Y&R Transcript Monday 5/3/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 5/3/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 5/4/10 -- USA


Episode # 9390 ~ Lauren & Sarah Reflect on Their Relationship

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

(Helicopter whirring)

Kay: (Sighs) Finally. I thought we would never find a place to land.

Murphy: Listen, those two people you saw running-- was one of them Jana?

Kevin: I don't know. I don't know, but there were definitely two people running in the middle of nowhere. Please, God, let one of them be Jana.

Murphy: Well, which way were they headed?

Kay: You know, guys, I still can't get my bearings.

Kevin: Uh, no, it's--it's-- it's this way. No, wait, I'm twisted up, too.

Kay: Uh, Kevin, Kevin, listen to me now. Just pick a spot and go. We'll go the opposite direction.

Kevin: No, no, no. You guys have to stay here. It's not safe.

Murphy: Look, we've come this far. We can't just stay here and sit on our hands.

Kay: We are all wasting time! Now come on! Go!

Kevin: Okay, call my cell if you need anything.

Kay: I will. Kevin, be careful, please!

(Distorted calliope music playing)

Clown voice: Which one am I?

Ryder: Daisy, wait! Daisy, you have to listen! Daisy!

Michael: She said, "It’s over." Why--why would Lauren say, "It’s over"?

Phyllis: Do--don't--don't--

Michael: It's--it's such an odd thing to say.

Phyllis: Don't panic.

Michael: "It's over."

Phyllis: Don't panic. We'll find her.

Michael: And then what? Kiss her, hug her and tell her everything's fine, then press charges? She tried to kill you! She might try and hurt herself. I knew it. I knew--I... things were wrong. Things were just so wrong. She... she disappears. Then she comes back. Then she bails out the bastards that have been torturing her--

Phyllis: (Sighs) Listen, we'll get her help. We'll do whatever we have to do. Michael, we've all lost our minds. We've all gone over--

Michael: (Stammers) Oh, we've all tried to kill our best friends? No, if she's capable of that, she's capable of anything, wherever the hell she is!

Phyllis: We know where she is, because we heard the music in the background. Hopefully, she's still there.

(Engine revs)

Lauren: Okay, come on, Sweetie. Come on.

Jana: No.

Lauren: For Kevin. Please.

Jana: Stop. Stop. God, I am so tired. Please.

Lauren: No, no, no, no, no.

Jana: (Whimpers)

Lauren: Daisy may be following us, and Sarah may be anywhere. And she could have already killed--

Jana: No, just go. Just go. Go for Michael. Go for Phyllis. Just--

Lauren: No.

Jana: Yes, just leave me.

Lauren: Okay, look, look, I'm not leaving without you.

Jana: Leave me, Lauren.

Lauren: Come on, let's-- let's try this door.

Jana: Oh, God.

Lauren: Okay, it's unlocked.

Jana: Go. Go.

Lauren: Can you make it?

Jana: (Breathing heavily)

Lauren: What is this? All right, here.

Jana: (Moans)

Lauren: Its okay, Honey. We'll rest here.

Jana: (Whimpers)

Lauren: And when you can, we'll run. And when you can, we'll go, okay?

Jana: (Whimpers)

Lauren: Come on, Honey. Come on.

Jana: (Sighs) (Moans) (Sighs) (Breathing heavily)

Lauren: All right, okay. Get down a little bit. Get--

(Calliope music playing)

Clown voice: Which one am I?

Jana: Oh, God.

Sarah: Hey, Gang, where'd you go?

(Calliope music continues)

Sarah: The fun's just beginning.

Clown voice: Which one am I?

Lauren: (Whispers) My God, come on, crouch down.

Jana: (Sighs)

Lauren: Crouch down. You okay?

Amber: (Sighs)

(Liquid spills)

Amber: Oh! Oh, no. (Sighs) (Sighs) Hey, Chloe, it's me. Um, I'm at the Chancellor house. You remember little D., my, um, well, the... the little boy that I used to raise? Um, he's--he's called Eric now. But he's with me. Well, he's not "With me" with me right now, he's actually in the guest room, where I guess I will be sleeping later, since I can't go home. Um, Daniel, he... (Sighs) When you get this, can you call me? Um, or maybe... stop by the house?

(Knock on door)

Amber: Or maybe you forgot your key. Bye.

