Y&R Transcript Monday 4/19/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 4/20/10 -- USA
Episode # 9380 ~ Victoria Lies
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chloe: What? "Victoria. Murderer"? There's no way. Billy what? What about Billy? (Sighs) Come on, Jill. What's going on? Oh, Mac, thank God.
Mac: Me? What? What? Why?
Chloe: Hey, little man! How you doing? Guess what? Guess what? My mom made the best granola chocolate bars ever, and I bet if you go in there, she'll give you, like, 20.
Mac: One, okay? Right through there. Turn right.
Chloe: Ask for 20.
Mac: One, please! Okay. Now that you have bribed an innocent child...
Chloe: Because a child shouldn't hear that his mother just got arrested for Adam's murder. Jill. Jill is twittering everything live from Victoria's arraignment.
Mac: Oh, my God. That's why she wasn't at the hearing. J.T. got full custody.
Chloe: Well, that's one way to have her have the worst day ever.
Mac: I have to call J.T.
Chloe: Wait, wait. No, no, no. There's one more thing. Billy interrupted the judge.
Mac: Why? What did he say?
Chloe: I don't know! I don't know! She was updating every three seconds, and now just done. Dead air. (Sighs) Billy, what did you do? What did you do?
(Gavel bangs)
Judge: Mr. Abbott, I'll have you removed.
Billy: Did you even hear what I said? Victoria didn't kill Adam. She couldn't have, because she was in my suite at the Athletic Club.
Victoria: Shut up, Billy!
Billy: Adam, however, was in the basement, and Victoria was, what, how many floors up? I mean, she couldn't have done it.
Victoria: Look, this is none of your business, all right?
Michael: All right. All right, stay calm. Just stay calm.
Victoria: It's none of his business.
Michael: Your honor, may I have a moment with my client please?
Judge: No. Mrs. Hellstrom, is Mr. Abbott's claim about your whereabouts true?
Victoria: No, your honor. (Sighs) It's not true at all.
Billy: (Scoffs)
Billy: (Stomps foot)
Ashley: Wow, it's amazing. So much work in so little time.
Neil: Look at this place. It's like the explosion never happened.
Ashley: Yeah, but Adam is still very much dead. Small mercy there. Oh, thank you.
Neil: Thanks. Appreciate that.
Kay: Thank you. (Sighs)
Tucker: So... (Sighs) What do we have here? Are you in the mood for a veal chop... or maybe the salad Niçoise, huh?
Kay: No, you just go right ahead.
Tucker: What, no appetite? Is that because of the ordeal at the ball, or is it something else?
Kay: Oh, come on, Tucker. You didn't ask me here to talk about veal chops, so what, then?
Tucker: I want you to turn Jabot over to me.
Kay: You're joking.
Tucker: Not really.
Kay: Victor gave it to me with Jack's blessing, and it's Chancellor's only asset that I have full control over. And the answer is no, I won’t. I won’t. I won’t. I won’t.
Tucker: Well, I think you might reconsider when you see what's on my computer.
Neil: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Ashley: Thank you.
Neil: Listen, I got a good idea.
Ashley: Yeah.
Neil: Why don't we go see a movie?
Ashley: Oh. You mean like normal people? That's a novel idea. We should definitely make it a comedy, though, right?
Neil: A comedy--we should definitely see a comedy.
Ashley: Yes.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Ashley: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. It's Abby.
Neil: No, no. Don't be sorry. Go ahead.
Ashley: Hi, Honey. Well, I'm sure "Restless Style" twitter is fascinating-- I want you to send me that link, Honey, right now, okay? And you stop reading it, okay? And I'll call you later.
Neil: Doesn't sound good.
Ashley: Victoria's been arrested for Adam's murder.
Neil: She what? I should call Victor. (Sighs) Ash...
Ashley: Huh?
Neil: You okay?
Ashley: She didn't do it.
Neil: No. No, of course not.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh, uh, uh, Tucker, come on. I don't need to see a spreadsheet regarding your business prowess.
Tucker: (Sighs) But you do need to see this. See, Jack was right. Victor did have inside information on the Jabot bids, courtesy of his late son.
