Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/20/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/20/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 4/21/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9381 ~ A New Suspect

Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma

Neil: You know, she's trying to hide it. She's too proud to let Tucker see, but it was a tough blow.

Ashley: Losing Jabot just when Victor's gotten it back for her? What do you think Tucker's using as leverage, Neil?

Neil: I don't know. My guess? Um, he's probably dug up some information, something that she doesn't want anybody to know about.

Ashley: Just like she did to him... except she's an open book. She wouldn't do anything underhanded.

Neil: You know what, Ash? Maybe he--he's got some dirt on someone that she loves.

Ashley: Something about Jill?

Neil: Well, come on now. Considering her track record...

Ashley: Right.

Neil: That's definitely a possibility.

Ashley: Right.

Neil: Um, though you'd think by now, they would have uncovered all there is to find. Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. You would. Now look, I know this sounds strange, but do you think Tucker knows something about Adam's murder?

Neil: I don't know. I-I really hadn't thought about that.

Ashley: Well, you know she's gonna confide in you, don't you think? When the two of you are alone. You have been her staunchest ally.

Neil: Well, uh, Ash, wait. Now, now. Come on. I-if she does confide in me, I-I might not be able to share it with you.

Ashley: Well, I understand. I know. Do you think you could find a way to kill the deal, though, so my father's company does not end up in Tucker's hands? Could you?

Neil: Ashley... I would love to do that for you.

Ashley: Yeah?

Neil: Yeah.

Kay: Hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, Murph, if you could have seen Ashley's face... I mean, all--all of the Abbotts are devastated. Well, Darling, I had no choice. Oh, good, then I-- I'll wait for you here. Thank you.

Neil: Hi, Katherine.

Kay: (Sighs)

Neil: Murphy on his way?

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Neil: Can I get you a club soda or--or a-a coffee, something?

Kay: (Sighs) In exchange for what? (Chuckles)

Neil: (Chuckles) Katherine...

Kay: Hmm?

Neil: I just want to help, you know? The last time that Tucker attacked, we fought against him together, and we can do that again.

Kay: Neil, the decision has been made.

Neil: What is this?

Kay: (Sighs)

Neil: Wait a minute. Th-th-this is not the great Katherine Chancellor that I know, giving up without a fight. That goes against the law of--of nature here, especially after everything that Victor went through to put Jabot back in your hands.

Kay: You are upset for Victor's sake?

Neil: Are you kidding me? I could give a damn about Victor.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Neil: Listen, I know what it meant to you what he did.

Kay: (Sighs)

Neil: But for you to turn around and surrender Jabot again, unless--unle--wait. Unless Tucker were forcing your hand. Is that what's going on?

Kay: There is no point in discussing it.

Neil: Why? Why--why do you-- why do you want to do this all on your own? You have friends. I can help. We can all help you.

Kay: Neil, will you please accept my decision? This is between Tucker and me, and that is the way it's going to stay.

Ashley: Help me with something.

Tucker: Sure, if I can. Please.

Ashley: You were so kind and compassionate when you helped me with that videotape of Faith and me. And I just don't understand how you can turn around and do something like this-- how you can treat my father's company like it's a toy that you can just drop or pick up on a whim no matter who gets hurt.

Tucker: Appearances can be deceiving. I don't consider Jabot a toy. I do have plans for it. And I have to say, I think your father would approve.

Ashley: Really? Well, maybe you should let me be the judge of that. What are your plans?

Tucker: I'm sorry, Ashley. It's too soon to say. You're gonna have to trust me.

Ashley: You've made that impossible.

Patty: I told your husband he owes it to his wife to be patient and understanding. You're welcome. Tell him you need another session with me tomorrow. Well, I-I need your help, Nurse Sarah. (Sighs) I have to, uh... (Chuckles) Fake my way through a doctor's appointment this Friday. Yeah.

(Front door rattles)

Patty: You know what? I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Jack: (Sighs)

Patty: Mm.

Jack: Hello.

Patty: Hi, Sweetheart. I am at a wonderful part in this book.

Jack: You're really into this, aren't you?

Patty: I am. I-I hope I'm not the only one.

Jack: No, no, not at all. As a matter of fact, I am so excited about all of this, I can't wait till the end of the week to see the doctor.

