Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/29/10 -- Canada; Friday 4/30/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9388 ~ An Unexpected Visitor Arrives in Genoa City
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Lauren: No! No, you can't let them kill them! You have to stop them! You can't do this... (Sobbing) Oh, God.
Jana: Why would Sarah want Michael and Phyllis dead?
Ryder: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know! I-I wasn't told about any of this, I swear. I-if I hadn't overheard Daisy--
Jana: You have to phone the police right now!
Lauren: (Sobbing) You have to. You have to!
Ryder: No, I-I can’t.
Lauren: Yes, you can! And you'd better, or you're nothing but a murderer yourself! (Sobs)
Phyllis: Give me a heart attack.
Sarah: Well, I probably should have called first, but I really wanted to see you.
Phyllis: Well, you know what? It--it's a coincidence, because you were on my list of people to call. Come on in. Oh.
Sarah: You need help?
Phyllis: No, I'm fine. Here we go. (Sighs) (Sighs) Oh, wow. Your timing is really great because, uh, Summer is with Nikki. I was looking forward to a quiet evening.
Sarah: Not anymore.
Daniel: I really wish you wouldn't do this, Amber.
Amber: (Sighs) I thought we agreed-- if I didn't hear from my mom tonight, I would be on a plane to California.
Daniel: No, no, "We" didn't agree on anything. This is what you decided.
Amber: I need to know what's going on with Little D. and why Tawny disappeared all of a sudden.
Daniel: All you know is that her phone is disconnected and that she wasn't there when the sheriff went to check on her trailer.
Amber: Okay, don't you get it? Something is wrong, okay? Either my mom is broke again and can't take care of herself, or maybe the dragon lady came in and got them. Either way, I need to know what I'm dealing with.
Daniel: And then what?
Amber: Then I'm gonna make sure Little D. is well-taken care of, whatever it takes.
Daniel: My God, you're actually thinking about bringing this kid back here, aren't you?
Amber: I don't know what I'm thinking yet, okay? I-I don't--I don't know. But don't worry, I'm not using this as an excuse for you to become an instant step dad.
Daniel: I didn't say that!
Amber: You know what? You don't even have to.
Daniel: Where the hell are you going? Your flight's not for another couple hours.
Amber: It's obvious it's time for me to leave.
Daniel: (Sighs)
(Door slams)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Michael: Hey. How's it going?
Kevin: Hey. Um, it's all right.
Michael: (Sighs)
Kevin: I, uh, I went out looking for Ryder.
Michael: Huh. Well, the fact that you're here, I can guess how that went.
Kevin: I know that he knows where Jana is. If I could just talk to him one more time...
Michael: (Taps counter) I guess we're both having a swell night. Nicholas is still in jail. And, uh, I told Lauren that I thought we probably should separate.
Kevin: Mike, jeez. Are you sur-- I mean, I know you have have good reason. I know she's been acting crazy lately, but are you sure you want to go down that road?
Michael: It would all be terribly heartbreaking if Fenmore weren't absolutely terrified of her. (Chuckles)
Kevin: (Sighs) So what happens now?
Michael: Um, I'm going to see Dr. Emily Abbott later. She wants my take on Lauren's behavior. Maybe she can help figure out what's going on. I guess she realized there were... there were some flaws in her earlier evaluation. Some people need more than "Love, patience and understanding" to fix what's wrong with them.
[Patty remembering]
Patty: Well, I-I-I get why I need an airtight alibi while you kill Phyllis, but... (Sighs) Why the police station?
Sarah: What could be more perfect?
Patty: So I need to be out of there by the time you call 9-1-1.
Sarah: Right.
Patty: Right.
Sarah: And that's when you surprise Michael.
Patty: You mean get rid of him for you.
Sarah: I'll be giving a grief-stricken statement to the cops as to how my best friend was murdered in front of me.
Chance: Thank you.
Patty: Mm.
Chance: Dr. Abbott.
Patty: Detective, hello.
Chance: I understand you want to revisit the night Adam escaped, change your statement around a little bit?
