Y&R Transcript Friday 4/30/10 -- Canada; Monday 5/3/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9389 ~ Jack Finally Realizes the Truth
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Eric: Whoa.
Amber: Eric. Eric, oh, my God. Um, come. Come here. Come here. Come here. Um, uh, just--just go in here. Wash up. Uh, play video games on your little video gamey thing. Just--just stay in here, okay? Get out.
Daisy: At least let me put--
Amber: I said get out! Get! Go!
Daniel: (Moans)
Amber: Get out! Get out!
Daniel: What the hell happened?
Amber: You tell me.
Daniel: (Grunts)
Daisy: I kept Daniel busy. How's it going on your end?
Sarah: Get back to the zoo now and have Lauren change into those clothes I gave you.
Daisy: Did you do it? Is Phyllis dead?
Sarah: Just do what I said, and then lead Lauren and Jana to the place we talked about. I'll be there soon.
Daisy: This is getting way too complicated, Aunt Sarah.
Sarah: It'll all be over tonight.
Kevin: Come on, Jana. Send me a message, a sign, an alien from outer space. I don't care.
Kay: (Sighs) Kevin, are you all right?
Kevin: Mrs. C., I could not be any less all right.
Murphy: What, Jana?
Kay: Oh, well, has she contacted you? (Stammers) Is everything all right with her?
Kevin: I don't know. I don't know. That's what's driving me crazy. I... right after she disappeared, she called, telling me that we were through.
Kay: Yeah, well, Amber... Amber told us about that.
Kevin: Right, but... (Sighs) Something in her voice was just off, right?
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: So then I get this text message telling me to remember the music I heard during that call.
Murphy: Music?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. There was, um, there was music playing in the background. I didn't pay attention to it at--at the time. It was the, uh, calliope version of "Pop goes the weasel."
Murphy: Wait, like that wooden clown plays out at the, uh, old amusement park.
Kay: Twin Lakes. Twin Lakes.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. You guys know it?
Murphy: Oh, yeah, I spent many a day out there when I was a kid.
Kay: It--it's deserted now, though, isn't it?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, well, I went there to check it out, I couldn't find Jana anywhere, but I'm thinking about going back and, you know, searching some of the places nearby. I just... I just wish I knew where to start.
Kay: All right, all right, all right now. What can we do?
Murphy: Yeah, you name it, we're there.
Kevin: You mean it?
Murphy: Yeah.
Kevin: Will you Ouija with me?
Kay: Would we, what?
Ryder: (Breathing heavily) They're not here.
Lauren: What? Check your pockets. What about your jacket?
Ryder: I-I'm telling you. I don't have the keys!
Lauren: Well, when was the last time you had them? Uh, think! Where were you?
Ryder: (Sighs)
Ryder: Daisy... Daisy took 'em.
Jana: Oh, no, we were so close.
Lauren: No. Don't worry. We still are. Ryder's gonna find another way for us to get out of here. Aren't you, Ryder?
Ryder: Yeah, I'll try.
Lauren: Hurry. Hurry. Jana is sick. Michael and Phyllis' life is at stake. Please, Ryder. You are our only hope.
Lauren: It's okay. (Sighs)
Jack: I'm glad you dropped by.
Ashley: I need to talk to you, Jack, about Tucker taking over the company.
Jack: Yeah, I want to talk about that, too. First, I want to show you something.
Ashley: Okay, what is it?
Jack: This is Emily’s diary.
Ashley: Did you read it?
Jack: Not really. Go ahead. Open it. You'll see why.
Ashley: What is this? I don’t... what does it mean?
Jack: I think it means there's something very, very wrong with my wife.
Patty: (Whispers) Okay, you can do this, Patty.
[Patty remembering]
Sarah: Men, they are morons, falling for that type, never realizing what evil bitches they really are.
Patty: No, you know what? When I left that house... Jack can never see her again, ever.
Sarah: Well, he won’t.
Patty: Nurse Sarah. (Laughs) You're really gonna kill Phyllis for me?
Sarah: As long as you kill Michael for me.
Patty: (Whispers) And Jack and I will live happily ever after. (Sighs)
Patty: (Sighs)
Michael: Emily, hi. Please, please come in.
Emily: Hi, Michael. Thank you.
Michael: Can I get you anything?
Patty: No, thank you.
Michael: Well, uh, to tell you the truth, I've been so worried about Lauren. I'm glad you wanted to come by tonight to talk.
Patty: Yeah, well, this definitely couldn't wait.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, my God, work! Work.