Daniel: I figured something out about Daisy.

Amber: Nothing you can say will fix what's wrong with us.

Jack: Go ahead, Patty. Tell me how you turned yourself into Emily.

Patty: I'm Emily. I know you're confused, and you're... you're having problems and--

Jack: Oh, oh, now you're calling me crazy?

Patty: You know I don't like that term.

Jack: This... this is crazy. This book is filled with the ravings of a lunatic. It isn't enough I lost my niece because of you? Now you've gone after my wife?! I don't know how you pulled off this farce, Patty, but it ends now!

Patty: (Sighs)

Patty: May I?

Jack: Fine, Patty. Read it out loud. See if you can find one sentence in there you can make any sense of.

Patty: You've clearly invaded my patient's privacy, and I should be angry. But I am more concerned about you, Jack. How could you think I wrote this?

Jack: I saw you with this book more than once. And Emily is much too bright, much too together to write something like that.

Patty: And I appreciate it, since I'm Emily. (Sighs) Think about this. I'm Patty's doctor. It's perfectly reasonable that I would have her diary. I-I-I need to-- I need to u-understand her thoughts. I need to take notes.

Jack: Notes? N--you--notes from that? You put a monkey in front of a typewriter, what he comes up with would make more sense than that.

Patty: Okay, to Patty, this means something. These are her thoughts, her feelings, her dreams. And if this is how Patty sees the world, then who are we to judge her? The man I married would have never read someone else's diary, let alone mock it. (Sighs) You don't know me, Jack? Well, I'm afraid I don't know you.

Daniel: Look, two minutes. That's all I need.

Amber: Oh, makes sense. Only took you two minutes to fall in bed with someone else after I left our place.

Daniel: No, no, look. There's a reason.

Amber: (Sighs) Daisy. Daisy?! After what she did to Michael and Lauren? Crazy, mean Daisy? Why? Why, huh? Because she didn't want kids, and that wouldn't cramp your style? Well, you know what? If that's what you want, then you can--

Daniel: Look, I told you. She showed up at our front door in tears, said that Ryder had put her up to everything, so I was trying to get information out of her, see if she knew what happened with Lauren, what was going on with Jana. And then everything got blurry. I mean, she had to have drugged me. It's the only thing that makes any sense. Just like she did to Lauren, 'cause to betray you like that, Amber, I wouldn't do that, no matter how rough things had been between us. I mean, come on. You gotta know that.

Amber: (Sighs)

Michael: Daisy and Ryder, they...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Michael: They did this to Lauren. The drugs, the toxins, they... they must have had some kind of residual effect that made her act this way.

Phyllis: Listen--

Michael: She attacked you. She attacked you.

Phyllis: No, it wasn't Lauren. It wasn't Lauren. It wasn't Lauren. I'm telling you. I know Lauren, and she's tough, and she can hit hard if she's pushed too far, but it wasn't her. That look in her eyes... this goes back to Sheila.

Michael: (Scoffs) Yeah, I know, right?

Phyllis: It does. It goes back to Sheila.

Michael: Lauren was terrified that Sheila was behind the rat and the rest of it, but we-- we both know that's impossible.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know that. You know that. But--but listen. Lauren has been totally tormented by those freaks. I mean, she just snapped.

Michael: No, we... we did her blood work. We did a complete blood workup, and we talked therapy. But... (Stammers) There was... there was... you--there was something off. (Sighs) What was I thinking? What was I thinking? I-I-I-I moved out when she needed me the most.

Phyllis: Oh, listen, your instinct--

Michael: I chose to move out.

Phyllis: Your instinct was to protect your son. That's good instinct.

Michael: I should have protected both Lauren and Fenmore-- Lauren from herself.

Phyllis: Listen, Michael. She's gonna come back, and we're gonna get her help. We're gonna get her help, and you know she's gonna kick your butt at "Ring toss" at that harvest festival, because you know she has game. She's really good. You're not.

Michael: All those damn stuffed animals that you two won, they're still on Fenmore's shelf.

Phyllis: Yeah? Those days aren't over.

Michael: Nope. No, you're right. Lauren... (Chuckles) She's smart. She's so smart, and she's strong.

Phyllis: Of course. Yeah, she is. She is.

Michael: She is strong.

