Y&R Transcript Friday 4/16/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 4/16/10 -- Canada; Monday 4/19/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9379 ~ Billy's Confession

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma


Phyllis: Oh, damn it!

Nick: Phyllis?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey.

Nick: Hey. You okay?

Phyllis: (Sighs) No. This thing is driving me freakin' crazy.

Nick: Cast startin' to get to you?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I was trying to get into the shower and wash my hair.

Nick: Where's Supergirl?

Phyllis: She's with your mom. She, uh, took her to brunch and then to--to school.

Nick: So the loud crash was?

Phyllis: Trying to get in the shower. I wanted to wash my hair.

Nick: I guess the stringy hair look's not working for you?

Phyllis: No, I just wanted to--to wash it. So why--why are you here this time of day?

Nick: You know, I want to get away from work for a little bit.

Phyllis: 'Cause you've been avoiding me lately.

Nick: Sorry. I've just been a little stressed.

Phyllis: Mm, since our house was searched.

Nick: And you lied to the police about my jacket.

Phyllis: Want me to make you a sandwich?

Nick: No, thank you.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: You know, I could, uh, help you wash your hair.

Phyllis: Well, it's really messy. And you have to get back to work.

Nick: My name's on the building. I can do whatever I want.

Phyllis: Well, you'd do that for me?

Nick: I'd do anything for you.

Phyllis: Well, so how are you going to go about this? I mean, logistically speaking, how are you gonna do it?

Nick: Figured I'd, uh, wrap your leg in a trash bag.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Trash bag.

Nick: Put a stool in the shower and then, uh, carry you in.

Phyllis: In your suit and tie?

Nick: Well, I could just get naked and join you.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Let's do it.

Billy: (Chuckles) Okay, you've been polishing that glass for the past five minutes. What's up?

Mac: Nervous energy. What happened at the hearing?

J.T.: Judge ruled in my favor.

Mac: You got full custody of Reed?

J.T.: (Sighs) Yeah.

Mac: Okay, why aren't you happy?

J.T.: Because of Victoria.

Billy: You took her kid away from her? (Scoffs) What did you expect? A thank-you card?

J.T.: You don't get it, Mac.

Mac: What don't I get?

J.T.: Victoria didn't show up to the hearing.

Chance: Do you understand the rights as I've just read them to you?

Victoria: This is ridiculous. I did not kill Adam.

Chance: Victoria, please. Just answer the question. Do you understand your rights?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yes. (Sighs)

Chance: All right, let her make her phone call, and then take Ms. Hellstrom downstairs and book her.

Victor: Let me know as soon as you hear something, all right? Thank you.

Nikki: No word yet?

Victor: (Sighs) No.

Nikki: (Sighs) Where could she be? Where could she be? I mean, to miss the hearing for the custody of that little boy and possibly lose him? I don't understand that.

Victor: Security's checking everywhere right now.

Nikki: You know, the only reason why she couldn't have been there would be if she is lying in a gutter somewhere or even worse.

Victor: Oh, please, Sweetheart. Don't even say it. (Exhales) What if she had a flat tire?

Nikki: She has a cell phone.

Victor: Well, maybe there's no cell phone reception where she is.

Nikki: Oh, Victor, you don't believe that any more than I do.

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: One second. Hello?

Victoria: Daddy?

Victor: Sweetheart, are you all right? Where are you?

Victoria: I'm at the police station.

Victor: You're at the police station?

Nikki: What is she doing there?

Victoria: Yeah, uh, they arrested me. They think I killed Adam.

Victor: Listen, don't say a word to anyone, all right? We'll be right there. We need to call Michael Baldwin to meet us at the police station.

Nikki: What's going on?

Victor: (Sighs) Victoria's been arrested.

Nikki: For what?!

Victor: Adam's murder.

(Elevator bell dings)

Nikki: Oh, my God. That is ridiculous. She didn't do it.

Victor: Of course she didn't do it.

Jana: Where am I? (Sighs) God. I thought it was a dream. (Sighs)

Lauren: How's the migraine?

Jana: It still hurts, but it's not as bad as before.

Lauren: (Sighs) I'm glad the medication's helping you somewhat.