(Touch-tones beep)
(Glass shatters)
Phyllis: Aah! (Gasps)
Kevin: So the last time I tried this, it was a total bust. But that's because my mom's stupid boyfriend didn't take it seriously. But you know what? Jana believed in this, so I have to give it another try, and I really think that it can help lead me to her.
Kay: Well, Sweetheart, at my age, I believe anything is possible. (Chuckles)
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Kevin: So then you guys will do it? You'll Ouija with me?
Kay: My dear, I would dance around a ceremonial fire with only crystals on if I thought it would find Jana.
Murphy: Really?
Kay: Oh, Murphy, we need a more concrete solution than that. Come on.
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Kevin: (Sighs)
Kay: Uh, well, I actually-- we're going to have to search every acre of that park and beyond.
Kevin: Well, we would need an army for that.
Kay: So we'll hire one.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Murphy: Well, don't think she won't, but, you know, organizing a search team is gonna take some time.
Kevin: Which we don't have.
Murphy: Well, fortunately, there is something between otherworldly and the ground that you two guys haven't thought about, but I'm gonna need some help to pull it off.
Lauren: Come on. Hit harder!
Ryder: I'm trying!
Jana: You have to get us out of here. (Metal bar clatters on floor)
Jana: (Groans)
Lauren: Jana? Jana.
Jana: Oh. (Moaning)
Ryder: (Breathing heavily)
Jana: (Moans)
Ryder: It's no use. It--it won't open.
Lauren: No, no, no, no, no. You can't give up. Sarah is gonna kill Michael and Phyllis. Their lives are at stake. Jana's life is at stake.
Ryder: What do you want from me?!
Lauren: I want you to not give up! Call somebody. Call the cops. Tell them what Sarah’s doing. Oh, God. Ryder. Ryder, you are so close to getting us outta here.
Ryder: But the--the cops...
Lauren: Yes. Ryder, please. Please get us outta here. Otherwise, people are gonna die. Do you want that on your head?
Phyllis: (Grunts) (Back door opens) (Back door closes)
(Footsteps approach slowly)
Phyllis: (Breathing rapidly) (Grunts) (Footsteps draw closer) Lauren? Lauren, is that you? Lauren?! (Gasps) Oh, I gotta get out of here. (Breathing heavily) Oh! (Breathing heavily) (Footsteps draw closer) (Footsteps stop at door)
(Doorknob rattles)
Phyllis: (Gasps) Who are you?! What do you want?! (Whimpers)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Amber: You don't remember? Gee, that is-- that's so original.
Daniel: Amber, I'm telling you the truth. Look, I have no idea how Daisy and I wound up in bed together. Last thing I remember, she showed up at the door and...
Amber: The second I leave for California, the second I leave, she's here. And... I'm such an idiot. That's why you didn't want to come with me-- so you--so you could be with her.
Daniel: No.
Amber: (Scoffs) No, you know what? It's one thing to sneak around behind my back, but to lie to my face?!
Daniel: I'm not lying to you. There's nothing going on between me and Daisy. I thought she was you and...
Amber: That is just-- that's sick. What... what's wrong with you?
Daniel: I don't know. (Groans)
Amber: We'll, if you're not-- you're not hooking up with Daisy, then what is she doing here, huh?
Daniel: Look, I remember she showed up at the door. She was crying. Sh-she was upset about the things that--that she and Ryder had done to Lauren. A-and I thought maybe she knew something about Jana. I was trying to help Kevin. And--and then... I don't know. And then it's blank.
Eric: Can I come in now?
Amber: Yeah, Honey. I'm so sorry. Come on. Come on in.
Eric: Those fashion magazines are really lame.
Amber: This is so not how I wanted to do this. This is, uh, this is my husband Daniel.
Eric: What's up?
Amber: Daniel, this is Eric, formerly little D.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Jack: I don't know what to make of any of it. There's not a coherent thought in the whole damn thing.
Ashley: Maybe it's just doodling, Jack. It's her way of, I don't know, relieving stress or something.
Jack: Or maybe it's the rantings of a crazy woman-- (Sighs)
Ashley: So you said that Emily... she hasn't been acting like herself.
Jack: I'm not the only one that's thought that. Paul wanted her taken off of Patty's case. Hell, he took her to court to-- oh, my God.
Ashley: What's the matter?
Jack: When I was at the hearing, Patty came running in, insisting that she was Emily. I thought she was the crazy one.