Patty: Well, not change as much as clarify. I was traumatized by the whole thing, and now that enough time has passed, I feel I'm--I'm more coherent.
Chance: Okay, actually, you know what? This is good timing. Uh, we've had some new evidence that has come to light.
Patty: Oh, evidence?
Chance: Yes, in the murder investigation. I'd like to talk to you about it.
Patty: Uh... a broken cell phone?
Chance: This cell phone was actually found in the basement of the Athletic Club. It's got Adam’s fingerprints all over it.
Patty: Mm. And, uh, how do you think I can, uh, help?
Chance: (Purses lips) You were the last one to see Adam before he escaped from the hospital, and, uh, I was hoping you could shed some light on it here. Look, I-I understand this is not what you were expecting to talk about when you walked in this room, but, uh, I am really hoping you can answer some questions about how Adam got this particular cell phone in his hands.
Kevin: So you're off to California, and Daniel is okay with that?
Amber: He's at home freaking out. He just-- he doesn't understand what this kid means to me. He's--he's like my very own child. And so we got in this huge fight, and I walked out, and now the whole thing just sucks. And I-I don't know what to do. I really thought that he would-- he would find a way to understand why-- why I need to make sure Little D.'s okay, but instead, he just keeps looking at me like this stranger that he doesn't trust.
Michael: Hmm. A lot of that going around.
Sarah: I've missed you, Phyllis. So much has happened since the night of the ball.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I'm just glad you're-- you're okay. You gave us such a scare disappearing like that.
Sarah: You're the one I'm worried about. You know, with-- with Nick being arrested and--
Phyllis: I know. Yes, Michael's doing everything he can to get Nick cleared so he can come home.
Sarah: It's just incredible, isn't it? Everything that our families have been through, the pain that we felt... I mean, sometimes I just-- I want to scream, "Leave us alone!"
(Telephone rings)
Phyllis: Uh, I-I'm gonna get that. Excuse me. Just a sec.
Phyllis: Hello?
Daniel: Hey, Mom.
Phyllis: Hey, Honey. What's going on?
Daniel: Well, you know, I was just thinking about you, wondering if maybe you wanted some company, you know, if you were hungry or something... un-unless you've already eaten. You know, I-I could go and pick up some takeout and--and swing by in a little while.
Phyllis: Uh, is Amber busy?
Daniel: Uh, she's kind of going out of town for a little while.
Phyllis: Oh. Why do you not sound okay with that?
Daniel: Yeah, things just aren't--aren't really all that great between us. Uh, it--it-- it's just a long story.
Phyllis: I'd love to hear it.
Daniel: Okay. Um, well, in that case, do you want barbecue or Chinese food?
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Uh... surprise me.
Daniel: All right, I'll see you in a little bit.
Phyllis: All right.
Sarah: Is Daniel okay?
Phyllis: No, he's coming over.
Chance: You may be the one person who can help us put this whole thing together. When we searched Adam’s room after he had escaped, all we found in there was a, uh, a stuffed toy cat.
[Patty remembering]
Patty: You're not supposed to have a cat in here.
Adam: Shh! Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Now I remember. Patty had a kitten, right? A cat... Mr. Kitty was it? Now Mr. Kitty told me a few secrets about Patty and Emily. He said that sometimes it's very, very confusing telling the difference between the two.
(Cat meows)
Adam: What's that, Mr. Kitty?
(Cat meows)
Adam: They switched places?
Patty: (Sighs) (Chuckles) A toy cat? What on earth would he be doing with that?
Chance: We have no idea.
Patty: Mm.
Chance: But it was the, uh, it was the only personal item we found in there.
Patty: (Clicks tongue) You know, I-- I don't remember it, no.
Chance: Well, what about this, uh, this cell phone? Do you remember seeing that or perhaps a, uh, a large-- a-a bag of some sort that could hold a lot of clothing? Anything that might have seemed out of place and odd for him to have in his room?
[Patty remembering]
Adam: Tux, cape, coat, hat, mask, disposable cell phone...