Phyllis: She is. I mean, she has to be strong to hook up with someone like you.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Okay?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: And she loves you so much. I know that for sure.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: And you know what? That love, that's gonna help her find her way back to you.

Michael: (Sighs)

(Distorted calliope music playing)

Jana: (Breathing heavily) Oh, my head. Oh, God, and the spinning.

Lauren: Jana.

Daisy: Aunt Sarah, it was--it was Ryder! He let them go. It wasn't me.

Sarah: Oh, great. Now Mama Bear is gonna have to clean up your mess. Thank goodness I came prepared.

Lauren: Sarah! I have an offer!

Jana: (Moans)

Sarah: Oh, you want to deal, "Precious"? Let's hear it.

Lauren: Jana needs a doctor.

Jana: No, no, no, no, Lauren. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.

Lauren: Let her get help, and I'll stop running.

Sarah: And how am I supposed to trust you?

Lauren: Let her go, and you got me.

Sarah: Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'll just kill you both.

Lauren: Jana.

Jana: (Moans)

Lauren: We've got to get out of here. Come on. Come on.

Jana: (Sighs)

Lauren: Come on.

Kevin: Lauren! Whoa, everything is okay. Put the gun down.

Jana: Kevin!

Kevin: Jana! Where are you?

Jana: That's not Lauren!

Kevin: Lauren?

Sarah: Time to see Daddy.


(Distorted calliope music playing)

Clown voice: Which one am I?

Kay: Nothing?

Murphy: No, no one's been through here, not lately, anyway.

Kay: Well, maybe, uh, maybe Kevin went in the right direction. Shall we just try-- (Gunshot)

Kay: Wh-what's that?

Phyllis: Oh, God, that was the sound of a-a gunshot.

Michael: She said good-bye, and she hung up. She said good-bye, and then she hung up.

Phyllis: Let's go. Let's go.

Michael: No, no, no. You stay here. If she turns on you, you can't run. And lock the doors.

Phyllis: Go get her, Michael. Go get her. Go!

(Distorted calliope music playing)

Sarah: (Breathing heavily)

Kevin: (Exhales quickly) (Grunts)

Sarah: (Grunts)

Kevin: (Grunts)

Sarah: Ow! (Grunts) (Gunshot)

Sarah: (Grunts)

Kevin: (Grunts)

Sarah: (Grunts)

(Music slowing down)

Kevin: Jana! Jana!

Sarah: (Groans)

Daisy: Mama bear!

Sarah: (Moans) Oh.

Daisy: Mama Bear?

Sarah: Get the gun. Get the gun.

(Music stops)

Kevin: Jana! Jana!

Jana: Kevin!

Kevin: Jana!

Jana: Oh, God. Oh, God. (Laughs)

Kevin: (Breathing heavily)

Jana: (Sobs)

Kevin: My baby. My baby.

Jana: You're here.

Kevin: I'm here. I'm here.

Jana: Oh, God, you're real!

Kevin: I'm here, Baby. I got you. I got you.

Jana: Oh, you're real.

Kevin: I got you.

Jana: (Sobs)

Lauren: Look. Look, Daisy and Ryder are Sheila's children, and that woman Sarah is her sister.

Kevin: Okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay now. Um, I've got a helicopter outside. Let's go.

Lauren: All right, look. Look, she said she was gonna kill Phyllis and Michael. We have to get word to the police.

Kevin: Well, we gotta get out of here before that psycho comes to. Let's go!

Jana: Okay.

Lauren: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, it's too late. Look. Look. She wants me, so I'll distract her. Please go help Phyllis and Michael.

Jana: No, Lauren, she'll kill you!

Lauren: I didn't survive Sheila to let that bitch take me down.

Jana: (Gasps) Ow.

Sarah: Kill them.

Kevin: We've gotta get you out of here. Let's go. Let's go.

Jana: (Moans)

Daisy: Aw, together forever.

Ryder: Daisy, don't!

Kevin: You hurt her, I will kill you.

Daisy: That's why you get to die first.

Jana: (Gasps)

("Pop Goes the easel" playing)

Clown voice: Which one am I?

Lauren: (Breathing heavily)

Sarah: (Breathing heavily)

[Phyllis remembering]

Lauren, what happened? Since when have you become homicidal?