Ashley: What else did she say?
Jack: Nothing. They took her out of the courthouse. I mean, she's been in Walworth ever since. I haven't seen her at all. What... no. Patty and Em-- when could she have done it? How?
Ashley: Well, you said that she's been acting differently since the wedding.
Jack: I have been living with her for months... sleeping with her. I would know if it was Patty.
Ashley: Except you didn't know who she was when she was pretending to be Mary Jane Benson.
Jack: If I have been living with Patty all this time, that--that means Emily has been...
Ashley: Jack, we don't know, okay? We don't know whether or not it's true.
Jack: I am going to Walworth right now. I'm gonna find out who that woman is they've been keeping in that padded cell.
Michael: (Sighs) I realize you must be as frustrated as I am over Lauren's lack of progress. Hopefully, putting our two heads together tonight will help get our old Lauren back.
Patty: (Sighs) Michael, I think you misunderstood. I wanted to discuss how well she was doing. Keep her moving in that direction.
Michael: Wait, how well she's doing? My wife? How well she's--
Patty: Yes.
Michael: How-- how well my wife--
Patty: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Your wife. Listen, I can't go into specifics from our session, but she is improving.
Michael: You must be out of your mind! Lauren is not getting better.
Patty: I disagree, and I'm the one with the medical degree.
Michael: I don't care how many letters you have behind your name. But if you can't see how bad off my wife is, then maybe you should be seeing a psychiatrist.
Patty: Okay, I'm perfectly sane and a capable doctor.
Michael: All right. Oh, really? Then how can you stand there and tell me that my wife is fine when her own son is terrified of her?
Patty: Okay, 'cause maybe-- maybe he's picking up on your feelings.
Michael: No, maybe he's a little boy who can see for himself what you can't see. What kind of psychiatrist does that make you?
Patty: All right, Michael, Michael. (Sighs) I see that you're upset. You're stressed out, and--and--
Michael: No, no, do not psychoanalyze me! You're the crazy one here, lady!
Lauren: If you won't make the call, give the phone to me. You can be long gone before the cops get here.
Jana: We'll tell them you're the one who helped us.
Ryder: But Sarah and... and Daisy-- what's gonna happen to them?
Lauren: They're gonna get what they deserve.
Ryder: No, they're my family.
Jana: No, Kevin is your family. God, from the very beginning, all he wanted was just to love you, and he still does.
Lauren: Call him, Ryder. Call your brother.
Ryder: (Sighs) (Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Ryder: It's voice mail.
Lauren: (Sighs) No.
Jana: Leave a message.
Lauren: Do it.
Ryder: Kevin, it's Ryder. You--you need to come t--
Lauren: (Gasps) What's going on? What's happened with Michael and Phyllis?
Daisy: You told them?
Lauren: I asked you a question. Now answer me, damn it!
Daisy: What are you gonna do? Oh, wait, you can't do anything. You're locked up in a cage. (Sighs) Now put these on. Here.
Lauren: You... you want me to change my clothes after all this time in this dress? You must need something. You tell me what's going on with my husband, or I do nothing.
Daisy: You know what? You are really starting to piss me off. You definitely don't want to do that.
Lauren: (Gasps)
Jana: Oh, God. Oh, God.
Lauren: You're not gonna shoot because it'll ruin Sarah's plan, and you wouldn't dare cross her.
Daisy: You know what? You're right. Sarah does need you... but not her. Your move.
Jana: (Sighs)
(Helicopter whirring)
Kevin: Okay, guys, we're getting close.
Murphy: All right, uh, those are the woods, uh, the ones on the map north of the park.
Kay: I don't see anything.
Kevin: I had no idea you flew in Korea.
Kay: He was a highly decorated pilot.
Kevin: You guys are amazing, really.
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Both of you. I have no idea how I'm ever going to repay you.
Murphy: Okay, guys, here we go.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Gasps) Oh, my God. Aah! (Whimpers) (Grunts) (Exhales) Aah! Aah! (Gasps)
Daisy: Oh, really? I found them.
Ryder: Yeah, in my pocket.
Daisy: Well, someone had to protect you from your own stupidity. It's so unfair I get the looks and all the brains.
Ryder: Oh, yeah, you call this smart?
Daisy: It's a lot smarter than your plan, which was what, exactly? Letting them go? (Scoffs) Spineless still. Here, now you can open it.
Ryder: Why?
Lauren: Where are you taking us?