Patty: Oh, I know. I know, Sweetheart, but, uh, we have to. We have to be very patient.

Jack: Not necessarily. We could see a doctor tonight.

Patty: What?

Jack: Well, the sooner a doctor signs off on mother and child's health, the better, right?

Patty: I-I agree, but obstetricians don't work in the evening unless they're delivering a baby. And besides, Dr. Stavropoulos is booked until Friday, remember? Hmm?

Jack: Well, as luck would have it, Phyllis put me in touch with her doctor, and he's agreed to see us this evening. I told him you're not that far along, but he assured me that there was a good chance we would be able to see the baby's heartbeat in a sonogram. Isn't that incredible?

Patty: Mm. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hey, Baby, I'm just, um, trying to get a hold of you again. I-I want to know what's going on with Victoria, so call me back.

Daniel: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey! Look at you. You are a great son. Look at this.

Daniel: Look at you. I thought I still had a few decades before I'd be visiting you in a wheelchair.

Phyllis: (Laughs) You're so funny. Watch out, because I'll beat you with my cast, and then you're gonna need a wheelchair.

Daniel: Yeah, I'm just gonna throw these in some water, maybe back at my house.

Phyllis: Yeah, back at your own-- get in here. I want those flowers. Get in here. Thank you. Cut the stems.

Daniel: Yeah, I know how to do this.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure you know how to do it. You've had a lot of practice. I'm sorry. I'm edgy, and I'm itchy. This cast...

Daniel: Why don't you try some baby powder? That's supposed to help.

Phyllis: Really? Maybe I'll have Nick pick up some on his way home if I can get a hold of him.

Daniel: Is he working late?

Phyllis: No. Hey. You haven't heard? Victoria was arrested for Adam's murder.

Daniel: Are you kidding me? That's insane.

Phyllis: I know, right? Victoria would never do anything like that.

Nick: This has to be mine.

Michael: Give your mother a chance to search your office.

Victor: Let me see it. Okay. The pen could be sitting on your desk right now.

Nick: You should have told Chance that you gave that pen to me.

Victoria: Wait, Dad's right, okay? It might not be the same pen.

Nick: You could have gone to the courthouse, convinced the judge to give you another hearing. Then you would have custody of your son right now, Vick.

Victoria: I'm not going to lose Reed.

Nick: But why risk it? Unless you think I killed Adam.

Victoria: No, of course not. It's what I thought the police would think.

Nick: You were protecting me.

Michael: We have to think very carefully about how we move forward. Where are you going, Nick?

Nick: This ends now.

Michael: Nick!

Chance: Does Nick know we found Adam's blood on his jacket?

Owen: No, he still thinks Victoria is our prime suspect.

Chance: Well, now we know who she was covering for.

Michael: Nicholas. Nicholas, listen to me. You can't do this. You--

Nick: All right.

Michael: Nick, not a word!

Nick: Let her go right now. It's my pen.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Phyllis: All the parents have been really great. They've been bringing over food and taking over carpool duties, so it's been nice.

Daniel: Yeah, nice. Sounds like you're never gonna take that damn cast off.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's not worth it. Believe me.

Daniel: Where is Summer?

Phyllis: Karate class.

Daniel: Oh, karate.

Phyllis: Oh.

Daniel: Hiya! Watch out.

Phyllis: (Laughs) I hope Nick remembers to pick her up.

Daniel: I can get her.

Phyllis: Yeah?

Daniel: Yeah. Is the booster seat in your car?

Phyllis: She would really like that. Yeah, it's in my car. You know, if Nick shows up, just tell him to get--

Daniel: Tell him to get baby powder.

Phyllis: Yeah, exactly.

Daniel: Yeah, if not, Summer and I'll grab it on the way home.

Phyllis: You are a very, very good son.

Daniel: Yeah, like that's news. Do you want anything else?

Phyllis: No, I'm good. Thanks.

Daniel: Okay.

Patty: You told Phyllis I was pregnant after you asked me to keep it quiet?

Jack: I'm sorry. It just kinda slipped out.

Patty: (Sighs) Jack, I need to feel like I can count on you. If you promise me something--

Jack: You know what? You're absolutely right. Trust is everything. We don't have that, we don't have much, right?

Patty: (Sighs) I'm so happy that you're excited about this baby.