Patty: (Sighs) Um, I'm sorry. I just can't think of anything.
Chance: Huh. Well, we've worked out a timeline, and Adam couldn't have picked up anything between the time he escaped from the hospital to when he showed up in Sharon Newman's room at the club. But he had this cell phone, his mask, tuxedo and cape to disguise himself at the ball. Adam obviously planned this in advance, which means he must have also had an accomplice.
Patty: If Adam did have an accomplice, it's news to me, because I've never seen this phone, and I've never seen a stuffed toy cat. (Chuckles)
Chance: Doctor, I really need you to focus here. Please, just think back to that night. Really focus on that night. What you're telling me right now is very important to our investigation.
Patty: I don't mean to hamper your work, Detective. I just... there's nothing else to tell you. I came here to help you, and right now, I'm starting to feel like a criminal.
Chance: No, no.
Patty: Mm.
Chance: Look, no one is accusing you of anything here, but, uh, you know, if we're being honest...
Patty: Mm-hmm?
Chance: I'm getting the feeling that there are things that you're just not telling me.
Michael: Well, I can see Daniel's side of this, too. This is a child he doesn't know. It's a bit jarring, especially if this child might be a part of your day-to-day lives. Maybe he just needs a little time to get used to the idea.
Amber: Maybe.
Michael: (Sips coffee) Ugh, I need a warm-up. Excuse me. (Clears throat)
Kevin: You know, I will bet you that Daniel is just as freaked out as you are right now. Why don't you give him a call, try and clear things up? This way, you'll feel better about going, and he'll be less freaked out by the time you get back.
Amber: That's a really good idea. I-I'm gonna call. (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs)
Amber: It's ringing.
Kevin: Good.
Amber: It's voice mail.
Kevin: Mm.
Amber: (Sighs) Hey, it's me. I'm sorry I missed you. Um... hey, I'm really sorry about our fight. I shouldn't have left the way I did. But, um, I made a commitment to Little D. a long time ago, and I couldn't live with myself if I didn't step up for him. Okay, I hope you can understand, find a way to understand this.
Kevin: Hold on there, Pal.
Boy: Let me go!
Amber: Oh, my God. That's Little D.!
Ryder: All the way over here, I kept telling myself, "Don't say anything," and now--now I wish I hadn’t.
Lauren: You told us because you wanted us to know. You know that Daisy and Sarah have to be stopped.
Jana: (Sighs) If Sarah is willing to kill Michael and Phyllis, then where is it going to stop, Ryder? Who is next?! Is it gonna be me and Lauren? What's gonna happen to Kevin? What's gonna happen to Michael and Lauren's son?
Lauren: (Gasps)
Ryder: They would never do anything to hurt that kid!
Lauren: You don't know that. (Bars clanging) You don't know that! (Sighs) All I know is you are not gonna be able to live with yourself if you have blood on your hands.
Jana: You will be just as culpable as they are!
Ryder: (Sighs)
Phyllis: So are you sure you don't want a water?
Sarah: No.
Phyllis: No?
Sarah: No. No, thanks. Uh, why is Daniel coming over? Is there some sort of emergency?
Phyllis: Um, well, he's at home. He's alone-- problems with Amber again.
Sarah: Yeah, but couldn't it wait till tomorrow?
Phyllis: Uh...
Sarah: Uh, I-I'm sorry. That really sounded odd and s--and selfish, didn't I? Yeah. I was really craving some alone time with my best friend.
Phyllis: But you have me all to yourself until Daniel gets here, so...
Sarah: You know, uh, oh, I, uh, I must have left my cell phone in the car. I'm gonna go get it, and, um, I wouldn't want to miss a call from Michael, right? (Chuckles) I'll be right back.
Daisy: Now?
Sarah: (Quietly) Change of plans. Daniel's on his way over here. You've got to stop him.
Daisy: How am I supposed to do that?
Sarah: (Sighs) However you want. Now go out through the back fence, like I told you, and hitch a ride and grow wings and fly. (Hisses) I don't care! Just stop him from being here! And you call me. You call me when it's handled.