Kay: You knew, and you said nothing.
Tucker: This video gives Jack motive-- rage, revenge. Victor, too. Oh, he doesn't need any more hassles with the S.E.C. maybe he wanted Adam to take this secret to his grave.
Kay: How dare you threaten my friends.
Tucker: Your friend Victor never should have gotten Jabot back. Now I can, uh, go through the courts and easily undo his win. (Whispers) Or I could lose this recording.
Kay: If I give you back Jabot. This is blackmail.
Tucker: It's business.
Kay: Is that the way you think things are really done?
Tucker: I know so, and so do you. And what happens next is up to you.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, Chance isn't answering.
Mac: Well, maybe he's in the courtroom and can't answer.
Chloe: Uh, well, maybe you should call J.T., text him, something.
Mac: Why, so you can get the tabloid scoop?
Chloe: Yeah, that's exactly what I want. I want the scoop. Forget that whatever Billy is pulling--I don't know-- it might ruin my child's life. And forget that Chance is obsessing so much over this, that he can't eat, drink, sleep or anything. So yeah, I'm obsessing, and, yeah, I'm having a party. It's a really fun party.
Cordelia: (Fussing)
Mac: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
Chloe: Yeah, no, you shouldn't have said anything. (Scoffs)
Billy: What the hell are you doing? Tell them you were with me. This is stupid.
Victoria: Just get out of here.
Judge: Bailiff, get him out of here.
Billy: Do it. Oh, here we go. Look, she wasn't even with the guy. She was with me. Why don't you just tell them that, okay? Look, whatever. Okay!
Victoria: That's not true, anyway.
Michael: All right, then, you know, just, uh, just wait. Look, your honor...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Michael: May my client have a moment with her family before she's taken into custody?
Owen: No objection, your honor.
Judge: Adjourned.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Michael: Listen...
Victoria: Thank you.
Michael: Just stay calm.
Victoria: I am calm.
Michael: Take care of yourself, all right?
Victoria: (Speaking indistinctly)
Michael: Yes.
Victor: Listen to me.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: We still don't know the d--the D.A.'s evidence against Victoria?
Michael: The discovery packet is on my desk at the office waiting for me. I'm on my way. We're gonna take care of this, Victoria, Victor, all right? Let's go.
Victor: Is what Billy Abbott said true?
Victoria: Daddy...
Victor: Did you spend time alone with him?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Why did you deny it?
Victoria: (Clicks tongue)
Victor: Hmm?
Victoria: Just tell Reed that I love him, okay?
Nikki: (Sobbing) No, please don't take her. Please don't take her yet. Please! Victoria!
Nick: Mom. It's--its okay.
Nikki: (Sobbing) Oh, my God. She must be terrified.
Victor: We will go see her at the station, okay?
Nikki: (Sighs) What Billy said... my God, what J.T. must think.
Victor: It doesn't matter right now what the hell he said.
Nick: Billy will say anything to sell magazines. J.T. knows that.
Nikki: Yeah, well, for Reed's sake, I cannot ignore this. (Sniffles) Excuse me.
Heather: Excuse me.
Nikki: Can I talk to you? Look, um... all that stuff that Billy said, you know, he--he--he just wants attention. None of what he said was true.
J.T.: I'm not talking about this with you right now, okay?
Nikki: Okay, you know what? Fine. Talk to me about Reed then. Now you know why Victoria didn't make it to the custody hearing. She had no choice. So I want you to go to the judge and ask for more time. There were extenuating circumstances.
J.T.: Do you--do you think that this is a point in Victoria's favor?
Nikki: She's Reed's mother. He needs her and she needs him.
J.T.: Uh, yeah, I agree. He does need her, but not like this, not with corporate backstabbing and murder and the usual Newman chaos.
Nick: Take it easy. The Newmans have given you a lot over the years.
J.T.: Yeah, and it comes with a price, one I don't want my son to have to pay.
Jill: What was that? What, were you trying for press? Were you trying to suck up to Victor? What was that?
Billy: Didn't I tell you to stop twittering?
