.

Michael: Yeah, we all have a lot to be thankful for.

Kevin: Jana? Jana, w-what do you mean, "Do you know me"? It's me. It's Kevin.

Jana: Kevin Fisher. You own the coffeehouse.

Kevin: Uh, no, no, I'm not just some barista. I'm your husband.

Jana: My husband?

Lauren: It's a full moon tonight. Jana was determined to see it with Kevin.

Michael: Hmm.

Lauren: She made it. Her love for him really pulled her through.

Kevin: Excuse me. Excuse me. We need a doctor in here.

Jack: Oh, Emily. All these months you've been in this place. I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me one day.

Patty: Jack, it wasn't your fault.

Dr. Jasper: Considering what you've been through, you're in remarkable shape.

Jack: Hey, great.

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Oh.

Patty: Mm.

Jack: I gotta take this, Honey, okay?

Patty: No, please don't go, Jack.

Jack: It's okay. I'll be right outside, right outside. Hey, Paul, what's up?

Paul: So how's Emily?

Jack: Well, as well as can be expected. Um, you find Patty?

Paul: She's not here, but she couldn't have gone far. Listen, um, keep an eye on Emily.

Jack: Yeah, keep in touch with me, okay? Let me know what's going on. Thanks, Paul.

Patty: (Sighs) Oh God.

Jack: Hey.

Patty: Oh, Jack. I have been dreaming... (Chuckles) Of being in your arms. Don't ever let me go, okay? (Sighs)

Emily: (Thinking) Where am I? It's so dark. It's cold. I'm so cold. Oh, my God. Oh... (Screams)

Paul: (Sighs)

Heather: Don't blame yourself.

Paul: I should have figured this out weeks ago. I mean, the first time Emily woke up, she tried to tell me, and she kept trying to tell me. And I-I just wouldn't listen. I can't even imagine what she must have gone through.

Heather: Nobody believed her-- the staff at Walworth, the judge who put her there, the D.A., nobody.

Paul: You know... (Sighs) All those times I was confronting Emily-- or I was confronting who I thought was Emily-- why the hell couldn't I tell it was my sister?

Heather: Patty fooled everyone, including Jack.

Paul: Yeah, well, she didn't fool you. You ordered the D.N.A. test that I wouldn’t. That's true. So were you able to get a hold of your friend at the G.C.P.D.?

Heather: Mm-hmm. They--they put out an A.P.B. on Patty.

Paul: And they-- they know not to hurt her, right? They know, uh, that she's sick?

Heather: We gotta face the truth.

Paul: She's dangerous.

Heather: I mean, she's lost everything now. There's no telling what she'll do next.

Paul: (Sighs)

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Hey, I'm not going anywhere, okay?

Patty: Okay.

Dr. Jasper: I'll have someone bring your clothes.

Patty: Okay.

Jack: Thank you, Dr. Jasper.

Dr. Jasper: (Sighs) You have my sincerest apologies. All of us here are just sick about this.

Patty: Well, I mean, Patty made sure that nobody would believe me, but it--it's over now.

Dr. Jasper: Thanks to your husband.

Patty: Yes. (Sighs) Thanks to Jack. Now we're together again.

Dr. Jasper: And soon to be home. I'll go expedite your release forms.

Jack: Thank you, Dr. Jasper.

Patty: I want to go home now, Jack.

Jack: I don't think that's such a good idea.

Victoria: J.T., I need to talk to you. Please, I have something I have to say to you.

Billy: Hey, uh, Reed, you smell those cookies, man? Let's check 'em out. What do you think?

Mac: I'll come with you. Come here. (Sighs) I like snickerdoodles. What's your favorite?

Billy: (Chuckles) Okay?

Victoria: Yeah. Thank you. (Sighs)

J.T.: All right, you said you want to talk? Go ahead. Go ahead.

Victoria: (Sniffles) I'm filing an appeal with the court to have the custody ruling set aside. I'm getting my son back, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

J.T.: Watch me.

Victoria: I'm his mother. You have full custody by default.

J.T.: I have full custody because you didn't show up in court.

Victoria: You know damn well why that happened. I was detained by the police for a crime that I didn't commit, okay?

J.T.: You were lying to the police to protect your brother from being arrested.

Victoria: I was trying to help someone that I love.

J.T.: Oh, is that what you want to teach our son? That there's a time to lie and a time to tell the truth? That you can abandon your principles as long as the stakes are high enough?

