Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/5/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/5/10 -- Canada; Thursday 5/6/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9392 ~ The Truth Comes Out

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Heather: Yeah, thank you.

Paul: You bet. Whoops.

Heather: (Chuckles)

Paul: So what do you have planned for today?

Heather: Uh, I got some new movies in the mail. I thought I would, you know, maybe take a nice long walk.

Paul: So you're making the most out of your suspension, huh?

Heather: Yeah. The days are just flyin' by.

(Cell phone rings)

Heather: Mm. Excuse me. Hello? Uh, yes, speaking. That was fast. Sure. Yes. Uh, I-I will. Thank--thank you very much.

Paul: Everything okay?

Heather: Uh, yeah. Um... I have a confession to make. I did something that you're probably not gonna approve of.

Paul: Really? What's that?

Heather: Well, the other day when we went to visit Aunt Patty, she gave me a paper cup that had her D.N.A. on it and begged me to have it tested.

Paul: Are you telling me that you are convinced that she's Emily?

Heather: (Sighs) If it's not Emily, then we'll have the lab results to prove it, and... and maybe that'll convince Aunt Patty to stop insisting.

Paul: Right. Was that the lab on the phone?

Heather: Yeah. I'm--I'm gonna go pick up the results right now.

Patty: Why does Jack hate me so much? He's determined to prove that I am not Emily. There's gotta be a way out of this. God? Um, if you're listening, I need you. I need you more than I've ever needed you before. (Sighs) Jack and I belong together. (Sighs) We had your blessing when we married. "What God has joined, let no man put asunder." Oh, please, please help me. Just show me. Show me the way.

(Cat meows) (Meow)

Patty: Mr. Kitty?


Patty: Mr. Kitty?


Patty: (Gasps)

Patty: (Sighs) (Giggles) Hi, little kitty. Hello there. Where have you come from, hmm? (Laughs)

Patty: (Humming)

Daniel: Kevin. Hey, how's Jana?

Kevin: No change. I, uh... I was with her all night. She opened her eyes a couple of times. She tried to speak, but... but she couldn’t. And, uh, I was just with the doctor. He just laid everything out for me, complications and stuff. And, uh... and he said that she could have brain damage. And he said that people with aneurisms can die, and, uh... (Sighs) And there's nothing that I can do.

Daniel: Yeah, there is, man. You get back in that room. You go let Jana know there's nothing in this world that's more important than you love for each other. You sit there with her. You hold her hand, and you just keep telling her that she's gonna make it, and she will.

Kevin: (Sighs) Thanks.

Daniel: Just speakin' the truth, brother.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Kevin: (Sighs) So where's Amber? I'm sure Jana would love to see her.

Daniel: Uh... (Sighs) Amber is not here.

Kevin: Where is she?

Daniel: Just forget about it, all right? You've got enough problems.

Kevin: Something going on with you guys?

Daniel: Amber just didn't come home last night.

Amber: So Mrs. C. said that, uh, little--well, Eric and I were allowed to stay as long as we'd like.

Chloe: I'm glad that you're joining the party.

Amber: Mm. Did you see Eric making muffins with your mom when we left?

Chloe: Yeah. I wish that my mom was like that with me when I was a little kid.

Amber: And I wish I went to some fancy private school.

Chloe: Okay, point taken.

Amber: I just... I never want Eric to feel like no one cared.

Chloe: He won’t. I think that you're really great with him.

Amber: I really miss being a mom. But Daniel doesn't get it.

Chloe: I think... I think that he will. I think you just need to give him some time.

Amber: There might not be time. Not if I want to keep Eric safe.

Nick: (Sighs) I think Faith had a growth spurt.

Phyllis: Yeah, she really lit up when she saw Summer, didn't she?

Nick: Oh, yeah. There is just nothing like spending the day with my two girls.

Phyllis: We missed daddy, didn't we?

Nick: No more business trips for a while. All right, why don't you run upstairs and, uh, grab a toy? (Sighs) Thanks for, um, gettin' that gift to give Summer from me.

Phyllis: Yeah, no problem. Because you always bring her back something when you come back from a business trip.

Nick: I don't have anything for you. And I know I missed our anniversary.

Phyllis: It's okay. I missed our wedding night. Remember? So we're even.

Nick: You know, that's right. There's just nothing like having your bride hauled off to jail right after the ceremony.