Jack: I think you're gonna love Dr. Hoffman. I know Phyllis is crazy about him.

Patty: Okay, I don't care what Phyllis thinks. I want my doctor, the one I chose.

Jack: W-w-w-w-wait. Wait. Wait. You're just gonna see the guy. Come on. He's going way out of his way to help us.

Patty: Look, I didn't ask for that.

Jack: No, you asked for me to be more involved, and this is what more involved looks like. It's just a test.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: He's gonna run a sonogram. You want to see the baby, don't you?

Patty: (Laughs) Yes, of course.

Jack: If you don't like the doctor, you never have to see him again. It's just an exam, right?

Patty: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Patty: Oh, uh, is that work?

Jack: That can wait.

Patty: Well, it might be important.


Jack: Oh, it's Ashley. Yeah, what's up?

Ashley: I need to see you right away.

Jack: Uh, this is not a good time.

Ashley: Jack, it's important. It's about Jabot, and it can't wait.

Jack: Where are you?

Ashley: I'm at the club.

Jack: Okay, I can give you a few minutes. But I have an appointment later, and I'm not gonna miss it. Yeah. That was Ashley. She needs to see me about Jabot. I'll be back to pick you up to take you to Dr. Hoffman.

Patty: Mm.

(Door closes)

Chance: This is on the record. So you say the pen we found at the crime scene was yours?

Nick: It looks exactly like the one my sister gave me.

Chance: Did you have the pen with you the night of the ball?

Nick: No, I misplaced it before then.

Chance: When was the last time you remember seeing the pen?

Nick: The night my wife was discharged from the hospital. I used it to sign her cast.

Victor: The pen may be in his office. His mother is looking for it right now.

Owen: Oh, she won't find it. We have it. It's the murder weapon.

Michael: Hundreds, maybe thousands of people, may have a pen just like this one.

Chance: Not with the same serial number that matches the one on Victoria's receipt. The pen is yours. We also have the tuxedo jacket you wore to the ball. Forensics confirmed that it is stained with Adam's blood.

Michael: I would like to talk to Nicholas alone.

Nick: No, I-I-I can explain that.

Michael: Uh, better not right now.

Nick: He was fighting my dad.

Michael: Not right--Nick!

Nick: I jumped in, grabbed him from behind. That's it.

Chance: And the blood?

Nick: He had a cut on his cheek from where Dad hit him. My sleeve must have rubbed against it. We fell on the ground. He got away. That's the last I saw of him.

Owen: Wait, wait, wait. This is the same fight where you got Adam's blood on your watch?

Victor: That's right.

Owen: When you told me the story, you never mentioned that Nick was there.

Victor: He did not kill Adam, all right? I wanted to protect him from suspicion.

Owen: And you're willing to lie to do it? Only question is, were you lying then, or are you lying now?

Tucker: Enjoy your evening, Katherine. I'm headed home.

Kay: Well, don't let me keep you.

Tucker: I'll contact the attorneys tonight. It's best we get the transfer of Jabot handled as quickly as possible.

Kay: You're frightened I'll change my mind.

Tucker: Mm, not at all. I'll contact you as soon as the papers are ready for signing.

Kay: (Sighs)

Tucker: On second thought, I think, uh, I think I'm gonna hang for a while.

Jack: So what's happening at Jabot?

Ashley: I can't believe it, and Katherine won't explain it, but apparently, she's signing Jabot back over to Tucker.

Jack: What?

Neil: He outmaneuvered her somehow. She seems to think that no one can help her.

Jack: What, you-- you've talked to her?

Neil: Oh, yeah, I talked to her with Ashley and one-on-one. And she won't tell me what's going on.

Ashley: I couldn't get anything out of Tucker, either.

Jack: What could Tucker possibly have done...?

Neil: To make Katherine Chancellor give up without a fight? Must be a pretty powerful weapon, wouldn't you say?

Ashley: He said he's got big plans for Jabot. I'm afraid of what that might be.

(Scratching on window)


Phyllis: You are crazy. You've been watching too many horror films. Enough.

Jack: Your primary concern in getting Jabot back was keeping Tucker's hands off of it. We structured the whole deal around that. Now you want to undo it?

Kay: I understand your disappointment.