Victoria: No, J.T., of course not. That's not what I'm saying.

J.T.: No, cut the B.S. I'm so sick of you people justifying your behavior, and I don't want my son around it.

Victoria: "You people"? I'm his mother. I have just as much say in his life as you do.

J.T.: His mother who took off and left him for weeks, his mother who didn't show up in court. You want to pull the-- the "Mother" card? The "Newman" card? Go ahead. 'Cause there's not a judge in the world who's gonna give you custody of our son.

Billy: Come here for a minute.

Mac: Hmm?

Billy: Can you believe this? J.T.'s a real jerk keeping his kid away from his mom.

Mac: He's doing what he thinks is best for Reed.

Billy: Victoria's a good mom. Can I get a glass of milk for the little guy over here, please?

Mac: Victoria's the married woman you've been sleeping with.

Billy: No, we're friends. That's...

Mac: (Chuckles) You don't have female friends. You have conquests and exes.

Billy: Well, obviously, things change. I mean...

Mac: Yeah, okay, wow. Um, so are you Snoopy or Woodstock in this "Friendship"?

Billy: It's not like you and me, okay?

Mac: Then what's it like?

Billy: Who wants to know, you or J.T.?

Mac: J.T. and I are friends. That doesn't mean you can't talk to me.

Billy: There's nothing to talk about, okay? What's going on between Vicki and I, it's just casual. It's--

Mac: Mm-hmm. As in "Casual sex"?

Billy: Hey! No, as in "Just casual."

Mac: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: I am so sick of you bashing my family.

J.T.: It's not just your family. It's you, the choices you've made.

Victoria: What? What are you talking about?

J.T.: Lying--lying to the stockholders and the press about your father's medical condition.

Victoria: (Scoffs) Wow.

J.T.: Taking off for weeks and leaving your son while you go off on some business trip.

Victoria: Oh.

J.T.: Helping Victor ambush Adam, and your affair with Deacon. Remember that?

Victoria: (Scoffs) You should talk. You're no paragon of morality. You tricked me. The only reason I let Reed leave the ranch with you in the first place is because you made me believe that it was just temporary.

J.T.: No, you believed what you wanted to believe.

Victoria: Wow. You know, you're not gonna get away with this, using your son to prove that you're some big shot.

J.T.: Oh, this is ridiculous. This is about what's best for Reed.

Victoria: Oh, the hell it is! You can't stand it that I have the power and the money and the success that you don't. You know what? You're nothing compared to the Newmans, and you're trying so desperately to prove that you're something.

J.T.: I don't need to prove anything. I've made my own success without the help from anyone, unlike you. You can't even manage to be a decent mother. (Gasps) (Sighs)

Victoria: I am a good mother.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Victoria: And I am coming at you with everything that I have to get my son back.

J.T.: That's supposed to scare me?

Victoria: It should. Hi, Baby.

Reed: This is for Mother's day.

Victoria: Oh, look at that. Oh, I love it. Mwah. I love you. (Sniffles)

Reed: Mommy, why are you crying? Are you and Daddy mad at each other?

Victoria: No. Baby, I'm not crying. I'm--I'm just happy 'cause you made this for me. It's so beautiful. I love it, and I... (sniffles) Um, I want you to go home with Daddy, okay? Go home with him, and I want you to be a good boy, all right?

J.T.: He always is.

Victoria: All right, I'll see you soon.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Reed: Bye. I love you, Mommy.

Victoria: Bye, Sweetie. I love you, too.

Kevin: She didn't recognize me.

Jana: Then I remembered you're Kevin.

Kevin: Yeah, but you're acting like I'm some stranger on the street.

Jana: You're my husband.

Kevin: Why is she acting like this?

Dr. Sachs: She's just come out of major surgery. She's been through some physical and emotional trauma. I-it's not unusual for there to be some disorientation.

Kevin: Okay, so then it's temporary?

Dr. Sachs: Uh, uh, why don't you step outside? Let me take a look at her.

Kevin: Okay.

Lauren: Jana has to be okay. She fought so hard to be back with Kevin.

Michael: Kevin, what's going on? How's Jana? Is she okay?

Kevin: I don't know. I don't know. She didn't know who I was. And finally, she came around and recognized me.

Gloria: Well, that's good.

Kevin: The problem is, I didn't recognize her, 'cause she doesn't look like Jana, not in her eyes. And she doesn't sound like Jana.

Gloria: Angel, she just had brain surgery. Give her time to sort things out.