Jana: (Sighs) Yeah, it was nice of Ryder to bring it.

Lauren: (Sighs) Proves he's not completely unfeeling.

Jana: It's all over his face, Lauren. He doesn't want to be involved in what Sarah and Daisy are doing.

Lauren: I can't believe I was so wrong about that guy.

Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. You thought he was the evil one.

Lauren: Yeah, and that Daisy was this dewy-eyed teenager, so eager to please. All the while, she's the one who's trying to corrupt her brother.

Jana: Kevin knew the truth. He saw something in Ryder that the rest of us couldn’t.

Lauren: I guess he did.

Jana: (Sighs) Do you think that maybe if we would have just... (Sighs) If we would have just done as Kevin had asked-- welcomed him or supported him when we'd found out that they were half brothers, I mean... (Sighs) We might not be here right now.

Lauren: You know what, Jana? Beating ourselves up about the past is not gonna get us out of this cage.

Jana: I think Ryder is our only hope.

Lauren: Yeah, I know. I think we have to work on him some more, try and build up his self-esteem.

Jana: I just don't really see him standing up to that terrible twosome.

(Footsteps approach)

Ryder: I thought you might be hungry.

(Bars clang)

Lauren: Thank you. And thank you for Jana's pain medication.

Jana: Yeah, thanks. It really helped. My headache's not as severe.

Lauren: I mean, you're not... you're not like Daisy and Sarah. You're not. You have a conscience. You really-- you show compassion.

Ryder: I just didn't want Jana to be suffering.

Lauren: Yeah, well, we are suffering. We're caged like animals. And what's worse is what Kevin and Michael and my son are going through. Think about how much they're suffering.

Daisy: They're playing you, Ryder. Can't you see that? Now get away from the bars.

Ryder: Or what?

Daisy: Or you're the one who's gonna be suffering, 'cause I'm gonna kick your ass.

Jack: Do you maybe have an obstetrician on staff whose name sounds like that? No, thank you very much.

Michael: Oh, Jack, was that Emily? Has she finished her session with Lauren?

Jack: I don't know.

Michael: Well, look, her toxicology scan came back negative. That means she's not on any substance. We have to have an explanation for her--

Jack: I'm sorry. I-I'm, uh, I'm a little distracted right now.

Michael: Yeah, all right.

Jack: No, I-I meant what I said. Emily's an excellent psychiatrist. If anyone can get inside Lauren's head, it's Emily.

Michael: Well, I hope so. I have to find out what's going on with my wife.

Jack: Join the club.

Michael: (Sighs)

Patty: Lauren, I don't know what you're talking about.

Sarah: You can drop the act, Patty.

Patty: Okay, I want you to stop calling me that. I told you--

Sarah: Oh, would you relax? (Scoffs) Your secret is safe with me. I don't care that you're not Emily, because I'm not really Lauren.

Patty: You're not Lauren?

Sarah: No.

Patty: Is this some kind of a trick?

Sarah: Only to the people we're fooling.

Patty: Okay, I'm not fooling anyone. I am Dr. Emily Peterson Abbott, wife of Jack Abbott.

Sarah: Hmm. Dr. Montoya does great work, don't you think? Patty, come on. You have to remember me. I was your nurse at the surgical center in South America.

Patty: I-I've never been to South America.

Sarah: (Laughs) You know, I wasn't sure at first, and that's why I went through your hair. I was looking for that small surgical scar. No one would notice. They'd have to know that it was there. Patty, I used to sit with you at night when you couldn't sleep and your face was bandaged. Come on. We used to do crossword puzzles together that you brought in from the states.

Patty: Sarah?

Sarah: Yes.

Patty: Uh... (Chuckles)

Sarah: (Laughs) Surprise!

Patty: Yeah, um... how? How?

Sarah: Oh, the same talented doctor.

Patty: But why? Oh... you were so pretty.

Sarah: What's a 7-letter word for "Revenge"?

Patty: "Payback."

Sarah: (Laughs) Yes! Just like old times, eh, Kiddo? (Chuckles)

Patty: (Chuckles)

Sarah: Oh, I'm so glad that I finally got a chance to thank you.

Patty: For what?

Sarah: Well, if it wasn't for you, I never would have thought that I could transform myself into Lauren.