Daisy: You know what? Here is the funny thing about being the person with the gun. I get to make all the rules and I don't have to answer anyone's questions. Now go! Open it. Oh. (Scoffs) God, where are my manners? Please. Go!
Jana: (Breathing heavily)
Daisy: Let's go!
Jana: (Groans)
Lauren: Jana?
Daisy: Move it.
Jana: Oh, God, I... I feel sick.
Lauren: Oh, Honey.
Ryder: We need to get her to a doctor.
Daisy: Oh, yeah, let's call 9-1-1 and tell them that the girl we've been holding hostage has a headache.
Ryder: She could die, Daisy.
Daisy: Gee, that'd be terrible. Sometimes I can't even believe we're related, let alone twins. I swear, you were dropped on your head when you were born.
Ryder: You're lying. You know you feel the same way. We're connected. We've been thinking the same things since forever. I have the same thoughts you have even before you do.
Daisy: Then you would know you're supposed to shut up and do what Sarah asked us to.
Ryder: I'm not listening to her anymore.
Daisy: You can't just stop.
Ryder: It's time, Daisy. We need to break this cycle. All Sarah's been talking about for the last couple of years is how we need to make them pay for killing Mom, and that-- that we'll feel better? I don't feel better. Do--do you?
Daisy: We're so close.
Ryder: To what? To becoming murderers? And then what? These people that we've been brainwashed to hate, to kill, they're good people, Daisy. We can be good people, too.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Ryder: All we-- all we have to do is let 'em go.
Phyllis: (Grunting) (Gasps) (Breathing heavily)
Sarah: Damn you!
Phyllis: Lauren, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? Daniel's gonna be here. Security knows that something's wrong. They're gonna be here any minute, Lauren. Why are you doing this?! (Breathing heavily) Oh, my God. (Sighs)
Patty: You are going to regret saying those words to me.
Michael: (Chuckles) Uh, the only thing I regret is advising Lauren to get counseling from you. I don't know what kind of medical licenses they're handing out in Minnesota, but I have serious doubts about your qualifications.
Patty: I am more than qualified to do this job.
Michael: Then explain to me why everyone from Fenmore to Phyllis can see at the very least that Lauren is not herself.
Patty: Phyllis?
Michael: She called a little before you got here. Lauren was acting so bizarrely, she had to be asked to leave.
Patty: Did she?
Michael: Yes.
Patty: No, I didn't ask-- did she? Did she leave?
Michael: Yes! I just told you that she left!
Patty: She didn't do it. She--she tricked me.
Michael: Okay. Uh, I don't know what's going on with you, but I think you should leave.
Patty: Yes. Yes, I should leave.
Michael: You may be a competent psychiatrist in some parallel universe, but I don't want you anywhere near Lauren.
Patty: Oh, don't worry about it. I won't be. And if you know what's good for you, you won't go near her, either.
Dr. Jasper: Mr. Abbott, I was told that you're here to see me.
Jack: Uh, yes, Dr. Jasper. I need to talk to Patty Williams.
Dr. Jasper: I'm sorry. That's impossible.
Jack: You don't understand. I have to talk to her.
Dr. Jasper: No, you don't understand. This is a county facility. Patty's here under court order, and you're not allowed access to her.
Jack: I am gonna talk to Patty one way or the other, if I have to get a court order myself.
Dr. Jasper: Suit yourself, but I'm not the one you're going up against. Another doctor is keeping you from seeing Patty.
Jack: Wait. Wait. Wait. Who?
Dr. Jasper: It's your wife.
(Electronic noises)
Daniel: (Quietly) Look, you want to tell me what's going on here? The last thing I knew, you were on your way to California to check on this kid.
Amber: I stopped at Crimson Lights before heading to the airport, and, um, I found him there. You know, he's hungry and alone.
Daniel: Where the hell is Tawny? Is she okay?
Amber: She went to Vegas with her latest boyfriend and just left Eric. And he took a flight here all by himself to find me.
Daniel: So what the hell are we supposed to do now?
Amber: What else can we do? He's all alone.
Daniel: (Sighs) I have to tell you, this is turning out to be some day. One thing after another.
Amber: Oh, so you're-- you're trying to compare me bringing Eric here to you and Daisy in the sheets together?
Daniel: I'm just trying to wrap my head around everything.
Amber: Well, take your time, okay? Eric and I are gonna find another place to stay.
Daniel: Amber, wait a second.
Amber: Be honest, Daniel. Is that what you really want?
