Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/6/10 -- Canada; Friday 5/7/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9393 ~ Adam's Perfect Marriage
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: "Happy Mother's Day."
Reed: It's a surprise.
Victoria: (Gasps) Okay. I can't wait to get it. Hey, you know what? I'm really thirsty. Do you think you could go over there and ask the barista to get me a drink of water? Thank you. (Sighs) This visitation schedule is sick. I know you're trying to stick it to me, but did you ever consider for one minute how this is affecting Reed?
J.T.: This is your time, and you're wasting it on me. What do you and Reed have planned for today?
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, we're gonna go to the zoo, and we're gonna get ice cream, and we're gonna get goggles for his swim lesson.
J.T.: Good. He'll love that.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I know.
J.T.: Look, Reed doesn't know anything about your father and Nick being arrested. So don't talk about the murder investigation around him.
Victoria: Oh... (Chuckles sarcastically) That's exactly what I was gonna talk to him about-- a murder investigation. Listen, Nicholas has been released, and my father will be, too, very soon. So then you're just gonna have to come up with another excuse to keep Reed away from me once the entire Newman family has been cleared.
Chance: I'm not gonna use the cuffs on you... for now. I assume you're not gonna do anything stupid.
Phyllis: My husband isn't the one being stupid.
Chance: Excuse me. Take a good look at where you are. Do you want to rephrase that?
Victor: Mr. Chancellor, if you arrest my son again, you're just gonna have to re-release him again. That makes you, your office and the police department look foolish. You don't even know if the voice on that tape was Adam’s.
Chance: We checked it against audio we have on file for Adam.
Victor: Did you?
Chance: Yeah. From the information that we found on his laptop, it was a match. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna start the booking process.
Victor: Son, you just relax. I'll call Michael Baldwin, okay?
Phyllis: I thought things were going our way... (Sighs) That we dodged a bullet.
Nick: Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh. (Exhales quickly) Why did that recording have to show up?
Nick: Forget the recording. Just forget it. I need to know that you know I did not do this.
Adam: Here lies the body of Adam Newman. He received his comeuppance the night of the police masquerade ball. No one gave a rat's tail about him in life, least of all his family. But in death, he made sure they'd never be free of him. How do I know? I'm Adam Newman.
Dr. Sachs: Good.
Kevin: She's following it. I can see.
Dr. Sachs: Mm-hmm. Squeeze my finger. Hard as you can.
Kevin: You're doing great. She's doing great.
Dr. Sachs: Yeah, he's right. You're doing well, Jana. But the next step is to get your speech back up.
Gloria: And she has a lovely accent, Doctor. English, you know.
Chloe: How's she doing?
Kevin: Good. She's got her motor functions back.
Chloe: Yeah! That's awesome. Hey, I-I brought you some protein, and, um, I actually just spoke to Katherine. She and Murphy are gonna come on over soon.
Kevin: Great. Uh, where are Daniel and Amber? I want to tell them the good news, too.
Daniel: Forever? Y-you're leaving Genoa City...
Amber: No, not--not-- maybe not forever, but just for as long as it takes to make sure that Eric's safe from Tawny and from Daisy and from Ryder. But we don't have to go alone.
Daniel: My mom was just almost murdered. O-our best friends just went through hell. Now I-I-I can't just leave.
Amber: So this is about them, not about you not wanting to be a dad.
Daniel: It's not just one thing, Amber. But, no, this is my home. I'm not ready to leave.
Amber: And I can't stay.
Daniel: So what does this mean about us?
Amber: You think our marriage is over, don't you?
(Cell phone rings)
Sharon: Victor, you're calling from your cell. Did they release you?
Victor: Uh, yes, I have been released, but they rearrested Nicholas.
Sharon: What?! That can't be. He was just here. He came to see Faith.
Victor: The police apparently discovered a recording that had been made at the time of Adam's murder, and in it, he identifies Nicholas as his assailant.
Sharon: Okay, um, I'll call the nanny.
(Cell phone snaps closed)
Adam: My wife, the love of my tragically short life. She always saw the good in me. I was counting on that when I begged her to run away with me. If she'd said yes, things could have been better for everyone. But that's not how things worked out.
Phyllis: Of course I know you didn't kill Adam. I told you that.
Nick: That was before his little performance piece on the phone.
Phyllis: I know. This is the same guy who set Ashley up, who made her think that she killed Sabrina. Baby, I don't know what happened in that basement, but you're not a murderer. I know that. Adam set you up.