Ashley: It's not just about Jabot, Katherine. We really don't like to see you being bullied.

Kay: Ashley, I made my own decision.

Jack: Look, much as I hate to say this, I'd work with Victor again to help--

Kay: No, no. No, no. I do not want you involved, or anyone else, for that matter. Now I am sorry. I know how much your father's company means to you both. But you have got to respect my wishes.

Jack: I need a little more explanation than that. I guarantee you Victor will, too.

Kay: This is between Tucker and me, and it is no one else's business. Excuse me. Oh, Murph. (Sighs)

Murphy: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. It's all right.

Kay: (Sighs)

Murphy: Come. Come talk to me.

Kay: All right.

Neil: Well? Not good?

Ashley: More insistent than ever that we back off.

Jack: Did you get the impression that she especially didn't want me to know what was going on?

Ashley: I think she's afraid.

Neil: What the hell is Tucker threatening her with?

Jack: Well, much as I hate to say this, I think we need to get Victor involved.

Ashley: I don't like it, either, but what other choice do we have?

Jack: I'm getting his voice mail. Victor, its Jack. It's about Jabot and Katherine. Call me.

Kay: Well, it appears that you've danced with Ashley Abbott for the last time.

Tucker: Well, it's unfortunate she's taken a business decision so personally.

Kay: Mm.

Tucker: But it's understandable, given what she's been through lately.

Kay: Oh, that almost sounds like empathy.

Tucker: Well, who wouldn't empathize with a mother who's had her child taken away from her?

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: As opposed to one who gave up her child and never looked back?

Tucker: Your words, not mine.

Kay: Well, it's what you were thinking.

Murphy: Look, when are you gonna stop punishing her for the decision she made decades ago?

Kay: No, no, no, no. Come on. Come on. Come on. I-it's all right. I, you know, I created this situation.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: And that decision led to all this bitterness and--and--and resentment. And I do regret it, Tucker, not because you punished me, but because it's so obvious how lonely and unhappy you are.

Tucker: There's no need to worry about me.

Kay: And why is that? Because you took back Jabot, and that's supposed to be your satisfaction? You know, every time you took a part of-- o-o-of my empire, it's just reinforced for me how much I have that you don’t. There are people and friends that-- that have never let me down. And that's the reason that, uh, I got Jabot back the last time.

Tucker: Well, this time, they're the reason you're losing it.

Kay: Well, I still got the better end of the deal. (Sighs) There are a dozen people that I-I could call right now, and they would drop everything just for my sake. And what have you got? A bunch of bankers and servants? Who will listen? Who really cares?

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) As much as I appreciate your concern--

Murphy: (Scoffs) He, uh, he--he hasn't got a clue what you're talking about.

Kay: No, no, no, no. He--he--he gets the message. His cluelessness is how to get it. I'll give you a hint. Power and vengeance are not the answer, Tucker.

Phyllis: Hey, it's Phyllis. Is this Greg? Hey, how you doing? G--I-I'm good, thanks. Listen, um, did--did any delivery people or--or a stranger of any kind come through the gate tonight? Really? All right, just-- just family and--and staff. It's just weird. I-I--yeah, I just-- I thought saw something outside. No, no, you don't need to send anyone down. I-I-it's fine. It's just I'm jittery. And when Summer isn't here, it's--it's just too quiet. Right. Oh, okay. Thanks, Hon. Bye.

(Doorknob rattles)

Daniel: Got your baby powder.

Phyllis: (Sighs heavily) Daniel.

Daniel: You okay?

Phyllis: I am fine. I am a little out of my mind right now. I-I was convinced that you were, you know, a crazy, chain saw-toting... forget about it.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Daniel: Guess I should have knocked first, huh?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. I'm fine. Where's Summer?

Daniel: She's in the stables with Chuck feedin' the horses.

Phyllis: Of course she is. Of course she is.

Daniel: I'll--I'll get her in a minute. I just figured you didn't want to wait for this.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Thank you. This'll help me out, you know? Because when--when the crazy chain saw massacre guy comes in, I'll just throw this at him. And, you know, I'll make a-- a run for it, or wheel myself away.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Daniel: That must be him now.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: You ready?

Phyllis: Yeah, I am.

Daniel: Yeah?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: Emily, hey.

