Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/21/10 -- Canada; Thursday 4/22/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9382 ~ Emily's Plea for the Truth
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Paul: Thank you. Hey, Pattycake. It's me. I brought a visitor. Look here.
Heather: Hey, Aunt Patty.
Paul: It's Heather.
Emily: Hasn't Jack figured it out yet? Doesn't he miss me?
Patty: I was never pregnant? How could you say that, Jack? Why would you be so hurtful?
Jack: Save it. I called Dr. Stavropolous' office. Not only had you not set up an appointment, your so-called obstetrician is a cardiologist.
Patty: You know what? You wouldn't let me wait. You just kept pushing me and pushing me...
Jack: You lied to me, Emily.
Patty: Not about the pregnancy. Not about the pregnancy. I was pregnant when I went to Phyllis' earlier.
Jack: What, you went to see Phyllis?
Patty: We argued, and I was very upset, and I tripped, and I fell. (Sobs) And when I got to the car, I started cramping, and I came home. (Sobs) The baby's gone, Jack. I need you. I need you right now. (Sniffles) Now, please?
Jack: You knew we were having problems for some time now. You knew I had doubts! All of a sudden, you're pregnant? And now conveniently, you've miscarried?
Patty: Oh, how could you be so heartless?
Jack: Save it! Stop! It is over.
Gloria: Fen, there is nothing more fun than ordering out of a catalog. That way, every day is like Christmas when the packages arrive.
Jeff: (Stumbles on toy) Oh, come on. Who--who left--
Gloria: Grandpa Jeffrey's eyes aren't what they used to be, Honey. Why don't you go put your toys away in the guest room?
Fen: Can we go see the giraffe at the zoo?
Jeff: Yeah, tomorrow, maybe.
Gloria: He would love to take you. Go on.
Jeff: (Exhales) There you go. So, uh, when did we become a daycare? Don't get me wrong. Fen's a cute little rug rat. I just miss my quiet, toy-free... (Chuckles) Nonsticky abode. Hmm? Hmm?
Gloria: Our family's goin' through a tough time, and there's nothing I can do for my sons. Taking care of Fen makes me feel useful.
Jeff: Okay, um... how about I go get us an after-dinner treat?
Gloria: And ruin this girlish figure? (Laughs)
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Gloria: (Sighs)
Jeff: You.
Michael: You goin' somewhere?
Jeff: Yeah, I won't be long.
Michael: Hi. Where's Fenmore?
Gloria: Being a perfect angel putting his toys away.
Michael: (Sighs) Have you heard from Lauren?
Gloria: Not a peep.
Michael: Not even to check on Fenmore? That's very unlike her. I just wish I knew what was going on.
Sarah: Mail... checkbooks... hmm. Financial statement. What you got, Lauren? (Laughs) Damn, girl. I knew you were rich, but I didn't know you were this rich. And now... it's all mine.
Lauren: (Quietly) Ryder's our best way outta here. I just wish he weren't so afraid of his aunt. It kills me that she's kissing Michael...
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Near Fen. (Sighs) I don't care how much Sarah looks like me. (Sighs) Michael's gotta know that she's not.
Jana: Aah! Oh!
Lauren: Is it your head? It's your head, Honey?
Jana: Oh, God, I need more pain medication.
Lauren: Okay. All right. All right. Ryder!
Jana: (Whimpers)
Lauren: Ryder! If you're here, Jana needs help!
Jana: I want my husband.
Kevin: (Sighs) Jana.
Jeff: Decaf, and a chocolate chip cookie. Earth to Kevin...
Kevin: What?
Jeff: (Sighs) Conversing with your, uh, spirit guide? I thought only the females in this family were a little cracked.
Kevin: You think this is some big joke? My wife is in serious trouble.
Jeff: I'm sorry, Kid. I didn't mean to upset you. You heard something new?
Kevin: No, I was... I was thinking about Jana, and this Ouija board just flew off the shelf. I think it was a sign.
Jeff: Huh, you are losin' it.
Kevin: You know, I don't need any negativity from you right now. I need support. Jeez.