Jill: (Sighs)
Billy: Yes, I did, but you couldn't listen.
Jill: No, because I was doing my job, Billy, while you were making a scene and lying to the court.
Billy: Who said I was lying, Mom?
Jill: Victoria said you were lying.
Billy: Well... (Sighs) She doesn't know anything. Uh, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
Jill: Oh, but you do? Really? You and Victoria were having--
Billy: Eh... I said that we were in my suite, and we were. We were talking, okay? I trashed her in "Restless Style," and I thought I owed her an apology.
Jill: Oh, Billy, now I know you're lying. You would choke before the "I'm" in "I'm sorry."
Billy: (Clicks teeth)
Jill: Oh, my God. You slept with Victoria.
Billy: (Sighs) Look, J.T., what I said in there, it was--
J.T.: Save it, all right? Reed doesn't need both his parents arrested in one day.
Heather: No strings is the way to go. You used to know better.
Billy: (Clears throat) Hmm.
Jill: Well, thank God she said you were lying. Except why would she do that? You practically gold-plated an alibi for her.
Billy: I said no twittering, not on this story. This is not a story.
Jill: (Sighs)
Billy: If you want to write something, you have to get it okayed by me, and I'm not okaying this story.
Jill: Okay. All right. Sorry, Boss. Now back to you sleeping with the enemy.
Billy: Yes, I slept with her. Forbidden fruit and all that. Why shouldn't I have a laugh, Mom?
Jill: Oh, a laugh, right. Yeah, your chivalrous display was trés amusante. But, Honey, that was not Billy "The Player" owning up to a conquest. It was a chump falling on his sword for his beloved.
Billy: Just save the whole "Chump" and "Beloved" thing, okay? Just save it. (Cracks knuckles) I'd be a jackass if I didn't tell the truth in there.
Jill: So you were with her every second?
Billy: According to her, I wasn't with her at all, Mom.
Jill: (Sighs) Oh, Billy, don't play games. You've got too much at stake here.
Billy: Really? Well, can I read about it on "Restless Style's" twitter page? What did you write about me anyway, Mom?
Jill: Nothing. I just said you interrupted the proceedings. I couldn't say a word after that.
Billy: Yeah, damn right. Because you're done, which means you can twitter from the unemployment line. You are fired.
Jill: (Sighs) Oh, my God.
Mac: You didn't let me finish before. I'm sorry.
Chloe: Okay.
Mac: No, I am. My hormones are totally out of whack. And I just--I hate seeing bad things happen to good people, and I know that you care about Billy and about Chance, and I was totally wrong to insinuate otherwise.
Chloe: (Sighs) It's so annoying. You even apologize better than the rest of us. (Scoffs) And I remember the hormones. Mood-swing city. And, oh, the libido. The libido. Third trimester-- it's a nightmare.
Mac: Okay. Thanks for that.
Chloe: You, uh, you actually may want to consider finding a guy by the time you get to six months, because believe me, you're gonna-- you're gonna be hurtin', and, uh, I don't know, maybe, like, you already have, like J.T. or someone?
Mac: (Sighs) We're--we're old friends.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. That's a coy understatement.
Mac: Okay. Yes, we were together years and years ago, but obviously, we're better as friends.
Chloe: Okay, well, that was then and this is now. And believe me, when you hit the third trimester, J.T. is gonna start to look like a tall, blonde drink of water in your very knocked-up desert. (Chuckles)
Mac: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: (Sighs) Katherine, you're calling about Victoria, aren't you?
Kay: Well, what happened?
Nikki: She's been arrested. They think that she killed Adam.
Kay: Oh, that's ridiculous. Victoria'd never do something like that.
Nikki: She also lost custody of Reed because she couldn't make it to the custody hearing. I mean, this is just awful. It's like I'm--I'm watching my whole family fall apart.
Kay: Oh, stop it. Your family is never gonna fall apart, for heaven's sakes. You're all too strong. You love each other enough. Now you listen to me. You go and you be with Victoria, and call me later and let me know what I can do to help.
Nikki: Okay. Thank you, Katherine.
