Y&R Transcript Monday 4/26/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 4/27/10 -- USA
Episode # 9385 ~ Lily's Life-Threatening Choice
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jill: You sure you're okay? You look really tired.
Cane: No, I'm okay. I just, uh, you know, with the pregnancy and this, you know, a lot going on with the cancer.
Jill: Tucker's not putting too much pressure on you?
Cane: No, no, he's, uh, he's focused on Jabot.
Jill: Mm-hmm. Any idea who he's gonna put in charge of it?
Cane: Are you thinking, uh...
Jill: Oh...
Cane: (Chuckles) All right, listen, um, after the problems you caused him with the justice department...
Jill: (Chuckles)
Cane: I really think that you're, like, the last person that he's gonna-- hey.
Jill: Aw.
Cane: Look who I ran into.
Lily: Hi. How are you?
Jill: Fine.
Lily: Are you, uh, staying for the ultrasound?
Jill: Oh, I wish I could.
Mac: Just hang out and feel them kick at least.
Jill: All right, that I can do.
Mac: Come on.
Jill: Okay.
Cane: You ready? Should we go in?
Lily: Uh, yeah, in a second. Um, I got a call from Dr. Kershaw this morning.
Cane: Oh, good. What, the blood count results came back?
Lily: Yeah, he, um, he wants to start me back on the chemo.
Cane: Well, that's great, right?
Lily: Well, I don't know if I should.
Cane: Well, listen, you know, if Kershaw thinks it could save your life, then I think you should.
Lily: Well, that's the thing. It could also do the exact opposite.
(Doorbell rings)
Ashley: Hmm.
Neil: Abby forget her key?
Ashley: No, I don't think so. I told you she's spending the night at a friend's house. Mm.
(Doorbell rings)
Neil: Somebody's anxious to see you.
Ashley: Mm.
Neil: Hey, you know what?
Ashley: Hmm?
Neil: I'll get it.
Ashley: Okay. Thank you.
Tucker: Whoa. Bad time?
Neil: Actually, Tucker, it is.
Tucker: Well, this is important. Sorry, Dude.
Lauren: All right, you almost have it.
Jana: (Spits)
Lauren: Almost.
Jana: (Scoffs) God, bloody gag. I just want to shove it right down Sarah's--
Lauren: Okay, all right. Just save your strength. Save your strength.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: We're gonna need it. (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs) Oh, God, Lauren. I don't know if I can escape again. I don't have the energy.
Lauren: No. No, we just have to regroup and breathe.
Jana: (Sighs) (Sighs) I wish I could just close my eyes and be holding hands with Kevin on the roof of our car... (Sighs) Looking up at the moon.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jana: You know, it's gonna be full soon. (Sighs)
Lauren: Yeah. We'll be home by the time it does. (Sighs) You'll be with Kevin. I'll be with Michael. (Sighs)
Jana: You believe that?
Lauren: I do. I do. (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs) What do they even want from us, Sarah and "The Stepford Twins"?
Lauren: (Sighs) It seems like they're going after everyone that Sheila had a grudge against. And if that's the case, Amber is next.
Amber: (Gasps) Oh.
Daniel: (Chuckles) You're really into that sketch, huh? What are you workin' on?
Amber: Um...
Daniel: You and Little D.
Amber: Look, I-I know what you said, but, um...
Daniel: Maybe I should record it and put it on your mp3.
Amber: I-I get it, okay? You're sick of hearing about Little D. I--
Daniel: I don't know why you can't just please let this go, Amber.
Amber: I'm sorry. I can’t.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Amber: I guess I miss being a mom.
Daniel: And I miss us, just me and you.
Amber: You don't understand.
Daniel: You're right. I don't understand, because that used to be enough for you.
Michael: (Quietly) How soon can you get down to the police station? They just brought Ryder in.
Kevin: Uh, well, Gloria just dropped Fen off to go do some all-day spa thing.
Michael: See if Amber or Daniel can watch him.
Kevin: Okay, I'll be there soon. You like hangin' out with Daniel, right?
Fen: Yeah.
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Hey, Kevin, what's up, man?
Kevin: Hey, can Fen hang with you for a bit?
Daniel: Uh, yeah, I guess so. Is everything all right?
Kevin: You want to grab your coat out of the back? Ryder is in jail. I gotta get down there and talk to him, see what he knows about Jana.