Jeff: Um, okay, look. I'll tell you what, can you take off for a few?
Kevin: Why?
Jeff: Well, maybe that board flyin' off the shelf was a sign.
Kevin: So you're gonna help me with this?
Jeff: Me? Hell, no. Gloria. She goes for all that woo-woo stuff.
Kevin: Well, at this point, I'll take whatever help I can get. I'll be back before closing.
Gloria: What did Lauren's new shrink have to say?
Michael: She said Lauren was fine, that all she needs is a little extra patience and love.
Gloria: That's good.
Michael: She's an idiot. She doesn't know what she's talkin' about. There's something seriously wrong with my wife.
Gloria: Those drugs?
Michael: The tests come back clean.
Fen: Hi.
Michael: Mm.
Fen: Where's Mommy? I miss her.
Michael: Hey, Kiddo. (Sighs) Here. (Chuckles) I miss Mommy, too. Mwah!
Sarah: I've always wanted a sports car. Yes, my husband's gonna be thrilled. Now you're sure you don't need a credit card? I don't like to trade in on my name, but when you have a department store like Fenmore’s... (Chuckles) Yes, thank you. Thank you. I'll make sure you have payment when the car is delivered. Good-bye. (Chuckles) Now this is fun.
Patty: Look I never told you this, but when I was younger, the doctor diagnosed me with endometriosis. He said that I probably would never carry a baby to term.
Jack: Why have you never told me this before?
Patty: This was so important to you, having this baby. (Sighs) (Voice breaking) You can't imagine how excited I was when I found out I was pregnant. We were gonna have a family. You and me, with children, sitting around that dining room table. (Exhales) (Sniffles) (Normal voice) And I couldn't bear the thought of going to the doctor's and having him tell me that wouldn't happen. (Voice breaking) I wanted so much to have this baby, your baby. I let you down, Jack, and I'm sorry.
Jack: Yeah, I am, too.
Patty: (Normal voice) It's Phyllis you should be angry with.
Jack: Well, why did you even go to Phyllis?
Patty: Because she is meddling in our marriage, Jack.
Jack: She's my friend, Emily.
Patty: She's your ex-wife, Jack! And if you would look closer, you would see that she hasn't gotten over you. She is poisoning your mind against me.
Jack: Come on.
Patty: Look, you're taking her side even now, and if you don't see that, you are having the blinders on.
Jack: I-I-I-- I think I need some fresh air. I just need to get out--
Patty: No, no, Jack. We need to talk, please.
Jack: I can't talk now. I can't! Right now, I'm having a little trouble wrapping my brain around this, uh, incredibly convenient revelation of yours. It makes me wonder who I really married.
Patty: (Sobs) Where are you going? Oh, God. (Sniffles) (Sobs) What do I do now? What do I do now? (Sobs) Aah! God!
Paul: Can you believe how beautiful Heather is? She reminds you of Aunt Joan, doesn't she?
Emily: (Sighs) Paul, I am not your sister. I'm not Patty. I am Emily Peterson. Do you hear me?
Paul: I-I hear you. Listen, um... (Quietly) I better get the doctor.
Heather: Okay, I'll--I'll stay with her.
Paul: Hi.
Emily: Why won't anyone listen to me?
Heather: You know, he worries about you so much. And I'm--I'm really sorry that I haven't come to see you sooner. I mean, I know we're not close, but... we're family. And the older I get, the more I realize how much that means. You know, in a weird way, I can kinda relate to what you're going through stuck in here. I feel trapped, too. I mean, wherever I go, people are whispering behind my back, wondering if I had anything to do with Adam’s death. And I don't know if Paul told you this, but the D.A. suspended me from my job. (Sighs) I feel like I have just been walking around in a fog. I mean, my job is just about the most important thing in my life. And without it, I don't know who I am. I mean, it's like I don't even recognize myself anymore. Is that how you feel?
Emily: No. No, not at all. Listen. Please listen to me. I know I may look crazy to you. But I can prove that I am not Patty. I'm Emily Peterson, and if I could just talk to Jack, he would know.
Heather: You've been through a really, really rough time, and it's understandable...