Daniel: Come here. Listen to me. Of course I don't want our marriage to be over. That night up on the roof was the most amazing and incredible, a-a-and it was the smartest thing that I've ever done. I just wish that things could go back to the way that they were between us.
Amber: So I would just have to pretend that Eric doesn't exist.
Daniel: Would you be so ready to go I-if things had been better between us recently? I-I mean, I know that we can get through this rough spot.
Amber: My son is not a "Rough spot."
Daniel: Amber, he's not your son.
Amber: And Danny is not your biological father. I suppose he should have just forgotten about you, too, huh?
Daniel: He's completely different. He raised me from the beginning, and he was great at it.
Amber: Yeah, well, I was in and out of Eric's life, and that was totally unfair. But I'm not now. Now I'm ready to do this. This is the way it was-- it was all meant to be.
Daniel: What do you mean, "This is the way it was meant to be"? You're telling me that this is fate, th-that you're supposed to go and you're supposed to leave me t-to go and to be with this kid instead? It's--
Amber: No. No, that's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm trying to say is-- hi, Buddy, hi. How's it going?
Kay: Uh, we're just here to, uh, visit Jana.
Murphy: Uh, is she talking yet?
Daniel: Uh, you know, we--we don't--we don't know.
Amber: No, we've been kind of out of the loop.
Daniel: I'll go and, uh, get an update.
Murphy: Uh, listen, why don't you two go on now? Hey, are you into trading cards? Because they got some cool ones at the gift shop.
Eric: Can I?
Amber: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Go. Have fun.
Murphy: Come on.
Amber: (Sighs)
Kay: Is something going on between you two?
Amber: No.
Kay: Well, there has to be something.
Amber: Only a little-- little something. Eric and I are leaving town tonight forever, and Daniel's not coming with us.
Adam: It's not how I wanted things to be. But they backed me into a corner, so really, what choice did I have?
Sharon: How are you?
Nick: I'm pissed.
Phyllis: We all are.
Sharon: Well, your mom sends her love. She just can't get over this cold right now, but when she does.
Victor: Nicholas will be out before then.
Phyllis: Any word from Michael?
Victor: He's doing what he can.
Nick: Not a lot of room for him to maneuver. The cops are pretty convinced they have the person who killed Adam.
Sharon: Look, there's always bail.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nick: I wouldn't count on that. The D.A. clearly wants a Newman locked up.
Victoria: Hi. Dad called me. (Sighs) Hi.
Victor: Where's Reed?
Victoria: What? Oh, with an assistant from the office. Gabby wasn't available, and I-I couldn't not be here.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: Thanks for coming, Vick, but there's not a lot anybody can do right now.
Victoria: Well, what evidence could they possibly have to incriminate you?
Sharon: Nick's voice on tape apparently threatening Adam the night of the ball.
Phyllis: Yeah, another one of Adam's gifts from the grave. He couldn't take Nick down face-to-face, so he had to frame him for murder.
Victoria: But how? Adam didn't kill himself.
Victor: Adam tried to set up Nick before he left town. Only someone got to him first.
Nick: I didn't kill Adam. Thank God you all believe that. But getting the D.A. or a judge and jury to, it's gonna be a lot tougher to sell.
Phyllis: Yeah, we really have to get ourselves into gear and make that happen.
Dr. Sachs: Jana is progressing well. I know it's still foggy. We took care of the aneurysm in your brain. The rest of the anesthesia will be out of your system soon. If you feel any changes, just press this button, okay? Better yet, give us a holler.
Kevin: Thanks, Doc.
Dr. Sachs: You bet.
Kevin: So, Baby, do you remember? Mrs. C. and Murphy, they brought us here in their helicopter.
Kay: It's all right. It's all right. You just concentrate on getting well.
Amber: Hey, Guys, um, can Jana and I have a-a moment just, uh, to say good-bye?
Chloe: Are you still planning on leaving tonight?
Amber: That's the plan.
Daniel: Hey, does anybody want a coffee or water?
Kevin: He's not going with you?
Kay: Listen, I-I think I'll join, uh, Daniel for some coffee.
Gloria: Sorry, but I'm not leaving my son.
Kevin: Really, Mom, it's fine. Take a breather. I'm okay.
Chloe: Yeah, Gloria, come on. Let's--let's go talk about your--your shoes.
Gloria: (Snorts) They are fabulous, aren't they? (Laughs)
Kevin: So, what?
Amber: (Cries)
Kevin: Did this whole thing with Jana go right over his head? Like, be grateful that you have each other and be smart enough to stay together.