Daniel: Yeah, man, Fen can stay with us as long as you need him to.
Kevin: Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
Sarah: Going to see Ryder? Think that's a good idea?
Kevin: Yeah, I have to do whatever I can to help Jana. I thought you understood that. I, uh, gotta get Fen over to Daniel’s.
Sarah: Oh, I'll watch him. Would you like to stay with Mommy?
Kevin: (Chuckles) He's really excited about hanging out with Daniel.
Sarah: So Michael doesn't trust me with my own son.
Kevin: I... (Sighs) I think you should maybe talk to him about that. I'm sorry. Let's go, Pal.
Sarah: (Quietly) Yeah, we have a problem. Michael and Kevin know that your brother is in jail. Well, no, of course I don't trust that spineless wimp. That's why we have to stop them before they get to him and break him. (Sighs)
Man: I can't stall the arraignment much longer.
Michael: This man has gone out of his way to traumatize my wife. I think it behooves me to find out why.
Man: You'd better hurry.
Michael: (Inhales deeply) All right, Ryder, let's try this again. Why did Lauren bail out you and your sister from prison? Was Lauren with you when she disappeared? Did the two of you do anything to her? She hasn't been herself since she came back. All right, fine. You don't want to talk to me. Let's see if you'll talk to your brother.
Ryder: Kevin's coming here?
Michael: Easy to blow me off? Let's see if you can do that to the only person who's ever given a damn about you.
Amber: Let's get this off and get you warmed up. Come on.
Kevin: Thank you guys so much for doing this.
Amber: Yeah.
Daniel: Yeah, Man, you got it. Hey, keep us posted and, uh, be cool with Ryder.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know how to handle my brother. See you.
Daniel: Okay, you are not gonna believe the new video game I got. It's gonna be me and you versus an entire army of zombies.
Fen: Me first!
Daniel: (Sighs) But of course. Let's get this set up. There you go.
(Electronic noises)
Daniel: Oh! Oh, get that guy.
Fen: Got him!
Amber: You're a natural.
Daniel: I'm doing Kevin a favor, that's all.
Amber: You know, I'm just saying.
Lily: So basically, my white count is low. Like, lower than it's ever been, and I pretty much have no immune system left. (Sighs)
Cane: Then why is Kershaw recommending chemo now if he didn't think you were strong enough to handle it before?
Lily: (Scoffs) I don't know. Last-ditch effort?
Cane: No, I don't accept that.
Lily: Well, you know, you may have to, Cane.
Cane: Just don't give up.
Lily: I just think that you should be prepared if the worst happens.
Cane: No, listen, the worst is not gonna happen, okay? We'll step up your supplements, all right? We'll--we'll step up your meditation. I hear they're getting really good results with biofeedback...
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: And listen, they have electrical therapy treatments. You gotta keep working. We just gotta keep working at this, Lily.
Lily: I am working at it. I eat everything that I should. I do yoga. I take every herb under the sun, and for what? (Sighs) Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I just... (Sighs) I really thought that today was gonna be different. You know, when Dr. Kershaw called me, I-- I swore that he was gonna have good news.
Cane: It's not gonna be much longer, okay? It's just one more round of chemo, okay?
Lily: You say that like it's so easy. Like I don't have to walk in that room and look around and wonder, "Who's not gonna be here next month because the cancer beat them?" Or that some mornings, I can barely get out of bed. I just want to feel normal again, you know? I just want my life back.
Cane: I know. I do. And listen, I'm not minimizing what you're facing. I'm not. It's just if the treatments can help you--
Lily: Okay, are you not understanding? I may not survive it.
Cane: Come here.
Tucker: Very nice. Must be a special occasion.
Neil: How could you tell?
Ashley: You interrupted our evening. Why are you here?
Tucker: When we talked at the club, I told you I had plans for Jabot. Now it's a very unique company. I think it needs someone special at the helm, someone strong, compassionate, intelligent, but open. I was hoping you could help me out.
Ashley: You take my father's company, and then you want my advice on who should run it?
Tucker: I don't want advice. I want you to be Jabot's C.E.O.
Ashley: So what exactly are you proposing?
Tucker: A 3-year ironclad contract. Name your price.
Neil: You had an ironclad contract with Katherine when you turned Chancellor back over to her.
(Cell phone rings)
Neil: I'm sorry. I gotta take this. Excuse me. Yeah?