Emily: (Sighs heavily)
Heather: Why you would want to be Emily.
Emily: This isn't patient/doctor transference.
Heather: Is that what Dr. Jasper talked to you about?
Emily: Oh, my God. Patty knocked me out. She took my place.
Emily: I was supposed to marry Jack. Um, you know what? I want you to take this cup. I drank out of it, and I want you to get my D.N.A. tested.
Heather: I-I-I can't help you. I'm sorry. I--
Emily: Please. Please.
Heather: I--
Emily: Please. You have friends in the district attorney's office.
Heather: I'm not sure I do anymore, actually.
Emily: Heather, please. If you are really my niece, our D.N.A. should have markers in common.
Emily: Just, please, just take it and... (Sniffles) It will prove that we're not related. Don't you understand?
(Door rattles)
Emily: And don't tell your father.
Paul: Okay, thank you. All right, uh, we're in luck. Dr. Jasper's on his way. And, um, you know what, Patty? Heather and I will come back...
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Paul: Right after he's done, okay?
Emily: I'm not Patty.
Paul: So let's go.
Michael: All right, listen, Chief. Why don't you go put your jammies on, and maybe Mommy will tell you a bedtime story, huh?
Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. Mommy would love to. So go pick a-a good book out for me, okay?
Michael: So how was your day?
Sarah: I have a surprise for you.
Michael: Why didn't you check on Fenmore? You're usually all over Gloria, you know, making sure that she doesn't feed him junk food.
Sarah: It's--it just-- it slipped my mind.
Michael: Really? Really? You forgot about your son.
Sarah: Now before you start freaking out, I... got you a present. I got you a Ferrari Modena... red, black interior.
Michael: Uh, are you kidding? Where am I gonna drive it? To the office and back? To the courthouse?
Sarah: I thought we'd take a road trip.
Michael: It's a two-seater. What about Fenmore? You gonna strap him to the roof?
Sarah: You're missing the point. The present is for you, not Fen.
Michael: No, you're missing the point. You know that I'm not a... (Sighs) Sports car kind of guy. And that's an awful lot of money to drop in one place.
Sarah: (Chuckles) We have it. Why not spend a little?
Michael: Because that's not us.
Sarah: I'm just trying to make up for what happened.
Michael: Oh... well, a shiny new car is not gonna make up for "What happened."
Lauren: When I get upset, I just think about Michael and Fen. It calms me down. I think about the three of us at home and...
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: We're in front of the fire, and we're just... we're all intertwined in each other's arms.
Jana: (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Chuckles) Michael's rubbing my neck. He has the most magical touch. And he's telling us stories about kings and... castles. Fen's just eating it up.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: You know, we were stuck together during that, uh, last winter storm for days, and Michael just entertained us.
Jana: (Chuckles) (Sniffles) You know, Kev and I dream about traveling. We want to go to Kathmandu, and we want to study tantric yoga in India. (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Chuckles) You'll do that. You will.
Jana: Yeah, if we ever get out of this... bloody zoo cage. (Sighs) Lauren, I'm gonna try and reach him. I know it's a long shot, but... I might be able to... (Sighs) Concentrate and get some sort of a connection.
Gloria: (Sighs) Spirit of the Ouija board, please help us find our lost little lamb. Give us a sign, a clue, something.
Jeff: (Sighs) (Crunching)
Gloria: It doesn't work if you break the connection.
Jeff: Huh?
Kevin: Can I get everybody to close their eyes and concentrate, please?
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: We are but conduits through which you work. Answer our prayers. Where can we find Jana Fisher?
Jeff: Whoa, who's movin' it?
Kevin: Not me.
Gloria: Where is Jana?
Jeff: Uh...
Jana: (Sighs)
Jeff: "Z"...
Jeff: "O"... "O." (Sighs)
Kevin: "Zoo."
Michael: Despite what the doctor says, the woman I love is drifting further away each day.
Sarah: I'm still the woman that you love, but instead of focusing on the negative, can't you just... just embrace who I am now? Stop criticizing every little thing.