Kevin: Yeah, that's what the doctor said.

Lauren: So listen to him. Jana will be back, just the way she was before.

Dr. Sachs: How are you feeling, Jana?

Jana: Tired. Okay.

Dr. Sachs: You survived some pretty tricky surgery. You happy about that?

Jana: Not really.

Dr. Sachs: Are you unhappy about anything?

Jana: No.

Dr. Sachs: What would you say if I told you you could go home today?

Jana: Okay.

Dr. Sachs: How about if I said you had to stay here for a month?

Jana: That's fine.

Dr. Sachs: Your husband's been very worried about you. Well, a lot of people have. They're all relieved that you're okay. How's that make you feel?

Jana: I wish I could feel something like them, but I don't. I don't feel anything.

Patty: Well, as soon as I get dressed... (Sighs) We can leave.

Jack: Wait, I know you want to get out of here, but I really don't think you should be going home.

Patty: But, Jack, it's where I belong.

Jack: Sweetheart, I want to get you to Memorial. I think a doctor should check you out. Dr. Jasper s--

Patty: No! I have been trapped in here for months, Jack. No more hospitals, okay?

Jack: Okay, then let's go to the club. We'll spend the night there. Look, Paul said Patty did some real damage to the house. I'd just as soon you not see that.

Patty: All right, you know, Jack, what kept me going in this hospital is dreaming of being with you back in our home, so I don't care if Patty left it a mess. I just want to go home.

(Knock on door)

Jack: Yeah, come in.

Paul: Hi. Um... Patty is here.

Jack: At Walworth? How do you know that?

Paul: Well, we came to talk to Emily because we thought she might have some kind of insight to where Patty might have gone, and when we were signing the log, w-we saw Emily's name.

Heather: Patty got here about an hour ago.

Paul: She didn't sign out, Jack. Look, uh, Emily, you have-- you haven't seen her, right? Heard anything?

Patty: No. No, thank God.

Heather: Why would she come here?

Patty: Well, obviously, it's to get me. And someone stopped her from coming in here.

Paul: Okay, we're gonna have to contact security. The hospital has to be put on lockdown. We'll start a search.

Jack: Okay, I'll help you look for her. I--

Patty: No! Please stay.

Paul: I think she's right. You stay here and watch Emily.

Jack: Uh, keep me posted, guys, okay?

Paul: Will do.

Patty: (Sighs) Thank you. (Chuckles) Thank you so much for staying with me. (Sighs)

Jack: (Stammers) You know, it's best this way. I never want to see Patty's face again.

Patty: Listen, you don't have to worry. Patty's gone.

Doctor: Okay, "Jane," let's open you up and see how you died.

Emily: (Thinking) I'm not dead! I'm not-- oh, God, you have to figure this out! Please, I'm not dead!

(Saw buzzes)

Jack: Patty is damn lucky she never showed up in this room. I don't know what I'd do if I saw her right now.

Patty: Well, Jack, let's forget about Patty.

Jack: The way she's obsessed over me all these years-- more than pathetic.

Patty: Don't say that. Patty loves you very much, and deep down, maybe she thought you felt the same way.

Jack: I never loved her. Hell, I slept with Diane the night before I married her. If she had two brain cells she could use, she could figure that out for herself. She's not the right woman for me. The woman I need is bright, sophisticated, educated, not some needy, insecure girl who barely made it out of high school.

Patty: (Sighs) Patty has some good qualities.

Jack: Yeah, and she tried to prove that in bed, too. She was no match for you, never. My heart turned cold when I was with her. It turns my stomach to even think about being with her. I--

Patty: Stop! Just stop. I don't want to talk about Patty anymore, okay? I just want to go home, Sweetheart, okay? (Sighs)

Mac: It's been a rough night.

J.T.: Yeah, I gotta get this guy to bed. Can you hang around?

Mac: Are you buying the pizza?

J.T.: Absolutely.

Mac: Then I will order it.

J.T.: All right, don't forget the anchovies.

Mac: I hate anchovies.

J.T.: Oh, you can learn to love 'em.

Mac: Dream on, Pal.

J.T.: Watch out.

(Telephone rings) (Ring) (Ring) (Ring)

Victoria: Yeah? Billy Abbott? (Sighs) Let him in.

Kevin: Doc, how's, uh, what's going on? How's Jana?

Dr. Sachs: Physically, she's fine. But she is having a problem with her cognitive functioning.

Kevin: Brain damage?