Amber: Let me just have a moment to say good-bye before I lose it, okay?
Kevin: Yeah.
Amber: I just want you to know that I love you, and I am so happy that Jana's better. And you guys, you are really lucky to have each other. I just--I just want you to know that.
Kevin: Thank you. And I just want to say that, uh, it feels like yesterday that you and I were in that boxcar together, and I was out of my mind. And I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you, and--and I think you're amazing.
Amber: So amazing that I accused you of killing Mrs. C., huh?
Kevin: Well, I think you're insane, too.
Amber: (Sighs) How can you smile about that?
Kevin: Because it's just so you, Honey. (Rubbing Amber's hand)
Amber: Okay, let me cry all over your sleeping wife now. (Sniffles)
Kevin: I love you.
Amber: I love you, too. (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles) Jana? Can you hear me? (Cries) Well, if you can't hear me, I know that you can feel me. Because you are so generous and so in tune and just-- you're just amazing. I came here, and I was just some slutty little blonde gold digger. But you never judged me for that. You never judged me for anything, and... (Sniffles) And I really love you for that. That, and, like, a million other reasons, and... I'm gonna call you all the time. (Cries) (Sobs) Oh. (Sniffles) You woke up so I could say good-bye. (Cries) But it's really not good-bye. (Sighs)
Kevin: Dude, are you dense? Amber's leaving town, and you're not going with her?
Daniel: Are you telling me that you'd follow Jana, be a father to some strange kid, just do whatever she wants you to do?
Kevin: Yeah, I would, and she would do the same for me if that's what I wanted.
Daniel: Well, I guess Amber and I don't have what you and Jana do.
Kevin: You and Amber have been through so much. All that garbage that went on with the professor when you were on tour with your dad, remember that? And how about her sticking by you when you were set up by that freak Sarah that just tortured my wife? You guys have something special. You know that.
Daniel: Yeah, I mean, you know, things have been good. Thing--things have been great. But, I mean, how great are they really if she's so ready to go?
Kevin: Well, look, she may be a flake, but she's also fiercely loyal, and she will put it all on the line for somebody she loves.
Daniel: I hate the idea of not being with Amber. Th-that woman helped me put my entire life back together after I trashed my relationship with Lily. I mean, she's pretty much one of the best friends that I've ever had, and I don't know. The things that we want, they're just so different. And she can't stick around for it.
Kevin: Okay, well, look at it this way. If she goes and you stay, right, it's like you're leaving her, too. Think about it.
Daniel: (Clears throat) (Sighs)
(Elevator bell dings)
Chloe: (Sighs) Hey, so... so what time does your plane leave?
Eric: You're going away?
Amber: Well, yeah. I mean, I gotta take off. And there's this amazing kid who flew halfway across the country just to hang out with me. So, I mean, what do you expect me to do? Just stay put in Genoa City? I gotta-- I gotta take off with him and see all kinds of amazing things. (Sighs) You know that kid's you, right?
Eric: Yeah, I kind-- I kind of figured that part out.
Amber: (Sighs) (Sniffles) You cool with that? Yeah, okay.
Chloe: Hey, I think I got a little dust in my eye. (Sniffles)
Kay: No, it's the pollen. It's--its heavy this year.
Chloe: Yeah.
Murphy: Hey, Kiddo, come on. I'll help you pack, get ready for the flight.
Amber: Thanks, Murphy. Um, see you soon, Eric.
Eric: Okay.
Amber: Bye.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, I guess this is where I am supposed to be selfless and not bitch at you for leaving me. (Laughs)
Amber: Yeah, that would-- that would really help.
Chloe: (Sighs) For a while, you were, like, the first person who didn't wear garlic around your neck to ward off my--my evil.
Amber: (Sighs) Yeah, well, we're so much alike, we even married the same guy. (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kay: Well, that is an interesting way to bond.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Amber: Yeah. (Sighs)
Chloe: Well, we-- we text each other all the time. It's gonna be fine. We--we'll talk, right?
Amber: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we totally do. It's--it's really no big deal.
Chloe: Yeah. No. Shh. (Sighs) Okay. Well, now I have, uh, like, six eyelashes in my eye and dust and--
Amber: You should so go-- go take care of that right now.
Chloe: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm gonna go.
Amber: (Cries) (Sniffles) I don't-- I don't think I can-- I don't think I can do this. (Cries) I can't say good-bye to you.
J.T.: Hey, Reed. There you are, big guy. Come here. (Inhales sharply) Hey. Hey, Bruce, uh, thanks for the call, man.