Ashley: Give me one reason why I shouldn't tell you to take your job offer and shove it.
Tucker: Because you want this. You want it bad.
Lauren: Is your headache back?
Jana: Yes.
Lauren: Where are those pills that Ryder gave you?
Jana: They're gone. Oh, God, Lauren, it really hurts.
Lauren: Okay, well, uh, let's--let's just think about something else, okay?
Jana: (Sighs)
Jana: Can we talk about what we're gonna do when we get out of here?
Lauren: Yes.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Let's see. What am I gonna do when we get out of here?
Jana: (Sighs) Take a nice, long, hot bubble bath.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Yes. And then what?
Jana: And then order pizza.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jana: Oh, and Indian food, and moo goo gai pan from that amazing Chinese takeout place. You know, on the corner of Grand? (Inhales deeply)
Lauren: All of that together, though?
Jana: Oh, yeah. Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Lauren: Actually, it does. (Laughs) All I want to do... (Voice breaking) Is I want to put my arms around Michael and Fen. And I want to call Scotty, and I want to tell him I love him and I miss him. (Sighs) And then--and then I want to plan a trip. I want to plan a trip for, um, Michael and Fen and Scotty and you and Kevin and Noah and Eden... all the people that Sarah tried to hurt... (Normal voice) All the people that I love. I'll even let Gloria and Jeff come.
Jana: (Laughs) Gloria and Jeff? Are you sure your head's on straight?
Lauren: Yeah, really. (Laughs) Oh, all these years, I've just been praying for some peace and quiet away from Michael’s family, and now... I'd give anything for one of those crazy Baldwin/Fisher nights.
Jana: Do you think we'll ever have one of those nights again?
Lauren: Yes. And I will never, ever take my family for granted again.
Ryder: You're not gonna say anything?
Kevin: (Clears throat) I don't know what to say, Ryder. I don't know what to do. Jana is gone. Michael and Lauren... I don't know what's going on with them. And I have never been very good on my own. And now here I am all alone-- no wife, no brother, no reason to get up in the morning.
Ryder: Don't say that.
Kevin: Well, it's true. Without Jana, my life has no point. Just... I want my wife back. I want my life back. Can somebody please help me get my life back? (Pounds on table) (Sighs) (Exhales)
Ryder: I can.
Daniel: Come on. Come on. Come on. Aah! An epic failure!
Fen: Epic.
Daniel: (Sighs) You, um, you didn't bake those, did you?
Amber: I got 'em at the corner bakery.
Daniel: Hmm. I think they're safe.
Fen: Yeah.
Daniel: Yeah.
Amber: (Chuckles) You know, I may not be Martha Stewart, but I do know lots of cool things we could do together, like it is family night at Westside Bowling.
Daniel: Yeah, but G.C. High is playing a new game on the new diamond. Hmm?
Amber: Oh, wow. Yeah, that sounds fun. I'll come with you guys.
Daniel: Actually, I was thinking maybe just the guys, you know?
Amber: Well, yeah. Yeah, I--yeah. You guys--I think you guys should just go together.
Daniel: Mm.
Amber: Have fun. Yeah. Okay.
Daniel: Mmm. Yeah. We won't be long.
Amber: Okay. Bye, Baby.
Daniel: Bye. Come on. After you, Señor.
Fen: (Laughs)
Amber: Have fun.
Daniel: Bye.
Amber: Bye. Bye. (Sighs)
Amber: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Amber: Did you guys forget something, huh? Oh, Lauren. Lauren, oh, my gosh. It is so good to see you. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you since the night you got back.
[Sarah remembering]
Ryder: You said Amber would cooperate, but she's giving Deacon a hard time. No way he's gonna get her to marry him. She's in love with this Daniel guy.
Sarah: All right, you listen to me, Ryder. She is a backstabbing, gold-digging little tramp who made my sister's life miserable.
Ryder: Well, now she's ruining your plans.
Sarah: That little bitch is lucky we've never met face-to-face, because if we ever do...
Amber: What brings you by?
Sarah: I came to pick up Fen.
Amber: Oh, you just missed him. Daniel just took him out. Um, come in. You can wait for him.
Sarah: I'd love to. We have so much to catch up on.
Amber: You have no idea how glad I am that you're back. I mean, everything has just been so crazy. You gone, and Jana missing... and it seems like all Daniel and I do is argue about whether or not Little D. should come and live with us.