Jill: So on the phone, you said you had something for "Restless Style."

Man: A whopper.

Jill: Okay, don't keep me in suspense. What is it?

Man: Victoria Hellstrom was just arrested for Adam Wilson’s murder.

Jill: No way. Where is she now?

Man: Being booked.

Jill: Oh, my God, this is fantastic. I can scoop the competition. I can break the story on "Restless Style's" web site. What else should I know?

Man: The arraignment's being held in a little while.

Jill: You done good, okay? You done real good. See that? There's more where that came from if you get me a copy of her mug shot.

Man: Okay.

Jill: Wow. Victor Newman's daughter booked for murder. (Chuckles) He's gonna have a coronary.

Owen: Well, congratulations, Detective. Making an arrest in the Wilson case is quite a coup.

Chance: I'm not completely convinced Victoria did it.

Owen: Well, I realize some of the forensics don't match up.

Chance: Yet her pen was found at the crime scene.

Owen: Which turns out to be the murder weapon.

Chance: She could have an accomplice, or she could be covering for someone.

Owen: And that's why as this investigation continues, we've gotta look carefully at all the Newman’s.

Chance: You looked at the coroner's report-- the angle of the fatal wound.

Owen: Apparently Ms. Hellstrom is too short to have inflicted it.

Chance: To drive a pen through a man's ribcage and into his heart, that requires an enormous amount of strength.

Mac: You called her?

J.T.: (Sighs) Her phone goes straight to voice mail.

Billy: What about highway patrol? What if there was an accident?

J.T.: (Sighs) I checked. Nothing's been reported in the last few hours, and nobody matching Victoria's description has been brought to any of the hospitals.

Mac: What about her family?

J.T.: (Sighs) Nick's not answering his phone. Look, Victor has some people out looking for her.

Billy: When was the last time you did talk to her?

J.T.: Why do you care? It's not like you're friends, especially after that crap you printed about her in "Restless Style."

Billy: That doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to her.

J.T.: Well, maybe you smell a story for that sleazy rag you call a magazine.

Billy: That's ridiculous.

J.T.: Look, I'm warning you, Billy. If you exploit the fact that my wife is missing--

Billy: Your soon-to-be-ex-wife.

Mac: Billy.

J.T.: That doesn't mean I still don't care about her, all right? She's Reed's mother.

Billy: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, okay?

J.T.: (Sighs)

Billy: But I promise you, this isn't about the magazine.

J.T.: Yeah, right.

Mac: I believe him.

Billy: Look, I get why you're freaking out, okay? I've been on the receiving end of Victoria's wrath, especially when it comes to her family, so given that, I know she wouldn't have skipped the court date if it had meant losing Reed.

J.T.: I know, which means something is very wrong.

Phyllis: That was hot, Baby.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I don't mean the shower or the temperature.

Nick: Who knew-- who knew a cast could be such a turn-on?

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Nick: Mm.

Phyllis: If we keep this up, we're gonna need another shower.

Nick: To be continued.

Phyllis: (Giggles) I missed you. You've been so distant lately.

Nick: I'm sorry if I've been shutting you out.

Phyllis: I went behind your back. You don't like that. I know.

Nick: I just wish you would have talked to me first before jumping to conclusions about the blood on my jacket.

Phyllis: I know, but you see, I act first.

Nick: Yes, you do, and you always keep things interesting.

Phyllis: Yeah, I guess I do. I'm on your side. You know that I'm always on your side. (Cell phone rings)

Nick: (Sighs) Someone's been trying to get a hold of me. Hey, Mom, what's up? Uh, no, sorry. I just got the messages. I've been helping Phyllis with something. What's going on? What?!

Phyllis: What happened?

Nick: How is that even-- okay, uh, just hang tight. I'll be right there.

Nikki: Oh, my sweet baby.

Victoria: Oh!

Victor: For heaven's sake.

Nikki: Hi.

Victoria: Hi. Hi.

Victor: Mr. Pomerantz, are handcuffs necessary?

Owen: Rules are rules, Mr. Newman.

Nikki: Are you all right, Baby?

Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want you to worry, okay? Michael Baldwin will be here momentarily. He'll get you out of this mess.