Daisy: Okay, then should I come back?
Sarah: (Sighs) I-I-I can't wait that long. Damn it! I'm gonna have to handle Phyllis myself.
(Front door opens)
Chance: It’s just not everything about you that you helped Adam escape, but... I do have to wonder. Maybe you, uh, maybe you heard something or even saw something that you weren't supposed to. Maybe Adam threatened you, tried to coerce you, perhaps?
[Patty remembering]
Patty: (Sighs) I can't do that.
Adam: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs) You'd rather be in a tight, cozy little straitjacket in a padded cell again, Patty? 'Cause I could arrange that. If you want me to keep your secret-- and I will keep your secret-- you have to help me escape tomorrow night, the night of the policemen's ball.
Patty: No, absolutely not. There was no coercion. You keep telling me that I am not being accused of anything.
Chance: Okay. Okay, Doctor, look, I'm not trying to offend you or--or cause you to be defensive with me. I apologize.
Patty: (Sighs)
Chance: I know that you've been an expert witness for us on the stand. I'm fully aware of that. I just thought that you knew how these things work, that's all. I apologize.
Patty: It just feels different in a police station instead of a courtroom
Chance: I understand that. I know that.
Patty: I--okay. (Sighs) You know, I do know you're doing your job. So whatever you need, ask away.
Chance: Great. Thank you.
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Chance: So why don't we just take it from the top then, okay?
Patty: Hmm?
Chance: Doctor?
Patty: Yes?
Chance: Is there someplace you need to be right now?
Patty: No. No, whatever you need.
Phyllis: So, um, as you know, Michael's very concerned.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, he, uh, he said I've--I've changed, and he keeps saying it until I'm sick to death of hearing it. He's just picking and--and picking. I have to watch every word that-- that comes out of my mouth. (Sighs) I'm sure all of this is gonna go back to him.
Phyllis: No, not if you don't want it to.
Sarah: Come on. The two of you were friends before we were friends. I'm sure you've gotten an earful about me.
Phyllis: Lauren... (Sighs) It--it--it just sounds to me like you're fishing to see what I know.
Sarah: And what if I am?
Phyllis: That is just weird. I mean, what purpose would that serve? It--why would we play those games? It's just silly. I care about both of you. I want to help.
Sarah: So what has Michael said about me?
Phyllis: Um... okay, he's worried about you. He’s... he's looking for answers because he loves you, and--and he's-- he's trying desperately to be supportive.
Sarah: (Scoffs) Supportive. Right. Right. Try judgmental.
(Cell phone rings)
Sarah: Excuse me. Oh, I don't know who this is. (Purses lips together)
Michael: I'm still planning to stop by later. Uh, I'll stick around until you get there. I'd really like to find a way to get past our... issues, Lauren. I hope you want that as much as I do. Okay, bye.
Amber: This is so unreal. (Chuckles) I mean, how, uh, how'd you--how'd you get here all by yourself?
Little D.: I'm used to figuring stuff out. I'm just so glad I found you. I didn't know your address.
Kevin: You just knew she hung out here?
Little D.: Just a lucky guess.
Amber: Yes, very lucky.
Michael: Oh, who's your young friend?
Amber: Um, brace yourself. This is Little D. (Chuckles)
Michael: You're kidding.
Amber: (Laughs)
Eric: Actually, it's Eric. I go by Eric now.
Amber: Oh, of course. Of course you do, because, um... (Sniffles) You're not so little anymore. (Laughs)
Michael: (Chuckles)
Amber: Oh, a-anyway, you--you've met my friend Kevin, but this is his brother Michael.
Eric: Hey.
Michael: Well, pleased to meet you, Eric. I guess that means you won't have to head out west after all.
Amber: Yeah. (Laughs)
Eric: You were coming to see me?
Amber: I was just about to head to the airport when Kevin nabbed you. Um, you're not gonna give him too much grief about swipin' that tip, are you?
Eric: I know it was wrong. Here. I was hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day. Am I in trouble?