Phyllis: Oh, I know. It's so funny. It's so funny. And maybe in 20 years, I'll be able to laugh about it, too, but now, not so much.

Nick: No, it's--

Phyllis: Yeah.

Summer: Mommy, can we have a picnic?

Phyllis: A picnic? Oh, my gosh, what are you talkin' about? It's so chilly outside, and you know what? Daddy is taking us to a very fancy restaurant.

Nick: Oh, yeah. We're gonna celebrate mommy and daddy's anniversary.

Phyllis: Yeah, and we're gonna dance. How much fun is that?

Summer: (Sighs)

Nick: Hmm.

Phyllis: Not so much. (Chuckles)

Nick: She clearly wants a picnic, don't you, Supergirl?

Summer: Please, Daddy?

Nick: I mean, we're havin' a picnic then. I mean, come on.

Phyllis: Yeah?

Nick: We're, uh... we're just gonna do it indoors. You and I, you know? We'll move all the furniture. And mommy can go whip us up some grub.

Phyllis: Ahh. We should move the furniture while daddy cooks. That's what we're gonna do. Yay!

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: Yay! Let's do that.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: All right.

Nick: Well, in order to move the furniture, you kind of need some muscles, and let's see... (Chuckles) Oh, yeah.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Oh, wow. Daddy underestimates us 'cause we have muscles, don't we? Show him your muscles.

Nick: Whoo!

Phyllis: Pretty impressive.

Nick: Wow! That must be from all that karate. Why don't you show me some moves, ninja girl? What do you got? You got some karate moves in you, huh?

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: Can you sweep the leg?

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: What do you got? Come on.

Phyllis: You got moves.

Nick: (Makes silly noises) Look at me. I got some-- I got some moves, too.

Victor: I was winning at solitaire. Where's Michael Baldwin? I refuse to talk with you without my attorney present.

Chance: Mr. Newman, you're being released.

Victor: Why are you releasing me? I confessed to Adam's murder.

Chance: Well, we've uncovered some new evidence which disputes your confession. So there's no cause to hold you.

Victor: Is this your way of trying to make me say things that would further incriminate me without my lawyer present? Is that it?

Chance: I assure you, Mr. Newman, this is no trick.

Victor: What's this new information you have?

Chance: Well, at this time, I'm not at liberty to say what that is.

Daniel: I was just, uh, leaving you a message.

Amber: What'd it say?

Daniel: That I'm here.

Chloe: How's Jana?

Daniel: Uh, no change. Doctor's talking to Kevin and Gloria right now. What about Eric? Was he, uh, freaked out by last night?

Amber: (Sighs) He's seen worse. Um, he thinks Mrs. C. lives in a palace, so...

Daniel: (Chuckles) Sure, I mean, after livin' with your mom in her trailer.

Amber: Yeah, right. It’s...

Daniel: Look, we need to talk.

Chloe: Uh, I'll... I'll--I'll go. I'll just go.

Amber: Yeah, you know, um, I want to check on Jana first.

Chloe: Okay, well, I'll-- I'll go with you.

Daniel: Chloe, can I talk to you for a second?

Doctor: The fact that Jana's conscious is a good sign.

Kevin: So what are her options?

Doctor: There are two. Uh, the first is called clip ligation. Um, a metal clip is placed at the base of the arterial wall. Uh, the procedure requires a craniotomy. We'd have to shave her head, open her up and create a small window in the skull.

Kevin: And what's the other choice?

Doctor: Uh, coiling. We'd insert a catheter through the femoral artery into the aneurysm and release coils that, uh, fill the aneurysm so that it won't, um, grow or pop. Now it's less invasive.

Kevin: (Sighs) Okay, uh, what... what do you recommend?

Doctor: Well, because Jana was severely dehydrated and malnourished, coiling would be less stressful on her body.

Kevin: Okay, then that's what we'll do.

Doctor: Okay. I'll need you to sign the paperwork, and we'll get things moving.

Kevin: Okay.