Nikki: (Sighs) Yes, I'm--I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding.

Victoria: I know. I just-- this is just--

Michael: Of course this is a mistake. They can't possibly have any evidence. I don't care about any of this, okay? How did the hearing go? Where's Reed? Where is he? Oh, no.

Victor: (Sighs) Sweetheart, when you didn't show up, the judge had no choice.

Victoria: No, I know, but I tried to call from--

Victor: You probably did, but cell phones aren't allowed in the courtroom.

Victoria: I lost my baby? I lost my baby.

Michael: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. What the hell is wrong with you people? Victoria is upset about her son, and for you to take advantage of that is just ridiculous. What kind of professionals--

Chance: Michael. Michael. I was just doing my job.

Michael: Did Victoria explain to you that she was due in court?

Owen: Murder takes precedence over a custody case.

Michael: Owen, really, you can't possibly believe that Victoria Newman is out blowing up people. Come on!

Chance: Look, you don't know the facts.

Michael: Considering the fact that Victoria was under duress, that she was worried about losing her son, I will have anything she said thrown out so fast that your heads are gonna spin.

Chance: That's not gonna make a difference. We can tie her to the murder weapon.

Daisy: Enjoy your dining experience. We need to separate those two.

Ryder: Why?

Daisy: God, you're dense. Do you think they're in there playing "Simon says"? They're trying to figure out a way to escape.

Ryder: They're not-- they're not trying to escape.

Daisy: Hello? Jana already did. If we hadn't caught her--

Lauren: Please. Please. We'll be good.

Jana: We promise.

Daisy: (Chuckles) Oh, you promise? Did you hear that, Ryder? She promises.

Lauren: Jana is sick, and she needs me to take care of her.

Daisy: Boohoo. We can't take any chances, especially now that you're going all soft on me.

Ryder: I'm not going soft.

Daisy: Just shut up and help me.

Ryder: Do what?

Daisy: You chain Jana up over there, and I'll take Lauren back into her cage and chain her up there.

Ryder: No.

Daisy: What do you mean, "No"?

Ryder: I mean I'm not going to help you.

Sarah: After you left the clinic, I couldn't forget what you told me.

Patty: What I told you?

Sarah: How your new face was gonna help you right a wrong. So when you left, I had surgery of my own.

Patty: (Sighs) What did Lauren do to you?

Sarah: She killed my sister.

Patty: You're kidding.

Sarah: Gunned her down in cold blood.

Patty: Well, no wonder you hate her.

Sarah: I despise her.

Patty: If anyone ever hurt one of my brothers, I would--

Sarah: Nobody will ever hurt my family...nobody.

Patty: But if you're here, where's Lauren?

Sarah: Oh, you first. Where's the real Dr. Emily Abbott?

(Front door opens)

Jack: Emily? We need to talk. This can't wait.

Patty: (Sighs) Honey, I'm in the middle of a session.

Jack: I'm sorry for interrupting. We need to talk now.

Patty: Excuse me.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Patty: (Quietly) Jack, we are at a crucial point. It’s... (Sighs) I may be on the verge of a breakthrough.

Jack: Fine. I'll wait upstairs.

Patty: No! No. (Sighs) We need the privacy, Jack. Th-there's no way Lauren's gonna continue to confide in me if she knows you're in the house.

Jack: You call me the moment this is over.

Patty: Of course, Sweetheart. (Chuckles)

Jack: Oh, oh, I almost forgot. Michael got a phone call when he was leaving the coffeehouse-- a client with an emergency. He asked me to tell you he will call you when he can.

Sarah: My husband, the workaholic.

Patty: (Sighs) I'm sorry.

Sarah: You handled yourself beautifully.

Patty: Thank you. I've had a lot of practice.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. I am just in awe that you've been able to pull this off for so long, and with Emily's husband.

Patty: Well, he was my husband first.

Sarah: You know, this patient/doctor thing is a perfect cover.

Patty: For what?

Sarah: Well, we can continue to get together. We can share notes, and no one will be suspicious.

Patty: Huh. I don't know.

Sarah: I'm not saying we need to be BFFs. But in the interest of self-preservation, we might be able to help each other down the line.