Sarah: (Scoffs) Well, that's not--
Amber: I want him to, and Daniel doesn't, so... but I-I worry about the little guy. You know, he lost his dad, and he may be in danger.
Sarah: What kind of danger?
Amber: (Sighs) Deacon told me once that this "Dragon lady" that he worked for threatened Little D.
[Sarah remembering]
Sarah: Why haven't I heard from you? Do you have the Terroni? Get the painting, Deacon, or your son's gonna look like a Picasso.
Lauren: What else did Deacon tell you about this dragon lady?
Ryder: Come on, Kevin. This isn't like you. Hey, you're the guy who told me-- you said, "The only person that you--can keep you down is yourself."
Kevin: Well, that was when I had a job, a wife, a future. Now what do I have?
Ryder: You got me.
Kevin: Well, I want Jana, okay? Don't you get it? Without her, my-- my life is nothing. I'm nothing.
Ryder: That's not true. You're a great guy. Y-you're a great brother. You just gotta hang in there. Jana will be back soon. I know it.
Kevin: How do you know it?
Ryder: I just do.
Kevin: It was you, wasn't it, Ryder? You sent me that text telling me to follow the music. Come on, Man. You say you want to help me? I am begging you, please help me find my wife!
Doctor: There's "Baby A."
(Heart beating)
Doctor: Length, weight, heartbeat, it's all good. And not to be outdone, "Baby B."
(Heart beating)
Doctor: Oh, everything looks good there, too.
Cane: You see? We have cooperative kids. That's good.
Mac: They must be girls.
Doctor: Would you like to know? You're far enough along.
Cane: What do you want to do?
Lily: Uh, well, I've been going back and forth with this, and I could use some certainty in my life, so let's do it. (Chuckles)
Cane: Okay, you heard the lady. Let's do it.
Doctor: O-okay. "Baby A," show me what you got. Uh, looks like... yep, it's a boy.
Cane: Oh!
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: A boy? Huh? A boy?
Lily: A boy. (Chuckles)
Cane: A boy, okay.
Lily: Wow.
Cane: And?
Lily: Wh-what about-- what about the other one?
Doctor: Uh, in this corner, you've got yourself a little girl.
Lily: It's a boy and a girl.
Cane: A boy and a girl.
Lily: It's perfect.
Cane: It couldn't be more perfect, Baby.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: A boy and a girl.
Lily: Um, I'm gonna-- you know, I'm gonna call, um, my dad and Devon and tell 'em the good news. I'll be right back.
Cane: All right.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Lily: (Cries)
Lauren: (Sighs) (Grunts) (Sighs) How's your headache?
Jana: Worse... now that I'm thinking about the Baldwin/Fisher vacation.
Lauren: Sorry.
Jana: No, I'm joking. (Sighs)
Lauren: Mm, you and Kevin could go to a deserted island.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: You could hike among the ruins of an ancient civilization. You could finally make it to Kathmandu. (Chuckles)
Jana: Mm. Sounds divine.
Lauren: Do you miss that life as a free spirit traveling the world? (Sighs)
Jana: Sometimes.
Lauren: Are you sorry that you, uh, settled in Genoa City?
Jana: Well, how about if I just say, if I had gone to visit the Dalai Lama, I would not be chained to these bars, now would I? (Sighs)
Lauren: There's a lot of danger out there in the world.
Jana: Yeah, that's true. And I wouldn't be happy anywhere Kevin isn’t.
Lauren: (Sighs) I think that, uh, Kevin lived for so many years without roots and a home, that's what he's building with you... a place to be happy.
Jana: You know, I never really thought of happy as a place. I always thought of it as a journey. I tried explaining that to Kevin the last time I saw him. We ended up getting in a fight.
Lauren: Its okay, Sweetie.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: You'll make it up to him when you see him.
Jana: What if the last time I saw him was when we were fighting?
Kevin: Help me find Jana. I will protect you, I promise. From--from--from whoever it is or whatever it is you are afraid of.
Ryder: I don't know anything about a text message.
Kevin: Yes, you do! You sent me that text. Admit it, Ryder. Please, admit it!
Ryder: I can't help you. I'm sorry.
Kevin: (Scoffs) I've heard it before.
Ryder: Kevin!
Kevin: What?