Patty: Hi.

Daniel: How you doing?

Phyllis: Hi.

Patty: Uh, hi. I was hoping we could talk.

Daniel: Uh, yeah. You know what? I-I'll just run out to the stable and see if Summer's ready to come in.

Phyllis: Okay, yeah. Good luck with that.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Hi.

Patty: You weren't expecting me.

Phyllis: No. Should I have been?

Patty: Oh, most definitely. You can't talk about me behind my back, interfere with my marriage and think I won't have anything to say about it.

Phyllis: You don't like Jack talking to his friends?

Patty: Well, if you were a friend, that'd be one thing.

Phyllis: I am a friend.

Patty: You're an ex-wife who is clearly having trouble letting go of the past.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Is that my issue? You're analyzing me now?

Patty: It wouldn't be appropriate.

Phyllis: No, it wouldn’t.

Patty: But I would be happy to recommend you to another doctor. You really need to explore this, why your own husband and family isn't enough for you. This compulsive problem you have causing problems for Jack and I is--

Phyllis: I-I'm sorry. You are really crossing the line, Emily.

Patty: You've crossed the line, Phyllis, with my husband.

Phyllis: I just talked to your husband. I listened to him, and I tried to help him.

Patty: Okay, he doesn't need your help. (Sighs) He doesn’t. But what you need and what's best for you is that you focus on your own issues, your own family, and leave Jack and I alone, because we will be just fine.

Phyllis: Are you sure about that? Because I can see firsthand what he's dealing with.

Patty: You don't need to worry about Jack.

Phyllis: Oh, I think I do.

Ashley: Okay, let's get out of here.

Neil: We're not gonna get any more out of Katherine tonight. I'll do some digging in the morning, all right?

Jack: Do that. I'll do the same. Stay in touch.

Neil: Bye, Jack.

Ashley: Good night.

Kay: Good night.

Tucker: Night.

Murphy: Good night.

Kay: Good night, Neil.

Murphy: Look, why don't you leave? She's had all she's gonna take from you.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: Uh, Murphy. Murph--Murph--Murphy, come on. Come on, Murphy, now stop it.

Murphy: No, no, I've held my tongue because I'd hoped for your sake he'd come around. Now what kind of man treats any woman that way, let alone his own mother?

Tucker: You know what? I don't really consider her--

Murphy: Look, just why don't you shut up? I've had it up to here with you blaming Katherine for your miserable life. Somebody should have told you that you're "Daddy Warbucks," not "Little Orphan Annie." You want to feel sorry for yourself? That's fine. So let's take it outside, and I'll give you a good reason!

Kay: No.

Murphy:-Murphy, no. No.

Chance: It's no secret. You hated Adam.

Michael: He's not the only one who felt that way.

Owen: But he was the only one in the basement when he discovered the gas leak, wasn't he?

Victor: What are you implying?

Chance: It's been confirmed that the explosion in the basement wasn't an accident. Someone had intentionally caused it.

Victoria: Well, yeah, that was Adam.

Owen: How do you know? Were you in the basement?

Victoria: Well, obviously, he's the only one insane enough to try to kill all of us.

Chance: There is another possibility--someone was trying to cover up for a murder.

Nick: I didn't cause that explosion, and I didn't kill Adam.

Owen: Yeah, but whoever did used your pen.

Michael: You can't prove that Nicholas had possession of that pen at the time.

Owen: But we can prove he wore the jacket and got Adam's blood on it.

Victor: We have already explained that.

Chance: What you haven't explained is why you threw the jacket away.

Nick: Phyllis did that without talking to me. She saw the blood on the sleeve and panicked.

Owen: Because she thought you killed your brother.

Nick: No, no.

Owen: Your wife, your sister, your father all felt the need to lie and cover for you. Now if they all believe you're guilty, you think a jury won't?

Patty: Every newlywed couple has things they need to work through. Now if you'd just butt out, Jack and I would be just fine.

Phyllis: Right. Okay.

Patty: You're confusing him, Phyllis.

Phyllis: He's not confused by me.

Patty: What is that supposed to mean?

Phyllis: You used to be confident and secure. And now you're just possessive and controlling.

Patty: Okay, I'm trying to protect my marriage!