Patty: Hmm. Well, I have been doing quite well on my own.

Sarah: So far. But even the best-laid plans can hit a snag.

Daisy: Who do you think you are talking to me like that?

Ryder: I am sick of you telling me what to do.

Daisy: So what? We're just gonna open the cage and--and let the hostages go free?

Ryder: Did I say that?

Daisy: 'Cause you're crazy if you think they won't go to the cops.

Ryder: I'm not an idiot.

Daisy: You are if you get us sent to prison for life.

Ryder: God, you are so dramatic. I didn't say to let 'em out of the cage. I just--I don't think we should torture them.

Daisy: How is putting them in separate cages torturing them?

Ryder: 'Cause the only comfort they have is each other.

Daisy: (Scoffs) You are such a girl.

Ryder: And you are such a bitch.

Daisy: Well, we'll see how tough you are when Mama Bear gets back.

Ryder: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sighs)

Victor: I know you didn't do this, okay?

Nikki: We both know that.

Victor: And we'll do everything we can to get you out of here.

Victoria: Daddy, I just want my son back.

Victor: Sweetheart, when you're out on bond, I'll move heaven and earth to get you out of here, I promise. And to get your son back. All right?

Owen: I'm having a discovery packet prepared for you. You can pick it up after the arraignment.

Michael: Owen, you've got nothing.

Owen: We had enough to charge her.

Michael: All right, try to convince a jury of that.

Owen: Well, it won't go that far if she can convince us of her whereabouts the night of the murder, provide us with an alibi.

Chance: All right, it's time to go.

Nikki: Oh, Baby.

Michael: You'll be okay.

Victoria: All right.

Michael: All right, I'll see you in the courtroom.


Jill: (Sighs) (Presses button)

Jill: (Sighs)

J.T.: (Sighs)

Mac : No luck?

J.T.: No.

Mac: Try not to worry. She has to be somewhere.

Billy: You know, um, if I run across her, I'll tell her to check in.

J.T.: I'm gonna call Paul down at the station, see if he can use his connections to trace the G.P.S. on her phone or her car.

Billy: Victoria, where are you? I mean, people are freakin' out. Call me when you get this.

(E-mail alert beeps)

Billy: What the hell?

(Cell phone rings)

Jill: (Chuckles) Didn't take you long to read that e-mail, did it?

Billy: Victoria was arrested?

Jill: Yes, Dear, and we have the mug shot to prove it. Isn't it exciting?

Billy: (Stammers) Exciting?

Jill: Yeah. I mean, from what I hear, the "Restless Style" phones are ringing off the hook. Everybody wants to know the details.

Billy: I cannot believe you posted that online.

Jill: Oh, my God, why would I pass up a scoop like this? (Gasps) I just had the best idea. I'm going to attend the arraignment and twitter the whole thing, Billy.

Billy: Are you insane? Mom, no. D-don't do that. Why would you--don't do that.

Jill: Our readers are gonna eat this up-- a step-by-step account of the Newman heiress' fall from grace.

Billy: (Stammers) Mom, no, you-- you said you weren't gonna do this anymore.

Jill: Lord, Honey. Let me talk to you later about this, okay? I don't want to lose my momentum. I gotta get to the courthouse. Bye.

Billy: No. No, Mom! Do not hang up. Mom? You... (Groans)


J.T.: All right, thanks, man. Appreciate it.

Mac: (Sighs) What did Paul say?

J.T.: He's gonna make some calls. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I-I should be out there lookin' for Victoria.

Mac: So go.

J.T.: (Sighs) I gotta pick up Reed in a little bit.

Mac: I'll do it. I'll keep him until you find her.

J.T.: You sure?

Mac: Yeah, of course. I love that little guy. And I'm still on the list from when Victoria went to Dubai, so the school knows me.

J.T.: Okay, uh, I'm gonna drive the route from the house to the court and see if, uh, her car went off the road or something. Maybe--maybe it-- she had an accident and nobody's seen her.

Michael: You guys are making a big mistake.

Chance: Victoria had a chance to explain how her pen ended up in Adam's chest already.

Owen: Instead, she lawyered up.

Michael: (Sighs) Excuse me.

Nick: How's Vick?