Kevin: I don't know how much of that you heard, but, um... you have an aneurysm. And the... (Sighs) The doctors are gonna operate on you now. And I'll be waiting here for you when you get out of surgery. (Sobs quietly) (Sighs) (Breathing heavily) (Sobs quietly)

Patty: You couldn't have picked a better time to show up. And you know what? It's not a coincidence either. God knew I needed a friend, and he brought you to me. (Chuckles) Thank you. Well, you know what? We need to give you a name. Yeah. What should we call you, hmm? Hmm... there was a Mr. Kitty and Kitty Kitty. (Chuckles) Oh, you know what? I know. We're gonna call you "Cat." Audrey Hepburn called her little kitty in-- in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" that. Hello, Cat. (Chuckles) Come here. I know you're hungry. Come here, Sweetheart. (Whispers indistinctly) Hmm? Hmm? Mm.

(Front door opens)

Jack: Morning.

Patty: Where did you sleep?

Jack: At the club. I needed a couple of files here for a meeting.

Patty: You're heading out again?

Jack: Yeah. What happened to your portrait?

Patty: I didn't think you wanted to s-see it up there after our fight last night.

Jack: Who's your friend?

Patty: (Giggles) It's a stray. Do you mind?

Jack: No, fine with me. I'll see you later.

Patty: (Gasps) Wait, Jack. I know that, um... I know that you wanted to see Patty, and--and, uh...

Jack: Can I see Patty? Will you rescind your order?

Patty: No, and not for the reasons that you think, either.

Jack: Then I'll find another way to see her.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: Keep the cat in the pool house. I don't want it marking its territory in here.

Patty: Ow! (Sighs)

Jack: You okay?

Patty: Yeah. No, it's--it's just a scratch. There's no harm done. Right, Cat?

Jack: Lucky break. See you later.

Patty: Well, he isn't gonna be easy. But you know what? He is not gonna outsmart us. Will he, Cat? (Chuckles) No, he won’t. (Sighs)

Patty: (Giggles)

Jack: You are so busted, Patty. You just outed yourself without even knowing it.

Phyllis: You did?

Nick: All right, I got hot chicken. Get it while it's hot.

Phyllis: Ooh, hot chicken.

Nick: I got some biscuits.

Phyllis: Ooh.

Nick: You want a biscuit? Look at that. Catch. Nice.

Phyllis: So our daughter has been asking about our wedding day.

Nick: Oh, the wedding day.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: You want to see the, uh, wedding video again?

Phyllis: No, no, she doesn't want to see the video. She wants us to tell her about it. The entire story, right, Sweetie? Yep. Yeah. Yeah.

Nick: Huh. Okay, well, um... it was in a church.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: And it was a beautiful day. Your mommy was especially beautiful. And all our friends and family were there.

Phyllis: And your big brother Daniel was holding you while your daddy and I exchanged vows.

Nick: (Sighs)

Summer: Hmm.

Nick: Marrying your mommy was the best thing I ever did. Ever.

Summer: Kiss Daddy.

Phyllis: Oh, really? (Chuckles)

Nick: She knows karate. You better do what she says.

Phyllis: (Laughs) All right.

(Telephone rings)

Nick: Better-- I'll just, uh, get that.

Phyllis: Hey, you know what? New rule. No phones at our picnics.

Nick: Yeah, sorry, but I gotta... yeah, I need to... hi. Speaking.

Nick: Okay, I'll be right there. All right, bye. That was Chance. Uh, my dad just got back from his business trip, so I gotta go to the station and pick him up.

Phyllis: Wow. Did he say why your dad, um, is home early?

Nick: No, but I'll find out what's going on once I get there, okay?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Sorry I gotta cut out early.

Phyllis: Well, um... don't forget about our anniversary dinner, right?

Nick: Oh, no way.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I'm really looking forward to twirling around with my two favorite girls. Mwah. I'm just gonna take a biscuit for the road. (Sighs)

Phyllis: That was yours. He took your biscuit. (Scoffs) You can get another one.

Daniel: Well, I'm just too young to be a dad.

Chloe: (Chuckles) No, you're not.

Daniel: Okay, I know you're crazy about Delia, but be honest with me. Doesn't she make you feel like you're tied down?

Chloe: Sometimes, I... no, I take that back. Sit--sit down. No.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Chloe: It's more like I feel grounded. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And before I had her, I was totally self-absorbed, and having a kid changes that. And now my first priority is to make sure that she's protected and make sure that she has the best life possible, and it is the most rewarding feeling in the entire world.

Daniel: I'd just like it to be the two of us for a little while longer. And, I mean, that's what we agreed upon, that--that we would wait to start a family, and now what? Does that all just get tossed aside?