Kay: Good-bye, Dear.
Neil: Hi, Katherine.
Kay: Oh.
Neil: You okay?
Kay: Oh, Neil.
Neil: I just wanted to find out-- have you--have you heard about Victoria's arrest?
Kay: Mm. Mm-hmm. Ahh, what that family has been through. I've made a business decision, Neil, uh, one I think you won't like. But I need you to trust me and ask no questions, please.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: Hi.
Tucker: Ashley. You're looking well.
Ashley: Better than that night when you came to my place and helped me make that video of Faith?
Tucker: Well, you looked good then, too. Frightened, maybe.
Ashley: (Sighs) And now?
Tucker: A little sad. But getting better, I think.
Kay: Ashley? Glad you're here, because this, uh, involves you also.
Ashley: What does?
Tucker: Are you sure you want to do this now?
Kay: I don't see why not.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Kay: I've decided to, uh, turn Jabot back over to Tucker.
Ashley: What game are you playing?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Woman: Visitor for you.
Victoria: Um, no, I can’t... I don't want to see anybody like this... right now.
Ashley: Give Jabot away to him of all people?
Tucker: Well, you know, I do have a better-than-average track record.
Ashley: Your track record is about putting my family through hell.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: So you get my father's company back just to give it away?
Kay: It was not an easy decision.
Ashley: And why were you nice to me? Just so you could be close enough to stick the knife in? Why do you even want Jabot? So you can have the Abbotts by the throat?
Tucker: The bidding war made me reconsider Jabot's value. It's a compliment, actually.
Ashley: You went out of your way to convince me that you were not completely self-serving, only to get my father's company and reduce it to ruble, and I was an idiot to ever let my guard down around you. And believe me, it will never happen again.
Heather: Well, I admit it. I had no clue that Victoria Newman was the number one suspect.
Chance: You're fishing.
Heather: It was a comment.
Chance: You know I can't discuss this with you. The D.A. suspended you.
Heather: Well, given the fact that the victim is a man I used to love, obviously, I'm invested.
Chance: Invested because you loved him? Or because you wanted him dead, too?
Heather: Have fun with your paperwork.
Nikki: Hello.
Heather: (Sighs) I'm-- I'm very sorry about Victoria.
Nikki: It's absurd. She would never hurt anybody.
Chance: Billy, go away.
Billy: Hey, man, I need to see her. Come on.
Nikki: What do you want with her? She's going through enough without you causing another scene.
Billy: Yeah.
Victor: He will not get a chance. I'll see to that.
Chance: All right, come on, Billy.
Billy: Aw, come on.
Chance: Come on. Come on.
Billy: (Sighs)
Chance: Well...
Billy: I am an innocent woman's airtight alibi and you want to jam me up. What's up, man?
Chance: Billy, you already gave me your statement. At the time of the murder, you said you were with someone whose name you didn't even know.
Billy: Come on, Chance.
Chance: What? You either lied to me then, or you just lied to the judge now. Why? It's because you had something to hide, Billy. You think that if you provide Victoria with an alibi now it's gonna somehow clear yourself?
Billy: (Whispering) Why the hell would I need an alibi?
Chance: You tell me.
Billy: (Chuckles) Oh.
Victoria: I'm so sorry, J.T. Billy had no right to say what he did.
J.T.: Forget him. (Sighs) You're the one I'm worried about.
Victoria: I did not kill Adam.
J.T.: I know.
Victoria: You do?
J.T.: Yeah. It's not who you are. (Sighs) Other members of your family maybe, but not you. But look, if--if what Billy said was... (Sighs) If he was your alibi, why didn't you just say so in the first place?
Victoria: Because it's not true.
J.T.: Victoria, look at me. You were with Billy. (Sighs) But now you're covering for somebody else.
Victoria: No, I'm not covering for anyone.
J.T.: Who? Who are you covering for?
Victoria: I'm not covering for anyone.
J.T.: Victor?
Victoria: No. What? No. No.
J.T.: You could have gone to the cops, and they would have confirmed your alibi. They would have moved on to somebody else. But you wouldn't let them move on to Victor. Are you really willing to go to jail to protect your father?