Phyllis: Uh, uh, I'm--I'm sorry. You're--you're protecting your marriage because of me? Y--listen. Jack came to me, and he confided in me because he has doubt.

Patty: Okay, he doesn't have doubts. We are in love with each other, and I am the only woman that can make Jack happy.

Phyllis: Well, then you'd better get started, because right now, he's thinking that he made a mistake by marrying you.

Patty: That is a lie. That is a lie, Phyllis!

Phyllis: Oh, my God, you have to leave here before my kids get back.

Patty: I will not leave until I make sure you will never meddle in my marriage again.

Phyllis: Let go of my chair right now. Do you want me to call Jack?

(Touch-tones beeping)

Patty: No! Oh, my God! Oh, my God. (Sobs)

Phyllis: What are you doing?

Patty: This is all your fault! Your fault, Phyllis! Oh, my God. (Gasps) I don't believe you. In the condition that I'm in... (Voice breaking) Oh, my God. I have to go home!

Ashley: Thank you.

Neil: Um, any chance that we can still salvage the evening?

Ashley: Uh, what do you have in mind?

Neil: Oh, I don't know. I was thinking maybe we could go by my club Indigo and maybe have a drink.

Ashley: Yeah, I guess we could.

Neil: Guess we could? Do have a better idea?

Ashley: Um... I was thinking of something a little more private.

Neil: Oh.

Ashley: You look kind of shocked.

Neil: Did I look shocked?

Ashley: Mm-hmm. You looked shocked.

Neil: No, no, I, uh, we-- Ashley, we've just been taking things real slow right?

Ashley: Mm-hmm, I know, because you want me to be sure. And I am. I'm right where I want to be.

Tucker: I'm sorry you feel that way, Murphy.

Murphy: Not as sorry as you're gonna be. Let's go.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: No, no, Murphy, stop it. Stop it. The only one who is going to go outside with you is me, because I want to go home. I think he's got the message.

Tucker: Loud and clear.

Kay: (Sighs)

Murphy: Don't bother her again.

Kay: Well, why would he? He's got everything he's wanted, Jabot and the rest of the companies. I mean, they may not keep you warm at night, may not stand up for you like Murphy just did for me a few moments ago. But that's the life you've chosen, and you might even think that's victory. Well, poor little me, I'm going home with a very wonderful man. Oh, yeah, and a houseful of people who absolutely love me.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: I'll take what I have over what you have any day of the week. Come on, Murphy. Give me my purse.

Jack: Gee, she should have let the old boy wipe the floor with you. You certainly deserve it.

Tucker: Why? Because I got to Jabot before you did?

Jack: No, it's the way you did it, Tucker.

Tucker: Oh, you don't approve? Does that mean you won't be making me an offer for the company?

Jack: Jabot's for sale?

Tucker: Careful, Jack. You're droolin' all over your nice tie.

Jack: What's this really about? You didn't do this with Jabot just to stick it to Katherine, did you?

Tucker: Come on. Don't you know me better than that by now?

Jack: My sister said you have big plans for the company. Somehow, you're gonna make it pay off for you.

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Hold on. Yeah?

Phyllis: Hey, Jack, uh, your wife Emily was just here. She freaked me out.

Jack: Just a second.

Tucker: Emergency?

Jack: We're not done.

Tucker: I'm countin' on it.

Jack: You still there?

Murphy: So if you don't agree to give Jabot back to Tucker...

Kay: He will take it away.

Murphy: (Scoffs)

Kay: And that will invalidate the sale to Victor.

Murphy: Yeah, because Victor used Adam to rig the bids.

Kay: (Sighs) I-I saw the video. Come on. Adam opened the sealed bids, sent the information to Victor. Now Jack suspected that that's what was happening, but he couldn't prove it.

Murphy: And Tucker can.

Kay: Oh, Murphy, if the truth comes out... (Chuckles) It's going to reactivate that feud between the Newmans and--and the Abbotts again. Uh, Victor will go to prison. Do you understand that? I don't approve of his methods, but he did what he did for me.

Murphy: I don't know. Being blackmailed by your own son-- you should have let me deck him.

Kay: Oh, stop it. Stop it. He's punished himself by alienating everyone. I-I don't even feel anger towards him anymore, just pity.

Murphy: I think I could have taken him.