Patty: Jack? Are you home? He's probably with Phyllis. I know who's not with that slut. (Sighs) (Sighs heavily) Why aren't you able to answer your phone, Sarah? It's not because you're killing Phyllis like you said you would. I know what you tried to do. You tried to get me to kill Michael. Well, guess what? The joke's on you. Michael is alive and well, and he's back at his apartment waiting for you. See, I don't need your help holding on to Jack. I can do it all by myself. (Slams cell phone down) (Sighs)
Jack: Emily specifically barred me from seeing Patty?
Dr. Jasper: Yes, and if you want to know why, you're gonna have to ask her.
Jack: Uh, is there anyone else I can talk to about seeing Patty?
Dr. Jasper: Chief of Staff Dr. Kopecky.
Jack: Fine. Where would I find him?
Dr. Jasper: Well, he's not here till the morning. Now I have late rounds, so--
Jack: Uh, wait, but-- one last question, please. Has Patty at any time not claimed to be Emily?
Dr. Jasper: (Sighs) I can't discuss my patient with you.
Jack: Dr. Jasper, I understand that. Uh, my wife has told me this thousands of times. It's because of Emily that I'm asking. I'm worried about her.
Dr. Jasper: Well, I know this ordeal with Patty has really taken its toll on Emily.
Jack: More than you know. Look, I'd like to be able to tell my wife that Patty is no longer obsessed with her.
Dr. Jasper: Patty still insists that she's Dr. Peterson. I'm afraid the delusion is very deeply rooted. Now if you'll excuse me.
Phyllis: (Grunts) (Moans)
Phyllis: (Grunts) Ow. (Groans) (Sighs) (Breathing heavily)
Phyllis: Aah! Aah!
Michael: It's Michael!
Phyllis: Michael!
Michael: It's Michael! It's Michael. Come here. Come here.
Phyllis: Oh, my--ow!
Michael: Come here. Oh. Come on. Come on. All right, sit down.
Phyllis: My God. Oh, my God.
Michael: Just--just what--do you want me to get you anything? Do you need anything?
Phyllis: Oh, my God. No. (Whimpers) Please don't leave. Please don't leave.
Michael: All right, I'm-- okay, I'm not going anywhere.
Phyllis: Please. Oh, my God.
Michael: Just--what happened? Tell me what happened. What happened? It's okay. I'm right here.
Phyllis: Lauren... Lauren... Lauren was here. She tried to kill me. She tried to kill me. Oh, my God, Michael.
Michael: It's okay. It's okay. Its okay, Baby.
(Helicopter whirring)
Murphy: Anything?
Kevin: No movement. Nothing.
Kay: Mm, I still don't see anything.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, you know what? Jana never gave up on me. I'm not giving up on her.
Kay: Well, we're not quitting. Right, Murph?
Murphy: Not till we find her.
Kay: Okay.
Murphy: Look, there's still a corner of the woods we haven't checked, uh, and the--the old zoo next to the amusement park.
Kevin: The zoo?
Kay: What about it?
Kevin: That word kept coming up when my mom and Jeff and I were doing the Ouija board. I just--I just blew it off. But then the night of the ball, I went looking around there, and I could have sworn I heard somebody calling my name. I-I thought maybe it was my imagination, but what if it wasn't?
Kay: All right, set your course for the zoo, Captain.
Murphy: Roger that.
(Helicopter whirring)
Jana: Kevin, I'm here.
Ryder: We don't need Sarah. We've got each other. We've always had each other. Come on. Let's let 'em go.
Daisy: No. We're doing this Mama Bear's way. Now let's go!
Lauren: Look at her. She can't move.
Daisy: Walk, or die. Your choice.
Ryder: Do what she says. Come on. Let's go.
Daisy: Hurry up! That way!
Lauren: Jana, Jana, come on.
Jana: (Moans)
Lauren: Come on.
Daisy: Hurry up!
Lauren: All right. Come on, Honey.
Daisy: Aah!
Ryder: Run!
Lauren: Come on, Jana.
Amber: Hey, Eric, you ready to go?
Eric: In a second.
Daniel: Amber, you don't have to leave like this. You just caught me off guard, that's all.
Amber: Yeah, it's pretty obvious you weren't expecting me.
Daniel: I meant...
Amber: I think we're both gonna need some time to... figure out what happened today.
Daniel: Where are you gonna go?
Amber: I'm not sure. Maybe Mrs. C.'s.
Daniel: You won't change your mind? I love you. You know that.
Amber: Yeah. I do. That's why it hurts so much. (Sniffles) Um, come on, Eric, we gotta go.