Chloe: Eric and Amber had a bond long before you were in the picture. You can't just expect her to give that up.

Daniel: I just feel like I'm on an episode of "Let's make a deal," you know? I-I can either take what's behind the door or stick with what's in the envelope. And... I don't know, you know? No matter what I choose, uh, I'm screwed, because there's some sacrifice that--that I don't know if I'm ready to make.

Kevin: Why is this taking so long? Do you think something's happened?

Amber: No, the doctors know what they're doing.

Kevin: And what if--

Gloria: Honey, Honey, do you remember when you were a little boy, and we used to talk about the "What ifs"?

Kevin: No.

Gloria: Kevin worried about everything. What if Tom didn't like the meal I cooked? What if he got mad because Kevin only got a "C" on his test? And I would say, "Why worry about..."

Kevin: "...About things that haven't happened?"

Gloria: "Because yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery."

Kevin: "And today is a gift. That's why they call it the present."

Gloria: That's right.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Gloria: Jana's here today. Now you focus on that.

Amber: She has angels around her.

Kevin: Oh, screw the angels. Dr. Sachs better not mess up. (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Gloria: It's Jeffrey. (Sighs) No, she's still in surgery.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Amber: Wow. That's a side of Gloria I've never seen.

Kevin: She has her moments.

Amber: It's hard to watch your kid suffer.

Kevin: Speaking of... Daniel said that you guys may keep Eric with you.

Amber: (Sighs) I-I can't send him back to Tawny. You know, he thought of me as a mother, and I just disappeared out of his life for years. So now is my chance to make it up to him. And if I wasn't so worried about Jana, I would leave Genoa City.

Kevin: Why?

Amber: Because Ryder and Daisy might be looking for him. It might not be safe for him here.

Kevin: Well, then you have to go. I mean, Jana would understand. The kid has to come first.

Amber: Yeah, I wish Daniel understood the way you do.

Kevin: (Sighs) He'll come around.

Amber: And what if he doesn't, huh? What if I lose him?

Kevin: You won't, because he loves you, and he won't let you go.

Jack: Your secretary said I'd find you here.

Paul: How did it go with Emily's brother?

Jack: My instincts were right. (Sighs) I don't even know how to tell you this. (Stammers) The woman I married is not Emily. She's Patty.

Paul: (Groans, sighs) I was afraid of that.

Patty: (Sighs) I'm so much prettier as a blonde. Don't you think, Cat? Hmm? Well, let's hope this is the last time I have to do this, because the peroxide is frying my hair.

(Cat meows)

Patty: Okay. (Sighs) Well, Cat, hi. Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna have to put you at the pool house. But I think you're gonna like it there. There's lots of birds. You can hear 'em chirping. (Chuckles) Jack thinks he can outsmart me. Yeah, but I'm gonna show him. Hmm? I am gonna show him. There's just one more thing I need to do, Kitty. Hmm? (Chuckles)

Nick: An they let you go. Did you recant your confession?

Victor: No.

Nick: Well, then why did they--

Chance: As I explained to your father, we've uncovered a new piece of evidence.

Nick: Well, I'd like to know what that is.

Jack: Wait, you knew it was Emily that was locked up, and you didn't do anything?

Paul: No, I didn't know. I brought Heather to visit Patty the other day, and Heather thought there was something wrong. So she told me this morning she had a D.N.A. test run on her just to be sure.

Jack: And what were the results?

Paul: Well, she just went to pick them up.

Jack: O-okay. Well, I know for sure, and I have proof.

Paul: You have proof? How did you get proof?

Jack: It all came down to a cat.

Paul: A cat? Kitty Kitty is staying with me.

Jack: No, no, this is a stray cat I got from a shelter. I brought it home to leave it at the front door knowing that Patty couldn't resist. Sure enough... I just left the house. She was playing with the cat, kissing it, sticking its-- her face in its fur.

Paul: Why--wait. How--w-what does that prove? I mean, Emily may love cats, too.

Jack: Emily is allergic to cats. Her brother told me. And yet, the woman I just left with that cat had no reaction at all. In fact, the cat scratched her. She's doing just fine.

Paul: Have you gone to the hospital to confirm this with Emily?

Jack: I can't get near the patient. Her doctor has seen to it that I'm barred.