Michael: You slept with another man. That is not a "little" thing.
Sarah: Forgive me.
Michael: I'm trying.
Sarah: But I didn't mean to betray you. You are the only man I want to be with.
Michael: Hey, Partner. You got your book, huh? Well, Mommy can read you a story now. (Clears throat)
Sarah: Yeah. Mommy can do that. Come--come close. Okay. "This is a story about a place way out there in outer space. The planet's name is the planet Ree. It's somewhere off in a blue galaxy. The pla--"
Fen: A spider!
Sarah: Ugh! Oh!
Fen: You killed him!
Sarah: Of course I did.
Fen: But we capture them and set them free.
Michael: Um, I'm sure Mommy didn't mean to... to hurt the spider, did you, Mommy?
Sarah: No. No. Of course I didn’t. Come on. Come sit back next to me. Come on. Come on.
Michael: All right. All right, listen. (Grunts) Its bedtime. It's bedtime for you, my friend. And we're gonna say a prayer for the spider, okay? That'll make you feel better?
Fen: Yeah.
Michael: That's the spirit. All right.
Sarah: (Sighs)
Heather: Wow. Seeing Aunt Patty in that condition...
Paul: Yeah, I know. It's heartbreaking. So did she say anything to you when I was gone?
Heather: She just kept insisting she's Emily.
Paul: Well, I wish to God she'd let that go.
Heather: Well, after the mess Patty's made of her life... Emily is beautiful. She's smart. She's got a great career, and she's married to the man that Patty is obsessed with.
Paul: Mm. Speak of the devil.
Jack: How are you, Heather?
Heather: I'm fine, thanks.
Jack: Paul, I was hoping I could speak to you for a minute. I have a proposition for you.
Paul: Well, whatever it is, Jack, I'm sure I'm not interested.
Jack: I wanted to hire you to help me find Emily's younger brother.
Paul: And she doesn't know how to find him?
Jack: She doesn't know about any of this at this point. I'd just as soon keep it that way for a while. This is important, though. I-I think he's still in Minnesota.
Paul: (Scoffs) You know, Jack, why don't you just remind me once again why I would want to do you any favors?
Patty: I just saw Dr. Jasper out in the hall. He said that Patty is still having outbursts, insisting she's Emily. Listen, if you don't stop this, I'll recommend electric shock treatment.
Emily: Patty, you're not my primary doctor.
Patty: Yeah, but I have the authority to order the procedure.
Emily: You need to get out of my face, or I am gonna scream, okay?
Patty: Okay, go ahead. Scream your head off. It'll just prove to everyone how insane you really are.
Emily: Okay, Patty, what do you want? Why are you here?
Patty: I need your advice, Dr. P. I need your help.
Emily: Oh, Patty. Why would I help you?
Patty: Because you took an oath as a doctor. You wouldn't abandon your patient, would you? Can't you just be my doctor for a little while longer? Please?
Michael: Where are you goin'?
Sarah: Out.
Michael: This late?
Sarah: You know, it just seems I can't do anything right around here. I give you a gift, you don't want it. I read a book to Fen, he's upset.
Michael: You taught Fenmore not to harm living creatures.
Sarah: Yeah, well, it was a spider for God sakes. I can't handle this.
Patty: It would have worked if Phyllis hadn't shot her big mouth off. Jack wouldn't have been so suspicious. You know, I could have lost the baby and Jack would have been sympathetic to me. But now--now it's just all slipping away, and that redheaded bitch is trying to get into Jack's pants. You know, I should have given her a bigger warning. I should have. (Sighs) But you know what? (Chuckles) Maybe it's Jack's time to learn the lesson.
Emily: What kind of a lesson, Patty? You can't go around hurting people.
Patty: Oh, but they can hurt me? No, what goes around comes around, Dr. P. (Sighs)
Man: Time for your medication.
Emily: I've already taken my meds.
Man: This was ordered by Dr. Jasper.
Patty: I'll give them to her.
Man: Thank you, Dr. Abbott.
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Emily: (Sighs)
Patty: (Sighs) Maybe that will calm me down. Boy, have I missed these meds. (Laughs) Well, that was a great session. Thank you, Dr. P.