Victoria: You don't know everything. (Sighs)
J.T.: Wait, I-I hate that you're going through this. But what I hate worse is the fact that it didn't have to happen. Some screwed-up Newman code means my son has to suffer for somebody else's sins.
Victoria: (Sighs)
J.T.: This is what I wanted to protect Reed from, this right here. Thank God for sole custody.
Victoria: What are you doing? I am gonna fight you on this. As soon as I get out of here, I'm going straight to the judge--
J.T.: And say what? That you were just protecting your family when you let yourself get arrested? No, you made your decision, Victoria, and now we all gotta live with it.
Victoria: You get out of here. You get out of here before I do commit murder.
Billy: Okay, look, I know you're scared, but, uh, we can fix this.
Victoria: (Sighs) "We"? Did you say "We"? There is no "We," Billy. What is wrong with you?
Billy: What's wrong with me? Well, apparently, I'm a jackass because I want to help you.
Victoria: You lied to the court.
Billy: I lied to the court? Really? We weren't together? 'Cause I remember that we were--
Victoria: No, not when Adam was killed, we were not together.
Billy: (Sighs) Would you--
Victoria: If you remember correctly, we were not together at that moment, and you had to swoop in like some superhero and try to save the day, and you just made everything worse than it was before.
Billy: Could you-- (Lowers voice) How could I make anything worse than it already is?
Victoria: (Lowers voice) I lost custody of Reed today. And you practically announcing to everyone that we had sex may mean that I could lose him for good.
Billy: So I'm an ass because I care about your freedom?
Victoria: You're an ass because it's none of your business. (Sighs)
Billy: Okay, look. Look at me. I am--
Victoria: (Sighs heavily)
Billy: I'm sorry about Reed. I really am. But let's be clear on one thing. You would rather be arrested for murder than to let everyone know that we were together?
Victoria: Yes. Yes, that's exactly it. You're not my husband. You are not my family. You're not my friend. It was one night in a hotel room, all right? It meant nothing. It meant less than nothing.
Billy: Hmm. (Taps chair) (Inhales sharply) You know, you're right. I'm nobody, and it was nothing. It was less than nothing, really. So, um, I'm done. And if you decide you need help, well, I suggest you call somebody who gives a damn and just... leave me alone.
Chance: (Sighs)
Owen: Nice job. Victoria Newman is sweating.
Chance: Well, she should be. She might be guilty of murder, or at least part of the conspiracy to kill Adam.
Owen: What's the status on that tux jacket?
Chance: The lab should have the results for the bloodstain on the sleeve by the end of today.
Owen: All right, good. You should take off. Get some rest before it really hits the fan. I'll let you know when the results are in.
Chance: Thanks.
Victor: Mr. Pomerantz, I think we have waited long enough. We want to see Victoria now.
Owen: Someone will take you in shortly.
Nikki: (Sighs) What she must be going through.
Nick: Billy's made it worse with all those lies.
Nikki: What does he want? Victoria would never do this. She learned her lesson after Deacon.
Mac: I'm so sorry. We heard about Victoria's arrest, and then Billy interrupting.
J.T.: How'd you know that?
Chloe: Well, Jill was twittering until Billy cut in.
Mac: What did he say?
J.T.: He gave Victoria an alibi. He claims that they were together in a suite when Adam was murdered.
Chloe: (Groans) Sorry, my brain hurts. (Sighs)
Mac: Today's been awful. I'm sorry. Whatever you and Reed need, you know I'm here.
Neil: Ashley, you okay?
Ashley: I'm angry, mostly with myself. Between Adam and Tucker, I am a rotten judge of character.
Neil: You give others the benefit of the doubt.
Ashley: People who don't deserve it.
Neil: That's their fault, not yours. Your generosity, your--your openness, that's what I love about you.
Ashley: Well, you, uh... you I know. You're a good man. You don't turn your back on your friends, and you don't wound people just for the fun of it. I'm so grateful to have you in my life.
Kay: You enjoy being a pariah?
Tucker: Come on. Can't we just toast our deal?