Michael: (Whispers) I don't understand what's going on with my wife. (Quietly) Fenmore is freaking out. She scares her own son.

Phyllis: I-I know how much Michael wants to work things out.

Sarah: I'm getting really, really sick of you sticking up for him.

Phyllis: (Gasps) No. No, no, no.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, she isn't Lauren. She isn't Lauren! Michael. Oh, God.

Lauren: (Breathing heavily) Come and get me.

Sarah: (Gasps)

(Distorted calliope music playing)

Clown voice: Which one am I?

(Music continues)

Clown voice: Which one am I? Which one am I?

Sarah: Don't worry, Lauren. Mama Bear just wants to rip you from limb to limb.

Clown voice: Which one am I?

(Footsteps approach)

Sarah: Dead end, sister killer.

Lauren: Aah!

Sarah: You think it's that easy? You think you can win? You really want to mess with me?

Lauren: You sure you're aiming at me?

Sarah: Well, lucky you. You get to see yourself die a million times. I'm aiming at you. But, of course, killing you is killing myself. But, you know, I'm pretty tired of both of us.

Lauren: You have me? You sure about that?


Sarah: Aah! Damn it! You think you can get away?

(Glass crunches underfoot)

Michael: (Chuckles)

Michael: Aah! Oh, Lauren! Oh, thank God. I found you. (Sighs)

Daisy: Idiot!

Ryder: We can run away, Daisy, just you and me.

Daisy: Get out of my way.

Ryder: Or what? You're gonna shoot me?

Daisy: You think you got a free pass just 'cause you're my brother? (Cocks gun) Well, news flash-- he's my brother, too, and I'm gonna shoot him.

Ryder: Just you and me, Daisy. It's always just been you and me.

Daisy: And Sarah. And she told me to kill 'em, so they die. And you will, too, if you keep this up.

Ryder: Who cares what Sarah says? She's only ever made our lives miserable. We don't need anyone. We can run away and no-- no one will ever find us. It's okay. It's gonna be okay, I promise. (Whispering) I promise it's-- it's gonna be okay.

Daisy: We have to go now, before Sarah comes or the police get here. You and me, right?

Ryder: Daisy...

Daisy: No.

Ryder: Daisy.

Daisy: Brother and sister against the world. Why do you always have to be so stupid?

Kevin: Stop!

Ryder: Just let her go.

Kevin: Well, somebody's gonna pay for what happened to her. (Breathing heavily) It may as well be you.

Jack: No matter what I say, you have an answer.

Patty: I mean, what do you expect me to say? "Yes, you're right, Jack"?

Jack: So tell me how we got here, because this isn't a marriage. This is a train wreck.

Patty: Oh, and that's all my fault?

Jack: Your jealousy, your lies, your insecurity. I don't know from one second to the next who you are.

Patty: Okay, you know what's insane, Jack? Is you would rather be married to a photograph than a real human being. Real people have thoughts and feelings. People change, Jack. They change. And you want me to be exactly the way you want me to be, and--and--and if--if I'm not, you're just gonna walk away?

Jack: This isn't just about change. This is about a fundamental difference in who you were and who you are, unless this is who you've always been...

Patty: Okay, you know what? I need--

Jack: And you just tricked me into marrying you.

Patty: No, no, I did not trick you. You wanted to marry me, and this was your choice.

Jack: No, my choice... my choice was a warm, thoughtful, confident, intelligent Emily, not a woman who spends her every waking moment covering her tracks, spinning up more lies, Patty, or Emily, or whoever the hell you are.

Patty: Oh, my God, I can't believe we're back on that again. Patty, Emily... I mean, Jack, do you see? This is so ridiculous.

Jack: There is a woman in a padded cell right now who has spent the last few months insisting that she is the real Emily, that you, my dear, are a phony. Right now, I'm inclined to believe her.

Michael: I heard a gunshot. I mean, are you hurt? D-do you need a doctor?

Sarah: N--I-I-I-- I thought it was a... a car backfiring.

Michael: Mm.

Sarah: I'm fine.

Michael: (Sighs) (Chuckles) When you said, "It's over. Good-bye," I thought that... listen to me. Whatever has happened up until now, it is okay. We can make it right.

Sarah: I want that, too.

Michael: Now let me take you home. Let me take care of you.

Sarah: Not yet.

Michael: Why not? What are you thinking? What are you doing here?