Bruce: I came in to check evidence on a case and saw this handsome fellow. I figured you might want to know he was here.
J.T.: Yeah, it's a big surprise finding him here after the conversation his mother and I had.
Bruce: Do you want me to track Victoria down for you?
J.T.: No, that's okay. Reed and I got someplace to be. Thanks. All right, come on, man. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Scoffs) How can they even take this recording nonsense seriously? (Sighs heavily)
Nick: The victim identifying me as I'm about to kill him, it's hard to ignore.
Victor: I just told you how it could be explained away, Victoria.
Nick: Adam was gonna implicate me and then skip town. I know.
Victor: There was an explosion, all to cover up the fact that there was no body found.
Nick: Well, it's a pretty good plan. I gotta hand it to him. 'Cause right now, it's hard as hell to prove I'm innocent.
Sharon: Well, we're getting hung up on this tape. Maybe there's some way that Michael can get it tossed out. You know, he can make some kind of a motion. He can say that it's-- its hearsay, or it's prejudicial, or some such legal jargon. It's not as though we can cross-examine Adam.
Nick: Even if it does get tossed out, there's still blood on my tux, and my pen is in his heart.
Victor: The question is, how do we find the real killer?
Adam: They're right about one thing-- I did set Nick up. Did a sweet job of it, too. They'll never figure it out, and I'm not about to reveal my secrets.
Victor: (Sighs)
Adam: So now Victor can visit his favorite son in prison, watch him rot in a cell. Yeah, that works for me.
Victor: (Sighs)
Adam: Can you believe this guy? Even in death, he treated me like garbage. But it's okay. I'm getting the last laugh
Nick: You know, Summer and I had a secret. We were gonna make you breakfast for Mother's day.
Phyllis: There'll be other breakfasts.
Nick: I bet you Adam's in some corner of hell laughing his ass off right now.
Phyllis: If you recall, we busted him on every trick he tried to pull. We're gonna do it again.
Nick: I need you to do something for me.
Phyllis: Anything.
Nick: I want you to move into the main house.
Phyllis: Oh, God, no.
Nick: No, Daisy and Ryder are still out there.
Phyllis: Wait, you are asking me to live with Summer, your mom, your dad, Sharon and Faith?
Nick: Yeah, I know it's not an ideal situation.
Phyllis: You think?
Nick: I need to know that you're safe while I'm in here, okay? I already talked to Dad about it.
Phyllis: Oh, God, you're serious.
Nick: Please.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, God. Okay. (Sighs)
Nick: Thank you. It's just one less thing I need to worry about.
Victoria: Reed? Reed? Where's my son?
Bruce: Mrs. Hellstrom, Reed's dad came and got him.
Victoria: What?! (Scoffs) How did J.T. even know I was here?
Bruce: I called him.
Victoria: Wait a minute.
Victor: Excuse me?
Victoria: This is my time with Reed, not J.T.'s.
Bruce: But you weren't with him, were you?
Victor: How dare you interfere in my daughter's life!
Bruce: I'm Mr. Hellstrom's attorney.
Victor: I don't give a damn who you are!
Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, this is so J.T., trying to infer that I'm not a good mother. I-I--
Victor: Calm down, Sweetheart.
Victoria: No... (Scoffs)
Sharon: Victoria, where are you going?
Victoria: No, I am sick and tired of J.T. making all the rules. That's gonna end.
[Daniel remembering]
Daniel: (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Amber: (Gasps) Is this for real?
Kay: By the power vested in me, by... uh, who-whoever it was.
Amber: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Laughs)
Kay: Uh, I now pronounce this man and this woman be husband and wife. And, uh, Daniel Romalotti, you marvelous human being, you may kiss your magnificent bride.
Amber: (Squeals, laughs)
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Amber: (Sobbing) I-it's gonna be so weird.
Kay: Shh.
Amber: I won't be able to come to your house and get my... (Sniffles) My "Mrs. C. Pep talk" as I cry on your shoulder. (Sniffles)
Kay: Oh, Amber. Amber, I will always be here for you. It doesn't matter where you are.
Amber: (Sobs)
Kay: It-- you've done the same for me.
Amber: (Sniffles) Daniel thinks I'm crazy for going.
Kay: Well, let's forget Daniel for a moment.
Amber: (Sobs)
Kay: Darling, in your heart, your heart of hearts, is this something you need to do?