Kay: Mm, once we've agreed on the terms.
Tucker: Let's hear 'em.
Kay: All right. It ends now-- your threat to dismantle Chancellor. You agree from this moment on that you will not sell off pieces.
Tucker: Sure.
Kay: "Sure." Well?
Tucker: I agree.
Kay: (Chuckles) Tucker, Tucker, Tucker. You lie, cheat and blackmail. My God, you just smile through it all.
Tucker: Oh, come on, Mom. I wouldn't bother with business if I didn't get a kick out of it.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Would you?
Jill: Aw. How adorable. Madonna and child.
Kay: (Scoffs)
Tucker: Hey, Jill, you care to join us? We're just celebrating Katherine signing Jabot over to me.
Jill: What is wrong with you?
Tucker: Oh, come on. Maybe she trusts my business skills.
Jill: Oh, as opposed to me, you mean.
Tucker: Now did I say that?
Jill: (Sighs) You know, it's one thing to screw me over. That's just same old, same old with you. But the Abbotts and Victor? Victor bought the company so he could give it back to you, and Jack let him do it, Katherine. What a slap in the face to all of them and your precious John Abbott. Stupid, stupid move, and one that you're gonna live to regret. (Sighs)
Chance: Mm. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Wow, what's this one?
Chance: Aah! Yep, there it is.
Chloe: Oh, let me guess.
Chance: (Groans)
Chloe: Is that Billy blowing the arraignment?
Chance: How did you hear about that?
Chloe: Oh, well, your sweet little granny, she was tweeting.
Chance: All of it? Everything?
Chloe: Well, just until Billy stepped up, and I got the rest from J.T.
Chance: (Groans) Oh, J.T. this must be absolutely driving him nuts.
Chloe: Well, it's not gonna drive you nuts. No. Pomerantz said that you're not gonna get worked up, and you're not gonna get all stressed out about Jill or J.T...
Chance: Mm.
Chloe: And it is my civic duty to make you relax.
Chance: (Chuckles) To distract me from my mission of serving and protecting?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Uh-huh.
Chloe: So if you want to work, you can, I don't know, frisk me, throw me up against a wall, handcuff me...
Chance: (Laughs) First off, the whole frisking thing, it's really not that sexy.
Chloe: Well, you've never thrown me up against a wall before, so you don't know that.
Chance: True.
Chloe: So I'm gonna play cop, and I'm sorry, Sir, but I have to confiscate your shirt.
Chance: You... hello. (Chuckles) Chloe, you're crazy.
Chloe: No, I'm not. Come on, my mom has Delia out on a car ride. And you know how long it takes for her to fall asleep, so, really, we have lots of time. (Grunts)
Chance: Lots of time?
Chloe: Yeah.
Chance: Keep--okay. You know what?
Chloe: I can't get it off.
Chance: You're not that crazy.
Chloe: No, I'm not.
Chance: Keep going. Keep trying.
Chloe: Ooh. Uh-oh.
Chance: You like that?
Chloe: You're packin' heat. Oh, God. Oh, whoa.
Chance: Okay, really, stop.
Chloe: You feel these guns? What are those guns?
Chance: Okay, you know--hey. You know what? Hey. Hey. Stop. Stop. You know what?
Chloe: (Laughs)
Chance: Just stop talking.
Chloe: Mm.
Billy: Thank you, Sir.
Heather: Vodka. Rocks.
Billy: I hope you're not buying a drink just so you can lay into me.
Heather: Because Adam got himself killed, I was suspended from my job and had to clear out my desk today. I'm buying a drink because my life sucks.
Billy: Okay. (Glasses clink)
Heather: I saw you with champagne the night Adam was killed. Maybe it was for Victoria, maybe some other random bimbo.
Billy: Well, you know, they're not all bimbos.
Heather: (Chuckles) Regardless, you stepped up in the courtroom today, tried to help someone out.
Billy: And it wasn't--
Heather: It was almost human of you.
Billy: Yeah, but it wasn't a great romantic gesture.
Heather: I never said it was.