Michael: No, Lauren. I won't let you hurt yourself.

Sarah: Oh, my God. You think I'm gonna kill myself? I suppose, in a way, you're right.

Michael: All right, all right. All right, that's it. We will leave. We will-- oh, how the hell do you get out of this place?! Lauren.

Lauren: Michael. It's Lauren. That's Sheila's sister. She wants to kill us.

Patty: Jack, I have had enough. Look, if... if you're trying to make a point that I've changed, fine, I've changed. But if you honestly believe that I'm not your wife... (Voice breaking) I don't even know what to say. (Cries) We go to bed together. We wake up together. (Normal voice) We made love until sunup, and there were those moments... remember? We just--we look at each other, and we don't say a word. And through it all, you... you... (Chuckles) You see, what--what-- what did you call me? You called me a phony?

Jack: It started on our wedding night, our honeymoon. Little things, a bunch of little things that all add up, and now...

Patty: You know what? No, Jack. Jack, this is... we'll--we'll, um, get a couples therapist, and--and I think you should see someone on your own.

Jack: Put me on the list...

Patty: What?

Jack: Of approved people to see Patty. Put me on the list. I want to see her tomorrow... or else.

Patty: (Stammers) You're threatening me now? So this is how it...

Jack: (Firmly) Put me on the list.

(Front door slams)

Patty: (Sobbing)

Kevin: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Sit. Sit, sit, sit.

Jana: Oh, God, my head. (Sobs) it's my head.

Kevin: Your headaches are back?

Jana: (Sobs) They're even worse than they were before.

Kevin: It's okay.

Jana: I thought they'd get better once I saw you, but they're just worse.

Kevin: It's okay. It's okay. She's been suffering, and you just watched?

Ryder: I tried. I-I wanted to help.

Jana: He... he brought me pills.

Kevin: In a cage, Jana.

Jana: No, you saw him with Daisy. She was ready to kill us both.

Kevin: You couldn't have grown a backbone months ago?

Ryder: I'm sorry. I am.

Jana: (Whimpers)

Ryder: Sarah was the only family Daisy and I had. And when our mom died, she said that we had to get justice.

Kevin: And what did you say, Ryder? "Murder, kidnapping-- sounds good"?

Ryder: I was in jail when the proof came back that we were brothers. You remember? I already knew. You came into the visitors' area, and you swore that you would fight to get me out of there, no matter what. It was all part of the plan, Kevin, Sarah's revenge. I remember thinking in that moment, this is what family's supposed to feel like. I never knew before.

Jana: (Whimpers)

Kevin: Go. You run away, and you never come back.

Ryder: I can take it-- you know, cops, prison, whatever. I owe that much to you.

Kevin: No. No, we're never gonna be a family, Ryder, okay? This is the best I can offer you. Now run away. And if you ever, or Daisy ever comes back, I swear to you, I will kill you. Now go.

Ryder: I wish...

Kevin: (Breathing heavily)

Jana: (Whimpers) (Sobs)

Kevin: They're gone. They're gone, Baby.

Jana: (Sobbing) They made me write... they made me w-write that letter to you that I didn't want you. And they said if I didn't cooperate, that they--they were gonna put you in that c-crate, and I couldn't let that happen, because I love you.

Kevin: I know, Baby. I know, Baby.

Jana: I would never let that--

Kevin: I know.

Jana: I would never let that happen to you. I-I would never leave you.

Kevin: I know. I know, Baby, I know. In my heart, I knew the whole time.

Phyllis: Kevin, Jana! Hey.

Jana: (Gasps)

Kevin: Phyllis.

Jana: Oh, Phyllis, thank God.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Have you seen Michael?

Kevin: What, Michael's here?

Phyllis: Mm, yeah. He's looking for Lauren, except it's not Lauren at all.

Kevin: No, no, no. It's--it's--its Sarah. It's Shelia’s sister, and Lauren went to go distract her, but if Michael sees her--

Jana: Wait, wait, wait. Wait, th-there--there's a code. There's a code to know if-- to know if it's Lauren. You have to tell Michael the code.

Sarah: She's trying to trick you. She may have taken my face and my place at our home... please tell me that Fen is okay. Michael! No! No!

Lauren: (Gasps)

Sarah: She's gonna shoot you!