Dr. Sachs: Well, let's not jump to any conclusions. I want to run some tests.

Michael: Kevin said she was having trouble with her memory.

Dr. Sachs: At first. Well, now she remembers all of you, things she's done, places she's been. She just doesn't have any emotions that go along with that. It's as if she's watching it happen to someone else.

Kevin: Uh, so what--what-- what caused that, the aneurism? The surgery? All the craziness she had to go through?

Dr. Sachs: Uh, it could be any or all of that. But, uh, bottom line is, there's a possibility that the part of the brain that controls emotions has been damaged.

Kevin: Well, then what do we do to fix that?

Dr. Sachs: There's a neurologist on staff who specializes in traumatic injuries. We'll consult with her, go from there.

Kevin: But she will get better, right?

Dr. Sachs: Uh, I can't make any promises.

Kevin: She may never be the way she was?

Dr. Sachs: I'm saying I don't know. Look, I don't want to lie to you, Kevin, and give you false hope.

Kevin: Well, can you give me any hope?

Michael: Uh, why don't we let Dr. Sachs do his job? That's the best thing for Jana right now, don't you think?

Kevin: (Sighs)

Dr. Sachs: I'll contact you as soon as I know anything.

Lauren: I'm gonna go see Jana, see if I can reach her...

Michael: Oh, okay.

Lauren: Okay?

Kevin: This can't be happening. This can't be happening, not after how hard she fought to stay alive.

Michael: Well... (Clears throat) She is alive. That's what's important, right?

Kevin: Well, you know what? If you were talking about anyone else, I would say yes, you're right. She's alive. She's here, but this is Jana we're talking about. This is not alive for her.

Gloria: Angel, give the doctors a chance.

Kevin: Fine. Fine. I'll give them a chance. I'll give 'em a thousand chances. And what if she doesn't come back? Then what?

Gloria: (Sighs)

Lauren: Here you go.

Jana: Thank you, Lauren.

Lauren: You know who I am.

Jana: You're Michael's wife and Kevin's sister-in-law.

Lauren: Do you remember what happened to us? Karma?

Jana: Is a bitch.

Lauren: The code word to tell Sarah and me apart.

Jana: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: You remember it.

Jana: Sarah, Daisy and Ryder locked us in a cage. My head hurt, and it kept getting worse.

Lauren: I was so worried about you.

Jana: You tried to convince them to take me to the hospital, and you told them to take you as the hostage.

Lauren: But Sarah wouldn't go for it.

Jana: She wanted to kill us. At the carousel, she had a gun, and you got her to go after you so that Kevin could take me to the helicopter. You risked your life for me.

Lauren: That's what families do. They take care of each other. And that's what we're gonna do. Me and--and Michael and Gloria and Kevin, we're all gonna help you.

Jana: I wish that meant something to me.

Patty: All right, I'm all set.

Jack: Don't you want to wait until they find Patty?

Patty: Patty can go to hell for all I care.

Jack: Doesn't sound like the Emily I know.

Patty: (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Paul: Okay, we're officially on lockdown. G.C.P.D. is on the way. Security has started a room-to-room search.

Heather: There is no sign of Patty yet, but I-it shouldn't be long before they find her.

Jack: No, it won't be long at all.

Patty: Ow.

Jack: This is Patty.

Patty: Wha... (Sighs)

Paul: What?

Jack: Say hello to your sister, Paul.

Patty: J-Jack, come on. I don't believe you're doing this again. I'm Emily, remem--

Jack: Shut up.

Paul: Jack.

Jack: You smell this? You can smell it from over there. It's peroxide. She dyed her hair recently-- today.

Patty: Okay, you know what? Patty dyed my hair so it would stay blonde. That's it. What are you doing?

Jack: Okay, fine. Tell me about this. Where'd you get that, huh?

Patty: Look, she must have did that when she was dyeing my hair. I mean, it's--

Jack: Or maybe it was your new cat, remember? I was standing there when it happened.

Patty: Okay, I don't know what you're talking about. Let go of--

Jack: Emily is allergic to cats. Emily can't be within 10 feet of a cat.

Patty: I am Emily.

Jack: No, you're not. No, you're not.

Paul: Jack. Jack, listen.

Heather: Jack, Jack, this is not helping.

Paul: (Stammers)

Jack: You're gonna tell me where Emily is, and you're gonna tell me right now!

Patty: I don't know! I don't know. I don't--

Jack: Tell me! Tell me where she is.

Heather: Jack, calm down.