Billy: Well, maybe not you, but some people. You were right--no strings. Best way to go. (Clears throat) (Chuckles) You know, we could, um, drown our sorrows elsewhere.
Heather: You're as subtle as a switchblade.
Billy: Hey, last time was fun. You know what? It was--it was fun.
Heather: (Chuckles) I moved back to the club. I'll see you in 20.
Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) You know, right there. This is what I'm talkin' about. Right... (Chuckles)
Mac: Oh, okay.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: I'm a mountain. (Chuckles) So what are you thinking?
J.T.: I don't know. Should I call my lawyer, have him back off my claim?
Mac: Your instincts are good. You're a good father.
J.T.: Well, I used to be good. I'm not so sure anymore.
Mac: Well, you have to trust your gut. What do you want?
J.T.: (Sighs) (Quietly) Well, I don't want a media circus or courtrooms or possible convictions. You know, I just want...
Mac: What?
J.T.: Why can't things be more like this?
Reed: Where is Mommy?
Victoria: I didn't even get to say good-bye to Reed.
Nikki: Oh, my baby.
Michael: Thank you. Good, you're all here.
Victor: What evidence does Pomerantz have?
Michael: Well, they've connected Victoria to the murder weapon. A pen, actually.
Nikki: A pen? Adam was killed by a pen?
Michael: Uh, jammed into his heart. Extreme, but evidently, it can be done if one is angry enough. (Sighs)
Nick: This pen is not Victoria’s.
Victoria: I bought that in Dubai. The police are right. This is my pen.
(Glass shatters)
Billy: Mm. Hey, um... uh, could you give this back to Heather Stevens, please? She's, um... (Clears throat) Here. Now you can take that. Seriously, just go. (Groans)
Jill: Sucker.
Kay: (Chuckles) Right back at ya, Jill.
Jill: (Sighs) Tell me something. When did you become so desperate for a son that you would give up control of a sandwich, much less Jabot? And for Tucker of all people? You gave it up to Tucker.
Kay: (Sighs) My decision had nothing to do with Tucker. At least, not what you think.
Jill: Oh, you're up to something. No, you are. Tell me. Tell me. I can help. For you, I would make the time.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: No, I would even leave "Restless Style" if it meant bringing down Tucker.
Kay: Oh, that's quite an offer. Very generous. (Chuckles) Not on your life.
Ashley: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Tucker: Excuse me.
Ashley: Feel free to keep walking.
Tucker: I'm sorry. (Sighs) If I could just say one thing? I'm not the opposition, and you'll understand that once you see what I have planned for Jabot.
J.T.: You miss mommy, huh? Well, remember after Christmas when she had to go away to work? Well, she's gonna have to go away for a while again. Okay? Um, you can talk to her on the phone. And I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. And Mac...
Mac: I'll totally be around. We can hang out and play and whatever you want.
Reed: When will Mommy be back?
J.T.: I don't know, Buddy. It could be soon. It could be a while.
Chance: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Chloe: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.
Chance: (Sighs) No, no, no.
Chloe: Work?
Chance: Oh, uh, yes, actually. It's the D.A.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: It might be the forensics results. (Clears throat) Chancellor here. Yes, Sir. Well, it's just what we thought then now, isn't it? Is he down at the station still? All right, I'm on my way. (Sighs)
Chloe: You're ditching me.
Chance: Yeah. Well, we are one step closer to locking this case down, so...
Chloe: Awesome.
Michael: The pen is circumstantial but, uh, damning.
Victoria: Okay, well, you should all probably go, because Michael and I need to discuss what happens next.
Nick: Why are you doing this?
Nikki: This is why you didn't tell anybody where you were.
Victoria: This is between Michael and me.
Nick: Okay, stop right now! She's lying.
Victor: You didn't buy this in Dubai?
Nick: Yes, she did, as a present to me. This murder weapon is mine.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Murphy: I've had it up to here with you blaming Katherine for your miserable life.
Michael: You can't do this.
Nick: All right--
Michael: Nick, not a word!
Patty: You can't talk about me behind my back, interfere with my marriage and think I won't have anything to say about it.
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