Nikki: (Sighs) She's more worried about Reed than she is herself.

Nick: What happened?

Victor: We don't have a lot of information right now.

Nick: But?

Victor: Once the arraignment is over and she's out on bond, we will discuss what to do, okay?

Jill: (Thinking) Victoria Newman has just entered the courtroom,
the same delicate wrists that once wore diamond bracelets
now wearing handcuffs.

Billy: (Quietly) Come on. We're gettin' out of here. Come on.

Jill: (Quietly) What? I just got started.

Billy: Mom, do you want to get arrested, too?

Jill: That's something I hadn't thought about.

Nick: Dad, the vultures are circling.

(Gavel bangs)

Judge: People versus Victoria Hellstrom. How does your client plead?

Michael: Not guilty, your honor.

Judge: Do you intend to argue for bail?

Michael: Absolutely. Mrs. Hellstrom has a young child. She has deep roots in the community. She's on the boards of numerous charitable organizations.

Judge: Do the people have any objections?

Owen: We certainly do, your honor. Your honor, you should know that we can positively link ms. Hellstrom to the murder weapon. She also has no alibi. And as I'm sure you're aware, she is the daughter of billionaire Victor Newman.

Judge: I don't live under a rock, Mr. Pomerantz.

Owen: My point is, her family has unlimited resources.

Michael: We'll surrender Mrs. Hellstrom's passport.

Owen: Well, that's not good enough. These folks have private jets at their disposal. In fact, I had experience with another member of the Newman family fleeing rather than face due process.

Sarah: All right, so first, you need to tell Michael that there's nothing wrong with Lauren, but that you want to continue seeing her just to be safe.

Patty: Fine.

Sarah: And that she needs lots of love and patience.

Patty: Oh, he's rejecting you, huh?

Sarah: No.

Patty: Well, obviously, he hasn't welcomed you with open arms, unlike Jack, who can't get enough of me.

Sarah: All right, all right, spare me the details.

Patty: You know, I bet Dr. P. and Jack weren't this much in love.

Sarah: Really?

Patty: Yeah.

Sarah: He didn't look so in love when he was here earlier. In fact, he looked genuinely pissed.

Patty: Okay, probably because you were here, and he wanted me all to himself.

Jack: There is no way Victoria killed Adam.

Phyllis: I know. It's very far-fetched.

Jack: I mean, she thought he was slime, but so did a whole lot of other people.

Phyllis: And people who had more reason to want to kill him.

Jack: So who are you betting did it?

Phyllis: Why do you ask?

Jack: Curious.

Phyllis: Or worried?

Jack: You know me, Red. I'm a lover.

Phyllis: Why are you here?

Jack: Killin' time.

Phyllis: Mm. Is the missus giving you trouble?

[Jack remembering]

Patty: I told you all I can.

Chance: Okay, that's fine. Just a couple more questions
I have. Uh, what was in the, uh, the needle that you were preparing for Adam?

Patty: What?

Chance: The syringe. What were you preparing? What did you put into it?

Patty: I don't remember.

Chance: Was it something that was going to calm him? Was it gonna--

Patty: You know what? I said I don't remember.

Chance: I hate to do this, but, uh, we're gonna have to reschedule another time
that I can come back and finish taking your statement.

Patty: Very good.

Chance: Thank you.

Jack: Thank you.

(Door closes)

Patty: (Sighs) Oh, thank God. I'm so glad he is gone.

Jack: Honey, I-I, uh, I have to go, too.

Patty: What?

Jack: I promised Phyllis I would stop by, see if she needed anything. She's kind of stuck there.

Patty: Well, in that case...


Jack: Wow. What was that for?

Patty: That is so you will hurry home. I love you, Darling.

Phyllis: Jack? Are you okay?

Jack: (Sighs) I haven't told anyone this. Uh, Emily's pregnant.

Phyllis: (Gasps) Wow.

Jack: Yeah.

Phyllis: You don't look excited.

Jack: No, I'm not. (Sighs)

Phyllis: That's too bad. How many times have you told me you wanted another child?

Jack: I did. I do. I just... (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yes? What is it?

Jack: (Sighs heavily) I told Emily I wanted to go to the doctor with her. She said she couldn't even get an appointment till this next Friday afternoon, which, coincidentally, happens to be the worst possible time for me.