Amber: I have to keep Eric safe, and this is the only way I know how. (Sniffles)
Kay: Well, then, you made the right choice. And people are gonna offer opinions, uh... (Chuckles) Whether you damn well like it or not.
Amber: (Laughs) Yeah, you've been there. (Chuckles)
Kay: (Chuckles)
Amber: (Sniffles)
Kay: Yeah, that's one more way that we're just alike.
Amber: (Sighs)
Kay: Darling, always be true to your heart. You follow your instincts.
Amber: (Sniffles) Just like you.
Kay: Mm.
Amber: Do you ever regret any--any of it?
Amber: (Sighs)
Kay: (Coughs) Well, um... uh, there is--there's one thing I learned the hard way.
Amber: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Kay: If your child's needs come first, you'll have nothing ever, ever, ever to regret.
Amber: You know what the stupid part is?
Kay: Hmm?
Amber: The reason we have to leave is because my mom is on her way here to get Eric. And let me tell you something, this woman... (Sighs) Gloria could give her major parenting tips.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, my.
Amber: I know. I know. So, of course, I had no idea how to be a mom, but...
Kay: Oh.
Amber: But I do now... because of you. (Sighs) I love you so much. You... you have been more of a mom to me than Tawny could have ever been in ten lifetimes. (Cries)
Kay: Oh, Amber. Oh, Amber.
Amber: (Cries)
Kay: Ohh.
Amber: (Sniffles)
Kay: Oh.
Amber: (Cries)
Kay: I love you.
Amber: I love you, too. (Cries) Okay. (Sniffles) (Cries)
Adam: And it's Adam, 1, Newman’s, a big old goose egg.
Nick: Tell Mom I'm fine, all right? As far as everyone else is concerned, can you just...
Victor: I'll look after them and the girls, okay? Just know that I'll do everything in power to get you out of here. We'll put together an investigative team, and I will find out who killed Adam.
Nick: Can you, uh, get a hold of, uh, Noah? Give him a heads-up? I don't want him reading about this online.
Victor: Okay?
Sharon: Of course I will. And he'll understand that this is just a ridiculous mistake.
Nick: I know Faith is too young to explain things to, but maybe you could... sing "Itsy-bitsy spider" to her. It's kind of our song.
Victor: Is that her favorite song? That's sweet.
Nick: Happy anniversary.
Phyllis: Back at you. See you tomorrow.
Chance: Nick, it's time.
Nick: (Exhales)
Victor: (Whispers) See you, Son.
Chance: Come on.
Phyllis: Um... I told--I told Summer that her dad's on another business trip, so if she says anything...
Sharon: Of course.
Victor: He's not gonna stay in this cell nor any other. This family has gone to hell and back many times. Someone out there begrudges what we have. They're trying to take it from us, but they won't succeed, because we'll stick together as a family, and as a family, we are impervious, okay? I'll do everything in power to make sure that this ill-begotten son Adam will not beat us.
Adam: Oh, Victor, Victor, Victor. You were beaten the second they toe-tagged the son you hate so much. So at the end of the day, which one of us is really pathetic?
Chloe: You'll keep us posted, yeah?
Kay: And if there's any change, you will let us know?
Gloria: Katherine, you're a remarkable woman, and you love my son. And for that, I'm very grateful.
Kevin: You okay, Mrs. C.?
Kay: Uh, I'm just... I've never been a fan of good-byes.
Kevin: Yeah, it's not my favorite word, either.
Jana: Water.
Kevin: (Gasps)
Kay: What?
Kevin: Jana, you can talk!
Chloe: (Gasps)
Kay: (Gasps)
Amber: (Sniffles)
Amber: Oh, sorry. I-I thought this was... oh, it's called "Stryker" now? Oh, okay. Um, well, this is, uh, this is Marina. I used to be one of his regulars. Oh, you remember me? Oh. Okay, uh, thanks. (Sighs)
Stryker: Marina, hello there! What is going on, my favorite drama queen?
Amber: (Sighs) I, um, I just wanted you to know that you were right.
Stryker: Of course I was, Marina. Um, about what, though?
Amber: Herve and I, we didn't make it.
Stryker: No. No! What a shock.
Amber: I'm really upset, and I might cry. But it's not sad tears. Okay, they are sad tears. I have to go. I have to leave our life. But I'm not leaving Herve.
Stryker: If he's staying behind, and you're going...
Amber: You know that, uh, corny saying that if you love someone, you--you set them free? Well, we want different things in our life right now. (Sighs) And even though my heart is shredded, for a little while, I had the most amazing man in the world. He was my partner and my best friend and my husband.