Ryder: Never mind.
Kevin: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Michael: You were getting to him. I could tell.
Kevin: Yeah, a lot of good it did.
Michael: No, no, no. You must have wanted to rip his head off, but--but it was the right thing to do. I know it was hard, but letting him see you, how low you were, how low--oh, you were--
Kevin: It wasn't just an act, Michael. That's how I feel. (Sighs)
Michael: I'm sorry.
Amber: So why are you so interested in this, uh, mystery witch all of a sudden?
Sarah: You brought her up. I was just wondering if you had any more information on Deacon and her since I was gone.
Amber: No, nothing. Mm, for all we know, that-- there was never a dragon lady, and Deacon made the whole thing up.
Sarah: I wouldn't put it past him.
Amber: Either way, Little D.'s safe. (Sighs)
Sarah: Do you know where he is?
Amber: Yeah, he's with my mom in Furnace Creek. I thought you knew that.
Sarah: Mm, I guess I forgot. You know, I've got so much on my mind.
Daniel: I can't believe that you ate three hot dogs. (Chuckles) Hey, Lauren.
Sarah: Hi.
Daniel: I didn't know you were picking up Fen.
Sarah: Last-minute change of plans. Would you do me a favor? Would you tell Michael that I picked him up? I don't want anyone to worry.
Daniel: Yeah, sure. Here you go, Buddy.
Sarah: Well, thank you for watching him.
Amber: Yeah, anytime.
Sarah: Okay, bye.
Daniel: Bye.
Sarah: Come on.
Amber: Um, hey, listen. About earlier with Little D...
Daniel: Oh, my God, Amber. Seriously, you need to change the record. I mean, you've got pictures of this kid. You're doing sketches of him. I mean, that's all you talk about. He's all you think about. Do I have to hear about him every single day?
Amber: Well, there's a reason why you're hearing about him today.
Daniel: Uh, yeah, because today's a day that ends in "Y."
Amber: It's 'cause it's his birthday.
Ashley: As C.E.O., I'd be able to run Jabot as I see fit?
Tucker: But with, uh, one s-stipulation. I want only one Abbott at Jabot... you.
Ashley: Why not Jack?
Tucker: Well, Jack lets his emotions dictate his business decisions. That's not gonna work for me.
Ashley: How do you know I wouldn't do the same thing?
Tucker: I'm pretty good at reading people. Besides, after the year you've had, I doubt you'll let your heart cloud your judgment.
Tucker: Now you're more than qualified, and you're the only person I'm interested in. So what do you say?
Ashley: I'll think about it.
Tucker: Don't take too long. Enjoy your evening. Good night, Neil.
Neil: Leaving so soon?
Ashley: Hi.
Neil: You said yes?
Ashley: I said I'd think about it.
Neil: But you want it.
Jill: Truce?
Tucker: Why not? Bartender?
Jill: Martini, dry.
Tucker: Yeah, this is better than throwing knives at each other.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Figuratively speaking, of course.
Jill: Oh, of course. So life is good?
Tucker: Oh, yeah. The glass is always half full for me.
Jill: Mm. Thank you.
Tucker: Cheers.
(Glasses clink)
Jill: So how's your acquisition?
Tucker: Jabot?
Jill: Mm.
Tucker: You know, it's funny you should ask. Just tonight, I found the perfect businesswoman to run it.
Jill: Really?
Tucker: And hopefully, she won't turn me down.
Jill: Well, now who could turn you down?
Cane: A boy and a girl, huh?
Mac: I know. (Chuckles) What'd your dad and Devon say?
Lily: Um, oh, I-I actually, I couldn't reach them.
Mac: Oh, they're gonna flip out and be over the moon. I mean, a boy and a girl-- what more could you want?
Lily: Just, uh, healthy and perfect.
Mac: I know I'm just a surrogate, but I'm gonna do everything I can to protect your little boy and your little girl.
Cane: Hey, hey, you're more than a surrogate. You're part of this family. Isn't that right?
Mac: Lily, are you okay?
Lily: Yeah, um, you know, it's just... it's all becoming so real, you know? It's like, first, they were just little eggs in a freezer, and then they were blips on the screen, and then "Baby A," "Baby B," and... (Sighs) And now they're our little son and daughter.
Cane: Yeah.
Mac: Wait till you hold them. Just a few more months.