Kevin: Do you like ham?
Eric: Sure.
Kevin: Ham and cheese comin' up.
Michael: (Chuckles) See you later.
Amber: Wait. Wait, you're headin' out?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah. In a bit. Um, I'll give you time to catch up.
Amber: H-hey, Kev, can we get, like, a-a-a brownie or a cupcake or something?
Kevin: Yeah, sure.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Amber: (Sighs) After all, it is your birthday.
Eric: You remembered?
Amber: (Sighs) I never forgot. God, you don't know how happy I am to see you.
Voicemail: I hope you can find a way to understand. I'll call you when I land in California, okay? Sleep good. I love you.
(Knock on door)
Daisy: (Crying)
Daniel: What the hell are you doing here?
Daisy: Please, Daniel. I didn't know where else to go.
Daniel: After all that crap you pulled on Lauren, you hang on a second. I think I'm gonna call Kevin. He's been lookin' for you.
Daisy: No, no, no, wait. Please don’t. Uh, I thought I could trust you. (Sighs) I'm so scared.
Daniel: Scared of what?
Daisy: (Breathing heavily) Can't we talk inside? (Sniffles) (Sighs) Oh, God.
Daniel: You'd better be straight with me.
Daisy: (Sniffles) I promise. I promise I will be. I just--I don't know what to do, Daniel. (Breathing heavily) Oh, God.
Daniel: You know what? Sit down. I'll try and find you some tissues. (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs) (Crying shakily)
Daniel: Here.
Daisy: Thank you.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Daniel: What's going on?
Daisy: (Shakily) Ryder would kill me if he knew I was here. But I can't keep doing what he wants anymore. It isn't right.
Ryder: No. No, I'm--I-I'm screwed either way now. I can't--I can't trust any of you!
Lauren: No. No, no, Ryder. Ryder, you can trust Jana and me. I swear to you.
Jana: God, just phone the police! Just tell them everything and get us... get us out of here. (Moans)
Lauren: We-- we'll tell the authorities that you were over your head. You--you helped us.
Ryder: No, a-and then-- and--and then Sarah and Daisy come after me! (Cries)
Lauren: And what makes you think they haven't already? What makes you think that they're not setting you up for the fall?
Jana: (Breathing heavily)
Lauren: I think they're questioning your-- your loyalty already. And what better way to get rid of you than by pinning a double homicide on you?
Ryder: Shut up! Shut up! I can't-- I can't take this anymore!
Jana: (Moans) Aah! Oh, God. Oh, God!
Lauren: (Gasps) No, Jana. Jana.
Jana: (Moaning) Oh, God. Oh, God. (Sobs)
Lauren: Jana! Jana can't take this anymore.
Jana: (Moaning)
Lauren: Come on, Ryder! You can do it! Time is running out for all of us. Come on! It can be
Amber: So you came home from school, and my mom was just gone?
Eric: She left a note saying she'd be back. I thought she meant that day.
Amber: But she never came home, and you were all alone.
Eric: Tawny was, like, dating this one guy. They were talking about Vegas, how they could make some money there.
Amber: That is so like my mom. She's supposed to be looking after you, and she just takes off.
Eric: I can look out for myself. But I got worried after the calls started.
Amber: What calls?
Eric: Somebody would call and hang up as soon as I answered.
Amber: And that's when you decided to get out of there.
Eric: I knew you were in Genoa City, so... (Sighs) I got one of Tawny's old credit card bills and used the number to book a flight. Mr. Benton from next door gave me some money to get to the airport. I used the last of it to catch a bus into town.
Amber: (Sighs) Wow. That's so smart of you. Of course, I guess you'd have to be that way living with Tawny, huh? I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner. Just... my mom just insisted everything was okay.
Eric: It wasn't that bad most of the time.
Amber: I promise you, it is never gonna be bad again, okay? I'm gonna--I'm gonna make sure.
Eric: Okay.
Amber: I'll make sure.
Daisy: Ryder's the one that made me do all those terrible things.
Daniel: Mm. Yeah. He's a bad guy.