Paul: Jack, please don't do this.

Jack: I'm warning you. Tell me. Where is Emily?!

Heather: Jack! Jack! You're hurting her!

Paul: Jack, come on. Let's back it up.

Heather: Leave her alone!

Jack: Tell me where she is.

Paul: Let's back it up a step, okay?

Jack: Tell me where Emily is!

Paul: Look, let's figure this out calmly and rationally.

Patty: I told you, I'm Emily.

Jack: No, you're not. No, you're not gonna fool me this time.

Paul: Jack--

Jack: No, this time, I know it's not you. I know it in my heart.

Paul: Jack.

Jack: And you are gonna tell me where Emily is, or I am gonna shake it out of you!

Paul: God, Jack, calm down.

Patty: Jack, no, beca--

Paul: Calm down.

Patty: No, you don't need Emily. You don't. You need me. You have me, because we can be happy, and we... we... (Sobs) (Voice breaking) Can be happy. And--and we'll live at the Abbott estate.

Paul: Patty. Patty. Patty.

Patty: And we'll go to parties, and we'll--

Paul: Patty, listen to me.

Patty: And we'll--we'll go play tennis. Remember?

Paul: You need to tell me where Emily is.

Patty: Stop it, Pauly. Stop it!

Paul: No! Look at me.

Patty: Look, tell him! No! I don't--

Paul: Look at me. Where is Emily?

Patty: Stop it! Stop it!

Jack: Okay, let me. Let me.

Patty: Tell him!

Jack: Let me. Please. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Patty: You don't need anybody else.

Jack: It's okay. You can leave us alone. Patty...

Patty: (Sobs)

Jack: Look at me.

Patty: God.

Jack: You say that you love me, right? Right?

Patty: (Normal voice) Yes. Yes, I love you.

Jack: If you love me, if you truly love me...

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: You'll tell me where Emily is so that I can help her.

Patty: She's gone.

Jack: Wha... oh, God, no. No, you didn't.

Patty: No, no, Jack.

Jack: No.

Patty: Please don't leave me. Don't leave me. I love you!

Paul: Patty. Patty. Patty.

Patty: I love you, Jack!

Paul: Patty!

Patty: I love you. (Sobs)

Paul: Patty.

Patty: (Sobs)

Patty: (Whimpers) (Sobs)

J.T.: Reed finally went to sleep. He woke up when I was putting his pajamas on and wanted his mother.

Mac: Well, his whole world's been turned upside down.

J.T.: Yeah, Victoria was the center of his universe. That's for sure.

Mac: She's still in his life.

J.T.: Yeah, but it's not the same. You know, she's... she's not here when he wakes up in the morning or at night when he goes to bed. He can't look across the room and see her on the couch reading a-a book and think to himself, you know, "All is right with the world, because she's here." You know, instead, he's asking himself, "What did I do wrong?" You know, "Why'd she go away?"

Mac: Nobody did anything wrong.

J.T.: I remember when Victoria woke up from her coma and realized Reed had been born. She-- she was struggling to speak, but she managed to say, "We're a family." How do you stop being a family, you know? I...

Mac: I don't think you do.

J.T.: (Sighs) We started off with a lot of hope, and now there's nothing but bitterness and anger. Victoria's taking me back to court. She is gonna try to get custody of Reed.

Mac: She loves him as much as you do.

J.T.: Yeah, it's not her love that I'm questioning. It's her judgment.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: (Sighs) Get in here.

Billy: Okay, whoa.

Victoria: Did anybody see you?

Billy: (Scoffs) You mean besides the guy who let me in, the hundred people who are patrolling this place, and Segundo? No, nobody saw me.

Victoria: Segundo try to bite you?

Billy: No.

Victoria: Hmm. He needs better training.

Billy: And here I was worried about you when you left the coffeehouse.

Victoria: Well, the guard didn't tell me you rode in on your white horse.

Billy: (Laughs) You are in a rotten mood.

Victoria: I thought you liked it when I was miserable.

Billy: Why do you think I'm here? There's no sense in you being in a miserable mood if I can't sit and enjoy it.

Victoria: Oh, well, your compassion is overwhelming.

Billy: Oh, hey, hold on now. I have a sensitive side, because look. I brought you this to cheer you up. You ready?

Victoria: What is it?

Billy: It's a cookie.

Victoria: No, I mean what is on it?

Billy: Well, come on now. That's--those are-- those are boxer shorts.

Victoria: (Laughs) That's supposed to be boxer shorts?