Emily: Okay, hold on. What is your plan?
Patty: Oh, no worries.
Emily: Patty, please don't hurt Jack.
Patty: You'd better not repeat any of this to anyone, or it’s... (Imitates electricity buzzing) (Laughs)
Jack: Paul, I can understand why you might be reluctant to help me. You were right. I rushed into this marriage.
Paul: Oh, now you get it, after you destroyed my sister's life once again.
Jack: Believe me. I couldn't be more sorry.
Paul: Well, a lot of good that does Patty now.
Jack: Look, I still-- I-I need help in finding her brother. Something's not right.
Paul: Okay. Minnesota, you say?
Jack: His name is Jamie Peterson.
Paul: Sit tight. This won't take long. I'll just run it through the D.M.V.
Jack: Thanks. So I understand you were suspended by the D.A.'s office.
Heather: Yep, thanks to that "Restless Style" article outing our kangaroo court.
Jack: Sorry, that's a tough break. Any thought of going back into the private sector?
Heather: Let's just see how this plays out first.
Jack: Listen, for what it's worth, Paul has good reason to be upset with me.
Heather: We just came from seeing Aunt Patty.
Jack: How's she doing?
Heather: She's desperate to see you.
Jack: I think we decided a long time ago that's probably not a good idea.
Heather: Yeah, probably not.
Paul: Okay, this is the contact number the D.M.V. has for Jamie Peterson.
Jack: Wow. That was fast. Thank you.
Paul: (Sighs) You'll get my bill. And next time, maybe you'll think twice before you jump into something before somebody else gets hurt.
Daisy: Oh, so touching. Too bad I don't have my camera.
Lauren: Her headache is worse.
Ryder: I brought more medicine.
Daisy: Why are you so nice to them after the way they treated you?
Jana: Thanks.
Daisy: This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're going soft.
Ryder: No, I'm not.
Sarah: It'd be a shame if you crossed me. You'd miss out on all the plans I have for us.
Lauren: What plans?
Sarah: I knew you were rich, Lauren, but wow. (Laughs) She is stinkin' rich. We are gonna have so much fun spending that money. And I think I'm gonna send that Fen off to boarding school, and have Kevin's poor, homeless siblings move in with us.
Lauren: You are delusional if you think that's ever gonna happen.
Sarah: Oh, he will, if you persuade him. Today's your lucky day. I'm gonna let you talk to your beloved hubby.
Lauren: And say what?
Sarah: Well, we had a minor disagreement, and so I need you to apologize and tell him something that only the two of you would know.
Lauren: Has he figured out something's wrong?
Jana: Don't talk to him.
Lauren: I will do it.
Sarah: Smart woman.
Jana: No. No. (Gasps)
Sarah: You try anything, I will snap her neck!
Michael: Hello?
Lauren: Michael? (Sighs) It's Lauren.
Kevin: "Zoo." Why does that keep coming up? What does it mean?
Gloria: It means that Fen asked Jeffery to take him to see the giraffes.
Jeff: Do you think I did that?
Gloria: You bet I do. I'm trying to keep my family together, and you're making fun of me?
Kevin: Look, Guys, it was a long shot anyway. I'm just gonna take off.
Gloria: Angel...
Kevin: Hmm?
Gloria: I wish I could have done more.
Kevin: (Sighs) You know, Jana put this quote up in the bathroom from the Dalai Lama, and it says, N getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." I have to believe there's a reason for all this. Bye.
Michael: Lauren, you still there?
Lauren: Michael, oh, Michael, I called to say that I'm-- I'm so sorry that you're upset with me.
Michael: I hate it, too. I wish things could go back to the way they were.
Lauren: Oh, you have no idea how much I wish that. Do you... do you remember the night that you asked me to marry you?
Michael: What, our private Vegas?
Lauren: Yeah. I had no idea you were gonna propose. And then that dealer put down those two cards that said, "Marry me."
Michael: I thought you might say no. Scariest moment of my life.