Michael: You're Sheila's sister?

Lauren: Not me, her. Her name is Sarah, and she's been behind all of this. She's the one that bailed out Daisy and Ryder. They are Sheila's kids.

Sarah: She's talking about herself.

Lauren: He knows exactly who I am. You may have been able to take my face, but you will never be able to take what Michael and I have.

Michael: Sarah, put the gun down.

Lauren: I am your wife! And she can go to hell!

Sarah: You walked Jana down the aisle at her wedding.

Lauren: And Scotty... Scotty gave me away at ours. Before me, you convinced yourself that you were happy and content. But you thanked God that I came into your life and turned it upside down.

Michael: My vows.

Sarah: Sarah could have known your vows.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: Lauren.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Daniel: Hey. How is he?

Amber: Still asleep. I just didn't want him waking up and being weirded out about not being in his own bed.

Daniel: Listen, um, thank you for believing me about Daisy. You gotta know I could never do that to you.

Amber: It doesn't really matter.

Daniel: What do you mean, "It doesn't matter"?

Amber: Because... (Sighs) I just... I can't pretend anymore that I'm okay without him. We belong together.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Wait a minute. "Him" who? What, is there another guy?

Amber: No, not some other guy-- Eric. And I can't not be his mom, because you don't want to be his dad.

Daniel: Okay, look, Eric... (Stammers) That--that's a whole different topic. I came over here to tell you about Daisy.

Amber: Daisy isn't our main problem, Daniel. I have been telling you for a long time that being a mom means a lot to me. But it doesn't to you, and for some reason, what you want is more important.

Daniel: Okay, you know what? That's not true. Let's just go home and talk about this, all right? We can take Eric. We can make him a little bed on the couch. I mean, y--come on. You and me, we can work through anything.

Amber: Because you're scared. Because after what happened with Daisy, you realized how much you have to lose.

Daniel: (Sighs) Yeah.

Amber: Well, it's still all about you. And--and that's not that way when the--a kid is involved. There's more to it. Eric is asleep. I'm not gonna wake him up now. But you and I... I think we still need some time apart.

Daniel: Amber, look, uh... I love you. And I just want you to know that I'm ready to talk or to listen or... whatever. Whatever it is you need.

Amber: Thanks.

Jack: Quite a night, huh, Kitty? One minute, you're in a shelter. The next you're adopted. Hey, I promise you, I'm gonna make a sweet feline life for you but first, you're gonna help me. You ready to help me, Mrs. Kitty?

Patty: (Voice breaking) Oh, my God, this isn't happening. (Sobs) 'cause Jack and I are meant to be together. We are. Okay, what if he-- what if he goes to the hospital? He can't go to the hospital. Oh, my God, this is all your fault! Your fault! I thought I got rid of you. I did. I thought I got rid of you for good! (Breathing heavily) I'm gonna make you stay gone. I'm gonna make you stay gone. Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! Stay gone! (Sobs) I can’t... (Sobs)

Patty: (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs)

(Helicopter whirring)

Kay: Oh, thank God. We're almost there.

Murphy: Yeah, well, they're ready for us to land at the hospital.

Kevin: I'm here, Baby. I'm here. I'm always, always gonna be right here.

Jana: (Gasps)

Kevin: Jana? Jana?! Jana!

Jana: (Gasping)

Phyllis: Michael, no! There are two Laurens.

Michael: Phyllis, don't! I know about the imposter!

Phyllis: Oh, son of a bitch.

Michael: The one without the gun, she's Sarah. Aim at her.

Phyllis: How do you know which one she is?

Michael: I know my wife! Lauren, put the gun down. Let the police handle this.

Lauren: Sheila was gone, and it didn't end.

Michael: S-Sweetie, Sarah will never set foot outside of prison.

Lauren: She'll find a way.

Michael: Lauren, look at me. Look at me.

Lauren: (Breathing heavily)

Michael: It's over. It's over.

Lauren: It's over?

Michael: This ends right here, right now.

Lauren: You're right. You're right.

Michael: Lauren! Lauren, no! No!

(Gunshot, gunshot, gunshot, gunshot)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Owen: Good. How long before you can access the messages from that phone we found near Wilson’s body?

Nick: Hey, why are you doing this, huh? What do you want from me?


Michael: Stop! Lauren, stop shooting!


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