Phyllis: And you're sure it's not just a coincidence?

Jack: I called the doctor. Not only did she lie about having an appointment there, the doctor she claimed to be seeing, Dr. Stavropoulos, turns out to be a cardiologist.

Phyllis: (Sighs) That's a pretty difficult name. Are you sure you heard it right?

Jack: No, no, I checked it out. There's not an obstetrician in Genoa City with a name anything like it.

Phyllis: Do you think she's really pregnant?

Jack: I saw the at-home test, the stick. I mean, it was positive. How do you fake that?

Phyllis: There's probably a way.

Jack: Particularly if you're a doctor.

Phyllis: Wow, it's amazing how many sites there are that tell you how to fake a pregnancy test. You can even buy a phony test at a joke store.

Jack: Why would she...

Phyllis: Does she know you were having second thoughts about the marriage? All right, let me be honest with you. She wouldn't be the first woman to... lie about being pregnant.

Jack: I hate to think she's the kind of person that could do that.

Phyllis: Well, you said that she changed after you got married.

Jack: Yeah, changed. God, we had so much chemistry. It's like I don't even recognize her anymore. She's--it's like, the Emily I fell in love with doesn't exist.

Phyllis: Hey, she-- she also wouldn't be the first woman who showed her true colors after getting a ring on her finger.

Jack: Maybe she's pregnant. Maybe she's not. But I don't know if I can stay with her.

Phyllis: Well, you did sort of rush into the marriage.

Jack: Oh, I felt so blessed. This is the woman I'd waited so long for. She--everything about her was perfect. She's beautiful. She was smart and confident and funny. Or maybe I was... trying to see all those things 'cause I wanted it so badly. You know, someone to share my life with.

Phyllis: Don't get ahead of yourself. I mean, you don't know for sure that she's not pregnant.

Jack: You know what? I'm not sure that would make a difference at this point.

Phyllis: What do you mean?

Jack: I hate to say it. I'm not sure I love her anymore.

Patty: Oh, Sarah, Jack worships the ground I walk on.

Sarah: All right, fine. Your marriage is bliss. You don't need my help.

Patty: Actually, I mean, there'd be maybe a few things I'd like to pick your brain about.

Sarah: Such as?

Patty: You're a nurse. I'm posing as a doctor.

Sarah: Ah. Mm-hmm. Okay. And in exchange, you can convince Michael—

(Cell phone rings)

Sarah: Excuse me.

Patty: Mm-hmm. (Ring)

Sarah: What?

Daisy: It's Ryder. I think Lauren and Jana might be getting to him.

Sarah: (Sighs) I'll handle it. I have to go. But I will be in touch, and we can discuss how we can help each other.

Lauren: (Whispers) That was great. That was great the way you stood up to your sister.

Ryder: She needs to stop bossing me around.

Jana: Yeah, but didn't that feel good, just really good, just having control for once, Ryder?

Lauren: (Normal voice) And she backed right down.

Ryder: Yeah. Yeah, she did.

Lauren: You could do that with your aunt, too.

Ryder: I don't know.

Lauren: I do know, Ryder. You're stronger than you think.

Mac: Is your hot chocolate yummy? (Chuckles) Y-you have a whipped-cream mustache.

Reed: Like Grandpa Victor?

Mac: (Chuckles) Yeah. And a nose-stache.

Woman: Oh, what a beautiful little boy... and another one on the way. You must be so happy.

Jill: (Thinking) "The defendant's soon-to-be-former husband has just entered the courtroom looking very agitated."

Billy: (Whispers) That's enough.

Judge: My ruling is for the prosecution. Bail is denied.

Michael: Your honor. Your honor, this is an outrage.

Jill: (Thinking) "The judge has denied bail."

Billy: (Normal voice) You can't do this.

(Gavel bangs)

Billy: Would you listen to me, please? Victoria couldn't kill Adam, okay? She--it was impossible. She was with me.

Jill: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: No, you made your decision, Victoria, and now we all gotta live with it.

Jill: Oh, my God, you slept with Victoria?

Billy: (Sighs)

Kay: This is blackmail.

Tucker: It's business.

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