Lauren: Most romantic of mine. We're so lucky. Not many people have a love like ours. Do you know that I still have those two cards?
Michael: You do?
Lauren: I do. And anytime that we have a disagreement, which is, um, rare... until recently, I look at them, and I remember how much you love me. So... (Sighs) If you ever-- if you ever feel scared or alone or confused, you remember-- remember how much I love you. And you hold on to that. And don't you give up on us, because I love you and Fen more than anything on this earth.
Michael: (Sniffles) (Sighs) Now you're startin' to s-sound like your old self.
Lauren: It's because it's me, Michael.
Sarah: (Hisses) Enough!
Jana: (Gasps)
Lauren: I'll see you soon, Darling.
Michael: Huh? Lauren?
Jana: (Gasps)
Daisy: (Chuckles) "Hold on to our love." Isn't she pathetic?
Lauren: (Voice breaking) How can you be so cruel?
Sarah: Says the woman who killed my sister. Come on, Kids.
Ryder: Don't let Daisy see it.
Lauren: (Quietly) You tell Michael where we are. Sarah's right. I have a lot of money, and I will take care of you.
Daisy: Ryder!
Lauren: I could hear how much Michael is suffering. His heart is breaking. (Sobs)
Jana: At least you got to tell him how much you love him.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jana: (Gasps) (Groans)
Lauren: Jana, are the pills not helping?
Jana: (Gasps) (Sobs) Oh, God, Lauren, I think there's something seriously wrong with me. (Sighs)
Lauren: Oh, Sweetie. I just hope to God we got through to Ryder.
Jana: (Gasps)
Daisy: Are you nuts? We gotta get out of here before someone sees us. It's a violation of the restraining order. Ryder.
Kevin: Ryder? Ry--
Sarah: (Sighs) Oh, I feel so much better after that phone call.
Michael: I can't do this.
Sarah: But we love each other.
Michael: I need some time apart.
Sarah: Michael, Michael, I thought... I've got the cards.
Michael: No, no, no.
Sarah: I've got the cards from the night you proposed.
Michael: The phone call-- no, it--it really got to me. I almost changed my mind. But this isn't about just you and me. It's about Fenmore, too. We're gonna move in with Gloria for a while.
Sarah: I don't understand.
Michael: Your own son is afraid to be around you. Fenmore needs to feel safe. Surely you understand that.
Sarah: Michael--
Michael: No, I have to finish packing.
Paul: Hey.
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: I'm back.
Emily: (Sniffles)
Paul: It's okay. I talked to Dr. Jasper. He's gonna make some changes in your medication. You know what? He was very hopeful. He really was.
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: It's gonna be fine, Patty. And you know what else? Hea-Heather's gonna come back in a couple days and visit, so that's good.
Emily: (Sobs)
Paul: Honey, what's wrong?
Emily: It's Jack.
Paul: (Sighs)
Emily: I'm worried he's gonna die.
Paul: Nobody's gonna die.
Emily: Paul, please. (Sighs) You have to get me outta here so I can warn him.
Paul: You know I can't do that. Oh, Sweetheart. Oh.
Emily: (Sobs)
Paul: You're just making it harder.
Emily: I'm never gonna get out of here, am I? (Sighs)
Heather: All right, meet you at Jimmy's in 15. Bye.
Jack: Want a sherry?
Patty: I'd love one. I'm sorry. I hate it that we fought today.
Jack: So am I. I guess we have to face the fact that we kind of rushed this marriage. I want to get to know you better.
Patty: Why don't we take a trip? We could go to Paris. I hear it's beautiful in the springtime.
Jack: Maybe in a few weeks.
Patty: Why not now? We have nothing holding us back.
Jack: I hope you're okay with this. I, uh, I just called your brother Jamie and invited him to come visit.
Patty: My brother?
Jack: Yeah, what better way to get to know you better? I get to meet your brother, who knows your deepest, darkest secrets.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sarah: Jana is expendable, and pretty soon, you will be, too.
Phyllis: If you weren't so needy and pathetic, none of this would have happened!
Sarah: I need to be able to count on you, Patty. The last thing I need is more problems.
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