Stryker: Uh, but husband? You got married?
Amber: And I will never, ever stop loving him.
Stryker: Marina, uh, I gotta say, you are completely nuts! But I feel for you both.
Amber: Yeah, me, too.
Daniel: Hi, yeah, this is Herve. Um, I need to speak with my wife.
Victoria: (Sighs) What the hell do you think you were doing, taking Reed without my permission?
J.T.: You took Reed to a police station. Have you lost your mind?
Kevin: You are doing so great.
Gloria: Honey, Honey, give her some space. Give her some space.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, Gloria's right. It's true.
Gloria: Yes, I am. And now I'm gonna go find Michael and Lauren. And, Honey, Kevin's not gonna leave your side.
Kay: Jana, you don't have to push yourself. It's gonna be very frustrating, but those words will come. Don't push it. I'm gonna go now.
Kevin: Okay.
Kay: Ready?
Chloe: Yeah, I'm coming. Okay. (Squeals)
Kevin: Bye.
Chloe: Bye.
Kevin: (Sighs) You are doing so great. The doctor's gonna be here soon, okay? So just rest. Just take it easy for now. (Sighs) I'm so happy to have you back.
Jana: Do I know you?
Amber: You called it. I've been a total flake and a drama queen.
Stryker: And a disaster magnet?
Amber: Thanks. This little boy needs me.
Stryker: You know, I never, ever pictured you as a mother. This--this is a mindblower. Wait, hold on one sec. I'm getting a note from my producer about another caller. (Laughs) And this-- this just gets better! All right, caller, go ahead.
Daniel: Hey, it's m-- it's me. It's Herve.
Amber: If you want to go off on me... (Sighs) You can. I just...
Daniel: Can you just... be quiet just for one second? Okay, so, um, we didn't make it. So, uh, you know, it sucks, and I hate it, but I can live without the wedding ring, and I can live without the marriage certificate.
Amber: Gee, thanks.
Daniel: But I can't live without my best friend.
Amber: (Sighs shakily) Do you really mean that? (Sighs)
Daniel: I want you to have everything that you want in this amazing new life. I want you to know that no matter where you are, I'll never forget about you, and I'll always be thinking about you, being crazy and loving a-and... just being you.
Amber: (Sighs)
Daniel: And I'm gonna miss you. God, I'm gonna miss you so much. (Sighs) I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you.
Amber: (Sighs)
Stryker: Marina? Herve? Uh, d-did--did these screwballs hang up? You guys there? Hello? Are they there?
Amber: Sorry, we're here.
Daniel: Hey, uh, Stryker, thanks, man. It's been a hell of a ride. (Chuckles)
Amber: (Sighs) While it lasted.
Stryker: It was great trying to help you two. Best of luck, and thanks for finding me on my new show. Take care, you kids.
Amber: (Sighs)
(Cell phone snaps closed)
Amber: (Cries)
Amber: (Sighs)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Amber: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Daniel: (Sniffles) (Clears throat)
Amber: (Cries) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Amber: Bye.
(Door closes)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Sharon: Summer's upstairs. Your rooms are ready.
Phyllis: Wow, one big happy family.
Phyllis: Sorry. I'm a little on edge.
Sharon: Yeah, we all are.
Phyllis: (Sighs) So do you know anything about these P.I.s that Victor has hired?
Sharon: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I mean, are they good? We know all the players. We have everything to lose.
Sharon: Oh, I'm not about to stand back and let a bunch of strangers solve this mystery.
Phyllis: Neither am I. So... we keep out of each other's way, or...
Sharon: Or we work together to make this all better. Can you do that?
Phyllis: Can you do it?
Sharon: For Nicholas and for his children, absolutely.
Phyllis: Then we do it. We work together, feelings aside, and we do everything we can to clear Nicholas of this and bring him home.
Sharon: I still can't believe that Adam would go that far to hurt his brother.
Phyllis: Well, at least he got himself killed.
Sharon: Do you think? I mean, do you think that that was part of his plan?
Phyllis: What, you mean to die so Nicholas would go to prison? Who would do that? I mean, no one would do that.
Adam: How far would a person go to set his own brother up for murder? You have no idea. Nick will go down, and I'll have gotten away with the perfect crime. You might think a dead man wouldn't care too much about revenge. But you'd be wrong.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mac: Victoria's the married woman you've been sleeping with?
Heather: We gotta face the truth.
Paul: She's dangerous.
Doctor: Okay, Jane, let's open you up and see how you died.
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