Eric: Aw, darn it. Can I come back and play again?
Daniel: Yeah, any time.
Amber: Come on. Let's go. (Sighs)
[Daniel remembering]
Daisy: I don't know what to do, Daniel. (Sighs) Oh, God.
Daniel: You know what? Sit down. I'll try and find you some tissues. Amber... (Scoffs) She drugged me. (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Patty: (Sighs) (Clears throat) Hi, Honey. How have you been? Mm. (Gasps) (Chuckles) What? Sweetheart, let's go upstairs. I don't think--
Jack: No.
Patty: No? (Clears throat) Honey, what's wrong?
Jack: How about I ask the questions from here on? How'd you do it, Patty?
Michael: Here. Here, drink this.
Phyllis: Insane. It was insane. She's insane. Lauren--she's insane. (Sighs)
Michael: Are you sure it was Lauren?
Phyllis: I am positive it was Lauren. (Sighs) Oh, God. I wouldn't have believed it in a million years. But I am positive. Your wife tried to kill me. (Sighs)
Michael: Okay. All right. (Stammers) You know what? I'm gonna try and get a hold of her.
Phyllis: Put it on speakerphone. I want to hear her voice.
(Cell phone rings)
("Pop goes the weasel" playing faintly)
Sarah: Hello, Michael.
Michael: Hey, Lauren, where are you?
Sarah: I am far, far away from you. You can't reach me.
Michael: I can. We can talk this out. We can get you help.
Sarah: It's too late.
Michael: What do you mean?
Sarah: It's over.
Michael: No, Lauren. (Stammers) What do you mean by that? It--it--it--it's not over.
Sarah: Good-bye, Michael.
Michael: Look, please don't hang up, Lauren. Please. Please don't—
(Phone hangs up)
Phyllis: Did you hear that?
Michael: What?
Phyllis: The music in the background. Did you hear it?
Michael: I was kinda concentrating on Lauren.
Phyllis: It's "Pop goes the weasel."
Michael: That's the song that Kevin heard in the background when Jana called him, and we figured out it was coming from the-- the Twin Lakes amusement park.
Phyllis: That place has been closed for years.
Michael: Yeah, there's a-- there's a clown. There's a... Paul remembered this. There's a wooden clown.
Phyllis: Yeah, right.
Michael: It plays that.
Phyllis: Right. Outside of the house of mirrors. That's where... what is Lauren doing there?
Michael: I don't know. I don't know, but I gotta find out.
Phyllis: I-I-I'm going with you.
Michael: No, Phyllis, I can’t. Phyllis, your leg.
Phyllis: Look, I'm going with you. You are not leaving me here!
Michael: All right.
Phyllis: I'm going with you, please.
Michael: Come on. Come on. Where are your crutches?
Phyllis: Crutches in the back of my car in my trunk.
Michael: All right, fine. Keys.
Phyllis: Here.
Ryder: (Grunts) (Breathing heavily)
Ryder: Go ahead. Do it.
Daisy: I should shoot you for letting them go.
Ryder: But you can't, 'cause you're not like them. You're not like Mom. You're not like Sarah.
Daisy: I'm not like you, Ryder.
Ryder: Yes, you are. Every breath we've ever breathed we've breathed together, the same heartbeat practically. You want what I want-- to be free of all--of all the anger and--and hatred. We can be, Daisy. All you have to do is just let go of it all. We can start over. Come with me.
Daisy: You really... you really are a fool.
(Helicopter whirring)
Kay: No, there's nothing but just shadows, trees and an old ride or two.
Kevin: No, this is the place. It's gotta be.
Murphy: I don't know. If there was anybody down there, we would have seen them by now.
Kay: Murph. Murph. Let's--let's take one more pass, please?
Murphy: All right.
Kevin: I knew this was a long shot comin' up here.
Kay: Oh, come on, Kevin. Do you hear us complaining?
Kevin: I just... I don't know if I can handle it. I don't know if I can handle hitting another dead end.
Kay: Well, you might not have to.
Kevin: Whoa, look over there!
Kay: Look! Look! Look!
Murphy: Where?
Kevin: There's two people running! Come on, Murphy, take this puppy down.
Murphy: Okay.
(Helicopter whirring)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: Put me on the list...
Patty: What?
Jack: Of approved people to see Patty.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. She isn't Lauren.
Lauren: Get down a little bit. Get down.
Sarah: Hey, Gang, where'd you go?
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