Daisy: The worst. You have no idea what he's like, Daniel. No one does.
Daniel: What's he like?
Daisy: Brutal, a total control freak. He hates Michael and Lauren because they never accepted Kevin as his brother. (Sniffles)
Daniel: Wait, um... Kevin's brother, uh, uh...
Daisy: Yeah, Kevin-- he was riding a pony around Michael and Lauren's living room, and they hate it.
Daniel: Yeah, they-- they--they...
Daisy: (Laughs)
Daniel: They would. Um, you know what? I-I think I need to lay down for a second.
Daisy: Yeah, you do that.
Daniel: (Groans) (Groans) (Grunts) (Grunts) (Grunts)
(Cell phone rings)
Sarah: Oh, it's Gloria. (Sighs) Hello.
Daisy: You're good to go.
Sarah: Thank you so much. And you have a good night, too.
Daisy: You are so hot.
Daniel: Amber. Amber...
Daisy: Yeah, Baby, it's me.
Phyllis: What'd Gloria want?
Sarah: Oh, just to tell me that Fen was all tucked in at her house. I'm sure Michael has told you that he moved out with our son.
Phyllis: Yes, he did. Yeah, I'm sure he's just doing what's best for Fen. He doesn't want him in the middle.
Sarah: Yeah, he's just, uh, trying to keep him away from me. You see, he's just judging...
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Sarah: All over the place.
Phyllis: Listen, let's just go back. When--when you said that thing about "Michael will regret it," that--what did-- what did you mean by that?
Sarah: That I wish he treated me differently. I don't want things to turn ugly.
Phyllis: Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Lauren, come on. You're overreacting. I-I know how much Michael wants to work things out.
Sarah: I think it's a little too late for that. And I'm getting really, really sick of you sticking up for him.
Patty: After I was found in Adam’s room, the doctor made sure I was okay to leave.
Chance: By which time, Adam was already at the ball. Are you sure your paths never crossed?
[Patty remembering]
Patty: You think you're so clever, don't you? Just know I know who you are.
Adam: And remember that I know exactly who you are, Patty. If you rat me out, I will rat you out so fast, your crazy little head will spin.
Patty: The last memory I have of Adam is him sticking a needle in my neck. After that, I never saw him again.
Chance: Okay. Well, I think we've covered everything we need to then.
Patty: (Sighs) Well, Detective, I wish I could have been more help.
Chance: Well, you know, it's a shame you didn't know more about that cell phone, but, um, no matter. We can follow other avenues and pursue it.
Patty: Oh?
Chance: Yeah, we can track down where the cell phone was purchased and who purchased the cell phone, take a look at the security footage. We will eventually get what we need.
Patty: (Sighs) Well, I-I hope that works out for you. I should go.
Kevin: So when are you meeting Emily?
Michael: Soon. I'm glad for Amber, you know, that the kid's okay.
Kevin: (Sighs) Mm.
Michael: At least somebody got a happy ending tonight.
Phyllis: Listen, whatever happens between you and Michael, it's not going to affect my friendship with either of you, okay?
Sarah: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have attacked you. I'm just a little on edge.
Phyllis: A little?
Sarah: You know, um, maybe we should have some tea.
Phyllis: No, I have my water. I'm fine.
Sarah: No, chamomile. Chamomile, that'd be good. It's soothing. It'd be good for both of us.
Phyllis: No, I don't-- I really don't want any. Lauren, come on. I don't want any--no tea. I have wat-- damn it! Oh! (Sighs, inhales sharply)
Sarah: That chair is really an inconvenience, isn't it?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Sarah: It must make you feel so helpless.
Phyllis: (Grunts)
Lauren: How bad is it?
Jana: Bad.
Ryder: She needs more medicine.
Lauren: No. No, that's not gonna help. She needs a hospital. Ryder, just please take her to the hospital. You could drop her off. You could-- you could leave before anybody sees you. Oh, God, please. (Voice breaking) If you won't call the police about Michael and Phyllis, do this. I can't-- I can't lose Jana. (Sobs) I can't lose all three of them. (Sobs) (Whispering) Hold on. Hold on.