Kay: (Laughs) Stop it.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Kay: Oh, for heaven sakes.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Kay: Oh, my God.

Murphy: Listen, uh, Esther’s off because she thought we were goin' out, so I'm gonna fix us dinner.

Kay: Mm-hmm. What's on the menu?

Murphy: Pork and beans.

Kay: Hmm?

Murphy: (Laughs)

Kay: I'm not eating pork and beans.

Murphy: Grilled cheese and tomatoes.

Kay: What?

Murphy: Yeah.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Murphy: Come here, you.

Kay: Oh, you spoil me.

Murphy: Oh, yes, I do.

Kay: Grilled cheese and tomatoes?

Murphy: Mm.

(Footsteps approach)

Woman: Excuse me. Are you Tucker McCall?

Tucker: Yes, I am, Darlin'.

Victor: What's the meaning of this?

Chance: Officer Lang was guarding Adam in the hospital. He witnessed a fight between your two sons.

Lang: I had to physically separate them.

Nick: He shoved me. Do you remember that?

Victoria: Okay, well, why wasn't Adam in restraints?

Nick: He had just come out of the restroom.

Michael: Okay, so you've established a history of mutual physical aggression.

Owen: Oh, we can establish more than that. What did they argue about?

Lang: Uh, someone named Sharon and Faith, who I assume is their daughter.

Owen: And what were Nick Newman's last words to his brother that day?

Lang: That if Adam went near Sharon or Faith, he'd have to kill him.

Nick: (Scoffs) (Groans)

Owen: And the next time you saw Adam, he was with Sharon and Faith in their hotel room. And now he's dead.

Nick: Okay, listen, I--

Michael: No. If you would just stop talking, please.

Victor: Listen to Michael.

Owen: You're free to go. We're dropping the charges against you... for now.

Victoria: What about my brother?

Chance: Nicholas Newman, you're under arrest for the murder of Adam Wilson. Please put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. That attorney may be present with you at your time of questioning. Do you understand these rules as I have read them to you?

Phyllis: So I just put Summer to bed, but I'm sure she'd like to hear a good-night from her daddy, so call when you get this. All right.

Daniel: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey.

Daniel: Take a look at this.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. Did you teach her that? Private art lessons? That is so cool. Thanks for tucking her in. It's hard, you know, going up and down the stairs.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. You, uh, want me to stick around till Nick gets here?

Phyllis: No, you can go.

Daniel: You sure?

Phyllis: Yes.

Daniel: You seemed a little nervous before.

Phyllis: I know. That was stupid. Go ahead. We have security guards. It's fine.

Daniel: Okay. Well, you have a good night, and call me if you need anything.

Phyllis: Okay, bye. Mwah!

Daniel: Bye.

Phyllis: I love you.

Daniel: Love you, too.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey, Greg, it's me again. Um, yeah, uh, can you do me a favor? Um, can you tell me what time Emily Peterson, uh, arrived at the ranch? Uh, e-Emily Abbott. That's what she goes by now. What, she didn't? Uh, a-are you sure? How is that possible? She was just here. (Sighs) No, I-I-I just--I don't-- I don't understand how-- no, no, no, it's okay. I'll call him. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Greg. Hey, Victor. I'm so glad you--you picked up. Um, it's Phyllis. Listen, the--I have-- what? Oh, my God, he was arrested? No. (Sighs) No, no, no, no, no. All right, I-I'm coming down. No, don't worry about it. I'll get chuck to take me. Uh, I-I'll--I'll find someone to--to watch over Summer. I-I'll--I'll be right there, okay? (Slams cell phone closed) Oh.

Jack: Em? Em, you ready to go?

Patty: (Sniffles) (Sobs) (Sobs) (Voice breaking) Jack. (Sniffles) Oh, God.

Jack: Wh-what's wrong?

Patty: I'm sorry. (Sniffles) I had a miscarriage, Jack. I lost the baby. (Gasps) I lost the baby.

Jack: No, you didn’t. No, you didn’t. You were never pregnant.

Patty: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Gloria: Where is Jana?

Sarah: You try anything, I will snap her neck!

Jack: All of a sudden, you're pregnant? And now conveniently, you've miscarried?

Patty: Oh, how could you be so heartless?

Jack: Save it! Stop!

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