Paul: Let me see what I can do.

Jack: Thanks. (Sighs)

Paul: Yes, um, Dr. Jasper, please. This is Paul Williams calling. Well, when will he be back? Oh, I see. Well, I, um, I'm just bringing someone with me to visit my sister. Since when isn't she allowed to have any visitors?

Jack: (Sighs)

Paul: Who gave the order? Dr. Abbott. Uh, well, listen, please. Um, I have reason to believe that the woman in that room is not my sister. Well, then let me speak to your superior. Well, when will she be back? As soon as possible, please. Half the staff is gone on a conference. There is no one there of authority to countermand Dr. Abbott's orders.

Jack: I think we need to call the police.

Paul: We don't really have anything concrete.

Jack: We're not overre--

Heather: Jack, I was just about to call you. You're not gonna believe this.

Jack: Patty switched with Emily.

Heather: Well, now we have conclusive proof. Uh, these--these are the lab reports, and look. There's not a single marker in common. Not a single one between us. We're not related.

Jack: We have to get Emily out of the hospital.

(Door opens)

Patty: Hello, Emily.

Emily: Patty, I don't-- I don't want to talk to you.

Patty: Oh, I thought you might like to hear the good news.

Emily: What good news?

Patty: You're getting out of here.

Dr. Sachs: Everything went well with Jana's surgery.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Amber: (Laughs)

Kevin: Can I see her?

Dr. Sachs: They'll bring her back here shortly.

Gloria: And she'll make a full recovery.

Dr. Sachs: Uh, Jana needs to be closely monitored for the next few days, but I'm guardedly optimistic.

(Pager beeps)

Dr. Sachs: I need to take care of this. Uh, I'll check in again later.

Daniel: See? I told you she was gonna be fine.

Kevin: Wait, what does-- what does "Guardedly optimistic" mean? Is that just doubletalk? He probably doesn't know what he's talking about.

Chloe: No, no. It means that there's hope.

Amber: Yeah.

Daniel: Look, uh, ma wanted me to keep her posted, so...

Kevin: Amber, you just need to talk to him. You know, and now we know that Jana's gonna be okay. You know, there's no excuse for you to stick around.

Gloria: You're leaving Daniel?

Amber: I'm leaving Genoa City, and I'm going to California.

(Cell phone rings)

Amber: Hello? Mom? Yeah, Eric used your card to fly here. What--what'd you expect him to do? You just disappeared on him. No, no. (Stammers) You know what? I don't care how much food you left him. He is a kid, not a dog. I mean, what did--what did you-- Tawny. Mom, don't-- don't you dare hang--   

(Phone clicks)

Amber: (Sighs) She's on her way here to get Eric.

Chloe: It would kind of solve your problems with Daniel.

Amber: No, this is-- this is not a good thing. She just cares about the money that Deacon sends her to take care of him. All he is to her is a-a giant meal ticket. I really hope you're right about Daniel, because Eric and I gotta leave tonight.

Chance: A broken cell phone was found in the rubble near Adam's body. His fingerprints were found all over it. We were able to retrieve a voice message from that cell phone.

Adam: This is Adam Newman. I'm at the Athletic Club. They have me trapped in the basement, "They" being me loving family. I doubt they'll let me out of here alive. This might be my last communication. The only reason I came back tonight was for Sharon, but she wants nothing to do with me. She believes the lies they've been telling her about me. They--they painted me like I'm some monster, but I'm not. I never-- who's there? Is someone down here? Nick, what are you doing?

Nick: What?

Adam: No, stay--stay away! Don't come any closer!

Nick: That's a setup. That never happened.

Chance: Would you like to revise your statement? Nick, what happened the night Adam was murdered?

Patty: Hmm. See ya. I wouldn't want to be ya. (Chuckles)

Daniel: Just give Summer a kiss for me, and I'll see you guys later, okay? All right, bye. (Sighs) Good news about Jana.

Amber: One less thing to worry about.

Daniel: Listen, last night without you, uh, it was rough. I hate it when we fight. I...

Amber: Me, too. I know you didn't sign up for this.

Daniel: I'm not ready to have a kid.

Amber: (Sighs) I didn't plan it this way. But now that Eric’s here, I can't abandon him all over again.