Kevin: You know, the night's not over yet.
Michael: (Chuckles) You're right.
Kevin: You know, good things happen when you stay focused on what's important. I'm not giving up on finding Jana, and you shouldn't give up on Lauren, either.
Phyllis: (Groans) Oh. (Sighs) (Gasps) Oh! Hey, what are you...
Sarah: I'm just trying to give you a hand here.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm fine. I don't need a hand. Can-- you know what? Can you-- can you please leave?
Sarah: Oh, don't be like this. I-I know I'm all over the place, but I-I really thought that I could count on you.
Phyllis: Yeah, you can count on me, but I'm not just into socializing anymore.
Sarah: Phyllis...
Phyllis: Look, I-- I don't want you here. I'm sorry. Daniel's on his way over. Can you please leave?
Sarah: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs) (Clicks tongue) Lauren, I... (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs heavily)
Michael: Hey, what's up?
Phyllis: Okay, Lauren was just here. You are right. There is something seriously wrong with her.
Michael: What do you mean?
Phyllis: I mean, she was all over the place, Michael. She was-- she was fine one minute, angry the next, pissy, then hurt. I mean, I-I couldn't keep up with her.
Michael: See, that's-- that's exactly what I've seen.
Phyllis: Yeah. Michael, honestly, I don't know what to think. I got this really, really creepy feeling from her. Uh, I mean, I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more.
Michael: I appreciate your trying.
Phyllis: All right, bye.
Phyllis: (Sighs deeply) Hey, Honey. Um... well, I-I'm here. I thought you would-- I thought you would already be here. Um, I-I really would love to see you. You have no idea... (Chuckles) How much I would love to see you. Um, so if you get this message and you're not behind the wheel, call me. Call me. I just--I-I just want to know how long you'll be.
(Door opens)
Amber: Oh, my God.
Ryder: (Sighs) All right, I'll do it.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Ryder: I'll let you both go. You--you can go to a doctor.
Lauren: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Come on, Jana. Jana, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.
Ryder: Damn it.
Lauren: Come on, hurry!
Ryder: Damn. Damn!
Lauren: What is it?
Ryder: The keys... the keys are missing.
Lauren: No. No, don't you mess with us!
Ryder: No, I swear, they-- they're gone.
Lauren: (Sighs heavily)
Kevin: Well, that's too bad that Phyllis couldn't get through to Lauren.
Michael: Yeah, well, it doesn't surprise me. Lauren's behavior lately...
Kevin: It's been pretty out there. I know.
Michael: As soon as I hear from Emily, I'm takin' off.
Kevin: Yeah, me, too. I'm gonna head back out to that amusement park, see if I can find any clue that might lead me to Jana.
Michael: I thought you gave up on that place.
Kevin: It's all I got. (Sighs)
Chance: Dr. Abbott.
Patty: Hmm?
Chance: Thank you again so much for your help.
Patty: Oh, any time.
Chance: Owen, its Chance. Yeah, I just finished up with Emily Abbott. Yeah, there's really something not right there. I think it's time we start to consider her one of the prime suspects in the Wilson murder.
Patty: Hello, Michael? It's Emily.
Michael: Oh. All through at the precinct?
Patty: Uh, yeah, I just wrapped up. Is now still a good time to come by?
Michael: Oh, now is perfect. I'm anxious to discuss Lauren's situation.
Patty: Oh, good. Then I-I'll come by your apartment. I'll be there shortly. (Whispering) I can do this. I can do this. It's all gonna be over.
(Lamp switch clicking)
Phyllis: (Sighs) The circuit. Where's my cell phone? (Sighs)
Phyllis: Daniel?
Phyllis: Lauren, is that you?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: I have been living with her for months, sleeping with her. I would know if it was Patty.
Kevin: Will you Ouija with me?
Kay: Would we, what?
Michael: But if you can't see how bad off my wife is, then maybe you should be seeing a psychiatrist.
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