Lily: A few more months.
Jill: You're planning on sending a telepathic message to this woman, might I suggest that you ask the lady if she's interested in being your C.E.O.?
Tucker: I did.
Jill: Come again?
Tucker: Yeah, she's playin' it cool, makin' me wait.
Jill: (Sighs) The games of the corporate world.
Tucker: I never liked 'em much.
Jill: Yeah, but you're so damn good at them.
Tucker: A necessary evil. This is nice, though, just the two of us here, just having a drink-- no agenda, no drama. It's good to know it's not over between us.
Jill: Yeah, you're right. It's not over, not yet.
Jill: Now it's over.
Ashley: Why don't you want me to take Tucker's offer?
Neil: I don't trust the guy.
Ashley: Did you always trust Victor when you were working for him?
Neil: Well, now wait a minute, Ash. That's a little bit different, because see, Victor is a whole different story. Either you're an ally or an adversary, all right?
Ashley: Yeah, I guess. What about Tucker?
Neil: It's all gray. I mean, look what he did to Katherine, all right? Reeling her in, making her think that he was her friend, and then just like that... (Snaps fingers) He pulled the rug out from under her. I don't want to see that happen to you.
Ashley: You know, I have been around the corporate block, um, once or twice in my lifetime.
Neil: Yeah, I know you have.
Ashley: (Laughs)
Neil: And I have tremendous respect for you as a businesswoman.
Ashley: What about as a woman-woman?
Neil: As a woman?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Even more.
Ashley: I think it's very sweet of you that you worry about me.
Neil: I'm not worried about you. I know you're gonna make the right decision.
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Neil: And whatever that is, I support you 150%. Now we're officially done... talking... about Tucker. Who's that?
Ashley: I don't know.
Neil: McCall? What? Hmm?
Ashley: Mnh-mnh, never heard of him.
Neil: Mm.
Cane: You okay? Do you want to talk?
Lily: (Sighs) I have made a decision.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: I'm gonna do the chemo.
Cane: Are you sure?
Lily: I mean, we have a son and a daughter now. You know, I have to do everything I can to be here for them.
Cane: We'll do the experimental drugs. We'll do the clinical trials, and, look, if you want, we'll even talk to Olivia again about stem cell research. The most important thing in this whole world now is keeping you alive.
Daniel: Amber, would you come out of there, please? (Sighs) (Sighs)
Amber: (Sighs)
Daniel: I'm sorry.
Amber: Me, too. All I wanted to do was just make a birthday present for him. (Sighs) I was using this photo, um, to make this for him. I thought he--he might want something to remember me by.
Daniel: Well, now I feel like crap.
Amber: No matter what I do, no matter how much I try to shut it off, I just can't stop wanting to be a mom.
Daniel: And I can't suddenly want to be a dad. Amber, I-I love you.
Amber: I love you, too. (Sighs) It's not enough anymore, is it?
Jana: Lauren?
Lauren: Hmm? (Sighs)
Jana: Are we really going to get out of here?
Lauren: Yes. We are gonna be back with our families before that full moon comes.
Michael: Hey! Hey! Where's Callahan?
Man: At his arraignment. Posted bail five minutes ago.
Michael: That’s... (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Hey, Michael, it's Daniel. Uh, look, I'm sorry. I was supposed to call you earlier, but I just got tied up.
Michael: Yeah, is everything okay with Fenmore?
Daniel: Yeah, I just wanted to tell you Lauren picked him up.
Michael: Hold--hold on. Did you tell Daniel that Lauren wasn't supposed to pick Fenmore up?
Kevin: No, I saw Lauren. I told her myself. I said if she had any problems to call you.
Michael: Well, she didn't call, and she took Fenmore. Uh, did Lauren say where she was going?
Daniel: No. Sorry, man.
Michael: Yeah, well, okay. Thanks.
Fen: Are we going home?
Sarah: Not yet. (Sighs) I'm gonna get you a hot chocolate.
(Cell phone rings)
Sarah: Oh, look. It's Daddy.
Sarah: Well, Daddy's just gonna have to wait. It won't be long till this is all over anyway.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: We need a little separation, some time apart.
Daniel: How am I supposed to take care of a kid when I'm still a kid myself?
Amber: This is not a joke, Daniel.
Patty: You're really gonna kill Phyllis?
Sarah: As long as you kill Michael for me.
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