Billy: Aw, come on. Look. I mean, there's the waistband, and--and--and the legs, and...

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh. You thought eating your shorts would cheer me up.

Billy: Well, it made you laugh.

Victoria: You are...

Billy: I am thirsty. How about a beer? You know, I think I'm gonna go to Jimmy's. This place is, um, well, it's a real downer.

Victoria: Well, why don't you come back when my brother is not in jail for murder, and when I am not fighting to get my son back?

Billy: (Clears throat) Okay. It has been a rotten day... week, year. It's been a--been rotten.

Victoria: Well, thank you. Now you're really cheering me up.

Billy: (Sighs) Look, I'd be happy to use my journalistic skills to throw your dad back in jail, spring your brother.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Victor's the one who deserves to be there anyway. And it would give me great pleasure to blast J.T. in an exposé, or I could simply just beat the crap out of him. Which one would you like?

Victoria: It's really nice to know that this is about hating my dad and J.T. It's not... it's not about me at all.

Billy: Well, why would it be about you? I mean, we're not, um, something that's--it's just--

Victoria: No, absolutely not. No, we cleared that up.

Billy: Yeah, it's--it's-- it's very clear.

Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) Good.

Billy: Okay, so, um, what do I owe you for the beer?

Victoria: No, nothing. It's on the house.

Billy: Okay. Maybe I'll see you around.

Victoria: Mm-hmm, sure.

Billy: Okay. Um... good night.

Victoria: Night.

Billy: (Clears throat) Okay.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Mac: Well, I'd better give these back to you.

J.T.: No, keep 'em, you know? In case something comes up with Reed.

Mac: Oh, well, I know just where to put them. I got a new keychain today.

J.T.: You sure you don't mind?

Mac: Having your back? What do you think?

J.T.: Well, I think that you do a lot for other people, but not so much for yourself.

Mac: This is for me.

J.T.: You should be with somebody, you know? Somebody special.

Mac: I am.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Well, you may be the in-- only person in this city who thinks that.

Mac: (Chuckles) You're a good man, J.T.

J.T.: You're good for me.

Kevin: We're gonna get you the best care. We're gonna figure this out, and everything is gonna be okay, I promise.

Jana: I don't know what you want me to say.

Kevin: You don't have to say anything... or do anything... or feel anything. Because I have enough love for both of us, and I am gonna tell you how much I love you every single day until you remember. (Sighs) And then it's all gonna come back to you, all of it-- the feelings, the love, and it's gonna be okay.

(Saw buzzing)

Jack: Wait! Stop!

(Buzzing stops)

Jack: No. No!

Doctor: Sir. Sir, you can't be in here.

Jack: (Voice breaking) No, Emily.

Doctor: You know this woman?

Jack: No. (Sobs) (Sniffles) She's my wife. Emily. I'm so sorry. Oh, God.

Paul: Patty. Pattycake, can you hear me? Listen, you--you gotta tell me what happened to Emily, okay? Patty? What happened to Emily?

Patty: I need to get outta here, Pauly.

Paul: You--you didn't hurt her, did you?

Patty: I need-- I need to get out of here, okay? Before Jack gets back.

Paul: Wait. Why?

Patty: Why?

Paul: Why.

Patty: I don't want him mad at me. So you are going to help me get away, okay? You--you'll--you'll help me. Okay, Pauly?

Paul: Well, why would Jack be mad at you?

Patty: No, Jack--shh. Shh, you're gonna help me get away, and I'll go very, very, very far away, and I'll never come back. I won't.

Paul: Oh, Patty. (Cries)

Patty: Okay? But you help me, okay? Please?

Paul: Why is Jack gonna be mad at you?

Patty: Please, Pauly.

Paul: (Voice breaking) Oh, God, Patty.

Jack: I'm so sorry. I love you. (Voice breaks) I love you.

Doctor: We--we thought she was a Jane Doe. I-I'll make a call and turn the body over to you.

Jack: This is all my fault. You tried to tell me. I'm so sorry. Oh, Em. I'm so sor--

Jack: Wait. Wait. Th-th-that's--that's-- that's a tear in her eye. She's crying. Em? There's gotta be a pulse. Wait. That's it! She's alive.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: What are the risks to the babies?

Olivia: There are complications with any medical procedure.

Lily: Including death?

Victoria: I want to know what the hell's going on. How often has she been helping you out with my son?

Patty: There is another way for me to leave. Okay, stay back.

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