Daniel: You know, I was up all night trying to figure out how I could handle this, and I still don't know if I can. But if it means not having you in my life, I... I-I don't--I don't want to live without you. But you're gonna have to be patient with me.

Amber: It's gonna suck leaving Genoa City, but we'll have each other.

Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa. (Chuckles) What are you talking about? Leaving?

Amber: Tawny called. She's on her way here to get Eric.

Daniel: Amber, that-- that's fantastic. She can take him back to Furnace Creek and--

Amber: No. No, that's not. That's not fantastic. You don't know what it's like growing up with her as a mother. I'm not gonna do that to Eric. Okay? W-we gotta leave tonight.

Daniel: Are you serious right now?

Amber: Please say you'll come with me.

(Telephone rings)

Phyllis: Hello?

Victor: Hi, Phyllis. This is Victor. Um, can you find someone to stay with Summer?

Phyllis: Why? Is this about Nick?

Victor: You need to come to the police station.

Phyllis: What happened?

Victor: Nicholas is being charged with Adam's murder.

Jack: I've never seen anyone around here respond that quickly.

Heather: The executive director knows that if that's Emily that's been locked up in there, then she has one hell of a case against this facility.

Jack: Okay, listen, um, I have it from here.

Paul: You sure?

Jack: Yeah. This is my house key. Patty's there. Thank you.

Paul: All right, let's go.

Jack: Emily?

Kevin: Dr. Sachs said the operation went well.

Chloe: How about I go get you some food? You've been up all night, and you cannot live on that cafeteria food.

Kevin: Thanks. Anything but tuna.

Chloe: Okay. I won't be long.

Kevin: Thanks for helping.

Chloe: Yeah, I'm a sucker for a good love story.

Kevin: Do you hear that? We're a good love story.

Gloria: That's right, Honey.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: Jana? Jana, can you hear me?

Kevin: (Sighs)

Daniel: (Sighs)

Amber: I know it's sudden. So if you need to take a few days to pack your stuff and--and get everything together, then-- then I fully understand that. Eric and I, we can go, and you can just meet up with us.

Daniel: Where are you gonna go?

Amber: California.

Daniel: Oh. (Scoffs)

Amber: I-it's not like we haven't talked about going there.

Daniel: We talked about going there for a visit.

Amber: You'll see more of your dad. (Sighs) I know it's sudden.

Daniel: Look, okay, hang on a second. What are we talking here? Are we talking, a-a month? A year? What?

Amber: I don't know.

Daniel: Amber, are-- are you even planning on ever coming back?

Amber: Maybe... s-sometime in the future. Maybe never.

Victor: You know that Adam set you up.

Nick: This punk's dead, and he's still comin' after us.

Victor: I confessed to his murder. I'll demand of the detective that he let you go free and put me back under arrest.

Nick: (Hits table) Dad, they won't believe you. I need you on the outside to help get me out of this mess.

Phyllis: Why are they arresting you?

Chance: It's because we have solid proof your husband killed Adam.

Nick: They got a voice recording.

Phyllis: Of you?

Victor: No, of Adam.

Nick: Telling me to stay away from him, or someone he claims is me.

Chance: Nicholas Newman, you're under arrest for the murder of Adam Wilson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.

Paul: Patty? Patty? Pattycake? It's me, Paul. I bro--I brought Heather with me.

Heather: Oh, my God.

Paul: (Coughs) Oh, no.

Heather: (Sighs) Oh, look, there's a note for Jack.

Paul: "Jack, Emily will never love you the way I do. I would have made you happy if you... had given me the chance. I'm leaving Genoa City. You'll never find me. Love, your wife Patty."

Jack: Emily?

Patty: (Gasps) Oh, my God. Jack. (Sighs) Oh, God, Jack. (Laughs) (Sobs) Oh, my God.

Jack: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I saw you at the courthouse. I didn't know.

Patty: (Sighs) No, it's okay. Finally. No, look at me. Finally, someone believes me. Oh, my God, Jack, she's-- she--she knocked me out. And she's tried to kill me.

Jack: I know. I know you've been through hell.

Patty: Take me home, please.

Jack: It's all over. It's all over.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Amber: I can't say good-bye to you.

Victor: Adam tried to set up Nick before he left town, only someone got to him first.

Kevin: Amber's leaving town, and you're not going with her?

Daniel: I guess Amber and I don't have what you and Jana do.

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